Reg. No.:: November 2022
Reg. No.:: November 2022
Reg. No.:: November 2022
(Also Common to BA Economics (EVE))
6. Define – Mode.
7. Calculate range and its co-efficient from the
following data:
in Rs. 100 80 200 150 250 300
SECTION B — (5 7 = 35 marks)
Answer ALL the questions.
SECTION C — (3 15 = 45 marks)
Answer ALL the questions.
(Qn. no 16 is compulsory)
3 U/202/09-22/01102/
(b) Draw a Pie diagram from the following data
Item Expenditure Item Expenditure
Cement 20% Labour 25%
Steel 18% Miscellaneous 12%
Bricks 10%
Timber 15%
(b) Calculate the Karl Pearson’s co-efficient of
skewness from the following data:
X: 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
F: 10 40 20 0 10 40 16 14
4 U/202/09-22/01102/