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Moral Values - L-6,8,9 & 10

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His words were never-ending. He wanted to say a lot more but said, “Thank you father for showing me who is truly poor and unhappy and whois actually ish ~ The father was happy to hear that his son_understood the true meaning of happiness. He was happy that although they were very rich, still his son understood what real happiness is when dreams are fulfilled. \appiness resides in our heart. Real happiness makes us forget all worries and sorrows. Happiness is something that doesn’t need only success. Jt comes when we find it in small deeds. We don't have to each at the top to get happy, if we are happy, we are on the top. bas ; 2: S89 4 EXerctse: - ° A. Tick (¥) the correct option. 1. Howmany dogsdid the poor people have? (a) One (6) Two Ho three 2. What gave them light? (a) Expensive lanterns (b) Bulbs (Stars 3. Whowas truly happy? — (a) The wealthy man’s son[_] (b) The poor people {7 (c) Nane of them 4, Where did the poor peoplelive? (a) In the vast fields C] jinthehouse ,2 Oe: 2°... G p, Answer the following questions, 1. Why did the father take his son ona trip to the countryside? 2 on alum a heastt « ER etivities Qe A. What will you do to make the following people happy? Your best friend is crying because Your mother is erying because his parents have scolded him. she has lost her purse. Your sister is sad, because she Your brother is unhappy because he is has got less marks. not selected for the school cricket team. © © .o° oe Our National/Emblem Our National Emblem was taken from the Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath, the Lion Capital of emperor Ashoka. It has four Asiatic lions standing back to back—symbolizing power, courage, pride and confidence mounted on a circular platform. The Platform is girded with a frieze of sculptures in high relief of an elephant (of the east), horse (of the west), a bull (of the south) anda lion (of the north) separated by intervening wheels overa lotus in fullbloom. The capital is crowned by the Wheel of Law (Dharma Chakra). The words Satyamev Jayate are carved at the bottom. Astudy ofall the above will help us to be aware about the rights and duties of a true patriot and serve our country. Moral: Be a trué patriot. Let us all work hard so # make it strong, Let us ke be a true Indian, a inne patriot so that ou country remains united and strong. Let us serve our country and be ready for help. Let us be brave andl defend L&R J C ac= 3% PExercise . A. Answerthe following questions, 1. Whyis India talled aland of uni LL OSI Py wat hat we enhance the glory of our nation and eep our goals to its frontiers, indiversity? | Hm. OMATh JOD | 5. Wnid'SourNational Song? “. is Natéon IE wow | Banki -> | 6. From where was our National Emblem adopted? is National Senblemssa1 adopted fram the, | Assia Prblos, at Lasnath - | |B. Tick(¥) the correct option. { 1. Whoisknownas the Father of the Indian Constitution? | (a) Dr. Manmohan Singh (b) Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar| UY () Mahatma Gandhi (d) None ofthese C] | 2. Howmany colour bandsare there in our National Flag? { (a) Three [U}- (b) Four (Five (d)six , 3. How many spokes are there in the wheel? | (a)40 24 [Ee («60 (d) 100 | 4. Who composed our National Anthem? | (a) Rabindranath Tagore [U} (b)BankimChandraChatterji [| (c)Asha Bhonsle i (d) None of these L] f- 5. Whatiswritten at the bottom of our National Emblem? a (a) India is great! [] — @JaijawanJaiKisan O (©)SatyamevJayate — [_r}~ _(d)Noneofthese LJ 9° © ©» O8-04°.2% © . State true or false. 1. Atrue patriotshould know about the constitution of his own country, Our National flag is called Tricolour. Saffron represents truth. Vande Mataram is our National Anthem. Our National Emblem has5 lions. gor YL . Fillin the blanks. ; 1. Atrue patriot must know about thetonstdubion of his Aus Leuy 2._ The Indian flag hasa ratio oflengthand widthas__3! 2. 3.Jaua Gauss Morais our National Anthem, 4. OurNational Emblem was taken from theAthoka {| las atSamath, EReti vities A. Draw the National symbols here. our national flower our national bird cour national animal our national game QO ©o- our national flag 2. Theking ordered to (a) kill the children{_ |] (b) to call the children and their parents in the court BB (c)noneofthese [_] 3. Maharaja Ranjit Singh wasa king. (a) generous (b) polite (c) both S 4, Apolitechildisliked by (ajeveryone 1-4 (b) someone (c)noone oO Roti vities A. Read the poem ‘Politeness’. Being polite is a pleasant way to begin every day, Asmile to begin with, when you're prepared to say, “Good morning “or "Good evening,” “good night or good day” Is the best, it's the neighbourly and approachable way. Showing thanks and appreciation for kindness shown to you, Making you outstanding and approachable too, Is the more rewarding way to spend your day. Yes, I'm sure and positive, that true politeness pays. B. Colour the flowers that show politeness. Talk in a soft tone.

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