Fabric Packet

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Fabric Packet- First make a copy of this whole packet

Fibers Chart- Refer to the slides on my website

What is a fiber? Basic unit from which fabric is made

Natural: comes from plants and animals moisture absorbent

Fiber Fiber Characteristics

Source: plant
Cotton 8 Pros: absorbent,comfortable,durable,easy to launder,stronger wet than dry
Cons: wrinkles,shrinks,mildews

Source: flax plant

Linen 7 Pros: absorbent,natural luster,quick drying
Cons: wrinkles, frays, little stretch, mildews

Source: silk worms

Silk 6 Pros: absorbent,natural luster,insulating,strong,resilient
Cons: degrades and yellows in the sun, weaker wet than dry,water marks

Source: sheep
Wool 5 Pros: absorbent strong elastic flame resistant insulating wrinkle resistant
Cons: shrinks when laundered improperly bleaches with sunlight damaged by moths

Manufactured:made from chemical processes

Fiber Fiber Characteristics

Source:chemical sources
Nylon 3 Pros: strong water repellant colorfast abrasion resistant
Cons:frays easily non recyclable

Source:chemical source
Polyester 1 Pros: goo dshape retention easy to launder wrinkle resistant colorfast blends well with other
Cons:retains oil stains pills builds static

Source: cellulose
Rayon 4 Pros: soft and comfortable drapes well blends well with ither fibers,dyes well
Cons: shrinks poor shape retention wrinkles dry clean only

Source: chemical source

Spandex 2 Pros: very elastic adds stretch when blended with other fibers, resistant to oils and outdoor
Cons: shrinks damaged by heat can be difficult to sew

Source: cellulose
Bamboo 9 Pros: soft strong water absorbent renewable
Cons: wrinkles takes longer to dry yellow with time
Sometimes fibers are blended to use the best characteristics of each fiber. Usually one natural and one
synthetic. Ex . cotton polyester

Fiber Identification- In class activity only. If you are absent this day sign up for titan time. Read and follow
the instructions below and answer all the questions.

Fibers react to the application of heat. Various changes occur due to the difference in the chemical composition of the
fibers. Heat can help a fiber to maintain a certain shape into which it has been molded. Permanently molded fibers or
fabrics are referred to as heat set. Only manufactured fibers can be heat set.

Wool color Cotton color Acrylic color Polyester color

cream maroon Green pink

Wrap one piece of yarn around each nail. Lay wrapped nails in the center of foil and fold foil around them to keep
them together and from unwinding. Use a marker to write your name on foil so you can identify your own nails. Place
the packet on a tray in a toaster oven. Heat for 20 mins. at 300°F. Remove from oven and let cool. Gently unwrap
yarn from nails and observe their appearance. Holding each end of the yarn, pull it out to its original length and hold
tightly for 30 secs. Release and drop on the table.
Cream green pink
1-Which ones are holding their shape?

2-Which ones are losing their shape?

Saturate each yarn with water for about 30 secs. Blot dry with a towel and observe the yarns.

3-Which ones are holding their shape? Green and pink Green and pink

4-Which ones are losing their shape? Cream and Cream and maroon

5-If you were to repeat this procedure with yarns of Which ones were natural and which were man made
unknown fiber content, what could you determine about
the fiber content of the unknown yarn?

6-Think about fabrics made from these same fibers. synthetic fabric
Which types of fabrics will retain their shape when they
have been heat set?

7-Which fabrics would stretch and lose their shape even Natural fabric
after being heat set?

Types of Yarns-Refer to the slides on my website

Yarn A group of fibers twisted

Filament Composed of filament fibers

Spun Composed of staple fibers

Fabric construction- refer to the slides on my website

Warp and weft yarns are interlaced at a 90 degree angle
Zero to limited elasticity

Made by looping yarns together medium to high elasticity

Fibers are pressed together with heat or pressure

Fabric Terminology
selvage Tightly woven finished edge f the fabric formed by the crosswise yarns

warp Grainline that is parallel of the selvedge

weft/crosswise Grainline that runs from selvedge to selvedge perpendicular
to the selvedge
bias 45 degree angle has the most stretch
nap/pile One way layout
Directional print Pattern that goes one particular direction

Laundry Essentials Questions- Read the Laundry Essentials article and answer these questions.
1. How do you get blood out of a garment? Rinse it with cold water and pre treat with stain
remover, rinse until stain is gone

2. Should grass stains be washed in hot or cold hot


3. What 2 unusual products do you use to remove Wd 40 and dishwashing detergent

stains from a crayon?
4. What should you do if you get a crayon melted Spray a cloth with wd 40 and wipe it down then
in your dryer? run a load of dry rages to ensure its gone

5. Is it possible to remove some marker from Yes lunder on the hottest setting and use bleach
your clothes? If so, how? if possible

6. Which type of food stain should be washed in Egg and milk products
cold water?

d7. What is the correct way to pre soak your Put it i the proper water and or detergent and
laundry? let it soak

8. Why is it important to treat stains early? So that the stins do not soak in the fabric and
become permanent

9. How can you “treat” a stain? Soak it in the proper water and or detergent or

10. Why should you check to see that stains are Because if you dry or iron a stain it will become
gone before machine drying or ironing? permanent

11. What should you do if the stain is still there? Rewash it if you havent dried it

12. What is an example of a stain that may be A marker stain


13. How can you disinfect dishcloths and sponges Bleach and then soak in warm water
in-between washes?

14. Laundry should be sorted into what 3 Whites and pastel colors brights that are similar
categories? and darks

Score Sheet- Grade yourself before you submit to canvas

# Assignment Points Possible Your Score

1 Bell Work

2 Fibers Chart 11 11

3 Fiber Identification 11 11

4 Types of Yarns 3

5 Fabric Construction 3
6 Fabric Terminology 6

6 Laundry Essentials 14 12/10

7 Name & briefly explain 3 Careers related to this unit. (Google 6

them. Don’t make them up)
1- fabric lab textile assistant



10 Total 54

















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