DAL - Case Study 1
DAL - Case Study 1
DAL - Case Study 1
Case Study on
Energy Conservation
& Management
International Journal of RF Technologies xx (20xx) x–xx 1
DOI 10.3233/RFT-171671
IOS Press
Big data analytics methodologies applied at energy
management in industrial sector: A case study
a Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e Scienze Matematiche (DIISM), Università Politecnica delle
Abstract. In this work, a framework is developed to integrate IoT-based energy management and company’s
existing information systems. This framework is a multi-layer model that includes three layers: 1) data
collection layer, 2) data management layer and 3) data analytics layer. In order to test the proposed approach
and assess its impact on improving energy efficiency, a pilot study was carried out in an Italian manufacturing
company. Several smart meters have been installed at machine level to collect energy consumption data in
real time, and then this data have been analyzed and provided to decision makers to improve energy efficiency
by integrating them in production management decisions. When a company aims at analyzing the energy
characteristics of its production system, data provided by different sources and geographically dispersed
repositories must be taken into consideration. These characteristics bring several problems to develop a
data analytic architecture. In this paper, we propose a data analytic model for IoT, in order to integrate the
data collected from different sources and to improve energy-aware decision-making. Improving the overall
equipment effectiveness of machine tools will improve resource-efficiency and productivity in manufacturing
and support the development of smart factories from an energy point of view.
Keywords: Internet of things, data analytics, data mining, energy management, big data management,
industrial energy consumption
1. Introduction
Worldwide about 50% of the total electricity consumption is made in industry by con-
version using electric motor-driven systems of workstations (Waide & Brunner, 2011).
There have been significant efforts over the last decade to define appropriate standards
and best practices and implement consistent energy management systems to increase
and maintain energy savings. Company energy management systems seek approaches
to reduce their energy consumption without declining the production outputs (Hadera
et al., 2015). According to Vikhorev et al. (2013), companies should define an energy
management framework to promote energy awareness in manufacturing processes.
In this context, this work aims at developing a framework to improve the energy
efficiency of a production system using concepts of Internet of Thinks (IoT) and Data
Analytics. Relationships between IoT and Data Analytics is described by Feller et al.
∗ Corresponding author: Prof. Ing. Maurizio Bevilacqua, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e Scienze
Matematiche, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, 60100 – Ancona, Italy. Tel.: +39
071 2204874; Fax: +39 071 2204770; E-mail: m.bevilacqua@univpm.it.
1754-5730/17/$35.00 © 2017 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
2 M. Bevilacqua et al. / Big data analytics methodologies applied at energy management
(2015): IoT collects data from different sources (in this work from power and energy
sensors embedded in workstations), Data Analytics is responsible for extracting pat-
terns or generating models from the output of the data processing step and then feeding
them into the decision-making step, which takes care of transforming its input into
useful knowledge.
The first step towards reducing energy consumption in machine tools and manu-
facturing systems is to devise methods to understand and characterize their energy
consumption (Herrman et al., 2007). For this reason, an energy monitoring system is
necessary. IoT can provide useful tools in order to develop a more detailed analysis of
machine consumption. Kees et al. (2015) define IoT as “the connectivity of physical
objects or industrial products, equipped with sensors and actuators, to the Internet via
data communication technology, enabling interaction with and/or among these objects”
or products. Moreover, electrical energy metering in complex manufacturing facilities
is necessary to provide industrial enterprises higher levels of quantification and visibil-
ity in their energy consumption. Both voltage and current need to be measured at either
low or high sampling rates, in order to calculate power consumption and to produce
more complex power quality statistics such as sags, peaks, and harmonics (O’Driscoll
& O’Donnell, 2013). On the basis of the measured power, empirical energy models
can be built for estimating the energy consumption related to the production.
There has been a compelling need to adopt data management systems in industrial
operational processes and product-development principles in order to enhance IoT
applications, while the development of big data is already lagging behind in integration
with cloud computing. It has been widely recognized that these two technologies are
interdependent and should be jointly developed: meaning that the widespread deploy-
ment of IoT drives the high growth of data (Min et al. 2014). Big data management
marking data of production progress), from suppliers (i.e. material delivery date), from
production planning department (i.e. master production schedule) and from technical
department (i.e. products codes, bill of materials, working times and manufacturing
These characteristics bring several problems to develop data analytics architecture.
In this paper, we propose a data analytics framework for IoT, in order to integrate the
data collected from different sources and to improve energy-aware decision-making.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a literature
review regarding energy consumption models developed for production systems, with
a special focus on IoT, Big Data Management and energy management in the industrial
sector in Section 2.1. Section 3 introduces the research approach and the case study.
Results of the study are shown in section 4 while discussion and conclusions are
reported in Section 5.
The development of energy models at the level of unit process is a research topic
quite analyzed in literature.
Some authors focused on machining process level while other works were car-
ried out on the machine-tool level. Regarding papers on machining process level,
Srinivasan and Sheng (1999) developed an approach for macro and microplanning of
feature-based machining. Microplanning looked at selecting process parameters, tool-
ing, and cutting fluid based on process energy use, waste streams, process quality, and
machining time. Draganescu et al. (2003) used experimental data and Response Sur-
face Methodology (RSM) to establish a statistic model of machine-process efficiency
and specific energy consumption in machining. Sarwar et al. (2009) chose Specific
Cutting Energy (SCE) as the evaluation parameter of measuring the efficiency of the
metal cutting process, and the variation of SCE regarding different workpiece materials
provided valuable information for bandsaw manufacturers and end users to estimate
machinability characteristics for selected workpieces.
Regarding works on machine-tool level, we can highlight Diaz et al. (2011) work.
They carried out a characterization on the energy consumption of milling machine
tools during their use stage. They studied the effect of workpiece material on power
demand. Dahmus and Gutowski (2004) developed an experimental research on machine
tool energy consumption and categorized the total energy of the system in three main
activities, namely “Constant start-up operations”, “Run-time operations” and “Material
removal operations”. Herrmann et al. (2010) addressed the energetic consumption of
the machine tools and extended the perspective by considering the ecological aspects
beyond the economic input and output flows.
Assessment methods of energy consumption are another aspect quite analyzed in
literature. Some authors highlighted the importance of carrying out a real-time mon-
itoring system while other authors proposed theoretical models for analyzing energy
For instance, in Abele et al. (2012), work power measurements of a single
machine tool is described by several functional modules that further consist of various
4 M. Bevilacqua et al. / Big data analytics methodologies applied at energy management
components. Within their Hardware-in-the-Loop-Simulation (HiLSimulation), a phys-
ical machine controller is connected to the simulation model so that the programmable
logic control (PLC) or numerical control (NC) signals, which contain power-on states,
axis speeds, machine tool movement path, process operations, etc., are coupled with
the functional modules and components to enable continuous energy simulation of a
machine tool. In addition to estimating the machine energy requirement within the work
of Abele et al. described above, Eberspacher et al. (2014) further developed the HiL-
Simulation model for real-time monitoring of the energy demand of a machine and its
functional modules in production environments. Dietmair and Verl (2009) introduced
a generic method to model the energy consumption behavior of machines based on a
statistical discrete event formulation. The parameter information required to character-
ize the discrete events can be obtained with a small number of simple measurements
or with a degree of uncertainty from the machine and component documentation.
Vijayaraghavan and Dornfeld (2010) pointed out that, in order to decrease energy con-
sumption, energy data has to be placed in the context of the manufacturing activity.
They developed a monitoring system, in which MTConnect standard, as an XML-
based standard, for data exchange is selected for data collection from manufacturing
The automated monitoring system can help attach contextual processing-related
information to the raw data. Therefore, it is very important for reducing energy con-
sumption in order to develop a real-time energy efficiency monitoring system of
machine tools. On the other hand, several authors highlighted that generally manu-
facturing machines and equipment are not metered permanently (Müller & Loffler,
2009; Garetti and Taisch (2012). Lack of sub-metering is highlighted as the main
barrier to improving energy efficiency in non-energy-intensive manufacturing by
Rohdin and Thollander (2006), as well for energy intensive industry by Trianni
et al. (2013).
2.1. IoT and data analtics for energy management in production systems
Recently, some authors tried to integrate IoT and Big Data Management concepts
in order to manage energy consumption data and improve energy-aware decision-
making. Tao et al. (2014) developed a new method for Energy-saving and emission-
reduction based on Internet of Things (IoT) and bill of material (BOM). Shrouf et al.
(2014) proposed an approach for energy management in smart factories based on the
IoT paradigm. They developed a guideline and highlighted expected benefits of this
Always Shrouf and Miragliotta (2015) contributed to the understanding of energy-
efficient production management practices that are enhanced and enabled by the
Internet of Things technology. Moreover, they presented a framework to support the
integration of gathered energy data into a company’s information technology tools
and platforms.
Regarding Data Management in literature data analytics methods have been used
by various researchers in energy system applications. With the emergence of the data
mining approach for predictive modeling, different types of models can be built on a
M. Bevilacqua et al. / Big data analytics methodologies applied at energy management 5
unified platform: to implement various modeling techniques, assess the performance
of different models and select the most appropriate model for future prediction. Tso
and Yau (2007) have used regression analysis, decision tree and neural networks mod-
els for the prediction of electricity energy consumption. Model selection is based on
the square root of the average squared error. Figueiredo et al. (2005) presented an
electricity consumer characterization framework based on a knowledge discovery in
databases procedure, supported by data mining techniques. Lu et al. (2013) presented a
framework for predicting the electricity price, the price spike, the level of spike and the
associated forecast confidence level. The proposed model is based on a mining database
including market clearing price, trading hour, electricity demand, electricity supply and
Other efforts (Seem, 2007; Berglund et al., 2011) first extract the features from daily
energy consumption then use statistical methods to identify abnormally high or low
energy use. However, these methods relied on the assumption that the data is sampled
from a particular distribution, which may not hold true.
Literature in the energy management research field focused attention on developing
methods for reducing energy consumption and improving energy-aware decision-
making. No many works developed integration methods of complex data sets from
multiple information sources such as energy system, production system and enterprise
information systems. These data sets must be integrated with data streams collected
from wired and wireless sensors and meters in order to perform N-dimensional analy-
sis of energy performance data and to support the decision-making process of the end
users. Moreover, modern energy management systems incorporate data archival but
energy managers need assistance in extracting useful information from a large volume
of data compiled. In this context, this paper addresses this deficit by introducing a new
method for designing a Data Warehouse that can be useful to a production system that
aims at collecting big data. In our case study, data comes from many sources affected by
veracity problems and are provided with a different velocity. The energy management
framework proposed in this work is based on a data warehouse to store, integrate and
analyse the complex data sets in order to support multi-dimensional analysis of energy
performance data.
An approach is developed to integrate IoT-based energy management and company’s
information technology tools and platforms. This approach has been used in the case
study presented in the next section but it is a general framework that can be used in
every manufacturing company. The framework (Fig. 1) is a multi-layer model that
includes three layers: 1) data collection layer, 2) data management layer and 3) data
analytics layer. According to Haller et al. (2008), Internet of Things model has generally
been recognized as three layers. The bottom level is used to perceive sensory data; the
second layer is the network layer for data transmission; the top is the application layer.
In this perspective, Data Collection layer implements the first two layers of the Haller
architecture, while Data Management and Data Analytics layers belong to the Haller’s
application layer.
6 M. Bevilacqua et al. / Big data analytics methodologies applied at energy management
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Data collection layer adopts company existing information systems and devices, e.g.
RFID Reader (Manufacturing Execution System) and sensors (Workstations), to col-
lect various smart object’s data. With the fast development and pervasive application
of information technology in manufacturing, enterprise information systems such as
product data management (PDM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), computer-aided
design (CAD), computer aided process planning (CAPP), customer relationship man-
agement (CRM), and supply chain management (SCM) have been widely accepted and
applied by manufacturing enterprises. Different types of data require different data col-
lection strategies. Moreover, designing the layer require to define: (1) the machines that
will be monitored; (2) a list of required measures (active power, reactive power, etc.);
(3) the monitoring devices for each machine and its specifications; (4) the communi-
cation system; (5) where and how the data will be stored and analyzed. Furthermore,
the production processes have to be identified (e.g. production sequence, the process-
ing time for each product under different machine configuration), so as to link and
M. Bevilacqua et al. / Big data analytics methodologies applied at energy management 7
understand the energy consumption behavior and make the efficient decision. In the
case study proposed in next section, it is assumed that each individual sensor will
be assigned its own unique IP address and that the data will be transported through
the Internet infrastructure to cloud-based applications. One of the pillars of IoT is
cloud computing. According to Cook and Das (2004), cloud computing platforms pro-
vide two types of benefits: managed infrastructure services and a software framework
that simplifies the development of large-scale applications. Cloud computing builds
on the virtualization capabilities of modern computer systems to provide organiza-
tions with on-demand computing and storage capabilities. Through the use of fault
tolerant systems and geographically distributed data centers, it can ensure high avail-
ability. Most importantly, it ensures that updates and patches can be applied in a timely
Companies may benefit from cloud-based solutions without compromising security
using a multi-layered approach and private clouds. They may choose to manage their
own internally hosted data acquisition applications to collect data from their own private
network of devices and use some type of gateway application to push the data to a
cloud-based application for processing.
and transformed for reconciling possible semantic heterogeneities (e.g., synonyms and
homonyms, different representation of semantically equivalent concepts). Finally, data
are saved in the DW. For instance, RFID data are collected by sensors as a stream of
EPC format, which is the universal identifier for a physical object (Bevilacqua et al.,
2013). After transformation, data are structured in a table where each record contains
EPC, location, time in and time out. A DW is a system used in the enterprise to support
decision at strategic level, hence it provides a unique view of the entire organization,
including also external data. Furthermore, DW provides the access to current and his-
torical data, which are typically stored in aggregated form. Data stored in a DW are
used for creating analytical reports for knowledge workers throughout the enterprise.
Data in a DW are organized on the basis of the multidimensional model (Golfarelli
et al., 1998).
Data analytics layer is built based on data management and event processing. Various
object-based or event-based data mining services, such as classification, forecasting,
clustering, outlier detection, association analysis or pattern mining, are provided for
applications, e.g., supply chain management, inventory management and optimization
etc. The architecture of this layer is service-oriented. Smart meters and sensors enable
8 M. Bevilacqua et al. / Big data analytics methodologies applied at energy management
remote monitoring of energy consumption data across the factory. The data can then
be stored and analyzed. The results and warning messages can be delivered through
mobile applications to shop floor supervisor. Also, energy management experts can
make real-time assessment by having a clear picture of energy consumption in real
After collecting and analyzing data, in this phase data are exploited into energy
management tools (e.g. energy decision support system, simulation tools) to enable
the decision makers to enlighten possible waste of energy, where improvement can be
achieved, or select the most sustainable configuration mode of machines by considering
the production planning in order to improve energy efficiency. In this phase, decision
makers can also define strategies and practices to improve the energy efficiency of
the smart factory “by design”, for example by integrating energy data in production
management practices.
4. Case study
A case study was conducted to show the proposed method. The company analyzed
The production system of the company is strongly oriented to high technology prod-
ucts thanks to the presence of numerical control single and multiple spindle machines.
The company performs automatic CNC turning operations on different types of met-
als: Aluminum, Copper, Brass, steel ETG 100, quenched and tempered steel, Stainless
Steel, Alloy Steel. The company buildings cover an area of 5548 m2 and have an elec-
trical total annual consumption equal to 2,094,936 Mwh. Figure 2 shows the layout
of the production site. The company is made up of four operating areas: raw material
warehouse, processing departments, finishing and washing department, finished prod-
ucts warehouse; represented by spots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Fig. 2. Company departments
work 230 days per year in three shifts of eight hours/day. Machines set-up is carried
out exclusively during the morning shift.
Various sensors have been installed on production machines since 2015 to acquire
electrical measurements through single-phase and three-phase multimeters. The posi-
tion of the sensors is shown by the spots in Fig. 2. Low-cost sensors have been used
in order reduce the payback period of the investment. The meters are connected to
a gateway that links the Modbus network with Ethernet. A web platform has been
designed for acquisition, processing and presentation of energy and production data
according to Big Data paradigms. Indeed, the case study is a typical Vs-problem.
The velocity and volume is due to the number of acquisitions; in addition to the
10 meters shown in the Figure, we have one sensor for each active machine. Each
sensor collects three measures: active power, reactive power and energy consump-
tions. Although in the case study the sensors sampling rate is low, we like to note that,
the proposed framework is independent on the velocity of acquisition. Furthermore, as
shown in next subsection, we take into account different forms of data (variety): energy
sensors’ measures, production data from the ERP and manually inserted production
M. Bevilacqua et al. / Big data analytics methodologies applied at energy management 9
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Fig. 2. Company layout.
4.1. Data sources
In the case study, both information from the ERP and data from sensors has been
considered. From the former, the production plan has been extracted in order to be aware
of what has been produced and characteristics of the product, like name, description
and raw material. Sensors have been used to collect actual data: production events and
energy consumption.
A production event is characterized by an operator, which manages a specific pro-
duction phase, in a given time interval. Data about events has been collected using
several QR codes placed next to each machine; a QR code for both the beginning and
the end of each specific phase. In this case study, four phases have been identified:
set-up, warming-up, production and technical stoppage. Furthermore, stoppages are
further classified in sub-phases, namely machine tuning, changing tool, production
completed, separator replacement, plank manual replacement, and loading jam. The
operator, by scanning the QR code through a common reader, easily identifies the phase
or sub-phase and the system assigns the actual timestamp, so all information about the
event are collected.
Data about energy consumptions are collected by means of sensors which are able to
measure active power, reactive power and energy consumptions. Nine machines have
been coupled with an energy sensor. In order to ensure the economic sustainability of
the experiment, while ensuring the quality, the company has chosen to adopt sensors
that return accurate measurements but with low frequencies; the sampling time is
15 minutes. Chosen sensors return the cumulative values in the sampling interval of
active power, reactive power and energy consumption.
10 M. Bevilacqua et al. / Big data analytics methodologies applied at energy management
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. ER representation of sensor data schema: (a) production event, (b) energy consumption.
All data from sensors are sent to and stored in an enterprise data cloud. Figure 3 shows
the conceptualization made for data in the cloud using the Entity-Relationship (ER)
model, a reference model for conceptual design (Chen, 1976). Similarly, Fig. 4 shows
the portion of the ERP schema representing needed information about the production
plan. From Fig. 3(a), a production event is identified by the triple formed by code of
the machine, start and end date/time, and is characterized by the code of the article
that is being produced, the related order and the phase to which the event refers. As
regards energy consumption in Fig. 3(b), each sensor value is identified by the related
machine and the instant the measurement refers to; each measurement is formed by
three values: energy, active power and reactive power.
In Fig. 4, a production order describes the number of products (“quantity”) of a given
article that will be produced on a specific machine on the scheduled date (“SchedDate”).
A production order is identified by its number (“OrdNum”). Each article is character-
ized by a textual description, the code, and the raw material of which is made the
cylinder used in the lathe and its diameter. Finally, a production order is assigned to a
given machine, which is located in just one department.
Fig. 4. ER representation of the portion of the ERP schema representing the production plan.
M. Bevilacqua et al. / Big data analytics methodologies applied at energy management 11
4.2. Data Warehouse design
The first step of Data Warehouse design (Golfarelli et al., 1998; Kimball & Ross,
2002) is the integration of relevant portions of different data schemas. Conceptualiza-
tion in the form of ER schemas greatly simplify this step, allowing to easily identify
overlapping elements, conflicts in the representation of the same element, and/or missed
relationships between different schema fragments. For instance, it can be seen that a
machine is represented as a separate entity with its own attributes in ERP schema
(Fig. 4) while it is a simple attribute describing the name of the machine where a
Production Event takes place (Fig. 3(a)). The general strategy is to choose, among the
different conflicting representations, the most general one, that is the one that allows
accommodating the others as special cases (in the example, the machine as an entity).
Similar reasoning applies to other conflicting representation. A more critical issue is
the integration of Production Events (Fig. 3(a)) with their energy-related measures
(Sensor Value in Fig. 3(b)). Indeed, events refers to highly-variable (manually defined)
time intervals, while measurements are acquired every 15 minutes from 00 : 00 of each
day. Figure 5 shows an example of production event and measurement interval (i.e., the
time between two subsequent measurement instants). In the Figure, the start and end
time of a production event (i.e., a production interval) is represented using subscript
c, while the subscript p is used for measurements. In order to integrate data, we have
intersected intervals hence defining new events which inherit the production phase from
the corresponding production event and consumption values from measurement inter-
vals. In particular, energy (active power, reactive power) consumption for each interval
is computed as a fraction of the measured energy (active power, reactive power) that
is proportional to the length of the interval itself. The following formula is used to
(ti ) and RP
where Ê (ti ) , AP (ti ) are estimated energy, active power and reactive
power in the interval Ii respectively, E(tcx ), AP(tcx ) and RP(tcx ) are energy, active
power and reactive power measured by a sensor at the x-th instant, and tc(x+1) =
Fig. 5. An example of integration of consumption (tci ) and production event (tpj ) timelines.
12 M. Bevilacqua et al. / Big data analytics methodologies applied at energy management
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k · 15, k ∈ N|k ≥ ti+1
Fig. 6. The integrated schema.
would lead to a loss of information; indeed, during a fast production event (, like [tp2 ;
tp3 ]), no consumption values could be collected, hence we would not able to assign
estimated energy, active power and reactive power to the event. In these cases, we would
not be able to correctly perform all analysis (e.g. to evaluate energy consumption with
respect to production phases), hence resulting in low-quality DW.
The resulting integrated schema is shown in Fig. 6, where “Article” and “Machine”
attributes, of “Production Event” and “Sensor Value” respectively, have been reificated
by using the extended descriptions provided by the ERP schema.
Following the approach proposed by Golfarelli et al. (1998), next steps in Data
Warehouse design are related to the definition of multidimensional model elements,
namely the fact to be analysed, the analysis perspectives (or dimensions), the granu-
larity levels at which data are shown, and the measures by which the fact is evaluated.
The pivotal concept in the integrated schema, which is chosen as fact, is the “Event”.
Note that, one might think to keep the “Machine” at the center, but since multi-
ple events are related to the same machine, this design choice would lead to a DW
where each machine will have several phases and just aggregated consumption val-
ues (e.g., average), and the analyze of consumption with respect to the phases will be
Four dimensions have been selected: the machine where the production occurred,
the time when the event begins, the product and the production phase. Each dimension
M. Bevilacqua et al. / Big data analytics methodologies applied at energy management 13
is structured in a hierarchy of levels, where a part-of relation exists between members
of a level and members of a higher level (e.g., a machine is part of a department). In
this way, moving from a level to the higher one, the fact represents a wider portion of
data and corresponding measures’ values are aggregation of values returned at lower
level. The following hierarchies have been selected:
• Machine: department→ machine;
• Time: year→ month→ day→ time slot→ starting time;
• Product: article→ raw material;
• Phase: phase→ sub-phase;
In order to allow analysis at different granularity levels, the “Phase” and “Starting-
Time” attributes have been suitably expanded. Measures have been selected among
quantitative attributes of the fact. In particular:
• Total Energy: = sum(Ê)
• Total ActivePower: = sum(AP)
• Total ReactivePower: = sum(RP)
Time interval: = sum(δ)
Average Power: = Total Energy
Duration rre
The final star schema of the Data Warehouse is depicted in Fig. 7.
In order to populate the DW, an ETL process has been defined, which is able (a) to
extract useful data from sources (Figs. 3 and 4), (b) to transform them removing errors,
defining new time intervals and estimating new energy consumption values (as defined
above), (c) to load data into the DW (Fig. 7).
In particular, some errors could occur in source data due to failures of energy con-
sumption sensors and to the manual gathering of data about production events. In the
first case, measures detected by the sensor could be missing or out-of-the-range. In
the ETL process, they are replaced with values obtained by the same sensor in the
previous sampling interval. As regards production data, there are two main issues: 1)
the operator wrongly scans the begin of a phase before the end of the previous one;
2) the same system is used to record the end of a work shift, in this case we have a
production event which begins and ends at the same time. In the first case, usually the
operator quickly recognizes the error and scans the right code; hence, these kind of
issues are handled by reversing overlapping timestamps. Issues of the second kind are
simply removed, because they do not represent production events.
4.3. Analysis
OLAP analysis (Fig. 8) allows the company to divide the total machine tool power
in four power levels:
• Fixed power: power demand of all activated machine components ensuring the
operational readiness of the machine.
• Operational power: power demand to operate components.
• Tool tip power: power demand at tool tip to remove the workpiece material.
14 M. Bevilacqua et al. / Big data analytics methodologies applied at energy management
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• Unproductive power: power converted to heat mainly due to friction during the
material removal.
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Fig. 8. A screenshot of the OLAP analysis implemented using Mondrian.
Energy consumpƟon [kWh]
structure, buffers) as well as aspects like batch sizes, scheduling of orders (e.g. start
time, capacity allocation) or speed of production.
In this perspective, the electrical work can be reduced, for example by optimal uti-
lization of equipment and avoiding energy waste in idling machines or the selection of
16 M. Bevilacqua et al. / Big data analytics methodologies applied at energy management
appropriate machines for the specific manufacturing task. The avoidance of consump-
tion peaks is another important issue. From an economic perspective, peaks should
be avoided since they may cause cost surcharges in an electricity bill and production
interruptions. Other important aspects concern the possibility to shift the energy con-
sumption from day to night, because of less expensive energy price rates (e.g. base
time at night).
The results of this study can facilitate various applications for supporting an energy
aware design and control of process chains. Energy efficiency improvement requires
awareness of energy consumption behavior at production line and machine level. In
this context, smart meters provide real time data, and take decisions in collaboration
with company information systems. In the case study, combined with other information
systems, Internet of things played the role of data aggregation, improving management
capacity and efficiency. The core technology is the energy sensor network and computer
information processing, for building an advanced, powerful information acquisition
and processing platform. New data analytic model has been developed to integrate the
data collected from different sources: workstations energy consumption and marking
data of production progress from production site, electricity accounts from adminis-
trative office, material delivery date from suppliers, master production schedule from
production planning department and products codes, bill of materials, working times
and manufacturing cycle from technical department. The process commences by trans-
forming big data from original format to computer formats. It progresses with applying
big data operations towards achieving decision-making. We propose a big data man-
agement process flow as a layered component diagram that shows all steps big data
must undergo in order to accomplish the management process. The journey begins
with big data being transmitted from different sources to storage devices and continues
with the implementation of pre-processing, integration and analysis, amounting to the
decision-making endpoint.
There are some advantages of the proposed data analytics based method. First,
the machine energy patterns and characteristics can be discovered by this method,
while traditional methods can only show the statistical characteristics of the entire data
set. Second, different analysis perspectives can be adopted, focusing on products or
product types, or the whole production process, besides machines. Finally the approach
is flexible enough to allow the introduction of new sensors and/or measures, or new
kinds of analyses. We plan to exploit the system deployed to obtain further insights
about energy consumption profiles and patterns, also by applying different data analysis
techniques like clustering and predictive analytics techniques.
Abele, E., Eisele, C., & Schrems, S. (2012). Simulation of the energy consumption of machine tools for a
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