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EDU1008 AT2 Frequently Asked Questions

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EDU1008 AT2 Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I find out what group I am in?

To view your group open the EDU1008 LMS, open the assessment tile, scroll down, and select
the link titled "Details of groups for AT2 group presentation". View your team members names.
If there are no details showing here for you it is possible you haven’t been allocated to a group
due late enrolment etc. Email juliana.ryan@latrobe.edu.au with details.

2. How do I access the Teams site to begin collaborating with my group?

Open the Microsoft Teams application on your computer or phone, and sign in using your La
Trobe student email account. On the left-hand side tool bar, select the icon labelled ‘teams’,
look for the button that says, "Join a Team with a code", and input the code: zwbvskn.

A new Team named O365-EDU1008 AT2 groups will appear. Once you're in, you will find
instructions for setting up your group (as a standard channel which is the default option) so you
can collaborate on Teams to develop your AT2 presentation.


3. How do I add my team members to my channel?

Enter your group members names or La Trobe email address and it will bring up the person (if
they have joined Teams). Add your tutor and Juliana also to the channel or any working
documents you create.
Updated Teams Instructions

4. I’ve accessed Teams, but I can’t figure out how to find my group’s channel. How do I
access my groups channel?
On the O365-EDU1008 AT2 groups team, look for the heading titled “channels”. Click “view to
show more channels” to view all of the private channels. Look for your group’s number and
access your group’s channel. If your group’s channel is not there already, you will need to make
a new one. To make a new channel, press the three dots and select create a channel. Enter your
groups details.
5. Some of my group members haven’t made contact or aren’t responding to emails/Teams
At this point in the subject (Week 5), we recommend you proceed with the available group
members who are communicating. Send an email to juliana.ryan@latrobe.edu.au and your
tutor with details of who is not communicating in your group. If you only have a very small
group of team members responding (3 or less) email juliana.ryan@latrobe.edu.au with details.
Some small groups can possibly be merged together.

6. How should my group be delegating tasks/the workload?

It’s up to your group how you choose to separate the workload. We recommend you work on
the tasks together as a group or possibly in pairs, consult with each other, and work as a team
to complete this assessment task. Create a working document on Teams of who has completed
what sections and try to ensure everyone has evenly contributed. One way to do this is to
colour code on your working document / planning document who has completed what. Make
sure to only share your working documents with your team members, Juliana and your tutors.

7. What should we be doing first?

Set up an initial Teams video/phone call or Zoom session. Introduce yourselves, decide on a
scenario and begin collaborating. During group meetings someone might like to take brief notes
of what is being discussed. This allows you to document your collaboration process, and to also
clarify the task expectations. Post your meetings notes on Teams as evidence of your group’s
collaboration. You may like to agree on a meeting schedule e.g. meeting every Thursday at

8. How often does my group need to meet?

It is recommended your group meet weekly to discuss the assessment task, your progress and
to continue working away at the task. You may like to meet more or less than that. It depends
on what will work best for your group.

9. One of my group members was in contact initially, but has since stopped communicating,
what should my group do?
Send an email to juliana.ryan@latrobe.edu.au and your tutor with details of who is not
communicating in your group. Continue working on the task with those who are responding.
10. Can we communicate via Facebook messenger or another platform other than Teams?
If this works better for your group, then that is fine. If you go off the Teams platform, ensure to
still document your working progress of the assessment task via your group’s private Teams
channel. Tutors have access to these channels and will be regularly checking them to view your
collaboration documentation.
11. Does everyone need to speak during the live presentation?

12. How will the presentation day work?

Each group will present live on Zoom on Wednesday the 4th of October. You can use the Zoom
share function to share any PowerPoint slides, word documents or other resources you make.
Each group needs to sign up to a presentation time slot where you will present your work.

13. What if I am unable to attend the presentation day?

If your group is unable to present on the 4 th of October, you need to email
juliana.ryan@latrobe.edu.au and your tutor with details to receive written approval for pre-
recording your presentation and uploading it to the LMS. There is an AT2 Presentation
submission link in the assessment tile of the LMS if your group needs to do this option. If you
are pre-recording your presentation, it needs to be uploaded to the LMS by 10am on the 4 th of
October to avoid a late penalty.
14. When is the self-reflection part of AT2 due?
The self-reflection task is due on the same day as presentation day (4th of October). After your
group present, you can complete the individual self-reflection rubric (see the SLG for
instructions), and upload this to the AT2 Self-Assessment submission link on the LMS.

15. Where can I get help using Teams? I’m finding it hard to use.
Thanks for being patient as we all get up to speed with Teams. Here’s some useful information
about the assessment task and about collaborating in Teams. Our subject support tutor, Olivia
Sfetcopoulos, will also be running another drop-in session soon and is compiling some FAQs.
Look out for an announcement early next week.

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