Exercise Lec-23 Dfdhy

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Exercise Problem # 1
An axial flow turbine operating with an
overall stagnation pressure of 8 to 1 has a
polytropic efficiency of 0.85. Determine the
total-to-total efficiency of the turbine. If the
exhaust Mach number of the turbine is 0.3,
determine the total-to-static efficiency. If, in
addition, the exhaust velocity of the turbine
is 160 m/s, determine the inlet total

Ans: 88%, 86.17%, 1170.6 K

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Exercise Problem # 2
The mean blade radii of the rotor of a mixed
flow turbine are 0.3 m at inlet and 0.1 m at
outlet. The rotor rotates at 20,000 rev/min and
the turbine is required to produce 430kW. The
flow velocity at nozzle exit is 700 m/s and the
flow direction is at 70° to the meridional plane.
Determine the absolute and relative flow angles
and the absolute exit velocity if the gas flow is 1
kg/s and the velocity of the through-flow is
constant through the rotor.

Ans: α2=70 deg, β2=7.02 deg, α3=18.4 deg,

β3=50.37 deg
Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Exercise Problem # 3
An axial flow gas turbine stage develops 3.36MW at
a mass flow rate of 27.2 kg/s. At the stage entry
the stagnation pressure and temperature are 772
kPa and 727°C, respectively. The static pressure at
exit from the nozzle is 482 kPa and the
corresponding absolute flow direction is 72° to the
axial direction. Assuming the axial velocity is
constant across the stage and the gas enters and
leaves the stage without any absolute swirl velocity,
determine (a) the nozzle exit velocity; (b) the blade
speed; (c) the total-to-static efficiency; (d) the
stage reaction.

Ans: 488m/s, 266.1 m/s, 0.83, 0.128

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

Exercise Problem # 4
A single stage axial turbine has a mean radius
of 30 cm and a blade height at the stator inlet
of 6 cm. The gases enter the turbine stage at
1900 kPa and 1200 K and the absolute velocity
leaving the stator is 600 m/s and inclined at an
angle of 65 deg to the axial direction. The
relative angles at the inlet and outlet of the
rotor are 25 deg and 60 deg respectively. If the
stage efficiency is 0.88, calculate (a) the rotor
rotational speed, (b) stage pressure ratio (c)
flow coefficient (d) degree of reaction and (e)
the power delivered by the turbine.
Ans: 13550 rpm, 2.346, 0.6, 0.41, 34.6 MW

Prof. Bhaskar Roy, Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay

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