Chap 7
Chap 7
Chap 7
Compartments 7
Yong Ho Auh, M.D.*
Jae Hoon Lim, M.D., Ph.D.**
Sophia T. Kung, M.D.*
M.A. Meyers et al., Meyers’ Dynamic Radiology of the Abdomen, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-5939-3_7, 203
Ó Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2011
204 7. The Extraperitoneal Pelvic Compartments
a b
d e
Fig. 7–3. Schematic diagrams of the extraperitoneal pelvic spaces showing normal transverse anatomy (a, b, c, and d) at four different levels as shown on the sagittal diagram of the
pelvis (e).
apf – anterior pelvic fascia, c – sigmoid colon, cds – cul-de-sac, cx – cervix, uterine, p – peritoneum, tf – transversalis fascia, perf – perirectal fascia, pevs – perivesical space, ppf –
posterior pelvic fascia, prss – presacral space, prvs – prevesical space, re – rectum, rvs – rectovaginal septum, ua – obliterated umbilical arteries, ub – urinary bladder, urc –
a b
c d
a b
a b
c d
Fig. 7–6. Prevesical fluid collection mimicking ascites in a patient following robotic prostatectomy.
(a) A heterogeneous fluid collection (*) in the anterior pelvis spares the properitoneal fat posterior to the rectus muscles, mimicking
the appearance of intraperitoneal fluid. However, the collection shows a ‘‘molar tooth’’ configuration displacing the urinary bladder,
which contains a Foley catheter balloon (arrow), posteriorly and medially, consistent with an extraperitoneal prevesical collection.
Incidentally seen is mildly thickened perirectal fascia (perf).
(b) More inferiorly, the urinary bladder, containing a Foley catheter (arrow) is again posteriorly and medially displaced.
(c, d) Following percutaneous drainage of the fluid, the bladder returns to its anterior position in the pelvis and resumes its normal
shape, confirming the extraperitoneal nature of the collection.
a b
a b
c d
Fig. 7–10. Abdominal aortic rupture with extension of hemorrhage from the posterior pararenal compartments into the pelvic prevesical
space and further into the left inguinal canal.
(a) Axial CT of the abdomen demonstrates retroperitoneal hemorrhage (*) surrounding the aorta and in the left posterior pararenal
space, displacing the left kidney anteriorly. There is thickening of the left renal fascia and stranding within the perirenal space
(arrowheads). Note, however, that there is no extension of fluid to the right side.
(b) Dense, heterogeneous hematoma (*) extends into the infraconal extraperitoneal pelvic fat, lateral to the parietal peritoneum and
medial to the iliopsoas muscle and iliac vessels.
(c, d) Extension of hematoma into the prevesical space, forming a unilateral root of a molar tooth (*) with spread of fluid into the left
inguinal canal (arrow). The left obliterated umbilical artery is seen in (c) (arrowhead) coursing towards the umbilicus.
Abnormal Imaging Features 211
a b
Fig. 7–11. Spontaneous rectus sheath hematoma communicating with the prevesical space.
(a) A large right rectal sheath hematoma (*) extends into the prevesical space (black arrows) through the thin
layer of transversalis fascia.
(b) At a more inferior level, the prevesical collection deviates the urinary bladder to the left.
result in thickening of all fasciae including the peri- (Fig. 7–15) or by extension of rectal pathology
rectal fascia. (Figs. 7–10 and 7–11). In contrast to the prevesical
Although the surgical and anatomical literature, space, the presacral space is tighter, smaller, and
even today, does not provide a consensus on the pre- limited (Figs. 7–2 and 7–3).2,13–15
sence of these fasciae and, if present, on the compo-
nents and morphology of the fascial planes, cross-
sectional images clearly depict their existence and Abnormal Imaging Features
The perirectal space is mainly filled by adipose
tissue, but it also contains rectal arteries and veins, Prevesical Fluid Collections
splanchnic nerves, lymphatics, and perirectal lymph Because the umbilicovesical fascia along with the
nodes (Fig. 7–10). This space readily communicates anterior pelvic fascia lies anterior and lateral to the
with the subperitoneal space of the sigmoid urinary bladder, prevesical effusions assume in
mesocolon.2,13 cross section a ‘‘molar tooth’’ configuration as
they accumulate between the umbilicovesical fascia
along with the anterior pelvic fascia and the trans-
Presacral Space versalis fascia or parietal pelvic fascia. The ‘‘crown’’
portion of the molar tooth lies anterior to the urin-
The presacral space is situated in front of the ary bladder, between the umbilicovesical fascia and
sacrum and the coccyx, and defined anteriorly by transversalis fascia of the anterior abdominal wall,
the posterior pelvic fascia and posteriorly by parie- displacing the bladder posteriorly (Figs. 7–9 and
tal pelvic fascia (Figs. 7–2 and 7–3). It contains 7–16). The ‘‘root’’ portion of the molar tooth
areolar and connective tissue, devoid of vascular, extends posteriorly and inferiorly, between the
nervous, or lymphatic structures. It is not recog- umbilicovesical fascia along with the anterior pelvic
nized on cross-sectional images in the normal sub- fascia and the parietal pelvic fascia, displacing
ject. It is delineated, however, in disease states as the bladder medially or away from the midline if
the fasciae become more conspicuous (Figs. 7–7, the roots are asymmetrical in size (Figs. 7–5, 7–12,
7–10, and 7–11). This space is usually involved by 7–13, and 7–17).9,10 The root portion has also been
pathology of the sacrum or coccyx: fracture referred to as a paravesical collection, but it is
(Fig. 7–13), infection (Fig. 7–14), or neoplasm simply the postero-inferior extension of prevesical
212 7. The Extraperitoneal Pelvic Compartments
a b
Fig. 7–12. CT cystogram in a patient with pelvic fractures
causing extraperitoneal bladder rupture and a presacral
After administration of iodinated contrast medium via a
Foley catheter, axial CT demonstrates a focal bladder
defect (arrowhead) with leakage of contrast medium (a, b)
into the prevesical (*) and perivesical spaces (long arrow).
A fluid collection (b) in the presacral space (arrowheads)
containing a hematocrit level (short arrows), indicating
layering of blood, is consistent with a hematoma due to a
sacral fracture (black arrow) (c) more superiorly. Also, in
(c) contrast medium extends into the extraperitoneal fat
posteriorly and the properitoneal fat (*) anterolaterally.
The triangular perivesical fatty triangle, surrounding the
urachus and obliterated umbilical artery, is partially
demarcated by contrast media (white arrow).
a b
a b
collection.2,21 Large amount of ascites, either locu- while the extraperitoneal prevesical collection
lated or free, may form a molar tooth appearance in usually obliterates this fat (Figs. 7–5, 7–9, 7–16,
the pelvis, mimicking a prevesical fluid collection 7–17, 7–18, 7–19, and 7–20).
(Fig. 7–18). However, with collections of intraper- The umbilicovesical fascia that surrounds the
itoneal fluid, the urinary bladder is displaced infer- urachus and obliterated umbilical arteries is not
iorly rather than posteriorly and medially (Figs. 7– usually visible on CT or MRI. The presence of
18 and 7–19). Furthermore, the ‘‘root’’ portion is the umbilicovesical fascia becomes obvious when
formed by accumulation of ascites in the bilateral there is adjacent prevesical fluid. The prevesical
pararectal fossae or parasigmoidal fossae and collections surround but do not involve a trian-
therefore located more superiorly. Additionally, gular segment of fat in the anterior abdominal
ascites usually preserves the properitoneal fat wall, which represents the superior extension of
214 7. The Extraperitoneal Pelvic Compartments
aa bb
Fig. 7–16. Perirectal abscess due to anastomotic leak following a low anterior resection.
(a) Axial CT of the pelvis showing oral contrast leaking at the anastomotic site (arrow) into the perirectal space.
(b) Large abscess with layering oral contrast and locules of gas occupies the perirectal space and tracks to the presacral space
a b c
Fig. 7–18. Leaking contrast medium from the base of the urinary bladder into the prevesical and presacral spaces in a CT cystogram in a
patient with multiple pelvic fractures.
(a, b) Midline sagittal and parasagittal CT images of the pelvis demonstrating leakage of iodinated contrast medium (arrowhead)
from the urinary bladder (ub) neck into the prevesical space (arrow, prvs) and presacral space (arrow, prss). Foley catheter is evident
on the midline sagittal image (short black arrow).
(c) Further lateral parasagittal CT of the pelvis showing contrast medium migrating superiorly and laterally in the prevesical space
anteriorly and iliac fascia posteriorly. This sheath is extension of contrast medium from the prevesical
occupied by the femoral artery and vein laterally and space into the perivesical space or more frequently
by the femoral canal medially. Since the external iliac vice versa is common in vivo, resulting in partial or
vessels lie lateral to the peritoneum, within a com- complete obliteration of the perivesical fat (Fig. 7–13).
partment that is continuous anterolaterally with the The triangular perivesical fatty space around the
prevesical space, prevesical fluid can track along the supravesical portions of the urachus and obliterated
external iliac vessels, below the inguinal ligament, umbilical arteries often remains isolated in the middle
and into the femoral sheath (Fig. 7–17).2–4,9 of a prevesical fluid collection (Figs. 7–13 and 7–21).
The prevesical space is continuous laterally with the Clinically, these effusions may be mistaken for
extraperitoneal fat of the anterior abdominal wall, bladder wall thickening or perivesical tumor exten-
which in turn is continuous with the properitoneal and sion. Additionally, perivesical fluid posterior to the
retroperitoneal fat. Thus, prevesical effusions can bladder may be mistaken for intraperitoneal fluid
extend laterally around the parietal peritoneum to within the cul-de-sac.9,10
come into contact with the iliopsoas muscles and exter-
nal iliac vessels and then extend superiorly from the
infrarenal retroperitoneal space into pararenal compart-
ments (Figs. 7–5, 7–12, and 7–13). When large collec- Perirectal Pathology
tions involve both the abdominal and pelvic extraper-
In contrast to the prevesical space where the most
itoneal compartments, it can be difficult to predict
common abnormal findings are related to spontaneous
whether the effusions originated in the prevesical
or traumatic hematoma or other fluid collections,
space or the retroperitoneum (Figs. 7–5 and 7–12).5–10
abnormal findings in the perirectal space are mostly
related to rectal pathology (Figs. 7–10, 7–11, and
7–14). Identifying fasciae and the resulting spaces is
Perivesical Fluid Collections important for detecting and localizing pathologic pro-
cesses and determining extent of the disease, thus influ-
Perivesical collections are rarely seen without asso- encing clinical management and therapy.
ciated prevesical fluid. Perivesical collections are It is particularly helpful in the staging and manage-
small since the fluid is within a relatively narrow ment of rectal cancer. Because the perirectal space is
space around the urinary bladder confined by the mainly filled with adipose tissue, the extent of rectal
umbilicovesical fascia. This is not to imply that the cancer beyond the rectal wall is readily seen. If the
thin umbilicovesical fascia is impregnable, as tumor has reached the perirectal fascia, it is most likely
text continues on page 219
216 7. The Extraperitoneal Pelvic Compartments
a b
c d
e f
Fig. 7–19. Extension of fluid across fascial planes from the abdomen to the pelvis in a patient with duodenal perforation following
(a) Gas and inflammatory soft tissue stranding (arrowheads) in superior portion of the right retroperitoneum abutting the ‘‘bare
area’’ of the liver and right hemidiaphragm emanating from (b) a perforation in the second portion of the duodenum (arrow).
(c) Fluid and gas mainly accumulate in the perirenal space. Inflammatory changes are also seen in the adjacent right posterolateral
abdominal wall, affecting the muscle (arrows), subcutaneous fat, and dermal layer (arrowheads) despite a ‘‘clean’’ posterior pararenal
(d) Fluid tracks into the infrarenal extraperitoneal space (*) and (e) extends to the contiguous prevesical space (arrows).
(f) Note apparent thickening of the right aspect of the urinary bladder wall (arrowheads) due to the inflammatory nature of the
prevesical fluid. The urinary bladder also is compressed and displaced to the left by the prevesical fluid collection (*). Note crescentic
thickening of perirectal and posterior pelvic fascia (arrows).
Abnormal Imaging Features 217
a b
c d
Fig. 7–20. Pelvic nodal metastatic disease from prostate cancer with edematous changes secondary to lymphatic blockage.
(a, b) Axial pelvic CT demonstrates multiple heterogeneously enhancing metastatic nodes in the left obturator and external iliac
regions with adjacent thickening of the perirectal fascia (perf, arrow).
(c) Necrotic nodes in the left external iliac region (*) extend superiorly associated with
(d) diffuse thickening of the transversalis fascia (arrowheads), umbilico-prevesical fascia (thin black arrow), and fused umbilicov-
esical fascia and parietal peritoneum (white arrow). Edematous changes are also present in the extraperitoneal space (wavy black
218 7. The Extraperitoneal Pelvic Compartments
a b
c d
Fig. 7–21. Pancreatitis causing mild thickening of all extraperitoneal fasciae including the remote perirectal fascia.
During pancreatitis (a, c, e) and after resolution of pancreatitis (b, d, f) at same corresponding levels.
(a) Axial CT at the level of the uncinate process shows mild inflammatory stranding inferior to the pancreatic body (*). Thickening
of the adjacent left anterior renal fascia (arrows) and right posterior renal fascia (arrowheads) is present.
(c) At a more caudal level, inflammatory changes track inferiorly with thickening of the bilateral infraconal extraperitoneal fasciae
(e) In the pelvis, the perirectal fascia (perf) and posterior pelvic fascia (ppf), not seen in normal patients, are mildly thickened. The
umbilicovesical fascia (uvf), also not typically identifiable, is evident, closely apposed to the urinary bladder. The right obliterated
umbilical artery (ua) and ductus deferens (dd) are also visualized. After resolution of pancreatitis, follow-up CT scan at similar levels
(b, d, f) demonstrates resolution of fascial thickening.
ee ff
Fig. 7–21. Pancreatitis causing mild thickening of all extraperitoneal fasciae including the remote perirectal fascia. (Continued)
inoperable, and if the tumor has penetrated the fascia most dependent among the pelvic extraperitoneal
and reached the pelvic side wall, it is incurable. How- spaces in the supine position, any fluid collection
ever, thickening of the fascia alone that may be due to that develops in the pelvic extraperitoneal spaces,
reactive inflammatory changes may not necessarily including a hematoma, can track into the presacral
represent tumor involvement. Similarly, perirectal space along the fascial planes (Figs. 7–12 and 7–22).
lymph node involvement is also problematic. Enlarged Primary or secondary bone tumor from the sacrum or
lymph nodes may be often due to hyperplastic nature coccyx may also involve this space (Fig. 7–15).
rather than actual tumor involvement. It is because of
these false positives that cross-sectional imaging has a
high sensitivity but low specificity in the staging of
rectal cancer.16 Extension Across Fascial Planes
Perirectal abscess and cellulitis are associated with
Crohn disease and infectious proctitis in homosexual In many clinical situations, it is not uncommon to
males. In these cases, a more important anatomic see fluid collections in one space migrate to
consideration that may impact therapy is the levator another space illogically, beyond the boundaries
ani muscle. The clinical implications and surgical of discrete fascial planes. For example, in the pel-
approaches for supralevator abscess and the more vis, there may be posterior extension of a prevesi-
common infralevator one are quite different. Since cal fluid collection into the perirectal space or pre-
the perirectal fascia and space are located superior to sacral space (Figs. 7–8, 7–12, and 7–22). In the
the levator ani, any abscess confined to the perirectal retroperitoneum, an anterior pararenal collection
space which can be easily identified belongs to the may communicate with the perirenal space or pos-
supralevator region.20 Perirectal abscesses can result terior pararenal space (Fig. 7–12).
from the inferior migration of an abscess arising There are several hypotheses to explain these illogi-
from a sigmoid diverticulitis, as the subperitoneal cal or paradoxical phenomena. First, there are likely
space of the sigmoid mesocolon directly communi- individual variations in fascial anatomy among sub-
cates with the perirectal space (Fig. 7–11). jects, i.e., the fascial planes may not be intact in their
entirety or may be fenestrated. Second, these fascial
planes may be broken or ruptured directly due to
trauma or digested as in a case of pancreatitis or
Presacral Space Pathology disrupted by acute supprative infection. The acute
Hematomas can develop following fracture of the and rapid accumulation of fluid collection may cause
sacrum and coccyx (Fig. 7–13). Since this space is the direct damage to the fascia allowing fluid collections
220 7. The Extraperitoneal Pelvic Compartments
a b
Fig. 7–22. Prostate abscess causing mild thickening of all extraperitoneal fasciae including remote renal fascia.
During abscess (a, c, e) and after resolution of abscess (b, d, f) at same corresponding levels.
(a) Axial CT of the pelvis demonstrates a prostatic abscess on the right (*) with associated thickening of the perirectal fascia (arrowheads).
(c) More superiorly at the level of the sacrum, multiple thickened fasciae are seen. The transversalis fascia (white arrows) is evident as
thin lines, posterior to the rectus muscles. Slight thickening of the urachus (wavy arrow) in the midline and obliterated umbilical
arteries (ua, black arrows) on either side are evident. The thin line, anterior to these structures (white arrowhead), represents the
umbilico-prevesical fascia.
(e) Inflammatory changes extend to the remote renal compartments with thickening of the renal fascia bilaterally and inflammatory
stranding of the perirenal spaces (arrowheads).
(b, d, f) After resolution of the abscess, a follow-up CT shows resolution of fascial thickening.
Abnormal Imaging Features 221
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