GK - 01
GK - 01
GK - 01
Name : Batch:
Know the History of Your Country
General Knowledge Section Overview:
In the BUP FBS admission test, the General Knowledge (GK) section consists of 30 questions. These
questions will test the candidate’s depth of knowledge about a vast arena of topics containing both
Bangladesh and International affairs. Over the years, it has been observed that, BUP GK section puts more
emphasis on recent affairs. As such, it is important to stay updated on what’s happening around the world.
In the following part, GK questions from recent years of BUP FBS admission tests are available. Practicing
these questions will give the candidates an overview of what to expect in the admission test.
- Note that, BUP does not publish the admission test questions publicly. As such, the
questions provided here are not the exact representation of the actual question.
The Mauryan Empire (322 BCE - 185 BCE) supplanted the earlier Magadha Kingdom to assume power
over large tracts of eastern and northern India. At its height, the empire stretched over parts of modern Iran
and almost the entire Indian subcontinent, barring only the southern peninsular tip. The empire came into
being when Chandragupta Maurya stepped into the vacuum created by Alexander of Macedon's departure
from the western borders of India. Chandragupta 3subjugated the border states, recruited an army,
marched upon the Magadha kingdom, killed its tyrannical king who was despised by the populace, and
ascended the throne. He thus founded the Mauryan dynasty. In his rise to power, he was aided and
counselled by his chief minister Kautilya (also known as Chanakya), who wrote the Arthashastra, a
compendium of kingship and governance.
Seleucos I Nicator, who was Alexander's satrap for the eastern Macedonian conquests, was defeated and
had to cede the entire territory under him to Chandragupta, along with a daughter and considerable money.
He also sent Megasthenes, who wrote the Indica, to the Mauryan court as the Greek ambassador.
Ashok became the third emperor of Mauryan empire after his father Bindosar died. He is famous for Kalinga
war & spreading Buddhism. The empire that Ashoka inherited was large, but a small kingdom on the east
coast, Kalinga, was outside its pale. Ashoka decided to conquer it. The war that ensued was bloody and
long. Kalinga resisted to the last man but fell. After Kalinga, Ashoka did not attack any kingdom but
proceeded on a mission of peace. He erected several pillars throughout his kingdom, exhorting people to
give up violence and live in harmony with each other and with nature. He actively patronised Buddhism,
built several stupas and repaired older ones, and sent evangelical missions abroad, two of which comprised
his own son and daughter. He is called “the Constantine of Buddhism”
One of Emperor Ashok Inscriptions is found in Mahasthangarh
Gauda State
Shashank was the first independent king of Bengal, who ruled from AD 637 to AD 606. he was a feudal
emperor under Gupta. He united the ancient janapadas to form Gauda state & made “Kornoshuborno” his
In 637 AD, after the death of Emperor of Gauda shashanka history of Bengal is lawlessness. This lasts for
about a hundred and fifty years. This time, many small states were created in Bangla. War, assassinations,
oppression rate was up to extremes. The plight of the poor people was not the end of misery. Not having
permanent administrative strength had the last word.
Islamic rule in India was started in 712 by the conquest of Sindh by Muhammad bin Qasim. In 712 blessings
are bred by the Khalifa of Damesk Al-Walid and conducted by the Baghdad governor Hajjaj bin Yusuf Qasim
earn the victory of Islam and discipline debuted in India.
Mughal Empire:
The Mughal Empire was founded by Babur, a central Asian ruler who was descended from the Turco-
Mongol conqueror Timur (the founder of the Timurid Empire) on his father’s side and from Chagatai, the
second son of the Mongol ruler Genghis Khan, on his mother’s side. He established himself in Kabul and
then pushed steadily southward into India from Afghanistan through the Khyber Pass. Babur’s forces
occupied much of northern India after his victory against Ibrahim Lodi at the first battle of Panipat in 1526.
The instability of the empire became evident under his son, Humayun, who was driven out of India and into
Persia by rebels. Through warfare and diplomacy, Akbar was able to extend the empire in all directions and
controlled almost the entire Indian subcontinent north of the Godavari River. Akbar’s son Jahangir ruled the
empire at its peak, but he was addicted to opium, neglected the affairs of the state, and came under the
influence of rival court cliques. During the reign of Jahangir’s son, Shah Jahan, the culture and splendor of
the luxurious Mughal court reached its zenith as exemplified by the Taj Mahal.
Battle of Panipat:
The First Battle of Panipat (1526), between Babur and Ibrahim Lodi, resulting in a victory of Mughal
and establishing the Mughal empire in India.
The Second Battle of Panipath (1556), between the Mughal Ruler Akbar and Hemu, the Hindu ruler of
North India from Delhi, resulting in a Mughal victory.
The Third Battle of Panipat (14 january 1761), between the Durrani Empire of Shah Abdali of
Afghanistan with the help of the Rohilla Afghans of the Doab and shuja-ud-Daulah of Awadh against
the Maratha Empire led by prime minister Balaji baji Rao, resulting with decisive Afghan victory.
Emperor Aurangzeb Shaista Khan In 1664, Aurangzeb appointed Shaista Khan subedar
(governor) of Bengal. Shaista Khan eliminated
Portuguese and Arakanese pirates from the region, and
in 1666 recaptured the port of Chittagong from the
Arakanese king, Sanda Thudhamma.
Lord Cornwallis Permanent Settlement: The Permanent Settlement, also known as the
Permanent Settlement of Bengal (Bengali: Chirosthayi Bandobasto ) was an
agreement between the East India Company and Bengali landlords to fix
revenues to be raised from land, with far-reaching consequences for both
agricultural methods and productivity in the entire Empire and the political
realities of the Indian countryside. It was concluded in 1793 by the Company
administration headed by Charles, Earl Cornwallis, also known as Lord
Cornwallis. It formed one part of a larger body of legislation enacted, known as
the Cornwallis Code. The Cornwallis Code of 1793 divided the East India
Company's service personnel into three branches: revenue, judicial, and
Permanent Settlement introduced first in Bengal and Bihar; and then to North
district of Madras and district of Varanasi. The system eventually spread all over
Northern India by a series of regulations dated 1 May 1793. These regulations
remained in place until the Charter Act of 1833.
Lord Clive Dual Administration: live came to India as the governor for the second time in
May 1765 in order to solve the growing problems in India after Buxar. He was
appointed not only as the governor, but also as the commander-in-chief of
Immediately after his arrival in India as the governor of Bengal for the second
time, Clive tried to set the house in order by taking recourse to an elaborate and
extensive programme of reforms. The establishment of the Dual system of
Government in Bengal was a vital part of such programme.
The English achieved striking victory in the Battle of Buxar, defeating at a time
three great powers of India, such as the Nawab Wazir of Oudh, Emperor Shah
Alam and Mir Kasim.
• What does it mean by diarchy-the responsibility of purchasing tax would be on the native employers
and the ruling power would be on the English.
• Introducer-Lord Klive
• When it was introduced-in 1765
• It was cancelled by- Ware Hestings
• It was cancelled in 1772.
• What does it mean by Panchal-Tax purchasing scheme of English for five years
• Introduced by-Waren Hestings (1773)
• What does it mean by-Tax purchasing scheme of English for ten years
• Introduced by-Lord Kornwalish
Permanent Settlement-
• Introduced by-Lord Kornwalish (1793)
• Also known as- sunset law
Movement of Titumir-
• Actual name of titumir- Syad Mir Nisar Ali
• Built “Bamboo fortress”-in Narikelbaria
• “Bamboo fortress” ws destroyed by-Lieutenant cornel Stuart
• His chief assistant-golam masum
Faraizi Movement-
• Main leader- Haji Shoriotullah
Blue rebellion-
• Blue rebellion was terminated-in 1860
• “Neel Darpan”, the play(descibing oppression of the indigo planter) was wrien by- Dinbondhu Mitra
• Industrial Revolution was happened in England-in the last years of 18th century
Establishment of congress
• Establishing year-1885
• Establisher-Alan Octavian Hume
• According to congress’s democracy, chairman and secretary general would be-Indian and British
• First Chairman -Umeshchandra Bondopadhay
• In the first conference the chairman was-Umeshchandra Bondopadhay
Swadeshi Movement-
• Main theme of Swadeshi movement - Boycott foreign goods and use native goods
• Leader of Swadeshi movement- poet Mukundu Das
• Khudiram was hanged in- 1908
• Masterda Shurjo sen was hanged in – 1934
• “Chittagong europian club” was attacked by – Pritilata Waddedae (1932)
Muslim league-
• First political party of Muslims- Muslim league
• Muslim league was formed in – 1906
• Founder- Nawab Salimullah
Lahore Proposition
• Declared in -1940
• Declared by – A.K. Fazlul Haque
• A.K. Fazlul Haque was known as Sher –E-Bangla
First in India-
Governor general – Lord Maunten Baten
Chief Minister – Jauharlal neheru
President – Rajendra Prasad
Declaration of Urdu-
“Urdu and only UIrdu will be the state Language og Pakistan” was declared by –Muhammad Ali Jinnah
First time Jinnah declared it – on 21st March, 1948 at then Racecourse ground
Second time Jinnah declared it – on 24th March,1948 at Curzon Hall, Dhaka University
Language movement took place on 21st February 1952
56% of the population of Pakistan was Bengali speaking people.
6% of the population of Pakistan was Urdu speaking people.
Language Movement (1952)–
First Organization of Language Movement – Tomuddin Mazlish
Founder – Professor of Dhaka University Abul Kashem
First Booklet – “State Language of Pakistan is Bangla not Urdu”
Recognition of Bangla
“Bangla” got the recognition as a state language in the Constitution of Pakistan, 1956
Election of ‘United Front’
Parties in ‘United Front’- Farmer-Laborer Party, Nejam-e-Islam, Democratic Party, National Awami
Winner of the election- United Front (won 223 seats of 309)
Muslim League-9 seats
Congress-24 seats
Tafsili Federation-27 seats
The leader of United Front Government – Sher-E-Bangla
The symbol of United Front in election was “Boat”.
Sheikh Mujib took oath of office as Minister in the United Front Cabinet before Chief Minister
A.K.Fazlul Huq -15 may 1954.
United Front cabinet was cancelled-in 1954 (on 56th day)
Kagmari Conference
Held at- Sontosh in Tangail (1957)
Presided-Maulana Bhashani
Six Point Movement
Was declared for 3 times.
First time-5th February,1966
2nd time-13th February,1966
3rd time-23rd March,1966
Officially declared-23rd march,1966 at Lahore
Was declared at Opposition Parties’ Conference-13 february,1966
Was declared by- Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Six points was based on- Lahore Resolution
Six points movement is called as- “Magna Carta of East Pakistan” or ‘Freedom Charter’ of Bengali
Agartala Conspiracy Case was brought against- 35 people
Sergeant Jahurul Haque was murdered at- Dhaka Cantonment
Sheikh Mujib’s Title
Given by-Tofayel Ahmed
Was given at-Suhrawardy Uddyan (23rd February ,1969)
Father of the Nation
Given by- A.S.M. Abdur Rob
Given at- Polton Moidan (3rd March 1971)
Election of 1970
Total seats-313
Elected seats-300
Seats preserved for women-13
Awami League won-in 167 seats
Awami league won elected seats-160
Awami League won Preserved seats-7
Timeline of Liberation War
Date Details
2nd March The then V.P. of ‘DUCSU’, A.S.M. Abdur Rob, hoisted Bangladesh’s flag for the first
time(at Dhaka University Bot tola)
3 march National flag was hoisted with national anthem at Polton Moidan
7 march Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s historic speech at Racecourse Moidan
19th march East Pakistan Regiment protested against Pakistani Army with armed forces for first time
at joidebpur in Gazipur
25th March The then President Yahya Khan authorized ‘Operation Searchlight’ and secretly left for
Pakistan. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was arrested by Pakistani commandos in dark of night.
Mass murder campaign initiated.
26th march M.A. Hannan promulgated Bangabandhu’s Declaration of Independence from Kalurghat
Radio Center, Chattogram.
10th April Formation of Provisional Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh a.k.a.
Mujibnagar Government
17th April Oath taking of Mujibnagar Govt.
21st Bangladesh-India Joint Force signed into being
Mujibnagar Govt.
Commander-in-Chief of Liberation Forces – Colonel Md Ataul Gani Osmani
Independent Government was declared at Mujibngar- 10 April, 1971
First Temporary Government took oath - 17th April,1971
The Ministers were sworn in by - Professor Yousuf Ali
The Declaration of Independence was read out by- Professor Yousuf Ali
Temporary secretariat of government was built in- No. 8 Theatre Rd, Kolkata
The Provisional Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh was established following the
Declaration of Independence of East Pakistan on 17 April 1971. Conducted by Yousuf Ali.
Different Forces
Z Force- Commander Major Ziaur Rahman
S Force- Commander Major K.M. Shafiullah
K Force- Commander Major Khaled Mosharraf
Commander of Liberation Forces- Colonel M.A.G. Osmani
Chief of Staff- Colonel M.A. Rob
Deputy Commander of Liberation Forces + Air Forces Commander – Group Captain A.K.
To stop bloodshed in Bangladesh the two senators proposed in the senate of USA - Edward
Kennedy, Fred Harris
The newspaper requested to stop genocide in East Pakistan to Yahya Khan – The Washington
In the conference of New Delhi, the actual situation of Bangladesh was presented in presence of
33 country’s’ members.
In the conference of New Delhi, the Farsi Literature writer wished to join Liberation War- Andre
No. Commanders
Sector 1 Major Zia ur Rahman
Major Rafiqul Islam
Sector 2 Major Khaled Mosharraf
Major Hayder
Sector3 Major K M Shafiullah
Major Nurujjaman
Sector4 Major C.R. Datta
Sector5 Major Mir Sawkat Ali
Sector6 Wing Commander Khademul Bashar
Sector7 Major Kazi Nurujjaman
Sector8 Major Osman Chowdhury
Major M.A. Manjur
Sector9 Major Abdul Jalil
M.A. Manjur
Sector10 Naval special forces commanders
Sector11 Major Abul Taher
Squadron Leader M. Hamidullah Khan
Only one indigenous freedom fighter who got Bir Bikram-UK Ching
The two female freedom fighters who got the Bir Protik award 1) Taramon Bibi 2) Dr. Captain Sitara Begum
The youngest freedom fighter who got Bir Protik- Shahidul Islam
The foreign freedom fighter who got Bir Protik- W. S. Ouderland
The freedom fighters who didn’t get gallantry awards- 1) Kakon Bibi 2) Kakat Heinchita
Bangladesh Freedom Honour- Indira Gandhi
Honored Female
Number of ‘Bir pratik’ -2 women
District of Setara Begum-kishoregonj
Setara Begum fought in – sector 4
District of Taramon Bibi- Kurigram
In which sector Taramon Bibi faught- 11 No.
Kakon Bibi was born in-a family of khashia community in India
Kakon Bibi was assigned as – a spy, sector 4
Kakon Bibi was remarked first –in 1996
Remarkable female fighter but is not honored - Kakon Bibi
Film Director
Ora egaro jon Chashi Nazrul Islam
Abar tora manush ho Khan Ataur Rahman
Dhire Bohe Meghna Alamgir Kabir
Amar Jonmobhumi Alamgir Kumkum
Kar hashi ke hashe Ananda
Shongram Chashi Nazrul Islam
Alor Michil Narayon Ghosh Mita
Aguner Poroshmoni Humayun Ahmed
Ekhono onek raat Khan Ataur Rahman
Hangor nodi grenade Chashi Nazrul Islam