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Exclusive Breastfeeding Practices Among Women in Kei Besar Island: A
Descriptive Study


Background: As part of stunting reduction acceleration strategies, the Indonesian

government aims to achieve an 80% exclusive breastfeeding rate for infants under 6
months by the year 2024 (1). However, as of the first quarter of 2023, only seven
provinces had reached the 75% target for that period, and Maluku, one of the top 10
provinces with the highest stunting prevalence, had not achieved it (2,3).
Objectives: This study aims to delineate the profiles of women engaged in exclusive
breastfeeding and those who do not, within the context of Kei Besar Island.
Methods: This descriptive study employed a cross-sectional design. A questionnaire
was administered to 23 pregnant women and 8 breastfeeding mothers of infants aged
0-5.9 months to assess demographic characteristics, breastfeeding practices, and
knowledge. Findings are presented using descriptive statistics.
Results: Among pregnant women, 52% lacked knowledge of early breastfeeding
initiation. 95.7% received antenatal care from midwives, with 39.1% attending four or
more times. Notably, 60.9% reported exclusively breastfeeding their previous child.
Among breastfeeding mothers, 75% reported exclusive breastfeeding, but 50%
provided incorrect definitions of breastfeeding and admitted to formula milk use within
the past day. Additionally, misconceptions included beliefs that thinner women produce
less breast milk and that formula milk's nutritional content resembles that of breast milk.
Conclusions: Addressing knowledge gaps and misconceptions through health
education on exclusive breastfeeding is essential. Midwives have the potential to serve
as effective agents in promoting exclusive breastfeeding during ANC appointments for
Kei Besar mothers.

KEYWORD: exclusive breastfeeding; Kei Besar; Maluku


1. Presiden Republik Indonesia. Peraturan Presiden Nomor 72 Tahun 2021

tentang Percepatan Penurunan Stunting [Internet]. Jakarta: Presiden Republik
Indonesia; 2021 [cited 2023 Oct 6]. Available from:
2. Tarmizi SN. 11 Intervensi Spesifik Atasi Stunting Telah Dilaksanakan di Daerah,
2 di Antaranya Melebihi Target [Internet]. Kementerian Kesehatan Republik
Indonesia. 2023 [cited 2023 Oct 6]. Available from:
3. Badan Litbangkes Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Hasil Utama Riskesdas 2018
[Internet]. 2019 [cited 2023 Oct 6]. Available from:

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