Grammar VI Chapter 3,4,5
Grammar VI Chapter 3,4,5
Grammar VI Chapter 3,4,5
- i
~ Let , li nk it
A.. Let's play Chinese whispers with ,H"ill'l t1\l''-!
• Com1 f l\~ups 0f fi ve.
• 'I our te3cher \\ ill give each group a noun to describe. For example. 1, )';\
• One of the students will think of an adjective to describe the noun. That student will
" hisper the adjective along with the noun in the next student's ear.
• The next student will then repeat that adjective. add another adjective of his/ her own, and
whisper it to the next student. and so on. Don't forget to mention the noun at the end.
• The last student in the group will then have to add his/ her own adjective to the list and say
all the adjectives aloud along with the noun.
• Share your adjective chains with the other groups.
Wasn't that f un? You can play Chinese whispers with other grammar topics like nouns and adverbs.
You have already learnt
B. Read these sentences and write the highlighted adJectivcs in the correct columns in the table
that follows.
That is a tall tree. (ljlflUJ.l
.. 1
house is ours. ,v~9fln01lJ' l ll lttQ. {.
3. Shane is my friend. Po~ ~ •t
4. I have ~ome money with me. & LHl nI : ( ~
5. ~bic~ book are you reading? -J.n fcJ,,,.OJ'1fltJ(
6. Simran won the ~ t prize. o._,i.&t'hit\ C
Quality Quantity Demonstrative Possessive Interrogative Number
You have already learnt about six types of adjectives. The table below will help you revise them.
' £er "' _ ..'e adjectives ask a question related to • Whose pencil box is this?
a noun.
...,__ r · rs of I"' 'T' her tell us about the number of
• Shubhra participated in four racing
a noun. events this year.
k, Lefs crack it
A. Underline the adjectives in these sentences and state their types.
1. The two white cars parked outside are mine.
2. _My eldest
..,.,,.,_ son is studying to be an architect.
3. ~ children saw~~ peacocks on the roof.
4. Samar drank s~m~ juice and rushed to .h.lJ school.
5. _ym person should contribut e~ money to the fund.
6. The cook bought.Jome apples and made a.~ellclou1 pie.
7. The ~..n' traveller rested under the.!J,ady tree ln,_2Yr 1arden.
WhichJtude nt got an A for the presentation on the Panchatantra?
8. Fill in the blanks with appr opri ate rldl" ~tiv"
1 She_p~ck cd th e _ ·ff..,}.f
(f irst/ wide ) d ress she saw.
r tonig ht?
2. ~:..U..C... - (Wh ic h / That ) dress w ill you wea
3 On .i ! ,', ~ i (som e / little ) days I like to wake up late.
~ :,·.
_l t_ f :A (Wh ich /Th is) f ilm d id you watc h last nigh t?
6. The plum ber as ked ,.:/bn :( (tha t/tho se) man for help .
corre ct use of some distr ibuti ve adjectives .
Looi-' at these sent.£:nces to learn more abou t the
• ~ch is usually used to talk abou t two or
more persons or things, and ever y is more
appr opna tk for three or more people or thing
s. For example,
• She enjoyed ever y piece of candy.
• Sh(: held t 110 toHec-s in each hand.
ings indiv idua lly or wish to emphasize
• 'lie J ~ e.r h Nhen we think of people or th
of people or thing s together, in a
·ndi i,dua •~ in a grou p. We use ever y when we think
grou p. For f::/ .<1mple,
re, and ever y pictu re was colou rful.
• uc.h child in thP. c.lass room was pain ting a pictu
ates none (of the group). For example,
• Ellr;er ind, ant one (of a grou p). Ne1the-r indic
er boy mus t open the door.
• Litll n boy can ansn e, the phone, but neith
C. Use cac.h or every to fill in the blanks.
1. __ Ci) ( f'L an sw er is worth five points.
2. They enjoyed Cl!~11- minute of the film.
D. Use the correct adjectives of number from the help box to fill in the blanks.
Order of adjectives
Look at this sentence.
• That green pretty diary is mine.
Does the sentence sound right to you?
Now read this sentence.
• That pretty green diary is mine.
Both sentences have two adjectives describing the noun diary. The second sentence reads better
the adjectives are placed in a certain order.
When we use more than one adjective to describe a noun, we have to follow a certain order. Look
the flow chart carefully to understand the order of adjectives.
. ..... ... ..... .... ...... .. . ., ............................. .
r····· .. ······~~~~········ ..
·= ·=
···--= :···· .. ·······~·-····· ..........
Number Opinion
i • ten, thirteen • pretty, rough
.) .1·,. • enormous, tiny
.l ..j
·.... ..... .. ........ , .... , .....- o o o o o o ••I•• •• ••• f I•• t •••••I•••••
f •
.···················· ·······-·················..
. Purpose : Materlal
l 41(
' Orl1ln/
nationality i.-
. ~
I • academic, /~ • velvet,
; · cotton :.• Indian, Spanl~:: i. ...,..,lm'1V!
. Industrial
•· 1 It• t • o ••I.• f e •II•• It I
.. ···················· ····· .... ' ............. . .... .
E. Work in pairs and think of two or mo
re adjectives to describe these nouns.
Then use tho se
es In the
tences of your own. Write the sentenc
adjectives in the correct order In sen
given space.
1. ca r
2. film
3. book
4. game
5. lamp
6. house
7. bot tle
8. cou ntry
Irregular adjective s do not follow t hese ru les as ca n be seen below.
F. Read the sentences. Then complet e the transform ation of the sentences accordin g to the
instructio ns in brackets. One has been done for you.
1. That is the brightes t corner in school. (change to compara tive degree)
No other corner in ~.Ll.l.l:.I.LL.lal...Jo.l.l...ltioLJ.1.s-L..IJ.1Jrau....1J.1Jlll..lUJ..ljc....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......,
2. This flower is prettier than that one. (change to positive degree)
- 0 .
That flower is not ,
3. This is the oldest building in town. (change to compara tive degree)
No other building. .-•,...__-4W~...·~ ~LU.(LUL- i.lL.L.&.w. -4~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - ---"'.'.
4. Lead is the heaviest metal. (change to comparative degree)
No other metal is ~......loCM,-...c. -.lLLloMf.JUL ........1111. C.4~~.,__ _ _ _ __ _ _,;___ ~
IE't) .dcu.: ,afU\. Jh< c a~,d .l1, W, p ·,, iftJ ,2, ocf: F'if.' 'i1 .&nm! .
the garden.
6. The childr en broug ht a (stran ge/me tallic/ short) wand from
TLC Cf. i Ed:; ( }t '1 rJ r f La/, I o.. rJ,:·o7~~c ., . /, r
.i· j)n;A aff1( '11 ~ a r,,c{
. th · h ·
cJ V
comparison in
q a..:i. .. ti :- r~ •
D. Und erIme e error m eac sentence. Write the correct degre es of
.,;, Lets link it
A. Circle the nnou in this story.
Look at the flow charts carefully. They will help you revise the types of pronouns.
JbJr I pr , 1 rs Examples:
(u~.:-d to p\'1int l'Ut !-p,' cific
}'t'l~\, nc;, t\nim,,lc;, pl,Kl"~. • Is mv P<'"•
thin~,. l''' idt','" -
. •"'d )
. ,' ,) t (' our p.,intin~!-.
l , .,mpl<'c; :
• If th is ic;n't 1r • il mus t be
.:md )
. '\ i!- much bc ltt.'r th,m
le\ ~ crack it
A. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.
1. TF..Lb is a beautiful painting.
2. JEot is my house over there.
3. M y name is Lata. ..➔ love singing.
4. bLfio is that person?
5. Is t his your purse? I'm pretty sure it is I ~ l ()/f > r(
6. l, f1
< r are the sweets that you were talking about?
7. Celine and I are going to Darjeeling. Do , ~f' ( L want to come with_...~ ..._•
8. Last month, Ruhan, Tina, and Swati went trekking. _]li_......
Emphatic pronouns
Read thi s sentence.
• f. d1ti ,md De •(•p made the arrangements themselves.
Here, the word tl1t•m•.<•lve •; shows that only Aditi and Deep did the work and they
own . It is u~cd to empha size the nouns In the sentence. Such a word Is called an
He:-r~•s anothc•r example.
• rJI ,, • rnade the model h<= r~olf.
In thl '> !.<:nknc.c, 11,~1 •,.dt e mphasizes the pronoun she.
Emphatic pronouns emphasize a 1 h
,, th -self or ·setves.• '°0 " or anot er pronoun In the same sentence. They typically end
th I d I
M, -sdf, .yc-ursctf, him~clf. herself, itsdf • oneself
· , our!.nlvc"
• ._, :-, ~msc vec;, an yoursc ves are
emph.'.tt1c pronouns.
Reflexive pronouns
Re.~d this sentence.
• ~u n,.~ saw hcrs(."ff in the mirror.
W'hat is the subject here? The subject is Ruma.
And what is the object? Yes. here the object is herself. We learn that
Ruma saw herself and no one else in the mirror.
The word hc~ elf is used to point back to the noun in the sentence. Such
a pronoun is called a reflexive pronoun.
let's look at another example.
• He bought himself a new game.
In this sentence, himself points back to the pronoun he.
Reflexive pronouns are used when the doer of an action also receives the action.
Myself, hirnself, herself, itself, yourself, ourselves, and themselve s are reflexive pronouns.
B. Identify whether the highlighted pronouns are reflexive (R) or emphatic (E).
1. Ritu hurt herself. R
2. I myself finished the homework . E
3. My father himself created this dish. E
- ~-
4. They completed the project themselves.
5. Sudhir heard himself in the cave of echoes. t
6. The students enjoyed themselves at the picnic.
7. The students themselves prepared for the test. F:
8. Shubhangi bought herself a present for her birthday.
Relative pronouns
Read what Raghu has to say about a new video game.
• The new app that we download ed Is very Interesting. Our friend who suggested it was sure
w~ would enjoy It.
In the first sentence, the word that comes after the noun app and Introduces a set of words, linking
them to the noun. Similarly, In the second sentence, who Introduces a set of words and links them to
the subject. our friend. Here who and that are relative pronouns.
A relative pronoun comes after a noun to point to it or to give more information about it.
Who, whoever, whose. which, whichever, tha t. wha t. and whatever are relative pronouns.
Using pronouns
Look at these sentences.
• Salim helps his mother. H e is helpful.
• Rishabh has not come to school. Let's go meet him
• The cooks decided to cook something different They served
Italian food.
In each of these sentences, the pronouns match the nouns in gender,
number, and person. So we see that to use a pronoun correctly in a
sentence, it is important to know whether the noun is-
• the subject or the object,
• feminine or masculine, and
• singular or plural.
Here are some rul es that tell us about how pronouns should be used. Read them carefully.
• A collective noun takes a singular pronoun. For example,
• The co mrr.ittee has arrived at a decision. It will announce the decision after UICh.i
However, if the individuals that make up a collective noun are talked about. then,_. ,._,~
pronoun is used. For example,
• The t r::arn was in disagreement over the matter. They decided to discuss their
with the coach.
Here we are talking about the members of the team and not of the team as a
• Two or more singular nouns joined by and take a plural pronoun. For •
• Rahul and Gurpreet reached school late. They were not allowed
· · db
If two or more singu lar noun s are Jotne lar
• . Y and but refer to the same perso n, then a singu
pron oun 1s used . For exam ple,
· ·
• Am;:il is pres ident and treas urer of the club H 1s a respo nsibl e boy.
. e
'you and I'.
• Is it 'you and I' or 'I and you'? ... It is polite to say
'Unni and I'.
• Is it 'Unni and I' or 'I and Unni '? ... It is polite to say
nd I' or 'you a~d me'? ··· It is 'you and I' when used as a subje ct and 'you and
• Is i~ 'you a
me when used as an obJec t. For example,
• You and I shou ld leave on time for the party.
• Harit a gave some book s to vou and me befor e leavin
(Both Hari and f are subjects doing the
e Ha~, and I (not Hari and me) went to the theat re.
actio n.)
After many years one met my child hood frien d today
The coffe e shop offer s the choc olate brow nies !
e at chea p rates.
~ Let 's per fect it
book by replacing the nouns with suitable
A Read the given passage and rewrite it in your note
pron ouns where needed.
Gepp etto made wood en toys. One day,
Gepp etto was a carp ente r who lived in a village.
pupp et sudd enly came to life. Gepp etto name d
Gepp etto made a wood en pupp et The wood en
t he pupp et Pino cchio .
sea. A huge whal e swal lowe d Gepp etto.
Once Gepp etto and Pino cchio wen t to sail on the
the wate r to save Pinoc chio' s fathe r. The whal e
Whe n Pinoc chio saw this, Pino cchio jump ed into
swallowed Pino cchio too.
Pino chhio and Gepp etto were very happ y to
Inside the whal e's belly, Pino cchio saw Gepp etto.
Pino chhio bega n to tickle the whal e's stom ach.
see each othe r. Pinoc chio made a plan to escape.
to laugh, Pino cchio and Gepp etto slipp ed out.
As soon as the whale open ed the whal e's mou th
the fathe r and son lived happ ily ever after.
Pino cchio and Gepp etto reach ed hom e safely. And
u. C t cte the srntt-nccs \l!!\n onouns from th e bra
e, su\tt1b\c pr tl<.ets.
\ . Doy \.1uo
1 \ lh\,./hi"') ~,w
moncv '.
.'., · Shi.' \' l'C''- · \\<
· l' nh'li \h e bl
,\.,\... s \o " " "
\ Jll\t.
\\/me) .
,he- -'\l \h\., i\ " "m
J. il
1 .'S rd @ lk d \he h .Ui.. \hcr/h
., 1.,h.t 1ccs \o - crsc\f).
4 . 0 ul . (,hl'lher) knm ---
\h C'lib1 ,wy ?
•.L - -- (I/me) was In
• \hat -
$. His ta n,ilv "" '
s a m o ,d h.LU .r ..
alw,ws tighlln
_ reme m
0 1
bor \ha\ _ ll
lJ .!J- (thevl\ hc
\~ \il.'!!(itscl!
ml bought th
7. My kev is e
ja1rnm,d in th: clothes from
lock. Can som . ,4 i,
s. My bro\her an eone help __ \us/we),
d _ 'l-- (llme) bough
__,illl.t..- \me lm
r e ) please1
t0ursdv cs /th t some apple
cmsc\ves). s for Jl ti o:,U
9. T oe flock of p
igeons saw
JJ U;,
10. The tea
m sh
the cat, and
o".'ered and c
_ J h ( ~ (it/they)
mommg pra
hanged alter
,JI l( t! · \it/they) ha away \n different direct·
C. Underlin d finished the
e the prono
uns th a t hav
the blanks. e been used
T h e n write
the correct
1. Is that b
icycle 'i9Ur? pronouns tn
2 . ~ is
your name?
3. '!Jho of
you is faster?
4 . Give th
e comic boo
ks to l,_
5. I ~ ~
If completed th
e project.
6. That is th
e boy whi~h
had \ent me
7 · My frien a pen.
d bought a s
e t of costum
8. That is es for we.
the gir\ who
bought l an
9 . He them ice -e r e ; ; .
selv~~ \ed th
10.;. ..
11. -
:~etittir;_~h~ ~
e troupe in
elongs to yo
th e specia\
u was found
You -
and m in th e playg
' ~e- sho....u. \d I round.
12. .lust be e ave for th e
tw e e party s o o n
13 R n you an d \ or it wi\\ b e
· • 'w e are p\a \a te
. urna ,s m . a surp
eeting ~ s i s rise party fo ·
14. firoz b t e r here. rS .
ought many ura,yya.
candies for,l.
15. Marco _
gave some p
aintings to y
ou and ,1. tod
ay .
.... - - - - - - --- - - - - -
Lets l ink 1t
A . Under line the verbs in the follow ing senten ces. Write T for verbs
that have object s and I for
verbs that don't have any object . Name the direct obJect where ver
neede d.
1. Subir has fallen asleep. I
The bell ran$_ loudly.
3. The peon rang the ~ T
4. She erai.?ed her friend' s £ain~ing. T
5. He heard a sound.
Prabhi told Nipa a story.
You have alread y learnt that in a senten ce, a verb may need a noun
(objec t) after it to comple te its
mea ning. Somet imes there may be two such nouns after a verb. In
the last senten ce that you read
above. the two object s are s or ✓ and N 1pa. Here sto ry is the direct
object of the verb. It answers the
questio n er •• ..,., -
is the ndi rec1 obiect of the verb. It answe rs the questio n verb + to
/ for whom?
Verbs that need -.,ojec s are called transi t ive verbs. They may take
two objects .
• A o _c• is usually affecte d by the action of the verb. For examp le,
• Prabhi narrate d a s o y.
e An r r ~ is the person to whom somet hing is given or for whom somet hing
is done.
For exam ple,
• Prabhi told 1p~ a story.
Verbs that do not require objects are called intranc ;itive verbs.
Look at these sentences to unders tand the differe nce betwee n the
types of verbs.
• Childre n ,., / with their ,. y ~.
• The childre n •> every evening.
In the first sentence, the verb is used with an object - a person or thing
affecte d by the action.
So the verb is a · , r 1, here.
In the second senten ce, the verb does not have an object. So the verb
pl 1y is an intrans itive
• , here.
V, Let 's crack it
A. Look at the underlined words. Write DO for direct object and 10 for Indirect object.
1. Surbhi gave Amrita a P~r!-
2. Grandfather bought Yinoq a bicycle. TO
3. The teacher taught us a song. DO
4. Shubra gifted her sister a flute. :rn
s. Fiona made a beautiful painting. 00
Finite verbs
Read these sets of sentences. Pay attentio n to the change in the forms of verbs.
• I liked acting. • He likes acting. • They will like acting.
A finite verb changes form with changes in the number and person of the
subject or a change in tense.
or match
• To check whethe r a verb is a main (or finite) verb, try changing the tense of the verb
of the verb,
the verb to singular and plural subjects. If doing so results in a change in the form
then the verb is finite. For example,
1/ J.. v'J '//
• They sang. They sing. • Rohan sang. Rohan sings. • He sings. They sing.
Non-finite verbs
Now let's read these sets of sentences.
• He likes acting. • They will like acting.
• I liked acting.
• I like to act • He likes to act. • They like to act.
' In thc-~e ~C'ntE:ncE'c. , the verb<.. atir,g and to ~c.t do not c.hang
e in eithe r tense or numb er. These
c~lled nnn fw,it!" vnb-. . Th<'y neve r ~rt c1S m.:lin verbs in sentences.
lc-·t\ look ~t the- typ<'s of non finite verb,; .
A gerun d 1s a non-f inite verb w~th -Ing form that functi ons as a noun
In a
Partic iple
P.<:ad these sente nces.
/ · . ./
__ , - -
The l~uP,h ing baby delig hted every one.
I ne<::d some salt for my bake d v~~!! t>le.
In th<:se senten, the verbs 1.-; i~
and baked are formed by addln a •lnl anct« tdJ
,,.J,,~ re~pec.tively. Th~y funct ion as adjectives In these
sentenCN. They ctnnot
as main verb' i and are a type of non- finite verbs .
C-." A MM~ ?
ht PMtPMIC .....
=•_r -,;=s :_◄ =!:: - - - - -- -=-- -- - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - -
= IJ -:: ::CE$" " : :-:.~
= 2:::
-- ,.
_ ...:c.:.,_ __:_.:,____:::.....::,_.::::.;:.;;c____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
, ·-,.;£:! ':.~ ~ie 1.r~ imed words are gerur :ds. partic iples, or infinitives.
F.. ~ .
11. Swimm ing is one of the best exercises . c'.: • 11 ll r\
12. He loves t o_wa lk in t he garden. / !·( 1.· r i l t, • (,.
13. n
It was a tirin_g wa lk home. p l Ht r)(~
14. The fil)eedi ng car jumped the red light. t >, ' ·•· l t-.! 1" (
J "
G. Read the sentences in the first column and underlin e the phrasal verbs. Then match the
verbs with their meaning s in the second column.
1. What time will the party break up? - / a) enters without permission
2. Break up the sentence into its parts. / _ __ _ b) come to an end
3. A thief breaks into houses. ------ - c) divide
I am going t o turn ~n:
Turn down his request.
- . d)
go to bed
,,, '
6. She will set out on the trek tomorro w;/ · f) refuse
7. She will set about complet ing the report. ·- --._X:-g) reserved
8. She has set apart some money for the holiday. '-h) take steps towards
Let's perfec t it
A Identify whether the underlined verbs are transitive mor lntran■ltlve (1).
1. The children Rli'ied Scrabble™.
2. The birds chimed in their nest.
3. The students wrote an essay.
4. Please '1o.K the gate .
5. The horse at~ ab.lg of o.,ts. _ _:1:_
6. Next summer. I ~ ill.n1n my first m •.u,,thon. _r. ._
7. The nurse ~•<1~b~ the wound and b,1ndc1ged it. __:r:__
8. In 1947. Pandit Nehru g_~_ye his first sµeech as prime minister. ____:]_-- -
9. James \Vatt invrat~ the stc;m1 e11gi11e. _-r:
10. The team hJs been pra~t jsiog all morning. 7-
s. Write F for sentences where the underlined words are finite verbs.
1. The children are playing in the field. _ x__
2. Salim w as watching TV when the phone rang. X
3. The students @n after the puppies.
4. The children were reading their books silently in class.
5. M y friend helped her brother to jump over the ditch.
6. My favourite ice cream flavour is mint-pineapple. E
7. The library has books for children of all ages. f
8. The headmistress gave permission to the children to play outside. X
9. I am busy completing my homeiwork. X
10. Please don't forget to buv milk. .><
C. Use suitable participles and gerunds from the box to complete the sentences. You may use a
word more than once.
. (;; )
cooking walking reading rolling swimming
1. __·'"'-----=-----'
A~·-::."- _ ·_~_ _ stone gathers no moss.
r e
. . I :~1__
2. Father taught me -..L./. . .r-'-.:.,·. .1'/_......
3. -~~ )·•!) is a good h~bby.
v. u
4. I will go I' 1c 1 "·1:.-:.•ll:)~V in summer~
5. My uncle likes , '~.- f t I fl / ~Q~O
U Io U
6. Children simply love Pla ~t•n@ .
7. The old man was tired of .~r,Q1~_L'1~ 1
E. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets. Then write if the
you have used are infinitives, gerunds, or participl es.
1. She likes
-:£n r/4ai'mJ mountai ns. paint)
, - .
2. The magician perform ed well, -----0.L.. ....1.~~~~ the guests. (entertai n)
3. They want -9.e .\-OJu. a walk in the park. (take)
4. .SJ H1111J idle wouldn't help you in any way. (sit)
5. She came .'Je aJi,/q, for somethi ng. (ask)
6. Please give me the
.. c..
,..upz,i.¼::Lvn. version of the stateme nt. (write)
7. I t hink !11·7 m'.:r/)'.~ is the best exercise to stay healthy. (swim)
8. She is a ~ 0 r ; ; idtl::U7} recipien t of the award. (deserve)
9. :m ~ ! l.J. )1 ~ my best friend after many years was great fun! (meet) _,__,__~
10. We want fu p.!'OJb many games at my friend's birthday
party. (play)
11. t fj 1rlt.:t11 a a tree is not very easy. (climb)
12. The ghosts st~od behind the 4PN& doors and listened. (close)