PMA: The Science of Success P 1

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PMA : The Science of Success p 1

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PMA : The Science of Success p 3
4 p PMA : The Science of Success

PMA is the symbol for A Positive Mental Attitude. A

Positive Mental Attitude is the right mental attitude for each
given set of circumstances. It is most often comprised of the plus
charac­teristics symbolized by such words as faith, integrity, hope,
optimism, courage, initiative, generosity, tolerance, tact, kindliness
and good common sense.*

Whatever The Mind of Man

The Mind of Man Can

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* From Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, by Napoleon Hill and

William Clement Stone [ISBN: 978-93-80494-36-4].
PMA : The Science of Success p 5

A Word
From the Author

n every chapter of this course, mention has been made of the
money-making secret which has made fortunes for hundreds of
exceedingly wealthy men whom I have carefully analyzed over
a long period of years.
The secret was brought to my attention by Andrew Carnegie,
more than half a century ago. The canny, lovable old Scotsman
carelessly tossed it into my mind, when I was but a boy. Then he
sat back in his chair, with a merry twinkle in his eyes, and watched
carefully to see if I had brains enough to understand the full
significance of what he had said to me.
When he saw that I had grasped the idea, he asked if I would
be willing to spend twenty years or more preparing myself to take
it to the world, to men and women who, without the secret, might
go through life as failures. I said I would, and with Mr. Carnegie’s
cooperation, I have kept my promise.

Napoleon Hill, 1928

6 p PMA : The Science of Success


apoleon Hill’s work has touched the lives of countless
thousands through his lectures, teachings, and prolific
writings. His internation­ally known books Think and
Grow Rich and The Law of Success have become the standards of
motivational literature against which all others are measured.
To make available in perpetuity the success principles he
spent a lifetime identifying and sharing with others, on August
21, 1962, Dr. Hill and his wife, Annie Lou, founded the Napoleon
Hill Foundation. A not-for-profit corporation, the Foundation’s
sole purpose is to continue to spread his philosophy of success
through the co-operation and support of others, rather than at
their expense.
The seventeen principles of success he quantified in his writings
and lectures aid not only the individual who practices them, but
all those with whom he comes in contact, as well. Those principles
along with his lifelong published works and yet unpublished
manuscripts, recordings, and courses comprise the legacy Dr. Hill
endowed in the Foundation.
Dr. Hill enjoyed close friendships with many of the turn-of-the-
century business leaders who played a significant role in shaping
the destiny of America and the world. Thomas Edison, Henry Ford,
Harvey Firestone, Theodore Roosevelt, and Alexander Graham Bell
were but a few who freely shared the secrets of how they attained
their success with Dr. Hill.
Andrew Carnegie so strongly believed in the universal principles
of success that he sponsored the research and writing that became
the first authoritative treatise on the subject, the Personal Success
Philosophy of Achievement by Napoleon Hill.
To carry on the rich legacy Dr. Hill left, we have decided to re-
release his personalized course for individual study, The PMA SoS
Course. This practical self-study program will help you thoroughly
understand and apply the seventeen principles of success in your
own life, to achieve any goal – however ambitious – you may set
for yourself.
To preserve the integrity of his work, the text of this course is
pre­sented unedited. Because of changes in customs and word use,
PMA : The Science of Success p 7

the lan­guage may sometimes appear dated, but the underlying

principles are as valid today as they were when these universal
truths, presented in Dr. Hill’s own dynamic and forceful style, first
captivated his readers.
His frequent use of the masculine gender should be interpreted
to connote mankind, rather than men. No one would have been
prouder of the advances the women’s movement has made in
recent years than Dr. Hill. He advocated equal rights and equal
opportunity for all people long before it was fashionable.
The success philosophy that Napoleon Hill presents in this
course and in his other works have withstood the test of time. His
principles of success have changed the lives of millions of men and
women from all walks of life. They can change yours, if you only
let them. The choice is yours.

8 p PMA : The Science of Success


n looking back over the more than forty years since I first
interviewed Andrew Carnegie, it is exceedingly difficult for
me to select the men and women who have played the most
important parts in the development of The Science of Success.
Andrew Carnegie has first place on my list of those to whom
I owe en­during gratitude, because it was he who originated the
idea of giving to posterity the knowhow by which successful men
have attained success, and it was he who sponsored my research
when I was organizing the data which was needed for The
Science of Success. Although Andrew Carnegie did not live to see
the completion of the work he inspired, his influence goes on to
benefit millions of people not yet born. In preparing these lessons,
I interviewed, visited and collaborated with more than 500 famous
men and women who have boldly written their names across the
pages of history. I wish to express my deepest admiration for the
persons discussed on the following pages. They have impressed
me more strongly than mere words can tell, and have contributed
more to this work than I can state. I regret that I have had to limit
my writing to the highlights of their illustrious careers.
There are many additional men and women of achievement
whom I should have indeed liked to include, had my space not
been so limited. Many of them gave generously of their time and
experiences, revealing, in many instances for the first time, the
innermost secrets of their lives. To them I wish to express my undying
gratitude, and I ask their kind consideration. I want personally to
thank all who gave so much, who wished to pass their successes on
to others so that no one who really wanted should do without that
which he or she could have. May it always remain steadfast in the
hearts and minds of all who are here to read: Whatever the mind of
man can CONCEIVE and BELIEVE, the mind of man can ACHIEVE!

Napoleon Hill

Nature yields her most profound secrets to the

person who is determined to uncover them.
PMA : The Science of Success p 9

A How To Study This Course a


– Napoleon Hill

apoleon Hill taught the hundreds of thousands of people
who read his books – studied his PMA Science of Success
Course and/or attended his lectures – the true meaning of
this premise. By studying this Course as it is meant to be studied,
you too will DEVELOP SUCCESS HABITS. It is urged that:

As you study this course, study it for a purpose.

Continually SEARCH the course for ways to achieve your goals
and/or how to solve your problems.
CONCENTRATE as you study. Study as though Napoleon Hill has
personally written to you – and you alone.
Recognizing, Relating, Assimilating and Applying the
principles, techniques and ideas that this course provides to
you. (a HOW TO explanation of this concept is also enclosed
with these recommendations for study).
important that you study with a pen or pencil in hand – ready
to underscore or jot down in the “Notes” column of your
lessons, anything of interest; a flash of inspiration or an
answer to your problem. This principle also applies to any
books or articles you may read, lectures you attend, or from
watching films or television.
The universal principles contained in your PMA Science of Success
Course are designed to stimulate the imaginative faculties of
your brain and nervous system so that they will create new
and useable ideas for you. As you study, ask yourself, “WHAT
You should be alert for each “HOW TO” as well as its component,
10 p PMA : The Science of Success

“WHAT TO DO,” as there is a direct relationship between the

two. The answers are there!
Develop good study habits. Set aside a specific time each day to
study your lessons. We recommend studying approximately
15 minutes a day. Make certain that it is a time that your
mind is most alert and receptive to new ideas. Discipline
yourself to STUDY EVERY DAY – never allowing yourself to
skip days.
Choose a location to study where you will be comfortable and
unlikely to be disturbed. Try using the same place every
When starting each new lesson, we recommend that you read it
through from start to finish – stopping only to mark what
you feel is important; what you would like to memorize. Or,
put a question mark by the statements that you don’t quite
understand. This is also an excellent time to jot down any
inspiring ideas or potential solutions to problems that you
might have. Try hard to complete the lesson before you stop
Always keep in mind your Definite Action Plan; read and study
your lesson once again, making certain that you comprehend
the information in each paragraph. Look up all words that
you do not understand in your dictionary being certain to
note their SYNONYMS.
You will find it helpful to reread each lesson a third time. It will
help reinforce what you already have learned and to perhaps
memorize self-motivators that now appeal to you.

The way of success is the way to action, based upon

organized thinking followed by action, action,

To fully achieve the goals of your life, STUDY – THINK

– PLAN and APPLY the PRINCIPLES that this course will
provide for you. Once you have SUCCESSFULLY completed
the seventeen lessons contained in your PMA Science of
Success Course, you will find that your subconscious mind will
always react positively for you. THEN AND ONLY THEN
PMA : The Science of Success p 11

How To Recognize, Relate,

Assimilate and Apply Success

the PMA Principles is the Power that will open any door, meet
any challenge, overcome any obstacle and help you to achieve
success, wealth, health, happiness and the true riches of life.
The PMA Science of Success Course is comprised of seventeen
Fundamental Principles that have stood the test of time. A
PRINCIPLE is a basic truth – a Universal Law that does not change.
We can compare Self-Help Principles to an orchestra which is
composed of different sections – strings, brass, woodwinds, and
percussion. Together, they complement each other and produce a
melodious, full and pleasant sound. Likewise, Self-Help Principles
are independent–they can stand alone because of their values.
Each one is helpful to successful living. When they are combined,
they form a PMA Action Philosophy with Successful Results.
You are the Maestro. The ability to RECOGNIZE, RELATE,
ASSIMILATE and USE the PMA principles is your baton. Use it – and
blend the Success Principles into a meaningful and productive life.
Like any formula, it is made up of individual parts. Let’s analyze
each ingredient:

R ECOGNIZE . . . is to identify the principle, idea or


R ELATE . . . is to connect or join together; to establish

a relationship to your own life.

A SSIMILATE . . . is to make similar or alike; to

incorporate; to absorb; to become a part of you . . .
your thinking, your action.

A CTION . . . is to denote USE: follow-through; doing.

Each ingredient is important and has special meaning; but, when

combined, they become a Formula for your Success. By using the
formula, you will be able to focus the spotlight on the Success
Principles that have directed and guided Napoleon Hill and many
other successful men in achieving their objectives. The same
principles can and will help you achieve your Definite Major Goals
in Life.
12 p PMA : The Science of Success




First of all, you need a MENTAL SUCCESS REFLEX, a
trigger phrase that will immediately direct your mind when you
RECOGNIZE a Success Principle, Idea or Technique . . .

RECOGNIZE: I RECOGNIZE the principle, idea or
technique that is being used. It helped someone else – I
can see the results – it will work for me – if I use it. –
RELATE: Ask yourself, “What will the success principle,
idea or technique do for ME?” IMPORTANT: You must
RELATE it to yourself. Start with the most important living
person as far as you are concerned – YOU.
PROBLEMS? How can I absorb them into my behavior
so that they become a part of me? How can I develop a
success habit–a success reflex so that the right thing will
be done?”
I going to start?” Ask yourself this important question and
then follow through with the self-starter: DO IT NOW! Yes,

The R2A2 FORMULA should become so ingrained in your

mind that you can RECOGNIZE Success Principles, ideas or
techniques from listening to a sermon, reading a newspaper or
magazine article, from reading a self-help book, by listening to
an inspirational recording, by studying the lives of great men and
many other sources. Remember, Develop and Use your own
success reflex – THAT’S FOR ME!
PMA : The Science of Success p 13

Definiteness of Purpose

Successful people move on their own initiative, but

they know where they are going before they start.

1. Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.

Re­member this statement, because you will hear a lot about it
before you are through with this lesson and this course. Definiteness
of purpose is the starting point of all achievement, and it is the
stumbling block of ninety-eight out of every hundred persons
because they never really define their goals and start toward them
with definiteness of purpose.
2. Think of it! Ninety-eight percent of the people of the world
are drift­ing aimlessly through life without the slightest idea of
the work for which they are best fitted, and with no conception
whatsoever even of the need for such a thing as a definite objective
toward which to strive. This is one of the tragedies of civilization.
It was Andrew Carnegie’s recognition of this tragedy that inspired
him to influence some five hundred great Ameri­can leaders of
industry and business to collaborate in the organization of this
philosophy of individual achievement.
3. You may be surprised to learn that of the more than thirty-
five thousand persons who studied this philosophy, only two out of
every hundred had anything even remotely akin to definiteness of
purpose – and that two percent are the ones who are succeeding.
Among that two percent are men such as Henry Ford, Henry J.
Kaiser, Frank Vanderlip, Earl Nightingale and Lee Braxton. They
are the people who did not settle with life for anything short of what
they wanted.
4. As a student, will you resolve that from this day forward
you will not settle with life for anything short of what you want?
14 p PMA : The Science of Success

Will you do that? These are not just idle words. That definiteness
of purpose is the starting point of achievement has been the
observation of thinking people over the centuries.
5. It has been proved many times that if a person is really
determined to get a thing, he can get it. If you have the ambition
to start making life pay off on your own terms, this course can
stimulate your thinking and awaken your desire for definiteness of

6. At this point, let’s discuss ideas. Ideas begin as the result
of definite­ness of purpose. Did you know that ideas are what make
the world go around? Ideas are the only assets which have no
fixed values. Men of all ages and in all parts of the world have
recognized ideas as of prime importance. There is an old oriental
proverb which puts it this way:
“If you would plant for days – plant flowers;
If you would plant for years – plant trees;
If you would plant for eternity – plant ideas!”
7. Ah, yes, indeed – ideas. This course has been organized
for the pur­pose of inducing a flow of ideas through your mind.
It is intended to introduce you to your other self (the self which
has a vision of your innate spiritual powers and will not accept
or recognize failure) – and to arouse your determination to go
forth and claim that which is rightfully yours. The material in
these lessons comes from practical businessmen who acquired it
the hard way – by the trial and error method. These men lifted
themselves, in many cases, from dire poverty to high estates and
adequate fortunes through its application.

8. Here is a valuable secret that you should know: The
most important part of the lesson is not written on these pages,
but is already in your own mind! You can learn how to harness
the stupendous potential power of your own mind, and how to
organize the knowledge you already have and turn it into the
power necessary for the attainment of your major purpose in life.
9. From the thoughts expressed in these lessons, your mind – if
you are ready – will grasp an idea that may well mark the turning
point in your entire life! Somewhere in these lessons you will find
PMA : The Science of Success p 15

yourself – that other self which will throw off the chains of all
the limitations which have bound you. It will reveal to you the
giant genius of power asleep in your own mind, which needs only
some outside stimulus to awaken it. This course is designed for
the purpose of supplying that awakening force. It will come in the
form of an idea that you will pick up as you read and think!
10. The immortal Ralph Waldo Emerson, considered by many
to be the greatest thinker America has ever produced, expressed
his estimate of an idea thus:
“One single idea may have greater weight than the
labor of all the men, animals and engines for a century.”
11. Let us examine a few of the outstanding achievements of
mankind and see how ideas backed with definiteness of purpose
have changed this world of ours.


12. The first talking machine was nothing but an abstract
idea in the mind of Thomas A. Edison until he applied to it the
principles to be ex­plained in this lesson. Mr. Edison, familiar with
these principles, took his idea of a machine that would record and
reproduce the human voice and instrumental music and, with
definiteness of purpose, turned the idea over to his subconscious
mind, where it was projected into that vast reservoir of creative
power which we call Infinite Intelligence.* Infinite Intelligence,
operating through his subconscious mind, flashed back to him the
plans for making it a mechanical reality. As we go along, we shall
explain how you, too, can avail yourself of this tremendous power
for the solving of your problems and the realization of your ideas,
provided you really have definiteness of purpose.

13. The motion picture camera also originated as an idea, in
the fertile imagination of Thomas Edison. And this idea, backed
with definiteness of purpose, was translated into reality. The two
inventions, the talking machine and the motion picture camera and

*The eminent power which pervades every cell of matter, animate and
inanimate, in the entire universe and which in orthodox re­ligion is called
God. In order not to offend anyone’s particular religious beliefs and to stay
clear of the controversial subject of religion, we allude to this unseen power
as “Infinite Intelligence.”
16 p PMA : The Science of Success

projector, when put together, formed the basis for our marvelous
present-day motion pictures.


14. The Rotary Club movement began as an idea conceived
in the mind of Paul Harris, a lawyer who was seeking a way of
extending his personal acquaintanceship for the purpose of
building up his law practice without violating the ethics of the legal
profession. It was just a simple idea, born in an humble heart. But
it was backed with definiteness of purpose. So the idea grew until
today it circles the earth and brings men of nearly every nationality
together in a spirit of friendly fellowship.


15. Indeed the very discovery of this great New World came
about as a result of an idea germinated in the mind of an humble
sailor, who backed it with definiteness of purpose. Think for a moment
of the importance and far-reaching effects for all mankind of this
single idea. America now holds a position of eminence among the
nations of the world and holds aloft the ideal of human freedom
and the right of the individual to be self-determining. Thus a single
idea extended to its ultimate conclusion may well influence the
entire human family.

16. Another idea which has transformed mankind’s mode of
living was the object of one of the most fascinating games which
men of science ever played. This was the idea that an invisible
opportunity – a rich scientific prize – was hidden in the air. It
had been hinted that a power in the atmosphere could carry the
communications of men. Edison and Tesla in America, Hertz in
Germany, Kelvin, Lodge, Crookes, Fleming in Eng­land, Branly of
France, Popoff in Russia, each played his hand in this greatest of
games. Fate, however, stacked the deck in such a way that a young
man in Italy held the trump cards, and he played them as if in­
spired. Signor Guglielmo Marconi stepped boldly and fearlessly
across the threshold approached by others and claimed the
prize. You know the rest of the story. Marconi wireless was the
forerunner of greater miracles. Dr. Lee DeForest, by discovering
and developing the vacuum tube, trans­formed wireless into radio
PMA : The Science of Success p 17

and made possible that giant industry with its allied fields of radar
and television. And there are almost limitless oppor­tunities and
possibilities yet to be explored.


17. This lesson would not be complete without mention of
another idea which is engaging the minds of men throughout the
whole world today. It started in the minds of individual physicists
who first suggested that the atom, long considered the smallest
particle of matter, was actually a reproduction of the vast universe
which unfurls before our eyes on a starry night. What an idea!
Everyone had always thought that steel and iron and wood were
solid. Then along came men who said they were not solid at all,
but a moving mass of particles, widely separated from one another,
and whirling around at a terrific rate of speed. Actually, they said,
there is not very much matter at all. There is more “space” than
there are particles, and the space is filled with electrical energy
which can be re­leased for useful purposes. We are discovering how
to do it. This is the beginning of the thinking which led to the
smashing of the atom. Un­fortunately, man seems always to turn
new forces to destructive purposes until later refinement makes
them available for beneficial purposes. Let us hope that there will
be no further need for events such as occurred at Hiroshima, but
that the great potentialities of man’s next development may be
turned to the curing of disease, the reclaiming of desert wastes, the
liberation of men from want and privation!


18. Christianity, one of the greatest powers for good known to
the world, was planted in the minds of many by Christ, who dwelt
among us as a humble carpenter. So powerful was His idea that,
through continued application of the principles of definiteness of
purpose, it has gone march­ing onward for nearly two thousand
years. And its spread is related to the ultimate purposes of the
As he thinketh in his heart, so is he.
(Proverbs 23:7)
18 p PMA : The Science of Success

19. In summarizing this section on ideas, let us emphasize the
fact that ideas arise from definiteness of purpose. They form the
foundations of all fortunes, the starting points of all inventions.
They have mastered the air above us and the waters of the ocean
around us. They have enabled us to harness and use the energy
known as the ether. There can be no evolution of any idea without
a starting point in the form of definiteness of purpose. Hence
this principle takes first position in the philosophy of personal

Such as are thy habitual thoughts, so also will be the character

of thy mind, for the soul is dyed by the thoughts.
(Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor and stoic philosopher)


20. There are certain factors which enter into this subject of
definiteness of purpose that may be classified as mental. Other factors
might be classi­fied as spiritual, and others might be classified as
economic. We are going to analyze each one of these factors so that
you will have a complete and thorough understanding of them,
to the end that you may take full ad­vantage of the benefits of this
great principle of individual achievement. There are seven big
ideas around which this analysis will center.


21. The starting point of all individual achievement is the adoption
of a definite major purpose and a specific plan for its attainment.
22. As soon as you have decided on your definite major purpose,
you can expect to enjoy some advantages. These advantages come
almost auto­matically.

23. Definiteness of purpose develops:
1. Self-reliance 2. Personal Initiative
3. Imagination 4. Enthusiasm
5. Self-discipline 6. Concentration of Effort
24. All of these are required for material success. As we proceed
in this and subsequent lessons, we shall discuss in detail just what
PMA : The Science of Success p 19

is meant by these qualities and how they are acquired, developed

and made a part of your equipment for success.

25. Specialization. Definiteness of purpose encourages you to
specialize, and specialization leads to perfection. Your success
in life will depend a great deal on your specialization. Andrew
Carnegie believed in speciali­zation. He was firmly of the opinion
that, regardless of one’s vocation or definite major purpose, he
must eventually specialize. General education is advisable until
you have selected your purpose in life. When you have found the
right combination of your own basic aptitudes (physical and mental
capacities) and desires (likes and dislikes) and the corresponding
opportunity to utilize them, you should immediately begin to
acquire specialized knowledge in your major interest field (the
things you most want to do). Definiteness of purpose has a way
of magnetizing the mind so as to attract to you the specialized
knowledge necessary for success.

26. Budgeting of time and money. Definiteness of purpose will
induce you to budget your time and money and to plan all of your
day-to-day endeavors so they will lead to the attainment of your
major purpose. Time budgeting always pays dividends, because
each unit of time is made to yield a corresponding unit of progress
toward the goal. Money is used to best advantage to maintain the
standard of living established and to assure the passage of certain
mileposts along the road to ultimate success. This may call for the
possession of specific amounts of money at definite times.

27. Alerts the mind to opportunities: Gives courage for action.
Definite­ness of purpose alerts your mind to recognize opportunities
related to the object of your major purpose, and it inspires the
necessary courage to act upon these opportunities when they
appear. Here are examples of this from the lives of men who are
well known to everyone.
28. One of them is Edward Bok. He was the man who came from
Holland as a small boy, not even speaking the English language,
became editor of Ladies Home Journal, the greatest magazine of
20 p PMA : The Science of Success

its kind in the world. But he didn’t get there in a single stride, you
may be sure. He kept his mind alert to every opportunity along
the way which would serve his purpose. In his famous book, The
Americanization of Edward Bok, he gives the details of his rise
from dire poverty and ignorance to a place of eminence in the
world of letters. So powerful has been the influence of this book
on American life that many have said it might better be called the
“Bokanization of America.”
29. While still very young, Mr. Bok started writing to famous
Americans whose names he read in the encyclopedia. Many of these
people, amused or amazed at his nerve and originality, replied.
He gathered their replies into what became the most valuable
collection of personal letters from famous people in this country.
His collection attracted the attention of the newspapers who sent
their top-notch reporters to interview him, and they sought his
permission to publish the more famous of his letters. All the while
though, Bok realized that his hobby was costing him money rather
than earning for him, so he decided to do something about it.
30. For the moment, his major purpose became that of making
some money out of the wide acquaintanceship with famous people
which his letter-writing had made possible. His mind immediately
became alerted with this definiteness of purpose. Now note carefully
what happened.
31. One day he saw a man open a new box of cigarettes and take
out of it a picture which he threw on the floor. When the man had
gone, young Bok picked up the picture, which was a photograph of
some famous actress of the day with a suggestion to the purchaser
that it was one of a series which, if collected, would soon form a
complete set of pictures of famous persons. Bok turned the piece of
paper over and noticed that the back side of it was perfectly plain.
His alert mind immediately saw this as an opportunity to fulfill
his major purpose. He recognized that the value of the enclosure
would be greatly enhanced if the blank space were de­voted to a
brief biography of the person pictured. He sought out the cigarette
manufacturer and learned the name of the lithograph firm which
printed the enclosures. He proceeded immediately to this firm and
ex­plained his idea to the manager. The manager promptly said,
I’ll give you ten dollars apiece if you will write me a one-hundred-
word biography of one hundred famous Americans. Send me a list,
and group them, as, for instance: presidents and vice-presidents,
famous soldiers, actors, authors, etc.”
32. Thus came Bok’s first literary assignment. Soon the
PMA : The Science of Success p 21

demand for his short biographies became so great that he could

not do all the writing himself, so he offered his brother five dollars
apiece for all that he would write. Before long he had five writers
busy turning out biographies for the lithograph presses. Bok, of
course, cast himself in the role of editor, which was to indicate the
direction his future life would take.
33. This is just one example of how a mind alerted by
definiteness of purpose recognizes opportunities and inspires the
courage necessary to seize upon such opportunities when they are
presented. Mr. Bok’s life was filled to the brim with such incidents.
One more will suffice to illus­trate the point.
34. One night young Bok was at the theater. It was the custom
then for men to leave the ladies and go out for a smoke or a drink
between acts. The ladies had little to do except read the program.
Bok turned his at­tention to the program and noticed it was large
and cumbersome, poorly printed and generally very unattractive.
He conceived the idea of making a smaller program, one which
could be more conveniently held in the hand, and including in it
some interesting reading matter. Next day he pre­pared a dummy
of his idea and discussed it with the theater manager. Also, he
pointed out that where previously the programs had cost the
theater money, he would supply such programs free of cost, for the
ex­clusive rights. Bok then formed a partnership with a friend who
had more extensive experience in publishing and advertising than
himself. Realizing that their idea might be copied, Bok proceeded
to get exclusive rights from all the theaters. The business flourished
and this publishing alliance eventu­ally went into the regular
magazine field and created what was later known as the American
35. You will notice that young Bok indeed exhibited definiteness
of purpose and profited by the alertness of his mind which resulted.
He later pioneered what we know as the syndicated column in our
daily news­papers. He conceived the innovation of the “Woman’s
Page,” and eventually, of course, became perhaps one of the
greatest molders of feminine opinion in the world.
If you can see an opportunity as quickly as you can
see the faults of others, you will soon be rich.

36. Develops the capacity to reach decisions. Definiteness of
purpose tends to develop the capacity to reach decisions quickly
22 p PMA : The Science of Success

and firmly. Suc­cessful people make decisions quickly (as soon as

all the facts are avail­able) and change them very slowly (if ever).
Unsuccessful people make decisions very slowly, and change them
often and quickly. Read that last statement again. Ponder over it.
Copy it down on a separate piece of paper and pin it up in some
conspicuous spot where you will see it often. It is a very valuable
key, so valuable, in fact, that if you received no other idea from
this lesson, you would have received full value for your tuition.
Remember the fact stated at the beginning – only two people out
of a hundred are ever able to make up their minds what it is they
want in life. The reason is, they cannot make a decision.
37. We could take you into the office of a man who is quite
well known because of his active membership in a popular lodge,
and show you his desk. In one corner, there is an accumulation of
magazines published to his trade, dating back for months. They
contain articles he’s going to read “some day.” In the center of his
desk is an array of odds and ends, includ­ing samples of materials
used in the conduct of his business, which he re­quested salesmen
to submit and the purchase of which he is going to make “some
day.” On the right-hand corner, there is a pile approximately a foot
high of letters, file folders, ragged newspaper clippings, and other
pieces of scratch paper with notes on them, which is what is left of
a proposed advertising campaign that has been hanging fire for a
long time and is no nearer actual adoption and carrying out than it
was when presented to him.
38. This man is supposed to be an executive of a municipal
utility, and he earns a modest sum because his desk is indicative
of his mind in gen­eral. He has never been able to make a decision.
He manages by crisis. That is, when things have drifted along to
a point where something simply must be done, he makes some
temporary arrangement to bridge the gap and then crawls back
into the comfortable rut of procrastination. From a lengthy study
of this man’s mind one would feel sure that he is mentally capable
of earning several times his present salary; but he will not disci­
pline his mind to make decisions when the facts are available. This
point has been stressed, because it is a little thing that makes a big
difference between the ninety-eight who drift through life without
purpose and the two who become the leaders and the doers and
who set the pace of the progress of our world.
39. You may wonder how to start overcoming this terrible habit
of avoid­ing decisions. The way to develop decisiveness is to start
right where you are with the very next question you face. Make
PMA : The Science of Success p 23

a decision. Make any decision. Any decision is better than none.

Start making up your mind. If you make some mistakes at first,
take courage – your batting average will improve. Knowing what
you want will help in making decisions, of course, because you can
always judge whether or not it will contribute to the overall picture
you hold of your life plan.

40. Inspires the cooperation of others. Not only does definiteness
of purpose develop confidence in your own integrity and character,
it attracts the favorable attention of other people and inspires their
41. A Californian told a story which is very worthwhile
repeating. It is about a young married man who lived there with
his family. Roy had been a precision craftsman for years and during
the war was employed as a tool maker in a large war plant. When
V-E Day came around, Roy decided to obey an urge he had long
suppressed – he decided to try selling.
42. Any of you who are familiar with the selling field know
full well the difficulties salesmen had after the war due to material
shortages. About all any salesman could do was show the customer
a picture in the catalogue and express a hope. Roy started as a
salesman by bumping his head against stone walls on almost every
hand. This, at times, became discouraging.
43. One day, during one of these periods of discouragement,
Roy dropped by the office of a friend and poured out his troubles.
He said he was almost on the verge of deciding that he had made
a mistake – that maybe he should not try to be anything but a
bench worker. He was seriously think­ing of quitting this job he had
dreamed about.
44. At this point his friend interrupted the conversation to
say: “Now look here, Roy, if you are really a salesman, you should
develop that trait. Let me tell you about a book which contains
some very potent ideas that can help you make a wise decision.
The name of the book is Think And Grow Rich, written by Napoleon
Hill, and I strongly urge you to read it. I am going on a vacation
for the next two weeks. When I get back, let me know what you
45. The very day on which his friend returned home, the
telephone rang and Roy was on the wire anxious to come over
for a chat. A few minutes later, a brand new shiny car rolled into
24 p PMA : The Science of Success

his driveway. Roy got out waving his arms and shouting, “What a
46. Hardly waiting to say hello, Roy excitedly said, “That book
you recom­mended sure has dynamite in it! See that new car? I got
it while you were away as a result of reading that book. Here is
what happened:
47. “As I walked into the showroom, I saw a car just like the
one I wanted and I made up my mind I would have it; in fact, I
could already feel myself driving it down the street. Another thing:
I had heard about the rackets rampant among automobile dealers –
that in order to get a new car you had to hand them a sizeable gift
under the table, take a terrific loss on your old car, and buy many
extras. I had conditioned my mind according to the instructions in
the book, and I refused to accept these limitations. I made up my
mind that I was going to get a clean, legitimate deal, or none at
all. To make a long story short, within a week I got delivery of the
car I wanted. It was no surprise to me, for I had every confidence
that I would do just that. But apparently it did surprise every­one
else – including the dealer himself. As I was about to drive away
he asked me, ‘Mister – do you know why it is that you are getting
this preferential delivery on your car?’ I looked quizzically back at
him, wondering what his point was. Then he said, ‘I want you to
know the reason. It is because when you walked into my office for
the very first time, I sensed or felt something different about you
that I have never experienced before with any of my customers.
Something in the way you walked and in your attitude made me
feel that you really needed the car, and that you were determined to
get it. Your self-confidence so inspired me that I decided I would
do all I possibly could to see that your desire was fulfilled. That’s
why you’re driving away a car today.’ ”
48. What’s the pay-off on this story? That young man walked
with definiteness of purpose and he had conditioned his mind so
thoroughly that the automobile dealer subconsciously picked it up
and acted in accordance with a positive suggestion.
49. This is a simple story, but it reveals a precious secret. You
may draw your own conclusions as to what the secret is. The most
profound truths are wrapped up in simple incidents which escape
the notice of most people. This is not the end of this story: Roy has
completely changed his habits of thinking. He left the first sales
job which was proving so dis­appointing, and within a week after
getting the new car, he was offered five different selling positions,
each one of which held greater oppor­tunities. As Roy expressed it,
PMA : The Science of Success p 25

“I carry this book around with me and when­ever I feel that I am

slipping, I pull over to the side of the road and read a chapter, and
it puts me back on the right track.”
50. Definiteness of purpose does indeed inspire the cooperation
of others. The man who knows where he is going and is determined
to get there will always find willing helpers along the way.

51. Prepares the mind for faith. Greatest of all the benefits of
definiteness of purpose is that it opens the way for the full exercise
of that state of mind known as faith. It makes the mind positive
and frees it from the limitations of fear, doubt, discouragement,
indecision and procrastination. Doubt usually results in alibis,
excuses, apologies for failure.
52. Nearly everyone agrees that discouragement is the keenest
tool in the devil’s tool kit. We have emphasized the dire results
of permitting indecision to leave you forever on the fence, letting
others do your thinking. Procrastination is another deadly form
of this same weakness. It is the common weakness of mankind
and is overcome only by persistence and strict self-discipline. More
information on this subject will be given in a future lesson dealing
with self-control and habit.

53. Provides a success consciousness. Definiteness of purpose
provides you with success consciousness and protects you against
the influence of failure consciousness. Through the application
of a principle to be dis­cussed under the third big idea, the mind
becomes sold on succeeding and refuses to accept the possibility
of failing.
54. Here’s a true story illustrating how success consciousness
launched a young man into a growing industry in a novel and
dramatic way, and caused him to lead his entire field with new
ideas. This young man lived in Salt Lake City several decades ago.
He was an industrious fellow who worked hard and saved his
money. All his friends admired his thrift. Then he did something
which caused many of his acquaintances to shake their heads and
question his good sense. He took all of his hard earned money,
amounting to over $4,000, out of the bank one day, went to New
York City to the automobile show, and spent every cent of it for
a new car. As if this were not a sufficient display of apparent
26 p PMA : The Science of Success

foolishness, when he got the new automobile home he put it in

his garage, jacked up all four wheels and proceeded to take the
car apart, piece by piece, until he had the whole shop littered with
parts. After carefully examining each part, he put the car together
again. Folks who saw only his outward action felt that he was just
plain wacky. He gave them still further reason to tap their heads
and point at him in derision, for he repeated the process of taking
the machine apart and reassembling it not once, but many times.
55. In a few years, those who had scoffed became convinced of
his good sense. For that young man was Walter P. Chrysler and when
he began making automobiles, his product led the entire industry
in worthwhile improvements and innovations which increased the
joy of motoring. Little had the casual observers known what had
been going on in the young man’s mind. They had lacked the insight
and understanding necessary to see a method in his madness. They
had never heard of a man’s definiteness of purpose conditioning
his mind and deliberately making him success conscious, before he
ventured into business.
56. Mr. Chrysler had studied his new car in his Salt Lake City
garage, and had saturated his mind with the good and bad features
of it. He was thus prepared to do an outstanding job of designing
and building a car bearing his own name. Walter P. Chrysler proved
the value of definiteness of purpose. His rise to fame and fortune
was not left to chance. He knew where he was going and he prepared
himself adequately and carefully for the journey.


57. All individual achievements are the result of a motive or
a combina­tion of motives. The ten basic motives which inspire all
voluntary action are discussed here.
1. The desire for self-preservation
2. The emotion of love
3. The emotion of fear
4. The emotion of sex
5. The desire for life after death
6. The desire for freedom of body and mind
7. The desire for revenge
8. The emotion of hate
9. The desire for self-expression and recognition
10. The desire for material gain
54 p PMA : The Science of Success

The Master Mind

No man can become a permanent success

without taking others along with him.

1. The principle we shall discuss in this lesson has been referred

to as the very hub or axis of the entire Science of Success philosophy.
It is the principle which makes it possible for an individual, through
association with others, to acquire and utilize all the knowledge
needed for the attain­ment of any desired goal in life.
2. To begin with, the master mind principle consists of an
alliance of two or more minds working in perfect harmony for the
attainment of a common definite objective. That is about as brief a
definition of the master mind as can be given.
3. No one has ever attained outstanding success in any calling
without applying the master mind principle. This is because no one
mind is com­plete by itself. All truly great minds have been reinforced
through contacts with other minds. Every mind needs association
and contact with other minds in order to grow and expand. The
greatest minds, however, are the result of understanding and
deliberately using this master mind principle.
Remember: Friendship and harmonious cooperation are price­-
less assets which can be acquired only by giving them in return.
There are fundamental rules in connection with this subject
which we will analyze one at a time.

4. The master mind principle is a practical medium through
which you may appropriate and use the full benefits of the
experience, training, edu­cation, specialized knowledge and native
intelligence of others as com­pletely as if they were your own.
PMA : The Science of Success p 55

5. The master mind principle is a method of applying the

assets of others to whatever end you may wish to pursue through
a mutually beneficial association. It will enable you to overcome
practically every obstacle stand­ing in the way of the attainment
of your major purpose, regardless of how high you are aiming or
what your background or education may have been, if you use it
One cannot succeed and remain successful
without the friendly cooperation of others.
Here are a few examples, taken at random:
6. The Geologist. Through appropriating the specialized
knowledge of the geologist, we can understand the history and
structure of the earth on which we live without actually being
trained in geology.
7. The Chemist. Through the experience and knowledge of a
chemist, you can make practical use of chemistry without being a
trained chemist.
8. Other Scientists. Through the knowledge and skill of
scientists, tech­nicians, physicists and practical engineers, you can
become a successful inventor, as did Thomas A. Edison, with no
specific training in any of these subjects. Mr. Edison had only three
months of formal schooling in his entire life, and yet in his work as
an inventor he made use in one way or another of practically all of
the natural sciences.
9. Mankind’s Accumulated Knowledge. You can make full use
of the acquired knowledge of mankind, and an education, without
possessing either, through a friendly and mutually beneficial
alliance with others who have the information you specifically
need. There are many of you who have ideas that you would like
to carry out, but who do not have the courage to try because you
feel that you lack some form of knowledge. Perish the thought
that you cannot carry out any idea you have! Through the master
mind principle you can benefit by an alliance with the knowl­edge
of other people.
10. Success Rules. Through the application of the master mind
princi­ple you can appropriate and use the entire philosophy of the
Science of Success without spending years searching the lives of
successful men for the principles they employed. Through study
of this course you can, figuratively speaking, call back to life some
of the most successful men America has produced, and learn from
them the secrets of their outstanding achievements.
56 p PMA : The Science of Success

11. An active alliance of two or more minds in a spirit of perfect
harmony for the attainment of a common objective stimulates each
mind to a higher degree of courage than is ordinary, and paves the
way for that state of mind known as faith.
12. In this statement there are several important key words
upon which we wish to enlarge so that you may not mistake the
source of power in this type of alliance. The words are: active,
perfect harmony, courage, faith and common objective (which is just
another way of saying definite major purpose). Two or more persons
who have a common, definite objective and are active in attaining it
will develop the necessary harmony, courage and faith through the
correct application of the master mind principle to succeed in the
achievement of their objective.
13. Active. Once a master mind alliance is formed, the group
as a whole must become and remain active. The group must move
according to a definite plan, at a definite time, toward a definite
common objective. All the benefits accruing to the individual from
definiteness of purpose as outlined in the first lesson will be manifest
on a greater scale in this group action. Indecision, inactivity, or
delay will destroy the usefulness of the alliance. There is an old
saying which says:
The best way to keep a mule from kicking is to keep him so busy
pulling he will have neither the time nor inclination to kick.
14. Perfect Harmony. There must be harmony in the relationship
of the minds in the alliance. And it is not unlike the harmony in
music, which is simply a pleasing arrangement of tones. You must
keep any thoughts of discord out of your alliance. There must be
a complete meeting of the minds, without reservations on the part
of any member. There must be accord on the facts, agreement
in opinions, and a clear understanding of the definite objective.
Each member of the alliance must subordinate his own personal
ambitions to the fulfillment and successful achievement of the
definite purpose of the alliance.
There is always a place for the person who
can create harmony in human relationships.
15. Naturally, you will not achieve such harmony immediately
upon forming the association. This kind of harmony is something
which is culti­vated and grows and is based upon four elements:
1. Confidence 2. Understanding
3. Fairness 4. Justice
416 p PMA : The Science of Success

Cosmic Habitforce

You are Where You are and What You are Because
of Your Established Habits of Thoughts and Deeds.

1. The purpose of the philosophy of individual achievement

presented in this PMA Science of Success course is to enable you to
develop and establish habits that lead to peace of mind, health and
financial security, all of which are necessary for happiness. This
lesson will explain the law by which you acquire habits, and how
you can adapt yourself to this law with greatest benefit.
2. It will show you how you can set up the pattern of any habit
you de­sire by applying the principles of this philosophy. And it will
explain how cosmic habit-force takes over a habit you form and
causes you to act upon this habit automatically.
3. Cosmic habit-force pertains to the entire universe, and is
the law by which the equilibrium of the universe is maintained
through established patterns or habits. It is the law which forces
every living creature, and every particle of matter, to come under
the dominating influence of its environment, including the physical
habits and thought habits of mankind.


4. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament
sheweth His handiwork (Psalm 19, v. 1) sang David, the inspired
psalmist. And indeed the heavens are one of the most obvious and
most awesome testimonies to the presence and power of this law
of cosmic habit-force.
5. The stars and planets operate with clock-like precision.
They never collide, never get off their appointed course, but roll on
eternally, as the result of a preconceived plan. Infinite Intelligence
PMA : The Science of Success p 417

is behind that plan. If anyone doubts the existence of Infinite

Intelligence, that person need only study the stars and planets,
and the precision with which they are related to one another, to
become convinced of its existence.
6. Another outstanding marvel of creation is the human mind,
which is capable of projecting itself into the heavens and predicting
astronomical occurrences to the moment, many years in advance
of the actual event.
7. Back of this there must be order. Nature and the universe
are organ­ized and ordered. This order, or reliability, of nature
simplifies life. It is not necessary to understand all of the laws and
order of the universe to make them effective in our lives. They
operate whether or not they are known or understood.
8. But where there is order, there is predictable action and
reaction. This is what we term cosmic habit-force. You can find the
fundamental principles by which you can relate yourself favorably
to the forces of the universe in these lessons. The same law which
holds our earth in its orbit and relates it to all other planets in their
orbits, both in time and space, relates human beings to one another
in exact conformity with the nature of their own thoughts.
Time, space, energy, matter and intelligence are nature’s
building blocks with which she creates all things.
9. Another striking illustration of cosmic habit-force is found in
the sea­sons of the year. We know without doubt that we are going
to have spring, summer, fall and winter in that order. They do not
always occur in the same intensity, but they do come and go, year
in and year out because the law of cosmic habit-force is arranging
and controlling them.
10. This law operates in the reproduction and growth of
everything that springs from the soil of the earth, causing each
seed to reproduce precise­ly its own kind without variation, unless
changed by outside forces. An oak tree grows from an acorn, and
a pine tree grows from a pine nut. An acorn never produces a pine
tree, nor does a pine nut produce an oak tree. Nothing is ever
produced which does not bear many, or all, of the char­acteristics
of its ancestors.
11. There is nothing that is not controlled by this universal law.
Even the electrons and protons of matter maintain a fixed relation
to one an­other and to matter as a whole by a law whose mysteries
are gradually being unfolded and understood. All chemical actions
and reactions of matter are based firmly upon and fixed by habits
through the law of cosmic habit-force.
418 p PMA : The Science of Success

12. Cosmic habit-force is the controller of all other natural laws.

Did you ever stop to think what a great variety of natural laws
operate all the time and how marvelous it is that none of them
conflicts with another? This points to the fact that there must be an
overall, controlling power: the law of cosmic habit-force – Infinite
Intelligence in action.
13. Just as the natural forces of the universe are fixed and
controlled by cosmic habit-force, so also the thought habits of
individuals are automati­cally fixed and made permanent by cosmic
habit-force, no matter whether these thought habits are positive or
14. The same force which maintains precise balance between
the actions and reactions of matter, and time and space relationships
of the elements of creation, also builds men’s thought habits with
varying degrees of permanency.
15. Negative thought habits attract to their creator physical
manifesta­tions corresponding to their nature as perfectly and as
inevitably as nature germinates the acorn and develops it into an oak
tree. Through the opera­tion of this very same law, positive thoughts
reach out into the vast ocean of potential power surrounding us
and attract the physical counterparts of their nature.
16. Cosmic habit-force controls all human relationships and
determines whether an individual will be a success or a failure
in his life work. For nature uses this law as a medium by which
every living thing is forced to take on and become a part of the
environment in which it lives and moves daily.
17. All of us are ruled by habits. They are accepted by us because
of repeated thoughts and experiences. Therefore, we can control
our earthly destiny to the extent that we control our thoughts. As
we have seen, our thought habits, our mental attitude, are the
one and only things over which each individual has the right of
complete control.
18. You create patterns of thought by repeating certain ideas,
or be­havior, and the law of cosmic habit-force takes over those
patterns and makes them more or less permanent (depending upon
the intensity with which they are repeated or practiced) unless or
until you consciously rearrange them.
19. Man is the only living creature equipped with the power
of choice through which he may establish his own thought and
behavior patterns, or habits, or break them and rearrange them
at will.
20. But while the Creator has given man the privilege of
PMA : The Science of Success p 419

controlling his thoughts, He has also subjected man to the law of

cosmic habit-force through which his thought habits must invariably
clothe themselves in their physical likeness and equivalent. Cosmic
habit-force does not dictate what thoughts a man must express,
but it takes over whatever he does think and do, and sees to it that
man’s thoughts and actions go on to ful­fill the measure of their
21. If a man’s dominating thoughts are of poverty, the law
translates these thoughts into physical terms of misery and want. But
if a man’s dominating thoughts are of happiness and contentment,
peace of mind and material wealth, the law transforms them into
their physical counter­part. Man builds the pattern through his
dominating thoughts, while the law of cosmic habit-force casts the
mold according to the patterns man develops.
22. It is very evident that this great law of nature does not
make some­thing of nothing. Cosmic habit-force works in harmony
with all other laws of nature, such as those of motion, gravity,
electricity, magnetism, uni­versal gravitation and the like. But it is
greater than all or any of these because it is the very power under
which they all operate.
23. The other natural laws are each a different manifestation
of Infinite Intelligence at work, expressing itself in accordance with
fixed habits of action and reaction.
The orderliness of the world gives evidence that all natural
laws are under the control of a universal plan.
24. How does cosmic habit-force convert a positive emotion or
desire created in the mind of man into its physical equivalent? It
intensifies that emotion or desire until it induces the state of mind
known as faith. In this state the mind becomes receptive to the
inflow of Infinite Intelligence from whence are derived perfect plans
to be followed by the individual for the attainment of his desired
objective. These plans are always carried out by natural means.
25. Cosmic habit-force does not directly transmute desires for
money into the coin of the realm, but it does activate the imagination
to reveal to the individual a way to make the conversion through
accepted proce­dure. This force works no miracles, makes no
attempt to create something out of nothing. It helps, or rather –
compels, the creator of a strong desire to carry his thoughts to
completion through all possible and available natural media.
26. Often a person is awed by what appears to be coincidental
combina­tions of favorable circumstances as he carries out his plans,
but these strange and unexplained things happen in a perfectly
420 p PMA : The Science of Success

natural way. Cosmic habit-force imparts a peculiar quality to your

thought habits which gives you power to surmount all difficulties,
remove all obstacles, and overcome all resistances. Just what this
power is, is a secret as profound as the secret which causes a seed
of wheat to germinate, grow and reproduce itself, handing back to
the farmer a hundredfold measure for his intelligent effort. You do
not need to know how it works to follow the simple rules given to
you for utilizing it in your affairs of life.
First you get a habit; then it gets you.
27. A few examples of the results of habit may help you realize
the power behind habit. Take a simple thing like your own coat.
Unless it’s a brand new suit you’re wearing, your coat has been
put on and off so many times that it has developed certain folds
and creases which conform to your particular bodily contour and
which also reflect to the trained ob­server your state of mind,
whether positive or negative. No matter how many times that
coat is cleaned and pressed, immediately when you put it on, it
will assume the general shape which your habits of wearing have
indelibly impressed upon it.
28. Fold a piece of paper. No matter how many times you
smooth it out, it will bear some evidence of that crease.
29. A violin is an excellent example of the power of habit. The
wood in a violin takes on something of the quality of the tones
which it produces. That is why an old instrument which has been
played by a real artist is more valuable than a brand new one,
for the wood in it has been im­pressed with beautiful tones and
will give a sympathetic response to those same tones when they
are recreated, thus lending a more desirable quality to the music
30. If you live some distance from your work and make it a
habit to drive to and from your office or place of employment, you
know that you have established the habit of covering the same
route every day. You probably aren’t even aware that you do this
unless you have had the ex­perience of trying to remember to go
home a different way some night in order to pick up a friend, or
buy something from a store that is out of your way. You know
that if anybody is with you, or if you are preoccupied with your
thoughts, you will invariably take the usual route home and forget
to make the turn for the special errand.
One bad habit often spoils a dozen good ones.
31. We can liken the brain of man to a great river which is
peculiar in the respect that it has a division down the middle. The
PMA : The Science of Success p 421

river is constantly flowing, but one side flows in one direction,

carrying everyone who idly drifts into it to certain disappointment
and failure. The other half flows in the opposite direction, carrying
onward to success and power everyone who deliberately wades
into it.
32. The river is the brain. The flowing force is the power of
thought. The failure side of the stream is negative thought; the
success side is positive thought.
33. There is one disturbing quality of this law of cosmic habit-
force: it never leaves you room for alibis to explain your failures.
You will never again be able truthfully to say that life never gave
you an opportunity. You will know definitely that so long as you
have the right to form and express your own thoughts, you have
the potential power with which to change the circumstances of
your life to what you would like them to be.
34. If your life is not what you want it to be, you will realize
that you have drifted into your present condition because you have
let the power of cosmic habit-force carry you into the failure side of
the river of thought. But you will know with equal surety that you
don’t have to stay there! For you will have learned how definiteness
of purpose, backed by the irresistible power of this great law, and
enforced by self-discipline and personal initiative, and given time,
can sweep you into the positive side of the stream and on to the
circumstances you desire.
One bad habit often spoils a dozen good ones.


35. Is there anything more helpful in the game of life than
a system by which you can attain and maintain sound physical
health? Cosmic habit-force can help you form such a system if you
will develop the proper health habits and health consciousness so
that cosmic habit-force can take up these thoughts and behavior
habits and carry them on to bring the sound physical health you
36. A positive mental attitude leads to the development of good
health consciousness, and cosmic habit-force carries that thought
pattern to its logical conclusion. But it will just as readily carry out
the picture of ill health consciousness created by the thoughts of the
hypochondriac, even to the extent of producing the physical and
mental symptoms of any dis­ease on which the individual may fix
422 p PMA : The Science of Success

his thought habits.

37. Do you recall the story of Sara Anne Steel and the cancer
she was convinced would someday kill her, told in lesson 15? It
stands to reason that if the mind can, and sometimes actually
does, induce the disease of cancer when the mind is focused on
that disease, that the mind can and will also produce a condition
of sound physical health if one’s thoughts are focused on sound
physical health. The power of thought produces astounding results
when the law of cosmic habit-force takes over the thought pattern
and carries it out automatically.
38. A thought pattern is something like a phonograph record.
Thoughts which are held in the mind and repeated act like the
cutting head of a recording machine, making a groove in the
brain, as it were. The groove is cut deeper and deeper, each time
the thought is repeated, until the thought becomes a fixation.
Cosmic habit-force acts as the needle of the reproducing unit. It
plays back the record which it finds, and amplifies the impulses of
thought until they become associated with some means of physical
39. The law of cosmic habit-force will be of great benefit
when applied to eating. The mental attitude and thought patterns
established while one is eating, and during the following two or
three hours while the food is being broken down by the process of
digestion, may determine whether or not this food can be used for
the maintenance of sound health. It is an established fact that the
physical manifestations of one’s thoughts enter into and become
a vital part of the energy that food supplies to the body. Worry,
fear and all negative thoughts may cause food to have an injurious
effect on the body. Therefore, controlled thought habits during
mealtime are of utmost importance in the maintenance of health.
40. Sitting down and eating when one is worried or angry is
almost like going to the drugstore, getting a bottle of strychnine
and taking a good dose of it. If you will look around among the
lower animals of nature, you will see that the medicine they use
when they are ill is the medicine of fasting. They simply stop eating.
It would be helpful if human beings always had sense enough to
do that.
41. Mealtime should be considered a period of worship. It
should be a time when you sit down with pleasant thoughts and
pleasant words for those with whom you are dining. Instead of
this, many families use meal­time as an opportunity to discipline
the children, or to correct the faults of the husband or wife. They
PMA : The Science of Success p 423

use the dinner hour to wash the family linen, so to speak. Perhaps
one reason for this is that in this busy world the din­ner hour is
the one time when all the family are together and whoever needs
reproof is within easy reach.
42. Ideally the dinner hour should be an hour in which you
express gratitude for your blessings. The custom of saying grace at
the table is a fine one we could all well practice.
43. Cosmic habit-force also effects your work (the activity
to which you devote most of your time) and the source of your
income. Here, too, your mental attitude becomes a vital ally of the
silent repairmen who are work­ing on every cell of your body while
you are engaged in physical and mental action.
44. Work, too, should be reverently done. A job, the opportunity
to earn a livelihood, should be considered a precious blessing, and
toward it each of us should apply only positive thinking regarding
the accomplishment and improvement of our work.
45. From their vast experience with thousands of men and
women pa­tients, Mayo Brothers have determined that the four
important factors people must recognize in order to maintain sound
physical health are: work and play, love and worship. If these four
factors are not balanced one against the other in approximately
equal proportions, ill health may result.
46. Work should be well mixed with play. Not at the same
time, of course, but there should always be alternate periods of
work and play. Also, worship must be alternated with or mingled
with love, or ill health will occur in some form or another.
47. Here the principle of going the extra mile fits in perfectly.
Rendering more and better service in a positive mental attitude
toward your fellow men leads to sound physical health. This is
another excellent reason for adopting and following that fine
principle. It not only benefits you eco­nomically, but it helps to
maintain a healthful, friendly, hopeful mental attitude.


48. Would you like to know how you can use the law of cosmic
habit-force to help you make more money? Through a combination
of the prin­ciples of this philosophy of individual achievement, you
can condition your mind and body to hand over to cosmic habit-
force a picture of the financial status you wish to maintain, which
picture will represent your definite major financial purpose. (You
424 p PMA : The Science of Success

will recall that definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all

individual achievement.)
49. How is this done? If you will constantly keep thinking of
this finan­cial goal, and bending every thought and effort toward its
fulfillment, such thinking will become a habit with you, and cosmic
habit-force will auto­matically pick it up and help you carry it out to
its logical conclusion.
50. It is well here to call attention to the fact that no one has
ever been known to become financially independent without first
having established a prosperity consciousness. This follows for the
same reason as the fact that a person cannot become and remain
healthy without a health consciousness.
51. Psychologists know that poverty-stricken people maintain
a poverty consciousness, some of them from early childhood
throughout life. They think in terms of poverty. They fear poverty.
They talk poverty. They expect poverty. And that is precisely why
they attract poverty to them­selves.
52. If you are ready to adopt and carry out a definite major
purpose in life, you will find a general review of the principles
of this philosophy helpful, for such a review will show you the
relationship of these prin­ciples to the power of cosmic habit-force.
For cosmic habit-force is the supreme force under which all these
principles work.
53. After having completed this review, write out a complete,
clear and definite statement of your major purpose in life. Sign it
and memorize it. Repeat it aloud at least once every day and more
often if practicable. Repeat it over and over, thus placing back of
your purpose all your faith in Infinite Intelligence.
54. Why do you write out your definite major purpose
and repeat it over and over again? To give cosmic habit-force a
preliminary pattern to follow. The length of time you have to
keep conditioning your mind by repetition before you start to get
positive results depends almost entirely on the amount of faith and
enthusiasm which you place behind your words. Those two factors
are important because cosmic habit-force works very slowly where
there is no faith and no enthusiasm.
All voluntary positive habits are the products of will-power
directed toward the attainment of defi­nite goals.
55. While you are still conditioning your mind by frequent
repetition of your definite major purpose, write out a plan to begin
to attain the object of your definite major purpose. Be certain that
this plan is clear and defi­nite and workable. Set a date and state
PMA : The Science of Success p 425

the maximum time allowed for the attainment of your purpose,

and describe precisely what you intend to give in return for the
realization of your purpose. Remember, there is no such reality as
something for nothing. Everything has a price which you must pay
in advance in one form or another.
56. The time element is very important. For example, if you say
to your­self, “Sometime during my life I want a hundred thousand
dollars,” nature will say to herself: “That fellow is uncertain and if
he doesn’t know when he wants his money, how am I to know? I’ll
just put his name on the waiting list and maybe he’ll get around to
making up his mind later on.”
57. Cosmic habit-force is not impressed by hopes or wishes,
especially wishes. A hope can be intensified until it becomes faith.
But generally speaking, it is just a glorified wish. We all have
wishes. We wish for wealth, health and a handsome partner in
marriage. This philosophy is not based on wishes. It is a philosophy
with precise rules. If you follow the rules, the results will be just as
definite as they are when you apply the rules of mathematics.
58. Be sure to make your plan sufficiently flexible so that you
can change it any time that you are inspired to do so. Observe
that word inspired. Review the principle on applied faith to
refresh your memory on its mean­ing. It means simply this: Infinite
Intelligence may hand you a better plan than the one you have
made for yourself for the achievement of your pur­pose. Treat such
inspiration respectfully for it will help you strengthen your plans
where they may now be weak. Bear in mind: you change only your
plan to achieve your goal, not the goal or purpose itself.
59. There are people who express contempt for their hunches.
They say: “Today I had the most foolish idea you could ever
imagine!” If you treat hunches as foolish ideas, they will soon treat
you the same way and stay away. When you have a hunch, no
matter how foolish it may seem, put it down on paper. Examine it
carefully, and you may find that it may be an assist from Infinite
Intelligence intended to put you back on the beam, when you may
have gotten off.
60. Keep your major purpose and your plans for attaining it to
yourself except in connection with your master mind groups. The
reason for this is twofold:
(a) Telling many persons, indiscriminately, will allow negative
think­ing persons to throw stumbling blocks in your path,
or to dis­courage you from attempting to achieve your
definite major purpose.
436 p PMA : The Science of Success

111. After a few weeks, his old friends had given him all the
business they could and he was compelled to look elsewhere for
more orders. He had done very little accurate planning for the move
he made. He had no franchises lined up to obtain new merchandise.
He lacked the technical knowledge and skill required to perform
better grade repair work – the principal source of revenue in his
kind of business. He had not studied the geography of the vicinity
and consequently had made a poor choice of location where there
was no walk-in trade. He had no capital where­with to advertise
properly. In short, he had leaped before he looked. And on top of
everything else, he had not fortified his inner self with a deter­
mination and a reserve of spiritual power which would enable
him to overcome difficulties. The result was inevitable – a gradual
dwindling of income until the situation was desperate.
112. With failure staring him in the face, he floundered
from one idea to another, in the frustration typical of a person
without definiteness of purpose. Then, swallowing the last vestige
of his pride, and amid the cries of “I told you so” from his former
associates, he went back and applied for his old job.
113. Let’s analyze this case. Here we can see cosmic habit-force
at work. This fellow had walked up one street and down another
for nearly eight­een of the twenty-some-odd years he had been
there. He had made the appointed rounds for so many years that
it had become a fixation. No par­ticular responsibility, no planning
necessary, just continual plodding day after day for eighteen years.
Talk about a fixation . . . there’s a real one. Cosmic habit-force had
picked up the pattern of his idle mind and he was little above the
animals ruled by instinct, so far as his occupation was concerned.
114. Then a new idea was born. This new idea was a potent
one. It was so strong that it tried to break up that long standing
fixation. It was like yeast inserted in dough. It began to ferment
and expand, to spread its influence until it did indeed “leaven the
115. Such is the power of ideas. But ideas need help and
support. They must be nourished, encouraged, and nursed along
until they are big and strong and backed with other related ideas
to give them the vitality to overcome the opposition which always
shows up in the various forms of adversity. In this man’s mind,
the fixation of walking around all day, attending to someone else’s
business, where someone else assumed the risk, did the planning,
laid out the schedule, was contending with the new and different
idea of attending to his own business, where his money would be
PMA : The Science of Success p 437

on the table, where he would be doing the planning.

116. If this man had been given access to, and could have
accepted, the principles of this philosophy, he could have made
good. He had many of the requisites for success. He had kept up
his appearance, his personality wasn’t bad, and he possessed a
considerable amount of personal initiative. He also had the capacity
for faith. If he had known how to organize his assets, how to think
accurately, how to generate the personal power needed through
the master mind principle and strict self-discipline; if he had known
the law of cosmic habit-force (which was what defeated him), he
might have made the grade.
117. Cosmic habit-force carried out to the logical conclusions
his thought pattern of fear, doubt, uncertainty and the fixation of
his old job routine. Had he known this great law, he could have
adapted himself to it and made use of its power to bring him
118. The major distinguishing characteristic of cosmic habit-
force is that it forces all repeated actions to become fixed habits,
whether these be the thoughts of man or the orderly movement of
the stars or the coming and going of the seasons.
119. It is significant that while cosmic habit-force permits no
variation in the operation of the material universe, its influence
on the thought habits of man can be determined by man himself,
through his voluntary choice of thoughts. Cosmic habit-force will
not choose his thoughts for man, but it will give them permanent
fixation through habit.
120. Here, then, is the focal point at which you may take
possession of your own mind by the simple process of focusing your
mind upon those thoughts which you wish to become fixed thought
habits. Here, too, is the explanation of the remarkable results made
possible through definiteness of purpose. For it is clear that any
fixed purpose becomes a definite part of one’s thought habits and,
as such, is carried out to its logical climax through the fixation of
those habits.


121. It is apparent that cosmic habit-force takes over one’s
dominating thoughts and desires as they are impressed on the
subconscious mind and drives inevitably toward their fulfillment
by whatever natural means may be available. There is no other
438 p PMA : The Science of Success

possible explanation of the astounding feats of the subconscious

mind, for obviously it works in response to a power outside the
conscious mind of man.
122. Cosmic habit-force, acting through the subconscious mind,
picks up one’s mental attitude and translates it into the material
equivalent, by employing normal natural laws and principles, and
primarily by inspiring the man himself with a plan by which he
may accomplish his purposes.
123. Cosmic habit-force is always and everywhere at work,
translating one’s mental attitude into its material equivalent. One
does not have to worry about the working of the law: it works
automatically. To gain the benefits of the law, one has only to take
possession of his own mind, by making it predominantly positive
through his daily thought habits, and planting in it a definite
picture of his desires.
124. The principle by which an idea germinates and grows and
becomes a habit has been designated as cosmic habit-force. It may
be called any other name, so long as you recognize the power. Its
working principle is definite, it has been used and demonstrated by
the greatest men in the world. And it never fails. It works as well
on behalf of the humble person as for the business magnate. Its
purpose is to perpetuate everything after its own kind, including
the thought habits of man, and to maintain a bal­anced status quo
in the universe, under the direction of Infinite Intelli­gence.
125. Men are all born equal in the sense that they have equal
access to this great principle. All normal persons have the right to
control their thoughts and their mental attitude, and this is the
way in which this greatest of all natural laws is made effective in
individual lives.
126. It seems an appropriate summary for this lesson to state
that the nucleus of this entire philosophy of individual achievement
lies in cosmic habit-force. Control your mental attitude, keep it
positive by exercising self-discipline, and thus prepare the mental
soil in which any worthwhile plan, purpose or desire may be
planted by repeated, intense impression, with the assurance that it
will germinate, grow and find expression ulti­mately in its material
equivalent, through whatever means are at hand.
127. You now understand why the greatest of all riches is
a positive mental attitude, for by means of such an attitude it is
possible to acquire all other things which you may rightfully desire
and possess.
128. IN CONCLUSION: Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his essay on
PMA : The Science of Success p 439

Com­pensation, gave an extensive interpretation of the law of cosmic

habit-force. Read this essay many times, study it and include it as
a part of your collateral reading in connection with PMA Science
of Success.

vkjaHk ugha djsaxs rks lekIr dSls gksxk\

It’s a sure thing that you’ll not finish if you don’t start.
– Napoleon Hill
440 p PMA : The Science of Success

n Napoleon Hill n

apoleon Hill was born in poverty on October 26, 1883 in a
one room log cabin on Pound River in the mountains of Wise
County in southwest Virginia. The year after his mother
died, his father remarried and Napoleon’s stepmother became
his guiding light and inspiration. Napoleon was nine years old.
Through the influence of his stepmother, Hill became a newspaper
reporter while still in his teens, supporting “local” news items in
some dozen or more papers throughout the state. The originality
of his style brought him to the attention of Robert L. Taylor, former
Governor of Tennessee and owner of Bob Taylor’s Magazine, who
employed Hill to write “success stories” about famous men. By
this means Hill had planned to pay his way through Georgetown
University Law School. He had matriculated as a student in 1908
when he received his first assignment from Governor Taylor to
interview Andrew Carnegie. Arrangements were made for a three-
hour interview, but Carnegie strung it out to three days and nights
during which Hill was entertained at the Carnegie home. During
this time Carnegie sold Hill on the idea of organizing the world’s
first philosophy of individual achievement, based on the principles
of success which he had used in accumulating his vast fortune. As
PMA : The Science of Success p 441

a final test of Hill’s staying qualities, Carnegie put the question

squarely, asking him if he were given an opportunity to organize
the philosophy with Carnegie’s help, whether or not he would
complete the task which probably would require twenty years.
Unknown to Hill, Carnegie gave him sixty seconds in which to
make up his mind. In twenty-nine seconds Hill said that he would
begin the job and complete it. Later he learned that Carnegie was
sitting with a stopwatch in his hand, timing the answer. If it had
gone beyond the sixty seconds, Hill would have lost his chance, as
Carnegie had learned from his observation of men that those who
are slow to make up their minds are also slow in carrying out their
William Clement Stone, Chairman of Combined International
Corporation and world renowned philanthropist says: From 1952 to
1962, I employed Napoleon Hill and acted as his general manager.
We were dedicated to spreading Hill’s philosophy. He had previously
authored Law of Success, Think and Grow Rich, and many other
works. A few of the numerous achievements of our Mastermind
Alliance were: co-founding “Success Unlimited” magazine, co-
authoring Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, developing
the “PMA - The Science of Success Course” and, most importantly,
laying the foundation that guaranteed the achievement of Hill’s
Definite Major Purpose in Life. Hill’s Definite Major Purpose was
to spread the Philosophy of Achievement (the seventeen Principles
of Success) worldwide to this and future generations. Together we
influenced untold millions of persons on every continent.
444 p PMA : The Science of Success

Seventeen Principles of Success

Definiteness of Purpose Mastermind Alliance
Definiteness of Purpose is the starting The mastermind principle consists of an
point of all achievement. alliance of two or more minds working
Successful people move on their own initiative, in perfect harmony for the attainment
but they know where they are going before they of a common definite objective.
start. No man can become a permanent success
without taking others along with him.

Applied Faith
Going the Extra Mile
Faith is a state of mind which may
develop by conditioning your mind to Render more and better service than
receive Infinite Intelligence. Applied that for which you are paid, and sooner
faith is the adaptation of the power or later you will receive compound
received from Infinite Intelligence to a interest on compound interest from
definite major purpose. your investment.
You can do it if you believe you can. The most successful people are those who
serve the greatest number of people.

Pleasing Personality Personal Initiative

A pleasing personality is the aggregate Personal initiative bears the same
of all the agreeable, gratifying, and relationship to an individual that a
likable qualities of any one individual. starter bears to an automobile. It is
It is essential that you develop a pleasing the power that initiates all action. It is
personality pleasing to yourself and others. the power that assures completion of
anything one begins.
Today’s employer usually is yesterday’s
employee who found opportunity waiting for him
Enthusiasm at the end of the second mile.
Enthusiasm is a state of mind. It inspires
action and is the most contagious of all Positive Mental Attitude
To be enthusiastic–act enthusiastically! Your mental attitude is the medium
by which you can balance your life
and your relationship to people and
circumstances–to attract what you
Maintenance of Sound Health
Follow work with play, mental effort A positive attitude is infectious–but a
with physical, eating with fasting, negative attitude all the more so. Remember
seriousness with humor, and you will the saying, “Be careful what you set your
be on the road to sound health and heart upon, for it will surely be yours.”
If you think you’re sick, you are.
Controlled Attention
Controlled attention is the act of
Cosmic Habitforce coordinating all the faculties of the
The orderliness of the world of natural mind and directing combined power to
laws gives evidence that they are under a given end. It is an act which can be
the control of a universal plan. achieved only by the strictest sort of self-
You are where you are and what you are discipline.
because of your established habits and Keep your mind on the things you want and off
thoughts and deeds. the things you don’t want!
PMA : The Science of Success p 445

Seventeen Principles of Success

Accurate Thinking Self-Discipline
Accurate thought involves two Self-discipline, or self-control, means
fundamentals. First, you must separate taking possession of your own mind.
facts from mere information. Second, Direct your thoughts, control your emotions, and
you must separate facts into two classes– ordain your destiny!
the important and unimportant. Only
by doing so can you think clearly and
accurately. Budgeting Time & Money
Truth will be truth, regardless of a closed
mind, ignorance, or the refusal to believe. Effectiveness in human endeavor calls
for the organized budgeting of time. For
the average man, the 24 hours of each
Team Work day should be divided into eight hours
Team work is the willing cooperation for sleep, eight hours for work, and eight
and coordination of effort to achieve hours for recreation and spare time.
a common goal. Team work is sharing Tell me how you use your spare time and how you
a part of what you have–a part that is spend your money, and I’ll tell you where and
good–with others! what you will be ten years from now.
Harmonious cooperation is a priceless asset
which you can acquire in proportion to your giving.
Learning from Adversity & Defeat
Creative Vision Every adversity you meet carries with it
a seed of equivalent or greater benefit.
Creative vision belongs only to those If you can look at problems as temporary
who go the extra mile, for it recognizes setbacks and stepping-stones to success, you
no such thing as the regularity of will come to believe that the only limitations you
working hours, is not concerned with have are the ones in your own mind.
monetary compensation, and its highest
aim is to do the impossible.
The imagination is the workshop of the soul
wherein are shaped all plans for individual

Napoleon Hill [1883-1970] was born in a one-room cabin

in Wise County, Virginia. He began his writing career at age
thirteen as a “mountain reporter” for small-town newspapers
and went on to become America’s most beloved motivational
author. Dr. Hill’s book, Think & Grow Rich, is the all-time
bestseller in the field and serves as a cornerstone to modern
motivation and self-improvement. Dr. Hill established the
Napoleon Hill Foundation as a nonprofit educational institution
whose mission is to perpetuate his philosophy of leadership,
self-motivation, personal development and achievement,
known today as the Science of Success.

“What your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve.”

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448 p PMA : The Science of Success

My Experiences in Applying the

Principles Taught in This Book

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in association with
AGRDOOT Foundation

Your Personal Growth
Our Personal Mission

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