21CVL55-GT Lab Manual
21CVL55-GT Lab Manual
21CVL55-GT Lab Manual
JSS Mahavidyapeetha
To produce responsible, technically qualified professionals with ethical and human values by
M2. Empower student and faculty by involving in co-scholastic and research activities.
M3. Equip students to face socio-technical challenges with ethical and human values.
PEO 1:
Apply the knowledge of science and technology to achieve sustainability in construction.
Able to plan, analyze, design, execute and manage civil engineering works.
PEO 3:
Involve in research and professional consultancy with ethical and societal responsibilities.
Civil Engineering Graduates will be able to:
PSO 2. Engage as a professional engineer and contribute towards betterment of the society.
PSO 3. Function as an individual or in a team to find solutions for civil engineering problems
of multi disciplinary nature in the context of environmental and sustainable
Course Bloom’s
Description (Student able to)
Outcome Learning Level
C305.1 Identify and categorize the given soil, based on the tests conducted. L3
Analyze the engineering properties of the soil and their importance with
C305.2 L4
respect to foundation and other sub-structure design.
Analyze the strength properties of the soils with respect to parameters
C305.3 L4
like shear strength, compressive strength etc.
Analyze the critical parameters of soil required from civil engineering
C305.4 L4
point of view.
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
C305.1 3 3 - 3 - - - - - - - -
C305.2 3 3 - 3 - - - - - - - -
C305.3 3 3 2 3 - - - - - - - -
C305.4 3 3 - 3 - - - - - - - -
C305.2 3 3 2
C305.3 3 3 2
C305.4 3 3 2
1 Bring observation notebooks, lab manuals and other necessary things for the class.
2 Wearing of shoes and uniform is compulsory.
3 Use necessary tools for mixing soil and water
Check the instruments for proper working conditions while taking and returning the
Thoroughly clean your laboratory workspace and equipments at the end of the laboratory
6 Maintain silence and cleanliness in the lab
List of Experiments
Sl. Title of the Experiment
From To
1 Determination of Specific gravity of soil solids by Pycnometer method 01 03
Aim: To determine the specific gravity of soil solids by Pycnometer bottle method.
Specific gravity is the ratio of the mass of unit volume of soil at a stated temperature to the mass of
the same volume of gas-free distilled water at a stated temperature.
This test is specified in IS: 2720 (Part 4) – 1985. A soil‟s specific gravity largely
depends on the density of the minerals making up the individual soil particles. However, as a
general guide, some typical values for specific soil types are as follows:
• The specific gravity of the solid substance of most inorganic soils varies between 2.60
and 2.80.
• Tropical iron-rich laterite, as well as some lateritic soils, usually have a specific gravity
of between 2.75 and 3.0 but could be higher.
• Sand particles composed of quartz have a specific gravity ranging from 2.65 to 2.67.
• Inorganic clays generally range from 2.70 to 2.80.
• Soils with large amounts of organic matter or porous particles (such as diatomaceous
earth) have specific gravities below 2.60. Some range as low as 2.00.
Equipments Required:
Specific gravity of soil solids is defined as the weight of soil solids to weight of equal
volume of water. In effect, it tells how much heavier (or lighter) the material is than
water. This test method covers the determination of the specific gravity of soil solids that
pass 4.75 mm sieve.
a) Clean and dry the pycnometer and weigh it along with the conical cap (W1 in gm).
b) Select about 300 gm of dry soil free of clods and put the same into the pycnometer.
Weigh it (W2 in g) with cap and washer.
c) Fill the pycnometer with de-aired water up-to half its height and stir the mix with a glass
rod. Add more water and stir it. Fit the screw cap and fill the pycnometer flush with the
hole in the conical cap and take the weight (W3 in g).
d) Remove all the contents from the pycnometer, clean it thoroughly and fill it with
distilled water. Weigh it (W4 in g).
e) Now use the above equation for determining G.
f) Repeat the same process for additional tests.
Soil grains whose specific gravity is to be determined should be completely dry.
If on drying soil lumps are formed, they should be broken to its original size.
Inaccuracies in weighing and failure to completely eliminate the entrapped air are the
main sources of error. Both should be avoided.
While cleaning the glass jar, please be careful as there may be glass grains
projecting out and it may tear the skin.
Make sure, you handle the glass jar and conical cap without falling on your legs or floor.
Hence, handle the equipment with care.
Pre-Viva Questions:
Verification/ Validation:
The value of specific gravity for the existing soil falls in the range 2.6 to 2.75. If there is any
variation, check under the „specification‟ provided and re-do the experiment to get accurate results.
The experiment is conducted as per the procedure laid down. The specific gravity of soil solids
obtained is . This value falls in the range 2.6 to 2.75. Hence the type of soil is .
Viva Questions:
Note: This method is recommended for coarse and fine grained soils. If the coarse particles are
grained to pass 4.75-mm IS sieve before using, then Density Bottle method should be used.
Aim: To determine the specific gravity of soil solids by Density bottle method.
Specific gravity G is defined as the ratio of the weight of an equal volume of distilled water at that
temperature, both weights taken in air.
IS 2720 (Part III) – 1980 is the standard recommended to determine specific gravity of
fine grained soils. The value ranges are same as the previous experiment. The average of the
values obtained shall be taken as the specific gravity of the soil particles and shall be reported to
the nearest 0.01 precision. If the two results differ by more than 0.03 the tests shall be repeated.
Equipments Required:
1. 50 ml capacity density bottle with stopper
2. A constant temperature water bath (27 C)
3. Oven with a range of 105 to 110 C
4. Vacuum desiccators
5. Vacuum pump
6. Other accessories, such as, weighing balance accurate to 0.001 g, trays,wooden
mallet, etc.
Specific gravity of soil solids is defined as the weight of soil solids to weight of equal
volume of water.
Equation for specific gravity, G: G= (W2-W1)/ ((W2-W1) - (W3-W4))
Where, W1=weight of density bottle in grams.
W2=weight of density bottle + dry soil in grams.
W3=weight of density bottle + soil+ water grams.
W4=weight of density bottle + water grams.
a) Clean and dry the density bottle and weigh it along with the stopper (W1 ing).
b) Select about 25 gm of dry soil free of clods and put the same into the density bottle. Weigh
it with brass cap and washer (W2 in g).
c) Fill the density bottle with de-aired water upto half its height and stir the mix with a glass
rod. Add more water and stir it. Place the stopper on top and take the weight (W3 in g).
d) Remove all the contents from the density bottle, clean it thoroughly and fill it with
distilled water. Weigh it (W4).
e) Use above equation for determining G.
f) Repeat the same process for additional tests.
Verification/ Validation:
The value of specific gravity for the existing soil falls in the range 2.6 to 2.75. If there is any
variation, check under the „specification‟ provided and re-do the experiment to get accurate results.
The experiment is conducted as per the procedure laid down. The specific gravity G = .
Viva Questions:
1. Can we use kerosene instead of water to determine specific gravity of soil?
2. Could we do classification of soil based on the specific gravity of soil?
3. Could there be entrapped air in the soil sample?
4. What are the various sources of error in this experiment, if any?
5. What are the applications in geotechnical engineering where the specific gravity isused?
Aim: To determine the water content of soil solids by Oven Drying method.
The water content (w) of a soil sample is equal to the mass of water divided by the mass of
This test is done as per IS: 2720 (Part II) – 1973. The soil specimen should be
representative of the soil mass. The quantity of the specimen taken would depend upon the
gradation and the maximum size of the particles. For more than 90% of the particles passing
through 425 micron IS sieve, the minimum quantity is 25g.
Equipments Required:
a) Non-corrodible airtight containers.
b) Balance weighting to accuracy of 0.04% of the weight of the soil taken fortest.
c) Desiccators with suitable desiccating agent.
d) Thermostatically controlled oven to maintain temperature 110 C5 C.
e) Other accessories.
In almost all soil tests natural moisture content of the soil is to be determined. The
knowledge of the natural moisture content is essential in all studies of soil mechanics. To sight a
few, natural moisture content is used in determining the bearing capacity and settlement. The
natural moisture content will give an idea of the state of soil in the field. Water content, w of a
soil mass is defined as the ratio of mass of waterin the voids to the mass of solids:
w % = {(W2-W3)/(W3-W1)}*100%
Where, W1 = Weight of empty container in grams
W2 = Weight of container + wet soil in grams
W3 = Weight of container + dry soil in grams
Ensure that soil samples are between 350 to 400g. Larger samples take too long to dry,
while smaller samples lead to inaccurate results.
Ensure that the oven temperature is maintained at 110º C ± 5º C. Do not allow the oven door
to stay open for too long, as it takes a while for the oven to regain the drying temperature.
Do not put moist samples in the oven on a shelf below dry samples. Moist samples should
be placed on the top shelf and all partially dried samples placed on the lower shelf.
Do not over-load the oven, as this will create a much longer drying time.
Do not allow dried samples to pick up moisture after they are removed from the oven.
Weigh them immediately after drying.
Soils and aggregates may contain bacteria and/or organisms which can be harmful for one's
health. Wearing dust masks and protective gloves when handling materials is advised. The
use of heat resistant gloves/mitts or pot holders to remove samples from the ovens is
Prior to handling oven, testing or disposing of any waste materials, students are required to
read do‟s and don‟ts of the Geotechnical engineering laboratory.
a) Clean the container with lid and find the mass (W1 in g).
b) Select the required quantity of moist soil sample, place it in the container, place the lid
on it, and weigh it (W2 in g).
c) Keep the container in the oven with lid removed and dry it for at least 24 hr. at a
temperature of 110 º C till the mass remains constant.
d) Remove the container from the oven, replace the lid, and cool it in desiccators. Find
the mass (W3 in g).
e) Determine the water constant w by using the above equation.
f) Repeat the experiment with other test samples
Table 3: Weights of container
Test No.1 Test No.2 Test No.3
Sl No Particulars
(w1) (w2) (w3)
1 Weight of empty container (W1), g
2 Weight of container + wet soil (W2), g
3 Weight of container + dry soil (W3), g
4 Water content, w %
5 Average water content, w = (w1+ w2 +w3)/3
Pre-viva Questions:
1. Water content is also called?
2. Which method is mostly used to determine the water content in field?
3. What is water content for clay soil?
4. On which factor water content is depended?
5. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method is also used for measuring water content (True or False?
6. Name different types of soil textures?
7. The percentage of water remaining in an air-dry soil is called
Verification/ Validation:
Soil mass is generally a three phase system. It consists of solid particles, liquid and gas.
The phase system may be expressed in SI units either in terms of mass- volume or weight
volume relationships. Water content value is 0% for dry soil and its magnitude can exceed
The experiment is conducted as per the procedure laid down. The water content of the
soil sample is determined. Water content, w = %. The value is verified and the three phase
system is sketched.
Viva Questions
1. Draw the schematic diagram of the three phase system based on the result.
2. Is there a possibility of the soil getting burnt? In that case, what will be effect on the water
content value?
3. How does air-dry soil differ from oven-dry soil?
4. Is this method the most direct method to compute the water content of soil?
5. To get accurate result, how much gram of soil have you taken to conduct the test?
Aim: To determine the particle size distribution by sieving (Grain size analysis) and to
determine the fineness modulus, effective size and uniformity coefficient.
This test is performed to determine the percentage of different grain sizes contained
within a soil. The mechanical or sieve analysis is performed to determine the distribution of the
coarser, larger-sized particles. The distribution of different grain sizes affects the engineering
properties of soil. Grain size analysis provides the grain size distribution, and it is required in
classifying the soil.
This test is specified in IS: 2720 (Part 4) – 1985 – Method of test for soil (Part 4-Grain
size analysis).
Equipments Required:
a) Sieves of sizes: 4.75 mm, 2.0 mm, 1.0 mm, 600, 300, 150and 75.That is,
I.S 460-1962 is used. The sieves for soil tests: 4.75 mm to 75 microns.
b) Thermostatically controlled oven.
c) Trays, sieve brushes, mortar with a rubber covered pestle, etc.
d) Mechanical sieve shaker etc.
The grain size analysis is widely used in classification of soils. The data obtained from
grain size distribution curves is used in the design of filters for earth dams and to determine
suitability of soil for road construction, air field etc. Information obtained from grain size
analysis can be used to predict soil water movement although permeability tests are generally
used. The method is applicable to dry soil passing through 4.75 mm size sieve less than 10 %
passing through 75-micron sieve.
Percentage retained on any sieve = (weight of soil retained / total weight)100
Cumulative percentage retained = sum of percentages retained on any sieve on all coarser sieves
Percentage finer than any sieve = 100 percent minus cumulative Size, N
percentage retained.
Clean the sieves set so that no soil particles were struck in them
While weighing put the sieve with soil sample on the balance in a concentric
Check the electric connection of the sieve shaker before conducting the test.
No particle of soil sample shall be pushed through the sieves.
a) Take a representative sample of soil received from the field and dry it in the oven.
b) Use a known mass of dried soil with all the grains properly separated out. The maximum
mass of soil taken for analysis may not exceed 500 g.
c) Prepare a stack of sieves. Set the sieves one over the other with an ascending order
(sieves having larger opening sizes i.e., lower numbers are placed above the one with
smaller opening sizes i.e., smaller numbers). The very last sieve is #200 (75 Micron
sieve). A pan is attached to the lowest 75 Micron sieve to collect the portions passing
#200 sieve and fit the nest to a mechanical shaker.
d) Make sure sieves are clean. If many soil particles are stuck in the openings try to poke
them out using brush.
e) The whole nest of sieves is given a horizontal shaking for 10 min in sieve shaker till the
soil retained on each reaches a constant value.
f) Determine mass of soil retained on each sieve including that collected in the pan below.
The test results obtained from a sample of soil are given below.
Mass of soil taken for analysis W = gm
1 4.75
2 2.36
3 1.18
4 0.600
5 0.300
6 0.150
7 0.075
8 Pan
Draw graph of log sieve size vs. % finer. The graph is known as grading curve. Corresponding
to 10%, 30% and 60% finer, obtain diameters from graph these are D10, D30, D60, using these
obtain Cc and Cu which further represent how well the soil is graded i.e. whether the soil is
well-graded, gap-graded or poorly graded.
Finer, (N)
1) Define the grain size analysis and what is the silt size?
2) What is uniformity coefficient? What is the significance on computing the same?
3) What is the most basic classification of soil?
4) What are the methods of soil gradation or grain size distribution?
5) How to compute D10, D30 and D60 of soil using sieve analysis?
6) How to compute CC and Cu?
7) What is poorly graded, gap graded and well graded soil?
Uniformity coefficient,
Cu= Coefficient of curvature, Cc=
Percentage gravel =
Percentage sand =
Percentage silt =
For the soil to be well graded the value of coefficient of uniformity Cu has to be greater than 4
and Cc should be in the range of 1 to 3. So higher the value of Cu the larger the range of the
particle sizes in the soil. So if the Cu value is high it indicates that the soil mass consists of
different ranges of particle sizes.
Viva Questions:
Aim: To determine the field density or unit weight of soil by Core cutter method.
Field density is used in calculating the stress in the soil due to its over burden
pressure. It is needed in estimating the bearing capacity of soil foundation system, settlement
of footing, earth pressures behind the retaining walls and embankments. Stability of natural
slopes, dams, embankments and cuts is checked with the help of density of soil. It is the
density that controls the field compaction of soils. Permeability of soils depends upon its
density. Relative density of cohesionless soils is determined by knowing the dry density of
soil in natural, loosest and densest states. Void ratio, porosity and degree of saturation need
the help of density of soil.
This test is done to determine the in-situ dry density of soil by core cutter method as
per IS-2720-Part-29 (1975). Core cutter method in particular, is suitable for soft to medium
cohesive soils, in which the cutter can be driven. It is not possible to drive the cutter into hard
and boulder soils.
Equipments Required:
1) Cylindrical core cutter, 100 mm internal diameter and 130 mm long.
2) Steel dolly, 25mmhigh and 100 mm internal diameter.
3) Steel rammer mass 9kg, overall length with the foot and staff about 900mm.
4) Balance, with an accuracyof1g.
5) Palette knife, Straightedge, steel rule etc.
6) Square metal tray–300mmx300mmx40mm.
7) Trowel.
Field density is defined as weight per unit volume of soil mass in the field at in-situ
conditions. In the spot adjacent to that where the field density by sand replacement method
has been determined or planned, drive the core cutter using the dolly over the core cutter.
Stop ramming when the dolly is just above of the surface. Dig out the cutter containing the
soil out of the ground and trim off any solid extruding from it sends, so that the cutter
contains a volume of soil equal to its internal volume which is determined from the
dimensions of the cutter. The weight of the contained soil is found and its moisture content
Equations are;
d= t/ (1+w) gm/cm³
w= water content%
1. Core cutter method of determining the field density of soil is only suitable for fine
grained soil (Silts and clay). That is, core cutter should not be used for gravels,
boulders or any hard surface. This is because collection of undisturbed soil sample
from a coarse grained soil is difficult and hence the field properties, including unit
weight, cannot be maintained in a core sample.
2. Core cutter should be driven into the ground till the steel dolly penetrates into the
ground half way only so as to avoid compaction of the soil in the core.
3. Before lifting the core cutter, soil around the cutter should be removed to minimize
the disturbances.
4. While lifting the cutter, no soil should drop down.
a) Measure the height and internal diameter of the core cutter to the nearest 0.25mm.
b) Calculate the internal volume of the core-cutter Vcincm³.
c) Determine the weight of the clean cutter accurate to1g (W1 in g).
d) Select the area in the field where the density is required to be found out. Clean and
level the ground where the density is to be determined.
e) Place the dolly over the top of the core cutter and press the core cutter into the soil
mass using the rammer. Stop the pressing when about 15mm of the dolly protrudes
above the soil surface.
f) Remove the soil surrounding the core cutter by digging using spade, up to the bottom
level of the cutter. Lift up the cutter and remove the dolly and trim both sides of the
cutter with knife and straight edge.
g) Clean the outside surface of the cutter and determine mass of the cutter with the soil
(W2 in g).
h) Remove the soil core from the cutter and take the representative sample in the water
content containers to determine the moisture content.
i) The field test may be repeated at other places if required.
j) The water content of sample collected is determined in the laboratory as per
Experiment no 3 (Determination of water content of soil solids by Oven Drying
k) Use the above equation, given the theory section, for determining density of soil (d or
Test No’s.
Sl. No. Particulars
1 (d1) 2 (d2) 3 (d3)
1. Weight of empty cutter(W1), gms
10. Average density Avg d
The dry density of most soils varies within the range of 1.1-1.6 g/cm3. In sandy soils, dry
density can be as high as 1.6 g/cm3; in clayey soils and aggregated loams, it can be as low
The value of dry density of the soil is _ . The type of soil is
Viva Questions:
1. Can we use core cutter method on stony or non-cohesive soils?
2. Which method is more accurate, sand replacement method or core cutter method?
3. What is the practical application of the current test?
4. Do we get undisturbed sample using core cutter?
5. Why is field density required?
6. Out of wet density, dry density, and saturated density, which one of them is maximum
and minimum? Explain
Aim: To determine in-situ density of natural or compacted soil using Sand replacement
The in-situ density of natural soil is needed for the determination of bearing capacity
of soils, for the purpose of stability analysis of slopes, for the determination of pressures on
underlying strata for the calculation of settlement and the design of underground structures.
Moreover, dry density values are relevant both of embankment design as well as pavement
This test is done to determine the in-situ dry density of soil by core cutter method as
per IS-2720-Part-28 (1975). In order to conduct the test, select uniformly graded clean sand
passing through 600 micron IS sieve and retained on 300 micron IS sieve.
Equipments Required:
a) Sand pouring cylinder of about 3 liter capacity (Small pouring cylinder as per IS
2720 Part 28)
b) Cylindrical calibrating container 10 cm internal diameter and 15 cm depth
c) Glass plate, trays ,containers for determining water content
d) Tools for making of a hole of 10 cm diameter and 15 cm deep, knife and other
e) Metal container to collect excavated soil
f) Metal tray, 300mm square and 40mm deep with a hole of 100 mm in diameter at
the centre.
g) Weighing balance
h) Moisture content cans
i) Glass plate about450mm/600mmsquareand10mmthick
j) Oven
By conducting this test, it is possible to determine the field density of the soil. The
moisture content is likely to vary from time and hence the field density also. So it is required
to report the test result in terms of dry density. In sand replacement method, a small
cylindrical pit is excavated and the weight of the soil excavated from the pit is measured.
Sand whose density is known is filled into the pit. By measuring the weight of sand required
to fill the pit and knowing its density, the volume of pit is calculated. Knowing the weight of
soil excavated from the pit and the volume of pit, the density of soil is calculated. Therefore,
in this experiment there are two stages, namely
If for any reason it is necessary to excavate the pit to a depth other than 12 cm, the
standard calibrating can should be replaced by one with an internal height same as the
depth of pit to be made in the ground.
Care should be taken in excavating the pit, so that it is not enlarged by levering, as this
will result in lower density being recorded.
No loose material should be left in the pit.
There should be no vibrations during this test.
It should not be forgotten to remove the tray, before placing the SPC over the pit.
1. Clean and level the ground surface where the field density is to be determined.
2. Place the tray with a central hole over the portion of the soil to be tested.
3. Excavate a pit into the ground, through the hole in the plate, approximately 12cm deep (Close
the height of the calibrating can) the hole in the tray will guide the diameter of the pit to be
made in the ground.
4. Collect the excavated soil into the tray and weigh the soil (W)
5. Determine the moisture content of the excavated soil.
6. Place the SPC, with sand having the latest weight of W3, over the pit so that the base of the
cylinder covers the pit concentrically.
7. Open the slit of the SPC and allow the sand to run into the pit freely, till there is no downward
movement of sand level in the SPC and then close the slit.
8. Find the weight of the SPC with the remaining sand W4.
Viva Questions:
1) What is the objective of sand replacement method?
2) What is the relationship that can be established between the dry density with known
moisture content?
3) What are the apparatus that are needed in this test?
4) What is the significance of determining the in-situ density of the soil?
5) Depth of hole is kept to15 cm in the field. Why?
1) Weight of wet soil from the hole, Wh = gm
2) Water content of the soil, w = %
3) Weight of sand that fills the hole = gm
4) Volume of the hole Vh=Ws/s= cm³
5) Bulk density of the soil t = W/Vh= gm/cm³
6) Dry density d =t/(1+w)= gm/ cm³
7) Dry density of soil = g/cm3
Sand replacement method is an indirect method of finding the density of soil. The
basic principle is to measure the in-situ volume of hole from which the material was
excavated from the weight of sand with known density filling in the hole. The in-situ density
of material is given by the weight of the excavated material divided by the in-situ volume.
The dry density of most soils varies within the range of 1.1-1.6g/cm3.In sandy soils, dry
density can be as high as 1.6 g/cm3; in clayey soils and aggregated loams, it can be as low as
The dry density of the soil is g/cc. comparing with the in-situ density by
core cutter method; more or less the same value is achieved. The type of soil is .
Aim: To determine the Liquid limit of fine soil by using Casagrande Apparatus
When water is added to dry soil, it changes its state of consistency from hard to soft.
We can define liquid limit as the minimum water content at which the soil is still in the liquid
state, but has a small shearing strength against flow. From test point of view we can define
liquid limit as the minimum water content at which a pat of soil cut by a groove of standard
dimension will flow together for a distance of 12 mm (1/2 inch) under an impact of 25 blows
in the device.
This test is done to determine liquid limit of soil as per IS: 2720(Part 5)-1985. After
receiving the soil sample it is dried in air or in oven (maintained at a temperature of600C). If
clods are there in soil sample then it is broken with the help of wooden mallet. The soil
passing 425 micron sieve is used in this test.
Equipments Required:
a) A mechanical liquid limit apparatus (Casagrande type) with grooving tools.
b) Evaporating dishes, wash bottle etc.
c) Balance accurate to 0.01g.
d) Airtight container to determine water content.
e) Oven to maintain temperature at 105C to110C.
f) Sieve (425micron).
g) Spatula
h) Other accessories.
Consistencyoffine-grainedsoilsmaybedefinedastherelativeeasewithwhicha soil can be
remoulded. Consistency limits may be categorized into three limits called Atterberg limits.
Liquid limit is the moisture content that defines where the soil changes from a plastic
to a viscous fluid state. Other limits will be discussed during corresponding experiments.
Soil used for liquid limit determination should not be oven dried prior to testing.
In LL test the groove should be closed by the flow of soil and not by slippage
between the soil and the cup.
After mixing the water to the soil sample, sufficient time should be given to
permeate the water throughout the soil mass
Wet soil taken in the container for moisture content determination should not be left
open in the air, the container with soil sample should either be placed in desiccators or
immediately be weighed.
After performing each test the cup and grooving tool must be cleaned.
a) A representative sample of mass of about 120 gm passing through 425 micron IS sieve
is taken for the test. Mix the soil in an evaporating dish with distilled water to form a
uniform paste.
b) Adjust the cup of the device so that the fall of the cup on to the hard rubber base is 10
c) Transfer the portion of the paste to the cup of liquid limit device. Allow some time for
the soil to have uniform distribution of water.
d) Level the soil topsoil so that the maximum depth of soil is 12 mm. A channel of 11 mm
wide at the top, 2 mm at the bottom and 8 mm deep is cut by the grooving tool. The
grooving tool is held normal to the cup and the groove is cut through the sample along
the symmetrical axis of the top.
e) The handle of the device is turned at a rate of about 2 revolutions per secondand the
number of blows necessary to close the groove along the bottom distance of 12 mm is
counted. A sample of soil which closes the groove is collected
f) The soil in the cup is re-mixed thoroughly (adding some more soil if required) some
quantity of water which changes the consistency of soil, repeat the process. At least 4
tests should be conducted by adjusting the water contents of the soil in the cup in such a
way that the number of blows required to close the groove may fall within the range of 5
to 40 blows. A plot of water content against the log of blows is made as shown in figure.
The water content at 25 blows gives the liquid limit.
Table 7: Number of blows vs. Water Content
1 2 3 4
Trial No
(w1) (w2) (w3) (w4)
No of blows(N)
A semi-log plot of Number of blows Vs water Content is drawn from the table data.
If the natural moisture content of soil is closer to liquid limit, the soil can be considered as soft if
the moisture content is lesser than liquids limit, the soil is brittle and stiffer. Hence if the points
on the graph are obtained scattered, we need to draw the linear curve at the mean. Flow index
indicates the rate at which the soil looses shearing resistance with an increase in the water
As per the procedure the experiment is carried out. For 25 blows, water content is %.
Viva Questions:
This test is conducted as per IS: 2720(Part 5)-1985- Methods of test for soils:
Determination of liquid and plastic limit. After receiving the soil sample it is dried in air or in
oven (maintained at a temperature of 600C). If clods are there in soil sample then it is broken
with the help of wooden mallet.
Equipment Required:
The cone penetration test “CPT” is one of the most commonly used site investigation
tools in the field of geotechnical engineering for the classification and characterization of soils.
The liquid limit of the soil corresponds to the water content of a paste which would give 20 mm
penetration of the soil.
1. Soil used for liquid limit determination should not be oven dried prior to testing.
2. After mixing the water to the soil sample , sufficient time should be given to
permeate the water throughout out the soil mass
3. Wet soil taken in the container for moisture content determination should not beleft
open in the air, the container with soil sample should either be placed in desiccators or
immediately be weighed.
1) Take 200 gm of soil, add 5 percentage water and make a paste.
2) Mix the soil thoroughly and fix the mould in such a way that it should touch the
3) Release the cone and note down the depth of the penetration.
4) Repeat experiments with different values of water content.
5) Draw a graph of water content vs penetration. The one with 20 mm penetrationwould
give the liquid limit of the soil.
Trial No 1 2 3 4
The liquid limit wl = %
The liquid limit obtained using Cone Penetrometer is generally seen 2.2 % points higher
than Casagrande apparatus. Do comparisons of the Casagrande liquid limit with cone
Penetrometer liquid limit value.
The liquid limit of the soil is
Viva Questions:
1. Which is the preferable method Casagrande method or cone Penetrometer method in order
to determine liquid limit? Why?
2. What type of soil could be tested using static cone Penetrometer?
3. Is it a linear graph or semi-log one which is used in the case of cone Penetrometer?
4. Is it possible to determine the plastic limit of soil using cone Penetrometer?
5. What are the practical implications of conducting this test?
The plastic limit of fine-grained soil is the water content of the soil below which it ceases to be plastic.
It begins to crumble when rolled into threads of 3mm dia.
This test is done to determine the plastic limit of soil as per IS: 2720 (Part 5) –1985.
Take out 30g of air-dried soil from a thoroughly mixed sample of the soil passing through
425µm IS Sieve. Mix the soil with distilled water in an evaporating dish and leave the soil
mass for 24hrs.
Equipments Required:
a) Porcelain evaporating dish.
b) Flat glass plate.
c) Balance accurate to0.01g.
d) Drying oven, maintained at 110±5°C (230±9°F).
e) Weighing dishes, non-absorbent, with lids.
f) Flexible spatula, blade approximately 102 mm (4 in.) long × 19mm (0.75in.) wide.
The plastic limit is the moisture content that defines where the soil changes from a semi-solid to
a plastic state. It may also be defined as that water content at which soil starts crumbling when
rolled into threads of 3mm diameter. Use the paste from liquid limit test and begin drying. May
add dry soil or spread on plate and air dry.
1. Soil used for plastic limit determination should not be oven dried prior to testing.
2. After mixing the water to the soil sample, sufficient time should be given to
permeate the water throughout the soil mass.
3. Wet soil taken in the container for moisture content determination should not be left open.
The container with soil sample should either be placed in desiccators or immediately be
a) Select a representative sample of fine-grained soil of about 20 g or more passing through 420
Micron IS sieve. Mix it with distilled water thoroughly on a glass plate such that the palm of the
soil can be rolled into a thread of 3 mm diameter. Allow some time for the proper distribution
mixed with water.
b) Take about 10 g of this wet sail and roll it into a thread on a glass plate with the palm of the
hand. The rolling must be such that it forms a uniform thread of 3 mm diameter. If the thread
cracks before attaining 3 mm diameter, and add little more water, knead it and roll again. If the
rolling can be done to diameter less than 3 mm, mix some dry soil, knead it to remove same
extra moisture in the soil. This process has to continue till the sample crumbles just at about 3
mm diameter. Collect the crumbled soil (at least 6 g) and measure its water content.
c) Repeat the process to get at least three water content determination (after they have been in the
oven at least 16 hours)..
d) The average of water content so obtained is the plastic limit of the soil.
Trial No 1 2 3 4
Determine the plasticity index Ip, which is the difference between liquid limit
and plastic limit. Following table list the standard values:
Soil Type wl wp Ip
Sand Non-Plastic
Silt 30-40 20-25 10-15
Clay 40-150 25-50 15-100
Viva Questions:
Aim: To determine moisture content – dry density relationship by Standard proctor test.
Compaction is the application of mechanical energy to a soil so as to rearrange its particles and
reduce the void ratio. It is applied to improve the properties of an existing soil or in the process of
placing fill such as in the construction of embankments, road bases, runways, earth dams, and
reinforced earth walls. Compaction is also used to prepare a level surface during construction of
buildings. There is usually no change in the water content and in the size of the individual soil
Equipment Required:
To assess the degree of compaction, it is necessary to use the dry unit weight, which is an
indicator of compactness of solid soil particles in a given volume. The laboratory testing is
meant to establish the maximum dry density that can be attained for a given soil with a
standard amount of compactive effort.
w = density of water.
G = Specific gravity of soils.
W = water content.
S = degree of saturation.
1. Thoroughly breakup the sample by running it through the screen before compacting it in the
2. Pound within a moisture range from optimum to 4 percent below optimum. The closer to
optimum the moisture content is, the more accurate the test will be.
3. Make sure the clamp on each mold section is tight.
4. Make sure the wing nuts on the base plate are secured with equal tension.
5. Place the mould on a solid block that is supported on firm soil or pavement.
6. Hold the rammer vertically so that it will fall freely.
7. Drop the 25 kg rammer weight freely 9 Use exactly 25 blows on each layer. 10 Place 3 equal
layers in the mold
a) Select a representative soil sample of about 25 kg. The material used for the test must be
finer than 20 mm sieve. Air-dry sample.
b) Add sufficient water to the sample (about 7 % for sandy soils and 10 % for clay soils),
which will be less than the estimated optimum moisture content. Mix the soil thoroughly
and keep this in an airtight container for a period of 20 hours.
c) Fix the mould to the base plate after cleaning its inside surface. Find the mss of the
mould with the base plate (M1).
d) Attach the extension collar to the mould.
e) Take about 2.5 kg of soil in an air tight container and compact it in the mould in three
equal layers each layer is compacted by giving 25 blows by the hammer weighing 2.6
kg and dropping from a height of 310 mm. The compaction must be uniform over the
whole area, and a spatula scratches each layer before adding another layer.
f) The filling must be such that the last layer projects into the collar by about 5 mm.
g) After the completion of compaction, remove the collar and remove the excess soil with
the help of a straight edge.
h) Find the mass of the mould with the base plate and the soil (M2).
i) Remove the soil from the mould by making use of an ejector and take a representative
sample for water content determination.
j) Carry out the tests 3 to 4 times by repeating the steps from (e) onwards. Each time use a
fresh soil sample.
Test No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Mass of empty mould M1 gm
Water content, w%
Note: Plot dry density vs. moisture content and find out the max dry density and optimum
moisture for the soil.
Maximum dry density d =
Optimum moisture content, w in % =
Viva Questions:
1. What is the difference between standard proctor test and modified proctor test?
2. What is relative density of soil?
3. What is voids ratio? What is zero air voids line?
4. What is the practical implication of conducting standard proctor test?
5. How to determine OMC of soil? Explain.
6. How is compaction different from consolidation?
7. Did you watch any civil engineering construction compaction is carried out? Explain.
8. Is there any other method other than standard proctor test to determine maximum density?
The rate of flow under laminar flow conditions through a unit cross sectional are of
porous medium under unit hydraulic gradient is defined as coefficient of permeability. Water
flowing through soil exerts considerable seepage force which has direct effect on the safety
of hydraulic structures. The rate of settlement of compressible clay layer under load depends
on its permeability. The quantity of water escaping through and beneath the earthen dam
depends on the permeability of the embankments and its foundations respectively. The rate of
discharge through wells and excavated foundation pits depends on the coefficient of
permeability of the soils. Shear strength of soils also depends indirectly on permeability of
soil, as dissipation of pore pressure is controlled by its permeability.
IS 2720-17 (1986): Methods of test for soils, Part 17. This test is used to determine the
permeability of granular soils like sands and gravels containing little or no silt.
Equipments Required:
The knowledge of this property is much useful in solving problems involving yield of water
bearing strata, seepage through earthen dams, stability of earthen dams, and embankments of
canal bank affected by seepage, settlement etc. Permeability of soil can be determined from
Darcy‟s Law. The equation to determine the permeability of soil using constant head
permeability test is given by:
k = (QL)/(Aht)
Where, k = coefficient of permeability
Q = volume of water collected in time t
h = head causing flow
A = cross sectional area of sample
L = length of sample
a) A constant-head test assembly is as given in below figure.
b) Select a representative soil mass of about 2.5 kg properly mixed.
c) Fill the soil into the mould and compact it to the required dry density by making
use of a suitable compacting device.
d) Set the assembly as shown in figure after saturating the porous stones.
e) The water supply is properly adjusted to maintain constant head.
f) Open the valve and saturate the sample by allowing water to flow through for a sufficiently
long time to remove all air-bubbles.
g) When the whole setup is ready for the test, open the valve, allow the water to flow through
the sample collect water in a graduated jar starting simultaneously a stopwatch. Note the
time to collect a certain quantity of water Q.
h) Repeat the test three times and determine the average of Q for the same time interval t.
i) Measure the head h, length of sample L, and calculate the cross sectional area A of the
Calculate k by making use of equation
The table below gives rough values of the coefficient of permeability of various soils:
Value of permeability
Type of soil
Gravel 103 to 1.0
Sand 1.0 to 10-3
Silt 10-3 to 10-6
Clay less than 10-3
The type of soil tested is as the permeability falls in the range as shown in the above
Viva Questions:
1. What is Darcy‟s law of flow velocity through soils? What are its Limitations?
2. What are the steady and unsteady flows of water? What type of flow is assumed to occur in
3. What are the laboratory methods of determination of coefficient of permeability of soil?
State their suitability.
4. What is the effect of entrapped air on the coefficient of permeability of soil?
5. Constant head method is suitable for what type of soils?
6. Soil with largest void ratio has lesser or more permeability?
7. Coefficient of permeability is also called as?
8. Will the permeability of soil cause seepage of water through earth dams?
9. In the above case, what can we do to reduce seepage?
Aim: To determine the coefficient of permeability of a given soil sample by Variable head
permeability test.
The passage of water through porous material is called seepage. A material with
continuous voids is called a permeable material. Hence permeability is a property of a porous
material which permits passage of fluids through interconnecting conditions. Hence
permeability is defined as the rate of flow of water under laminar conditions through a unit
cross-sectional area perpendicular to the direction of flow through a porous medium under
unit hydraulic gradient and under standard temperature conditions.
IS 2720-17 (1986): Methods of test for soils, Part 17. This test is used for fine grained
soils with intermediate and low permeability such as silts and clays. This testing method can
be applied to an undisturbed sample.
Equipments Required:
All the accessories are the same as the constant head test and the following:
Graduated glass stand pipe and the clamp
Supporting frame for the stand pipe and the clamp
The falling head permeability test involves flow of water through a relatively short
soil sample connected to a standpipe which provides the water head and also allows
measuring the volume of water passing through the sample. The diameter of the standpipe
depends on the permeability of the tested soil. The test is carried out in falling head
permeameter cell.
Before starting the flow measurements, the soil sample is saturated and the standpipes
are filled with de-aired water to a given level. The test then starts by allowing water to flow
through the sample until the water in the standpipe reaches a given lower limit. The time
required for the water in the standpipe to drop from the upper to the lower level is recorded.
Often, the standpipe is refilled and the test is repeated for couple of times. The recorded time
should be the same for each tests within an allowable variation of about 10% (Head 1982)
otherwise the test is failed.
The below equation can be used:
k = ((2.3 a L)/(A(t2-t1)))log10(h1/h2)
Where, L = length of soil sample column
A = Sample cross-section
a = the cross-section of the standpipe
JSS Academy of Technical Education Bengaluru Page 38
(t2-t1) = the recorded time for the water column to flow though the sample
h1 and h2 = the upper and lower water level in the standpipe measured
using the same water head reference
a) Open the valves in the standpipe and the bottom outlet. Ensure that the soil sample is
fully saturated without any entrapping of air bubble before starting the test.
b) Fill the standpipe with water keeping the valves V1 and V2 open and allow the water
to flow out through the outlet pipe for some time and then close the valves.
c) Select in advance the heights h1 and h2 for the water to fall and determine the height
h1h2 and mark this height on the stand pipe.
d) Open the valves and fill the standpipe with water up to height h1 and start the
e) Record the time intervals for water to fall from height h1 to h1h2 and from h1h2 to
h2. These two time intervals will be equal if a steady flow condition has been established.
f) Repeat the step (e) at least after changing the heights h1 and h2.
g) Stop the test and disconnect all the parts.
h) Take a small quantity of the sample for water content determination.
The coefficient of permeability of a soil describes how easily a liquid will move through a soil. It
is also commonly referred to as the hydraulic conductivity of a soil. This factor can be affected by
the viscosity, or thickness (fluidity) of a liquid and its density. The number can also be affected by
the void size, or region of non-soil, void continuity, and soil particle shape and surface roughness.
It is an important factor when determining the rate at which a fluid will actually flow through a
particular type of soil.
As per the value of coefficient of permeability ( ), type of soil from
the above table is .
Viva Questions:
It is not always possible to conduct the bearing capacity test in the field. Sometimes it
is cheaper to take the undisturbed soil sample and test its strength in the laboratory. Also to
choose the best material for the embankment, one has to conduct strength tests on the samples
selected. Under these conditions it is easy to perform the unconfined compression test on
undisturbed and remoulded soil sample.
The test is conducted as per IS 2720-10 (1991): Methods of test for soils, Part 10:
Determination of unconfined compressive strength [CED 43: Soil and Foundation
Engineering]. The test is performed on a cylindrical sample with a height to diameter ratio of
2: 1. The sample is placed between the plates of a mechanical load frame without any
covering or lateral support. Load and deformation readings are noted until the failure of the
sample or a strain of 20%, whichever is smaller.
Equipments Required:
1. Loading frame of capacity of 2 t, with constant rate of movement. What is the least
count of the dial gauge attached to the proving ring!
2. Proving ring of 0.01 kg sensitivity for soft soils; 0.05 kg for stiff soils.
3. Soil trimmer.
4. Frictionless end plates of 75 mm diameter (Perspex plate with silicon grease
5. Evaporating dish (Aluminum container).
6. Soil sample of 75 mm length.
7. Dial gauge (0.01 mm accuracy).
8. Balance of capacity 200 g and sensitivity to weigh 0.01 g.
9. Oven thermostatically controlled with interior of non-corroding material to maintain the
temperature at the desired level. What is the range of the temperature used for drying the
10. Sample extractor and split sampler.
11. Dial gauge (sensitivity 0.01mm).
The unconfined compression test is by far the most popular method of soil shear testing
because it is one of the fastest and cheapest methods of measuring shear strength. The method
is used primarily for saturated, cohesive soils recovered from thin-walled sampling tubes. The
unconfined compression test is in appropriate for dry sands or crumbly clays because the
materials would fall apart without some land of lateral confinement.
In the unconfined compression test, we assume that no pore water is lost from the sample
during set-up or during the shearing process. A saturated sample will thus remain saturated
during the test with no change in the sample volume, water content, or void ratio. More
significantly, the sample is held together by an effective confining stress that results from
negative pore water pressures (generated by menisci forming between particles on the sample
surface). Pore pressures are not measured in an unconfined compression test; consequently,
the effective stress is unknown. Hence, the undrained shear strength measured in an
unconfined test is expressed in terms of the total stress
1. Both the ends of the sample are shaped so that it should sit properly on the bottom plate
of the loading frame.
2. Rate of loading of the sample should be constant.
a) The sample is prepared in the same way as for a triaxial test. Its natural water
content and dry density are determined prior to the testing. The length (Lo) and
diameter (do) are also measured.
b) Set the sample on the pedestal of the equipment and complete all the necessary
adjustments for applying on axial loads.
c) Apply the axial load at a strain of about 0.5 to 2 % per minute and continue the
load till the sample fails OR the deformation reaches 20 % of axial strain.
d) Sketch the failure pattern and measure the angle of failure if possible.
e) Take a small sample of soil from the failure zone for water content determination.
A plot of 1versus gives the maximum stress, which is the unconfined compressive
strength of the soil specimen.
Note: Plot a graph of Compressive stress as ordinate and Axial Strain as abscissa.
Average unconfined compressive stress qu= ------------ kg/cm2
Minimum three samples should be tested; correlation can be made between unconfined
strength and field SPT value N practically. Up to 6% strain the readings may be taken at
every min (30 sec).
Viva Questions:
1. What is the difference between unconfined compression test and triaxial test?
2. What is meant by unconfined compression strength of soil?
3. Plot roughly the Mohr circle for Unconfined Compressive Strength of soil.
4. Explain the procedure to determine the Unconfined compressive strength of soil.
5. How is sensitivity determined?
6. Why we need Mohr‟s circle for this experiment?
7. Is there any stress which cannot be determined in the case of UCC?
8. Could the drainage condition be handled in UCC?
Aim: To determine the shear strength of soil using the direct shear apparatus.
The test is conducted as per IS: 2720- 13 (1986), method of tests for soils. One kg of
air dry sample passing through 4.75mm IS sieve is required for this test.
Equipments Required:
Shear box apparatus consisting of
Box shear tests can be used for the following tests.
1. Quick and consolidated quick tests on clay soil samples.
2. Slow test on any type of soil.
Only using box shear test apparatus may carry the drained or slow shear tests on sand. As
undisturbed samples of sand is not practicable to obtain, the box is filled with the sand
obtained from the field and compacted to the required density and water content to stimulate
field conditions as far as possible.
So far clay soil is concerned the undisturbed samples may be obtained from the field. The
sample is cut to the required size and thickness of box shear test apparatus and introduced
into the apparatus. The end surfaces are properly trimmed and leveled. I9f tests on remolded
soils of clay samples are required; they are compacted in the mould to the required density
and moisture content.
Coulomb‟s equation is used for computing the shear parameters.
For clay soils
for sand
S= tan
In a Direct Shear test, the sample is sheared along a horizontal plane. This indicates that the
failure plane is horizontal. The normal stress (s) on this plane is the external vertical load
divided by the area of the soil sample. The shear stress at failure is the external lateral load
divided by the corrected area of soil sample. The main advantage of direct shear apparatus is
its simplicity and smoothness of operation and the rapidity with which testing programmes
can be carried out. But this test has the disadvantage that lateral pressure and stresses on
planes other than the plane of shear are not known during the test.
a) Place the sample of soil into the shear box, determine the water content and dry
density of the soil compacted.
b) Make all the necessary adjustments for applying vertical load, for measuring
vertical and lateral movements and measurement of shearing force, etc.
c) Apply a known load on the specimen and then keep it constant during the course of
the test (for consolidation keep it for a long time without shearing, and quick tests
apply the shearing without consolidation soon after placing the vertical load ).
Adjust the rate of strain as required of the specimen.
d) Shear the specimen till failure of the specimen is noticed or the shearing resistance
decreases. Take the readings of the gauges during the shearing operation.
e) Remove the specimen from the box at the end of the test, and determine the final water
f) Repeat the tests on three or four identical specimens.
The test sample of cohesion less soil with a little cohesion is given in tabular form below.
(1) Soil density d = 1.62 g/cm³
Data sheet for sample 1: (for sample 2, 3, and 4 similar data sheets are to be prepared)
Initial area = Ao = 66 = 36 cm². Initial thickness = 2.4 cm. = 0.5 kg/cm²
0 0 36 0 0
Shear stress at
Normal stress failure
Test No σ(kg/cm2) ζ(kg/cm2)
1 0.5
2 1.0
3 1.5
From the results a graph of Horizontal displacement VS Shear stress is drawn. Mohr‟s circles are
also plotted.
Angle of internal friction Ǿ=-----
Unit cohesion C= --------- kg/cm2
Viva Questions:
1. Measure the length, diameter and the mass of the specimen accurately.
2. Cover the pedestal of the triaxial cell with a solid end cap or keep the drainage valve closed.
Place the specimen on the solid end cap, on the pedestal of the triaxial cell and place the other end
cap on the top of the specimen. Place a rubber membrane around the specimen using membrane
stretcher and seal the membrane to the end caps by means of rubber rings.
3. Assemble the cell with the loading ram initially clear of the top of the specimen and place it on
the loading machine.
4. Admit the operating fluid into the cell and bring its pressure to the desired value.
5. Adjust the loading machine such that the loading ram comes just in contact with the seat on the
top of the specimen. Note the initial reading on the dial measuring axial compression (or adjust it
to read zero). Also, adjust the proving ring dial reading to zero.
6. Apply an axial compressive force at a constant rate such that the failure occurs within a period
of approximately 5 to 15 minutes. Note down the proving ring readings corresponding to known
compression gauge readings. Continue the loading until the maximum value of the stress has
passed (i.e. until the failure of the specimen is observed) or an axial strain of 20% has been
reached, whichever occurs first.
7. Unload the specimen and drain off the cell fluid. Dismantle the cell and take out the specimen.
Remove the rubber membrane and note down the mode of failure. Weigh the specimen and keep it
for moisture content determination.
8. Repeat the test on three or more identical specimens under different cell pressures.
1. Type of soil:
2. Specimen preparation procedure: Undisturbed / remoulded / compacted
3. Initial length of the specimen (L0) = ............................................... cm
4. Initial diameter of the specimen (D0) = ……………………………….
5. Area of cross section (A0) = .................................................. cm2
6. Volume of specimen (V0) =................................................... cm3
7. Proving ring constant = …………………………………
8. Rate of strain = ……………………………………
9. Water content determination (initial) =……………………………..
14. Plot a graph of deviator stress vs axial strain to get deviator stress at failure.
Consolidation Test
Aim: To determine the consolidation properties of given soil.
i) For testing the over consolidated soil or soils sensitive to moisture content, porous stones
shall be placed dry.
ii) For testing normally consolidated soils, porous Stones shall be wet.
iii) For testing stiffer soils and moisture sensitive soils, no filter papers shall be used.
JSS Academy of Technical Education Bengaluru Page 54
3. Place the consolidometer cell assembly in position on the loading frame and suitably adjust
its position.
4. Clamp the dial gauge in position to measure the vertical deformation of the specimen such
that it has a sufficient margin to measure the swell, if any. Note down the initial reading of the
dial gauge.
5. Apply a seating stress of 0.05 kgf / cm2 on the specimen.
6. Fill the consolidation cell with distilled water and connect the cell to the water reservoir such
that the level of water in the reservoir and that in the cell are the same.
7. Allow the specimen to reach equilibrium for 24 h.
8. Note down the final dial gauge reading under the seating stress.
9. Apply the next load of intensity such that the stress increment ratio is unity and start the stop
watch simultaneously. Record the dial gauge reading at various time intervals.
i) The recommended loading sequence is 0.05 kgf / cm2, 0.1 kgf / cm2, 0.2 kgf / cm2, 0.4 kgf /
cm2, 0.8 kgf / cm2, 1.6 kgf / cm2, 3.2 kgf / cm2 etc.,. However, a loading sequence of 0.05 kgf /
cm2, 0.1 kgf / cm2, 0.2 kgf / cm2, 0.5 kgf / cm2, 1 kgf / cm2, 2 kgf / cm2, 4 kgf / cm2 etc., may
also be used.
ii) The time sequence for taking the dial gauge readings is such as to facilitate the plotting of
time – compression curve
10. After reaching a near equilibrium state ( which can be judged by the changes in the dial
gauge readings), note down the final dial gauge reading corresponding to the existing stress on
the specimen, increment the stress on the specimen to its next value.
Note: Normal equilibrium loading period is 24h. For some soils, it may be more than 24h.
However, same equilibrium loading period shall be used for all stress increments during the
11. On completion of the final loading stage, start unloading the sample by reducing the stress
by following a stress decrement ratio of 0.25. Allow sufficient time between successive load
decrements and reach the seating stress of 0.05 kgf / cm2.
12. Maintain the stress for 24 h.
13. After recording the final dial gauge reading, siphon out the water from the cell. Quickly
dismantle the specimen from the cell assembly. Remove the excess water on the specimen by
using blotting paper.
14. Record the final mass and height of the specimen.
15. Determine the final water content of the specimen by oven drying method.
16. From the equilibrium dial gauge readings recorded under each effective consolidation
stress on the specimen, calculate the equilibrium void ratios corresponding to each effective
consolidation stress by either the height of solids method or change in void ratio method.
17. Draw void ratio (e) versus log ' curve and calculate the values of pre-consolidation stress
(') (if the tested soil is over consolidated) by either Casagrande‟s method or log-log method,
coefficient of volume change (mv) and compression index (Cc).
18. Calculate the value of coefficient of consolidation (cv) for each stress range by any of the
methods such as square root of time fitting method (Taylor‟s method), logarithm of time fitting
method (Casagrande‟s method), rectangular hyperbola method and one point method.
JSS Academy of Technical Education Bengaluru Page 55
6. Touch/ Feel
Sense of touch can be easily used to distinguish silts from clays & from sands.
Sand - gritty feel
Silt - rough texture
Clay - Smooth greasy feel.
Apparatus Required:
1. Glass Cylinders of 1000-Ml Capacity
2. Thermometer
3. Hydrometer
4. Electric Mixer with Dispersing Cup
5. Balance Sensitive to ± 0.01g
6. Stop Watch & Beaker
Soil passing 4.75mm I.S. Sieve and retained on 75micron I.S. Sieve contains no fines. Those
soils can be directly dry sieved rather than wet sieving.
Wet Sieving: If the soil contains a substantial quantity (say more than 5%) of fine particles, a
wet sieve analysis is required. All lumps are broken into individual particles.
1. Take 200gm of oven dried soil sample and soaked with water.
2. If de-flocculation is required, 2% calgon solution is used instead of water.
3. The sample is stirred and left for soaking period of at least 1 hour.
4. The slurry is then sieved through 4.75 mm sieve and washed with a jet of water.
5. The material retained on the sieve is the gravel fraction, which should be dried in oven and
6. The material passing through 4.75 mm sieve is sieved through 75 micron sieve.
7. The material is washed until the water filtered becomes clear.
8. The soil passed through 75 micron sieve is collected and dried in oven.
Hydrometer Analysis:
9. Take 40 gm of the oven dry soil sample after removing soluble salts and organic matter if
any. 10. It is then mixed with 4% solution of dispersing agent in water to get a known
amount of suspension by volume and stirred well.
11. This suspension should be made 24 hrs before testing.
12. After 24 hours, the suspension is again mixed using Electric mixer with dispersing cup
and 13. Following stirring with mixer, the suspension which is made up to 1000 ml in the
measuring cylinder is turned end to end for even distribution of particles before the time„t‟
begins to be measured.
14. The hydrometer readings are recorded at regular intervals as indicated in the data sheet.
From the data obtained the particle size distribution curve is plotted in the semi-logarithmic
graph sheet along with the dry sieve analysis results.
Corrections (Individual):
Meniscus Correction (Cm):
Since the suspension is opaque, the readings will be taken at the top of the meniscus while the
actual should be from the bottom of the meniscus. It is constant for a hydrometer (Always
Temperature Correction (Ct):
If the temperature is less than 270C, the correction is negative and vice-versa. Temperature
should be measured from starting till end of the tests at regular intervals and are averaged.
Then it is compared with the standard temperature (27 0C).
Dispersion Agent Correction (Cd):
Addition of calgon always increases the specific gravity of the specimen. Hence, this
correction is always negative.
Alternative Corrections (Combined):
Composite Correction for Dispersion Agent and Temperature, (Ct – Cd):
Insert the hydrometer in the comparison cylinder containing dispersant solution in distilled
water with the same concentration as used for making the soil suspension. The Composite
correction (Ct – Cd) is negative of the hydrometer reading corresponding to the top meniscus.
It has to be taken every 30 minutes throughout the test.
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfDW3Fw9cL0
Aim: To determine the water content of soil solids by Rapid Moisturemeter method.
Theory: This method for rapid determination of water content from the gas pressure developed
by the reaction of calcium carbide with the free water of the soil. From the calibrated scale of
the pressure gauge the percentage of water on total (wet) mass of soil is obtained and the same
is converted to water content on dry mass of soil.
1. Metallic Pressure Vessel-with clamp for scaling cup, and a gauge calibrated in percentage
water content
2. Counter imposed Balance – for weighing sample
3. Scoop for measuring absorbent (calcium carbide).
4. One Bottle of the Absorbent (Calcium Carbide)
5. One Clean Brush
6. Steel Balls – three steel balls of about 12-5 mm diameter and one steel ball of 25 mm
1. The apparatus required for the test includes one metallic pressure vessel with clamp for
sealing cup and a gauge calibrated in percentage water. One counterpoint balance, a scoop
for measuring calcium carbide and three steel balls of 12.5 mm diameter and one steel ball of
25 mm diameter.
2. Set up the balance and place the sample in the pan till the mark on the balance arm mass lines
up with the index mark.
3. Unclamp the clamping screw to move the U-clamp off the cup. Lift off the cup. Clean the
cup and the body.
4. Hold the body horizontally and gently deposit one level scoopful of calcium carbide halfway
inside the chamber. Then lay the chamber down without disturbing the calcium carbide
charge and transfer the soil weighed out as above from the pan to the cup.
5. Holding cup and chamber approximately horizontal bring them together, without disturbing
sample or calcium carbide, bring the U clamp round and clamp the cup tightly into place.
6. With the gauge downwards, shake the moisture meter up and down vigorously for 5 seconds,
then quickly turn it so that the gauge is upwards, give a tap to the body of the moisture meter
to ensure that all the contents fall into the cup.
7. Hold the rapid moisture meter downward, again shake for 5 seconds, then turn it with gauge
upwards and tap. Hold for one minute. Repeat this for a third time. Once more invert the
rapid moisture meter and shake up and down to cool the gas. Turn the rapid moisture meter
with the gauge upwards, and dial horizontal held at chest height when the needle comes to
rest, take the reading. The readings on the meter are the percentages of water on the wet mass
8. Alternatively, the three smaller steel balls can be placed in the cup along with the soil and the
larger one in the body along with the absorbent and seal up the unit as usual. Hold the rapid
moisture meter vertical so that the material in the cup falls into the body. Now holding the
unit horizontally, rotate it for 10 seconds so that the balls are rolled round the inside
circumference of the body. Rest for 20 seconds. Repeat the rotation – rest cycle until the
gauge reading is constant (usually this takes 4 to 8 min). Note the reading as usual.
9. Finally release the pressure slowly (away from the operator) by opening the clamp screw and
taking the cup out, empty the contents and clean the instrument with a brush.
10. Calculate the water content (W) on the dry mass from the water content (M) obtained on the
wet mass basis as the reading on the rapid moisture meter, as follows:
W = [M/(100-M)]*100
Where, W = percent water content of the dry mass
M = percent water content of the wet mass
Note: The absorbent is highly susceptible to absorption of moisture and so shall not be
exposed to atmosphere; as a result the absorbent suffers deterioration and will give results on
the lower side. Replace the lid of the absorbent container firmly as soon as the required
amount of the absorbent for a test is taken from the bottle. The absorbent suffers deterioration
with time.
The value of shrinkage limit is used for understanding the swelling and shrinkage
properties of cohesive soils. It is used for calculating the shrinkage factors which helps in
the design problems of the structures made up of the soils or/and resting on soil. It gives an
idea about the suitability of the soil as a construction material in foundations, roads,
embankments and dams.
The test is specified in IS: 2720(Part 6)-1972. The 30 g soil passing 425 micron
sieve is used for the test.
Equipments Required:
a. 2 numbers of porcelain evaporating dish, about 12 cm in diameter within a flat
b. 3 numbers of shrinkage dish made of non-corroding metal, having a flat bottom, 45
mm diameter and 15 mm high.
c. A glass cup of about 50 mm diameter and 25 mm high.
d. Two numbers glass plates of size 7575 mm, one plate of plane glass and the other
with three metal prongs.
e. Spatula balance accurate to 0.01 g, oven etc.
f. Mercury.
g. Desiccators and other accessories.
As the soil loses moisture, either in its natural environment, or by artificial means in
laboratory, it changes from liquid state to plastic state to semi-solid state and then to solid
state. The volume is also reduced by the decrease in water content. But, at a particular limit
the moisture reduction causes no further volume change. A shrinkage limit test gives a
quantitative indication of how much moisture can change before any significant volume
change and to also indication of change in volume. The shrinkage limit is useful in areas
where soils undergo large volume changes when going through wet and dry cycles (e.g.
earth dams).
Shrinkage limits are required to be determined on two types of soils, they are
i. Remoulded soil.
ii. Undisturbed soil.
Other shrinkage factors i.e. shrinkage ratio, volumetric shrinkage may also be
calculated from the test data of shrinkage limit.
Shrinkage ratio is the ratio of a given volume change expressed as a percentage of dry
volume to the corresponding change in water content above the shrinkage limit.
Volumetric Shrinkage is the decrease in volume of a soil mass when the water content is
reduced from given percentage to the shrinkage limit and which is expressed as percentage of
dry volume of the soil mass.
a) Select a representative sample of soil of about 100 g passing through 425 micron
b) Take 30 g out of it and place the same in an evaporating dish. Mix it thoroughly
with distilled water and make it into a thin paste for readily filling into a dish free
from air bubbles.
Vd = Mm/ 13.6.
For the undistributed soil we need to know only the volume of an undistributed dry pot of
soil sample of diameter 45 mm and thickness 15 mm. Round off its edges to prevent the
entrapment of air during mercury displacement. Air dry the sample initially and then dry
over the same. Find its mass (Ms) after cooling it in a desiccator, and then its volume Vd by
mercury displacement method. Ws may now be found out by use of equation
Ws = [(Vd/Ms)-(1/G)]*100.
The expansive clays increase in their volume when they come in contact with water owing to
surface properties of these clay types. The pressure which the expansive soil exerts , if it is not
allowed to swell or the volume change of the soil is arrested , is known as Swelling Pressure of
The swelling pressure is dependent upon several factors namely (a) the type and amount of
clay in the soil and the nature of the clay mineral, (b) the initial water content and dry density,
(c) the nature of pore fluid, (d) the stress history of the soil including the confining pressure
and (e) drying and wetting cycles to which the soils have been subjected to.
A soil with high swell pressure is considered “unsuitable” for use as embankment fill material
and in case the sub-soil is having high swell pressure then suitable “ground improvement
measures” may be needed before constructing embankment on such soil. One of the methods
for constructing embankments on expansive soils is to lay a CNS (non-swelling clay) layer at
the base of the embankment, to isolate the sub-soil from the moisture (mainly rain water)
coming in vertically downwards direction. For any clay to be classified as “CNS (non-swelling
clay)”, it should not have swell pressure more than the specified value (normally 0.5 kg/m2).
In laboratory, one dimensional swelling pressure test is conducted using either fixed or the
floating rings on both undisturbed and re-moulded soils in the partially saturated condition.
Two methods are employed, namely, “consolidometer method” in which the volume change of
the soil is permitted and the corresponding pressure required to bring back the soil to its
original volume is measured and “constant volume method” in which the volume change is
prevented and the consequent pressure is measured.
A device to hold the sample in a ring either fixed or floating with porous stones on each
face of the sample. A consolidometer shall also provide means for submerging the sample,
for applying a vertical load and for measuring the change in the thickness of the specimen.
The provision for fixing of the dial gauge shall be rigid and in no case shall the dial gauge
JSS Academy of Technical Education Bengaluru Page 67
be fixed to a cantilevered arm. The dial gauges shall be fixed in such a way to record the
vertical expansion of the specimen. (a) Specimen Diameter: 60mm. (b) Specimen
Thickness: Shall be at least 20mm in all cases. However, the thickness shall not be less than
10 times the maximum diameter of the grain in the soil specimen. The diameter to thickness
ratio shall be a minimum of 3. (c) Ring: The ring shall be made of non-corrosive material.
(d) Porous Stones: The stones shall be of silicon carbide or aluminum oxide and of medium
grade. It shall have a high permeability compared to that of the soil being tested. The
diameter of the top stone shall be 0.2 to 0.5mm less than the internal diameter of the ring.
1 By Consolidometer Method:
i) Preparation of Specimen from Undisturbed Soil Samples: Clean and weigh the
empty container. Cut-off the specimen either from undisturbed tube sample or from
block sample, the latter generally being more representative of the field conditions.
Remove about 30 mm height of soil from one end of the soil sample. Gradually
insert the consolidation ring in the sample by pressing with hands and carefully
removing the material around the ring. The soil specimens cut shall project as far as
10mm on either side of the ring. Then trim the specimen smooth and flush with the
top and bottom of the ring. Wipe the container ring clear of any soil sticking to the
outside and weigh again with the soil. The whole process should be quick to ensure
minimum loss of moisture and if possible shall be carried out in the moisture room.
The representative specimens from the soil trimming shall be taken in moisture
content cans and their moisture content determined in accordance with IS:2720
ii) Preparation of Specimen from Disturbed Soil Sample: The soil sample shall be
compacted to the desired (field) density and water content in a standard compaction
proctor mould. Samples suitable sizes are cut from it as given in Para (i) above.
Note-1: Since swelling pressure of the soil is very much influenced by its initial water
content and dry density, it shall be ensured that in the case of undisturbed soil samples,
the specimen shall be collected from the field for test during the driest season of the
year, so that the swelling pressure recorded shall be maximum. In case of remoulded
soil sample the initial water content shall be at the shrinkage limit or field water
content, so that the swelling pressure recorded shall be maximum.
Note-2: The desiccated soil obtained from the field coupled with smaller thickness
consolidation ring make the undisturbed soil specimen always in danger of being
disturbed during trimming; hence great care shall be taken to handle the specimen
delicately with the least pressure applied to the soil.
iii) Saturate the porous stones by boiling in distilled water for at least 15 minutes
and moisten all surfaces of the consolidometer which are to be enclosed.
Assemble the consolidometer with the soil specimen (in the ring) and porous
stones at top and bottom of the specimen, providing wet filter paper between the
soil specimen and the porous stone. Then position the loading block centrally on
the top porous stone.
iv) Mount this assembly on the loading frame such that load applied is transmitted
method”. Then dismantle the assembly and extract the soil specimen from the
consolidation ring to determine final moisture content accordance with IS: 2720 (Part-
Observations and Recording
Table 21 A Details of soil specimen
(By Consolidometer Method/ Constant Volume Method)
Table 21 B Data Sheet for Swell - Compression Test (By Consolidometer Method)
Table 21 C Data Sheet for Swell - Compression Test (By Consolidometer Method)
1 By Consolidometer Method:
The observed swelling dial reading recorded in Table 21A shall be plotted with elapsed time
as abscissa and swelling dial reading as ordinates on natural scale. A smooth curve shall be
drawn joining these points. If the curve so drawn becomes asymptotic with the abscissa, the
swelling has reached its maximum and swelling phase shall be stopped, and the consolidation
phase shall be started. The compression readings shall be tabulated as in Table 21C and a plot
of change in thickness of expanded specimen as ordinates and consolidation pressure applied
as abscissa in semi-logarithmic scale shall be made. The swelling pressure exerted by the soil
specimen under zero swelling condition shall be obtained by interpolation and expressed in
kN/m2 (kgf/cm2).
The difference between the final and initial dial readings of the proving ring gives total load
in terms of division which when multiplied by the calibration factor gives the total load. This
when divided by the cross-sectional area of the soil specimen gives the swell pressure
expressed in kN/m2 (kgf/cm2).
Aim: To determine the “N” value of the soil by Standard Penetration Test (SPT).
Theory: The standard penetration test is an in-situ test that is coming under the category of
Penetrometer tests. The standard penetration tests are carried out in borehole. The test will
measure the resistance of the soil strata to the penetration undergone. A penetration empirical
correlation is derived between the soil properties and the penetration resistance. The test is
extremely useful for determining the relative density and the angle of shearing resistance of
cohesionless soils. It can also be used to determine the unconfined compressive strength of
cohesive soils.
1 The test is conducted in a bore hole by means of a standard split spoon sampler.
2 Once the drilling is done to the desired depth, the drilling tool is removed and the sampler is
placed inside the bore hole.
3 By means of a drop hammer of 63.5kg mass falling through a height of 750mm at the rate of
30 blows per minute, the sampler is driven into the soil. This is as per IS -2131:1963.
4 The number of blows of hammer required to drive a depth of 150mm is counted.
5 Further it is driven by 150 mm and the blows are counted.
6 Similarly, the sampler is once again further driven by 150mm and the number of blows
recorded. The number of blows recorded for the first 150mm not taken into consideration.
7 The number of blows recorded for last two 150mm intervals are added to give the standard
penetration number (N).
In other words, N = No: of blows required for 150mm penetration beyond seating drive
of 150mm.
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Note: If the number of blows for 150mm drive exceeds 50, it is taken as refusal and the test is
discontinued. The standard penetration number is corrected for dilatancy correction and
overburden correction.
Before the SPT values are used in empirical correlations and in design charts, the field „N‟ value
have to be corrected as per IS 2131 – 1981.
The structural strength of soil is basically a problem of shear strength. Vane shear test is a
useful method of measuring the shear strength of clay. It is a cheaper and quicker method. The
test can also be conducted in the laboratory. The laboratory vane shear test for the measurement
of shear strength of cohesive soils is useful for soils of low shear strength (less than 0.3 kg/cm2)
for which triaxial or unconfined tests cannot be performed. The test gives the undrained strength
of the soil. The undisturbed and remoulded strength obtained are useful for evaluating the
sensitivity of soil.
The test is conducted as per IS 4434 (1978). This test is useful when the soil is soft and its water
content is nearer to liquid limit.
Equipment Required:
1. Vane shear test apparatus with accessories
2. The soil sample
The vane shear test apparatus consists of four stainless steel blades fixed at right angle to each
other and firmly attached to a high tensile steel rod. The length of the vane is usually kept equal to
twice its overall width. The diameters and length of the stainless steel rod were limited to 2.5mm
and 60mm respectively. At this time, the soil fails in shear on a cylindrical surface around the
vane. The rotation is usually continued after shearing and the torque is measured to estimate the
remoulded shear strength. Vane shear test can be used as a reliable in-situ test for determining the
shear strength of soft-sensitive clays. The vane may be regarded as a method to be used under the
following conditions.
1. A posthole borer is first employed to bore a hole up to a point just above the required
2. The rod is pushed or driven carefully until the vanes are embedded at the required depth.
3. At the other end of the rod just above the surface of the ground torsion head is used to
apply a horizontal torque and this is applied at a uniform speed of about 0.1degree per
second until the soil fails, thus generating a cylinder of soil
4. The area consists of the peripheral surface of the cylinder and the two round ends.
5. The first moment of these areas divided by the applied moment gives the unit shear
Undrained Shear strength of Clay Cu=(Px)/(2*.П*r (L+2/3*r))
Where the strength is greater than that able to be measured by the vane, i.e., the
pointer reaches the maximum value on the dial without the soil shearing, the result shall
be reported in either of the following two ways e.g195+kPa or >195kPa.
Viva Questions:
1. Is this method the direct method to determine the shear strength of soil?
2. Is it possible to determine the sensitivity of clay using this method?
3. What is meant by sensitivity of clay?
4. What are the advantages of vane shear test?
5. What are the disadvantages of vane shear test?