Paper R21TE015
Paper R21TE015
Paper R21TE015,
Abstract. Due to its capacity to crack on its own and increase the sturdiness and
longevity of structures, self-healing concrete has attracted a lot of attention lately. This
research focuses on adding perlite powder as a partial cement substitute and bacteria to
self-healing concrete to enhance its healing capabilities. The study looks at how adding
100 grammes of bacteria per cubic metre of concrete and replacing 1%, 3%, 5%, 7% of
perlite powder with cement affects the material's mechanical and self-healing
properties.As part of the experimental programme, several concrete mixtures will be
made using varying ratios of cement, perlite powder, coarse and fine aggregates, and
cement. Compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength are three examples
of mechanical qualities that are evaluated.Microscopical investigation and microbial
growth measurements are also used to look into the bacterial activity and colonisation
within the concrete matrix. Calcium carbonate is produced by metabolic reactions
triggered by the presence of bacteria in the concrete, filling cracks and reestablishing
the material's integrity. To ascertain the synergistic advantages of self-healing concrete,
the combined effect of bacterial activity and perlite powder is investigated.According to
the findings, adding 3% perlite powder to cement improves its mechanical features and
increases its strength. By enhancing the concrete's capacity for self-healing with
bacteria, crack widths are reduced and effective healing is encouraged. The presence of
bacteria in the concrete matrix has been confirmed by microscopic research, confirming
the formation of calcium carbonate and the mending of cracks. The results of this study
advance knowledge about self-healing concrete that incorporates bacteria and perlite
powder. By lowering maintenance costs and prolonging the service life of concrete
structures, the use of this cutting-edge method might potentially revolutionise the
construction sector. Self-healing concrete may offer resilient and long-lasting solutions
for infrastructure construction, ensuring structural integrity over the long term with the
help of optimised formulation and application
1. Introduction
Self-healing materials are a notion that has recently attracted the attention of scientists and engineers
all around the world. Self-healing concrete has emerged among the various cutting-edge applications as
a ground-breaking solution with the potential to revolutionist the building sector and increase the
longevity and sustainability of our infrastructure. Despite its widespread use and durability, concrete is
prone to cracking over time as a result of a variety of causes, including shrinkage, external stresses, and
climatic conditions. These fissures may jeopardize the stability of the structure, shorten its useful life,
and demand expensive and disruptive repairs. These difficulties could disappear with the development
of self-healing concrete, though. Self-healing concrete is a revolutionary variety of concrete with the
capacity to patch up and regenerate cracks.
Another method for creating self-healing concrete uses fibers or polymers with form memory that are
woven into the concrete itself. When exposed to particular stimuli, such as moisture or temperature
changes, these polymers can expand and alter shape. When a crack appears, the implanted shape-
memory polymers are triggered, expanding and filling the voids to efficiently repair the damaged area.
Self-healing concrete's invention and application have significant ramifications for many industries,
especially when it comes to the construction of vital infrastructure like bridges, tunnels, and buildings.
Self-healing concrete has the potential to improve safety, reduce downtime, and maximize resource use
by lowering the need for frequent repairs and prolonging the lifespan of structures. In addition, it is
impossible to ignore the advantages of self-healing concrete for the environment. Self-healing concrete
is an important development in the building sector with the potential to completely transform the
sustainability of infrastructure. This cutting-edge material holds the promise of stronger structures,
lower maintenance costs, and a more sustainable built environment because of its ability to
autonomously detect, respond to, and mend defects. Self-healing concrete has a bright future ahead of
it and is positioned to have a seismic influence on the building sector as long as research and
technological development are successful..
2. Materials Used
a) Cement
A common building material that is essential to the construction and infrastructure sectors is cement. It
is a binding substance that, when combined with water, creates a paste that gradually hardens to bind
together other substances, such as sand, gravel, and aggregates, to produce a solid structure. Concrete,
the most commonly used construction material worldwide, must have cement in order to be produced.
Cement has been used for thousands of years. As early as 3000 BCE, it is known that the ancient
Egyptians used a crude kind of cement manufactured from gypsum and lime. However, the 19th
century saw the development of modern cement as we know it today. An English inventor named
Joseph Aspdin patented a method for creating
b) Fine Aggregates
Sand and other filler materials are examples of fine aggregates, which are essential in the construction
sector. They are a crucial part of mortar, concrete, and other construction materials. Fine aggregates are
granular materials that meet particular grading criteria and have particle sizes ranging from 0.075 to
4.75 millimeters(mm). Sand naturally found in riverbeds, seashores, or quarries is the main source of
fine aggregates. Alternative sources of fine aggregates, including crushed rock or synthetic sand, have
grown in popularity recently, however, as a result of environmental concerns and the depletion of
natural resources.
c) Coarse Aggregates
In many building projects, coarse aggregates are required since they are a crucial part of concrete. They
are granular substances that are essential in giving concrete buildings strength, endurance, and stability.
Coarse aggregates are larger-sized particles that are often retained on a 4.75 mm screen.These
aggregates are usually generated from a variety of sources, such as natural rock formations, gravel
deposits, and crushed stones. The choice of coarse aggregates is influenced by a number of variables,
including accessibility, geographic location, engineering needs, and project specifications. Gravel,
crushed stone, slag, and recycled concrete are the four most popular types of coarse aggregates.
d) Water
Water, a key component of the concrete mix, is crucial to the creation and curing of concrete. For the
chemical processes involved in hydration, which ultimately lead to the hardening and growth of
concrete's strength, it is essential that they be present. To attain the desired qualities and performance,
the water used in concrete is carefully metered and regulated. Water, cement, aggregates (such as sand
and gravel), and frequently extra admixtures or additives are mixed together to make concrete in order
to produce a usable composition. The amount of water in the mixture directly influences how easily
workable, how quickly it sets, how strong, and how long-lasting the concrete is. For a product to be of
excellent quality and sound structurally, the proper water balance must be achieved.
e) Perlite Powder
Due to its special qualities, perlite powder, a lightweight and adaptable mineral substance, is frequently
employed in many different sectors. It originates from volcanic glass and is created by rapidly heating
obsidian, a type of volcanic rock, to a high temperature. When a rock is suddenly exposed to extremely
hot temperatures, the water content within the rock vaporizes, causing the material to expand and pop,
creating perlite. Perlite powder is a common component in lightweight concrete and plaster used in the
building sector. It is especially helpful in locations where load-bearing capability is an issue due to its
lightweight nature, which helps lower the total weight of structures.
The main purpose of superplasticizers is to make concrete more fluid without significantly changing its
water content. Better placement and compaction are made possible by the mixture's great workability
and ease of pouring. When high-strength, high-performance, or self-compacting concrete is required,
superplasticizers are especially helpful. Superplasticizers have a number of benefits for concrete
buildings. They improve the concrete's strength and longevity by lowering the amount of water needed
to achieve a particular consistency.
Superplasticizers also enable the creation of self-consolidating concrete (SCC), which fills crowded
reinforcing with ease, requires little to no vibration, and flows easily into complex structures. SCC can
increase finish quality while decreasing labour costs and labour requirements during construction
g) Calcium Lactate
Concrete is cured by bacteria in a variety of ways using calcium lactate, a soluble form of calcium salt.
Self-healing concrete, commonly referred to as bacterial concrete, is a type of concrete that contains
bacteria that can produce calcite, a calcium carbonate compound. Calcium lactate-activated bacteria
will start to colonise the concrete's microcracks when they form as a result of shrinkage or other
circumstances. As the bacteria break down the calcium lactate to form calcite, the calcite fills in the
gaps and aids in the concrete's restoration and healing. The self-sealing capabilities of bacterial
concrete are aided by calcium lactate. Any fractures or holes in the concrete are filled with calcite
deposits as the bacteria break down calcium lactate and generate calcite
h) Bactaheal - PR
The enzyme mixture BACTAHEAL-PR is offered by Prions Biotech. In the cement industry,
BACTAHEAL-PR is a novel idea. Due to its relatively low tensile strength, cracks in concrete are a
regular occurrence.These gaps make concrete less resilient because they make it easy for gases and
liquids that might contain dangerous materials to travel. Micro cracks that spread to the reinforcement
run the risk of corroding it as well as being attacked by the concrete itself.
4. Tests and Results
A popular test to ascertain a material's density or relative density is the specific gravity test. The specific
gravity test is a significant tool for determining the composition and density of materials used in alkali-
activated mortar.
A material's specific gravity is determined by comparing its density to the density of a standard
substance,usually water. It is an arbitrary figure that aids in comparing the densities of various materials.
4.1.1 Cement
4.2 Water Absorption Test
The ratio of the weight (or density) per unit of water to the weight per unit of soil particles is known as
the specific gravity, or G. Tests for specific gravity and water absorption are conducted in accordance
with IS: 2386-Part3-1963
This test, performed in accordance with IS 2720-Part2-1973, measures the soil's water content using the
oven drying method. A soil sample's water content (w) is determined by dividing the quantity of water by
the mass of solids.
The distribution of aggregates' coarse and fine particle sizes can be determined via sieve analysis. To
accomplish this, aggregates are sieved in accordance with IS: 2386 (Part I) (1963). In this, we employ
several sieves that are standardized by the IS code, feed aggregates through them, and then collect
various-sized particles that are left behind from the various sieves.
Table 4.3.1 Fineness Modulus of Coarse aggregate
The total percentage of the sample of an aggregate retained on each of a predetermined sequence of
sieves is added, and the sum is divided by 100 to provide the empirical value known as the Fineness
Modulus (FM). To accomplish this, aggregates are sieved in accordance with IS: 2386-Part1-1963. In this,
we employ several sieves that are standardised by the IS code, feed aggregates through them, and then
collect various-sized particles that are left in various sieves.
Table 4.3.1 Fineness Modulus of Fine aggregate
4.5 Density for M30 Grade Concrete
All the concrete cubes casted falls within the ranges of 2300kg/m3 to 2500 kg/m3
4.6 Compressive Strength
As we increase the % of Perlite Powder the compressive strength increases gradually up to 5% and
decreases at 7%.
Fig 4.6 Graph Representing Compressive Strength for M30 Grade Concrete
4.7 Split Tensile Strength
Split tensile strength for the cylindrical specimens is maximum at 5% of 28days curing, 56days curing.
Fig 4.7 Graph Representing Split Tensile Test For M30 Grade Concrete
4.8 Flexural Strength
Flexural strength for the Prism specimens is maximum at 5% of 28days curing, 56days curing.
Fig 4.8 Graph Representing Flexural Strength for M30 Grade Concrete
4.9 Rebound Hammer
Table 4.9 (b) Quality of concrete for different values of rebound number
30 to 40 Good layer
20 to 30 Fair layer
4.10 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
5. Conclusion
The Compressive Strength is high at 5% Perlite and the percentage increased by 9.88% of normal concrete at
28 days
The Split Tensile is high at 5% Perlite and the percentage increased by 12.26% of normal concrete at 28 days.
The Flexural Strength is high at 5% Perlite and the percentageincreased by 16.47% of normal concrete at 28
The optimum replacement percentage of fine aggregate by perlite is 5%. The compressive, split tensile, flexural
strength were reduced if the replacement percentage of perlite will be increased.
Healing is absorbed more at 56 days of curing as compared to 28 days of curing.
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