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Abstract—Client-side optics are facing an ever-increasing Datacenter
upgrading pace, driven by upcoming 5G related services and
datacenter applications. The demand for a single lane data rate is
soon approaching 200 Gbps. To meet such high-speed DCI DCI
requirements, all segments of traditional intensity modulation Datacenter
direct detection (IM/DD) technologies are being challenged. The CO
characteristics of electrical and optoelectronic components, and IM/DD CO
the performance of modulation, coding and digital signal
processing (DSP) techniques are being stretched to their limits. In
this context, we witnessed technological breakthroughs in several
aspects, including development of broadband devices, novel Access
modulation formats and coding, and high-performance DSP Fig. 1. A typical core, metro and access network scenario, including the metro-
algorithms for the past few years. A great momentum has been edge and intra-/inter-datacenter links, where the high-speed IM/DD links are
accumulated to overcome the aforementioned challenges. In this required. CO: center office; RN: remote node; DCI: datacenter interconnects.
paper, we focus on IM/DD transmissions, and provide an overview
of recent research and development efforts on key enabling
technologies for 200 Gbps per lane and beyond. Our recent I. INTRODUCTION
demonstrations of 200 Gbps short-reach transmissions with 4-
level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and discrete multitone
signals are also presented as examples to show the system
I NTENSITY modulation direct detection (IM/DD) technology
had been the dominating solution in all segments of fiber-
optic communication networks since its first generation.
requirements in terms of device characteristics and DSP
performance. Apart from digital coherent technologies and However, approximately one decade ago, transceivers based on
advanced direct detection systems, such as Stokes-vector and the digital coherent optical technology were demonstrated and
Kramers-Kronig schemes, we expect high-speed IM/DD systems developed [1], and have quickly replaced the IM/DD solutions
will remain advantageous in terms of system cost, power in many scenarios, in particular, the core/metro segments. To
consumption and footprint for short reach applications in the date, there has been a continuous process of upgrading fiber-
short- to mid- term perspective.
optic networks from the legacy 10 Gbps systems to
Index Terms—Optical fiber communication, optical
100/200 Gbps, and soon 400 Gbps coherent based solutions on
interconnections, intensity modulation direct detection, digital the line side for long-haul and metro networks, following the
signal processing. requirements of telecommunication carriers [2]. Together with
Manuscript received on June 21, 2019, revised on November xx, 2019. This communication at KTH. Royal Institute of Technology (e-mails:
work is supported in part by the European Commission through H2020-MCSA- oskars.ozolins@ri.se; aleksejs.udalcovs@ri.se, gunnar.jacobsen@ri.se).
IF NEWMAN Project under Grant 752826, in part by the SJTU State Key R. Lin, L. Xue and J. Chen are with the Electrical Engineering Department,
Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication System and Networks Open Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Gothenburg
Project 2018GZKF03001, in part by the Swedish Research Council (VR) (ruilin@chalmers.se, leixu@chalmers.se, jiajiac@chalmers.se).
project 2016-04510 “PHASE”, 2016-04489 “Go-iData”, the Swedish ICT– L. Zhang is with the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical
TNG project SCENE, Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF), Göran Communication System and Networks, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Gustafsson Foundation, Vinnova-funded Celtic Plus sub-projects C2015/3-5 Shanghai 200240, China and College of Information Science and EE, Zhejiang
SENDATE-FICUS and SENDATE-EXTEND, and Vinnova project 2017- University, Hangzhou 310027, China (email: luzhang_sjtu@sjtu.edu.cn).
01559 “Centre for Software-Defined optical networks” (Xiaodan Pang and S. Xiao and W. Hu are with the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical
Oskars Ozolins contributed equally to this work, corresponding author: Jiajia Communication System and Networks, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Chen.) Shanghai 200240, China (email: slxiao@sjtu.edu.cn, wshu@sjtu.edu.cn).
X. Pang is with Global R&D of Infinera Corporation, Stockholm 117 43, R. Schatz, U. Westergren and S. Popov are with the Applied Physics
Sweden and the Kista High Speed Transmission Lab, KTH Royal Institute of Department, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (rschatz@kth.se,
Technology, Kista 164 40, Sweden (e-mail: xiaodan@kth.se). urban@kth.se, sergeip@kth.se).
O. Ozolins, A. Udalcovs and Gunnar Jacobsen are with the NETLAB, RISE
AB, Kista SE-164 25, Sweden. O. Ozolins is also an affiliated faculty on optical
the demand of 5G related applications from the access application requirements. Meanwhile, conventional IM/DD
networks, such upgrades push the data rate of IM/DD based technologies are facing more fundamental challenges to meet
client side optics to match the transponder speed on the line side the bitrate requirement. Unlike coherent technologies, which
by supporting 400 Gbps capacity and beyond [3]. Besides such utilize all dimensions of freedom of an optical carrier
a continuous evolution of traditional telecom networks, a more (amplitude, phase and polarization) to carry data, only the
demanding scenario for IM/DD interfaces with a higher date amplitude is used in the IM/DD systems. Therefore, an
rate has recently been driven by the content providers, who underlying trade-off between the data rate per lane and number
often have their own network infrastructure in the form of of lanes becomes important for consideration. While utilizing
datacenters [4]. Nowadays, datacenters experience an more parallel lanes can increase the supported data rate linearly,
enormous traffic growth due to the vast amount of data to be there are always a limited number of lanes one can pack into an
stored, transmitted and processed. These high-speed data links optical transceiver, given the footprint, power consumption and
can be divided into two groups: intra datacenter links and cost constraints. Therefore, in the context of 400G (and beyond)
datacenter interconnects (DCI). The first group are the short client optics, many efforts are devoted on tackling the challenge
reach high-speed data links covering distances ranging from a to increase the data rate per lane.
few meters to a few kilometers, which connect servers and racks Currently, broadband electrical and optoelectronic
inside the datacenters. The DCI links enable data exchange components are being designed and developed to facilitate high
among multiple datacenters with much longer distances bandwidth modulations. Advanced modulation formats with
compared with intra datacenter links, normally in the scale from powerful DSP and coding techniques are proposed and
a few kilometers up to a few hundred kilometers [5]. Various implemented to optimize the spectral efficiency and
industrial standards and multi-source agreement (MSA) groups transmission performance. Combining these advanced
are established to propose transceiver specifications for these techniques, many system-level demonstrations of over
application scenarios [6]-[8]. For example, regarding the 100 Gbps per lane transmissions have been reported. It shows a
supported distances, the 100 Gigabit Ethernet (100GbE) promising progress towards maturity for industrial
transceiver standards can be categorized into short reach (SR) development, where 200 Gbps per lane is the nearest target.
segment, supporting up to 100 m OM4 multimode fiber (MMF) Besides the digital coherent and the traditional IM/DD
links; datacenter reach (DR), supporting up to 500 m single solutions, there are many hybrid approaches, including Stokes-
mode fiber (SMF) links; fiber reach (FR) for up to 2 km SMF, vector (SV)-DD receivers [14] and Kramers-Kronig (KK)
long reach (LR) for up to 10 km SMF; and extended reach (ER), receivers [15], which were recently proposed and studied
to offer up to 40 km SMF. For the upcoming 400G era and extensively. These hybrid schemes can be categorized as
beyond, IM/DD solutions are still prioritized for these advanced direct-detection solutions [16]. These schemes
specifications due to their advantages in terms of cost, power effectively employ complex vector modulation and/or
consumption, and footprint [9]-[11]. polarization division multiplexing in a self-coherent manner to
Figure 1 shows a typical core, metro and access network improve the transmission data rate and distance, and have
scenario, covering most of the application areas where high- shown a certain level of potentials as a way to forward in some
speed IM/DD links are required. Currently, the boundary application scenarios. These advanced DD schemes can be
separating the digital coherent solutions and IM/DD based treated as a compromise between the digital coherent and
solutions exists arguably between the metro and access network IM/DD solutions, having a clear tradeoff between the
segments. However, this boundary will become less clear in the transmission performance and system complexity. Since these
400G era and beyond. Both technical and economic challenges self-coherent approaches do not strictly follow the conventional
arise to keep up with the bandwidth growth for the IM/DD definition of the IM/DD system, they are not the focus of this
technologies. Meanwhile, low-cost digital coherent based work. Interested readers can refer to [14]-[18], where more
solutions are proposed and developed to cover medium to short details on the topics can be found.
reach applications, e.g. the 400G ZR solution which can be In this paper, we extend our OFC contribution [19] to provide
packed into a QSFP-DD-DCO (Quad Small Form Factor a more detailed overview and outlook of different aspects of
Pluggable Interface Double Density Digital Coherent Optics) or current high-speed IM/DD technologies, which are of a great
an OSFP (Octal SFP)-DCO form factor, to enable a dense potential to conquer the 200 Gbps/lane milestone for the
wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) link up to 120 km development of the next-generation client side optical
[12]. transceivers. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: in
Concerning post 400G-era solutions, enormous challenges for Section II, we present a review of recent development of
both digital coherent and IM/DD technologies are foreseen. optoelectronic devices with a main focus on the broadband
Currently, research and development efforts are put in many modulators to facilitate high-speed signal modulation. Section
different aspects, including components, modulation formats III describes the use of different modulation formats together
and digital signal processing (DSP) techniques, to meet the with DSP algorithms for IM/DD system impairment mitigation.
speed, cost, power consumption and footprint requirements We also show our recent works on 200 Gbps/lane IM/DD
[13]. The digital coherent transceivers are mainly facing transmissions as examples and discuss the system performance
engineering challenges to simplify high performance versions, in that section. In Section IV, a summary of state-of-the-art
which are used for core networks in order to adapt to short reach IM/DD system demonstrations enabled by various key
technologies are presented. Finally, we give our conclusions DML: As the modulated signal directly drives the laser bias
and future outlook in Section V. current, DMLs normally emit high output power and is
considered a more power- and cost-efficient solution than the
II. BROADBAND OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES FOR HIGH-SPEED external modulation solutions. Additionally, their compactness
MODULATION also facilitates integration with other devices. These merits
For a long period of time, the components for electrical-to- make DMLs favorable for cost-sensitive datacenter and access
optical and optical-to-electrical conversions, the optoelectronic networks. However, limited modulation bandwidth often
modulators in particular, have been the bottleneck of end-to- appears as the constraint in extending its potential to provide
end channel bandwidth in the fiber-optic communication links. high-speed data links. Lately, several novel techniques are
This is mainly due to the fact that the design, fabrication and reported for enhancing the modulation bandwidth of DMLs
packaging process of optoelectronic components and devices to [35], including multiple quantum wells (MQWs) laser design
support broad bandwidth while keeping a low noise level are [36], multi-section laser design [37], and injection locking [38].
fundamentally challenging. It requires technology advances in With the multi-section laser design, a state-of-the-art DML with
different fields, including material process, design, fabrication 55 GHz modulation bandwidth was reported, which enables a
and packaging. Recently, there has been a significant progress single lane of 112 Gbps 4-level pulse amplitude modulation
in the design and manufacturing of such broadband components, (PAM-4) transmission without any off-line equalization [39].
which greatly enhance the channel capacity of fiber-optic Furthermore, by using advanced modulation formats combined
communication systems. In this section, we focus on four types with DSP, single channel 100 Gbps transmissions were
of commonly used devices, i.e. vertical cavity surface emitting demonstrated with commercial low-cost 10G-class DMLs [40].
laser (VCSEL), direct modulated laser (DML), Mach–Zehnder These results indicate the promising potential of DMLs for
modulator (MZM) and electro-absorption modulator integrated supporting beyond 200 Gbps/lane applications. Besides the
with a distributed feedback laser (EA-DFB). The advantages in bandwidth limitation, another well-known problem with DML-
these devices are among the key enablers for high-speed IM/DD based system is the DML’s inherent chirp effect that broadens
transmissions to support future applications. the spectrum. Correspondingly, both optical [41], [42] and
VCSEL: Most of today’s commercial short-reach (<300 m) digital signal processing techniques [43] are proposed to tackle
intra-datacenter optical links employ GaAs 850 nm multimode the chirp effect and make a full use to enhance transmission
(MM) VCSELs combined with MMF. With MM VCSELs, over performance [44].
30 GHz 3 dB modulation bandwidth was achieved with power MZM: A commonly used external modulator type for IM/DD
consumption of less than hundred femtojoules per bit [20]. optical communications is the MZM, which achieves intensity
Beyond 100 Gbps transmission over tens or hundreds of meters modulation by combining two phase modulators with a Mach-
MMF were demonstrated using various modulation formats Zehnder interferometer structure. In order to support high-
[21]-[26]. The achievable data rate and distance of the VCSEL speed transmissions with advanced modulation formats, there
and MMF-based scheme are mainly limited by modal is a growing demand for high-performance and small-size
dispersion since different transverse modes travel at different MZMs[45]. Commercial lithium niobite (LiNbO3) MZMs have
propagation velocities in the MMF, resulting in severe inter- been used to demonstrate 100 Gbps transmissions and beyond
symbol-interference (ISI) at the receiver side. The impact of the [46]-[48]. However, these commercial components are
modal dispersion on the system performance is determined by normally packaged into large-size modules, which are
the number of transverse modes emitted from the VCSEL expensive and power hungry, hindering their use for client-side
source and the bandwidth-distance product of the optical fiber, optical interfaces such as the pluggable optical transceivers
and it can be reduced or eliminated with few-mode or single- [49]. Some recent works were reported on designing integrated
mode operation [27]. Therefore, to support emerging hyper- nanophotonic LiNbO3 MZMs with low voltage and high
scale datacenters with optical interconnects of 500 m and longer, bandwidth (>100 GHz) [50], [51], and their massive production
SMF should be deployed. Correspondingly, it is desirable to capabilities remain to be seen. Nowadays, indium phosphide
adopt single mode (SM) VCSEL, which may support spectrally (InP)-based MZMs can be fabricated at low cost, and allow for
efficient transmissions over a longer reach compared with the monolithic integration with a small size. Recently, S. Lange et
MM VCSEL-based technologies. However, a main drawback is al. presented an InP-based DFB laser monolithically integrated
that SM VCSELs often have limited output power and need with an MZM of 54 GHz bandwidth [52], [53], and Yamazaki
more complex optical alignment. To rule out the lasing of high- et al. demonstrated an InP-based 80 GHz MZM with a
order transvers modes and realize quasi/single mode lasing, one capacitance-loaded traveling-wave electrode (CL-TWE) [54].
can shrink the aperture size via oxidation [28] or integrate a Another attractive candidate is silicon photonics (SiP)-based
mode filter generated with a surface relief [29]. Over 100 Gbps MZMs, which can be fabricated using wafer-scale technology
per lane transmissions with SM VCSELs operating in the compatible with the semiconductor industry. Recently, SiP-
telecom bands were recently reported [30]-[33]. Moreover, based traveling-wave MZM (TW-MZM) [55], [56] and multi-
within the upper limit of GaAs technology, VCSELs emitting electrode MZM (ME-MZM) [57] have been widely
at 980 nm, 1060 nm and 1110 nm have been explored with high investigated. A detailed review of the development of silicon
modulation bandwidth and a negligible increase in fabrication photonics-based modulator can be found in [58]. Besides the
complexity [34]. InP and SiP-based MZMs that are already in industrial
OOK ~2V -1
10 (a)
Ƭ Ƭ 100 GHz
PPG (up to MUX (up to DFB-TWEAM FEC@2.0E-2
50Gbaud) 100Gbaud)
6dB PAM4 65 GHz -2
100GBd OOK B2B, 9-FF & 9-FB taps
~1550.15 nm FEC@5E-3
100GBd OOK 400m, 9-FF & 9-FB taps
impulse response determined by the tap weights. The tap without equalizer without equalizer
with equalizer with equalizer
weights can be adapted by several different algorithms, e.g. (b)100 Gbaud OOK (c) 80 Gbaud PAM4
decision-directed least-mean-square (LMS) algorithm or
recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm. In terms of
implementation, one can use either symbol spaced or
fractionally spaced FFE configuration, i.e. the FFE operates at BER=2.3e-3 BER=1.0e-2
1 sample per symbol (SPS) or > 1 SPS. By minimizing the cost
function defined for each algorithm, the FFE eventually
converges to a state when the equalizer response represents the BER=4.5e-3
electrical b2b
without equalizer BER=1.2e-2
electrical b2b
without equalizer
inverse of the channel frequency response. It is known that in a (d) 90 Gbaud PAM4 with equalizer (e) 100 Gbaud PAM4 with equalizer
bandwidth-limited system the FFE boosts the high frequency Fig. 4. (a) BER curves for the OOK and PAM-4 signals for b2b and 400
signal components and minimizes the ISI. Nevertheless, the meters, (b)-(c) eye diagram and histograms at optical b2b without and with
DFE at 8 dBm, and (d)-(e) eye diagrams and histograms with DFE for
high-frequency noise can be enhanced, which may degrade the electrical b2b (top) and optical b2b (bottom) at 8 dBm.
overall performance for the case of a limited modulation
dynamic range. To address such drawback of FFE, DFE can be and DFE is used to equalize the signal. Both the FFE and the
employed, which utilizes the post-decision symbols for cost DFE operate at 1 SPS in order to cover the sufficient memory
function reduction. The implementation of DFE is often length due to the pulse broadening induced by filtering and the
combined with the FFE by adding the decision feedback loop fiber chromatic dispersion (CD). In Figure 4, we show
with symbol-spaced taps to suppress the high-frequency noise quantitative and qualitative measures for up to 100 Gbaud OOK
induced by the FFE, and to effectively compensate for both the and PAM-4 signals for back to back (b2b) and 400-m SMF
pre-cursor and post-cursor ISI. Such a configuration shows transmission. The bit-error-rate (BER) results as a function of
superior equalization performance compared with that of solely received power for different equalizer configurations are shown
using the FFE. However, it suffers from a decision delay and in Fig. 5(a). For the analysis purposes, hard-decision (HD)-FEC
may also cause error propagation problem due to erroneous code with 7% and 20% overhead (OH) and soft decision FEC
decisions. Therefore, when selecting an optimal equalizer type (SD-FEC) with 20% OH are considered (pre-FEC BERs at
for a transceiver design, one needs to consider both the 5×10-3 [80], 1.1×10-2 [81] and 2×10-2, respectively). The SD-
transceiver specifications and the aimed application scenario. FEC is considered due to poor electrical b2b signal quality
We have experimentally explored the potential of using FFE suffered from the implementation penalty. The BER curves are
and DFE for 200 Gbps/lane IM/DD transmissions with PAM- obtained using a 9-feedforward (FF)-tap and 9-feedback (FB)-
4, and our experimental setup is shown in Figure 3 [71]. At the tap symbol-spaced DFE for the OOK, while 71-FF-tap and 15-
transmitter side, an electrical NRZ OOK signal of up to FB-tap DFE are implemented for PAM-4. Figs. 5(b)-(d) show
100 Gbaud was generated by a multiplexer, and up to the eye diagrams and histograms of the OOK and PAM-4
100 Gbaud electrical PAM-4 signal was formed by combining signals with and without equalizations. In the case of the OOK,
two streams of decorrelated NRZ OOK signals. The DFB- BER performance of below the 7% HD-FEC limit for both
TWEAM device reviewed in Sec. II was used for intensity optical b2b and 400-meter transmissions was achieved. From
modulation. The optical spectra of the DFB-TWEAM output the PAM-4 results, several messages can be extracted when
for different modulations are shown in the inset of Fig. 3. At the compared with OOK: 1) a severer degradation due to high
receiver, the received signal is sampled at 200 GSa/s at the real- sensitivity requirements and poor electrical signal performance
time digital storage oscilloscope (DSO), and then down at the transmitter; 2) a significant increase of the equalizer tap
sampled to 1 SPS after clock recovery. A combination of FFE number is needed to reduce the impact of the electrical
rate (increase by 30-40%). With the work shown in Fig. 7 as a
166.7 benchmark, further performance improvement in the achievable
transmission distance and data rate can be expected. In terms of
the transmission distance, the SMF attenuation in the C-band is
140 131.6
at a minimum, whereas the fiber CD induces the well-known
small-signal transfer function, i.e. the power fading notches at
120 certain frequencies for double sideband (DSB) modulated
w/o bit-power loading
signals. This results in the end-to-end channel bandwidth limit,
w bit-power loading
100 and consequently generates penalty. One straightforward
0 0.8 1.6 approach is to shift the transmission window to the O-band
Distance (km) where dispersion is minimized [40]. Single sideband (SSB) or
Fig. 7. (a) BER performance of the DMT signals for b2b and up to 1.6-km vestigial side-band (VSB) DMT configurations in this case can
transmissions with and without the time-domain nonlinear equalizer, (b) be used to overcome such limitations and is demonstrated to
achieved net data rate as a function of transmission distance. improve the transmission distance [105], [106]. With respect to
certain channel memories [104]. The DSP structure of the improving achievable data rate, the bottleneck lies within the
employed TD-NE is shown in Fig. 6. The signal is first electrical signal source, as the 3 dB analog bandwidth of the
equalized by a frequency domain one-tap linear equalizer DAC is limited, which is much smaller compared with the
before feeding back to the TD-NE block. The input to the TD- bandwidth of the electro-optic modulator (e.g. DFB-TWEAM
NE is denoted as 𝑌(𝑁) and its corresponding time domain in [65]). Therefore, an improved electrical signal source, e.g. a
DAC with high resolution and/or broader analog bandwidth can
sample is 𝑦(𝑛). In the first iteration, 𝑌(𝑁) is fed to a decision-
potentially unlock the bandwidth bottleneck and improve the
feedback (DF) function followed by an inverse fast Fourier
system capacity. To date, there have been a number of record
transform (IFFT) module to get the estimation of the
demonstrations exceeding 200 Gbps/lane milestone with
transmitted temporal samples 𝑦(𝑛) , denoted as 𝑥+(𝑛) . The
different key technologies from different aspects, which are
nonlinear kernels are estimated by comparing 𝑦(𝑛) with 𝑥+(𝑛).
summarized in the following section.
The estimation process is realized by a data-aided RLS
algorithm. Upon its convergence, we can obtain the nonlinear
kernels. The signal is then equalized by subtracting the
reconstructed nonlinear noise components. After this iteration,
the equalized signal 𝑦′(𝑛) is utilized as an input for the DF There are technical challenges in almost every segment of the
module for the next iteration. The performance is initially IM/DD system when the single lane data rate demand goes
improved with a number of iterations until the improvement beyond 200 Gbps. Meanwhile, we have also been witnessing
becomes saturated. In [73] it is observed that the improvement tremendous research and development efforts and significant
saturation occurs after the 3rd iteration. technical breakthroughs in high-speed DAC/ADC
The experimental setup for our DMT transmission study is technologies, novel optoelectronic components and devices,
similar to the one shown in Fig. 3 except for the transmitter and advanced modulation, coding and DSP techniques, since only a
fiber link configurations. At the transmitter, a 92 GSa/s few years back. Along with these advances, there have already
arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) is used to generate the been a number of system-level demonstrations reporting line
signal drive the DFB-TWEAM, and the fiber link consists of up rates of beyond 200 Gbps per lane IM/DD transmissions. In this
to 1.6 km SMF. For each tested link distance, we set the section, we summarize the state-of-the-art IM/DD transmission
received optical power to maximum (+7 dBm in all test cases), works and review the key enabling technologies, aiming to
and then iteratively optimize the parameters of the bit- and provide an overall picture of the frontline in this research
power-loading algorithm and the corresponding parameters of direction.
Table I summarizes and compares various IM/DD
Line rate Modulation
Modulator device λ Band Link Key techniques FEC limit Ref.
(Gbps) format
59-GHz LE-EA-DFB O-band 214 PAM-4 10-km SMF FFE 3.8E-3
59-GHz LE-EA-DFB O-band 300 DMT 10-km SMF AMUX 2.63E-2
80 GHz InP TWMZM C-band 400.16 DMT 20-km SMF + DCF AMUX, Volterra 2.7E-2 [54]
30-GHZ MZM C-band 214/200 PAM-4 b2b/0.5-km SMF SP-DAC, MLSD 3.8E-3 [111][112]
100-GHz DFB-TWEAM C-band 200 PAM-4 0.4-km SMF DFE 2E-2 [71]
100-GHz DFB-TWEAM C-band 209/200 DMT 0.8-km / 1.6-km SMF TD-NE 2.7E-2 [72][73]
C-band 200/300 PAM-4/PAM-8 1.2-km SMF FDE, LUT 3.8E-3/1.9E-2 [49][53]
100-GHz DFB-TWEAM C-band 204 OOK 10-km SMF +DCF LUT, MAP 5E-3 [113][114]
1-to-4 SiGe HBT
40-GHz MZM C-band 200 PAM-4 40-km SMF + DCF BiCMOS ADC, 3E-4 [115]
>65-GHz CC-SOH-
C-band 200 PAM-4 b2b Pre-compensation 1E-2 [116]
30-GHz MZM C-band 244/216 DMT 1-km / 2-km SMF TCM, Volterra 4.5E-3 [117]
22.5-GHz SiP TW-MZM C-band 200 PAM-6 b2b MLSD 1.5E-2 [119]
30-GHz MZM C-band 205/240 b2b TCM, Volterra 4E-3 [120]
40-GHz EML C-band 260 PS-PAM-8 1-km NZDSF Pre-EQ, clipping 2E-2 [121]
33GHz MZM C-band 222 THP-PAM-8 2-km SMF FTN, THP, FFE 2E-2 [122]a
30-GHz DDMZM O-band 255/240 PAM-8 b2b / 2-km MCF NL-MLSE 3.8E-3 [123]
40-GHz EML C-band 204.75 PAM-8 1-km SMF FFE, LUT, ANF 2.7E-2 [124]
Results are not included in the paper but presented at the conference.
transmission demonstrations with line rates of 200 Gbps per (MAP) symbol detector with a look-up-table (LUT) at the
lane and beyond. To the best of our knowledge, the first receiver was used in this work to detect the received symbols.
demonstration breaking this borderline was reported back in On the receiver hardware, a 1-to-4 SiGe HBT BiCMOS ADC
2016, where Kanazawa et al. achieved a 214 Gbps PAM-4 was reported, which was used for a 200 Gbps PAM-4
transmission by using an O-band lumped-electrode electro- transmission over 40 km SMF with only 14 GHz of ADC
absorption modulator integrated with a distributed feedback bandwidth [115]. In a very recent work, a capacity coupled
laser (LE-EADFB) with a 3 dB bandwidth over 59 GHz [107], SOH modulator with 3 dB bandwidth above 65 GHz was
[108]. With the same laser module, a 300 Gbps DMT employed for an optical b2b 200 Gbps PAM-4 demonstration
transmission was reported by further extending the driving [116]. It is worth noting that this work only has pre-
signal bandwidth with a digital-preprocessed analog compensation at the transmitter but no post-processing,
multiplexed DAC (DP-AM-DAC) and an analog multiplexer indicating the end-to-end system with a broad bandwidth and
(AMUX) [109], [110]. In the latest achievement from the same high linearity.
group, a line rate of 400 Gbps DMT transmission was Besides the novel design and development in the device
demonstrated, by using the 80-GHz MZM with CL-TWE, as domain, advanced modulation, coding and DSP schemes
mentioned in Sec. II, which was wire-bonded to the AMUX represent another way to further push forward the line rate even
[54]. In [111] and [112], an in-house fabricated selector power with limited system bandwidth. With respect to modulation
digital-to-analog converter (SP-DAC) was used to demonstrate formats, the Trellis coding modulation (TCM)-assisted DMT
up to 214 Gbps PAM-4 generation and 200 Gbps transmission [117] and PAM [118]-[120] signals were used to optimize the
over 0.5 km SMF in the C-band, with the assistance of a Euclidean distances between bits or symbols, thus to improve
maximum likelihood sequence detection (MLSD) at the the overall system performance. Besides, probabilistic-shaped
receiver. Besides the transmission works with PAM-4 and (PS) PAM-8 signal was employed for a demonstration of up to
DMT that are presented in Sec. III, the DFB-TWEAM was also 260 Gbps C-band transmission [121]. In terms of novel
employed for a 204 Gbaud OOK transmission, where two 2:1 equalization techniques, transmitter-side pre-equalization using
InP DHBT multiplexing selector was used to generate the high- the Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP) can effectively
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