Lasers Laser Like 2 PDF
Lasers Laser Like 2 PDF
Lasers Laser Like 2 PDF
ABSTRACT The broad principles of dermatological laser therapy have
Part two of this review series evaluates the use of been covered in Part one of this review series.1 Part two
lasers and laser-like devices in dermatology based explores the use of lasers in procedural and cosmetic der-
on published evidence and the collective experience matology with a particular focus on conditions that are
of the senior authors. Dermatologists can laser-treat clinically relevant to dermatologists. We discuss likely clini-
a wide range of dermatoses, including vascular, cal outcomes as well as the limitations of laser therapy,
pigmentary, textural, benign proliferative and including its use in darker Fitzpatrick skin types, based on
premalignant conditions. Some of these conditions the literature review and the senior authors collective
include vascular malformation, haemangioma, facial experience.
telangiectases, caf-au-lait macules, naevi of Ota,
lentigines, acne scarring, rhytides, rhinophyma and Vascular conditions
miscellaneous skin lesions. Photodynamic therapy
with lasers and intense pulsed light is addressed, with Vascular malformation The most recent Cochrane
particular reference to actinic keratosis and actinic Review2 of laser treatments for capillary malformations
cheilitis. A treatment algorithm for acne scarring (CM) (port-wine stains) included five randomised con-
based on scar morphology and severity is comprehen- trolled trials (RCT) totalling 103 patients. A pulsed dye laser
sively outlined. Following from part one, the various (PDL) (585 or 595 nm) was employed in all five trials and,
devices are matched to the corresponding dermato- depending on the regimen employed, resulted in a
logical conditions with representative pictorial case
vignettes illustrating likely clinical outcomes as well
as limitations and potential complications of the
various laser and light therapies. AK actinic keratosis
ALA aminolevulinic acid
Key words: acne, CO2 laser, Er:YAG laser, KTP CM capillary malformation
laser, Nd:YAG laser, pigment, QS laser, rhytides, CMN congenital melanocytic naevus
ruby laser, vascular. CO2 carbon dioxide
DST darker skin type
Er erbium
EVLA endovenous laser ablation
HHT hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
HQ hydroquinone
HOI haemangioma of infancy
IPL intense pulsed light
KTP potassium tritanyl phosphate
Correspondence: Dr Deshan F Sebaratnam, Department of Nd:YAG neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet
Dermatology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Missenden Road, PDL pulsed dye laser
Camperdown, NSW 2050, Australia. Email: d.sebaratnam PIH post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation PDT photodynamic therapy
Deshan F Sebaratnam, MBBS (Hons). Adrian C Lim, FACD. QS quality switched
Patricia M Lowe, FACD. Greg Goodman, FACD. Philip Bekhor, RCT randomised controlled trial
FACD. Shawn Richards, FACD. TCA trichloracetic acid
Conflict of interest: none TTT triple topical therapy
Submitted 28 June 2013; accepted 11 August 2013.
minimum of 25% reduction in redness. Both the pulsed Facial telangiectases The most commonly used devices
neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet (Nd:YAG) for facial telangiectases are PDL, potassium tritanyl phos-
(1064 nm) laser and intense pulsed light (IPL) were effec- phate (KTP) (532 nm) lasers and IPL. The role of lasers in
tive, but the PDL results were superior and therefore, con- reducing telangiectases is well established, with several
sidered the laser of choice for CM (Fig. 1).3 studies demonstrating their treatment efficacy with copper-
Head and neck CM respond better than trunk and distal bromide (578 nm), krypton (520, 530 or 568 nm), KTP and
extremity lesions. Nodular, hypertrophic or recalcitrant CM PDL (Fig. 2).9 The 532 nm and 1064 nm tracing lasers are
may not respond to PDL and may be better suited to treat- ideally suited for targeting discrete facial telangiectases; the
ment with a pulsed Nd:YAG laser, a PDL and pulsed Nd:YAG latter being useful for larger calibre blood vessels and
laser combination, a pulsed alexandrite laser (755 nm) or venules. PDL can be used on a range of vascular lesions
IPL.4 Children under the age of 1 year seem to have the best with either purpuric (pulse duration < 3ms) or non-
response and should be treated as early as possible.4 It is purpuric (pulse duration 3ms) end-points. It has been
important to inform patients or parents that gradual recur- suggested that fine telangiectases can be adequately treated
rence is likely but tends to be less cosmetically conspicuous. with non-purpuric parameters while purpuric parameters
Recently topical rapamycin has been used as an adjuvant to are more effective at clearing thicker telangiectases.
vascular laser to accelerate the clearance of CM with PDL.5 However, thicker lesions can be effectively treated (without
purpura) through pulse stacking and multiple passes using
non-purpuric parameters. Perialar telangiectases can be
Haemangioma of infancy Laser treatment of haeman- recalcitrant to laser treatment, thus requiring more ses-
gioma of infancy (HOI) remains controversial. Early studies sions, and are also more prone to recurrence.10 IPL has also
using obsolete, non-cooled lasers and employing excessive been shown to improve facial telangiectases. Although laser
fluence and severe purpuric end-points have complicated is considered to be superior,11,12 a study comparing PDL and
the pursuit of an evidence-based approach to the manage- IPL showed no significant clinical difference between the
ment of HOI.6 It has been our experience that the PDL at 67 two modalities.13 Facial telangiectases frequently occur in
J/cm2, 10 mm spot, 1.5 ms pulse width, achieving a transient the setting of rosacea. Anecdotally, it has been found that
to minimally purpuric end-point will effectively treat early some patients will demonstrate a clinical amelioration of
flat HOI present in the superficial dermis. This treatment the rosacea itself but few studies have actually investigated
protocol is often used for focal, facial and superficial hae- this phenomenon.
mangioma in conjunction with timolol; a topical beta-
blocker. In general, lasers do not have a major role in raised
or subcutaneous haemangiomas because PDL can pen- Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia Hereditary haem-
etrate to a depth of only 1.2 mm. PDL is useful in selected orrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) or OslerWeberRendu syn-
cases of involuting and ulcerated haemangiomas. Some drome is an autosomal dominant disorder characterised by
centres use more deeply penetrating wavelengths (IPL and cutaneous and visceral telangiectases that require systemic
Nd:YAG) to treat thicker and deeper lesions. The role of investigation. Smaller HHT vascular lesions respond to PDL
lasers in patients with haemangiomas is set to diminish and KTP lasers while larger and often bleeding lesions
require treatment with a Nd:YAG laser. Use of the Nd:YAG improving telangiectases. Superficial and fractional resur-
laser within the oral cavity needs to be undertaken with facing lasers (density > 50%) also treat epidermal pigmenta-
care as the laser beam can damage natural dentition and tion and ameliorate mild textural photodamage but have a
dental crowns. Oral mucosal lesions may bleed profusely if recovery time of approximately 57 days.
the treatment power is inadequate and may require over-
sewing for adequate haemostasis.
Caf-au-lait macule In our experience, QS lasers yield
the best results with QS frequency doubled Nd:YAG, QS
Venous lakes and other vascular lesions Venous lakes are alexandrite and QS ruby as the modalities of choice. Recur-
characterised by ectatic thin-walled venules in the superfi- rences are common and multiple treatment sessions may be
cial papillary dermis and, depending on size, can be effec- required, but some patients will obtain excellent outcomes
tively treated with a variety of vascular lasers: Nd:YAG or with a long-term significant reduction in colour of the
diode laser for larger lesions14 and PDL for smaller lesions.15 macule if they sun-protect the area.
Nd:YAG laser is the laser of choice with a 94% clearance
rate in one case series of 35 patients.16 Other vascular
lesions such as cherry angiomas, spider angiomas and Beckers naevus Patients with Beckers naevus may ask for
angiokeratomas respond satisfactorily to any of the vascular treatment for lesional hyperpigmentation and hyper-
lasers listed above if the laser is selected according to the trichosis. Recurrence and incomplete response are
lesion size and the lasers depth of penetration. common and are believed to be due in part to the sparing of
sanctuary sites of pigmented keratinocytes and melanocytes
in the deeper hair follicle.21 At this time there is no reliable
Leg veins Sclerotherapy remains the gold standard for treatment for Beckers naevus. Different approaches to
small diameter vessels such as venules and capillaries. treatment have been described in the literature but there is
However, in the last decade, endovenous laser ablation no consensus on their safety or effectiveness.21,22 Until better
(EVLA) has replaced surgical stripping as the preferred outcomes are achieved these patients are usually best
treatment option for varicose veins. EVLA consists of a fibre- advised to avoid treatment.
optic thread inserted into the vein with wavelengths ranging
from 8101500 nm. A meta-analysis of 64 clinical studies
evaluating 12 320 limbs concluded that EVLA of lower limb Congenital melanocytic naevus Many different lasers
varicosities was superior to surgical intervention17 and is have been employed in the management of congenital
often performed in conjunction with ultrasound-guided melanocytic naevus (CMN),23 with the largest series of 52
sclerotherapy. External beam lasers play a very limited role patients with 314 lesions treated with combined ultrapulsed
in lower limb vessels unless all the larger refluxing veins carbon dioxide (CO2) laser and frequency doubled QS
(both clinical and subclinical) have been adequately Nd:YAG (532 nm), with mean follow up of 8 years.24 Approxi-
treated.18 Nevertheless, external beam lasers may on occa- mately 95% of these lesions had a reduction in pigment,
sion be useful for small vessels that are difficult to cannulate, with five patients failing treatment, five experiencing recur-
telangiectatic matting not due to underlying venous reflux rence and one developing melanoma. While there is some
and for needle-phobic patients. Lasers with longer wave- evidence for the role of lasers in the treatment of CMN,
lengths offer deeper penetration and epidermal sparing, surgery remains the gold standard.
with the most commonly employed lasers being Nd:YAG,
KTP, PDL, alexandrite, diode (810 nm) and IPL. The choice Acquired naevus Definitive surgical excision also remains
will again be determined by the size and depth of the vascu- the mainstay of treatment for acquired naevi. Shave exci-
lar target.19 Generalised essential telangiectasia is another sion of skin-coloured dermal nevi is accepted practice due
cause of telangiectases on the legs and is responsive to low to their low risk of malignant transformation, along with
fluence vascular lasers (PDL and KTP) and IPL. ablative laser re-contouring of these lesions. However, flat,
pigmented naevi should be excised rather than treated with
Pigment-related conditions laser. Asian patients with a very low risk of melanoma are
sometimes considered for QS laser treatment of benign
Epidermal lesions Lesions such as solar lentigines, lentigo
naevi on the face.25 Laser treatment of pigmented naevi may
simplex and ephelides consist of epidermal pigment origi-
complicate an accurate diagnosis of subsequently re-
nating from basal layer melanocytes. Any laser that selec-
pigmenting lesions and is not ideal in the setting of mela-
tively targets the melanin chromophore or ablates the
noma surveillance.
epidermis can potentially ameliorate such lesions, typically
in 12 sessions. The mainstay lasers include quality switched
(QS) alexandrite, QS ruby (694 nm) and QS frequency Naevus of Ota Pigment-selective lasers have largely super-
doubled Nd:YAG (532 nm).20 Long-pulsed counterparts seded other treatments in the management of naevi of Ota.
are also effective, less likely to cause post-inflammatory As the melanocytosis in the naevus of Ota is primarily
hyperpigmentation (PIH) and generally preferred for dermal, longer wavelength QS lasers (694 nm, 755 nm and
patients of dark skin types (DST). IPL (filter 500600 nm) can 1064 nm) are generally preferred (Fig. 3). Published case
also be very effective for this indication, while concurrently series support the use of QS ruby,26 QS alexandrite27,28 and
Table 1 Grading algorithm for acne scarring according to lesion retinaldehyde increased dermal thickness in patients
morphology treated with the Er:glass laser68 and adjunctive CO2 laser
Grade Description
resurfacing improved the overall cosmetic effect for
patients undergoing surgical blepharoplasty.69 Fractional
1 Abnormally coloured macular disease: erythematous, ablative lasers (CO2 and erbium) have an established role
hyperpigmented or hypopigmented flat marks visible
in the management of rhytides and can complement other
at any distance.
2 Mild but abnormally contoured scarring: mild atrophy modalities ranging from non-ablative IPL to full resurfac-
or hypertrophy that may not be obvious at social ing (Fig. 6).70,71
distances of 50 cm or greater and may be adequately
camouflaged with makeup, the normal shadow of a
shaved beard in men or normal body hair if Rhinophyma Ablative resurfacing lasers can effectively
extra-facial. re-contour the rhinophymatous nose.72 CO2 is preferred
3 Moderately abnormally contoured disease: moderate over erbium lasers because of the bloodless field that
atrophic or hypertrophic scarring that is obvious at accompanies the coagulation of blood vessels from residual
social distances of 50 cm or greater and is not
thermal energy (Fig. 7). There have been several small case
covered easily but flattens substantially by manual
stretching of the skin. series comparing laser resurfacing to electrosurgery or
4 Severely abnormally contoured disease: severe atrophic scalpel excision, all yielding similar patient outcomes.9
or hypertrophic scarring that is obvious at social Rhinophyma can also be de-bulked and sculpted with a
distances greater than 50 cm, is not covered easily. radiofrequency electrosurgery wire loop. It has been rec-
Manual skin stretching cannot flatten it. ommended that isotretinoin be discontinued 6 12 months
prior to resurfacing of rhinophyma to mitigate the risk of
delayed wound healing or keloid formation.9 There is also
an increasing trend to employ high-density fractional abla-
scarring and burden of disease, which has been reported
tive lasers for mild rhinophyma followed by a second
previously.61 Briefly, the scarring is first graded according to
touch-up treatment if required.
the morphology of the lesions (Table 1), with treatment
determined accordingly (Tables 25). In grade 1 scarring,
where pathology is mainly flat but dyschromic the emphasis Epidermal naevus Pigmented epidermal naevi can be tar-
is to even out these discolourations. As the severity of geted by long pulsed 532 nm lasers. Verrucal epidermal
contour abnormality increases, preparatory (pre-laser) naevi and related benign proliferative skin disorders can be
work is necessary for contour correction before laser effectively controlled with ablative lasers. Depending upon
therapy, whose role is to treat the more superficial contour the type of epidermal naevus, long-term remission can be
and texture issues. For hypertrophic scarring, lasers may achieved with a single treatment session. In general, super-
have a minor ancillary role in settling the contour but again ficial seborrhoeic keratosis and acrochordon-like lesions do
only after a preparatory injection and medical therapy. best whereas lesions with deep appendageal involvement
Quite often the preparatory medical and procedural treat- will tend to recur unless deep ablative procedures are per-
ment will make laser treatment unnecessary. Our manage- formed, which carry the risk of incomplete ablation, scar-
ment algorithm is outlined in Tables 25. ring and dyspigmentation. Although there are more
published data on CO2 ablation of epidermal naevi than on
ablative erbium, the latter is also effective.73 Debulking
Rhytides The role of lasers in facial rejuvenation is well curettage of the lesion immediately prior to ablative laser
established and a range of lasers has been utilised in the hastens the procedure and provides a specimen for a
treatment of rhytides. For the past 20 years fully ablative histopathological review.
laser resurfacing with the continuous wave CO2 laser or
Er:YAG has been the mainstay of therapy. The popularity of
these methods of full ablation has waned, in view of long Other benign skin pathologies Seborrhoeic keratosis and
healing times and the very high incidence of CO2-induced its related variant dermatosis papulosa nigra commonly
hypopigmentation. However, advances such as fractionated present for cosmetic treatment. Many of these are amena-
lasers and novel technologies (erbium: yttrium scandium ble to cryotherapy, shave excision, curettage and cautery;
gallium garnet [2790 nm] and plasma skin resurfacing) all of which are reasonable first-line therapies. However,
have further expanded our therapeutic armamentarium.62 for cosmetically sensitive locations such as the eyelids,
Three RCT comparing CO2 lasers with Er:YAG lasers have nose and lips, lasers offer superior control and finesse.
demonstrated comparable clinical results.6365 It has been These growths can be treated with 23 mm spot ablative
proposed that Er:YAG laser is best employed for fine to lasers, as well as long pulsed 532nm lasers (Table 6).
medium rhytides and due to its superior safety profile it is Common skin-derived tumours such as dermal naevi,
better suited to DST patients. In comparison CO2 laser is fibrous papules angiofibromas and sebaceous hyperplasia
superior for deep lines and more intensive tissue tighten- are amenable to ablative laser removal, as are
ing. In terms of combination therapy, the administration of appendageal tumours such as syringomas and deposits
botulinum toxin enhanced cosmetic outcomes in patients such as xanthelasma. However, many of these tumours,
undergoing laser resurfacing,66,67 the application of topical particularly syringomas and angiofibromas, will recur over
Table 2 Treatment algorithm for acne scarring grade 1: macular coloured marks
Table 3 Treatment algorithm for acne scarring grade 2: minor atrophic or hypertrophic disease
Table 4 Treatment algorithm for acne scarring grade 3: moderately abnormally contoured disease moderate atrophic or hypertrophic
time due to their deep location in the skin. Laser (Er:YAG) topical rapamycin is a major breakthrough in the manage-
is also better suited for patients of DST where excessive ment of angiofibromas associated with tuberous sclerosis.
tissue injury from non-laser methods can increase the risk Rapamycin has the potential to significantly reduce the
of PIH. It is important to acknowledge that the use of role of laser in this condition.74
Table 5 Treatment algorithm for acne scarring grade 4: severely abnormally contoured disease severe atrophic or hypertrophic scarring
Inflammatory dermatoses
Lasers have been used as a nonfirst-line therapy for
various common dermatological conditions such as acne
and psoriasis (Table 6). The generic mechanism of action is
most likely related to laser effects on lesion vasculature and
the modulation of underlying cytokines and inflammatory
mediators. Due to community concern over the systemic
therapy of active acne, laser and light-based treatment
alternatives have gained popularity in recent years. These
Figure 6 Caucasian woman, 50-years old, Fitzpatrick phototype III
with photodamage and periorificial rhytides. Resurfacing param- therapies are thought to ameliorate acne through the inhi-
eters for: (i) upper eyelids: superficial fractional CO2 (Lumenis bition of sebum production, the modulation of inflammation
Acupulse, San Jose, CA, USA) 100 mJ, 60% density, single pass, and keratinisation, and the conversion of porphyrins natu-
(ii) perioral region: deep fractional CO2 25 mJ 15%, two passes rally synthesised by Propionibacterium acnes to bactericidal
with third pass superficial CO2 100 mJ 60% (Lumenis Acupulse), reactive oxygen species.85 PDL has been shown to reduce
(iii) rest of face: superficial erbium peel 30 microns with 30
acne severity, with the most rapid improvements observed
microns coagulation (Sciton Profile, Palo Alto, CA, USA) with
onabotulinumtoxinA (Botox; Allergan, Irvine, CA, USA) injections to
within 4 weeks of commencing treatment.86 PDL has been
frontalis, corrugator supercilii, procerus and lateral orbicularis shown to be as effective as IPL and light-emitting diode
oculi (30 units in total). Showing: (a) baseline and (b) 2 months after phototherapy in the treatment of acne.87 PDL effects were
treatment. enhanced in the setting of methyl-aminolevulinate-PDT,88
but conferred no additional benefit when combined
with clindamycin-benzoyl peroxide topical therapy.89 The
results for Nd:YAG, KTP and diode (1450 nm) were less
conclusive.9094 The studies described have employed a wide
range of outcome measures, using pooled results for meta-
analysis. However, a protocol recently submitted for a
Cochrane Review on light therapies for acne may yield an
evidence-based approach for the use of lasers in this
setting.95 Nevertheless, given that well-established, effective
and less costly medications are available, consideration for
laser therapy should be reserved for those who fail or have
contraindications to medical therapies.
The safety of laser therapy is well established although, as
with any intervention, adverse effects are possible. A preop-
erative clinical review should include an evaluation of
Fitzpatrick phototype, recent or planned sun exposure,
recent artificial tan application, immunological or inflam-
matory comorbidities, history of herpes simplex, allergy,
scarring, previous cosmetic or surgical procedures and a
medication history for risk stratification. Pre-procedure and
Figure 7 Caucasian man, 72-years old, Fitzpatrick phototype II post-procedure photo-documentation should be mandatory.
with severe rhinophyma. Treated with the Sharplan CO2 (now Common transient side effects include pain, pruritus, ery-
Lumenis Acupulse; Lumenis, San Jose, CA, USA) laser with com- thema, purpura, oedema, acne, vesiculation, crusting and
puterised flash-scanner at 30 w, 3 mm spot, on continuous setting in
pigmentary change. Bacterial, viral and candidal infections
feather mode. Treatment carried out under nerve block local anaes-
thesia. Showing: (a) baseline and (b) after treatment.
can complicate resurfacing procedures and prophylactic
antimicrobials are often considered. Depending on the laser
employed, potential long-term sequelae include permanent
Acne vulgaris Comedones, papules, pustules from Topicals (benzoyl peroxide, LED (blue, red) Conventional therapy less costly
increased sebum and antibiotics, retinoids) PDL/IPL than laser
Propionibacterium acnes activity Chemical peels PDT with above
Systemic (antibiotics, retinoids,
Angiofibroma Papules with increased vasculature Electrosurgery (cautery or Ablative laser (spot CO2 or Potential tuberous sclerosis link
and fibrous tissue hyfrecation) shave excision erbium) (consider topical rapamycin)
Hot KTP PDL useful only for lesion erythema
Dermal nevus Smooth skin-coloured dome-shaped Shave excision; electrosurgery; Ablative laser (spot) Laser useful for facial lesions
nests of naevomelanocytic cells curette
Seborrhoeic keratosis Benign epidermal hyperkeratosis Cyrotherapy Ablative laser (spot) Solar lentigines may be precursor
or dermatosis and acanthosis Shave excision or electrosurgery KTP (532 nm) lesion (treat with non-ablative
Sebaceous hyperplasia Visible yellow enlargement of Electrosurgery PDL ( PDT) Recurrence common
sebaceous glands Diode (1450 nm)
Ablative laser (spot)
KTP (532 nm)
Syringoma Benign proliferation of sweat ducts Electrosurgery Ablative laser (spot) Recurrence expected
presenting as periocular papules Snip excision (few) Fractional ablative laser
Occasionally KTP laser
Vitiligo Focal or generalised loss of skin Topical immunosuppression 308 nm excimer laser Laser option not been widely
melanocytes and pigment Phototherapy Ablative with pigment transfer adopted
Autologous grafts techniques
Wart (verrucae) Human papilloma virus induced Cryotherapy PDL ( PDT) Non-scarring methods preferred
epidermal hyperkeratosis Electrosurgery Long-pulse Nd:YAG (1064 nm)
Topical chemocautery Ablative laser (spot CO2)
Xanthelasma Cholesterol deposition around the Trichloroacetic acid (3050%) Ablative laser (spot) Check serum lipids
medial canthus Electrosurgery Fractional ablative laser
CO2, carbon dioxide; IPL, intense pulsed light; KTP, potassium tritanyl phosphate; LED, light-emitting diode; Nd:YAG, neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet; PDL, pulsed
dye laser; PDT, photodynamic therapy.
Clinical use of lasers in dermatology 11
Figure 8 Caucasian woman, 65-years old, Fitzpatrick phototype II
with severe solar lentigines and actinic keratoses. Face pretreated Since the first applications of lasers in dermatology 50 years
with 20% aminolevulinic acid for 90 min prior to pulsed dye laser ago, we are now able to treat a myriad of conditions includ-
(Candela Perfecta, Irvine, CA, USA) (595 nm): 12 mm spot, 5.5 J/cm2 ing vascular, pigmentary, inflammatory and cosmetic con-
fluence, 40 ms pulse duration, medium cryogen cooling, followed by cerns. With ongoing research and clinical application,
intense pulsed light (Sciton BBL, Palo Alto, CA, USA): 515 nm filter, existing laser and laser-like therapies will continue to
14 J/cm2 fluence, 10ms pulse duration, 15C (first pass) and 590 nm
evolve and serve us well. We can expect a steady introduc-
filter, 20 J/cm2 fluence, 50 ms pulse duration, 15C. Showing: (a)
baseline and (b) 6 weeks after second treatment.
tion of new technologies the good, the bad, and the medio-
cre that will be subjected to ongoing evaluation. To get the
most out of each new wave of technology, the practitioner
hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation, paradoxical should take time to evaluate the available clinical evidence,
hypertrichosis (from laser hair removal) and scarring.96 strive to develop personal experience with worthwhile
devices in order to find new ways to assist our patients.
Practitioner experience in turn should be matched with
WHATS NEW AND WHATS IMPORTANT? sound clinical judgement to ensure that useful devices are
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development of light-based modalities, such that laser now
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