Casting and Restraining of Animals

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Practical 1


1. Rationale
 In study of breed characteristics, the body points are important for reference
 Judging of animals
 Locating the external abnormalities on body
2. Material and Methods
 Sketch of a cow with labeled body parts
 AV aids for making understating of the comparative concept
3. Body points of Horse

4. Body points of cattle

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The details of body parts of cattle are given below;

Poll: The part immediately.between.and.behind.the horns.
Horns: Paired bony processes that emerge from either side of the poll.
Ears: The organ of hearing, situated just behind and below the horns.
Fore head: From the poll down to the level of the eyes.
Face: From the level of the eyes downward to the nostrils.
Bridge of nose: Area of nasal bone.
Nostrils: Two natural openings for breathing.
Temporal fossa: Depression between the base of the horn and outer angle of the eye.

 Muzzle:
The lower part including nostrils, mouth and a chin
Muffle: Area between the nostrils, which is generally hair-less and black in colour.
Eyes: An organ of sight.
Jaw: Upper jaw is formed by maxilla and premaxilla, and lower jaw by mandible bone.
Cheeks: Area of masseter muscle, the side of the face below the eye and above and to the side of the
Jowl: Space between the branches of the lower jaw.
Throat: The upper part of the esophagus just behind the jowl.

Crest: Upper ridge of the neck, starting from poll.
Base of the neck: The place where neck joins the body.
Apex of neck: Attachment of the neck to the head.
Hollow of the neck: Hollow area at the base of the neck.
Jugular groove: Running down the lower part on each side of the neck from the angle of the jaw to just
in front of the shoulder.
Dewlap: A pendulous fold of the skin hanging down the lower part of the neck.

Hump: Fleshy protuberance on the top or shoulder of the animal.
Withers: Just behind the hump.
Back: Just behind the withers to the head of the last rib.
Loin: The part of the body lying on each side of the spinal column between the hip bone and last rib.
Rump: Region of sacrum, point of rump is the highest point formed by the sacral tuber.
Dock: The part of the body of animals adjacent to the base of the tail.
Tail: The posterior extremity of an animal.
Switch of tail: Tuft of hair at the end of the tail.
Breast: Lower part of the neck where it joins the body.
Brisket: The part of the lower chest of the animal between the two fore legs.
Chest: Ribs springing from the backbone above and attached to the breastbone below.
Girth: Circumference around the chest, it is just behind the point of elbow.
Belly (Abdomen): The area behind chest carrying alimentary canal and other organs.
Flank: Hollow area between the ribs and hip or hook bone.
Fold of flank: The flap of the skin on its lower border.
Body: Comprises the chest, belly and flank.
Barrel: Comprises belly and flank.
Anus: The posterior opening of alimentary canal under the root of the tail.

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Sheath (Prepuce): Flap of skin in the abdominal region.
Penis: The male organ of copulation.
Scrotum: Pouch of skin in which the testicles are lodged.
Testicles: M ale generative glands, which lie in the scrotum.


Naval flap: Loose skin below the abdomen.
Udder: Mammary gland, the anterior part is called the fore udder and posterior as rear udder.
Teats: Through which the milk is drawn.
Milk vein: Veins on the udder.
Vulva: External opening of the female genital organs situated below the anus.
Escutcheon: A triangular pinkish area below the vulva extending on both sides upto pin bones.
Milk well: The place from where the milk veins enter into the abdominal wall.

Shoulder joint: The joint formed between the scapula and upper end of the humerus. It includes the
point of shoulder and shoulder blade.
Elbow joint: Formed by.the.dorsal end of humerus and proximal end of radius and ulna.
Arm: The region of massive muscle lying over the humerus.
Fore Arm: Region of radius and ulna between elbow and knee joint.
Axilla: The cavity beneath the junction of the arm (region inside the elbow).
Knee-joint: Formed by radius, carpal bones and metacarpal bones.
Fetlock joint: Joint formed by the lower end of the metacarpal bone and the first phalanx with its
Shank, shin or fore cannon: Portion of the limb below knee joint to fetlock joint.
Dew claws: Two horny callosities behind the fetlock joint.
Pastern: The region below fetlock and above coronet.
Coronet: Region round the top of the hoof.
Hoof: The outer horny covering of the foot, which is divided into two parts called claws.
Cleft of the hoof: Space between the two claws

Hindquarter: Region bounded by rump and dock.
Buttocks: The mass of muscles lying on either side of anus and extending down-wards to the level of
stifle to behind and flank in front.
Hook bones: Bony prominence formed by the external angle of ileum.
Pin bones: The projection of the quarter just below the root of the tail.
Thurl (Hip joint): Midway between hook bones and pin bones (formed by ischiatic tuber).
Thigh: Region of femur bone, which runs from the hip joint to the stifle joint.
Stifle joint: The joint formed by femur, patella and tibia.
Groin: The Inner aspect of thigh.
Hock: Joint formed between the tibia, tarsal bones and metatarsal bones.
Point of hock: The upper most extremity of hock formed by tuber calcis.
Hamstring: The strong tendon running from the muscles of the back of the thigh to the point of hock.

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Label the Sketch of Sheep, Goat, Buffalo and camel in your copy

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