Abstract 1
Abstract 1
Abstract 1
1 33,573
1 author:
Zakariya Muntari
Aydın Adnan Menderes University
All content following this page was uploaded by Zakariya Muntari on 26 June 2019.
Material Required
1. Sterilized Petri dishes
2. Sterilized culture tubes with media
3. Transfer loops
4. Forceps
5. Flask
6. Beaker
7. Burner
8. Penicillin
9. Aureomycin
10. Hay
11. Alcohol
12. Agar
13. Starch
14. Distilled water
Experimental Procedure
1. To 200ml of distilled water in a flask, I added 8 grams of agar powder and 2 grams of starch. Then
putting a few pieces of dry hay into the medium I covered the flask with an Inverted beaker. Boiling
the medium for 5 minutes and then cooling the medium to room temperature. After that placing the
flask in a warm place. Within 2-3 days, formation of scum of cloudy suspension appeared on the
medium indicating the growth of Bacillus subtilis.
2. Taking culture tubes with agar medium and heating the test tubes in warm water to melt agar.
Cooling each test tube so that I can hold it in my hand and the agar remains liquid. After that removing
the cotton plug and I passed the mouth of the test tube through the burner flame twice. Flaming the
transfer loop after dipping it in alcohol and I let it cooled. After that picking up a loop full of bacterial
culture from flask and then I transferred it to the warm agar in the culture tube. Flaming the loop and
the mouth of the culture tube and then I replaced the cotton plug. Rolling the culture tube of warm agar
between palms to I mixed the bacteria well with agar.
*Transferring the bacteria should be done as quickly as possible.
3. After that I took sterilized petridishes. Removing the cotton plug and flamed the mouth of the culture
tube. Then I lifted the cover of the Petridish at an angle 45 Degree and then quickly pouring the medium
of the culture tube into the bottom half the dish. Removing the culture tube and replacing the cover
tube into the bottom half of the dish. Removing the culture tube, and replace the cover of the Petridish.
Moving the covered Petridish along the table top to distribute the medium evenly. Then I allowed the
agar to cool. After that I prepared two petridishes and marked them A & B.
4. I prepared Penicillin and Aureomycin solution by dissolving the powdered drugs in distilled water.
Then I cut down a few discs of filter paper of 1 cm diameter. Then I soaked a disc in each of the
penicillin and Aureomycin solutions. Dipping the forceps in alcohol and the I passed the forceps’ tip
quickly over the burner flame. Using the sterilized forceps I put Penicillin and Aureomycin soaked discs
at two distant sites of Petridish A. Considering Petridish B as control. Then I kept both the Petridishes
undistributed in warm place to allow the bacteria to grow. Then I observed the Petridishes for several
The area around the antibiotic discs in the Petridishes will be clear. In other areas, colonies of bacteria
will be observed. Then I examined the clear area in each Petridishes for few more days. A few very
colonies may appear in the clear areas. These are the colonies of resistant strains of the bacteria.
Antibiotic drugs killed most of the bacterial strain, hence the areas appeared clear. However, a few
strains which were resistant in the bacterial population survived and produced colonies later. This
proves the resistant strain to antibiotics were present in the bacterial population.
1. Comprehensive Laboratory Manual In Biology-XII 2. Biology Text For Class XII – NCERT
2. http://www.wikipedia.org/
3. http://www.sciencedaily.com/articles/a/antibiotic_resistance.htm
4. http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Antibiotic_resistant_bacteria
5. http://www.rxlist.com/antibiotic_resistance-page3/drugs-condition.htm
6. https://www.1000sciencefairprojects.com/