Resume Paaleon Molluscs in Estuaries-Terestrial (RAW)

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Application of Molluscan Analyses

to the Reconstruction of Past Environmental

Conditions in Estuaries.

 Intro (Based on Wingard, 2017)

What is molluscs ? Molluscs are a diverse group of invertebrate animals that
include clams, oysters, mussels, snails, slugs, chitons, squids, octopuses, and many
others. Molluscs are common in Estuarine environtment. Why are they so important
for reconstruction of past environmental conditions in Estuaries ? because of their
attributes, they are used as indicator organisms in modern estuarine environments.
They can also help us with the reconstruction of past environmental conditions in
Estuaries. Usually humans use their fossils to make general environmental
interpretations. This methods has been used since early 1800s.

 Discussion (Based on Wingard, 2017)

Besides common in Estuarine environtment, Molluscs are usually have a hard shells.
They have a limited mobility as an adults and they are usually well preserved in
sediments. Molluscs grow by incremental addition of layers to their shells, The shell
layers itself retain information on changes in water temperature, salinity, seasonality,
climate, river discharge, productivity, pollution and human activity. Size of Molluscs
range from small organisms like snail-clams (1-3 mm) to huge organisms like squid
(18-20 m). Molluscs are dominant macrofaunal organisms in many Estuaries. The
assemblage of Molluscs could give us data in palaeoenvironmental analyses of
estuaries, such as :
1. Sea Level : In this analyses, Molluscs assemblage are used to assess
fluctuations in relative sea level and associated changes in geomorphology,
salinity, and sediment supply within estuarine ecosystems.
2. Paleoclimate : In this analyses, Molluscs assemblage can be used to examine
changes in substrates and the impact of a shift in climate from the Medieval
Warm Period to the Little Ice Age this method was used by Cerrato, 2013.
3. Land-use and anthropogenic alterations : In this analyses, Molluscs
assemblage plays important role in the land use of the environtment, for
example, Edgar and Samson, 2014 analyses the changes in in molluscan
species richness and abundance to assess the impacts of thescallop fishery on
molluscan diversity in Tasmania, Australia. The result stated that the
abundance of Molluscs are reduced since the begining of scallopdredging
industry. This shows that when we cut their food source, their numbers will be
reduced. So Molluscs can help us to analyses Land-use and anthropogennic
4. Salinity : In this alnalyses, Molluscs diversity can tells us about general
indication of salinity patterns within the estuary. Accordiung to (Hudson,
1990) usually diversity is lower in upper estuarine mesohaline environments
and increases with salinity in lower estuarine polyhaline environments where
more direct mixing with marine water occurs.

The shells of molluscs is a very important thing, because Molluscs shells grew by
acceration. When their shells going through accerations, the layer of their shells
record information about their surrounding environment throughout their lifetime. The
study of incremental growth patterns in the hard part remains of organisms that grow
by accretion are called Sclerochronology. The acceration of shells speed, can also
determined what season they went through. The acceration will slow down if the
temperature of their surroundings are cold.

Besides all of that, Molluscs can also be usefull in the development of age models.
These will be used to place the palaeoenvirontmental in chronologic context (in
order). The example of the methods is (ESR) elecron spin resonance dating. This
method is used to measuring the amount of radiation that one sample has been
exposed to over time (Smart, 1991).

 Conclusion (Based on Wingard, 2017)

Mollusc assemblages and Mollusc shells are very important for us to analyses because
those two can gave us an important knowledge about the past conditions that cannot
be obtained from scientific records. Molluscs can also gave us information about
palaeoenvironmental, and if we can alayses it, we can anticipate future environmental
changes. The reconstruction of past environmental conditions in Estuaries can also
help us to restore Estuarine environment in the future.
 Opinion
My personal opinion is, the study of molluscs in Estuarine are very important because
these study can gave us many information about the past, can help us reconstruct the
past conditions of one area, and can help us study about molluscs fossil that preserved
in the sedimen layes of Estuaries. When i read the paper, the informations are clear
and tells me about something that in my opinion are very important thing. That these
Molluscs analyses also intended so we can evaluate the current state of aquatic
habitats, predict their future and help to restore them. Overall these articles are great
and gave me much knowledge about Molluscs and Estuaries.

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