The Chronos Effect A New Look at Time

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Chronos Effect

A New Look at Time
Jeorge Kevin Po
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Graduate in the Philippines

Abstract:- What is time exactly? How does it work? Is it if we believe that we literally made all reality through our
really the 4th dimension or something else? These are just brains? Thus regardless of whether we can measure all of
some of the questions which we usually ask about it, time or not, or feel time through the changes around us or
where we could only have a very few or no answers to not, time is real and not just used for clocks to tell time. Even
some other questions. Like would they know how time though time also has a special relationship with space, as
works? As there are now answers to specific both are relative to each other and indespensable.
measurements of many things, which probably includes
the measurements of some time, the major question yet is I think that there are also 5 categories of time, where
on the true nature of time. This question was always what each tells on their roles in the universe:
I ask myself after watching documentaries and reading  Universal time - where time flows and affects all
Facebook posts in some science forums (since there are universes or the multiverse.
only limited forums which have active members on it).  Cosmic time - where time flows throughout galaxies as
they move around universes.
Keywords:- Dark Energy, Spacetime, Multiverse, Quantum  Planetary time - where time flows through all planets and
Entanglement. stars as they rotate or move around each galaxy.
 Material time - where its the time based on organisms and
I. INTRODUCTION of all matter in the universe, where its divided into
organic and non organic time. Where organic time refers
Please note that during when I made my theories, my to time from living organisms, and is much faster then the
knowledge of science was still at the year 2010, more or less. time for non organisms, such as all other things that arent
As this is just a few pages of research paper, I would not living to begin with.
apply any divisions such as chapters and stuff. And after  Quantum time - where its the time at the quantum level,
reading some sources, it had enlightened me, which is also in which it involves the time of atoms and electrons.
why this research paper is already revised in a way. That
these theories are already made simplified due to the authors Let us start at the very beginning of time, at the big
character and for the readers as well, as well as the theories bang, where time was very simple - to react or not to react.
were made original. Where from my already explained "genesis theory": two
simple atoms (positive and negative) will explode from the
I will mention that all this are just thought experiments reaction from the compressed space in spacetime. Then from
using logic, imagination, and knowledge. Though some say there, just like from the myth of Yggdrasil (the tree of life),
that we have all the knowledge of time and what it is, I also spacetime slowly grew in entropy and matter expanded in
think that we are only half way to solving what time really is, time. Where spacetime then divides itself into branches of
aside from the mathematical aspect of it. But I say, the time, as entropy of matter ever grows within a given space.
answers are most times simple, which will be discussed right Time itself is both linear and dynamic, that time is linear only
below. until a major decision takes place, and time becomes
dynamic and branches out into multiple branches in
II. ANALYSIS, DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS spacetime. And thus, the multiverse is born, from all the
branches of time that entropy has made within that space. But
Lets start off with the very definition of time: "time is if that is so, what controls or manages spacetime and the
change, or the interval over which change occurs. It is multiverse? The answer is simple: dark energy. As there are
impossible to know that time has passed unless something no means yet of harnessing or measuring this kind energy, I
changes. The amount of time or change is calibrated by can only hypothesize that dark energy is also like an
comparison with a standard." Artificial Intelligence of sorts, where it can sort and manage
all the data in the whole multiverse.
Although it may not be possible to accurately measure
all of time, and as some say that time is an illusion made by First of all, I will discuss from all the categories of time,
the brain or something, time is as real as it gets. Because if about Quantum Time. As the name implies, its time at the
time wasnt even real, then why does the universe and all thats quantum level, where time is either weird or not. As time at
in it move forwards, and not just stay still? Why do all life that level will depend on the random interactions of electrons
move forward regardless if we believe time is an illusion and and all the subatomic particles in all of space and time. And I

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
think that depending on the dark energy being generated, as If time is real, then time travel is also real. Why?
like data, will determine the randomness of the interactions Because we all are already travelling through time, and
of all particles in spacetime. towards the future. For each word of this paper, im even
using some few second of my time in this timeline. Although
Then we have material time, where it is the time for the multiverse is real, there is also no clear way of telling if
both organic and inorganic matter, which also determines the we have created another branch in time, aside from a very big
time for decay for any matter. Since as time goes by for all decision which might change the world or something. And
matter, some molecules or atoms that make up its skin would though some theorize or say that we decide our own future,
decay and fall off, thus shedding itself in time due to which is somewhat true, its only true to this branch in time.
exposure of other elements or atoms as well. This type of Anyways, travelling towards the past wouldnt be possible,
time can be measured as well, unlike with quantum time. without probably destroying the current timeline and turning
And this type of time is also affected by the planets time, in back all of time (which also includes universal time). And
which the planet revolves or moves within a system. this feat would only require and be possible, with an
enormously collosal amount of energy. In short, one would
Next is planetary time, where its the time a planet need to harness all of the energy in this universe, to turn back
revolves around any system. There are many types of all of time. Though turning back time may not be possible
systems in space, wherein the type of planetary system will without any sacrifices, going towards the future doesnt need
depend on how each planet and star were made at random any sacrifice, as it already sacrifices your present time for
during its creation. Wherein from the time it takes for matter you to travel towards the future.
to decay and shed some atoms or molecules, it will cycle
itself within a system within the planets eco system. III. RECOMMENDATIONS
Planetary time, as it also involves the time of stars inside its
system, would also depend on cosmic time as it circles My recommendation is that the only way to know more
around the galaxy. about time is to logically analyze its true nature, as no present
or maybe future equipment is able to analyze its true nature,
Cosmic time, where its the time galaxies would circle or where current science heavily relies on visible evidence and
move around a given universe. Even though the name is measurement for proof. As science is now almost at the limit
cosmic, it doesnt mean that its the time for the whole of its capacity, as far as scientific and technological advances
universe. As cosmic time has similarities with planetary time, are concerned so far, the only things left to discover is for the
as both types move within a given system or pattern, they are final frontier which is space. And space as we know it is
basically different as well. Since galaxies carry very many filled with Dark Energy and all other matter in the universe.
planetary systems within just a galaxy. This type of time
would depend on universal time as galaxies would move IV. CONCLUSION
within a given universe only.
“As the answer is simple, only the solution is complex,
Last we have universal time, where its the time within specially with humans”, that is the saying that I often told
the multiverse, as it will depend on the data managed by dark myself as it is the most logical approach to any given
energy from the time of the big bang to the future time and in problem. These theories about the true nature of time is yet to
all universes. be proven, yet it proves very logical and that the evidences
are all around us, which we haven’t yet to realize. Please also
Although those are the types of time within this and the note that this theory(ies) are maybe not yet complete and
multiverse, there are also things in this universe which we maybe still lacking.
might take note. Such as: time in black holes, light speed, and
quantum entanglement. Black holes, where I theorize that its REFERENCES
a hole in spacetime which connects the multiverse, and where
dark energy would pass through as well. And there is more, [1]., (2013). Science and Astronomy. What is
where the time inside a black hole is much like travelling Dark Energy?:
beyond the speed of light and forwards towards another energy.html
random timeline in a random space. Unlike with the speed of [2]. What is space?:
light, where you can move forwards in time towards a what-is-space.html
random time in the future. Then we have quantum [3]. Scientific American. Space and Physics. What is
entanglement, where its instantaneous communication of Spacetime Really Made Of?:
particles in two separate random places. And though there are
many theories pertaining the end of time in our universe, spacetime-really-made-of/
aside from it having no basis except from the math, I think [4]. What is spacetime?:
that time is eternal. Also, even though the beginning of time
started with a big bang, begs the question: there must be [5]. What is Time? A simple explanation:
something before it right? If not, everything wouldnt make
sense. Well, I think there were 3 things at the beginning: [6]. Is time travel possible?:
space, time, and dark energy. Or else things wouldnt have
been this balanced in the universe as we see now.

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
[7]. What is Multiverse Theory?:
[8]. The theory of everything - dark energy - a new
[9]. The understanding of the unknown:

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