Transparent Concrete

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 Transparent concrete also called as translucent concrete or light transmitting concrete.

It is achieved by replacing aggregates with transparent alternate materials.
 The bonding material in transparent concrete may be able to transmit light by using
clear resins the concrete mix.
 Use of optical fibers and fine concrete also used as transparent concrete.
➢ Transparent concrete is manufactured by using combination of fiber optics and fine
➢ These fibers blend into the concrete like any other aggregates. These optical fibers can
transmit light from natural and artificial sources into spaces enclosed by the translucent
concrete panels. The main reason for using optical fiber in concrete is that it can transmit
light even an incident angle greater than 600.
➢ Optical fiber consists of three layers called as core, cladding and buffer coating or
jacket. The light is transmitted through the core of the optical fiber.
➢ Transparent concrete is manufactured using fine materials only. It does not contain
coarse aggregates. This concrete can have the compressive strength of that of high
strength concrete around 70 MPa ( 10,000 psi).
 Cement: As the optical fiber is only responsible for transmission of light, there is
no special cement required. So, ordinary Portland cement is used for transparent
 Sand: Since the transparent concrete is manufactured only using fine materials, the
size of sand should pass through 1.18mm sieve. The sand should be free from any
impurities such as vegetation, large stones etc.
 Water: Water to be used for transparent concrete should be of drinking water
quality, free from any impurities.
 Optical fibers: Optical fibers in the range of 4 to 5% by volume is used for
transparent concrete. Thickness of the optical fibers can be varied between 2 µm
and 2 mm to suit the particular requirements of light transmission.
• Multimode step-index fiber
• Multimode graded-index fiber
• Single-mode step-index fibers.
➢ An optical fibre is a cylindrical dielectrically wave that transmit light along it by the
process of Total internal reflection.
➢ It consists of a core surrounded by cladding layer.


The propagation of light through a

multi-mode optical fiber.
➢ First step is to make a mould using tin
of desired shape like a cuboid (fig 1)

Many holes are punched on the walls and

optical fibres are made to pass through it on
both ends.(fig2)

➢ Then the concrete is poured in to the mould.

(fig 3)
➢ The concrete then undergoes a curing process
and then excess of fibre is cut and polishing is
done on the material
Technical Data Sheet

➢ Trade mark name : LiTraCon

➢ Form : Prefabricated blocks

➢ Ingredients : 96% concrete, 4% optical

. fibers

➢ Density : 2100 -2400kg/m^3

➢ Maximum block size : 600 x 300 mm

➢ Standard block size : 600 x 300 mm

➢ Thickness : 25 – 500 mm

➢ Color : Grey, black or white

➢ Compressive strength : 50 N/mm^2

➢ Bending tensile strength :7 N/mm^2

➢ Quantity of optical fiber is the rate influencing parameter.
➢ Life of LiTraCon depends on the bending radius of the optical fibers.
➢ Aesthetic appearance is comparably high.
➢ The parameters like bending strength, compressive strength, density is similar to
conventional concrete.
➢ They provide same structural performance as conventional concrete.
➢ The main advantage of these products is that on large scale objects the texture is still
visible - while the texture of finer translucent concrete becomes indistinct at distance.

➢ When a solid wall is imbued with the ability to transmit light, it means that a home can
use fewer lights in their house during daylight hours.

➢ It has very good architectural properties for giving good aesthetical view to the

➢ Where light is not able to come properly at that place transparent concrete can be used.

➢ Energy saving can be done by utilization of transparent concrete in building.

➢ The main disadvantage is these concrete is very costly because of the optical

➢ Casting of transparent concrete block is difficult for the labour so special skilled
person is required.

➢ Natural or any artificial light passes through in the direction of fibers laid, only at t
his condition shadow image appears on darker side.
Litracon blocks can be used as lightning lamps
Transparent Partition Wall

Use of Litracon in pavement

It can be also applicable at:

Transparent concrete blocks suitable for floors, pavements and load-bearing walls.
Facades, interior wall cladding and dividing walls based on thin panels.
Partitions wall and it can be used where the sunlight does not reach properly.
In furniture for the decorative and aesthetic purpose.
As speed bumps in roads.
Light sidewalks at night.
Increasing visibility in dark subway stations.
❖ A novel architectural material called transparent concrete can be developed by adding

optical fibre or large diameter glass fibre in the concrete mixture.

❖ The transparent concrete has good light guiding property and the ratio of optical fibre

volume to concrete is proportion to transmission.

❖ The transparent concrete not looses the strength parameter when compared to regular

concrete and also it has very vital property for the aesthetical point of view.

❖ It can be used for the best architectural appearance of the building. Also used where

the light cannot reach with appropriate intensity.

❖ This new kind of building material can integrate the concept of green energy saving

with the usage self-sensing properties of functional materials.


• M.N.V.Padma Bhushan, D.Johnson, Md. Afzal Basheer Pasha And Ms. K. Prasanthi ,
Optical Fibres in the Modeling of Translucent Concrete Blocks : International Journal of
Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3,
Issue 3, May-Jun 2013, pp.013-17.

• Bhavin K. Kashiyani, Varsha Raina, Jayeshkumar Pitroda, Dr. Bhavnaben K. Shah: A Study
on Transparent Concrete: A Novel Architectural Material to Explore Construction
Sector, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2,
Issue 8, February 2013 .

• internet:

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