CH - Water Resources

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 Water scarcity is a situation where the available water resources are not enough
to meet the demand for water in a region.
 3/4 of the earth’s surface is covered with water, but only a small proportion of it
accounts for freshwater that can be put to use.
 This freshwater is mainly obtained from surface run off and ground water that is
continuously being renewed and recharged through the hydrological cycle.
 All water moves within the hydrological cycle ensuring that water is a renewable
 Water cycle or hydrological cycle, is the continuous movement of water from the
earth's surface to the atmosphere and then back to the ground.


 Growing Population
 More people then more industries to produce more goods and services and
hence more consumption of water.
 More people then more consumption of water for drinking, cooking etc.
 More population then more food demands.
 To facilitate higher food grain production, water resources are being over-
 It may lead to falling groundwater levels, adversely affecting water availability
and food security of the people.
 So, drought resistant crops like - bajra, jawar, gram; and dry farming rechniques
should be develop.
 Climate Change
 Aggravated water scarcity in India.
 Irregular rainfall patterns and prolonged droughts affect water availability.
 Melting glaciers and reduced snowfall impact river flows and groundwater

 Inefficient Water Management

 Inadequate infrastructure for water storage, distribution, and management.
 Deteriorating water supply systems lead to leakages and water losses.
 Lack of proper water pricing and regulation discourages conservation practices.
 Ineffective Waste Water Management

 Groundwater Depletion
 Overreliance on groundwater extraction for irrigation and drinking water.
 Excessive pumping leads to declining water tables and aquifer depletion.
 Lack of regulation and monitoring aggravates the problem.
 Own Groundwater Pumping Facilities with the people in homes.
 Lack of recharge of groundwater due to infrastructure construction.

 Industries
 Industrial activities release pollutants into water bodies, rendering water
 Untreated industrial effluents contaminate rivers, lakes, and groundwater.
 Pollution reduces the quantity and quality of available water.
 Require power to run them.
 Constructing dams for generating hydel power reduces the downstream flow of
water thus creating scarcity.
 Use of water on a large scale for various industrial activities.
 Construction of industries.
 Jal Jeevan Mission
 Goal is to enable every rural household get assured supply of potable piped
water at a service level of 55 litres per capita per day regularly on long-term
basis by ensuring functionality of the tap water connections.



 Archaeological and historical records show that from ancient times we have
been constructing sophisticated hydraulic structures like dams built of stone
rubble, reservoirs or lakes, embankments and canals for irrigation.

 Hydraulic Structures in Ancient India

 In the 1st century B.C., Sringaverapura near Allahabad had sophisticated water
harvesting system channelling the flood water of the river Ganga.
 Kalinga, (Odisha), Nagarjunakonda (Andhra Pradesh), Bennur (Karnataka),
Kolhapur (Maharashtra), etc. have evidences of sophisticated irrigation works.
 During the time of Chandragupta Maurya, dams, lakes and irrigation systems
were extensively built.
 In the 11th Century, Bhopal Lake, one of the largest artificial lakes of its time
was built.
 In the 14th Century, the tank in Hauz Khas, Delhi was constructed by Iltutmish
for supplying water to Siri Fort area.

 Introduction
 Dam is a barrier across flowing water that obstructs, directs or retards the flow,
often creating a reservoir, lake or impoundment.
 Dam refers to the reservoir rather than the structure.
 Most dams have a section called a Spillway or Weir over which or through which
it is intended that water will flow either intermittently or continuously.

 Dams are classified according to:

 structure and the materials used - timber dams, embankment dams or
masonry dams, with several subtypes.
 height - large dams and major dams or alternatively as low dams, medium
height dams and high dams.

 Dam: Multi - Purpose Project

 Dams were traditionally built to impound rivers and rainwater that could be
used later to irrigate agricultural fields.
 Today, dams are built not just for irrigation but for electricity generation, water
supply for domestic and industrial uses, flood control, recreation, inland
navigation and fish breeding.
 Hence, dams are now referred to as multi-purpose projects where the many
uses of the impounded water are integrated with one another.

 E.g. In the Sutluj-Beas river basin, Bhakra – Nangal project water is being used
both for hydel power production and irrigation.
 In the Mahanadi basin, Hirakud project integrates conservation of water with
flood control.

 Jawaharlal Nehru proudly proclaimed the dams as the ‘temples of modern India’
because -
 It would integrate development of agriculture and the village economy with
rapid industrialisation and growth of the urban economy.
 Integrated water resources management approach, were thought of as the
vehicle that would lead the nation to development and progress, overcoming
the handicap of its colonial past.

 Disadvantages
 Regulating and damming of rivers affect their natural flow causing poor
sediment flow and excessive sedimentation at the bottom of the reservoir,
resulting in, rockier streambeds and poorer habitats for the river’s aquatic life.
 They fragment rivers making it difficult for aquatic fauna to migrate, especially
for spawning.
 Submerge the existing vegetation and soil leading to its decomposition over a
period of time.
 Cause many new environmental movements like the Narmada Bachao Andolan
and the Tehri Dam Andolan etc. Because - Large-scale displacement of local
 Local people often had to give up their land, livelihood and their meagre access
and control over resources for the greater good of the nation.
 Local people are not benefiting.
 Landowners, large farmers, industrialists and few urban centres are benefiting.
 Irrigation has changed the cropping pattern of many regions with farmers
shifting to water intensive and commercial crops, resulting in -
 Salinisation of the soil.
 Transformed the social landscape i.e. increasing the social gap between the
richer landowners and the landless poor.

 Create conflicts between people wanting different uses and benefits from the
same water resources.
 E.g. In Gujarat, Sabarmati-basin farmers were agitated and almost caused a riot
over the higher priority given to water supply in urban areas, particularly during

 Cause inter-state water disputes with regard to sharing cost & benefits of dams.
 E.g. Krishna-Godavari dispute is due to the objections raised by Karnataka and
Andhra Pradesh governments.
 It is regarding the diversion of more water at Koyna by the Maharashtra
government for a multi-purpose project.
 This would reduce downstream flow in their states with adverse consequences
for agriculture and industry.

 Failed to achieve the purposes for which they were built.

 Induced earthquakes, caused water-borne diseases and pests and pollution
resulting from excessive use of water.
 Constructed to control floods but have triggered floods due to sedimentation in
the reservoir.
 Big dams mostly unsuccessful in controlling floods at time of excessive rainfall.
 The release of water from dams during heavy rains - flood - Maharashtra and
Gujarat in 2006.
 Floods - devastated life and property, extensive soil erosion.
 Sedimentation meant that the flood plains were deprived of silt, a natural
fertiliser, resulting in land degradation.

 Narmada Bachao Andolan or Save Narmada Movement

 It is a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) that mobilised tribal people,
farmers, environmentalists and human rights activists against the Sardar Sarovar
Dam being built across the Narmada river in Gujarat.
 It originally focused on the environmental issues related to trees that would be
submerged under the dam water.
 Recently it has re-focused the aim to enable poor citizens, especially the oustees
(displaced people) to get full rehabilitation facilities from the government.
 People felt that their suffering would not be in vain.
 So, accepted the trauma of displacement believing in the promise of irrigated
fields and plentiful harvests.
 The survivors of Rihand told that they accepted their sufferings as sacrifice for
the sake of their nation.

 Rainwater Harvesting
 It is a technique of increasing the recharge of ground water by capturing and
storing rain water by constructing structures such as dug wells, percolation pits
and check dams.
 It is a viable alternative, both socio-economically and environmentally
Ancient India
 People had in-depth knowledge of rainfall regimes and soil types and developed
wide ranging techniques to harvest rainwater, groundwater, river water and
flood water.
 In hill and mountainous regions, people built diversion channels like the Guls or
Kuls of the Western Himalayas for agriculture.
 Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting was commonly practised to store drinking water,
particularly in Rajasthan.
 In the flood plains of Bengal, people developed Inundation Channels to irrigate
their fields.
 In arid and semi-arid regions, agricultural fields were converted into rain fed
storage structures that allowed the water to stand and moisten the soil like the
Khadins in Jaisalmer and Johads in other parts of Rajasthan.

Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting System

i) Recharge through Hand Pump
ii) Recharge through Abandoned Dugwell.
 Rooftop rainwater is collected using a PVC pipe.
 Filtered using sand and bricks.
 Underground pipe takes water to sump for immediate usage.
 Excess water from the sump is taken to the well.
 Water from the well recharges the underground.
 Take water from the well (later).

Tanka/Tank System
 In the semi-arid and arid regions of Rajasthan, particularly in Bikaner, Phalodi
and Barmer, the houses had tanks/tankas for storing drinking water.
 They were part of rooftop rainwater harvesting system and were built inside the
main house or the courtyard.
 They were connected to the sloping roofs of the houses through a pipe.
 Rain falling on the rooftops would travel down the pipe and was stored in these
underground ‘tankas’.
 The first spell of rain was usually not collected as this would clean the roofs and
the pipes.
 The rainwater from the subsequent showers was then collected.

 Rainwater, or palar pani, as commonly referred to in these parts, is considered

the purest form of natural water.
 Many houses constructed underground rooms adjoining the ‘tanka’ to beat the
summer heat as it would keep the room cool.

 A remote backward village in Mysuru, Karnataka, villagers have installed, in their
household’s rooftop rainwater harvesting system to meet their water needs.
 It receives an annual precipitation of 1,000 mm, and with 80% of collection
efficiency and of about 10 fillings, every house can collect and use about 50,000
litres of water annually.
 From the 200 houses, the net amount of rainwater harvested annually amounts
to 1,00,000 litres.

Today's Scenario
 In western Rajasthan, practice of rooftop rainwater harvesting is on the decline
as plenty of water is available due to the perennial Indira Gandhi Canal, though
some houses still maintain the tankas since they do not like the taste of tap
 Tamil Nadu is the 1st state in India which has made rooftop rainwater harvesting
structure compulsory to all the houses across the state.
 There are legal provisions to punish the defaulters.

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