Caitlin Resume 2023

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Caitlin M.

(615) 939-0724 ◾ ◾ ◾

Software: Unreal Engine 4 and 5; Maya; 3ds Max; Cura; Adobe Premiere; After Effects; Audacity;
Visual Studio; IntelliJ; and Godot Engine
3D Skills: Level Design, Grey/Whiteboxing, 3D Modeling, 3D Animation
Programming/Scripting: Scripting with Blueprints, Java, C++, and some experience in C# and Python
French: Capable of understanding and speaking conversational French


Destiny 2: The Final Shape (Upcoming) Owned a feature using new technology and established
best practices and documentation for it and crafted and improved objects and object
mechanics for freeroam in a live-service, multiplayer context
Destiny 2: Season 20 and 21 Created and audited object mechanics, crafted a buff system, and
added related documentation
Cirque Level designed, scripted major game mechanics, and implemented art assets in a team
Chaos Cat Simulator Fully level designed and scripted an individual project

Associate Technical Designer for Destiny 2 at Bungie Designed and created Aug. 2022 -
objects and mechanics for both seasonal and expansion content with an emphasis on Oct. 2023
modularity and reusability. Additionally, owned a feature utilizing new tech which
required establishing use guidelines, best practices, and corresponding

iD Tech Camps Online Instructor Taught the following subjects to students ages Sept. 2020 -
9-18: Game Design with Unreal Engine or Godot, 3D Modeling and Printing with Maya Aug. 2022
and Cura respectively, Video Production for Youtube, Java, and C++.

Protect Purdue Ambassador Team Leader Served as student ambassador Aug. 2020 -
tasked with encouraging fellow students to prevent the spread of COVID-19 via sharing Dec. 2020
information on social media and community outreach

iD Tech Camps - Alexa Cafe Lead Instructor Taught Video Production for June 2019
YouTube and Modeling and Animation with Maya.

iD Tech Camps Instructor Taught video editing courses such as Twitch Streaming, July 2019
Gamecasting, and Special Effects for YouTube.
Purdue University Bachelor of Science with Distinction (2022)
Double Major: Game Design and Development and Animation
Minor: Classics
Overall GPA: 3.91/4.0
Brentwood High School graduate (2018)


Polytechnic Institute’s Dean’s List (2018 - 2022)

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