Wellness Advocate Agreement
Wellness Advocate Agreement
Wellness Advocate Agreement
City, State, ZIP Code Social Security No. or Tax ID No. (Needed for potential earnings)
Enrolling Sponsor Phone No. or Wellness Advocate No Placement Sponsor (if different) Phone No. or Wellness Advocate No.
$450.00 whl | 345 PV $239.90
Payment Method:
Grand Total:
■ I want to be a Wellness Advocate of dōTERRA International, LLC. I have read and agree to the terms and conditions found on the back of this Wellness Advocate
Agreement and the policies found in the dōTERRA Policy Manual. I agree that I do not currently have a legal interest in any dōTERRA account, or if I do have or ever have
had such an interest, my application for this account does not violate dōTERRA policies.
*All words with trademarks or registered trademark symbols are trademarks or registered trademarks of dōTERRA Holdings, LLC. Wellness Advocate Agreement and Order Form US 101022