There is “the enduring reality of the unknown and the uncertain; not just across the Atlantic and Pacific,
but in all regions of the world that continue to harbor danger and turmoil; regions where crisis will occur
when least expected.” To meet this reality, contingency forces “provide global crisis and contingency
response capability across the spectrum of conflict from counterinsurgency to major conventional
General Colin Powell
ACCritical Analysis of the Gulf War
‘The purpose of our capstone doctrine is to capture the essence of Army aviation and those principles upon which
it is employed across the range of military operations.
‘a. Recent events have underscored the uncertainty of these times. The post Cold War period has placed
unprecedented operational demands on the Army. Civil disturbances, disaster relief, humanitarian and
Peacekeeping operations, and the threat of lesser regional contingencies punctuate the need for a trained and
ready contingency-oriented Army. Amidst these global demands, domestic change and fiscal constraints broaden
the challenge.
'b. This era also confirms the application of high technology in future warfare. Weapons with the "effects of massed
forces” are available to any nation possessing hard currency, Precision munitions, digital communications, and
position location equipment promise to change the face of future battle.
cc. The physical and intellectual dimensions of battlespace urgently demand intuitive and versatile leaders
supported by agile battle staffs and well-trained soldiers. Mobility, agility, simultaneity of effor, lethality, increased
battle tempo, and space-age logistics must dominate the Army's restructuring initiatives and investment decisions.
a, The Army has responded to this new environment with continental United States (CONUS}-based contingency
and reinforcing forces and some forward-deployed units. Total Force initiatives are underway among the Active
and Reserve Components to give broadened meaning to the doctrine development of a trained and ready Total
Army, capable of decisive victory. Force restructuring initiatives are being implemented to leverage high
technology for a downsized force. Modemization decisions are focused on projecting and sustaining the force,
protecting deployed forces, winning the information war, conducting precision strikes, and dominating the
maneuver battle, The result is a combined arms team that leverages all dimensions of the ground regime.
bb. Aviation, as a maneuver force, is the third dimension centerpiece of the land force. Reconnaissance, attack,
utility, and cargo helicopters complemented by special operations forces (SOF), fixed-wing and medical evacuation
(MEDEVAC) aircraft, and air trafic service (ATS) units, comprise our contribution to the fight for a global Army,
While the range of military operations demands readiness for a wide range of employment, warfighting is our
mission and we cannot lose sight of this obligation.1-4. AVISION
a, As we look toward the next century and the pivotal role of Army aviation across the full range of military
‘operations, itis imperative that we have a vision-a concept that will serve to guide our collective thought and
actions~as we look to the future (Figure 1-1).
Figue 1-1
bb. Although we emphasize and have soundly demonstrated our versatlity and proficiency in stability and support
operations (SASO), Army aviation's primary focus remains with combat operations. That focus on warfighting is
guided by immutable principles that have stood the test of time and the trials of war.
Mission planning and execution are driven by general principles that apply and go beyond the principles of war
and the tenets of Army operations. These general principles are as follows:
a. Aviation operates in the ground regime.
(1) This cardinal principle defines aviation’s role as an element of landpower, Aviation is a component of the
combined arms team, not the alr component of the US Army.
(2) Aviation’s primary mission is to fight the land battle and to support ground operations. Aviation is
‘comprised of soldiers, not airmen, and its battlefield leverage is achieved through a combination ofreconnaissance, mobility, and firepower that is unprecedented in land warfare.
(3) Aviation greatly enhances the commander's ability to apply four fundamental principles of war~
maneuver, mass, surprise, and economy of force.
b, Aviation expands the battlefield in space and time at each echelon,
(1) Expansion of the battlefield Is necessary to enable the commander to seize the initiative at a critical
point in the battle. Aviation expands the ground commanders battlefield, principally in space and time, by
‘extending the range at which direct fires and observed fires can be concentrated on the enemy; and by
‘expanding his reconnaissance and surveillance envelope beyond the effective range of other systems.
(2) Aviation expands battlespace at each echelon to which itis assigned or attached-providing a capability
where none previously existed or enhancing existing capabilities. Aviation allows commanders to achieve
the effects of mass without massing weapons systems.
c. Aviation performs combat, combat support (CS), and combat service support (CSS) battlefield functions
Figure 1.2
(1) Aviation’s greatest contribution to batllefield success is the ability it gives the commander to apply
decisive combat power at critical times, virtually anywhere on the battlefield. This may be direct fire from
aviation maneuver units or the insertion of overwhelming infantry forces or artillery fires, delivered into
‘combat via air assault. This versatility is the very essence of Amy aviation.
(2) CS missions support ground combat operations. These operations include air movement; command and
‘control (C?); ATS; electronic warfare; close in fire support; support by fire; combat search and rescue; and
acrial mine delivery. The primary function of these missions is to support combat elements in contact with
the enemy.
(3) Aviation performs CSS functions in support of units throughout the entire area of operations. Aviation
units enhance the commander's batllespace through rapid delivery of supplies and personnel and
‘aeromedical evacuation.
d. Aviation is concentrated at divi
n and corps level.(1) The corps aviation brigade may operate directly for the corps commander or be placed under
‘operational control (OPCON) of a subordinate division. The corps commander can task organize other
corps assets, especially division aviation units, under the command of the corps aviation brigade or task the
corps aviation brigade to support an armored cavalry regiment (ACR).
(2) The aviation brigade may also be tasked to be a covering force headquarters when augmented by
ground forces. The corps aviation brigade conducts attack and reconnaissance operations to find, fix, and
destroy enemy forces; it also conducts security, air assault, C2, and air movement operations throughout
the corps area of operations (AO).
(3) The corps aviation brigade plans, coordinates, and executes aviation operations in support of the corps
scheme of maneuver. It can be expected to operate anywhere in the corps area,
(4) The division aviation brigade conducts all aviation combat, CS, and CSS missions (except ATS and
fixed-wing operations) in support of the division scheme of maneuver. The primary mission of the division
aviation brigade is to find, fix, and destroy enemy forces within the division area. The division aviation
brigade can accomplish this mission as an aviation-pure or task-organized force.
(6) Combined arms battles and engagements are fought by brigades and divisions. Division is the lowest
level at which all of the combined arms are normally integrated.
(6) The combination of infantry, armor, and aviation is a habitual association at the division level, All three
arms are required for operations, in depth, throughout the course of battle, Therefore, combat aviation must
be primarily assigned to, and employed by, divisional aviation brigades, just as infantry and armor battalions
are assigned to, and employed by, their parent brigades,
(7) Aviation forces fight as units and must be given unit missions. Aviation units conducting tactical
‘operations are given maneuver objectives rather than individual targets,
@. Aviation units are integrated into the combined arms down to the level at which they will be employed.
(1) The division aviation brigade is the primary level of integration, The brigade commander is responsible
for the operation of all divisional aviation; he will normally command and integrate additional aviation units
altached or under OPCON from corps.
(2) When aviation units are placed under OPCON of the other maneuver brigades, they normally will be on
a mission basis and tailored or task organized with assets from brigade andlor division, A liaison
detachment should be placed at the ground brigade command post to improve synchronization and
responsiveness, especially in changing tactical environments,
f, Planning times for aviation and ground maneuver elements will be the same,
(1) Aviation units conduct deliberate planning within the same time parameters as the other maneuver
elements. Airspace coordination, route clearances, and weather updates complicate the task for aviation
staffs; however, for effective combat operations, the standard is the same.
(2) Both ground and air mission planning times can be reduced when plans are carefully integrated,
€effective liaison occurs, and standing operating procedures (SOPs) are optimized.
‘The battlefield operating system (BOS) is comprised of the major functions performed on the battlefield, These
functions facilitate the integration, coordination, preparation, and execution of successful combined-armsoperations to successfully execute Army operations (battles and engagements) and accomplish military objectives
directed by the operational commander. They include intelligence; maneuver; fire support; mobility,
countermobilty, and survivability; air defense; logistics; and battle command (Figure 1-3).
Figure 13
‘Commanders use the BOS to integrate and coordinate these functions to synchronize battle effects in time, space,
and purpose. Army aviation contributes to all BOS functions addressed in the following paragraphs:
a, Maneuver.
(1) Maneuver is defined as "Employment of forces on the battlefield through movement in combination with
fire, or fire potential, to achieve a position of advantage in respect to the enemy in order to accomplish the
(2) During decisive operations, Army aviation’s mobility and firepower make it a dominant force--a force that
can gain and maintain contact; destroy the enemy in depth; atlack decisive points at the tactical and
operational levels; and allow him no safe haven in which to reorganize, rearm, or recover.
(3) Attack helicopter units give the commander a force that can rapidly build devastating firepower at any
point on the battlefield
(4) Army attack helicopters can support the close fight by securing an armored or mechanized force's
flanks-providing aerial fires, target acquisition, and reconnaissance, They can also attack decisive points
and critical targets hundreds of kilometers (km) deep in the enemy's rear area simultaneously.
(5) By destroying follow-on forces, C? nodes, and logistical supply assets before they can be employed
against friendly forces, aviation can significantly influence tomorrow's close fight.
(6) Deep operations require precise synchronization of both lethal and nonlethal assets; aviation performs
not only maneuver, but supports other maneuver forces with fires and maneuver. Since this is true, aviation
commanders are accustomed to massing effects on the battlefield. We can rapidly mass effects; then just
as rapidly shift our focus to a new main effort. This flexibility and versatiity are paramount to decisive
operations,(7) UH-60 Black Hawk and CH-47 Chinook units also play a pivotal role in combat operations. The means
to project a forward-operating base across hundreds of kilometers allow the friendly force commander to
define the battlespace, control it, and engage the enemy at a time and place of his choosing,
(8) UH-60 Black Hawk and CH-47 Chinook units can rapidly move dismounted troops, artillery, and antitank
weapons anywhere on the battlefield to attack targets; seize critical terrain; or cut off an enemy's retreat so
he can be destroyed in place.
b. Intelligence.
(1) Intelligence is the product resulting from the collection, analysis, and dissemination of all available
information that is immediately or potentially significant to military planning and operations.
(2) The commander drives intelligence by specifying what his intelligence and targeting requirements are;
and requiring his intelligence BOS to provide the intelligence he needs, in the format he can use, in time to
support his decision-making process.
(3) The commander's priority intelligence requirements (PIRs) will drive this process. The tasks required to
properly integrate intelligence into aviation missions present a challenge for aviation commanders at every
level. Primary intelligence tasks are~
= Provide indications and wamings.
= Perform intelligence preparation of the battlefield.
‘= Perform situation development.
+ Perform target development and support to targeting.
= Support force protection.
= Perform battle damage assessment (BDA).
(4) Aviation augments intelligence collection by providing reconnaissance, early warning, target acquisition,
‘electronic support (ES), and BDA.
(8) Army aviation also assists the intelligence effort by conducting missions to attack the enemy's
‘command, control, and intelligence (C21) systems; and by conducting missions to protect friendly C1,
(6) Army aviation provides the commander with near real-time intelligence throughout his battlespace with
its attack and cavalry aircraft and special electronic mission aircraft (SEMA). In fact, with the OH-58D Kiowa
Warrior and AH-64 Apache, a single combat system can find, fix, and observe or destroy enemy assets
‘across the depth of the battlefield
(7) Aerial exploitation battalions (AEBs) exist in most Army corps; they provide an organic deep look
capability for the corps commander, focusing on second-echelon forces that can influence the fight greater
than 72 hours into the baltlespace. The Guardrail Common Sensor can provide targetable communications
intelligence (COMINT) and electronic intelligence (ELINT) on enemy targets as far as 300 km away.
Besides Guardrail, Airborne Reconnaissance Low (ARL) provides all-source imagery and signals
intelligence throughout the range of military operations.
(8) At the division and armored cavalry regiment, the EH-60 Quickfix is an important SEMA asset for
‘conducting intelligence and electronic warfare (IEW), The EH-60A (Quickfix) and the follow on EH-60L.
(Advanced Quickfix) provide the commander with signal intelligence and electronic jamming capability
Using the advantage of aviation mobility
(9) Intelligence is critical to the successful conduct of aviation operations-particularly deep operations. Army
aviation units often require joint, theater-level intelligence support; joint and echelon above corps (EAC)
assets must be integrated into the aviation collection plan. This is particularly vital to engagement area (EA)planning and development. The intelligence links necessary to
s20" an EA must be emplaced in a timely
manner and continuously monitored.
(10) Another critical area that requires the same level of detailed planning and joinVEAC support is joint
‘suppression of enemy air defense (JSEAD). JSEAD is more than planning artillery fires, Itis a synchronized
plan that integrates all available lethal and nonlethal joint assets into an operation concentrating on
dismantling the enemy's entire air defense (AD) network-not simply isolating and suppressing or destroying
specific weapons. This more thorough approach requires continuous and detailed intelligence collection
and assessment.
. Fire Support.
4. Air
(1) Fire support operations are conducted throughout the wide range of military operations. Fire support
includes the delivery of conventional and smart munitions by armed aircraft, land- and sea-based fire
systems, and electronic warfare (EW) systems against ground targets, Operations often hinge on carefully
Planned integration of fires.
(2) Army aviation, as a maneuver force, contributes to fire support operations by acquiring targets; providing
laser designation; adjusting indirect fires; and providing command and control to artilery units. Aviation
Units also contribute to fire support by engaging targets with close in fire support and conducting support by
fire missions.
(3) The EH-60 Quickfix mission contributes to fire support by providing “electronic” fires in the form of signal
jamming and electronic deception, EM 100-5 states “when developing the concept of operation, tactical
commanders should consider EW assets the same as they do artillery."
(1) Across the wide range of military operations, commanders at all echelons are faced with an increasingly
capable air and missile threat. Today's widespread technological advances are challenging the maneuver
‘commander in his execution of alr and ground maneuver. All commanders can expect the enemy to
violently contest the use of the airspace at any level of conflict with an extensive array of weapon systems.
(2) The air dimension of the battlefield must be effectively controlled by disrupting, degrading, or deceiving
‘enemy air defenses. Suppression of enemy alr defense (SEAD) prevents effective fires on friendly forces.
‘Thus, Army aviation and tactical air assets can maneuver into the depth of the enemy to weaken his ability
and will to fight.
(3) SEAD and JSEAD are major functional areas that affect the operations of all combined arms actions.
Commanders at operational and tactical levels must coordinate and allocate a balance of resources (direct,
indirect, electronic attack) to SEAD/JSEAD. Aviation commanders must be involved in recommending and
developing SEAD and JSEAD priorities, As evidenced in Desert Storm, Army aviation not only may be a
benefactor of SEAD/JSEAD operations, we also may be called upon to provide SEADIJSEAD fires at the
strategic, operational, and tactical levels of war.
(4) AD operations are performed by all members of the combined arms team; however, ground-based air
defense artillery (ADA) units execute the bulk of the force protection mission, AD operations protect the
force by preventing enemy aircraft, missiles, and remotely piloted and unmanned aerial vehicles (RPV/UAV)
from locating and attacking friendly forces.
(6) Army aviation assists AD units by conducting theater missile defense (TMD) attack operations and
contributing to short range air defense (SHORAD). Army aviation units conduct deep operations to attack
threat missile components, such as launch platforms; command, control, communications, computers, and
intelligence (C4) nodes; missile stock infrastructure; and UAV launch facilites.(6) Army aviation can attack these targets when they are stationary or on the move. In certain
‘environments, Army aviation can execute these missions without the benefit of sensorleyes on target or a
Precise grid coordinate. Army aviation assets may also be called upon to intercept and destroy enemy
helicopters and UAVs that pose a threat to friendly forces.
. Mobility, Countermobility, and Survivability.
(1) Mobility operations preserve the freedom of maneuver. They include breaching enemy obstacles,
increasing battlefield circulation; improving existing routes, or building new ones; providing bridge and raft
support for crossing rivers; and identifying routes around contaminated areas.
(2) Army aviation contributes to the mobility and survivability of the force by overcoming both man-made
and natural obstacles. Aerial reconnaissance elements identify obstacles in the path of advancing forces
‘and search for bypass routes or safe crossing sites. This precise information saves valuable time and helps
the force continue to move unimpeded.
(3) Aviation forces also provide security during obstacle-emplacement or crossing operations by rapidly
moving troops and supplies to secure obstacle locations or crossing sites.
(4) Countermobility missions hinder enemy maneuver, Aerial delivered mines can be employed to emplace
tactical minefield; reinforce existing obstacles; close lanes, gaps, and deflles; protect flanks; and deny the
‘enemy AD sites. Aerial delivered minefield can also be employed for flank protection of advancing forces
‘and for operating in concert with air/ground cavalry units on flank guard or screen
(5) Survivability operations protect friendly forces from the effect of enemy weapons systems and from
natural occurrences. Hardening of facilities and fortification of battle positions are active survivability
measures. Deception, operational security (OPSEC), and dispersion can increase survivability, Nuclear,
biological, and chemical (NBC) defense measures are also key survivability operations.
f. Logistics.
(1) Logistics entails the essential capabilities, functions, activities, and tasks necessary to sustain all
‘elements of operating forces in theater at all levels of war.
(2) Aviation assists in providing basic sustainment operations for the Total Force. Aviation forces may
‘support major maneuver forces, CS elements, or major CSS elements for the maneuver force.
(3) Aviation cargo and utility assets may perform force sustainment as well as support aviation-specific
sustainment requirements. However, air movement is a relatively inefficient means to transport heavy
‘supplies and equipment and should be reserved for the support of major operations in which air movement
is essential for success or in situations where emergency resupply is vital for mission accomplishment.
9. Battle Command.
(1) Battle command functions are performed through an arrangement of personnel, equipment,
‘communications, and procedures employed by a commander to plan, direct, coordinate, and control forces:
and operations to accomplish a mission.
(2) Battle command is the art of battle decision making; leading; and motivating soldiers, and their
organizations, into action to accomplish missions. Battle command consists of visualizing the current state
and the desired end state for an operation. It includes deciding how to get from one state to the other at the
least cost to the soldier,
(3) Battlefield visualization lies at the center of battle command. It is a continuous process that commences
before an operation and continues through achievement of the desired conclusion to that operation.(4) Visualization of the batllefield requires use of operational tools derived from science and technology.
‘These operational tools provide the commander with near real-time information on the current situation.
Situational awareness includes knowing the disposition of friendly forces, enemy forces, noncombatants,
the environment, and the terrain,
(6) Army aviation-with its reconnaissance and security assets and SEMA platforms-~can assist the force
‘commander by providing accurate information in virtually all environmental conditions and throughout the
full spectrum of confict
(6) Reliable communications are central to both battle command and battle control, Effective battle
C? requires reliable signal support systems to enable the commander to conduct operations at various
tempos. Army aviation has the capability to provide highly mobile C? command posts to commanders at the
brigade, division, corps, and EAC levels. The communications suites in these C? aircraft are compatible
with the force's command post mission.
(7) In addition, by using its ATS assets, aviation supports the AC? mission; it aids in the regulation,
integration, and deconfliction of the flights of both Army aircraft and Joint Service aircraft as well as UAV.
‘a. Global realities require that Army aviation be prepared for employment throughout the entire range of military
operations, Several factors present unique challenges to commanders concerning the conduct of training and
(1) Long overseas deployments on short notice will be the standard.
(2) Threat forces will probably outnumber early deploring US forces and may have technological parity in
some weapons systems,
(3) Early deploying forces must be mobile, lethal, sut
ble, and sustainable upon arrival
(4) Integrating Army National Guard and Army Reserve forces into operations at all levels.
(6) Maintaining readiness while undergoing major force restructuring.
(6) Hamessing increased situational awareness provided by digitization.
(7) Maintaining troop morale/equipment in spite of wide range of missions.
(8) Conducting realistic training and deployments while complying with environmental regulations.
(®) Maintaining readiness with decreased home station OPTEMPO and increased frequency of
. Seldom, if ever, will military operations be conducted by a single service. The Army will act as part of a joint or
‘multinational force in future operations. Complementary contributions of every component add to the effectiveness
of the Total Force. Aviation possesses inherent characteristics that guarantee it will play a significant, if not unique,
role throughout the range of military operations (Figure 1-4)| aera] ee
= escive contict uo SI
ee (5
PEAceTIME A} | Shamerreiee
Figure 1-4
1a, Force projection--a key element of power projection~is the ability to rapidly alert, mobilize, deploy, and operate
anywhere in the world, As with Operations Just Cause and Desert Shield, force projection operations usually start
as a crisis response; may require light, armored, or special operations forces; and may be either opposed or
bb, Aviation units deploying into a theater must be prepared for both offensive and defensive operations. If the
threat is minor, it may be possible to enter directly into offensive operations as in Operation Just Cause. Against a
formidable opponent, it may be necessary to assume a security mission or a defensive posture while forces are
sufficiently built up to ensure success in offensive operations as in Operation Desert Storm.
. Placing combat aviation forces in the early entry phase offers the ground commander a force that can provide
reconnaissance, security, and C? over great ranges, in depth, at night; and increase his security capability during
the critical phase of force buildup,
d. The presence of armed helicopters in the initial force package may deter the threat or interrupt his decision
cycle long enough for additional friendly forces to arrive. If the entry force must conduct forcible entry operations to
obtain a lodgement or secure the force against an aggressive threat, attack helicopters can place powerful direct
fire capability in the hands of the ground commander.
@. Assault and cargo helicopters can rapidly move personnel, equipment, and supplies across great distances
rapidly expanding the AO. SEMA and other fixed-wing platforms efficiently perform a wide range of intratheater
reconnaissance and passenger transport missions even further enhancing the flexibility and versatility of our force.
1. Joint operations are the integrated military activities of two or more service components~-Army, Navy, Air Force,
Marine Corps~of the US military.
. US joint forces must overcome joint operational and logistical differences. Complementary contributions of
every service's forces add to the effectiveness of the Total Force.
. Army aviation forces will continue to operate as part of the Army forces to a unified command, a specified
‘command, or as part of a subordinate joint force.4d. The aviation force commander advises the joint task force commander on the capabilities, limitations, planning,
and execution of aviation operations to support the joint contingency mission.
NOTE: Joint operations does not imply that planning must occur exclusively within high echelon staffs. Joint air
attack team (JAAT) strategy evolved through direct tear-level interaction with US Air Force (USAF) pilots.
Refinements in joint electronic combat tactics are occurring through direct coordination between Quickix, at the
Platoon level, and the USAF squadron that conducts the airbome EW mission “Compass Call.” This type of
creative interaction between service forces should be encouraged by all commanders.
‘a. Multinational operations involve diplomatic-miltary actions between two or more agencies, with armed forces of
two or more nations to achieve the strategic end state; alliances or coalitions can be formed to carry out these
b. Amy aviation must be prepared to conduct multinational operations with the air, land, and naval forces of allied
¢. Combatant commanders face numerous challenges when planning and conducting multinational operations.
Each participant brings its own unique capabilities and limitations to the operation. Commanders must not only
consider cultural and language differences, but also differences in equipment, doctrine, and logistics.
4d. The key to success in multinational operations is matching capabilities with missions and aggressive liaison
between forces.
. Army aviation forces will normally operate as part of the US Army component during multinational operations.
f, The aviation commander will advise the Army component or allied force commander on the capabilities,
limitations, planning, and execution of aviation operations.