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East West Physicians

One Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Treatments (Abdomen

or Thighs) at Location of Your Choice
The amount paid for this voucher ($35.00) with East West Physicians NEVER
EXPIRES. The promotional value expires February 16, 2019.

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How To Use The Fine Print THE RULES

These are the restrictions that apply to every
1. Pull up voucher with our mobile app (or Appointment required. Must use all treatments
Groupon voucher (unless the Fine Print specifies
print it out). on same area. Consultation required; non- an exception)
2. Appointment required, call (954) 255-9355 candidates and other refund requests will be
and mention your voucher. honored before service provided. Not valid VALUE OF THE GROUPON VOUCHER
3. Present voucher upon arrival. with insurance. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 This voucher has two separate values: (a) the
4. Enjoy! additional as gift(s). Limit 1 per visit. Valid only amount paid; and (b) the promotional value. The
amount paid will never expire and may be applied
for option purchased. All goods or services
toward any goods or services offered by the
must be used by the same person. Merchant's
Redeem At
merchant if the original goods or services specified
standard cancellation policy applies (any fees on the voucher are no longer available. The
not to exceed voucher price). 24-hour promotional value is the additional value beyond
Weston the amount paid, and it will expire on the
cancellation notice required.
2665 Executive Park Drive expiration date above (unless prohibited by law).
Weston, FL 33331
+17542163715, US
Redeemable only at East West Physicians for the
goods or services listed above.
Coral Creek Not redeemable for cash (unless required by law).
4651 State Road 7 Doesn't cover tax or gratuity. Promotional value
Suite 9 can't be combined with other offers. Not
Coconut Creek, FL 33073 reloadable. Unauthorized reproduction, resale,
modification, or trade prohibited. East West
+19542559355, US
Physicians is the issuer of this voucher, provides all
goods and services for which it may be redeemed,
See All 2 Participating Locations and is solely responsible for any damages or
injuries resulting from the use or consumption of
such goods or services. Purchase, use, or
acceptance of this voucher constitutes acceptance
of these terms. This voucher is transferable. For
more information, visit http://gr.pn/deal-terms.



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