Townhouses in Munich-Riem: Detail 2012 D 2

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DETAIl 2012 D 2 Documentation 145

Townhouses in Munich-Riem

Bucher-Beholz Architekten, Gaienhofen
ingo Bucher-Beholz, Martin Frey
Isabeiie Honeck, Marc Jöhle
Structurai engineers:
Helmut Fischer, Bad Endort
Others involved in the project: see page 220

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Site plan 1 Hali 5 Ramp to 7 Loggia

scaie 1:2000 2 Living parking 8 Bedroom
Floor pians 3 Kitchen ievei 9 Studio
scaie 1:200 4 Terrace 6 Chiidren 10 Guest

The new residential complex in Riem, a dis-

trict on the eastern edge of Munich, demon-
strates that townhouses can be rigorous and
flexibie at once. A private initiative compris-
ing 24 families set out to create an ecologi-
cally minded habitat with a high design
standard. The group commissioned the ar-
chitects to develop six identical clusters,
each consisting of four spacious units; each
floor of a townhouse, which is organised
vertically around a compact stairway, meas-
ures 10.5 X 5 metres. A lofty living area ex-
tends the entire iength of the ground floor;
the adjoining wooden decks on both sides
serve as fine-tuned thresholds to the shel-
tered entrance area and to the back yard.
The terraces cut out at attic level give the
massing rhythm and aiiow daylight to pene-
trate ail levels of the townhouse through the
The light-grey slate cladding alternates with
large glass panes, thereby animating the fa-
cade. The buildings have a high standard of
insulation and are also equipped with triple
glazing and controlled ventilation with heat
recovery. Consequently, the annual heating
requirement is just 15-20 kWh/m^.
The structural concept takes an unconven-
tional path, as well. By employing wood in
combination with a delicate steel structure,
the architects and engineers optimised its
structural potential - with favourable results
not least of ali with respect to the ambiance.
146 Townhouses in Munich-Riem 2012 D 2 DETAIl

1 1UÜ mm extensive vegetation; seal

300 mm thermal insulation; vapour barrier
75 mm lumber-core plywood (3-ply)
2 oak windows with triple glazing
3 70/40 mm timber planks; 60 mm supporting structure
10 mm rubber granulate mat; seal
30 mm vacuum-insulated panel; vapour barrier
50 mm lumber-core plywood (3-ply)
4 slate; 50/30 mm timber battens
20 mm timber counterbattens; sarking membrane
220 mm thermal insulation; vapour barrier
15 mm plasterboard
5 140/70 mm IPE steel section
6 ta 70/70/4 mm steel SHS column
7 10 mm floor covering; 60 mm heating screed
separating layer; 80 mm impact-sound insulation
50 mm lumber-core plywood (3-ply)
8 solid-wood-panel party wall, double-sided, insulated;
15 mm plasterboard; 100/60 mm frame
30 mm acoustic insulation sandwiched
between 30 mm lumber-core plywood (3-ply)
DETAIl 2012 a 2 Documentation 147
148 Townhouses in Munich-Riem 2012 G 2 DETAIL

Horizontal sections
scale 1:20
1 siate; 50/30 mm timber battens
20 mm timber counterbattens
sarking membrane
220 mm thermal insulation
vapour barrier
15 mm piasterboard
2 oak windows with tripie giazing
3 tsolid-wood-panel party wail,
double-sided, insuiated:
15 mm plasterboard
100/60 mm frame
30 mm acoustic insulation sandwiched
between 30 mm lumber-core plywood
4 triple giazing, fix
5 (3 70/70/4 mm steei SHS coiumn

From the civil engineering standpoint, the

structural concept of the townhouses in
Munich-Riem combines cross-wall and
frame construction. The structural party
walls, at 5 metre intervals, are load-bearing
cross-walls. The lightweight steei mem-
bers make it possible to shorten the spans
of the floors of lumber-core plywood to
2.00 and 3.00 metre segments and to re-
duce the thickness of the load-bearing
panels to 75 mm and 50 mm. In addition,
this facilitates subsequent openings in the
ceiling deck. The party walls consist of
double-wythe, wood-frame wall panels
(each wythe is 15 cm thick). In order to
expedite construction, they were fabricat-
ed so that one panel extends the entire
length and height of each storey.
The decision to execute the frame con-
struction between the panels in steel pro-
files allowed us to achieve slender cross-
sections (column: steel SHS 70/70/4 mm;
beam IRE 140) which would not detract
from the open spatial concept. The struc-
tural floor panels are supported by the low-
er flange of the steel beams. In the interi-
ors, the consistent use of white brings
about a flush, homogeneous overall im-
pression and the structural members re-
main legible without becoming dominant.
The structural concept is restricted to serv- H
ing its function.
And thanks to the frame construction,
partition walls were not required. Where
necessary, floor-to-ceiling built-in cabinets
provide spatial definition and privacy.
The party walls provide the longitudinal
bracing. The lateral bracing is achieved
with diagonal cross-bracing made of
steel tubing; on the ground floor this is
integrated in the architectural concept and
remains visible. The combined use of
wood and steel, coupled with a highly
disciplined design process and spartan
execution, made it possible to construct
the townhouses economically. This pro-
ject is a conscientious contribution to
contemporary - perhaps, timeless -
Martin Frey
DETAIl 2012 0 2 Documentation 149
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