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Oily Water Separators

globally focused on cleaner solutions

Oily Water Separators Victor Marine’s bilge oily water separators are specifically engineered for the
marine environment. Victor Marine have been supplying systems for over 80
years and have installed over 7000 units. Combining the long experience and
the latest technologies, Victor Marine have developed oily water separators
which ensure reliability, maintainability, affordability and compliance with the
latest IMO regulation MEPC 107(49).

The compact CS Series is designed to fit the smallest engine rooms and is easy
to install. Its unique three-stage separation system is effective and reliable. Its
simple design and fully automatic operation make it easy to use and maintain.

System Benefits

• Fully compliant with

IMO regulation MEPC 107(49) Designed,
Assembled &
• Easy to operate Tested in
No special training required the UK
Supplied as a complete turnkey package
• Economical to run
• No backwashing or cleaning cycle required
• Reliable discharges below 5ppm oil content
• Worldwide support and service
• Our separators are approved by ABS, BV, CCS, USCG,
RMRS, MED, and comply with DNV’s 5ppm CLEAN-DESIGN notation
• High quality separation is achieved with a three-stage separation
process. This involves a hydrophobic high viscosity removal
system (Hi-VOR system), an oleophilic coalescing filter element
and an adsorption granular media polishing unit (AGM filtration)

Military, Offshore, Retrofit and Special Editions

Victor Marine has an in-house design team able to develop bespoke systems, for
example, systems tailored for retrofitting in tight spaces, (shock mounted)
aircraft carriers, (low-magnetic) minesweepers, offshore rigs (ATEX requirement)
and power stations.
The CS Lite is specifically engineered to be lightweight for use on vessels where
the weight of a standard separator would be an issue e.g. fast attack craft and
superyachts. Constructed from marine-grade aluminium, this model offers a
30% weight saving over the standard CS Series model. Please contact us for any
special requirements.

www.victormarine.com Tel: +44 (0) 1708 899780

CS Series CS Lite Series
CS0250 CS0500 CS1000 CS2000 CS3000 CS4000 CS5000 CS0500 Lite
m3/hr 0.25 0.5 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 0.5
US gal/hr 66 132 264 528 792 1056 1320 132

Dimensions (mm)
Width (Inc. Maint.) 1041 (1655) 1041 (1655) 1300 (2075) 1300 (2075) 1550 (2300) 1550 (2300) 1690 (2452) 1041 (1655)
Depth (Inc. Maint.) 655 (1080) 655 (1080) 831 (1300) 831 (1300) 1035 (1560) 1035 (1560) 1069 (1715) 655 (1080)
Height (Inc. Maint.) 1474 (1700) 1474 (1700) 1474 (1750) 1474 (1750) 1548 (1750) 1548 (1750) 1548 (2000) 1474 (1700)
Weight (kg)
Dry 270 270 500 500 600 600 770 170
Wet 420 420 950 950 1330 1330 1650 320
Power (kW)
50Hz (60Hz) 0.55 (0.55) 0.55 (0.55) 0.75 (0.75) 1.1 (1.1) 1.1 (1.3) 1.5 (1.5) 1.5 (1.8) 0.55 (0.55)
inc. heater 1.55 (1.55) 1.55 (1.55) 1.75 (1.75) 2.1 (2.1) 2.1 (2.3) 2.5 (2.5) 2.5 (2.8) 1.55 (1.55)

Connections (mm/inch)
Inlet Suction 32 (1 1/4") 32 (1 1/4") 50 (2") 50 (2") 50 (2") 50 (2") 50 (2") 32 (1-1/4")
Overboard 25 (1") 25 (1") 25 (1") 25 (1") 40 (1 1/2") 40 (1 1/2") 40 (1 1/2") 25 (1")
Return to Bilge 25 (1") 25 (1") 25 (1") 25 (1") 40 (1 1/2") 40 (1 1/2") 40 (1 1/2") 25 (1")
Recovered oil 25 (1") 25 (1") 40 (1 1/2") 40 (1 1/2") 40 (1 1/2") 40 (1 1/2") 40 (1 1/2") 25 (1")
Flush Valve 15 (1/2") 15 (1/2") 15 (1/2") 15 (1/2") 15 (1/2") 15 (1/2") 15 (1/2") 15 (1/2")
Pressure Relief 15 (1/2") 15 (1/2") 15 (1/2") 15 (1/2") 20 (3/4") 20 (3/4") 25 (1") 15 (1/2")

Pressure (Bar/psi)
Operating 1.38 (20) 1.38 (20) 1.38 (20) 1.38 (20) 1.38 (20) 1.38 (20) 1.38 (20) 1.38 (20)
Maximum 3.45 (50) 3.45 (50) 3.45 (50) 3.45 (50) 3.45 (50) 3.45 (50) 3.45 (50) 3.45 (50)

Water Requirement No back-washing required. Clean water required for oil content monitor and commissioning. Recommended pressure 0.5 - 4 bar.

Air Requirement Air Pressure of 4-7 bar for operation of pneumatic valves only.

www.victormarine.com Tel: +44 (0) 1708 899780 globally focused on cleaner solutions
Process Diagram
IF > 15ppm



Process Description
Bilge water is taken from the vessel bilge tank via a slow-revving positive displacement pump to
prevent further emulsification. The oily bilge water is fed into the first stage High Viscosity Oil
Removal (Hi-VOR) system and initial sludge oil separation takes place. Free oils are removed via a
high matrix oleophilic coalescing pack which draws oil to its surface creating large globules of oils
that are floated to the top of the tank. This waste oil is then discharged to the waste oil tank. The
second stage 20 micron coalescer cartridge system coalesces the remaining free oils. Emulsified oils
enter the final AGM stage for treatment.

Our engineered Advanced Granular Media (AGM) is a specially formulated organoclay and has
extremely high adsorption properties that remove emulsified oil, grease and low soluble organic
compounds from waste water streams. The AGM is very efficient due to the large surface active areas
and can adsorb up to 60% of its own weight in organic contaminants, in comparison to only 2-5% for
granular activated carbon. Designed to be quick acting, the AGM is both hydrophobic and oleophilic
making it extremely effective. This remarkable adsorption can produce continuous and reliable
effluent below 5ppm. With no cleaning cycles, no back wash discharges and no extra downtime for
replacements or the use of chemicals, running costs for our system are kept to a minimum.

Advanced Granular
Media (AGM)

www.victormarine.com Tel: +44 (0) 1708 899780

Oily Water Separator Ancillaries
Spares Manual Three-Way L-Port Valve
All equipment is manufactured to the Flanged cast iron three way valve to be used
highest quality. Oily Water Separator for in-port servicing and inspection. Refer
spares are available worldwide and ex. to IMO MEPC 107(49) Section 6.1.1.
stock. Recommended on-board spares kit
includes Advanced Granular Media,
Coalescer Set, Gasket Set and Pump Stator.
Integrated Direct-on-Line Starter
Control Panel – Multi-Voltage
Inlet Pre-Strainer Direct-on-Line pump motor starter installed
A high quality simplex strainer complete in a mild steel polyester powered coated
with 60 mesh Stainless Steel basket filter. enclosure, protected to IP54, incorporating
This provides a cost effective method to all necessary power supplies for the
protect the oily water separator system - separator. The only shipboard supply
includes a quick release cover mechanism required is the incoming power to the
for ease of maintenance. interlock isolator. All internal controls are
24V AC. Dry running protection & a first
Shock Mount stage vessel heater are included.
Approved by the MoD for Naval use, these
mounts were designed and developed Dry Running Protection
primarily to protect delicate equipment The possible malfunction of a progressive
against shock and vibrations to NSSII cavity pump can be easily avoided by using
standards. The ‘X’ mount provides a space dry running protection device. Pre-installed
efficient shock mount design, which can within the panel and pump this is a
be fitted to all oily water separator recommended way to protect and prolong
systems. the life of your pump.

Electronic Oil Record Book Low Level Switch

The SMARTSAFE ORB Bilge Overboard Small and lightweight, the bilge switch
Security System was developed to prevent is extremely stable in non-static, highly
vessels from illegal discharge “Magic Pipes” contaminated liquids. It is designed for low
and minimise discrepancies in the oil or high level detection and can be wired into
record book. It is a complete interlocked the OWS control panel to control automatic
system ensuring security of your stop for the separator. The bilge switch is
discharges. The discharge data can also be supplied with 2 metres of three-core SW4
used as an automated entry into your marine-grade cable. It is a submersible float
electronic ORB or interpreted and recorded type with slosh & debris shield to suit the
in the Rivertrace Connected database bilge tank environment. It has an IP68 rating
providing the user with a full auditable trail and can be pipe or wall mounted and has
of the discharges. earned Class Type Approval.

Victor Marine Ltd The manufacturer reserves the right

to alter the specification and data to
Unit 7, Waterloo Court incorporate improvements in design.
© Copyright Victor Marine Ltd
Markham Vale
Markham Lane This brochure is
Chesterfield, UK made from 100%
recycled paper
S44 5HN

Tel +44 (0) 1708 899 780

+44 (0) 1708 890 599
Email info@victormarine.com Details

www.victormarine.com Tel: +44 (0) 1708 899780

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