2.5 FSSC 22000 Additional Requirements: Management of Services and Purchased Materials
2.5 FSSC 22000 Additional Requirements: Management of Services and Purchased Materials
2.5 FSSC 22000 Additional Requirements: Management of Services and Purchased Materials PLAN
a) The organization shall have a documented food defense plan, based on the threat
assessment, specifying the mitigation measures and verification procedures.
b) The food defense plan shall be implemented and supported by the organization’s FSMS.
c) The plan shall comply with applicable legislation, cover the processes and products within
the scope of the organization and be kept up to date.
d) For food chain category FII, in addition to the above, the organization shall ensure that
their suppliers have a food defense plan in place.
i. a product;
ii. its labelling;
iii. its packaging (primary, secondary or any other form);
iv. certificates of analysis or certificates of conformance (CoA’s or CoC’s);
v. in any other manner that implies FSSC 22000 approves a product, process, or
service and
vi. where exclusions to the scope of certification apply.
a) A list of all the allergens handled on site, including in raw materials and finished products;
b) Risk assessment covering all potential sources of allergen cross-contamination;
c) Identification and implementation of control measures to reduce or eliminate the risk
of cross-contamination, based on the outcome of the risk assessment; and
d) Validation and verification of these control measures shall be implemented and
maintained as documented information. Where more than one product is produced in
the same production area that have different allergen profiles, verification testing shall be
conducted at a frequency based on risk, e.g. surface testing, air sampling and/or product
e) Precautionary or warning labels shall only be used where the outcome of the risk
assessment identifies allergen cross-contamination as a risk to the consumer, even
though all the necessary control measures have been effectively implemented. Applying
warning labels does not exempt the organization from implementing the necessary
allergen control measures or undertaking verification testing;
f) All personnel shall receive training in allergen awareness and specific training on allergen
control measures associated with their area of work;
g) The allergen management plan shall be reviewed at least annually, and following any
significant change that impacts food safety, a public recall or a product withdrawal by the
organization as a result of an allergen/s, or when trends in industry show
contamination of similar products relating to allergens. The review shall include an
evaluation of the
effectiveness of existing control measures and the need for additional measures.
Verification data shall be trended and used as input for the review.
h) For Food Chain Category D: Where there is no allergen-related legislation for the country
of sale pertaining to animal feed, this section of the Scheme requirements may be
indicated as ‘Not Applicable,’ unless a claim relating to an allergen status has been made
on the animal feed.
d) For food chain category FII, in addition to the above, the organization shall
ensure that their suppliers have a food fraud mitigation plan in place.