Chapter 1-3 - 082714
Chapter 1-3 - 082714
Chapter 1-3 - 082714
The widely used material in the construction industry is concrete. The usage of concrete
has been widely used in the construction industry for construction of bridges, canals,
dams, roads, embankments and other major structures. Due to increase in the construction
of the infrastructure the development of the cities taking place with high rate due to
Concrete is the most commonly used artificial material created by man for construction
admixtures, in the right proportions. As the mixtures (cement, water, aggregates, and
admixtures) are set, they turned into a shape named concrete. Concrete hardens through a
chemical reaction between water, and cement and it becomes stronger with time. Its
ingredients, the way it is been compacted, and other factors that might influence it during
placing, compacting, and curing. Concrete can be grouped as either design mix concrete
or nominal mix concrete. On some occasions, they are classified as ordinary concrete and
control concrete which depends on the method used for proportioning the concrete mixes
and the measure of control applied in the works. Concrete is used to build architectural
Cement is one of the most important materials used for mixing concrete. It is
manufactured using raw materials such as Silica, lime, iron oxide, and alumina. The
chemical constituents of this material are as follows. Lime (CAO), 60 to65, silica (SIO 2)
17 to 25, alumina (Al2O3) 3 to 8, iron oxide d(Fe2O3) 0.5 to 6. The above constituents
forming the raw materials, undergo chemical reaction during burning and fusion and
combined to form compound called bogue compound. Although there are some factors
influencing the choice of cement selection which includes design parameters, the
but the most commonly used cement is the Ordinary Portland Cement.
Aggregate also plays an important role in concrete mixing, and it forms more than 60% of
a concrete mix. The strength of concrete depends on the aggregate source, size, and type.
Also, aggregates grading, size, and shape can influence concrete workability (Emmanuel,
Coarse aggregate, these aggregates are largely size fill material in construction and these
aggregates are the particle that remain on 4.75mm sieve. The major source of these
rock. To achieve certain workability and maximum aggregate size control water demand
and reduces the surface area of coarse aggregate increase. The strength of coarse
Fine aggregate is basically natural sand particle from land through the mining process, the
fine aggregate consists of natural sand or any crushed stone particle that are 1/4 or
smaller. Aggregate less than 4.75mm in size are called fined aggregate; sand fall under
fine aggregate. the strength aggregate cannot ensure the strength of concrete the specific
gravity of aggregate which is the ratio of the density of water to its density is used in
forms a cement paste by process of hydration. The cement paste glues the aggregate
together, fill voids within it, an allow it to flow more freely. Less water in concrete paste
will yield a stronger, more durable concrete; more water will give a freer flowing concrete
with higher slump. Water is a key constituent in concrete mix because it affects the
properties of a concrete. In a concrete mix design, water binds all constituents together.
Adding the required amount of water to a concrete mix improves the compressive
Concrete is the most widely used construction material in any type of civil engineering
professional works including low and high-rise building, bridges, dams, defence installations,
environmental protection among others. Concrete is a manufactured product essentially
consisting of cement, sand, coarse aggregates, water and sometimes admixture(s) for special
purpose. Coarse aggregates are strong, porous natural raw material component of concrete
gotten from crushed stone or gravel and available at economic prices. Presence of coarse
aggregates plays one the most significant aspect of concrete production which profoundly
influence concrete properties performance and reduces the drying shrinkage, other
mechanical changes occurring during movement of moisture.
Recycled aggregates (RA) are those aggregates resulting from the processing of
inorganic material previously used in concrete building, they are obtained from crushing of
demolished concrete from the crushing plant. Most of the waste product from building and
demolition wastes can be used to produce recycled coarse aggregates. Nowadays building
and demolition wastes can easily be obtained due to country infrastructure rebuild and the
need to develop their cities for the purpose of development in a new mankind era (Marta &
Pilar, 2009). Recycled aggregates often contain a large number of attached cements paste and
mortar. The old mortar may contain up to 20-30% from the volume. This is mainly depending
on the properties of the original concrete and the concrete crush production process. The
main difference between recycled aggregates and natural coarse aggregates is mainly
accounts on the attached mortar and cement paste on the recycled coarse aggregates (Li,
The utilization of recycled aggregates in concrete production increases due to environmental
and economic consideration. Recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) is the concrete made with
the recycled aggregates as partially or fully replacement of natural coarse aggregates. Since
recycled aggregates are produced from different source with an occupation of around 75% of
the concrete volume, it is necessary to experiment the suitability of recycled aggregates for
low strength concrete also called controlled low strength materials (CLSM) or flowable
slurry. Success have been achieved in construction project through the use of recycled
aggregates in some European and American countries_ (Desmyster J, Vyncke J, 2000).
CLSM is a self-compacting Cementitious material that flows like a thick, viscous liquid on
placement with a compressive strength of 8.3 MPa or less at age 28 days (ACI, Far-mington
Hills, MI, USA, 1999). In the construction of non-structure and light- structural civil
engineering structures such as embankments, blinding, erosion control, backfills, insulating
and insulation fills, and pavements bases which required low compressive strength of
concrete, the designer would want to select constituents of each construction materials of the
highest quality. From practical point of view, it is generally assumed that CLSM should have
permeability, flow-ability and strength.
Construction of earth embankment for engineering proposes is as old at civilization itself.
Until the knowledge of soil mechanics, the construction of embankment was more of an art
than science. Experience, intuition and engineering judgement no doubt played a key role in
the development of embankments.
Embankment stabilization is the improvement the engineering properties of weak soil so as to
enhance its suitability for construction works. The acceptable form of engineering the soil
parameters is through mechanical and chemical means. New roads are increasingly being
located on poor foundation soils. Thus, comprehensive geotechnical embankment foundation
design studies are required to identify and solve potential stability, settlement, and
construction problems. The need for stabilization can be reduced by diverting the run-off at
the top of the slope, or by creating a series of terraces to reduce the velocity of the run-off.
The natural means of stabilization include soil binders, plant materials that inhabit or prevent
erosion by providing a ground cover and forming a dense network of roots that bind the soil.
Embankment is a man-made structure constructed to control and confine the flow of water,
typically in the form raise bank or ridged to protect the surrounding area from advance effects
of water flow.
As we know that, concrete is the main construction material mostly used in all types of
civil engineering works and the increasing demand of cost effective and sustainable
infrastructures, with aggregates representing about 70-80% of concrete components. So, it
will be beneficial to recycled concrete for construction works and so to solve the
environmental problems, Construction and demolition wastes (C & D Waste) constitute one
of the major components of wastes generated in Nigeria and worldwide at large, to minimize
the problem of excess of waste material, it is a good step to utilize the recycled concrete that
the final product will be used for embankment stabilization which may cost 20-30% less than
natural aggregates in some regions.
This investigation is aim to develop the best solution for the use of recycled aggregates
for low strength concrete and to reduce the environmental impact since very large quantities
of aggregates are used both in concrete production and construction.
When the useful life of the structure is over, it will be demolished and instead of all the
demolished wastes find their way to landfills, hardness properties of this concrete aggregates
including slump, density, compressive strength, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and
drying shrinkage is been investigated. This is to determine the workability, durability and
permeability quality and cleanliness to replace natural aggregates for high performance
concrete (50-100N/mm2).
Hence, the specific objectives of using recycled aggregate for low strength concrete are as
The scope of this on-going study is to determine the use of recycled aggregate for low
strength concrete (controlled low strength materials) in embankment stabilization, which will
give a better understanding on the properties of concrete with recycled aggregate, which can
be an alternative material to natural coarse aggregate in concrete production.
Procurement of materials
I intend to get construction and demolition waste (C & D waste), natural coarse
aggregate, natural fine aggregate, cement and fly ash from local construction site. The first
stage is to hammer the C & D Waste to separate aggregates from mortar and then hammer
again into the required size of 10-12mm aggregates on which the test will be perform, study
the effect of using recycled aggregates compared to using natural aggregates to obtain high-
performance concrete.
Testing of materials
Aggregates test
I intend to perform the following test on the properties of both the natural and recycled
aggregates to determine the;
Concrete test
Compressive strength of test cubes on 7, 14 and 28 days – (BS 1881 part 116: 1983)
Workability, density, bleeding (ASTM 940) and water absorption test – (BS 1881 part
122: 1983)
Tensile splitting strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) – (BS 1881 part
117:203 1983)
Casting and curing of cubes.
I will be casting 39 cubes sample using cement, fine aggregates, and recycled aggregates.
The mix design grade of concrete will be carried out based on the guidelines given in
AMERICA METHOD (ACI) which volume batching method will also be used for the
project. The water cement ratio to be adopted is 0.5. The natural coarse aggregates will be
replaced by 100% recycled aggregates in all samples. Workability of the concrete can be
obtained without adding any super-plasticizer. The Compressive strength will be calculated
for 7, 14, 28days respectively and the split tensile strength will also be calculated for 14 days
and 28 days.
COMPOSITION: cement + (100% RA) + sand and water
Curing of sample cubes will be done for 28 days after which the compressive strength will be
With the booming estate development and construction industry and the ever-increasing
demand for cost-effective and sustainable structure in Nigeria and all over the world, have led
to severe scarcity and exploitation of natural resources. In any infrastructure project from
small to complex structures, concrete is the widely used as the main construction materials
and on the other hand, there’s accumulation of enormous amount of construction waste such
as gravel, sand, bricks, stones etc. are termed as construction and demolition waste (C & D
Waste). With advancement in technology in the past few years, the environmental
sustainability has been recognized as a key initiative across the globe. The increase in
population around the globe has also created a huge demand for improved and sustainable
infrastructure development. Due to non-availability and increasing cost of construction
materials, researchers have focused in promoting locally available materials and renewable
sources for various construction activities. This has led to an extensive utilization of recycled
materials for different construction purposes which resulted from scarcity of natural
resources. Research & Development activities have been carried on all over the world to
prove its environment sustainability, economic viability, cost effectiveness and feasibility on
this construction industry (Oikonomou, 2005). With the growing concern about the future of
our planet, the need for sustainable development is increasable important toward
environmental degradation. Sustainable building is design to achieve high performance and
synergistic benefits that minimise a building’s environmental impacts throughout its life
cycle. There is need to find alternative material to replace and study it durability properties
for effective usage. To achieve this, major emphasis must be laid on recycling of this waste
and by-products in cement and concrete as new construction materials. A strong need to
diversify the industrial application of construction and demolition waste (C & D Waste) can
be utilized effectively to overcome the harmful effect it causes to environment such as
depletion of natural resources. Therefore, recycling this waste is fundamental to reduce the
volume of dumped waste, cost associated with land fill disposal it also has another
environment advantage thereby, increasing the project efficiency and decreasing the
consumption of natural resources.
2.1.1 Cement
hard, strong mass with extremely low solubility. It can be described as a material with
adhesive and cohesive properties which is capable of binding mineral fragments into a
compact whole. It consists of calcareous material (calcium oxide such as limestone, chalk or
oyster shells) and argillaceous material (silica and alumina). It is produced by passing the
materials in the desired proportions through a grinding mill using either wet or dry process.
While numerous investigations have been made on compressibility of natural soils (Roberts and de Souza
1958; Lee and Farhoomand and many others), there is limited information in the literature
on compressibility of recycled materials for use as structural fills. Understanding
compressibility characteristics of recycled materials helps better predict response of structural
fills constructed with such materials. Compressibility of structural fill materials and thus
settlement of a highway embankment, affects the degree of serviceability of the pavement
system. Even if an embankment has an adequate overall stability factor of safety or drainage
capacity, the performance of a pavement system can be adversely affected by excessive
differential settlement at the road surface, which can reduce the service life by producing
ruts and cracks on the pavement.