Sub Peritoneal Space
Sub Peritoneal Space
Sub Peritoneal Space
Table 1. Key concepts regarding the peritoneal cavity and subperitoneal space (SPS)
Concept Discussion
Spaces of the abdomen and pelvis There are 2 mutually exclusive spaces—the peritoneal cavity and the SPS
The structure that defines the SPS & separates The peritoneum
it from the peritoneal cavity
The peritoneal cavity The peritoneal cavity is a potential space and is inconspicuous
on normal imaging studies. There are no organs in the peritoneal cavity.
The SPS The SPS is a single extraperitoneal space encompassing the entire abdomen
and pelvis. It is divided into regions but remains one interconnected space.
The SPS contains all the organs, vessels, lymphatics, and nerves of
the abdomen and pelvis.
The importance of distinguishing the SPS from The routes of disease spread differ for the SPS and the peritoneal cavity
the peritoneal cavity
The distinct patterns of disease spread in the SPS Disease spread can occur via mesenteries, ligaments, and lymphatics, and
by periarterial, perineural, transvenous, and intratubular routes
The distinct patterns of disease spread within Disease spreads along the pathways of fluid flow in the single continuous
the peritoneal cavity space of the peritoneal cavity
Transperitoneal disease spread Transperitoneal spread occurs when disease crosses the peritoneum which
separates the SPS from the peritoneal cavity. Transperitoneal spread is bidirectional
Fig. 1. The peritoneal cavity vs the subperitoneal space. all the abdominal pelvic organs which are interconnected via
This is a schematic diagram showing the peritoneal cavity ligaments and mesenteries. Dotted lines show some of these
(PC) on the left and the subperitoneal space (SPS) on the interconnections which allow for disease spread. Abbre-
right. The diagram illustrates that these are 2 completely se- viations for the peritoneal cavity: IC inframesocolic compart-
parate spaces within the abdominal cavity. The peritoneal ment, LP left paracolic recess, LS lesser sac, M Morison’s
cavity and the subperitoneal space are separated by the pouch, RP right paracolic recess, RS right subphrenic space,
peritoneum. The peritoneal cavity is one continuous space and RV rectovesical space. Abbreviations for the subperi-
with interconnecting recesses, some of which are shown. The toneal space: B bladder, C colon, K kidney, L liver, P pan-
subperitoneal space is also one continuous space containing creas, S spleen, SB small bowel, and ST stomach.
subperitoneal tissue between suspended organs and the The relationship between the bowel mesentery
extraperitoneal space. Visualizing the subperitoneal and the peritoneum
space as a single space explains the spread of disease
between different regions of the abdomen pelvis and The mesenteries of the abdomen and pelvis are composed
between the organs covered by peritoneum and the ex- of subperitoneal tissue between 2 layers of visceral peri-
traperitoneum. toneum. Comparing an axial CT image with a cross-
2712 H. K. Pannu, M. Oliphant: The subperitoneal space and peritoneal cavity
Fig. 2. Relationship between the mesentery and the peri- area). Spine is shown on the diagram only for orientation pur-
toneum. A Diagram of a 4-week-old embryo shows the coe- poses. A aorta, K kidney, S spine, and VM ventral mesentery. B
lomic cavity which will form the peritoneal cavity (PC) Axial CT image shows the dorsal mesentery of the small bowel
surrounding the primitive gut (G). The medial visceral layer as subperitoneal tissue (arrowhead) between 2 layers of vis-
(arrows) of the peritoneum is apposed on the gut and the me- ceral peritoneum (black arrows). The parietal peritoneal reflec-
sentery, while the parietal layer is lateral. The dorsal mesentery tion (white arrows) is also seen anterior to the colon (C), kidney,
(DM) conveys vessels from the aorta to the gut. Other than the and in the anterior and lateral abdomen. There is fluid (asterisk)
peritoneal cavity, all the tissue in the abdominal cavity portion of in the peritoneal cavity between the visceral (black arrows) and
the diagram is the subperitoneal space (light gray shaded parietal (white arrows) layers of the peritoneum.
sectional diagram of an embryo, the dorsal mesentery tissues anterior to the kidney leaving a connecting
carries vessels from the aorta to the gut (Fig. 2). The splenorenal ligament that contains the distal splenic ar-
visceral peritoneum surrounds the mesentery, forms the tery and vein. The midgut and hindgut form within the
serosal layer of the gut, and is in continuity with the dorsal mesentery creating the small intestine mesentery
parietal peritoneum which covers the extraperitoneal and the mesocolon.
space. As the ligaments, mesenteries, and suspended or- Anteriorly, the liver forms in the subperitoneal tissues
gans develop, the peritoneal cavity forms recesses that anterior to the stomach, or the ventral mesogastrium.
remain interconnected as the peritoneal cavity and se- This divides the subperitoneal tissues into the gastro-
parate from the subperitoneal space (Fig. 3A). hepatic ligament between the stomach and liver, and the
falciform ligament between the liver and abdominal wall.
The free edge of the gastrohepatic ligament is the
Correlation between embryonic development and
hepatoduodenal ligament. The visceral peritoneum con-
the abdominal ligaments
tinues over the stomach forming the serosal layer and
The spleen, pancreas, liver, and gut form within the over the liver and spleen forming their capsules.
mesentery that surrounds and suspends the primitive gut
in the embryo. The development of these organs results
in the creation of the abdominal ligaments that can be
Identifying the ligaments and bowel mesenteries
identified on CT.
on imaging
Posteriorly, the spleen and pancreas form in the The ligaments and mesenteries are named according to
dorsal mesogastrium, or the part of the dorsal mesentery the viscera they connect and are identified by the vessels
suspending the stomach (Fig. 3). The splenic artery runs that run in them. For example, the hepatoduodenal
from the aorta through the dorsal mesogastrium to the ligament is identified by the portal vein, hepatic artery,
spleen with branches continuing to the stomach. The part and common bile duct. Selected ligaments and their as-
of the dorsal mesogastrium between the stomach and the sociated vessels are described in Table 2. The ligaments
spleen becomes the gastrosplenic ligament containing the and mesenteries are a pathway for disease spread be-
short gastric vessels. The part of the dorsal mesogastrium tween organs. The vasculature within the mesenteries
containing the pancreas fuses with the subperitoneal often acts as a scaffold for disease spread. The utility of
H. K. Pannu, M. Oliphant: The subperitoneal space and peritoneal cavity 2713
Fig. 3. Abdominal ligaments. A Diagram showing develop- mesentery between the spleen and pancreas is called the
ment of an embryo. The liver develops in the ventral me- splenorenal ligament. Dotted lines approximate the paths of
sentery anterior to the stomach. The residual part of the the ventral and dorsal mesenteries. A aorta, K kidney, L liver,
ventral mesentery between the liver and stomach is called the PC peritoneal cavity, S spine, and ST stomach. Subperitoneal
gastrohepatic ligament in the adult. The spleen and pancreas space = light gray shaded area in abdominal cavity portion of
form in the dorsal mesentery posterior to the stomach. The diagram. Spine is shown on the diagram only for orientation
residual part of the dorsal mesentery between the spleen and purposes. B Axial CT image of the upper abdomen shows the
stomach is called the gastrosplenic ligament in the adult. The gastrohepatic (arrow) and gastrosplenic (arrowhead) liga-
pancreas fuses with the tissues anterior to the kidney to lie in ments containing the left gastric artery and short gastric
the anterior pararenal space. The residual part of the dorsal vessels, respectively.
identifying the mesenteries and ligaments is to more ac- rior layer that is continuous with the anterior renal fascia
curately and efficiently recognize sites of disease spread. and a posterior layer that forms the lateroconal fascia
which in turn goes anterolaterally to blend with the
Anatomic continuity between the pararenal
Laterally at the level of the kidney, the lateroconal
fascia separates the anterior pararenal space from the
The posterior portion of the extraperitoneal space, the posterior pararenal space. Below the level of the kidney
retroperitoneum, in the abdomen is divided by the renal and the iliac crest, the anterior and posterior renal fasciae
fascia into the anterior pararenal, perinephric, and pos- tend to fuse resulting in anatomic continuity between the
terior pararenal spaces (Fig. 4). The anterior pararenal anterior and posterior pararenal spaces continuing infe-
space is between the parietal peritoneum and the anterior riorly as the infrarenal space.
renal fascia; the perinephric space is between the anterior The anterior pararenal space contains the pancreas,
and posterior renal fascia; the posterior pararenal space duodenum, and ascending and descending colon. The
is between the posterior renal fascia and the transversalis perinephric space contains the kidney and adrenal gland.
fascia. The posterior renal fascia has 2 layers. An ante- The posterior pararenal space has no organs and is
2714 H. K. Pannu, M. Oliphant: The subperitoneal space and peritoneal cavity
Fig. 4. Renal fasciae. A Axial CT image shows the anterior between the 2 layers of the posterior renal fascia. Fluid from
and posterior renal fascia (black arrows). Arrowheads show the anterior pararenal space can extend into this potential
the posterior pararenal space extending laterally as the space between the 2 layers. Arrowhead points to the lower
properitoneal fat. B Axial CT image shows fluid (arrows) in pole of the kidney.
continuous laterally with the extraperitoneal fat of the This forms the pathways for the subperitoneal spread of
properitoneal flank stripe. disease.
female and the rectovesical recess in the male, along the perivesical fat that encases the urachus (median umbilical
superior portion of the sigmoid mesocolon, ileocolic re- ligament) and the obliterated umbilical arteries (medial
gion, right paracolic gutter, and Morison’s pouch. umbilical ligament). If prevesical fluid penetrates the
All the peritoneal recesses communicate, however, overlying transversalis fascia, it can involve the rectus
peritoneal fluid preferentially flows in certain directions and muscle. Conversely, rectus hematomas can extend into
is anatomically limited in some locations. Peritoneal fluid the prevesical fat.
from the pelvis primarily goes up the right paracolic gutter Ascites travels superiorly from the lateral paravesical
(recess) forming continuity of the inframesocolic and peritoneal recesses to the paracolic gutters. Prevesical
supramesocolic recesses on the right. On the left, the fluid travels superiorly into the infrarenal space and
phrenicocolic ligament limits the left paracolic gutter subsequently into the pararenal spaces. Posteriorly, ex-
(recess) to the inframesocolic recess. From the right para- traperitoneal fluid extends into the presacral space. As-
colic gutter, fluid enters the right subhepatic space (Mor- cites can go into the inguinal canal along a hernia, while
ison’s pouch) and may subsequently enter the lesser sac via prevesical fluid can go to the inguinal ring along the vas
the epiploic foramen (of Winslow) between the main portal deferens. Unlike ascites, prevesical fluid abuts the lateral
vein and the inferior vena cava (Fig. 7). Fluid also goes pelvic musculature and can extend along the external
superiorly into the right subphrenic space but the falciform iliac vessels and femoral sheath.
ligament limits flow from the right to the left subphrenic
space. Abscesses secondary to intraperitoneal infections are
Distinguishing intraperitoneal and
therefore common in the pouch of Douglas, right paracolic
extraperitoneal free air in the abdomen
gutter, right subhepatic space, and right subphrenic space.
Fluid flow patterns are mostly bidirectional. The shape of the subdiaphragmatic air and change with
Although the falciform and phrenicocolic ligaments respiration and position help distinguish intraperitoneal
typically limit fluid flow across them, large volumes of and extraperitoneal free air. On an upright chest radio-
fluid can overflow under the free edge of the falciform graph, free intraperitoneal air follows the contour of the
ligament and over the phrenicocolic ligament. Left sub- dome of the hemidiaphragm, while extraperitoneal air is
phrenic fluid is more commonly seen due to gastric, usually medial or lateral to the apex of the hemidi-
splenic, or splenic flexure colonic pathology. There is aphragm. The volume of free intraperitoneal air seen
continuity between the left subphrenic space, the gas- under the hemidiaphragm increases on inspiration due to
trohepatic space, and the perisplenic spaces such as the decreased subdiaphragmatic pressure. The volume of free
gastrosplenic recess and splenorenal recess. These are extraperitoneal air seen under the hemidiaphragm in-
separated from the lesser sac by the gastrohepatic, gas- creases on expiration due to decreased compression by the
trosplenic, and splenorenal ligaments, respectively. diaphragm. Free intraperitoneal air fills the potential re-
cesses of the peritoneal cavity and can outline ligaments
such as the falciform ligament. Free extraperitoneal air
Distinguishing intraperitoneal and can occupy extraperitoneal spaces and can outline the
extraperitoneal fluid in the pelvis psoas muscle and follow the flank stripe if within the
Intraperitoneal pelvic fluid (ascites) occurs in the pouch posterior pararenal space. Peritoneal air shifts readily with
of Douglas and in the lateral recesses which lie on either position change, while extraperitoneal air does not.
side of the sigmoid colon and are referred to as par-
avesical recesses of the peritoneal cavity (Fig. 8). Ex-
Potential routes of spread of extraperitoneal free
traperitoneal pelvic fluid in the subperitoneal space
occurs in the prevesical space which is anterior and lat-
eral to the bladder. Since the bladder is positioned more Extraperitoneal free air originating anywhere in the ab-
inferiorly in the pelvis than the sigmoid colon, ascites is domen can spread throughout the abdomen and pelvis
seen superior to the bladder. Ascites displaces the blad- via the interconnecting subperitoneal space.
der inferiorly, while prevesical space fluid displaces the Air from a duodenal perforation can go from the
bladder posteromedial. Extraperitoneal fluid in the pre- anterior pararenal space to the infrarenal space and then
vesical space extends bilaterally forming a symmetric or to the posterior pararenal space or to the prevesical space
asymmetric ‘‘molar tooth’’ appearance of fluid both of the pelvis.
anterior and lateral to the bladder (Fig. 8). Extraperitoneal pelvic free air from a rectal perfora-
Ascites preserves the properitoneal fat which is the tion can go from the mesorectum to the sigmoid meso-
lateral extension of the posterior pararenal space and colon to the prevesical space. From the prevesical space
outlines the medial umbilical folds anteromedial. Ex- air can go inferiorly along the vas deferens to the scro-
traperitoneal fluid in the prevesical space can extend to tum, laterally outside the pelvic cavity via the sciatic
the lower abdomen and obliterate the properitoneal fat. foramen and into the thighs along the scaffold of the
The anterior extension spares the midline triangle of the femoral sheath. From the prevesical space air can also go
H. K. Pannu, M. Oliphant: The subperitoneal space and peritoneal cavity 2717
Fig. 7. Peritoneal cavity fluid flow and recesses. A coronal (asterisk). C coronal CT image in a different patient shows fluid in
CT image shows peritoneal carcinomatosis demonstrating the the superior recess of the lesser sac (SR) and in the gastro-
peritoneal recesses. Tumor in the right subdiaphragmatic hepatic recess (black arrow) separated by the gastrohepatic
recess (black arrow) and Morison’s pouch (double black arrows). ligament (black arrowheads). Fluid in the gastrohepatic recess
Tumor (arrowheads) is also seen along the peritoneal reflection communicates with fluid in the left subphrenic space (LS). D
over the bladder (B). White arrows show continuity between the coronal CT image in a different patient shows fluid in the lesser
paravesical and paracolic recesses. B Axial CT image in a dif- sac (asterisk) and in the gastrosplenic recess (GS) separated by
ferent patient shows the epiploic foramen (arrow) between the the gastrosplenic ligament (arrow). There is continuity between
portal vein and inferior vena cava and fluid in the lesser sac the gastrosplenic and left subphrenic (LS) recesses.
superiorly into the infrarenal space and then to the (Fig. 9). In the anterior pararenal space air can surround
posterior pararenal space or to the anterior pararenal the pancreas and extend to the porta hepatis, to the bare
space. Extraperitoneal air in the posterior pararenal areas of the liver and spleen, and to the root of the me-
space can extend laterally within the properitoneal fat senteries of the small bowel and transverse colon. Con-
and superiorly to the level of the respiratory diaphragm tinuity within the anterior pararenal space allows
2718 H. K. Pannu, M. Oliphant: The subperitoneal space and peritoneal cavity
Fig. 8. Pelvic intraperitoneal fluid vs extraperitoneal fluid. prevesical space (asterisk) anterior to the decompressed
Pelvic fluid is shown in 2 different patients. The patient in A has bladder (arrowhead) containing a catheter. The bladder is dis-
intraperitoneal fluid. The patient in B and C has extraperitoneal placed posteriorly. Fluid extends within the prevesical space
fluid. A axial CT image shows intraperitoneal fluid in the right (arrows) lateral to the bladder giving a ‘‘molar tooth’’ appear-
and left paravesical recesses (asterisks) lateral to the sigmoid ance. C sagittal CT image in the same patient as in B shows
colon (S) and superior to the bladder (not shown). B Axial CT extraperitoneal fluid in the prevesical space (asterisk) anterior to
image of a different patient shows extraperitoneal fluid in the the posteriorly displaced bladder (arrows) containing a catheter.
for bidirectional spread between the organs of the Disease spread for selected organs
extraperitoneum and suspended organs via their mesen-
teries all within the subperitoneal space. Potential routes of spread of pancreatic disease
Extraperitoneal air can also track along the aorta and The spread of pancreatic disease highlights the concept
into the chest through the aortic hiatus. Extraperitoneal of the subperitoneal space as a single space (Fig. 10). The
air in the gastrohepatic ligament can enter the chest pancreas lies in the anterior pararenal space. This space
through the esophageal hiatus. This spread is bidirec- is a natural pathway as it connects with the base of
tional and air from the mediastinum can spread several mesenteries. The tail of the pancreas lies in
throughout the abdomen within the subperitoneal space. the splenic hilum so disease can spread along the
H. K. Pannu, M. Oliphant: The subperitoneal space and peritoneal cavity 2719
Anatomic basis for a hepatic laceration resulting Potential routes of peritoneal spread of blood
in a retroperitoneal hematoma following trauma
The bare area of the liver is that part of the posterior right Traumatic injuries of viscera can disrupt the capsule of
lobe of the liver that is not covered by peritoneum an organ. The visceral peritoneum forms the capsule of
2720 H. K. Pannu, M. Oliphant: The subperitoneal space and peritoneal cavity
Fig. 10. Subperitoneal spread of disease. A Axial CT im- extending toward the ileocecal junction within the small
age shows a large pancreatic mass (white arrow) extending intestine mesentery (arrows). C Coronal CT image shows a
along the hepatoduodenal ligament to the porta hepatis heterogeneous mass (white arrows) around the inferior
(arrowheads). Mass also invades the left perinephric space vena cava and aorta. Mass extends superiorly, through the
and engulfs the adrenal gland (black arrow). Superiorly, the aortic hiatus, to the posterior mediastinum (black arrow-
mass extended into the gastrohepatic ligament with invasion heads). The mass also extended into the root of the small
of the left lobe of the liver (not shown). B Coronal CT image bowel mesentery (not shown) along the superior mesenteric
shows a hematoma in the root of the small bowel mesentery artery.
the liver and spleen, except for the bare areas described face of the liver, blood can spread into the right sub-
earlier. Therefore, a laceration allows for transperitoneal phrenic space and right subhepatic space and can
spread of blood from these organs into the peritoneal subsequently enter the lesser sac and right paracolic
cavity. Following a laceration of the peritonealized sur- gutter. Following a laceration of the peritonealized sur-
H. K. Pannu, M. Oliphant: The subperitoneal space and peritoneal cavity 2721
Fig. 11. Extraperitoneal spaces in the upper abdomen. A the liver except for the bare area. B Sagittal CT image
Sagittal CT image shows the peritoneal reflections over the shows fluid in the left perinephric space (asterisk) extending
liver (arrows). The liver posterior and medial to these superiorly to abut the diaphragm (white arrow). The fluid is
reflections is left bare of peritoneum and abuts the posterior to the pancreas (P) and the splenorenal ligament
diaphragm (arrowhead). Note that peritoneal fluid surrounds (black arrow).
face of the spleen, blood can enter the perisplenic space, At any site in the abdomen and pelvis, once blood,
left subphrenic space, and gastrohepatic space. Larger air, or contrast has entered the peritoneal cavity, it can
volumes can also spread to the left paracolic gutter. travel to any of the peritoneal recesses.
From the paracolic gutters, blood can accumulate in the
dependent rectovesical recess of the pelvis.
Since the peritoneum forms the serosa of bowel,
bowel perforations can result in blood, air and bowel The two spaces of the abdomen are separated by the
contents such as endoluminal contrast spilling into the peritoneum (Table 1).
peritoneal cavity. The mesenteric vessels lie in sub- The peritoneal cavity is a potential space between the
peritoneal fat between 2 layers of visceral peritoneum. visceral and parietal layers of the peritoneum. This po-
Blood from a mesenteric hematoma can therefore tential space normally contains only a small amount of
traverse the visceral peritoneum to enter the peritoneal peritoneal fluid and is not seen on transaxial imaging of
cavity and appear as intraperitoneal hemorrhage. normal patients. The peritoneal cavity is distinct from the
Similarly, hemorrhage in tissues around extraperi- subperitoneal space and contains no organs or structures.
toneal organs such as the pancreas and kidney can The spread pattern in the peritoneal cavity follows the flow
cross the posterior peritoneum to enter the peritoneal of peritoneal fluid.
cavity. The subperitoneal space is a continuous intercon-
In the pelvis, the peritoneum reflects over the bladder necting space beneath the peritoneum containing the
dome. A rupture of the bladder dome results in in- extraperitoneal space, the ligaments and mesenteries, and
traperitoneal spill of urine and administered bladder their suspended organs. Individual mesenteries and
contrast into the paravesical, paracolic, and inframeso- ligaments are identified by the vessels that course
colic recesses. Intraperitoneal bladder rupture is less through them. The subperitoneal space provides the av-
common than extraperitoneal bladder rupture. enues for bidirectional spread of disease.
2722 H. K. Pannu, M. Oliphant: The subperitoneal space and peritoneal cavity
Transperitoneal spread occurs when disease spreads appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a
link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were
from the subperitoneal space to the peritoneal cavity by made.
crossing the peritoneal lining.