Unit 2 Ge Esci Contemporary

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Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Course Title: GE ESci The Contemporary World

This course introduces students to the contemporary world
by examining the multifaceted phenomenon of globalization.
Using the various disciplines of the social sciences, it
examines the economic, social, political, technological, and
other transformations that have created an increasing
awareness of the interconnectedness of peoples and places
Course Description:
around the globe. To this end, the course provides an
overview of the various debates in global governance,
development, and sustainability. Beyond exposing the
student to the world outside the Philippines, it seeks to
inculcate a sense of global citizenship and global ethical
Units / Credits
3 Units
Pre-Requisite: None
CO1: Write a research paper on a topic related to
Course Outcomes:
globalization with proper citation.

Learning Outcomes:
LO1: Distinguish different interpretations of and approaches to globalization.
LO2: Describe the emergence of global economic, political, social and cultural
LO3: Analyze the various contemporary drivers of globalization.
LO4: Understand the issues confronting the nation-state.
LO5: Assess the effects of globalization on different social units and their responses.
LO6: Analyze contemporary news events in the context of globalization.
LO7: Analyze global issues in relation to Filipinos and the Philippines.
LO8: Write a research paper with proper citations on a topic related to globalization.
LO9: Articulate personal positions on various global issues.
LO10: Identify the ethical implications of global citizenship.

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

GE ESCI- The Contemporary World

Unit 2: The Structures of Globalization
Lesson 4: Market Integration


For a long time, all of humanity's societies were impoverished. Poverty was once
the norm for all, but that is clearly no longer the case. Just as stratification across
socioeconomic groups exists inside a culture such as the Philippines, a pattern of global
stratification with inequities in income and power exists throughout the world.

1. What factors contributed to some parts of the world developing faster than
others in terms of economic development?

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Learning Objectives

LO1: Distinguish different interpretations of and approaches to globalization.

LO2: Describe the emergence of global economic, political, social and cultural systems.
LO3: Analyze the various contemporary drivers of globalization.
LO5: Assess the effects of globalization on different social units and their responses.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Explain the role of international financial institutions in the creation of a global economy.

Narrate a short history of global market integration in the twentieth century.

Identify different theories in market integration.

Key Concepts

Market Integration

Consumers gain from market integration because it broadens the range of

financial services and investment options available to them and increases competition in
the provision of those services. In addition, interconnected financial markets serve as
private risk-sharing mechanisms in domestic economies, allowing for the smoothing of
both economic and financial cycles. Furthermore, market integration allows for higher
risk diversification, which helps to improve risk management and financial stability.

Modernization Theory

Modernization theory refers to a body of theory that became prominent in the

1950s and 1960s in relation to understanding issues of economic and social
development and in creating policies that would assist economic and social transitions in
poorer countries. The various components of modernization theory received critiques
from the outset but their influence within policy making endured for a significant period of
time. One of the two main explanations for global stratification is the modernization
theory. This theory frames global stratification as a function of technological and cultural
differences between nations. It specifically pinpoints two historical events that
contributed to Western Europe developing at a faster rate than much of the rest of the

First Event: Columbian Exchange

This refers to the spread of goods, technology, education, and diseases between
the Americas and Europe after Christopher Columbus’s so called “discovery of the
Americas”. This exchanged worked out well for the European countries. They gained
agricultural staples, like potatoes and tomatoes, which contributed to population growth
and provided new opportunities for trade, while also strengthening the power of the
merchant class.
The Columbian Exchange worked out much less well, however, for Native
Americans whose populations were ravaged by the diseases brought from Europe. It is
estimated that in the 150 years following Columbus’s first trip, over 80% of the Native
American population died due to diseases such as small pox and measles. The effects

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of the Columbian Exchange were not isolated to the parts of the he effects of the
Columbian Exchange were not isolated to the parts of the world most directly
participating in the exchange: Europe and the Americas. It also world most directly
participating in the exchange: Europe and the Americas. It also had large, although less
direct, impacts on Africa and Asia. European exploration and large, although less direct,
impacts on Africa and Asia. European exploration and colonization of the vast tropical
regions of these continents was aided by the New World discovery of quinine, the first
effective treatment for malaria. Further, the cultivation of financially lucrative crops in the
Americas, along with the devastation of native populations

Second Event: Industrial Revolution in the 18Th and 19Th Century

This is when technologies, like steam power and mechanization, allowed countries to
replace human labor with machines and increase productivity. The Industrial Revolution,
at first, only benefited the wealthy in Western countries. Industrial technology was very
productive that it gradually began to improve standards of living for everyone. Countries
that industrialized in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries saw massive improvement
in their standards of living and countries that did not industrialized lag behind.

Modernization theory rests on the idea that affluence could be attained by

anyone. But why did the Industrial Revolution not take hold everywhere? Modernization
theory argues that the tension between tradition and technological change is the biggest
barrier to growth. A society that is more steeped in family systems and traditions may be
less willing to adopt new technologies and the new social systems that often accompany

Why did Europe modernize? The answer goes back to sociologist Max Weber’s
ideas about the Protestant work ethic. The Protestant Reformation primed Europe to
take on progress-oriented way of life in which financial success was a sign of personal
virtue. Individualism replaced communalism. This is the perfect breeding ground for


The term "global corporation," sometimes known as "global firm," is derived from
the word "global," which implies "all across the world." It's reasonable to conclude that a
global corporation is one that conducts business globally. There aren't many businesses
in the world that can claim to do business in every major country. They could possibly be
counted on the fingers of both hands. As a result, the definition of a global firm should be
a little more liberal to account for this fact, allowing more organizations to declare
themselves global companies. In reality, a global company is one that operates in at
least one country other than its home country. Realistically, expanding to even one more
country takes a lot of effort and is thus a significant accomplishment. If you operate in
one country, sell your products all over the world, and send them to consumers in
European countries while you're in the United States, you're not necessarily a global
firm. It takes more than that to be called a global corporation.

To be a worldwide business, you must not only introduce your products, but also
your firm to individuals in other countries. To find out which country is the best fit for

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expansion and how to present oneself, you'll need to do a lot of study. Before you decide
whether the country is ideal for your company, you'll almost certainly need to send some
of your staff there to meet with people face to face and experience the country firsthand.
Businesses only begun to be referred to as global fairly recently.

There are other global companies, such as the Hilton and Hyatt Hotels, Adobe,
Cisco, 3M, Monsanto, and American Express. These companies range from
hospitality companies to tech and manufacturing companies. This shows that many
types of global corporations exist. Some aren’t global in a purely physical sense.
Consider internet giants Facebook and Google, which have a presence in virtually
every country in the world that has an internet connection. Their presence is more virtual
than physical, but it's global. All contemporary global companies once had been mere
startups. Coca-Cola was once a drugstore in Atlanta, Georgia. Google started out as
nothing more than a research project undertaken by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. You,
too, can become a global company. However, do not rush it. Take it one country at a

The Benefits of a Global Corporation

The United States Small Business Administration points out that only 4 percent of
global consumers reside in the U.S. This means that you stand to benefit, in terms of
sales revenue, by expanding globally. There are also lots of other benefits to globalizing
your corporation:

1) You can increase your customer base

When you expand your business into another country, your customer base expands
along with it. The market in the United States could be full of products just like yours.
You may find, however, that this is not the case in another country. That could present
an expansion opportunity for your company. What's familiar to your consumers in the
U.S. could be fresh to consumers in another country.

2) You can reduce your operating costs

If the manufacturing or labor costs are lower in another country, expanding to that
country enables you to save on your operating costs. This can improve your bottom line.
In fact, reducing operating costs are a key reason why many global companies expand.

3) You don’t need to be bogged down by seasonality

If you sell a seasonal product that experiences fluctuating sales at different times of
the year, then you can expand to countries that have seasons opposite to those in your
base country, enabling you to have high sales figures all year.

4) You can boost the growth rate of your company

If your company has been growing rapidly in your locale, chances are that this
growth may eventually stall, because of market saturation. In that instance, you can
expand to another country so you can maintain rapid growth.

5) You can create new jobs

Expanding into another country involves a lot, such as hiring representatives and
employees of your company in the new country, as well as setting up offices and various
facilities, and so on. You’re likely to employ locals and, in the process, you will create

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

new job opportunities in the country where you are expanding. This helps boost the local
economy and it also gives your company a good reputation.

The increase in international trade has both created been supported by

international regulatory groups, like WTO and transnational agreements, like
NAFTA. There is not a single country that is completely independent. All are
dependent to some degree on international trade for their own prosperity.
Without international trade, there would be no need for international regulatory
groups. Without the international regulatory groups, international trade at the
current massive scale would be impractical. The trade regulatory groups and
agreements regulate the flow of goods and services between countries. They
reduce tariffs, which are taxes on imports, and make customs procedures easier.
This makes trading across national borders much more feasible. These
international trade agreements often benefit private industries the most.
Companies can produce their goods and services across many different
countries. For instance, you can have a backpack that was designed in the
United States but the materials came from China, and it was put together in
Mexico but it was shipped back to the United States to be sold.
These companies that extend beyond the borders of one country are
called multinational or transnational (MNCs or TNCs). They are also referred to
as global corporations. They intentionally surpass national borders and take
advantage of opportunities in different countries to manufacture, distribute,
market, and sell their products. Some global corporations are ubiquitous, like
McDonald’s or Coca-Cola, and yet, they still market themselves as American
companies. Others can be surprising like Generic Electric, which is based in the
United States but has more than half of its business and employees working in
other countries. Another example is For Motor Company, the classic American
car company, headquartered in Michigan that manufactures cars worldwide.


In many parts of the world, international financial institutions (IFIs) play a major
role in the social and economic development programs of nations with developing or
transitional economies. This role includes advising on development projects, funding
them and assisting in their implementation. Characterized by AAA-credit ratings and a
broad membership of borrowing and donor countries, each of these institutions operates
independently. All however, share the following goals and objectives:

 to reduce global poverty and improve people's living conditions and standards;
 to support sustainable economic, social and institutional development; and
 to promote regional cooperation and integration.
IFIs achieve these objectives through loans, credits and grants to national
governments. Such funding is usually tied to specific projects that focus on economic
and socially sustainable development. IFIs also provide technical and advisory
assistance to their borrowers and conduct extensive research on development issues. In
addition to these public procurement opportunities, in which multilateral financing is

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delivered to a national government for the implementation of a project or program, IFIs

are increasingly lending directly to non-sovereign guaranteed (NSG) actors. These
include sub-national government entities, as well as the private sector. Canada is a
partner and shareholder in the World Bank, which is the major global IFI, and in several
regional development banks. This membership permits Canadian firms and individuals
to compete for procurement opportunities in bank-funded projects and programs.

International Financial Institutions 7) Arab Fund for Economic and Social

Note: 1-6 are main, 7-12 are minor Development
1) African Development Bank 8) European Investment Bank
2) Asian Development Bank 9) Global Environment Facility
3) Caribbean Development Bank 10) Islamic Development Bank
4) European Bank for Reconstruction & 11) North American Development Bank
Development 12) Organization of American States
5) Inter-American Development Bank
6) World Bank
Learning Resources

During recent years, IFIs have made considerable progress in harmonizing the
way they procure goods and services. In many cases, they are now using similar policies
and procedures, although the interpretation of these approaches may still vary at the
level of the individual institution.

Study Questions

1. What is your definition of global corporation?

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Learning Activities

This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
WEEK 4 scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

Course Title: GE ESci The Contemporary World

Student Name:
Date Submitted:
ACTIVITY: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the
Activity or Activities have different parts.

Title: GO-lobally! (20 points)

Date of Submission:
Things to do:
 Read and understand the question/s below.
 Review the article/s.
 Choose one topic below and provide a meaty discussion.

Issue 1:

The mining industry is currently undergoing a paradigm shift in technological

innovation, meeting the demands of a changing world. Multiple actors in the sector
including companies, governmental bodies, and researchers have recognized the
need for the industry to address environmental, economic, and social concerns.
Several transformative technologies have been developed in recent years. Increasing
automation of equipment and processes is offering improved safety, reduced costs,
and enhanced streamlining of operations. Remote operation centers keep workers out
of dangerous environments, with powerful suites of tools at their disposal. Advanced,
autonomous, connected robotic machinery has started to replace human operators in
mines, reducing labor costs and improving safety (Davey, 2022).

Does the recent technological innovations in the mining industry a boon or a bane?
How about human labor? the environment? Discuss and provide a meaty discussion.

Issue 2:

The world of careers and work is changing rapidly. As society changes, old
occupations disappear, and new ones emerge. The skills we learn during our time in
formal education are likely to be out-of-date before we get to the second or third of the
twelve jobs that we might be expected to have in our working lifetime, according to a
recent Bureau of Labor Statistics study. At the same time, machines are becoming
increasingly capable of carrying out complex jobs that require thought, rather than just
the heavy lifting that they’ve been helping with since the first industrial revolution
(Marr, 2022).

So how are organizations reacting to this? how do we as individuals need to prepare

and perhaps rethink our approach to work and employment in order not to simply
keep our heads above water but to thrive in this "new normal"? Discuss and provide a
meaty discussion.

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
WEEK 4 scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

Course Title: GE ESci The Contemporary World

Student Name:
Date Submitted:
ASSESSMENT: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the
Activity or Activities have different parts.

Title: Venn Diagram (30 points)

Date of Submission:
Things to do:
 Read and understand the question.

International Financial Institutions support the Philippines’ sustainable

development by helping attract international investors to sectors such as infrastructure
and public utilities, financial institutions, and agribusinesses. They provide loans and
equity investments to private sector companies, including small and medium
enterprises with growth potential, and mobilize financing from other sources. On the
other hand, the outgoing Duterte administration is projected to incur P3.2 trillion in
additional debt following the COVID-19 pandemic which could bring the debt level to
reach over P13 trillion by the end of 2022, above the original plan of only around P9.9
trillion (Cordero, 2022).

With this data, do you think the Philippine government should borrow money from the
IFC? Discuss and provide a meaty discussion.

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City


Market integration occurs when prices among different locations or related

goods follow similar patterns over a long period of time. Groups of prices often move
proportionally to each other and when this relation is very clear among different
markets it is said that the markets are integrated.

Apart from integrating world markets, there is an increasing tendency to

create new regional integration schemes. The European Union (EU) is one of the most
prominent examples. This chapter discusses the different stages of economic
integration and their impact on agricultural markets, welfare, income distribution and
market instability. Integration can be achieved by different means. Reducing non-tariff
and tariff barriers to trade can be the main tool for integrating markets. This type of
integration is known as negative integration. The term implies that a government’s
only role is to withdraw from interference in the movement of goods and factors of
production across national borders. Indeed, this may be sufficient to integrate some
markets for manufactured goods, where governmental regulations play a minor role.
The situation is different for agriculture. Most nations regulate their agricultural and
food markets more intensively than other sectors.


A History of Disease, Food, and Ideas. Journal of Economic Prospectives, Volume 24,
Number 2, pages 163-188. Retrieved from
BIS, (2019). Market integration: the role of regulation. Retrieved from
Grewal, M., (2017). Market integration. Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/What-
Gwynne, R.N., (2009). Modernization Theory. Retrieved from
LaMarco, N., (2018). What Is a Global Corporation? Retrieved from
Nunn, N. and Qian, N., (2010). The Columbian Exchange:



Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

GE ESCI- The Contemporary World

Unit 2: The Structures of Globalization
Lesson 5: The Global Interstate System


Global interstate system is the whole system of human interactions. The modern
world-system is structured politically as an interstate system – a system of competing
and allying states. Political Scientists commonly call this the international system, and it
is the main focus of the field of International Relations.

1. What is the purpose of global interstate system?

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Learning Objectives

LO1: Distinguish different interpretations of and approaches to globalization.

LO2: Describe the emergence of global economic, political, social and cultural systems.
LO3: Analyze the various contemporary drivers of globalization.
LO5: Assess the effects of globalization on different social units and their responses.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Explain the effects of globalization on governments.

Identify the institutions that govern international relations.
Differentiate internationalism from globalism.

Key Concepts

Global Interstate System

One of the most common images is that of an international society in which

States each have the attributes of persons within a community. Global Interstate System
is the whole system of human interactions. The modern world-system is structured
politically as an interstate system –a system of competing and allying states. Political
Scientists commonly call this the international system, and it is the main focus of the field
of International Relations.

What is the purpose of global interstate system?

To contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration

through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms in order to increase universal
respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights along with fundamental

Importance of global interstate system

The most important feature of the interstate system is that it is anarchic.

Unlike politics within states, relations between states take place in a Hobbesian 'state
of nature. ' Since an anarchic system is one in which all states constantly face actual or
potential threats, their main goal is security.

The global interstate system of globalization

Globalization -Results from the removal of barriers between national economies

to encourage the flow of goods, services, capital, and labor. Interstate System is the
fundamental basis of the competitive commodity economy at the global system level.

What is the interstate system in international relations?

As the international relations between two states are dominated by interstate

relations, so their relations are dominated by coercion, threats, and force.
International violence is shaped by and a consequence of state power.

What is international system

The term international system may refer to: In politics, international relations. It is
the global constellation of states. The term is commonly applied to the international
systems of the Twentieth century and can equally be applied to pre industrial
international state system.

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Peace Treaties and Military Alliances: The UN and NATO

Global politics entails relationship of countries and different governments and

non-governmental organizations. The United Nations (UN) is one of the leading political
organizations in the world where nation-states meet and deliberate. However, it remains
as an independent actor in global politics. The premise for its establishment was the
restructuring of the world devastated after the Second World War. The term “United
Nations” was coined by former U.S President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1942 (United
Nations, 2011). Its operations began on October 24, 1945. It started with 50
representatives from different countries. Generally, it functions in four areas: military
issues, economic issue, environmental issues, and human protection. It is made up to
close to 200 countries from around the world, 193 member’s states to be exact, with the
Republic of South Sudan as its latest member (United Nations, 2011).

The UN, with its headquarters in New York City, was designed to be a place
where countries could be could come to discuss their issues without resorting to violence
and war, which had plagued our planet for several years in the past. Maintaining peace
and building friendships is the number one goal of the UN, as well as providing a forum
where countries could gather to discuss global issues. The General Assembly is the
gathering of all these countries. It is held in an auditorium where speeches are given.
Representatives from different member states can vote on issues.

Maintaining international peace and security became the central mission of the
UN after the war. Up to this day, the UN is the major force in governing intestate
relations (Ritzer, 2015). According to the UN (2011). Peace and security are maintained
“by working to prevent conflict; helping parties in conflict make peace; peacekeeping;
and creating the conditions to allow peace to hold and flourish”. The UN also has what is
known as the Security Council. This group of countries decides what to do when two or
more countries are waging war or are on the verge of fighting. There are five permanent
members of the UN Security Council- the United States, Britain, Russia, China, and
France. In addition to the five members, 10 additional countries join to the permanent
members for two-year terms, making a total of 15 countries. The Security Council tries to
be the arbiter in ceasefires between two sides. They can pass sanctions like block trade
with another country as a punishment. They can send troops or observers and, if worst
comes to worst, they can use military force. In the past, UN peacekeepers members
have a veto power, which means that one member can stop the entire council from
taking action against a country. This has come up recently during the Syrian Civil War in
which Russia and China, who are allies with Syrian leader Bashar-Al-Assad, have been
able to stop the other members from stepping in to deal with the Syrian leader who was
accused of using biological weapons against his own people.

The UN is not all about fights. It has a program called UNICEF or the
United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund. Its primary goal is to help children around
the world. They collect funds to distribute emergency relief from famine and poverty and
disease. It also provide education programs in areas where there are no schools. While
UNICEF is part of the United Nations, they operate semi-independently and rely on
fundraising. In terms of economic issues, the main focus of the UN is the reduction of
global inequality. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) cover a range of
concerns for the improvement of all aspects of life. According to the UN (2017),
sustainable development encompasses economic prosperity, social well-being, and
environmental protection. Since the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) did not end
poverty for all people, the UN’s post-2015 sustainable development agenda showcases

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

the vision of the organization when it comes to broader issues such as climate change,
disaster risk reduction, and gender equality.

Environmental issues, such as pollution and hazardous wastes, are addressed

through United Nations Environment Programmed (UNEP). The increasing rate of
greenhouse gas emissions, rising sea level, and occurrence of extreme weather patterns
are the effects of climate change. As a response, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) took efforts that can mitigate climate change like assessment of
climate science, facilitation of climate agreements, and giving assistance to countries to
reduce emissions (UN, 2011).

The UN also has the International Court of Justice (ICJ), usually referred to as
the World Court. It is located in the Netherlands in a town called The Hague. This is
where countries can settle disputes in a court of law, as well as a place where war
criminals and rules who have done terrible things to their people can be put to trial for
their crimes. Aside from this, there also a variety of International Criminal Court (ICC)
and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS). The problem is,
sometimes, getting the violators all the way to Europe to face trial because there is no
actual police to force to go out and get them. As more and more countries interact with
one another, people are looking for the ICJ to play a bigger role in the future of our
global world. Finally, the UN promotes and protects human rights through different
organizations and mechanisms. Since 1948, human rights have been brought into the
realm of international law. This is reflected in the Universal Declaration of the realm of
international law. This is reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human rights.

The UN is being criticized as being weak and is unable to stop wars. Because of
this, the next substitution that we are going to discuss continues to play a big role in
foreign conflicts. This is NATO. It is a defensive treaty or a military alliance between the
United States, Canada, and 25 European countries. This treaty and international
organization is based on the idea of collective security. The countries in this organization
basically agreed to combine their militaries and announce to the world that if a country
messes with one of its members, the other countries will come to their defense. NATO
was created after the Second World War, mostly during the beginning of the Cold War.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, former Soviet states, like
Poland and Croatia, had joined NATO, making the present-day Russia feel more
threatened. NATO has sent troops and undertaken military operations in Afghanistan,
Kosovo, Iraq, and Africa. The United States with, by far, the most advanced military in
the world males up the bulk of NATO forces and operations. Many of these wars or
conflicts are considered to be strictly U.S wars.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

Another example of an international organization that was developed out of war

is the Red Cross (Red Crescent in Muslim countries). It is considered as a non-
governmental organization (NGO). NGOs are not tied to any country. This allows them
to operate freely throughout the world. They provide emergency relief such as food,
water, and medical supplies for those whose homes or towns have been destroyed by
disaster or war. They also monitor the treatment of prisoner of wars and go to conflicts to
make sure that no war crimes are taking place. In fact, the Red Cross began as an
organization to help those who were wounded during wars. The big Red Cross worn by
NGOs is the identification that they are not soldiers. Part of why it is important for the
Red Cross to be an NGO is that they remain neutral and would help the wounded from

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both sides of war. Since they are neutral, governments are more likely to let them come
into their countries to help. While the headquarters of the International Red Cross is in
Geneva, Switzerland, they have branches all around the world.

In addition to the Red Cross, there are many NGOs dedicated to helping people
around the world. Doctors Without Borders provides free emergency healthcare in
disaster areas; Oxfam fights famine and disease; Amnesty International speaks out for
human rights and political prisoners; and Save the Children helps kids get health care
and education.

Global Economic Associations: The WTO and NAFTA

The next group is an economic association-WTO. It is made up of 162 countries

around the world and was created with the goal of increasing free trade. Countries,
therefore, can buy and sell goods from one another without placing taxes on imports or
tariffs. In addition, tariffs are used to protect businesses and companies inside their
country. Though good in nature, WTO is not without criticism. In fact, a protest in Seattle
at a 1999 WTO Conference led to a major riot as some said that WTO was more about
helping large companies and corporations than it was about helping people.

Another famous economic organization is NAFTA. This is an economic treaty

between the United States, Canada, and Mexico in which the three countries trade freely
without taxing each other. NAFTA is no without critics either. Some American
autoworkers protected against NAFTA as several car companies moved their factories to
Mexico in search for cheaper labor. NAFTA, like WTO, represents the challenge in
America of keeping manufacturing factories.

Internationalism and Globalism

The word “internationalism” comes from Latin and means “between” or “among”
nations. In this framework people do not relate directly to each other as individuals but
usually interact with each other as citizens of different nations and in formal settings by
means of national representatives. Crossing a national boundary usually means getting
inspected, being subject to different laws, using a different language, and using different
money. Although it is not possible to point to some single moment when the transition
from internationalism to globalism begins, it seems that a significant event relevant to
this transition was the photographing of the Earth from space which was done in the late
1960s and early 1970s. We are living in the age of globalization. That term
“globalization” is usually taken as applying to the domination of the global economy by
transnational corporations, and that shift certainly is a major factor in the way that the
global society is changing. It is these corporations more than any other institutions that
are operating in a world where national borders are more and more irrelevant. But we
are also witnessing globalization, that is, the progressive diminution of the importance of
national borders, in all facets of human life: disease (avian flu, HIV/AIDS), the internet,
music, science, education, athletics, tourism, crime (drug trafficking, smuggling people
and weapons across national boundaries, pirating patents and copyrighted material),
and so on.

The industrial revolution greatly changed not only the way that goods are
produced but also the kinds of goods that get produced. New means of transportation
(bicycles, trains, airplanes, automobiles, and jet planes) changed the distances people

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could and would travel. New means of communication (telegrams, telephones, radios,
films, television, the internet, and cell phones) changed the ways people communicate
with each other. As is often said, "Modern technological developments in transportation
and communication are making the world smaller every day.” These changes brought
about by the new products of industrialization are in turn producing changes in ourselves
and in our society as we move from the internationalism of the 20 th century to the
globalism of the 21st century.

The transition from Nationalism to Internationalism is just as the transition from

an agrarian society to an industrialized society didn’t occur everywhere at the same time,
so the transition from nationalism to internationalism hasn’t taken place everywhere at
the same time. Internationalism came to Europe much earlier than to the United States.
The first international governmental organization was the Central Commission for the
Navigation of the Rhine, created by the Europeans in 1815; and the second was the
European Commission of the Danube created in 1856. The first worldwide international
organization was the International Telegraphic Union. It was established in 1865 and
incorporated into the International Telecommunication Union in 1932. Its work and that
of other international functional organizations created about the same time was much
more important in Europe than in other parts of the world. The formation of the European
Union in the last part of the 20th century is moving Europeans toward internationalism,
but there is still much nationalistic restraint on that effort toward integration.

The nationalism in Europe is being overcome to a large extent by the feeling that
European integration is necessary to compete with the United States. The United States,
separated by oceans from both Europe and Asia, tended to view internationalism as a
matter of U.S. domination of Latin America as proclaimed in the Monroe Doctrine of
1823. The intent of the Monroe Doctrine as originally expressed was to warn the Council
of Europe powers not to support Spain in any effort to reconquer their Latin American
colonies. It is the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine (1904) that represented a
certain degree of US domination of Latin America. One indication of the extent to which
nationalism has remained the prevailing outlook in the United States is the fact that it is
one of only three countries in the world (the others are Burma and Liberia) which still
does not use the International System of Units (the metric system of measurement),
despite the fact that Congress adopted a law in 1866 saying that no contract using the
metric system can be invalidated by a court plus the fact that other more recent laws
declare it to be the preferred system of weights and measures in the United State.


Globalism is tied to the notion of networks. For Castells (2000), “networks

constitute the fundamental pattern of life, of all kinds of life”. It was previously mentioned
that in the present and even in the past, the world is connected. The difference between
globalism and globalization is the speed and thickness or intensity of connections.
Nevertheless, people are connected with one another whether as a small community or
as a large country.

The question now is about the type of connection that exists and begins to
increase in the contemporary world. The answer lies on the growth of information as the
binding force among people, things, and places around the modern telecommunication,
that replaces industrialism is called informationalism (Catells, 2004). These are

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

technology, the media, and the internet. This is not to say that we do not need to
produce material goods such as factories, clothes and food; rather, exchanging
information and knowledge, which is clearly immaterial goods, becomes central in the
contemporary world (Hardt & NEgri, 2000). This is due to the “three of the most cutting-
edge aspects of the social world in general and globalization in particular” (Ritzer, 2015,
p.134), technology, media, and the Internet.

The creation of the world’s first container ship in 1956 and the expansion of
airfreight hastened to the transport of goods all around the world. But a notable example
of technological advancement is the founding of Federal Express (FedEx) in the 1970s.
It makes use of computer technology in its deliveries. Computer technology is used to
check our health through the invention of magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs),
ultrasound, and CT or CAT scans. Space-based technologies were also made possible
through the use of computers (Ritzerm 2015). The launching of satellites for military
surveillance, the use of global positioning systems (GPS), and the operation of global
navigation systems (GNS) are some remarkable examples.

McLuhan and Flore (2005) argued that in the New Media Age, the importance
lies in the medium, the way in which the message transmitted, not necessarily in the
content presented through the medium. This means that televisions, radios, and
newspapers have been shaping “individual subjectivity and culture, not only locally but
globally” (Ritzerm 2015,p.143). In addition, the French social theorist Guy DeBord (1994)
emphasized in his idea of media spectacle the sophistication and ubiquity of a
spectacular visual in televisions. This made TV news a form of entertainment. Although
content matters in television broadcasts, visual spectacle or significance is an important
element and perhaps the primary key to catch the attention of the audience.

When one mentions online social networking, spam, and computer viruses, it is
the Internet that binds them all. The Internet is a mark of the contemporary world.
According to Ritzer (2015), “The Internet has prompted a flat world thesis; anyone can
involve in it, at least theoretically” (p.150). Having a computer today in our homes, our
schools, our workplaces, and accessing the Internet through our personal cellphones
allow us to be connected with the rest of the world. We can gain more information by
accessing different websites, such as Facebook and Wikipedia, through the Internet. In
the same manner, the information about ourselves that we share is also exposed. In
order to control Internet access and use, there are mechanisms such as personal
passwords or in the case of Chinese government, the “Great Firewall”.

While globalization allowed the expansion of information, access to modern

technologies is not a universal matter that is available to every person around the world.
The Internet and other technologies are limited by certain barriers. These barriers
include lack of electricity, illiteracy, weak financial systems, and government regulations.

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Learning Resources

Globalism is tied to the notion of networks. For Castells (2000), “networks

constitute the fundamental pattern of life, of all kinds of life”. It was previously mentioned
that in the present and even in the past, the world is connected. The difference between
globalism and globalization is the speed and thickness or intensity of connections.
Nevertheless, people are connected with one another whether as a small community or
as a large country.

Study Guide Question

1. What is the impact of globalism to the economy?


Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City


The modern world-system is structured politically as an interstate system – a

system of competing and allying states. Political Scientists commonly call this the
international system, and it is the main focus of the field of International Relations. All
world-systems are composed of multiple interacting polities. The main purpose of global
interstate is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration
through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms in order to increase universal respect
for justice, the rule of law, and human rights along with fundamental freedom


Aldama, P.K., (n.d.). The Contemporary World

Glossop, R., (2017). Meaning of the Twenty-First Centure: From Internationalism to
Globalism. Comparative Civilizations Review, Volume 76, Number 76. Retrieved from
Rummel, R.J. (n.d.). The International Actors. Retrieved from

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Learning Activities
This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
WEEK 5 scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

Course Title: GE ESci The Contemporary World

Student Name:
Date Submitted:
ACTIVITY: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the
Activity or Activities have different parts.

Title: Connecting the World (20 points)

Date of Submission:
Things to do:
 Read and understand the question/s below.

Choose three (3) adjectives that best describe the whole topic. After which,
discuss the adjective that you have chosen.

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
WEEK 5 scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

Course Title: GE ESci The Contemporary World

Student Name:
Date Submitted:
ASSESSMENT: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the
Activity or Activities have different parts.

Title: Sequence Chart! (30 points)

Date of Submission:
Things to do:
 Read and understand the question.

Task 1. Discuss how the global interstate system be an advantage both politically and
economically. Relate your example to the Philippine context.

Task 2. Do you believe that terrorism, for example, can be solved by a global
interstate system? Should the other country intervene in the conflict of the other
country? Provide an article or legal basis to stand your claims.

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

GE ESCI- The Contemporary World

Unit 2: Introduction to Globalization
Lesson 6: Contemporary Global Governance


Global governance encompasses activity at the international, transnational, and

regional levels, and refers to activities in the public and private sectors that transcend
national boundaries. Global governance is the purposeful order that emerges from
institutions, processes, norms, formal agreements, and informal mechanisms that
regulate action for the common good. Global governance encompasses activities
that transcend national boundaries at the international, transnational, and regional
levels and is based on rights and rules that are enforced through a combination of
economic and moral incentives. Mechanisms of global governance are composed of
elements and methods from both the public and private sectors.

These elements include agreed upon standards, evolving norms based on

shared values, and directives issued by private authorities and ultimately enforced by
states. Methods of global governance include harmonization of laws among states,
international regimes, global policy issue networks, and hybrid institutions that
combine functions of state agencies and private sector organizations.

1. What is the contemporary of global governance?

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Learning Objectives

LO1: Distinguish different interpretations of and approaches to globalization.

LO2: Describe the emergence of global economic, political, social and cultural systems.
LO3: Analyze the various contemporary drivers of globalization.
LO5: Assess the effects of globalization on different social units and their responses.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Identify the roles and functions of the United Nations.

Identify the challenges of global governance in the twenty-first century.

Explain the relevance of the state amid globalization.

Key Concepts

Contemporary Global Governance

The Global Governance perspective seeks to examine gaps in the

international system for managing complex issues and to engage stakeholders on
practical steps for collective problem-solving. It pays particular attention to informing
successful multilateral negotiations on creating or reforming global institutions, and to
engaging more effectively new transnational actors from the private sector and civil
society. Making global governance work is a defining challenge of our time, given that
too often international leaders fail to agree on, let alone pursue, concerted action to
address pressing transnational problems at the intersection of peace, security and

If global governance reforms are necessary in order to adequately address

the challenges of the 21st century, the issue of the “adequacy” of the nation-state as a
unit of
representativeness, agency and legitimacy in the global age could easily be questioned.
Many have argued that the increasing globalization of finance, trade, migration, and
media have weakened nation-states and their capacities to manage domestic affairs. But
the fundamentals of globalization do not seem to be juxtaposed to the nation-state so
much as they are to the Western notion of modernity.

One way to look at this is to realize that the 20th century was based on the
Western notion of progress rooted in the universality of human knowledge derived from
specialization in disciplines and problem areas. Western modernism for much of the
20th century was understood in the West especially as a universal form of modernism
which would be shared by all humanity as progress spread. The 21st century is already
being seen as posing challenges distinct from the 20th century. The challenges of this
century seem to be characterized by a fundamentally different construct.

There is no organization that various states are accountable to. Moreover, no

organization can militarily compel a state to obey predetermined global rules. There is,
however, some regularity in the general behavior of states. For example, they more or
less follow global navigation routes and, more often than not, respect each other’s
territorial boundaries. Moreover, when they do not-like when Russia invaded Crimea in
2014- it becomes a cause for global concern and debate. The fact that states in an

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

international order continue to adhere to certain global norms means that there is a
semblance of world order despite the lack of a single world government. Global
governance refers to the various intersecting processes that create this order.

There are many sources of global governance. States sign treaties and form
organizations, in the process legislating public international law (international rules that
govern interactions between states as opposed to, say private companies).
International non-governmental organizations (NGO’s), though not having formal state
power, can lobby individual states to behave in a certain way (for example, an
international animal protection NGO can pressure governments to pass animal cruelty
laws). Powerful transnational corporations can likewise have tremendous effects on
global labor laws, environmental legislations, trade policy, etc. Even ideas such as the
need for “global democracy” or the clamor for “good governance” can influence the
ways international actors behave.


Abinales, P., and Claudio, L. (2018). The Contemporary World. C & E Publishing, Inc.,
Aldama, P. (2018). The Contemporary World. REX Book Store, Philippines.
Chen, J., and Anderson, S. (2021). Bretton Woods Agreement and System. Retrieved
from https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/brettonwoodsagreement.asp
Steger, M. (2014). The SAGE Handbook of Globalization. Google Books.
The Sage Handbook of Globalization; 2 volume set. (2015, November). ProtoView.

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Learning Activities
This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
WEEK 6 scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

Course Title: GE ESci The Contemporary World

Student Name:
Date Submitted:
ACTIVITY: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the
Activity or Activities have different parts.

Title: United Nations (20 points)

Date of Submission:
Things to do:
 Read and understand the question/s below.

How do international organizations take on “lives of their own?”

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
WEEK 6 scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

Course Title: GE ESci The Contemporary World

Student Name:
Date Submitted:
ASSESSMENT: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the
Activity or Activities have different parts.

Title: Global Governance (30 points)

Date of Submission:
Things to do:
 Read and understand the question/s below.

Why is global governance multi-faceted? What do you think are the challenges faced
by the United Nations in maintaining global security?

Juan dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
UNIT 2 scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

Course Title: GE ESci The Contemporary World

Student Name:
Date Submitted:
UNIT REQUIREMENT: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly
if the Activity or Activities have different parts.

Title: United Nations Peacekeepers (100 points)

Things to do:
 Read and understand the question/s below.

Research on what the United Nations peacekeeper is, the countries that
send these peacekeepers, and their responsibilities. There is a scenario, two
countries are battling each other for 30 years over a big area of land that is located
within their borders. The community that lives in this area is composed of people who
have never been clear about their national loyalties. If you will be one of the
peacekeepers’ forces, list down the things you need to prepare for this mission.


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