Ching and Christine - S Final Review Solutions
Ching and Christine - S Final Review Solutions
Ching and Christine - S Final Review Solutions
• Motivation: What if we always want to find the minimum or maximum element?
• Keep high priority items at the top
– Min heap: high priority corresponds to low priority value
– Max heap: high priority corresponds to high priority value
– Notice the difference between priority and priority value!
• Represented as a binary tree with two more properties:
– Complete: No empty spaces other than on the right-hand side of the bottommost level.
Consequence: height will be Θ(log N ) where N is the number of nodes
– (Min/Max)-Heap property: for a particular node n, the children of n must have (greater/-
lesser) priority value than n. Consequence: the root will always contain the (lowest/high-
est) priority value element
• Methods (of a min-heap)
– peek(): returns (but does not remove) the item with the minimum priority value; run-
time is Θ(1)
– removeMin(): returns (and does remove) the item with the minimum priority value;
runtime is O(log N )
∗ Take the item in the bottom-rightmost position and replace the value at the root
∗ Bubble down the new root value
– insert(T item, int priorityVal): Insert the item with priority value of priorityVal
into the heap; runtime is O(log N )
∗ Insert the item in the bottom-rightmost position
∗ Bubble up the new inserted value
• Bubbling (of a min-heap)
– Bubble up: while the priority value of a particular node n is less than the priority value
of its parent, swap the two
– Bubble down: while the priority value of a particular node n is greater than the priority
value of its child/children, swap the two (always pick the lesser of the two children if
both have priority value less than the current node)
• Representation
– Number each element in the heap, starting from 1, left to right top to bottom, this will
represent the index of the item in the array!
– For a particular node at index i :
∗ Parent is at index 2i
∗ Left child is at index 2i
∗ Right child is at index 2i + 1
• PriorityQueue<T>
Practice Problems
1. What is the size of the largest binary min heap that is also a valid BST? Draw an example
assuming all keys are letters from the English alphabet. Assume the heap has no duplicate
A heap must satisfy two properties:
(1) Heap-Order Property: In a min-heap, this means that each node is smaller than each of
its children.
(2) Completeness: there are no holes in the heap as you go through the tree in a level-order
Recall that a binary search tree (BST) satisfies the binary search invariant: all elements in
the left subtree are less than the key in the root, and all elements in the right subtree are
greater than the key in the root.
Combining these facts, we know that we can only have elements in the right subtree, but this
violates the completeness requirement for a heap. Thus, the maximum size is 1.
2. What is the size of the largest binary max heap that is also a valid BST? Draw an example
assuming all keys are letters from the English alphabet. Assume the heap has no duplicate
See the detailed explanation above, with the following modification: in a max-heap, each node
is larger than each of its children for the heap-order property. Because of this, we are able to
have one element in the left subtree, and this does not violate the completeness property as
before. Thus, the maximum size is 2 and a valid example is a single node with a
single left child.
3. What is the size of the largest binary min heap in which the fifth largest element is a child
of the root? You do not need to draw an example. Assume the heap has no duplicate
Graph Traversals
Idea: We must look through all the values of our graph. So, given some starting point, we do a
BFS/DFS traversal with the caveat that we now track what vertices we’ve visited before (to avoid
cycles). Below is the code for DFS. For BFS, we need only replace that Stack fringe with a Queue
public void dfs() {
Stack fringe = new Stack();
Set visited = new Set();
while (!fringe.isEmpty()) {
Vertex v = fringe.pop();
if (!visited.contains(v)) {
process(v); //Do something with v
for (Vertex neighbor: v.neighbors) {
Topological Sort
Idea: Given a directed, acyclic graph, how do we ’sort’ the vertices based on their dependencies on
one another?
public void topologicalSort() {
Stack fringe = new Stack();
Map currentInDegree = new Map<Vertex, Integer>();
while (!fringe.isEmpty()) {
Vertex v = fringe.pop();
process(v); //Do something with v
for (Vertex neighbor: v.neighbors) {
currentInDegree(neighbor) -= 1; //Not actual Java code
if (currentInDegree(neighbor) == 0) {
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Runtime: O((|V |+|E|) log(|V |)) Important Assumption: When a vertex is removed from the fringe,
we assume we have then found the shortest path to that vertex. Thus, we will no longer try to
update the shortest path to that vertex; the path is finalized.
Practice Problems
1. Consider a weighted, directed graph G with distinct and positive edge weights, a start vertex
s and a target vertex t. Asssume that G contains at least 3 vertices and that every vertex is
reachable form s.
2. The runtime for Dijkstra’s algorithm is O((V + E) log V ). However, this is specific only to
binary heaps. Let’s provide a more general runtime bound. Suppose we have a priority queue
backed by some arbitrary heap implementation. Given that this unknown heap contains N
elements, suppose the runtime of remove-min is f (N ) and the runtime of change-priority is
g(N ).
Sorting Algorithms
Comparison-Based Sorts
• These sorts compare elements to each other to determine their final ordering.
• Selection Sort
– Keep a sorted and unsorted portion of the list, ‘select’ the minimum value from the
unsorted portion and append it to the end of the sorted portion
– Initialize the sorted portion to nothing and the unsorted portion to the entire list
– Tips to identify: In intermediate steps, the front of the list will always be the ending
sorted order of the elements
• Insertion Sort
– Inversion: any two elements that are in the wrong place relative to each other
– Insertion sort sorts elements by removing all inversions until the list is sorted in the end
– Keep a sorted and unsorted portion of the list, for the first element of the unsorted
portion, ‘insert’ it into the correct position in the sorted list by continuously comparing
with the element before it and swapping if necessary
– Initialize the sorted portion to nothing and the unsorted portion to the entire list
– Tip to identify: In intermediate steps, front of the list will contain the items in sorted
order, though it may not be the end sorted order (include example HERE)
• Merge Sort
– Split the list in half, recursively call mergeSort on each half, then merge the halves
• Quicksort
– Choose a pivot element and partition the list into elements less than the pivot and
elements greater than the pivot, recursively call quickSort on each partition
– Pivot choice is key here!
• Heapsort
– Throw all elements into a heap, remove the root to put everything in sorted order
– Can use a min or max heap, though max heap will allow in-place sorting to occur
– Can use bottom-up heapification to heapify the elements to begin with in linear time
Counting-Based Sorts
Radix Sort
• Sort the elements digit by digit based on the radix by running counting sort on each digit
• Variations
Sorting Runtimes
Best-case Worst-case
Algorithm Best-case Scenario Worst-case Scenario Runtime
A list where all numbers Any list where we need
Heap Sort are the same, and no Θ(n) to bubble down on all Θ(n log n)
bubbling is necessary. removals.
Good pivot that is near Bad pivot that is an
Quicksort Θ(n log n) Θ(n2 )
the median of the list. extreme value of the list.
Always the same order Always the same order
Merge Sort of growth for a list of Θ(n log n) of growth for a list of Θ(n log n)
length n. length n.
Always the same order Always the same order
Selection Sort of growth for a list of Θ(n2 ) of growth for a list of Θ(n2 )
length n. length n.
Sorted list, where the
Reverse-sorted list,
Insertion Sort number of inversions K Θ(n) Θ(n2 )
where k = n2
is less than n
LSD radix sort does the LSD radix sort does the Θ(D ∗
Θ(D ∗
LSD Radix Sort same amount of work in same amount of work in (N + K))
(N + K))
all cases. all cases.
If all elements start with Will have to run
different characters, one counting sort on all Θ(D ∗
MSD Radix Sort Θ(N + K) (N + K))
pass of counting sort will digits, like LSD radix
sort the elements. sort.
Practice Problems
1. Give an example of when insertion sort is more efficient than merge sort.
When the input is small, almost sorted, or has few inversions.
4. You have an array of integers with a length of N , where the maximum number of digits is
given by K. Suppose that K >> N (that is, K is much larger than N ). What sort could you
Quicksort since the input is an array of integers where stability is not a concern.
5. Assume for the previous question that you used LSD radix sort. What is the runtime?
Because K >> N , the runtime will be in O(R(N + K)) which is in O(K) for this problem.
6. Suppose you are given an integer array with length N such that there are N − N copies of
the minimum element located in the front of the array. What is the worst case runtime of
insertion sort on this list? √
The total number of inversions can be given by the arithmetic sum to N which is in Θ(N ).
Insertion sort on the remaining elements takes Θ(N ) time to resolve each inversion. The total
runtime is in Θ(N + N ) or Θ(N ).
7. For the same construction, what is the worst case runtime of selection sort?
Still Θ(N 2 ) because we need to find the minimum element in each iteration.
Disjoint Sets
Disjoint sets are used to determine what sets, or groups, elements belong in to. Our main goal
with implementing a disjoint set is to be able to check whether or not two elements are in the same
set, and to be able to merge two sets together. You can also extend this feature to checking the
connectivity of two elements (think of Kruskal’s algorithm, for instance). Thus, there are three
operations we want our disjoint set to support: MakeSet, Find, and Union.
Weighted Quick-Union trees are a way to implement disjoint sets. In WQU trees, we will rep-
resent sets as a tree-like structure. each element is itself a node, that may point to another node.
The root of any tree acts as the ’representative’ of the set. Let us examine how the disjoint set
operations are implemented in WQU trees:
• Find(n)
1. Find and return the root node of n
2. Path Compression optimization:
As you follow the parent pointers from n to the root, reassign the parent pointers of n
and all other nodes you see along the way to be the root.
Purpose: Prevent our tree from getting too tall.
• Union(a, b)
Goal: merge the set of a with the set of b
1. Let root1 = find(a)
2. Let root2 = find(b)
3. Union by size optimization:
If root2 has a smaller set size than root1, then set the parent pointer of root2 to point
to root1.
Else, set the parent pointer of root1 to point to root2.
Notice that both of the optimizations introduced have the goal of preventing the tree from getting
too tall.
Minimum Spanning Trees
A spanning tree of a graph is a tree that connects all vertices of the graph. We define the weight of
a spanning tree as the sum of the weights of all edges in the tree. A minimum spanning tree is
a spanning tree of a graph that has the least weight. Note that any tree that connects V vertices
will have V − 1 edges.
The main idea of Kruskal’s algorithm is to successively select edges with the smallest weight to
be in our tree, until a MST is formed. Thus, given a graph G, Kruskal’s algorithm works as follows:
1. Let T be an empty list of edges. This is where you will store the edges for your final MST.
2. Make a sorted list SortedEdges of all the edges in G, from smallest to greatest.
(a) If u and w are not already connected by the edges in T , then add the edge (u->w) to T .
(b) If u and v are already connected by the edges in T , then continue.
We can see that the runtime of Kruskal’s algorithm is dependent on the sorting step in (2), and
the check in (3a/b) to see if two vertices are already connected by T . The sorting step in (2) takes
O(E log E). By using WQU trees with path compression to accomplish steps (3a/b), a single check
to see if two vertices are already connected by T will take time proportional to α(V ). Since this
factor is extremely small, the total runtime of Kruskal’s ends up being O(E log E) due to the sorting
Practice Problems
1. In the graph below, some of the edge weights are known, while the rest are unknown. List all
edges that must belong to a minimum spanning tree, regardless of what the unknown edge
weights turn out to be. Justify your answers briefly.
(G, H): This is the only edge that can connect H to any other vertex, so it must be included
in any MST. Remember that any MST must span all of the vertices.
(B, D): The cut property. This is the minimum weight edge between D and the rest of
the vertices in the graph.
(B, E): Also by the cut property. This is the minimum weight edge between the ABD
tree and the rest of the vertices in the graph.
2. Given a minimum spanning tree T of a weighted graph G, describe an O(V ) algorithm for
determining whether or not T remains a MST after an edge (x, y) of weight w is added.
By the tree property, consider the (one and only) path between x and y. For each edge on
that path, if it’s the case that w is less than the weight of any one edge on that path, then
the MST will change.
3. True or False: Suppose G is a graph and T is a MST of G. If we decrease the weight of any
edge in T , then T is still a MST.
Yes. We know that if T is an MST of G with total weight W , then it must be the case that
all other valid MSTs of the graph now have total weight W − weight(edge) just like T .
4. Suppose instead of decreasing the weight of an edge in the MST, we decrease the weight of
any random edge not in the MST. Give an efficient algorithm for finding the MST in the
modified graph.
Remember that MSTs are still trees! There is only one unique path between any two vertices.
Suppose an edge (u, v) chosen at random is decreased. First, find a path from u to v in
the MST. Then, add the edge (u, v), creating a cycle. Traverse the cycle and remove the edge
with maximum weight. This will break the cycle and result in the new MST.
5. Consider a weighted, undirected graph G with distinct and positive edge weights. Assume
that G contains at least 3 vertices and is connected.
Regular Expressions
• Special Characters
• Pattern
• Matcher
– boolean matches(): returns true if Matcher’s Pattern matches the given phrase to
match entirely
– boolean find(): returns true if Matcher’s Pattern matches a substring of the given
phrase (will only match up to the substring, subsequent calls to find() may result in
more matches of the same string)
– String group(int index): returns the String corresponding to the group indicated
by index, index 0 will correspond to the entire matched phrase
• Capturing
– Can use (...) and group method to return certain parts of a matched substring
– group(1) will refer to the first grouped elements in the String, same idea with 2, 3, etc.
Practice Problems
1. Write the regex that matches any string that has an odd number of a’s and ends with b.
2. Write a regex that matches any binary strin gof length exactly 8, 16, 32, or 64.
3. Write the regex that matches any string with the word ”banana” in it.
4. A certain type of bracketed list consists of words composed of one or more lower-case letters
alternating with unsigned decimal numerals and separated with commas:
[wolf, 12, cat, 41]
[dog, 9001, cat]
As illustrated, commas may be followed (but not preceded) by blanks, and the list may
have odd length (ending in a word with no following numeral.) There are no spaces around
the [ ] braces. Write the Java pattern that matches an alternating list.