Quality Control A Model Program For The Food Industry
Quality Control A Model Program For The Food Industry
Quality Control A Model Program For The Food Industry
met. G Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Requirements
Finally, to develop a quality control program, you G Recall Program
must define expected food quality to provide a system of G Warehousing, Shipping and Receiving Program
quality measurement, allow a means for action not G Laboratory Analysis
reaction, help to minimize costly errors, and reduce the
risk of food safety and wholesomeness defects. What is
needed for a quality control program? The first step is a
Ingredient Specifications
strong commitment from management. Quality control The quality of the finished food product after
must have the same priority as the profit and loss manufacture depends on the quality of the raw materials
statement for the business. and ingredients. The best starting point for developing
Quality doesn't cost, it pays. Beyond commitment, ingredient specifications is the supplier. Ask for a copy
management must instill quality aware-ness throughout of the supplier's ingredient specifications. Review the
the organizational structure. A successful quality information and modify the specifications to your needs.
program needs people. It is important that the food Discuss and settle specifications with the supplier. At
operation personnel function as a team and openly times, specifications need to be negotiated with
communicate to identify problems, issues or suppliers. Custom specifications from suppliers are
opportunities. Once key elements of a quality control possible. The ingredient specifications should be
program are in place (management commitment, quality documented in a form consistent with the processor's
awareness, a team effort and open communication), needs. Ingredient specifications document should
develop and use additional tools. include:
The basic tools of quality control are: G Name of Ingredient
G Ingredient Specifications G Internal Code Number
G Approved Supplier List G Effective Date
G Product Formulas G Basic Description of Ingredient
G Product Standards (Specifications) G Specifications categorized as:
G Manufacturing Procedures G Critical
G Critical Control Point Identification/Sampling G Major
Program G Minor
G In-Process Analysis, Records and Reporting G Action and Reject Levels
Packaging Specifications G Ingredient Statement
G Label Specifications
G Cleaning and Sanitizing Program The prepared ingredient specifications become a tool
for control. The information under each heading should
be simple but informative. Figure 3 is an example of an
ingredient specification. It is simple and informative.
The basic description is short and to the point. Critical
specifications include two items associated with public
safety. Critical specifications can also include factors
influencing wholesomeness or legality. Action levels are
used as a reference point to identify a potential problem.
If the ingredient consistently reaches action levels, notify
your supplier. The reject level is the point of refusing
delivery of the ingredient. The ingredient statement for
the raw material is a reference point to assure that the
supplier has not changed the material. The final key
point for ingredient specifications is for the supplier to
know and agree to the content of the document.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Ground black pepper shall be prepared from the dried, immature berries of
Piper nigrum. The color can vary from light-gray to a speckled black-gray.
EFFECTIVE DATE: Today's date
Salmonella none Positive in 100
E. Coli none Positive
MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS: Action Level Reject Level
Granulation 4.5% (retained on a U.S. >5%
#35 sieve)
Effective date.
G Listing of the ingredients.
Product Standards
G Listing of the ingredient code. A key tool to assure quality in a finished processed
G Percentage formula. food is the product standard document. Product
G Batch formula. standards define the food by physical, chemical and
G Batch yield. microbiological characteristics. Appearance, aroma,
G Ingredient statement. flavor and texture can and should also be considered for
product standards.
Additional information that can be part of a formula Physical characteristics include size, shape,
document are packaging, lot size, regulatory constraints, dimensions, weight, volume, count per package or
net weight, package count per batch, etc. Be flexible with container, presence of fines, or any other special features
the format since the formula may purposefully be which define the particular food. Moisture, fat, protein,
modified and the kind of information needed may change. ash, fiber and carbohydrates are the basic chemical
If nothing else, the batch size may change due to business characteristics. Additional chemical criterion such as
growth or decline. salt, sodium, cholesterol, etc., are used to chemically
Figure 4 is an example of a formula sheet. define food products. Chemical standards are necessary
when using nutritional labeling or making label claims
for low sodium, higher fiber or other nutritional facts.
Microbiological standards will be dependent upon
the specific food item. First consider food poisoning
organisms when developing product standards for a
quality control program. Food safety is the responsibility
Critical Standards Standard Method
Meat Content minimum of 35% meat (fresh basis) Process Date
Salmonella negative in 100g #100
C. perfringens <10/g #101
Staphylococcus (coagulase positive) <10/g #102
Major Standards
Meat chunks size 3/8" to 5/8" chunks #200
Gravy color (#3, 4 or 5) Color Chart
Coliforms <10/g #103
E. coli <10/g #104
Minor Standards
Gravy Texture a smooth consistency & free of lumps #300
Product Flavor a mild meaty flavor & aroma #301
Standard Plate Count <25,000/g #105
Ingredient Statement: Water, beef, flour, tomato paste, corn starch, salt, HVP, spices, sugar.
of the processor. If the food product will support the measures of sensory properties can be costly due to
growth of a potential food poisoning organism, identify requirements for sophisticated equipment. Qualitative
the particular organism in the critical standards category testing using taste panels, is an alternative to quantitative
as opposed to a major or minor standard. measurements. Make a sensory evaluation for flavor,
odor and texture a part of a quality control program.
Some typical food poisoning organisms are Establish a reject level for each product standard
Salmonella, Clostridium botulinum, Staphylococcus along with acceptable methodology. Base minimum
aureus and Clostridium perfringens. Other reject levels upon regulatory requirements and practical
microbiological standards such as a standard plate count production experience. If a method of measurement is
(SPC), yeast or mold may be appropriate for classification nonexistent, then the standard is nonexistent.
as major or minor standards. For many products, The last element to product standards is a simple
especially those subjected to cooking or other thermal statement of ingredients as it will appear on the label.
processes, use Coliforms and E. coli analyses to show and Figure 5 shows a format for product standards.
control post process contamination of cooked foods.
Consider microorganisms that can cause food spoilage in
a particular food product when establishing product
Manufacturing Procedures
standards. Yeast and mold counts are essential to control For each product, document the method of
programs involving food items with low or restricted fabrication or processing procedures to ease duplication
moisture levels like flour or cereals. A simple standard from lot to lot, shift to shift and day to day. A simple
plate count is always a good general indicator for tracking way to approach this is a clear and concise "cookbook"
bacterial quality and should be considered at least a minor approach. Key steps in the process which can impact
criterion. upon yield, quality or production efficiency should be
The sensory properties of a food product are keys to highlighted. Examples of key process steps might be
the consumer acceptance. Flavor, texture, aroma and "mix for 3 minutes before adding spices" or "cook to a
appearance are criterion that should be defined to assure minimum internal temperature of 145 degrees F."
that the product meets design expectations. Qualitative Several key points to consider when identifying
Breaded Squash
Date of Issue: Today’s Date
Authorized Products: Code #1234
important processing operations are time, temperature, balance and rework are examples of measurements made
equipment required, order of addition for ingredients and during the manufacturing process. Base the kinds of in-
weight. process measurements used in each operation upon what
Manufacturing procedures also should include special is called Critical Control Points.
instructions to the line worker or quality control A critical control point is a step in the process or in
personnel. An example instruction could be, "cross product formulation where small differences, changes or
check" the net weight of five packages every hour. Figure mistakes can cause the finished product to be a health
6 shows a simple manufacturing procedure to be used by hazard, illegal or costly to the business. Critical control
production and quality control personnel. points are identifiable (Figure 6). Some critical control
Once prepared, make manufacturing procedures or points are defined by regulation when public health or
portions of the procedures available to production
employees. Use the document as an employee training
Even with the best procedures, employees will find a
"better" way to manufacture the product. Be open minded.
If the new way is better, use it; if not, explain why. The
key is for the employee to follow instructions.
In-Process Records
It is important to know what is happening with the
product and process during manufacturing. In-process
record keeping is a way of obtaining the information.
Both quality control and production personnel should
participate in maintaining a daily manufacturing log. The
specific product weight, temperature, size and shape, Figure 7. In-line check weight of packaged
ingredient usage, product yield, scrap or waste, material product.
Figure 8. Critical Control Points from a Fresh Cucumber Process.
Figure 9. Employee records product change- Figure 10. Review and summarization of in-
over on in-process recording chart. Record process data is necessary to minimize the change
processing data during operation, not at the of a problem reoccurring.
end of the day.
Two basic packages are typically necessary for food
product identity are of concern. Cooking temperatures, products. The primary package encloses the food and has
pasteurization time and temperature or allowable levels of direct contact with the product. A film, jar, bottle, carton
ingredients are processing variables oftentimes defined by or box are some of the common primary packages. The
regulation. secondary package is used to assemble multiple
Critical control points may be self-imposed because packaged food items for shipment. The shipper or
of desired label statements on the part of the processor. secondary package provides protection, reduces handling
Net weight is one example while nutritional labeling is of each individual bottle or carton and is necessary for
another. The cost of a product can be increased by simple efficient movement of goods to the consumer. Some
employee mistakes. In this case, critical control points in packaged foods, particularly microwaveable products,
processing simply relate to those processing steps that have three package components: the pouch, the carton
influence yield or inferior product. and the shipping case.
In-process record keeping can be a manual or Poor packaging or labeling can create negative
automatic operation and in some cases both. Employee impressions relative to product quality. This is true for
participation in record keeping provides an opportunity both simple and complex packages or labels. Packaging
for pride in workmanship. In-process records also are a serves to protect the food product and allows shipment
means of making adjustments to the product or process of multiple units. Items for packaging consideration are:
and preventing substandard product. 1. A statement from the supplier that the packaging is
Turn in all in-process records to supervisory made of FDA and/or USDA approved materials. The
management for review at the end of a shift or working package composition should be listed on the
day. The supervisory review allows an opportunity to statement.
identify problem areas and to make changes to prevent 2. Dimensions of carton, jar, bottle or box.
reoccurrence. In some food processing operations, like a 3. Strength of the container and suitability for stacking,
poultry or red meat facility, these records are available to freezing or microwaving.
the on-site USDA inspector. 4. Strength of seals or fit of the lid. For heat sealed
packages, the temperature requirements for sealing
are critical.
Packaging and Labeling 5. Ability to restrict or allow air flow, moisture or
A quality control program should include packaging light. Permeability, thickness, flexibility and
and labeling. One of the first items that influence the temperature resistance are specific criteria in this
consumer is the appearance of the package and the label. category.
package is the main source for package specifications.
Local distributors can obtain the needed information
from the manufacturer.
Dimensions of the package, both inner and outer, are
defined to prevent problems such as under or over-fill,
shifting within the package, spillage or breakage of the
container. Lack of control can be costly for product loss,
giveaway or lost sales.
The strength of the container and the seals or the fit
of the lid are important considerations. Failure with
regard to these items can result in crushing, breakage or
spillage. Most important is the potential for physical or
microbiological contamination when a poor seal of
improperly fitting cap is a package defect.
note of any dirt, filth or residues and evidence of
previous spills.
6. Do not accept food, ingredient or packaging
shipments combined with chemicals or poisonous
7. If the shipment does not meet specifications, be
prepared to reject all or part of the load.
8. Minimize dock time. Move refrigerated or frozen
items directly into storage.
9. Date code all incoming shipments directly on the
container or pallet load for stock rotation.
bacteria, yeast or mold after an analysis. Destruction of An example of Class I product recall would be
the microorganisms is important so safe disposal is contamination with a toxic substance (chemical or
possible. microbiological). A Class II product recall is where
Perform all laboratory analyses in a room away from product is contaminated with food infection
the processing area. At times, a small food plant may not microorganisms, while a Class III example is where
have a separate area. Therefore, there are three ways to product does not meet a standard of identity.
obtain laboratory analysis results: Because of recall potential, a food business firm
1. In-house lab. must be prepared for the worst situation. A recall plan
2. Outside independent lab. should be developed and communicated to appropriate
3. Combination of in-house and independent lab. individuals within the firm before an emergency arises.
Appoint a qualified individual to conduct analyses, The plan should include:
report the results and manage the job of quality control. G An effective product coding system. Coding should
Have laboratory tests results recorded and compared to be simple, yet broad enough to minimize financial
the specifications or standards. Deviations from standards loss. Date of manufacture, date code plus shift code,
should be communicated so that additional action can be lot code or various combinations are possible.
taken if necessary. G A record keeping system to identify and associate
Many methods exist for the laboratory analysis of specific product, product code, carrier and
food. Examples of some methods are: destination.
G Standard plate count, a microbiological method used G A list of key personnel and their assigned
to count the numbers of bacteria contained in a responsibilities for a recall. Select key personnel
product. from each of the following areas: production, quality
G Yeast and mold count, a microbiological method used control, marketing, shipping/receiving and legal
to count the number of yeast and mold in food. counsel.
G A chemical method (pH) which determines if a food G A communication system within the firm and a
is acidic, neutral or basic. system into the distribution marketing shipping/
G Moisture, a chemical method to determine total water. receiving channels and legal counsel. A
communication system is critical to minimize rumor
G Protein, a chemical method to determine the protein. and the exaggeration or misstatement of the facts in
G Fat, a chemical method to determine total fat. and out of the business.
G Established procedures for evaluating and correcting
Recall Plan A good recall program is like an insurance policy.
Product recall is having to bring back product from The program will not prevent an adverse situation from
the distribution system. Every food business is susceptible occurring. It will, however, help the business and
to potential product recall. The public image of businesses personnel prepare for a possible recall.
can be destroyed during a recall if a well-organized plan Food quality is an expectation of consumers. To
is not implemented. meet this consumer need, every food business should
Why would a product be recalled? Products are develop and use an effective quality control program.
recovered from distribution as a result of voluntary action Failure to meet consumer demand can cause a decline in
by a business firm or involuntary action due to Food and product sales and profitability. A major product failure
Drug Administrative (FDA) action. The basic reasons for can totally destroy a business. Start or update quality
recall are best described by the FDA recall classifications: control practices now, and continue to build the program
CLASS 1 - As a result of a situation where there is for the future. In case there is doubt, ask two questions:
reasonable probability that the use or exposure to a 1. Are we doing things right?
defective product will cause a serious public health 2. Are we doing the right things?
hazard including death.
CLASS II - As a result of a situation where the use of
or exposure to a defective product may cause a
temporary adverse health hazard or where serious
adverse public health hazard (death) is remote.
CLASS III - As a result of a situation where use of or
exposure to a defective product will not cause a
public health hazard.
How to Prepare A Quality Assurance Plan, Food Warehousing. Department of Health and Human Services, Public
Health Service, U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Gravani, Robert B. Food Science Facts for the Sanitarian, Dairy and Food Sanitation. April 1986.
Rust and Olson. Coping With Recalls, Meat and Poultry Vol. 33, No. 3, March 1987.
Trade and brand names are used only for information. The Cooperative Extension Service, University of Georgia
College of Agriculture does not guarantee nor warrant the standard of any product mentioned; neither does it imply
approval of any product to the exclusion of others which may also be suitable.
Prepared by Philip T. Tybor, William C. Hurst, A.E. Reynolds and G.A. Schuler of the Extension Food Science and
Technology Department.
The University of Georgia and Ft. Valley State College, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and counties of the state cooperating.
The Cooperative Extension Service offers educational programs, assistance and materials to all people without regard to race, color,
national origin, age, sex or disability.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, The University of Georgia College of
Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating.
Gale A. Buchanan, Dean and Director