Q - SWITCH - Starwalker - v4 - Fotona - July - 17 - App
Q - SWITCH - Starwalker - v4 - Fotona - July - 17 - App
Q - SWITCH - Starwalker - v4 - Fotona - July - 17 - App
New Revolutionary
Adaptive Structured Pulse
Beast within a Beauty:
Top Performance &
Award Winning
Key benefits
• Third-generation ASP technology for ultimate precision,
StarWalker’s third-generation technology provides highest
power and treatment capability in the most advanced and the
most compact design.
Performance at your
fingertips with an interactive
touch screen
Widest Range of Clinical
Warts VERSA3 - - -
585 nm QX QX
• Control Panel tracks all procedure statistics during
650 nm QX QX
Ease of use
StarWalker’s new advanced touch screen user
interface features intuitive navigation and
exceptional flexibility.
OPTOflex® Vacuum Cell
Innovation at Work
Patented solutions
StarWalker is built on for a homogenous
Fotona’s foundation beam profile
of over 50 years of
experience, with quality
and reliability being one Homogeneity of a laser beam profile ensures safety during treatment since laser
of the pillars of company’s
energy is evenly distributed across the treated area. Epidermal damage is mini-
commitment and
reputation. mized and the risks of bleeding, tissue splatter and transient textural changes in
the skin are decreased. Achieving homogeneous beam profiles has been a great
challenge for the laser industry due to the nonlinearity of Q-switched lasers.
laser beam without losing energy or changing the beam’s original properties.
The shape and magnitude of the aiming beam enhances visibility, allowing for
easier, faster treatments and greater precision. OPTOflex® is light, compact and
With laser quality benefits unlike any other beam delivery system, OPTOflex® is
definitive of the next generation in laser delivery systems for high-power lasers.
Full-beam and
fractional handpieces
Fractional handpiece
Full-beam handpiece
burn out prematurely due to overuse. This is not the case with
Taking Your Practice
into the Future
Third Generation ASP Technology
duration modes of Fotona’s VSP (Variable Square Pulse) technology with the
Fotona’s StarWalker laser system features the entire range of super-short pulse
MaQX pulse modalities produce powerful bursts of laser energy that photo-
acoustically break apart skin pigmentations into smaller, more easily eliminated
New Revolutionary
Adaptive Structured Pulse
Fotona Q-Switched
Pulse Power
StarWalker’s unique TMD (Transverse Mode Discrimination) laser oscillator technology combined
with the ASP pulse control delivers very short (5 nsec) Q-switched pulses consisting of a high
impact to shatter tiny skin targets without injury to the surrounding skin. StarWalker’s techno-
logy thus combines the high energy capabilities of nanosecond lasers with the ultrashort pulse
Best of
Both Worlds
Picosecond pulse power
with the high energy of
nanosecond pulses
580 psec
5 nsec
A typical measured local
temporal intensity of the
StarWalker’s 1064 nm MaQX
pulse. The 1064 nm MaQX
pulse consists of high peak
power picosecond micro
pulses within an overall
nanosecond high energy
-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (nsec)
New Revolutionary
Adaptive Structured Pulse
Patient safety and comfort with ultra-performance MaQX mode treatments are
further enhanced by the StarWalker’s unique capability that allows the user to
select the softness level (MaQX-1, MaQX-2, MaQX-5 or MaQX-10) of the treat-
ment. When a higher softness level is selected, the StarWalker’s ASP technology
New Revolutionary
Adaptive Structured Pulse
by ASP Technology
wavelengths. Based on the ASP technology, StarWalker modes are tailored to the requirements
of specific treatments, a feature that has not been possible with earlier technologies.
585 nm QX - -
650 nm QX - -
StarWalker delivers four laser wavelengths to cover the complete absorption spectrum of mela-
532 nm 1064 nm
585 nm
650 nm
Absorption Coefficient
H2 O
Melanin HbO
Laser Power
15, 20, 30, 50 msec
vascular lesions. Based on the revolutionary ASP technology,
of long-pulse durations (15, 20, 30, and 50 ms), adapted to StarWalker’s unique VERDE mode delivers 532
nm energy in long millisecond pulses designed
correspond to the TRT of superficial red vessels. for treating superficial vascular lesions.
skin imperfections. Key applications of the FRAC3 mode include Standard Q-switched laser systems cannot
deliver Nd:YAG laser pulses in the ‘long-pulse’
skin rejuvenation and removal of thin hair. duration regime.
StarWalker also delivers 1064 nm VERSA3 mode pulses with a range of durations (15, 20, 25, and 50 ms), which
are clinically well proven for a broad range of treatments, such as hair removal, wrinkle reduction, treatment of
warts or treatment of onychomycosis. In addition, the StarWalker’s ASP technology modulates the pulse to create
a “FRAC3 type” microsecond structure superimposed on the milliseconds long VERSA pulse, thus combining the
beneficial effects of the “long” 1064 nm pulse with the self-induced fractional capability of the FRAC3 modality.
StarWalker’s range of laser sources and wavelengths
enables a wide range of treatments, from tattoo removal
and pigmented and vascular lesion removal to skin
rejuvenation, acne treatments, hair removal and more.
Expanded Treatment Range
Epidermal and dermal
pigmented lesions
StarWalker’s MaQX and QX modes are ideal tools for effectively treating a wide variety of epider-
Melanin absorption is highest at 532 nm, and then decreases towards longer StarWalker wave-
lengths. On the other hand, the dermal penetration depth is greatest at 1064 nm. Therefore, the
532 nm is useful for removing epidermal pigmentation such as freckles, and the 1064 nm is suit-
Courtesy of DMT
TwinToning: combined 1064 nm and 532 nm AngelWhite: 1064 nm MaQX skin whitening
MaQX skin toning
Courtesy of J. Kozarev
Courtesy of KW Book
Courtesy of KW Book
Nevus of Ota with MaQX 1064 nm Removal of freckles with MaQX 1064 nm mode
StarWalker’s twelve laser modes provide the user with
treatment options otherwise not available with Q-switched
laser systems.
Enhanced Vascular Treatments
Vascular treatments
Courtesy of U. Ahcan
Courtesy of Fotona
Spider vein before and after Treatment of port-wine stain with VERDE
Courtesy of D. Kaliterna
Fractional 1064 nm MaQX treatment of active Fractional 1064 nm MaQX treatment of facial
acne redness
Hair removal with VERSA3 1064 nm mode Treatment of pores with MaQX 1064 nm
Fotona FracTat™
Tattoo Removal
Laser Wavelength
Generally, the greater the absorption of laser light in the tattoo pigment gran-
ules at a certain wavelength, the greater the energy available to break up these
Color tattoo before and after Color tattoo before and after
Courtesy of Dr. U. Ahcan
Courtesy of L. Marini
Color tattoo removed after five treatments Cosmetic tattoo (permanent make-up)
Advantages of FracTat:
When a Q-switched laser pulse strikes the tattoo pigment it • Enhanced generation of photoacoustic
generates gas and steam within the skin. This causes an optical shockwaves
shielding or “frosting” effect that prevents any subsequent laser • Reduced frosting and pressure on
pulse from effectively reaching the deeper-lying pigments. Fur- surrounding tissue
thermore, gas bubbles which are formed around the pigment • Multiple MaQX irradiations can be made
Standard Treatment
1 2 3 4
Before the treatment First treatment with a Gas bubbles Subsequent Q-switched
Q-switched pulse following the pulses are blocked from
Q-switched reaching deeper lying
treatment pigments
When the Fotona patented FracTat™ procedure is performed, micro holes are first drilled into the
skin using a fractional ablative laser handpiece. The fractional micro holes act as pressure relief
ducts through which the gasses can escape without building up excessive pressure.
FracTat™ treatment
1 2 3 4
Micro holes are First treatment with a Reduced frosting Subsequent MaQX
drilled with an MaQX pulse effect pulses are not
ablative fractional blocked from
laser reaching deeper lying
Courtesy of L. Marini, Italy
Key benefits
• Quick-release mechanism for attaching handpieces to the OPTOflex articulated arm
• FracTat technology offers a wide range of ablative and nonablative fractional treatments
• Automatic Detection: on-the-fly detection of type of HP, spot-size and spacer. HPs retain
• Unified handpiece design with built-in CPU for optimal safety and performance
• Titanium construction
When you choose Fotona, you choose a company committed
to designing, manufacturing and delivering the highest
performance, best made laser systems in the world.
Committed to Engineering
The Highest Performance, Best Made Laser Systems in the World
since 1964
Founded in 1964, only four years after the invention of the very first laser, Fotona is one of the most
laser company recognized for its innovative, award-winning laser systems for applications in aesthetics
& dermatology, dentistry, surgery and gynecology. Based in the US and EU, with corporate headquar-
ters in Dallas, Texas, and Ljubljana, Slovenia, Fotona’s business philosophy is to continuously choose
perfection to ensure the maximum performance and efficacy of its medical devices.