Eng 102 D2 Fa23 Fabian
Eng 102 D2 Fa23 Fabian
Eng 102 D2 Fa23 Fabian
English 102 D2 Composition II IAI# C1 901R #30122, 3 credit hrs. 16 wks. T/Th 9:30-10:50a.m. Room 606
Catalog Description:
Composition—Continuation of English 101. Introduces methods of research and writing of investigative papers.
Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course.
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in English 101.
Course Objectives:
English 102 is designed to reinforce and build upon the competencies students have developed in English 101. The
course will continue English 101’s emphasis on the writing process and rhetorical analysis while introducing
students to research and writing from sources other than personal experience. The course is designed to enhance
students’ critical thinking, reading, and writing skills through the analysis and practice of argumentative writing.
Rhetorical Knowledge
• Analyze how audience and purpose dictate information included, the order of information, voice, language,
and style
• Apply conventions of format and structure appropriate to the various rhetorical situations
• Prepare multiple drafts to create and complete a successful text that adheres to the conventions of
Academic English
• Utilize invention and re-thinking to revise their work
• Collaborate and utilize effectively the social aspects of writing processes (e.g., writer-peer review, writer-
instructor review)
• Summarize and paraphrase arguments and/or other texts
• Use quotations and citations appropriately (including sources which cite other sources)
• Use the MLA documentation system and/or the APA documentation system
• Identify and avoid different types of plagiarism (i.e., intentional and unintentional)
• Develop an effective research question to guide a sustained research project
• Apply systematic research methodology using library databases to locate and utilize a variety of credible
sources (e.g., scholarly journals as well as interviews, case studies, lectures, surveys)
• Distinguish between credible sources and non-credible sources, both in traditional print media and online
• Integrate source materials using summaries, paraphrases, and quotations to support a defendable thesis
English Composition II: Rhetorical Methods-Based.
Writer’s Handbook.
Methods of Instruction:
This course will help you discover, through the experience of your own drafts, that writing is thinking, that you
discover what you have to write by writing it. A variety of teaching and learning methods will be used: lecture,
Brightspace, discussion, collaborative learning, library research through databases, and conferences.
Because of the nature of writing classes requiring in-depth research writing and peer interaction, attendance,
promptness, and class participation are important. If you miss a class, contact a classmate or me for any material or
assignments. Students who are consistently late will have their grades impacted negatively through missing material
disseminated in class and through losing out on the opportunity for class participation, a part of my grading policy.
Students who come in at the middle of class will be considered absent.
Late Assignments:
Unless accompanied by documentation or prior arrangement with the instructor, late assignments will lose one letter
Courses that meet more than once per week: students who do not attend the first two (2) class sessions will be
withdrawn from the class by the instructor and issued an NSW.
Courses that meet once per week: students who do not attend the first class session of a course which meets only
once per week will be withdrawn from the class by the instructor and issued an NSW.
Classroom Policies:
All electronic devices, including cell phones and headphones, must be turned off and removed before the beginning
of class. If students need to have a cell phone on in case of an emergency, the instructor must be notified before
class, and students must discreetly take the call outside of class. Because I set the tone of my class as an
environment in which a Socratic exchange of ideas takes place in both aspects of discussion and writing, there must
be an objective and scholarly tolerance and acceptance of differing views. This involves respect for the educational
process in which scholarly exchange of ideas takes place. This also involves respect for the students as young
scholars in their pursuit of knowledge.
Academic dishonesty is a serious offense, which includes but is not limited to the following: cheating, complicity,
fabrication, and falsification, forgery, and plagiarism. Cheating involves copying another student’s paper, exam,
quiz, or use of technology devices to exchange information during class time and/or testing. It also involves the
unauthorized use of notes, calculators, and other devices or study aids. In addition, it includes the unauthorized
collaboration on academic work of any sort. Complicity, on the other hand, involves the attempt to assist another
student to commit an act of academic dishonesty. Fabrication and falsification, respectively, involve the invention
or alteration of any information (data, results, sources, identity, etc.) in academic work. Another example of
academic dishonesty is forgery, which involves the duplication of a signature in order to represent it as authentic.
Lastly, plagiarism involves the failure to acknowledge sources (of ideas, facts, charges, illustrations, etc.) properly in
academic work, thus falsely representing another’s ideas as one’s own.
In individual cases of academic dishonesty, sanctions may include one or more of the following: an F grade on an
assignment where academic dishonesty occurred, a written warning, a failing grade for the course, and/or issuing of
an academic dishonesty withdrawal (ADH). The severity of the penalty is left to the discretion of the instructor. A
student may appeal a finding of academic dishonesty.
Additional sanctions may be imposed up to and including dismissal from CCC when circumstances warrant it and/or
the revocation of a previously awarded degree or certificate.
Career Services:
Website: http://www.ccc.edu/colleges/washington/departments/Pages/Career-Services.aspx
Make an appointment with a Career Advisor: email rgarcia617@ccc.edu or jdobson4@ccc.edu
The Career Services team provides comprehensive services to help students make informed decisions about
career pathways. The Career Services department offers one-on-one support, workforce readiness training,
employment participation, and job development assistance.
Financial Resources:
Website: http://www.ccc.edu/colleges/washington/departments/Pages/Financial-Aid.aspx
Virtual Drop-in Services via Zoom: https://cccedu.zoom.us/my/hwcfinaid
In arranging for the cost of tuition, or to address financial challenges in trying to pay for college, please
visit the Financial Aid Office or learn more about Financial Aid Guidelines, grants, loans and scholarships.
Website: http://www.ccc.edu/colleges/washington/departments/Pages/Library-System.aspx
Virtual Drop-in Services via Zoom: http://cccedu.zoom.us/my/hwclibrary
Chat with a librarian: http://hwclibrary.ccc.edu
The Harold Washington College Library offers electronic, database, and print media to support the
scholarly work of students, faculty, and staff as well as individual and group library and information
literacy instruction.
Website: https://ccc.edu/Navigate
Navigate is a student support system that will be used by faculty, advisors, and tutors to help students
achieve success in their classes. Students can use Navigate to schedule tutoring or advising appointments,
or to see communications about their course progress generated by their professors.
Use Navigate to schedule tutoring or advising appointments, or to see communications about your course
progress generated by me or your other professors. Log in to Navigate using your CCC username and
Website: https://www.ccc.edu/colleges/washington/departments/Pages/Registrar.aspx
Virtual Drop-in Services via Zoom: https://cccedu.zoom.us/j/3364257991#success
The Office of the Registrar administers the enrollment of students, maintains student records, and works
with faculty, administration, and staff on academic matters.
Technology Support:
Website: https://www.ccc.edu/colleges/wshington/departments/Pages/Information-Technology.aspx
The Information Technology Department assists with many technology-related needs, including password
reset, loaner laptops, and more. For a loaner laptop, visit https://apps.ccc.edu/loanerlaptop. For all other
questions, use the Online Help Request Form at: www.ccc.edu/help.
Transfer Center:
Website: https://www.ccc.edu/colleges/washington/departments/Pages/Transfer-Resources.aspx
The Transfer Center is designed to help students transfer from their original dream school (Harold
Washington College) to wherever it is they want to go next. We provide resources, transfer workshops to
support every step of the transfer process, one-on-one transfer advising, and many large-scale events that
can help them get to their dream school.
Wellness Center:
Website: http://www.ccc.edu/colleges/washington/departments/Pages/Wellness-Center.aspx
Virtual Drop-in Services via Zoom: https://cccedu.zoom.us/j/3474348772
The Harold Washington College Wellness Center provides mental health and other social services to
support your personal well-being and academic success.
Modality Expectations:
In-Person: In-person classes meet regularly on campus. You are expected to attend all class sessions at the college
per the course syllabus. Before entering the building to attend each class each day, you must complete the CCC
Healthcheck available through the Student Portal, and show the results of the health check to security at the
• Three short (4-6 page) essays with 3 documented sources in current MLA format
• Summary
• Research proposal
• Annotated Bibliography
• Double entry Disk-Log
• Thesis statement (Claim) for the final research paper
• Research Paper (8-10 pages) with ten documented sources in current MLA format
Quantitative Grading:
Three Short Essays 10% each
Summary 10%
Research proposal, Annotated Bibliography, Disk-Log, and Claim 10% total
Research Paper 50%
Quantitative Grading Scale: Final grades are determined by attendance, class participation, and submission of all
assignments. Final grades are also determined by the progress of students’ research and writing abilities throughout
the course.
Qualitative Grading:
A (or excellent) essays will have a clear aim, a strong introduction, and a thoughtful conclusion; strong supporting
details; excellent incorporation and acknowledgment of sources; be logically developed and very well-organized;
have a tone appropriate to the aim of the essay; show stylistic maturity and confident facility with language as
demonstrated by sentence variety and appropriate word choice; and be virtually free of surface and usage errors.
B (or good) essays will have a clear aim and a strong introduction and conclusion; good supporting details; good
incorporation and acknowledgement of sources; be logically developed and well-organized; have a tone appropriate
to the aim of the essay; lack the stylistic maturity and facility with language of an A essay; and be largely free of
surface and usage errors.
C (or acceptable) essays will have a clear aim, an introduction, and a conclusion; adequate supporting details;
adequate incorporation and acknowledgement of sources; display competence in logical development and
organization, although they may exhibit occasional organizational and developmental weakness; have a tone
appropriate to the aim of the essay; basic competence in sentence variety and word choice; and a pattern of surface
and usage errors.
D (or poor) essays will lack a clear aim, focus, or conclusion; lack sufficient support; will have supporting details
that may be trivial, inappropriate, or logically flawed; show inadequate incorporation or acknowledgement of
sources; display flaws in organization/development; have an inappropriate tone; show stylistic flaws characterized
by lack of sentence variety and by evidence of limited vocabulary; and have frequent usage or surface errors.
F (or unacceptable) essays will have a focus that may be too general or too specific, lack support, fail to incorporate
and acknowledge sources appropriately, lack organization, display an inappropriate tone, have serious stylistic
flaws, have serious usage and surface errors, and show evidence of plagiarism.
Essays receiving no grade will fail to address the topic or assignment or fail to fulfill other requirements of the
8/29-31 English Composition II: Rhetorical Methods-Based (RMB): Module 2: Rhetorical Analysis
RMB: Module 4: Research Questions
RMB: Module 7: Thesis Statements
9/11 NSW
9/28 Midpoint
10/10-12 Research and Note-taking Skills: Proposal, Annotated Bibliography, and Disk Log
RMB: Module 5: Research Proposal
RMB: Module 11: Annotated Bibliographies
Writer’s Handbook (WH): Ch. 18: Punctuation, Using Commas Properly
Collaborative Learning: Evaluate articles to be used as sources in students’ essays
10/17 Collaborative Learning: Peer review of drafts for the second essay
10/24 WH: Ch. 20: Grammar, Making Sure Subjects and Verbs Agree
WH: Ch. 18: Punctuation, Semicolons and Colons; Apostrophes; End Punctuation
10/31 Mapping Stem Cell Research: Terra Incognita. Directed by Maria Finitzo.
The Cinema Guild, 2007.
11/2 Warrants
Discussion of the issue, trigger warnings and safe spaces on college/university campuses
Zimmer, Robert J., “A Crucible for Confronting Ideas.” University of Chicago Magazine,
vol. 109, no. 1, Fall 2016, p. 9. (A copy of this article is on Brightspace.)
Selected readings
11/21 Collaborative Learning: Peer review of drafts for the third essay
12/12-14 Conferences
Date Assignments
9/7 Claim for Essay #1
9/12 Summary: Write a one-paragraph summary (250 words) of an article you’ll use for one of
your essays. Submit a copy of the article with your summary and a Works Cited page.
9/28 Final Draft of Essay #1: Choose a controversial issue and write a 4-6 page essay in current MLA format
with a minimum of three sources.
10/19 Proposal for the Research Paper: In three paragraphs, answer the following questions: What do I already
know about my topic? What do I need to know? How am I going to find out what I need to know?
10/24 Final Draft of Essay #2: Choose a second controversial and write a 4-6 page essay in current MLA format
with a minimum of three sources.
10/26 Annotated Bibliography of 10 sources for the Research Paper: Construct a working bibliography with
annotations of the sources you might use for the research paper. Provide annotations as a summary of the
article or how you might use the article in your research essay.
11/28 Disk Log for the Research Paper: Construct a double-column disk log, providing the quotations in the left-
hand column that you might use in your research essay, and an explanation of how you might use each
quotation in the corresponding right-hand column.
11/28 Claim for the Research Paper: Submit a working claim (thesis) for your research paper.
12/7 Research Paper: Choose a controversial issue, take a stand, and argue (defend) your
claim in an 8-10 page essay. Use a minimum of ten sources from reputable databases, citing your sources
in current MLA format.
Homework Policy
Because this is a sixteen-week, three-hour credit course, two hours of homework per credit hour are required per
week to ensure success. During the six hours of homework or preparation to succeed in this course, students should
be engaged in the critical reading of texts, research through library data bases, and the writing process. Evidence of
this preparation will be demonstrated through class discussion of readings, rough drafts, and final drafts of the short
research essays and the final research essay.