Application Form IT Professionals 12 08 2023

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Application No.

(To be filled by Office)

Passport Size
Career Opportunity

Position Applied for:

1. Name:

2. Father’s Name:

3. CNIC #: - -

4. Date of Birth: - - 5. Gender □ Male □ Female

6. Domicile: □Punjab □Sindh (U) □Sindh (R) □KPK □GB/FATA □Balochistan

7. District of Domicile: 8. Contact No.: -

8. Email ID : 9. Landline No.:

9. Postal Address:__________________________________________________________

10. Academic Qualification:
Certificate / Major Percentage/ Board/University
Degree Title Year Passing
Degree Level Subject Grade
(10 Years)
(12 Years)
(14 Years)
Bachelor(Hons)/ Master
(16 Years)

(Degrees must be acquired from HEC recognized Universities)

11. Professional Qualification (if any):

Certificate / Major Percentage/ Board/University
Degree Title Year Passing
Degree Level Subject Grade

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Application No. _________
(To be filled by Office)

12. Current Experience Detail:

Job Duration
S. Position Specialized Write only Month & Year
Organization/Employer Name
No. (Working as) Field
From To


13. Previous Experience Detail:

Job Duration
S. Position Specialized
Organization/Employer Name Write only Month & Year
No. (Working as) Field
From To
Years Months

Total Job Experience as on closing date of application:

(If more experience or qualification to mention, kindly attach another page & sign)

14. Desired Interview Center

□Karachi □ Lahore* □ Islamabad*

(* is subject to number of candidates, otherwise will be interviewed at Karachi)

15. Undertaking By The Applicant:

I ___________________________ S/o __________________ hereby certify that the

information provided by me in this Form is true, complete and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I understand that any misrepresentation omission made on Application
Form or other document(s) requested by SLIC may result in cancellation of this and future
application in SLIC.

Date: _______________ Signature of the Candidate_________________

i. Partially filled forms will be rejected.
ii. Please send duly filled Application Forms alongwith photocopies of all educational and
experience certificates.
iii. Clearly indicate Job Title (post name) on right corner of the envelope.
iv. Send application through registered post to “Divisional Head (P&GS),2nd Floor,
State Life Building No.9, Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed Road, Karachi”.

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