Fatlossity - Week 1-4
Fatlossity - Week 1-4
Fatlossity - Week 1-4
Weeks 1 - 4
The Complete In-Home Weight Loss Guide
Fatlossity Weeks 1 - 4
Before getting started on Day 1 be sure to review the 3 warm-up exercises you
will be doing before every workout for the first 4 weeks. Be sure to also go over the
Cabral Conditioning® Fat Burner Intervals that you will complete after each workout.
You may also use the upper body and lower body stretching sheet after each workout
or as part of your daily routine.
To review, each day’s workout and journaling will look like this:
Please begin with Day 1 and fill out both the nutrition and workout sheets daily.
This is an extremely important step to creating good habits. It will also help to keep
you on track and you can use them as a referance journal to look back on.
Please note that you will not get the maximum results out of this program if you
skip the warm-up. You will also be going directly into an intense workout without warm-
ing up with the specific exercises prescribed for that routine. Make sure you do the 3
warm-up exercises before each workout...
At the end of your first 4 weeks, you will want to retake your measurements and
photos to marvel at all the amazing progress you’ve been able to accomplish in such a
short period of time. This will serve as a great motivator and keep you on track to
achieving even greater goals.
Good luck!
Fatlossity Warm-up©
Weeks 1 - 4
Complete all 3 exercises in a row, resting 20 seconds between each set. Then move on to the Weeks 1-4 Workout
Lateral Lunge - Complete 10-15 reps on 1 side, then switch. Rest 20 seconds.
Cabral’s Tip
Be careful not to let your knee
go over the toes of the foot that
has the weight on it. Sit back
into the lunge and stretch!
How To: Stand straight up with your feet hip width apart. Keep your balance & lunge to one side keeping your feet in alignment.
Sit back into the lunge and keep your weight on the hip and leg that is bent. Stretch your opposite leg straight with your foot flat.
Cabral’s Tip
Sit back into the squat keeping
your knees behind your toes!
Remember not to round your
lower back on the way down.
How To: Standing straight up hold a weight behind your head with your arms bent. Slowly bring the weight in front of your body
and down between your legs while squatting backwards with the hips. Stand back up straight bringing the weight behind your head.
Cabral’s Tip
Keep your abdominal and back
muscles engaged throughout
the set making sure not to let
your hips and stomach drop!
How To: Lie flat on the ground with your elbows directly below your shoulder joints. Slowly prop yourself up on your forearms
and on to the balls of your feet to support your entire body. Keep your abs pulled in tight to maintain a flat back. Hold still.
The Complete In-Home Weight Loss Guide
Fatlossity 5 Lower
Body Floor Stretches©
Hold each stretch for 30 -90 seconds. Always ease into the stretch and never bounce or hold your breath.
The Complete In-Home Weight Loss Guide
Fatlossity 5 Upper
Body Stretches©
Hold each stretch for 30 -90 seconds. Always ease into the stretch and never bounce or hold your breath.
Fatlossity Workouts©
Day 1
Complete all 3 exercises in a row, resting 20 seconds between each set. After all 3 sets, rest 1 min. Repeat 1x.
Cabral’s Tip
Be careful not to lock out your
knees at the top of the press
and always squat by sitting
backwards with your hips!
How To: Hold dumbbells on your shoulders with ends pointing directly up. Start by sitting backwards with your hips until your
upper thighs are parallel to the ground. Keep the weight back on your heels and push up through them as you stand back up.
Cabral’s Tip
Keep your shoulder blades
pinched together throughout
the set and remember to never
round out your back!
How To: Hold dumbbells with your palms facing your body. Sit back with your hips allowing the weights to slowly lower until your
back cannot remain flat any longer or you feel enough stretch behind your legs. Maintain a slight 20º bend in your knees.
Cabral’s Tip
Keep your abdominal and back
muscles engaged throughout
the set, making sure not to let
your hips and stomach drop!
How To: Bend over from the waist and place both hands in front of you for support. Straighten your legs at the top and then begin
to walk one hand out at a time until you are as outstretched as you can be without letting your hips drop. Reverse the process.
Fatlossity Workouts©
Day 2
Complete all 3 exercises in a row, resting 20 seconds between each set. After all 3 sets, rest 1 min. Repeat 1x.
Cabral’s Tip
Be careful not to lock out your
knees, elbows, or arch your
lower back when lifting the
weights overhead!
How To: Hold dumbbells on your shoulders with your palms turned away from you. Sit backwards with your hips until your upper
thighs are parallel to the ground. As you begin to stand back up, push the dumbbells overhead at the same time.
Dumbbell 1 Arm Row - Complete 15 reps on each side lasting 40 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Cabral’s Tip
Keep your shoulders pulled
back and maintain a flat back.
Do not lock out your elbow at
the bottom!
How To: Hold a dumbbell with your palm facing your body. Place the leg that is beside the dumbbell back behind for a wider
base. Place the other hand on an object for support to maintain a flat back. Row the dumbbell up towards your hip using your back.
Weighted Oblique Twists - Complete 30 reps to failure lasting 40 seconds. Rest 60 seconds.
Cabral’s Tip
Keep your abdominal and back
muscles engaged throughout
the set and make sure not to
over twist!
How To: Hold a weight in front of your abs with your feet lightly touching the floor or lifted up. Twist with your entire upper torso
side to side, making sure you are not just moving the weight. Alternate side to side until you feel a sufficient burn in your abs.
Fatlossity Workouts©
Day 3
Complete all 3 exercises in a row, resting 20 seconds between each set. After all 3 sets, rest 1 min. Repeat 1x.
Cabral’s Tip
Be careful not to let the front
knee go over the toes.
Remember to sit back into your
hips and glutes!
How To: Take a big step forward with 1 leg while holding dumbbells by your sides. Keep the front foot flat with the weight on the
heel of that foot. Keep the heel of the back foot raised and allow the back knee to move towards the floor and you sit into a lunge.
Cabral’s Tip
Maintain a flat back throughout
the movement. Try to extend
each arm and leg all the way
out while stabilizing yourself!
How To: Kneel down on all fours. Maintain a flat back by engaging your core muscles and drawing in your abs. Raise your oppo-
site arm & leg until they form a straight line down your body. Hold until you are stable. Come back to the ground and alternate.
Dumbbell 2 Arm Swings with Squat - Complete 15reps to failure. Rest 60 seconds.
Cabral’s Tip
Keep your abdominal and back
muscles engaged throughout
the set. Make sure not to round
your back on the way down!
How To: Hold a weight between your legs with your arms outstretched. Perform a half to three-quarter squat and then swing the
weight up by pushing your hips forward. Keeping your core engaged, let the weight swing down between your legs.
Fatlossity Workouts©
Day 4
Rest Day! - Concentrate on eating well and enjoying your day off from working out. You may feel free to
enjoy going for a 20-30 minute walk or just rest your body and prepare for tomorrow’s workout!
Fatlossity Workouts©
Day 5
Complete all 3 exercises in a row, resting 20 seconds between each set. After all 3 sets, rest 1 min. Repeat 1x.
Cabral’s Tip
Be careful not to lock out your
knees at the top of the press
and always squat by sitting
backwards with your hips!
How To: Hold dumbbells by your sides with your palms facing each other. Start by sitting backwards with your hips until your
upper thighs are parallel to the ground. Keep your weight back on your heels and push up through them as you stand back up.
Cabral’s Tip
Keep your shoulders touching
the floor the whole set. Make
sure not to lock out your
elbows at the top!
How To: Lying on your back, hold dumbbells with your palms facing away from your body. Keep your back and shoulders touch-
ing the floor as you press the weights over your chest. Lower the weights slowly until the back of your arms just touch the ground.
Cabral’s Tip
Keep your chest up and shoul-
ders back. Engage your core &
make sure that your knee does
not go over your front foot!
How To: Hold 2 weights by your side. Lunge forward with one leg keeping the weight on the front heel and sit back into the hip
and glute muscles. Push back off of the front leg to stand back up straight. Alternate legs each repetition.
Fatlossity Workouts©
Day 6
Complete all 3 exercises in a row, resting 20 seconds between each set. After all 3 sets, rest 1 min. Repeat 1x.
Cabral’s Tip
Be careful not to lock out your
knees at the top of the step-up.
Keep your shoulders back &
the weight on your heel!
How To: Hold dumbbells by your sides with one leg up and planted on a step that is about knee height. Push through the heel
of the foot that is up on the step and stand all the way up straight. Finish all 15 reps on 1 leg and then switch.
Dumbbell 2 Arm Bent Over Row - Complete 15 reps lasting 40 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Cabral’s Tip
Maintain a flat back and shal-
low squat the entire set.
Remember to never round your
upper or lower back!
How To: Hold dumbbells with your palms facing each other. Sit back with your hips into a shallow squat with the weights by your
knees. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and row the weights up to your hips. Stay in a shallow squat the entire set.
Cabral’s Tip
Keep your abdominal and back
muscles engaged throughout
the set and make sure not to
over twist!
How To: Hold a weight in both hands over your left shoulder. Chop down with the weight until it reaches the outside of your oppo-
site knee. Keep your back flat and core engaged throughout the entire set making sure not to over twist the lower back.
Fatlossity Workouts©
Day 7
Rest Day! - Concentrate on eating well and enjoying your day off from working out. You may feel free to
enjoy going for a 20-30 minute walk or just rest your body and prepare for tomorrow’s workout!