Power Point ISIF 2020 Mira

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The Doorstop for Detecting Body Temperature as

a Measure to Prevent the Spread of

SMA Negeri 1 Palu (Team C)
Nurul Annamirah Utami Rahman
Rani Mi'Rajnaeni Inhar
Vidya Az Zahra
Arditya Sulistya Ningsih
A. Nurul Febyanti

The 2019–2020 corona virus pandemic or known as

the COVID-19 pandemic is an event of the spread of the
corona virus disease around the world. This disease is
caused by a new type of corona virus called SARS-CoV-2.

Recommended preventive measures include washing

hands, covering their mouths when coughing and
sneezing, maintaining distance from other people, and
monitoring and self-isolation for people who suspect they
are infected.

And since now, in various places to check body

temperature because one indication of knowing a
person's health is by knowing his body temperature.

One of the prevention can be done by monitoring body

temperature technology which is carried out remotely to
be more efficient.

This study aims to make a temperature checking device

using an automatic latch equipped with a temperature
sensor. Entitled "The Doorstop for Detecting Body
Temperature as a Measure to Prevent the Spread of
COVID-19". Where the form of the tool that we made has
two sensors that function as a reader of the temperature
and distance of the object to be tested.

The sensor will be programmed through the Arduino

idea and the proximity sensor will determine the object
which will then be measured with a temperature sensor
which will send an infrared signal to Arduino and will be
processed so that the temperature obtained will be
displayed on the LCD.

Based on research, it is known that when the body

temperature is above 37 °C, it is known that the bar will
be closed, otherwise when it is below 37 °C the bar will
open. This will make it easier to check body temperature
without the help of others so that it can continue to carry
out government health protocols and reduce the risk of

1.) We can make a latch that can detect human body


2.) To find out the initial symptoms of whether someone is

infected with the corona virus through their body

The process of assembling the tool begins by

connecting the Micro servo with a wooden
stick which is assembled into a cross. The
first thing to do is to connect the HC-SR04
utrasonic sensor with the Arduino Micro Servo SG90 Arduino Uno
Microcontroller using an intermediary
terminal jamper or jamper cable, the HC-SR04
ultrasonic sensor based on ultrasonic waves
to detect object distances.

Then, the Micro servo is connected to the

Arduino Microcontroller using a jamper
terminal intermediary. The micro servo
HC-SR04 Sensor Jamper Cable
functions to move the webcam camera
according to the angular position obtained
from the PIR sensor signal.

The making of miniatures is

assembled from ice cream sticks. There
are 3 parts of making a miniature body, the
first part is made for the base, the second part
is for the screen and sensors, and the last part
is for the latch. Furthermore, the miniature
body that has been formed later, is covered
GY-906 Sensor
with black cardboard. The process of covering the
Next, install the tool components. On the
base, the Arduino uno component is placed,
which is an electronic microcontroller
module, the second part is a long beam with
a sensor and an LCD. The sensor used by the
researchers, namely the GY-906 sensor, is a
sensor that is used to measure temperature
by utilizing infrared radiation and the HC-
HC-SR04 Sensor
SR04 sensor is an ultrasonic wave-based LCD
distance measuring sensor. Then, the LCD will
display a person's body temperature.

Finally, in the miniature small cube attached

a doorstop. In the research tool that has been
assembled later, it is connected to a laptop
for programming. The software circuit stage
by doing programming code is written using Connected to a laptop
the Arduino IDE software which functions to
run and operate the microcontroller.

Arduino IDE Software

Data & Discussion

The test is carried out according to the

normal provisions of the human body
The doorstop as a cover for people's entry temperature, so that when the body
will be designed in a miniature form, where temperature is below
the Arduino Uno is used as a microcontroller. 37 °C. The bar will open and when the body
temperature is above 37 °C, the bar will close.
The heat sensor functions to check body
temperature, while the LCD is to see the And it turns out that the results are not
height of the body temperature. disappointing, the programming that has been
designed is successful and in accordance with
In this study also, several experiments were the temperature requirements of normal
carried out on sensors with different objects, people.
in order to find out whether the
latches and heat sensors worked in This tool works automatically, so that the
accordance with the system being made. success of the system on the bar, of course,
will make it easier to check body temperature
in this critical situation and can also reduce
the level of spread of COVID-19.

In this COVID-19 pandemic situation, it is necessary to check body temperature in

various public places to ensure that people entering and leaving the place are safe and
do not show signs of COVID-19. And with this research, it can be done checking the
temperature in various places more efficiently because it is done automatically.

Based on research, it is known that when the body temperature is above 37 °C, it is
known that the bars will be closed, on the contrary, when they are below 37 °C, they will
open. This will make it easier to check body temperature without the help of others so
that it can continue to carry out government health protocols and reduce the risk of

1.) The use of research only refers to measuring body temperature which is an indication
that someone is exposed to Covid-19 or not. However, it cannot be used as a
benchmark for the person to be exposed to Covid-19 or not. Better to do further
checking such as Rapid test or Swab test.
2.) In further research, it can be expected to add sound sensors so that the tool is more
efficient for use by the wider community, especially people with disabilities.

3.) The research conducted is limited to making miniatures. If this tool is to be applied
you should make it in the original form.

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