Formulierungshilfen Englisch Mündlich

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Englisch LK - Formulierungshilfen

• I am convinced that...
• I personally believe that...
• It seems to me (that)...
• I rmly believe that...
• As I see...
• My view of the problem is...
• My point of view is that...
• From my point of view...
• In my opinion/view...
• My view/feeling/opinion is that...
• To my mind...
• If you ask me...
• I’m certain, that...
• I claim, that...
• I feel strongly about...
• what I’m getting at...
• I must concede
• I (dis)approve ...
• I suppose
• It evokes the feeling of...
• I like to emphasize/highlight
• First and foremost
• I like to point out, that...
• I dislike...
• Undoubtedly, ….
• In the former
• In the latter

• The thing/point is...
• There are many points of view issues to consider here..
• There are several questions to think about when discussing...
• The issues I want to mention/discuss here are...
• A further problem to note is...
• Not only..., but... also...
• The reason why... is that...
• This leads inevitably to...
• The next item is...
• both... and.../as well... as...
• The cause is that...
• We have to regard, that/Regarding, that...
• Indeed

• besides
• still
• also
• too
• then
• above all
• what is more ...
• Moreover/Furthermore...
• In addition...
• Due to...
• Since,…
• to begin with/to start with
• Secondly, ...; Thirdly, ...; Finally, ...; Last of all, ...
• First/First of all...
• in the rst/second place
• Next/then/ nally
• last but not least
• to conclude
• either...or
• but
• however
• yet
• nevertheless
• in spite of/despite
• instead of
• though
• on the contrary
• in contrast (to ...)
• by contrast
• on the one hand ...on the other (hand)
• Whereas…

Beispiele nennen
• for example (e. g.)
• for instance
• such as
• that is to say
• Supposing (that)
• namely
• alternatively

Ergebnisse festhalten
• As a result...
• As a consequence...
• Because of this...
• The effect of this is that...
• consequently
• hence
• thus
Zusammenfassung und abschließende Bewertung
• To sum up...
• In short/in brief/in general...
• On the whole, ...
• All in all, ...
• In conclusion, then, it is clear that...
• To conclude, therefore, it seems that...
• Having considered all these issues...
• Having outlined the main arguments...
• Having taken all these factors into account...
• I come to the conclusion that…

Bezugnahme zu den Argumenten des Autors

The author…
• Claims/states/suggests/implies
• refers to/alludes to
• deals with/discusses
• puts forward the thesis that
• presents/develops/defends the thesis that
• expresses his point of view
• holds the view that
• agrees to/with, approves (of), is in favour of
• emphasizes/highlights/stresses
• supports/sides with/sympathizes with
• criticizes/blames sb. for/ reproaches sb with sb.
• accuses sb. of having done sth.
• questions sb.
• raises objections to/opposes sb.
• objects by pointing out
• argues that
• comments on
• assumes a critical attitude towards sb.
• argues for – against
• points out that
• bases his arguments on
• supports/illustrates his arguments

Formulierung der eigenen Meinung

• he overlooks the fact that
• I’d like to emphasize the fact
• consequently
• the result may be
• it seems to me that
• on the one hand…/on the other hand…
• it is true that, but...
• in my opinion/from my point of view
• when discussing problems in a comment
• as far as I can see
• Personally, I think/feel..
• In my opinion..
• I object to..
• To my mind

• In a word....
• To conclude...
• As a result...
• Consequently

Introductional sectence
The [text type] “title“ written by [author] and published in [date] deals
with [main topic].

How do you approach a ctional text (order may depend

on the individual case)?
1. Read the text carefully at least twice.
2. Write down your rst impressions of the text which can be a very general idea, an
important phrase, a characteristic feature of style, or the like.
3. Look up unknown vocabulary. Concentrate only on key words that block the
understanding of the text.
4. Reread the excerpt and underline important passages, esp. those relevant for the tasks
in a test paper.
5. Structure your text according to sense units: How can the text be subdivided?
6. Ask yourself the following question: What literary genre does the text in question belong
to: poetry-drama- ction?
7. What is the story about? What is its main theme? What is its central idea /meaning /
message? Can you state it in one single sentence.
8. What formal elements of the text bring about the central meaning best?
9. Start out with any of the characteristic formal elements which you found relevant for
the understanding of the excerpt and analyse it. The main question is: How does the
author use this formal element so effectively that it can carry meaning and contribute
to the overall effect?
10. Analyse other formal elements of your choice and check whether your ndings are true
with respect to your initial ideas (points b and g).
11. Perhaps you will have to reformulate your central meaning after the analyses of various
aspects of the text. If necessary, do so because it will bring you closer to the author ́s
12. On your way through the whole process of interpretation, take the following formal
elements into account: action / plot; character, setting, atmosphere, point of view, tone,
structure, choice of words, imagery and other stylistic devices. Remember that if a
story is well-constructed, analyses of these elements will ultimately lead you to the core
of the text in question because any element contributes a considerable bit to its overall


action What actually happens in the story? Situation? Developments?
plot How is the action in the story organised?
character Who is the protagonist? How is he characterised? Other characters?
setting What is the place of the action presented? The time? The social circumstances?
atmosphere What feelings does the narrative convey to the reader because of the
description of setting, the choice of words, and the like?
p.o.v. Who tells the story (an observer, the protagonist, ...)?
From what perspective is the story told ( rst person narration, third person
narration, ...)?
tone Is the story told in a serious, humorous, ironic, sentimental, or ... way?
structure Are there different parts in the text? Any subdivisions? How does the action
start? What conveys the text coherence? Is there an open ending / surprise
choice o.w. What register does the author employ to tell his story?
imagery Does the author decorate his / her writing with comparisons, metaphors,
symbols, personi cations, …?

+ Comprehension
+ Don’t have to quote
+ Present tense
+ Own words or indirectly
+ Introductional sentence
+ Analysis of a ctional text
+ Stylistic devices for example metaphors , rhetorical question, climax, irony , alliteration,
ennimernation etc.
+ Narrator, narrator, narrative perspective / POV
• 1st person narrator I/Me
• 3rd person narrator He/she
+ Glossary at the end of our English book
+ Level of language
• dictional adjectives, verbs, nouns
+ Expect.: (What we have to expect for the last task?)
• 3a evaluation
• To write an ending of an random story
• To write an letter or an email
• To hold an dialogue
• Comment

Alternative für häu g benutzte Wörter

Wort Alternative im Sinne von

if whether .., ob ...

necessary inevitable unvermeidlich

of course certainly sicherlich

need require brauche, benötigen

it doesn't matter it's frivolous es ist belanglos

sometimes occasionally gelegentlich

he is able to he is capable of er ist fähig...

refuse defy widersetzen, trotzen

because since ..., da ...

because of due to ...,wegen/auf Grund von...

because of on the grounds of auf Grund von...

improve brush up verbessern

especially in particular ..., besonders ...

He is likely to go Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass
er geht

to know to be aware of wissen

to change to alter ändern, verändern

rare infrequent selten

to consist/made up to comprise bestehen aus, umfassen


to get to receive erhalten

to understand to comprehend verstehen

hard severe hart, schwer

today nowadays heutzutage

he should do sth. he is supposed to do er soll etwas tun


to do sth. in order to do sth. um etwas zu tun

pretty fairly ziemlich

big vast, huge riesig

to deal with/to be to revolve around sich drehen um

to answer to respond antworten

to succeed to get ahead vorankommen, Erfolg haben

We call him Paul We refer to him as


a lot of an amount of eine Menge von

to begin, to start to kick off beginnen, anfangen

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