Introduction To Research
Introduction To Research
Introduction To Research
Research :
In the Research Re is a prefix it means Again and over again. Search is a Verb meaning to find out
something new and Research is Noun.
There are different Definitions of Research
⮚ “Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict and control the observed
Characteristics of Research
1) Research is a problem solving process.
2) Research should be society oriented.(main feature)
3) Research is systematic process for findings.
4) Research is Empirical (based knowledge and experience and observation to solve problem) and
replicable in nature.
5) In the research always create new knowledge.
6) Every research construct base on hypothesis (except Historical Research).
7) Research is a logical process (based on valid procedures and principles)
8) Research should be according to the rules and the assumptions should not be based on the false
bases or judgments.
9) Research should be Objective and unbiased.
10) Research is a cyclical process (it start problem and end with solution)
11) Research is a Analytical process(gathering data whether historical, descriptive,
Experimental and case study)
12 )Research is a Scientific method.
13) In the research use of statistics for getting correct and accurate conclusion.
14) Every Research requires expertise .
15) Controlled factors or variables should have to be controlled rigorously.
In pure sciences, it is very easy to control such elements because experiments are conducted in the
laboratory but in social sciences it becomes difficult to control these factors because of the nature of
Types of Research
1. Fundamental or basic or pure or Theoretical research :
It helps build new frontiers of knowledge. In this research introduce new rules and theories. The
main aim of this research is acquisition of knowledge to our self then society. It is comprehensive type
of research and it is beneficial for other Research solution .The outcomes of basic research form the
basis for many applied research.
e.g. rule of gravitation force ,measurement of intelligent quotient .
2. Applied research:
In an applied research one solves certain problems employing well known and accepted theories and
principles. Most of the experimental research, case studies and inter-disciplinary research are
essentially applied research. Applied research is helpful for basic research. This research completed
very fast as compare to basic research. A research, the outcome of which has immediate application is
also termed as applied research and Such a research is of practical use to current activity.
E.g. for the Doctor of philosophy research.
3. Action research:
In an action Research to solve day by day problem. This method is benifical for solving
the problems of teaching and learning . In 1940 by kurt Lewin coin the term of this
research. The main aim of action research is with proper action to vanished problem.
e.g. 11th Std students have problem in accounting operation.
4. Quantitative research:
It is numerical, non-descriptive, applies statistics or mathematics and uses numbers. It is an iterative
process whereby evidence is evaluated. The results are often presented in tables and graphs. It is
conclusive. It investigates the what, where and when of decision making. In this research to test
hypothesis and sample have in large number. Quantative data may be not insisit in the Qualitative
reasrech. e.g censes .
5. Qualitative research:
It is especially important in the behavioral science where the aim is to discover the underlying motives
of human behaviour .It is non-numerical, descriptive, applies reasoning and uses words.
Its aim is to get the meaning, feeling and describe the situation. Qualitative data cannot be graphed. It
is exploratory. It investigates the why and how of decision making. Qualitative
research data can not included in the Quantative research.
6. Exploratory Research:
Exploratory research might involve a literature search or conducting focus group interviews. The
exploration of new phenomena in this way may help the researcher’s need for better understanding,
may test the feasibility of a more extensive study, or determine the best methods to be used in a
subsequent study. For these reasons, exploratory research is broad in focus and rarely provides
definite answers to specific research issues..
The main aim of research is development of hypothesis. E.g. pilot study.
7. Explanatory research:
Its primary goal is to understand or to explain relationships. It uses correlations to study relationships
between dimensions or characteristics off individuals, groups, situations, or events. Explanatory
research explains (How the parts of a phenomenon are related to each other). Explanatory research
asks the Why and How types questions.
8. Longitudinal Research:
Research carried out longitudinally involves data collection at multiple points in time. Longitudinal
studies may take the form of:
Trend study- looks at population characteristics over time, e.g. organizational absenteeism rates
during the course of a year
Cohort study- traces a sub-population over time, e.g. absenteeism rates for the sales department
Panel study- traces the same sample over time, e.g. graduate career tracks over the period 1990 –
2000 for the same starting cohort.
While longitudinal studies will often be more time consuming and expensive than cross-sectional
studies, they are more likely to identify causal relationships between variables.
9. Cross-sectional Research:
One-shot or cross-sectional studies are those in which data is gathered once, during a period of days,
weeks or months. Many cross-sectional studies are exploratory or descriptive in purpose. They are
designed to look at how things are now, without any sense of whether there is a history or trend at
10. Descriptive research:
The descriptive research is directed toward studying “what” and how many off this
“What”. Thus, it is directed toward answering questions such as, “What is this?”.
11. One time research:
Under one time research the research limited single time period only.
12. Historical research:
This research is based on historical sources like forts, kingdom etc. in this research no requirement of
Hypothesis. It is depend on total past data.
13. Ex- post- facto research/ causal comparative Research:
This Research carried out after the incident and the main aim of this research is find out cause of
14. Correlation research:
Correlation means two or more variable are related. In this research did study of both study variable
and established the relation among them. e.g. research in study of Net/Set seminar attendance and
and marks obtain by students.
15. Structured research
In this research objectives, design, sample, question all are pre-determined. It is used in quantitative
research to know the extent of problem. e.g. how
student have low marks in taxation.
16. Unstructured research:-
In these research objectives, design, samples, question all are not pre-decided .it is used in qualitative
research to know about the nature of problem.
17. Deductive research:
The aim of this research is testing theoretical concepts. It is going on rules to examples (general to
18. Inductive research:
The aim of this research is formulating theories and exploring new phenomenon .it is going on
examples to rules (particular to general)
Steps of Research:
There are ten steps of research:
1) Identification of problem
2) Review of data
3) Development of hypothesis
4) Research design
5) Sample design
6) Collection of data
7) Analysis of data
8) Hypothesis testing
9) Generalizations and interpretation
10) Presentation of the result.(Thesis Explanation )
Importance of Research:
● Making informed decisions,
● Advancing technology and innovation,
● Resolving real-world issues,
● Enhancing education and learning,
● Promoting economic growth, and
● Ensuring that facts support laws and policies.
● 1. Acquire Knowledge Effectively
Research is a good method of learning about a certain subject. Researchers conduct lengthy
studies and experiments to get insightful findings and collect and analyze data. By providing us
deeper understanding and knowledge about the topic, this process helps us make better
Whether you are a professional, a student, or just someone interested, research is a great way
to learn new things and expand your knowledge.
2. Helps in Problem-Solving
Real-world problem-solving heavily relies on research. Researchers perform studies and
experiments to determine the underlying causes of a certain problem and create methods to
solve it.
For example, social science research has assisted in addressing challenges like poverty,
injustice, and prejudice, while medical research has contributed to discovering vaccinations
and life-saving therapies.
Research aids us in addressing some of the most difficult issues our society is now experiencing
by offering answers supported by evidence.
4. Builds Credibility
Building credibility in your profession via research is beneficial. You show your knowledge and
competence on a subject when you undertake research and publish your results.
This might offer new professional growth and development prospects by establishing you as an
authority in your sector. Furthermore, you demonstrate your dedication to accuracy and
dependability by relying on evidence-based information, further boosting your credibility.
5. Helps in Business Success
Businesses must conduct research if they want to succeed. Companies may find new
possibilities, comprehend customer preferences, and create development plans by
performing market research.
Research also aids in spotting emerging trends and technology that might provide companies
with a competitive edge. Research enables businesses to remain ahead of the curve and achieve
long-term success by investing.
Objectives of Research:
● To investigate the effects of the adoption of AI on employment trends across various
industries and occupations.
● To explore the potential for AI to create new job opportunities and transform existing
roles in the workforce.
● To examine the social and economic implications of the widespread use of AI for
employment, including issues such as income inequality and access to education and
● To identify the skills and competencies that will be required for individuals to thrive in
an AI-driven workplace, and to explore the role of education and training in developing
these skills.
● To evaluate the ethical and legal considerations surrounding the use of AI for
employment, including issues such as bias, privacy, and the responsibility of employers
and policymakers to protect workers’ rights.