Simple Complex Compound

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DÏxcbb GKv‡WwgK †Kqvi SIMPLE, COMPLEX, COMPOUND ¯^cœ c~i‡Y wbijm cÖ‡Póv

Simple, Complex & Compound

Simple Sentence-G GKwU gvÎ Finite verb _v‡K|

myZivs †h‡nZz GKvwaK Finite verb _v‡K bv ZvB Simple Sentence G GKvwaK clause I _v‡K
bv ,
D`vnvib:wb‡¤œv³ cªwZwU ev‡K¨ GKwU K‡i Finite verb Av‡Q |
 Going to market, he bought a shirt
Compound sentence: Compound sentence G g~jZ `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Principle clause I
coordinating conjunction (and, or, nor, but, otherwise etc.) w`‡q hy³ _v‡K|
D`vnvib:wb‡¤œv³ cªwZwU ev‡K¨ `yBwU Principle clause ,GKwU coordinating conjunction
w`‡q hy³ _v‡K |
 He went to market and (he) bought a shirt.
Complex Sentence: ‡Kvb Sentence-G hw` †Kvb subordinate clause _v‡K Zvn‡j D³ Sentence
n‡”Q Complex Sentence| †Kej Complex Sentence GB subordinate clause _v‡K †hgb(if, though,
although, that, so that, since, as, when, what, where)
D`vnvib: Complex Sentence Gi cÖ_‡gB subordinate clause _vK‡j D³ subordinate clause †kl
K‡i comma(,) e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e |
 When He went to market, he bought a shirt.

Simple Sentence- ‡K Ab¨vb¨ Sentence-G iæcvšÍi:

Avgiv Rvwb Simple Sentence GKwU gvÎ Finite verb A_v©r GKwU gvÎ Clause ZvB Dnv‡K Ab¨ †Kvb
Sentence-G iæcvšÍi Ki‡Z PvB‡j Aek¨B Av‡iv GKwU Clause(A_v©r Subject+verb+.... ˆZix Ki‡Z n‡e|
Geci bZzb Clause wU‡K cyivZb Clause wUi mv‡_ Coordinating Conjunction w`‡q hy³ Ki‡j Avgiv cve
Compound Sentence Avi Subordinating w`‡q hy³ Ki‡j Avgiv cve Complex sentence Conjunction |
‡Kvb Simple Sentence -‡K wK fv‡e Compound Ges Complex Sentence-G iæcvšÍi Kiv hvq Zv wb‡¤œ
av‡c av‡c †`Lv‡bv nj :
Simple: Closing the door, she went out.
 First step
cÖ_‡g DcwiD³ Simple Sentence Gi Subject+verb AskwU mbv³ Kwi |
Closing the door, she went out.
 Second step
Gevi D³ Sentence Gi cÖviw¤¢K Ask Closing the door †_‡K GKwU Clause ‰Zix Ki‡Z n‡e
&GRb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq GKwU Subject Ges verb
 Third step
GLb †Lqvj Ki main sentence wU past tense Av‡Q | ZvB bZzb clause wUI past tense G n‡e |
She closed the door...
 Fourth step
Gevi D³ bZzb clause wU‡K and w`‡q evK¨wUi Ab¨ As‡ki mv‡_ hy³ K‡i w`‡j Avgiv compound
sentence cve | Avi bZzb clause wUi c~‡e© GKwU subordinate clause marker ewm‡q w`‡j Avgiv
complex sentence cve&


DÏxcbb GKv‡WwgK †Kqvi SIMPLE, COMPLEX, COMPOUND ¯^cœ c~i‡Y wbijm cÖ‡Póv

symptom simple complex compound

Av‡M/c‡i Verb +ing…. When…. / And
After…. /
Kvib I Because of... Since…/As…/ And
(AbyK’j ) djvdj Kvi‡b ..because
KviY I In spite of… Though…/ But/Yet
(wecixZ )djvdj /Despite… Although... wKš‘ Z_vwc
n¨v †evaK kZ© By+ verb+ If+ you+ And
(Subject GKB) ing…...m‡Ë¡I Verb… (Imperative)
bv †evaK kZ© Without+ If+ you + do Or/
( Subject GKB) verb + ing Not +verb… Otherwise
Unless +you+ A_ev,Ab¨_&,bB‡j
Verb…. (Imperative
n¨v‡evaK In case of If+ subj+ And
kZ©(Subject one’s +verb Verb…
wfbœ ) +ing
bv ‡evaK kZ© In case of If +subj.+do Or/
(Subjectwfbœ ) one’s failure Not+ verb… Otherwise
To+ verb… Unless + subj +

D‡Ïk¨ Infinitive to+ ¯’‡j so And

verb that/in order that
Could+ verb…
GZB....‡h So that+ sub. ..Very...
+cannot/ could ....and...
not+ verb.....

symptom simple complex compound
Av‡M/c‡i Verb +ing…. When…. / And
After…. /
Simple: Going to market, he bought a shirt
Complex: When He went to market, he bought a shirt.
Compound: He went to market and (he) bought a shirt.
Kvib I Because of... Since…/As…/ And
(AbyK’j ) djvdj Kvi‡b ..because
Simple: because of having merit, she was loved by the teacher.
Complex: since/ as she had merit, she was loved by the teacher.
Compound: she had merit and was loved by the teacher.


DÏxcbb GKv‡WwgK †Kqvi SIMPLE, COMPLEX, COMPOUND ¯^cœ c~i‡Y wbijm cÖ‡Póv

KviY I In spite of… Though…/ But/Yet
(wecixZ )djvdj /Despite… Although... wKš‘ Z_vwc
Simple: in spite of having merit, she failed in the examination.
Complex: though/ although she had merit, she failed in the examination.
Compound: she had merit but failed in the examination.

n¨v †evaK kZ© By+ verb+ If+ you+ And
(Subject GKB) ing…...m‡Ë¡I Verb… (Imperative)
Simple: by taking exercise regularly, you can keep fit.
Complex: if you take exercise regularly, you can keep fit.
Compound: take exercise regularly and keep fit.

bv †evaK kZ© Without+ If+ you + do Or/
( Subject GKB) verb + ing Not +verb… Otherwise
Unless +you+ A_ev,Ab¨_&,bB‡j
Verb…. (Imperative
Simple: without the following the rules, you will fail.
Complex: if you do not follow the rules, you will fail / unless you do not follow the rules, you will fail
Compound: follow the rules or you will fail.

n¨v‡evaK In case of If+ sub.+ And
kZ©(Subject one’s +verb Verb…
wfbœ ) + ing
Simple: in case of his helping us, we will succeed.
Complex: if he helps us, we will succeed.
Compound: he helps us and we will succeed.

bv ‡evaK kZ© In case of If +sub.+ do Or/
(Subjectwfbœ ) one’s failure Not+ verb… Otherwise
To+ verb… Unless +sub+

Simple: in case of you’re to stand first, i will not reward you.

Complex: if you do not stand first, i will not reward you.
Compound: stand first or i will not reward you.



DÏxcbb GKv‡WwgK †Kqvi SIMPLE, COMPLEX, COMPOUND ¯^cœ c~i‡Y wbijm cÖ‡Póv

D‡Ïk¨ Infinitive to+ ¯’‡j so And

verb that in order that
+sub.+ can/
Could +verb…
Simple: we went to market to buy a shirt.
Complex: she went to market so that she could buy a shirt.
Compound: she went to market and bought a shirt.

GZB....‡h So that+ sub. ..Very...
+cannot/ could ....and...
not+ verb.....
Simple: she is too tried to walk.
Complex: she is so tried that he cannot walk.
Compound: she is very tried and he cannot walk.


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