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ENom API Reference

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eNom API Reference

Using the eNom API

This document contains the reference for all of the

commands supported by eNom's API.
Copyright 2014 eNom, Inc.
No portion of this document may be copied, modified, reproduced, or distributed without
the express written permission of eNom Inc..

eNom API Reference - version 1.0

Last modified: October, 2014

- ii -

Overview 1
Domains and TLDs 2
Selling and Managing Domains 2
Contents 3
Why sell domain names? 3
Audience for this guide 3
If you use the AddToCart command 3
Help with implementation 3
Domain registration and management 3
Task 1Decide which TLDs to offer 4
Sample query strings: 4
Task 2Set pricing 5
Task 3Choose universal settings 5
Task 4Check domain names 6
Sample query strings: 6
Task 5Bill and register domain names 7
Sample query strings: 8
Task 6List domain names and their statuses 9
Sample query strings: 9
Task 7Retrieve status information 9
Sample query strings: 10
Task 8Manage Whois and other contacts 10
Sample query strings: 11
Task 9Set name servers 12
Sample query strings: 13
Task 10Set host records 13
Sample query strings: 14
Task 11Protect domain names from hijacking 15

- iii -
Sample query strings: 15
Task 12Renew domain names 16
Sample query strings: 17
Task 13Offer DNS Hosting 18
Sample query strings: 19
Task 14Transfer domain names in 19
Sample query strings: 20
Task 15Transfer domain names away 22
Sample query strings: 22
New TLD - Watchlist 23
Usage 23
International Domain Name (IDN) 24
Step 1 - Add domain(s) to a new or existing LIST in a Watchlist 25
Step 2 - Get Watchlist LIST 25
Step 3 - Delete domain(s)/LIST from a Watchlist 25
Agreement Page 26
New TLD - Queue 26
Step 1 - Get Queue information 26
Step 2 - Get Extended Attributes 27
Step 3 - Purchase domain(s) in a Queue 27
Step 4 - Get Queue domains 27
Order history and detail 28
Agreement Page 28
.ASIA Eligibility Requirements 28
Whats changing 28
Timeline and test environment 29
Audience for this document 29
Where the changes apply 29

- iv -
.ASIA-approved countries 30
.AU, .ES and .PE 32
TLD Settings 33
Step 1 - Extended Attributes 33
Step 2 - Purchase 33
Real-time 33
Shopping cart 34
Agreement Pages 34
.CA Business Rules 35
Audience 35
Affected API commands 35
Overview of .ca eligibility requirements and contact types 35
When to use contact names and organization names 37
Source of this information 37
Valid formats and data values for .ca 37
Corporation (Canada or Canadian province or territory) 37
Registrant name format requirements 38
Canadian citizen 38
Registrant name format requirements 38
Permanent resident of Canada 39
Registrant name format requirements 39
Government or government entity in Canada 40
Registrant name format requirements 40
Canadian educational institution 40
Registrant name format requirements 41
Canadian unincorporated association 41
Registrant name format requirements 42
Canadian hospital 42
Registrant name format requirements 42

Partnership registered in Canada 43
Registrant name format requirements 43
Trade-mark registered in Canada by non-Canadian owner 43
Registrant name format requirements 44
Canadian trade union 44
Registrant name format requirements 44
Canadian political party 45
Registrant name format requirements 45
Canadian library, archive or museum 45
Registrant name format requirements 45
Trust established in Canada 46
Registrant name format requirements 46
Aboriginal Peoples (individuals) indigenous to Canada 46
Registrant name format requirements 47
Aboriginal Peoples (groups) indigenous to Canada 47
Registrant name format requirements 47
Indian Band recognized by the Indian Act of Canada 48
Registrant name format requirements 48
Legal representative of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident 48
Registrant name format requirements 49
Official marks registered in Canada 49
Registrant name format requirements 49
Her Majesty the Queen 50
Registrant name format requirements 50
About valid and invalid contact names 50
Required terms in contact information for non-Individuals 50
Disallowed terms in contact information for Individuals 52
Authorization Information 55
Permitted formats for input values 56

- vi -
Domain Names 56
Email Addresses 56
IP Addresses 56
Postal Codes 56
Telephone and Fax Numbers, and telephone extensions 57
Permitted values for country, province, and state codes 57
Country codes 57
Canadian province codes 66
US state, territory, or region codes 67
.AU, .ES and .PE 69
TLD Settings 70
Step 1 - Extended Attributes 70
Step 2 - Purchase 70
Real-time 70
Shopping cart 71
Agreement Pages 71
.EU Transfer 72
Schedule 72
Changes 72
.NU Registrant Requirements 73
What's changing 73
Timeline and test environment 74
Step 1 - Get Extended Attributes 74
Step 2 - Purchase 75
Real-time 75
Shopping cart 75
Agreement Pages 76

- vii -
Related commands 76
.AU, .ES and .PE 76
TLD Settings 77
Step 1 - Extended Attributes 77
Step 2 - Purchase 77
Real-time 77
Shopping cart 78
Agreement Pages 78
Nominet (.UK Registry) System Changes 79
Description 79
Multi-Year Registrations and Renewals 79
Real-Time Response 79
API Real-Time Purchase Sample 80
Get extended attributes 82
.xxx 83
Purchase 84
Preconfigure 85
Get extended attributes 88
Membership 89
.XXX Transfer 91
Description 91
Quick transfer 91
Pre-Configuration method 93
1. TP_CreateOrder 94
2. TP_UpdateOrderDetail 95
3. TP_SubmitOrder 97
API Command Categories 99
Domain Registration 99
Domain RegistrationPremium Domains 99

- viii -
Domain ManagementHost Records 99
Domain ManagementName Servers 100
Domain ManagementContacts 100
Domain ManagementGeneral 100
Domain ManagementMagic Folders 101
Domain Management.tel 101
Domain ManagementWatchlist 101
Domain Management.xxx 101
Domain Renewal 102
Domain Transfer 102
DNS Hosting 102
Domain Services 103
Service ManagementIdentity Protection 103
Service ManagementSSL Certificates 103
Service ManagementTRUSTe Privacy Policy 103
Service ManagementVeriSign Trust Seal 104
Service ManagementGeoTrust Anti-Malware 104
Service ManagementSiteLock 104
Service ManagementRichContent 104
Service ManagementBusiness Listing 104
Service ManagementEmail Services 105
Service ManagementWeb Site Creator 105
Service ManagementgoMobi 105
Account 106
Accounting 106
Shopping Cart 107
Real-Time Purchase 107
Reporting commands 107
Customer Support 108

- ix -
Web Hosting Packages 108
Web Site Creator packages 108
Web Hosting Accounts and Accounting 108
Web contentdirectories and files 109
Domain Headers 109
Host Headers 109
IIS Applications 109
POP3 Email in Web Hosting Packages 109
SQL Database 110
AddBulkDomains 110
Description 110
Constraints 110
Input parameters 110
Returned parameters and values 112
Notes 112
Example 112
Related commands 114
AddContact 114
Description 114
Constraints 115
Input parameters 115
Returned parameters and values 116
Notes 116
Example 117
Related commands 118
AddDomainFolder 118
Description 118
Constraints 119
Input parameters 119

Returned parameters and values 120
Notes 121
Example 121
Related commands 122
AddDomainHeader 122
Description 122
Constraints 123
Input parameters 123
Returned parameters and values 124
Notes 124
Example 124
Related commands 125
AddHostHeader 125
Description 125
Constraints 126
Input parameters 126
Returned parameters and values 127
Notes 127
Example 127
Related commands 128
AddToCart 129
Description 129
Constraints 129
Input parameters 129
Input parameters for domains 130
Input parameters for dot-name 132
Input parameters for ID Protect 133
Input parameters for SSL certificates 134
Input parameters for TRUSTe Privacy Policy 136

- xi -
Input parameters for VeriSign Trust Seal 137
Input parameters for GeoTrust Anti-Malware 138
Input parameters for SiteLock 139
Input parameters for RichContent 140
Input parameters for Business Listing 141
Input parameters for POP Email 142
Input parameters for Email Forwarding and URL Forwarding 144
Input parameters for Instant Reseller 145
Input parameters for Web hosting 146
Input parameters for Web Site Creator 147
Input parameters for goMobi 148
Returned parameters and values 149
Notes 150
Example 150
Related commands 151
AdvancedDomainSearch 151
Description 151
Constraints 152
Input parameters 152
Returned parameters and values 155
Notes 158
Example 158
Related commands 162
AM_AutoRenew 162
Description 162
Constraints 163
Input parameters 163
Returned parameters and values 163
Notes 164

- xii -
Example 164
Related commands 165
AM_Configure 165
Description 165
Constraints 165
Input parameters 166
Returned parameters and values 167
Notes 167
Example 167
Related commands 168
AM_GetAccountDetail 168
Description 168
Constraints 169
Input parameters 169
Returned parameters and values 169
Notes 170
Example 170
Related commands 171
AM_GetAccounts 172
Description 172
Constraints 172
Input parameters 172
Returned parameters and values 174
Notes 174
Example 174
Related commands 176
AssignToDomainFolder 176
Description 176
Constraints 177

- xiii -
Input parameters 177
Returned parameters and values 178
Notes 179
Example 179
Related commands 180
AuthorizeTLD 181
Description 181
Constraints 181
Input parameters 182
Returned parameters and values 182
Notes 183
Example 183
Related commands 184
AutoRenew 184
Description 184
Constraints 185
Input parameters 185
Returned parameters and values 185
Notes 186
Example 186
Related commands 187
CalculateAllHostPackagePricing 187
Description 187
Constraints 188
Input parameters 188
Returned parameters and values 188
Notes 189
Example 190
Related commands 191

- xiv -
CalculateHostPackagePricing 192
Description 192
Constraints 192
Input parameters 192
Returned parameters and values 194
Notes 194
Example 195
Related commands 196
CancelHostAccount 197
Description 197
Constraints 197
Input parameters 197
Returned parameters and values 199
Notes 199
Example 199
Related commands 200
CancelOrder 200
Description 200
Constraints 201
Input parameters 201
Returned parameters and values 201
Notes 202
Example 202
Related commands 203
CertChangeApproverEmail 203
Description 203
Constraints 204
Input parameters 204
Returned parameters and values 205

- xv -
Notes 205
Example 205
Related commands 206
CertConfigureCert 207
Description 207
Constraints 207
Input parameters 207
Returned parameters and values 212
Notes 213
Example 213
Related commands 216
CertGetApproverEmail 216
Description 216
Constraints 217
Input parameters 217
Returned parameters and values 217
Notes 218
Example 218
Related commands 220
CertGetCertDetail 220
Description 220
Constraints 221
Input parameters 221
Returned parameters and values 221
Notes 223
Example 223
Related commands 227
CertGetCerts 228
Description 228

- xvi -
Constraints 228
Input parameters 228
Returned parameters and values 230
Notes 231
Example 231
Related commands 233
CertModifyOrder 233
Description 233
Constraints 234
Input parameters 234
Returned parameters and values 234
Notes 235
Example 235
Related commands 236
CertParseCSR 236
Description 236
Constraints 237
Input parameters 237
Returned parameters and values 238
Notes 238
Example 238
Related commands 240
CertPurchaseCert 240
Description 240
Constraints 241
Input parameters 241
Returned parameters and values 243
Notes 243
Example 243

- xvii -
Related commands 244
CertReissueCert 244
Description 244
Constraints 245
Input parameters 245
Returned parameters and values 246
Notes 246
Example 246
Related commands 248
CertResendApproverEmail 248
Description 248
Constraints 249
Input parameters 249
Returned parameters and values 250
Notes 250
Example 250
Related commands 251
CertResendFulfillmentEmail 252
Description 252
Constraints 252
Input parameters 252
Returned parameters and values 253
Notes 253
Example 253
Related commands 254
Check 255
Description 255
Constraints 255
Input parameters 256

- xviii -
Returned parameters and values 256
Notes 257
Example 257
Related commands 258
CheckLogin 259
Description 259
Constraints 259
Input parameters 259
Returned parameters and values 260
Notes 261
Example 262
Related commands 265
CheckNSStatus 265
Description 265
Constraints 266
Input parameters 266
Returned parameters and values 267
Notes 267
Example 267
Related commands 268
CommissionAccount 269
Description 269
Constraints 269
Input parameters 269
Returned parameters and values 270
Notes 270
Example 270
Related commands 272
Contacts 272

- xix -
Description 272
Constraints 273
Input parameters 273
Returned parameters and values 275
Notes 276
Example 276
Related commands 277
CreateAccount 278
Description 278
Constraints 278
Input parameters 278
Returned parameters and values 281
Notes 283
Example 283
Related commands 285
CreateHostAccount 286
Description 286
Constraints 286
Input parameters 287
Returned parameters and values 288
Notes 289
Example 289
Related commands 290
CreateSubAccount 290
Description 290
Constraints 291
Input parameters 291
Returned parameters and values 293
Notes 293

- xx -
Example 293
Related commands 294
DeleteAllPOPPaks 295
Description 295
Constraints 295
Input parameters 295
Returned parameters and values 296
Notes 296
Example 297
Related commands 297
DeleteContact 298
Description 298
Constraints 298
Input parameters 298
Returned parameters and values 299
Notes 299
Example 299
Related commands 300
DeleteCustomerDefinedData 300
Description 300
Constraints 301
Input parameters 301
Returned parameters and values 302
Notes 302
Example 302
Related commands 303
DeleteDomainFolder 303
Description 303
Constraints 304

- xxi -
Input parameters 304
Returned parameters and values 305
Notes 305
Example 305
Related commands 306
DeleteDomainHeader 306
Description 306
Constraints 307
Input parameters 307
Returned parameters and values 308
Notes 308
Example 309
Related commands 309
DeleteFromCart 310
Description 310
Constraints 310
Input parameters 310
Returned parameters and values 311
Notes 311
Example 311
Related commands 312
DeleteHostedDomain 313
Description 313
Constraints 313
Input parameters 313
Returned parameters and values 314
Notes 314
Example 314
Related commands 315

- xxii -
DeleteHostHeader 316
Description 316
Constraints 316
Input parameters 316
Returned parameters and values 317
Notes 317
Example 318
Related commands 318
DeleteNameServer 319
Description 319
Constraints 319
Input parameters 319
Returned parameters and values 320
Notes 320
Example 321
Related commands 322
DeletePOP3 322
Description 322
Constraints 322
Input parameters 322
Returned parameters and values 323
Notes 323
Example 324
Related commands 324
DeletePOPPak 325
Description 325
Constraints 325
Input parameters 325
Returned parameters and values 326

- xxiii -
Notes 326
Example 327
Related commands 327
DeleteRegistration 328
Description 328
Constraints 328
Input parameters 328
Returned parameters and values 329
Notes 329
Example 330
Related commands 331
DeleteSubaccount 331
Description 331
Constraints 331
Input parameters 332
Returned parameters and values 332
Notes 333
Example 333
Related commands 334
DisableFolderApp 334
Description 334
Constraints 335
Input parameters 335
Returned parameters and values 335
Notes 336
Example 336
Related commands 337
DisableServices 337
Description 337

- xxiv -
Constraints 338
Input parameters 338
Returned parameters and values 338
Notes 339
Example 339
Related commands 340
EnableFolderApp 340
Description 340
Constraints 341
Input parameters 341
Returned parameters and values 341
Notes 342
Example 342
Related commands 343
EnableServices 343
Description 343
Constraints 344
Input parameters 344
Returned parameters and values 344
Notes 345
Example 345
Related commands 346
Extend 346
Description 346
Constraints 347
Input parameters 347
Returned parameters and values 350
Notes 350
Example 351

- xxv -
Related commands 352
Extend_RGP 352
Description 352
Constraints 353
Input parameters 353
Returned parameters and values 354
Notes 354
Example 354
Related commands 355
ExtendDomainDNS 356
Description 356
Constraints 356
Input parameters 357
Returned parameters and values 359
Notes 360
Example 360
Related commands 361
Forwarding 361
Description 361
Constraints 362
Input parameters 362
Returned parameters and values 363
Notes 363
Example 363
Related commands 364
GetAccountInfo 365
Description 365
Constraints 365
Input parameters 365

- xxvi -
Returned parameters and values 366
Notes 366
Example 367
Related commands 368
GetAccountPassword 368
Description 368
Constraints 369
Input parameters 369
Returned parameters and values 369
Notes 370
Example 370
Related commands 371
GetAccountValidation 371
Description 371
Constraints 372
Input parameters 372
Returned parameters and values 372
Notes 373
Example 373
Related commands 374
GetAddressBook 375
Description 375
Constraints 375
Input parameters 375
Returned parameters and values 376
Notes 377
Example 377
Related commands 380
GetAgreementPage 380

- xxvii -
Description 380
Constraints 380
Input parameters 381
Returned parameters and values 383
Notes 383
Example 383
Related commands 385
GetAllAccountInfo 385
Description 385
Constraints 386
Input parameters 386
Returned parameters and values 386
Notes 388
Example 388
Related commands 390
GetAllDomains 391
Description 391
Constraints 391
Input parameters 391
Returned parameters and values 393
Notes 393
Example 393
Related commands 395
GetAllHostAccounts 395
Description 395
Constraints 396
Input parameters 396
Returned parameters and values 396
Notes 397

- xxviii -
Example 397
Related commands 399
GetAllResellerHostPricing 399
Description 399
Constraints 400
Input parameters 400
Returned parameters and values 400
Notes 401
Example 402
Related commands 404
GetBalance 404
Description 404
Constraints 405
Input parameters 405
Returned parameters and values 405
Notes 406
Example 406
Related commands 407
GetCartContent 407
Description 407
Constraints 408
Input parameters 408
Returned parameters and values 409
Notes 410
Example 410
Related commands 413
GetCatchAll 413
Description 413
Constraints 414

- xxix -
Input parameters 414
Returned parameters and values 414
Notes 415
Example 415
Related commands 416
GetCerts 416
Description 416
Constraints 417
Input parameters 417
Returned parameters and values 417
Notes 418
Example 418
Related commands 420
GetConfirmationSettings 420
Description 420
Constraints 421
Input parameters 421
Returned parameters and values 421
Notes 422
Example 422
Related commands 423
GetContacts 424
Description 424
Constraints 424
Input parameters 424
Returned parameters and values 425
Notes 427
Example 427
Related commands 432

- xxx -
GetCusPreferences 432
Description 432
Constraints 433
Input parameters 433
Returned parameters and values 433
Notes 435
Example 436
Related commands 437
GetCustomerDefinedData 438
Description 438
Constraints 438
Input parameters 438
Returned parameters and values 439
Notes 440
Example 440
Related commands 441
GetCustomerPaymentInfo 441
Description 441
Constraints 441
Input parameters 441
Returned parameters and values 442
Notes 443
Example 443
Related commands 444
GetDNS 444
Description 444
Constraints 445
Input parameters 445
Returned parameters and values 445

- xxxi -
Notes 446
Example 446
Related commands 447
GetDNSStatus 448
Description 448
Constraints 448
Input parameters 448
Returned parameters and values 449
Notes 449
Example 449
Related commands 450
GetDomainCount 451
Description 451
Constraints 451
Input parameters 451
Returned parameters and values 452
Notes 452
Example 453
Related commands 454
GetDomainExp 454
Description 454
Constraints 455
Input parameters 455
Returned parameters and values 456
Notes 456
Example 456
Related commands 457
GetDomainFolderDetail 458
Description 458

- xxxii -
Constraints 458
Input parameters 458
Returned parameters and values 459
Notes 462
Example 463
Related commands 467
GetDomainFolderList 467
Description 467
Constraints 468
Input parameters 468
Returned parameters and values 469
Notes 469
Example 469
Related commands 471
GetDomainHeader 471
Description 471
Constraints 472
Input parameters 472
Returned parameters and values 472
Notes 473
Example 473
Related commands 474
GetDomainInfo 474
Description 474
Constraints 475
Input parameters 475
Returned parameters and values 475
Notes 478
Example 478

- xxxiii -
Related commands 481
GetDomainNameID 482
Description 482
Constraints 482
Input parameters 483
Returned parameters and values 483
Notes 484
Example 484
Related commands 485
GetDomains 485
Description 485
Constraints 485
Input parameters 486
Returned parameters and values 487
Notes 488
Example 488
Related commands 490
GetDomainServices 490
Description 490
Constraints 491
Input parameters 491
Returned parameters and values 492
Notes 492
Example 493
Related commands 494
GetDomainSLDTLD 494
Description 494
Constraints 495
Input parameters 495

- xxxiv -
Returned parameters and values 495
Notes 496
Example 496
Related commands 497
GetDomainSRVHosts 497
Description 497
Constraints 497
Input parameters 498
Returned parameters and values 498
Notes 499
Example 499
Related commands 500
GetDomainStatus 501
Description 501
Constraints 501
Input parameters 501
Returned parameters and values 502
Notes 502
Example 503
Related commands 504
GetDomainSubServices 504
Description 504
Constraints 505
Input parameters 505
Returned parameters and values 505
Notes 506
Example 506
Related commands 507
GetDotNameForwarding 507

- xxxv -
Description 507
Constraints 508
Input parameters 508
Returned parameters and values 508
Notes 509
Example 509
Related commands 510
GetExpiredDomains 510
Description 510
Constraints 511
Input parameters 511
Returned parameters and values 511
Notes Notes 512
Example 512
Related commands 514
GetExtAttributes 515
Description 515
Constraints 515
Input parameters 515
Returned parameters and values 516
Notes 517
Example 517
Related commands 519
GetExtendInfo 519
Description 519
Constraints 520
Input parameters 520
Returned parameters and values 521
Notes 522

- xxxvi -
Example 523
Related commands 525
GetFilePermissions 525
Description 525
Constraints 526
Input parameters 526
Returned parameters and values 527
Notes 527
Example 527
Related commands 528
GetForwarding 528
Description 528
Constraints 529
Input parameters 529
Returned parameters and values 530
Notes 531
Example 531
Related commands 532
GetGlobalChangeStatus 532
Description 532
Constraints 533
Input parameters 533
Returned parameters and values 534
Notes 534
Example 534
Related commands 537
GetGlobalChangeStatusDetail 537
Description 537
Constraints 538

- xxxvii -
Input parameters 538
Returned parameters and values 539
Notes 539
Example 539
Related commands 541
GetHomeDomainList 541
Description 541
Constraints 542
Input parameters 542
Returned parameters and values 542
Notes 543
Example 543
Related commands 544
GetHostAccount 545
Description 545
Constraints 545
Input parameters 545
Returned parameters and values 546
Notes 547
Example 548
Related commands 549
GetHostAccounts 549
Description 549
Constraints 549
Input parameters 550
Returned parameters and values 550
Notes 551
Example 551
Related commands 553

- xxxviii -
GetHostHeader 553
Description 553
Constraints 553
Input parameters 554
Returned parameters and values 554
Notes 555
Example 555
Related commands 556
GetHosts 556
Description 556
Constraints 557
Input parameters 557
Returned parameters and values 558
Notes 558
Example 558
Related commands 560
GetIDNCodes 560
Description 560
Constraints 561
Input parameters 561
Returned parameters and values 561
Notes 562
Example 562
Related commands 563
GetIPResolver 563
Description 563
Constraints 564
Input parameters 564
Returned parameters and values 564

- xxxix -
Notes 565
Example 565
Related commands 567
GetMailHosts 567
Description 567
Constraints 567
Input parameters 567
Returned parameters and values 568
Notes 569
Example 569
Related commands 571
GetMetaTag 571
Description 571
Constraints 571
Input parameters 572
Returned parameters and values 572
Notes 573
Example 573
Related commands 574
GetNameSuggestions 574
Description 574
Constraints 574
Input parameters 575
Returned parameters and values 576
Notes 577
Example 577
Related commands 578
GetNews 578
Description 578

- xl -
Constraints 579
Input parameters 579
Returned parameters and values 579
Notes 580
Example 580
Related commands 581
GetOrderDetail 581
Description 581
Constraints 582
Input parameters 582
Returned parameters and values 583
Notes 584
Example 584
Related commands 586
GetOrderList 586
Description 586
Constraints 587
Input parameters 587
Returned parameters and values 587
Notes 588
Example 589
Related commands 590
GetPasswordBit 591
Description 591
Constraints 591
Input parameters 591
Returned parameters and values 592
Notes 592
Example 592

- xli -
Related commands 593
GetPOP3 594
Description 594
Constraints 594
Input parameters 594
Returned parameters and values 595
Notes 596
Example 596
Related commands 600
GetPOPExpirations 600
Description 600
Constraints 601
Input parameters 601
Returned parameters and values 602
Notes 602
Example 602
Related commands 604
GetPOPForwarding 604
Description 604
Constraints 604
Input parameters 605
Returned parameters and values 605
Notes 606
Example 606
Related commands 607
GetProductNews 607
Description 607
Constraints 608
Input parameters 608

- xlii -
Returned parameters and values 608
Notes 609
Example 609
Related commands 610
GetProductSelectionList 610
Description 610
Constraints 610
Input parameters 610
Returned parameters and values 611
Notes 611
Example 612
Related commands 613
GetRegHosts 614
Description 614
Constraints 614
Input parameters 614
Returned parameters and values 615
Notes 615
Example 616
Related commands 618
GetRegistrationStatus 618
Description 618
Constraints 619
Input parameters 619
Returned parameters and values 619
Notes 620
Example 620
Related commands 621
GetRegLock 621

- xliii -
Description 621
Constraints 622
Input parameters 622
Returned parameters and values 622
Notes 623
Example 623
Related commands 624
GetRenew 625
Description 625
Constraints 625
Input parameters 625
Returned parameters and values 626
Notes 627
Example 627
Related commands 628
GetReport 628
Description 628
Constraints 629
Input parameters 629
Returned parameters and values 630
Notes 631
Example 631
Related commands 632
GetResellerHostPricing 632
Description 632
Constraints 633
Input parameters 633
Returned parameters and values 634
Notes 635

- xliv -
Example 635
Related commands 636
GetResellerInfo 637
Description 637
Constraints 637
Input parameters 638
Returned parameters and values 638
Notes 639
Example 639
Related commands 640
GetServiceContact 641
Description 641
Constraints 641
Input parameters 641
Returned parameters and values 642
Notes 643
Example 643
Related commands 644
GetSPFHosts 644
Description 644
Constraints 645
Input parameters 645
Returned parameters and values 645
Notes 646
Example 646
Related commands 648
GetStorageUsage 648
Description 648
Constraints 648

- xlv -
Input parameters 648
Returned parameters and values 649
Notes 649
Example 650
Related commands 650
GetSubAccountDetails 651
Description 651
Constraints 651
Input parameters 652
Returned parameters and values 652
Notes 655
Example 655
Related commands 658
GetSubAccountPassword 659
Description 659
Constraints 659
Input parameters 659
Returned parameters and values 660
Notes 660
Example 660
Related commands 661
GetSubAccounts 662
Description 662
Constraints 662
Input parameters 662
Returned parameters and values 663
Notes 663
Example 664
Related commands 665

- xlvi -
GetSubaccountsDetailList 666
Description 666
Constraints 666
Input parameters 667
Returned parameters and values 667
Notes 668
Example 668
Related commands 670
GetTLDDetails 670
Description 670
Constraints 671
Input parameters 671
Returned parameters and values 671
Notes 674
Example 674
GetTLDList 677
Description 677
Constraints 677
Input parameters 677
Returned parameters and values 678
Notes 678
Example 679
Related commands 680
GetTransHistory 680
Description 680
Constraints 681
Input parameters 681
Returned parameters and values 682
Notes 684

- xlvii -
Example 684
Related commands 686
GetWebHostingAll 686
Description 686
Constraints 687
Input parameters 687
Returned parameters and values 688
Notes 688
Example 688
Related commands 690
GetWhoisContact 690
Description 690
Constraints 691
Input parameters 691
Returned parameters and values 691
Notes 692
Example 693
Related commands 695
GetWPPSInfo 696
Description 696
Constraints 696
Input parameters 696
Returned parameters and values 697
Notes 698
Example 698
Related commands 700
GM_CancelSubscription 700
Description 700
Constraints 701

- xlviii -
Input parameters 701
Returned parameters and values 702
Notes 702
Example 703
Related commands 704
GM_CheckDomain 704
Description 704
Constraints 705
Input parameters 705
Returned parameters and values 706
Notes 706
Example 707
Related commands 708
GM_GetCancelReasons 708
Description 708
Constraints 709
Input parameters 709
Returned parameters and values 710
Notes 710
Example 710
Related commands 712
GM_GetControlPanelLoginURL 712
Description 712
Constraints 713
Input parameters 713
Returned parameters and values 713
Notes 714
Example 714
Related commands 716

- xlix -
GM_GetRedirectScript 716
Description 716
Constraints 717
Input parameters 717
Returned parameters and values 717
Notes 718
Example 718
Related commands 719
GM_GetStatuses 720
Description 720
Constraints 720
Input parameters 720
Returned parameters and values 721
Notes 721
Example 721
Related commands 723
GM_GetSubscriptionDetails 723
Description 723
Constraints 724
Input parameters 724
Returned parameters and values 724
Notes 725
Example 725
Related commands 727
GM_GetSubscriptions 727
Description 727
Constraints 727
Input parameters 728
Returned parameters and values 729

Notes 729
Example 729
Related commands 732
GM_ReactivateSubscription 732
Description 732
Constraints 733
Input parameters 733
Returned parameters and values 733
Notes 734
Example 734
Related commands 735
GM_RenewSubscription 736
Description 736
Constraints 736
Input parameters 737
Returned parameters and values 737
Notes 737
Example 738
Related commands 739
GM_UpdateBillingCycle 740
Description 740
Constraints 740
Input parameters 740
Returned parameters and values 741
Notes 741
Example 742
Related commands 743
GM_UpdateSubscriptionDetails 743
Description 743

- li -
Constraints 744
Input parameters 744
Returned parameters and values 745
Notes 745
Example 746
Related commands 747
HostPackageDefine 747
Description 747
Constraints 748
Input parameters 748
Returned parameters and values 750
Notes 750
Example 750
Related commands 751
HostPackageDelete 752
Description 752
Constraints 752
Input parameters 752
Returned parameters and values 753
Notes 753
Example 754
Related commands 754
HostPackageModify 755
Description 755
Constraints 755
Input parameters 756
Returned parameters and values 757
Notes 757
Example 758

- lii -
Related commands 758
HostPackageView 759
Description 759
Constraints 760
Input parameters 760
Returned parameters and values 761
Notes 762
Example 762
Related commands 764
HostParkingPage 764
Description 764
Constraints 765
Input parameters 765
Returned parameters and values 765
Notes 766
Example 766
Related commands 767
InsertNewOrder 767
Description 767
Constraints 768
Input parameters 768
Returned parameters and values 769
Notes 769
Example 770
Related commands 771
IsFolderEnabled 771
Description 771
Constraints 771
Input parameters 772

- liii -
Returned parameters and values 772
Notes 773
Example 773
Related commands 774
ListDomainHeaders 774
Description 774
Constraints 774
Input parameters 775
Returned parameters and values 775
Notes 776
Example 776
Related commands 777
ListHostHeaders 778
Description 778
Constraints 778
Input parameters 778
Returned parameters and values 779
Notes 780
Example 780
Related commands 781
ListWebFiles 781
Description 781
Constraints 782
Input parameters 782
Returned parameters and values 783
Notes 783
Example 783
Related commands 785
MetaBaseGetValue 785

- liv -
Description 785
Constraints 786
Input parameters 786
Returned parameters and values 787
Notes 787
Example 787
Related commands 788
MetaBaseSetValue 789
Description 789
Constraints 789
Input parameters 789
Returned parameters and values 790
Notes 791
Example 791
Related commands 792
ModifyDomainHeader 792
Description 792
Constraints 793
Input parameters 793
Returned parameters and values 794
Notes 794
Example 794
Related commands 795
ModifyHostHeader 796
Description 796
Constraints 796
Input parameters 796
Returned parameters and values 797
Notes 797

- lv -
Example 798
Related commands 799
ModifyNS 799
Description 799
Constraints 800
Input parameters 800
Returned parameters and values 801
Notes 801
Example 801
Related commands 802
ModifyNSHosting 802
Description 802
Constraints 803
Input parameters 803
Returned parameters and values 804
Notes 804
Example 804
Related commands 805
ModifyPOP3 805
Description 805
Constraints 806
Input parameters 806
Returned parameters and values 807
Notes 807
Example 808
Related commands 809
MySQL_GetDBInfo 809
Description 809
Constraints 809

- lvi -
Input parameters 810
Returned parameters and values 810
Notes 811
Example 811
Related commands 812
NameSpinner 813
Description 813
Constraints 813
Input parameters 813
Returned parameters and values 815
Notes 816
Example 816
Related commands 817
NM_CancelOrder 818
Description 818
Constraints 818
Input parameters 818
Returned parameters and values 819
Notes 819
Example 819
Related commands 821
NM_ExtendOrder 821
Description 821
Constraints 822
Input parameters 822
Returned parameters and values 822
Notes 823
Example 823
Related commands 824

- lvii -
NM_GetPremiumDomainSettings 825
Description 825
Constraints 825
Input parameters 825
Returned parameters and values 826
Notes 826
Example 827
Related commands 828
NM_GetSearchCategories 828
Description 828
Constraints 829
Input parameters 829
Returned parameters and values 830
Notes 830
Example 830
Related commands 832
NM_ProcessOrder 832
Description 832
Constraints 833
Input parameters 833
Returned parameters and values 834
Notes 834
Example 834
Related commands 836
NM_Search 836
Description 836
Constraints 836
Input parameters 836
Returned parameters and values 839

- lviii -
Notes 839
Example 839
Related commands 841
NM_SetPremiumDomainSettings 842
Description 842
Constraints 843
Input parameters 843
Returned parameters and values 843
Notes 844
Example 844
Related commands 845
ParseDomain 845
Description 845
Constraints 846
Input parameters 846
Returned parameters and values 846
Notes 847
Example 847
Related commands 848
PE_GetCustomerPricing 848
Description 848
Constraints 849
Input parameters 849
Returned parameters and values 849
Notes 852
Example 852
Related commands 853
PE_GetDomainPricing 854
Description 854

- lix -
Constraints 854
Input parameters 854
Returned parameters and values 855
Notes 855
Example 855
Related commands 857
PE_GetEapPricing 857
Description 857
Constraints 858
Input parameters 858
Returned parameters and values 859
Notes 859
Example 859
Related commands 862
PE_GetPOPPrice 862
Description 862
Constraints 863
Input parameters 863
Returned parameters and values 863
Notes 864
Example 864
Related commands 865
PE_GetPremiumPricing 865
Description 865
Constraints 866
Input parameters 866
Returned parameters and values 867
Notes 867
Example 867

- lx -
Related commands 868
PE_GetProductPrice 869
Description 869
Constraints 869
Input parameters 869
Returned parameters and values 872
Notes 873
Example 873
Related commands 874
PE_GetResellerPrice 874
Description 874
Constraints 875
Input parameters 875
Returned parameters and values 877
Notes 878
Example 878
Related commands 879
PE_GetRetailPrice 879
Description 879
Constraints 880
Input parameters 880
Returned parameters and values 883
Notes 883
Example 884
Related commands 884
PE_GetRetailPricing 885
Description 885
Constraints 885
Input parameters 886

- lxi -
Returned parameters and values 886
Notes 888
Example 888
Related commands 890
PE_GetRocketPrice 890
Description 890
Constraints 891
Input parameters 891
Returned parameters and values 892
Notes 892
Example 892
Related commands 893
Description 894
Constraints 894
Input parameters 894
Returned parameters and values 895
Notes 895
Example 895
Related commands 896
PE_SetPricing 896
Description 896
Constraints 897
Input parameters 897
Returned parameters and values 901
Notes 901
Example 902
Related commands 902
Portal_GetAwardedDomains 903

- lxii -
Description 903
Constraints 903
Input parameters 904
Returned parameters and values 904
Notes 905
Example 906
Related commands 907
Portal_GetDomainInfo 907
Description 907
Constraints 908
Input parameters 908
Returned parameters and values 908
Notes 909
Example 910
Portal_GetToken 914
Description 914
Constraints 915
Input parameters 915
Returned parameters and values 915
Notes 916
Example 916
Portal_UpdateAwardedDomains 917
Description 917
Constraints 917
Input parameters 917
Returned parameters and values 918
Notes 918
Example 918
Related commands 919

- lxiii -
PP_CancelSubscription 920
Description 920
Constraints 920
Input parameters 920
Returned parameters and values 921
Notes 922
Example 922
Related commands 923
PP_CheckUpgrade 924
Description 924
Constraints 925
Input parameters 925
Returned parameters and values 926
Notes 926
Example 926
Related commands 928
PP_GetCancelReasons 928
Description 928
Constraints 929
Input parameters 929
Returned parameters and values 929
Notes 930
Example 930
Related commands 931
PP_GetControlPanelLoginURL 932
Description 932
Constraints 933
Input parameters 933
Returned parameters and values 933

- lxiv -
Notes 934
Example 934
Related commands 935
PP_GetStatuses 936
Description 936
Constraints 936
Input parameters 936
Returned parameters and values 937
Notes 937
Example 937
Related commands 939
PP_GetSubscriptionDetails 939
Description 939
Constraints 940
Input parameters 940
Returned parameters and values 940
Notes 942
Example 942
Related commands 944
PP_GetSubscriptions 944
Description 944
Constraints 945
Input parameters 945
Returned parameters and values 946
Notes 947
Example 947
Related commands 949
PP_ReactivateSubscription 949
Description 949

- lxv -
Constraints 950
Input parameters 950
Returned parameters and values 950
Notes 951
Example 951
Related commands 952
PP_UpdateSubscriptionDetails 953
Description 953
Constraints 953
Input parameters 954
Returned parameters and values 955
Notes 955
Example 955
Related commands 957
PP_ValidatePassword 957
Description 957
Constraints 958
Input parameters 958
Returned parameters and values 958
Notes 959
Example 959
Related commands 961
Preconfigure 961
Description 961
Constraints 962
Input parameters 962
Returned parameters and values 966
Notes 967
Example 967

- lxvi -
Related commands 968
Purchase 969
Description 969
Constraints 970
Input parameters 971
Returned parameters and values 978
Notes 979
Example 980
Related commands 981
PurchaseHosting 981
Description 981
Constraints 982
Input parameters 982
Returned parameters and values 984
Notes 984
Example 985
Related commands 986
PurchasePOPBundle 986
Description 986
Constraints 987
Input parameters 987
Returned parameters and values 987
Notes 988
Example 988
Related commands 989
PurchasePreview 990
Description 990
Constraints 990
Input parameters 990

- lxvii -
Returned parameters and values 991
Notes 992
Example 992
Related commands 993
PurchaseServices 993
Description 993
Constraints 994
Input parameters 994
Input parameters for ID Protect 995
Input parameters for SSL Certificates 997
Input parameters for TRUSTe Privacy Policy 998
Input parameters for VeriSign Trust Seal 1000
Input parameters for GeoTrust Anti-Malware 1001
Input parameters for SiteLock 1001
Input parameters for RichContent 1002
Input parameters for Business Listing 1003
Input parameters for POP Email 1005
Input parameters for Web Site Creator 1006
Input parameters for Web hosting 1007
Input parameters for DNS hosting 1008
Input parameters for goMobi 1011
Returned parameters and values 1011
Notes 1012
Example 1013
Related commands 1014
PushDomain 1014
Description 1014
Constraints 1015
Input parameters 1015

- lxviii -
Returned parameters and values 1016
Notes 1016
Example 1016
Related commands 1017
Queue_DomainPurchase 1017
Description 1017
Constraints 1018
Input parameters 1018
Returned parameters and values 1020
Notes 1021
Example 1021
Related commands 1022
Queue_GetDomains 1023
Description 1023
Constraints 1023
Input parameters 1023
Returned parameters and values 1024
Notes 1025
Example 1026
Related commands 1028
Queue_GetExtAttributes 1028
Description 1028
Constraints 1028
Input parameters 1028
Returned parameters and values 1029
Notes 1029
Example 1030
Related commands 1031
Queue_GetInfo 1031

- lxix -
Description 1031
Constraints 1032
Input parameters 1032
Returned parameters and values 1033
Notes 1033
Example 1034
Related commands 1035
Queue_GetOrderDetail 1035
Description 1035
Constraints 1036
Input parameters 1036
Returned parameters and values 1037
Notes 1037
Example 1038
Related commands 1039
Queue_GetOrders 1039
Description 1039
Constraints 1040
Input parameters 1040
Returned parameters and values 1040
Notes 1041
Example 1041
Related commands 1042
RAA_GetInfo 1043
Description 1043
Constraints 1043
Input parameters 1043
Returned parameters and values 1044
Notes 1045

- lxx -
Example 1045
Related commands 1049
RAA_ResendNotifications 1050
Description 1050
Constraints 1050
Input parameters 1050
Returned parameters and values 1051
Notes 1051
Example 1052
Related commands 1053
RC_CancelSubscription 1053
Description 1053
Constraints 1054
Input parameters 1054
Returned parameters and values 1055
Notes 1055
Example 1055
Related commands 1056
RC_FreeTrialCheck 1056
Description 1056
Constraints 1057
Input parameters 1057
Returned parameters and values 1058
Notes 1058
Example 1058
Related commands 1059
RC_GetLoginToken 1060
Description 1060
Constraints 1060

- lxxi -
Input parameters 1060
Returned parameters and values 1061
Notes 1061
Example 1062
Related commands 1063
RC_GetSubscriptionDetails 1063
Description 1063
Constraints 1063
Input parameters 1064
Returned parameters and values 1064
Notes 1065
Example 1065
Related commands 1067
RC_GetSubscriptions 1067
Description 1067
Constraints 1067
Input parameters 1068
Returned parameters and values 1068
Notes 1069
Example 1069
Related commands 1071
RC_RebillSubscription 1071
Description 1071
Constraints 1072
Input parameters 1072
Returned parameters and values 1073
Notes 1073
Example 1073
Related commands 1074

- lxxii -
RC_ResetPassword 1075
Description 1075
Constraints 1075
Input parameters 1075
Returned parameters and values 1076
Notes 1076
Example 1076
Related commands 1077
RC_SetBillingCycle 1078
Description 1078
Constraints 1078
Input parameters 1078
Returned parameters and values 1079
Notes 1080
Example 1080
Related commands 1081
RC_SetPassword 1081
Description 1081
Constraints 1082
Input parameters 1082
Returned parameters and values 1083
Notes 1083
Example 1083
Related commands 1084
RC_SetSubscriptionDomain 1085
Description 1085
Constraints 1085
Input parameters 1085
Returned parameters and values 1086

- lxxiii -
Notes 1086
Example 1087
Related commands 1088
RC_SetSubscriptionName 1088
Description 1088
Constraints 1088
Input parameters 1089
Returned parameters and values 1089
Notes 1090
Example 1090
Related commands 1091
RefillAccount 1091
Description 1091
Constraints 1092
Input parameters 1092
Returned parameters and values 1094
Notes 1095
Example 1095
Related commands 1096
RegisterNameServer 1097
Description 1097
Constraints 1097
Input parameters 1097
Returned parameters and values 1098
Notes 1098
Example 1099
Related commands 1100
RemoveTLD 1100
Description 1100

- lxxiv -
Constraints 1101
Input parameters 1101
Returned parameters and values 1101
Notes 1102
Example 1102
Related commands 1103
RemoveUnsyncedDomains 1103
Description 1103
Constraints 1104
Input parameters 1104
Returned parameters and values 1104
Notes 1105
Example 1105
Related commands 1106
RenewPOPBundle 1106
Description 1106
Constraints 1107
Input parameters 1107
Returned parameters and values 1109
Notes 1109
Example 1110
Related commands 1111
RenewServices 1111
Description 1111
Constraints 1111
Input parameters 1112
Returned parameters and values 1114
Notes 1114
Example 1114

- lxxv -
Related commands 1115
RPT_GetReport 1115
Description 1115
Constraints 1116
Input parameters 1116
Returned parameters and values 1118
Notes 1119
Example 1120
Related commands 1122
SendAccountEmail 1123
Description 1123
Constraints 1123
Input parameters 1123
Returned parameters and values 1124
Notes 1124
Example 1124
Related commands 1125
ServiceSelect 1125
Description 1125
Constraints 1126
Input parameters 1126
Returned parameters and values 1128
Notes 1128
Example 1128
Related commands 1129
SetCatchAll 1130
Description 1130
Constraints 1130
Input parameters 1130

- lxxvi -
Returned parameters and values 1131
Notes 1131
Example 1132
Related commands 1132
SetCustomerDefinedData 1133
Description 1133
Constraints 1133
Input parameters 1133
Returned parameters and values 1134
Notes 1135
Example 1135
Related commands 1136
SetDNSHost 1136
Description 1136
Constraints 1136
Input parameters 1137
Returned parameters and values 1137
Notes 1138
Example 1138
Related commands 1139
SetDomainSRVHosts 1139
Description 1139
Constraints 1140
Input parameters 1140
Returned parameters and values 1141
Notes 1142
Example 1142
Related commands 1143
SetDomainSubServices 1143

- lxxvii -
Description 1143
Constraints 1143
Input parameters 1144
Returned parameters and values 1144
Notes 1145
Example 1145
Related commands 1146
SetDotNameForwarding 1146
Description 1146
Constraints 1147
Input parameters 1147
Returned parameters and values 1148
Notes 1148
Example 1148
Related commands 1149
SetFilePermissions 1149
Description 1149
Constraints 1150
Input parameters 1150
Returned parameters and values 1151
Notes 1151
Example 1151
Related commands 1152
SetHosts 1153
Description 1153
Constraints 1153
Input parameters 1153
Returned parameters and values 1155
Notes 1155

- lxxviii -
Example 1156
Related commands 1157
SetIPResolver 1157
Description 1157
Constraints 1157
Input parameters 1158
Returned parameters and values 1158
Notes 1159
Example 1159
Related commands 1160
SetPakRenew 1160
Description 1160
Constraints 1161
Input parameters 1161
Returned parameters and values 1162
Notes 1162
Example 1162
Related commands 1163
SetPassword 1164
Description 1164
Constraints 1164
Input parameters 1164
Returned parameters and values 1165
Notes 1165
Example 1166
Related commands 1166
SetPOPForwarding 1167
Description 1167
Constraints 1167

- lxxix -
Input parameters 1168
Returned parameters and values 1169
Notes 1169
Example 1169
Related commands 1170
SetRegLock 1170
Description 1170
Constraints 1171
Input parameters 1171
Returned parameters and values 1172
Notes 1172
Example 1172
Related commands 1173
SetRenew 1174
Description 1174
Constraints 1174
Input parameters 1175
Returned parameters and values 1176
Notes 1176
Example 1176
Related commands 1177
SetResellerServicesPricing 1178
Description 1178
Constraints 1178
Input parameters 1178
Returned parameters and values 1179
Notes 1180
Example 1180
Related commands 1181

- lxxx -
SetResellerTLDPricing 1181
Description 1181
Constraints 1182
Input parameters 1182
Returned parameters and values 1183
Notes 1184
Example 1184
Related commands 1185
SetSPFHosts 1186
Description 1186
Constraints 1186
Input parameters 1186
Returned parameters and values 1187
Notes 1188
Example 1188
Related commands 1189
SetUpPOP3User 1189
Description 1189
Constraints 1189
Input parameters 1190
Returned parameters and values 1191
Notes 1191
Example 1192
Related commands 1193
SL_AutoRenew 1193
Description 1193
Constraints 1193
Input parameters 1194
Returned parameters and values 1194

- lxxxi -
Notes 1195
Example 1195
Related commands 1196
SL_Configure 1196
Description 1196
Constraints 1196
Input parameters 1197
Returned parameters and values 1197
Notes 1198
Example 1198
Related commands 1199
SL_GetAccountDetail 1199
Description 1199
Constraints 1200
Input parameters 1200
Returned parameters and values 1200
Notes 1201
Example 1201
Related commands 1202
SL_GetAccounts 1202
Description 1202
Constraints 1203
Input parameters 1203
Returned parameters and values 1205
Notes 1205
Example 1205
Related commands 1207
StatusDomain 1207
Description 1207

- lxxxii -
Constraints 1208
Input parameters 1208
Returned parameters and values 1208
Notes 1209
Example 1209
Related commands 1210
SubAccountDomains 1211
Description 1211
Constraints 1211
Input parameters 1211
Returned parameters and values 1212
Notes 1213
Example 1213
Related commands 1215
SynchAuthInfo 1215
Description 1215
Constraints 1216
Input parameters 1216
Returned parameters and values 1217
Notes 1217
Example 1217
Related commands 1218
TEL_AddCTHUser 1218
Description 1218
Constraints 1219
Input parameters 1219
Returned parameters and values 1220
Notes 1220
Example 1220

- lxxxiii -
Related commands 1221
TEL_GetCTHUserInfo 1222
Description 1222
Constraints 1222
Input parameters 1222
Returned parameters and values 1223
Notes 1223
Example 1224
Related commands 1225
TEL_GetCTHUserList 1225
Description 1225
Constraints 1225
Input parameters 1226
Returned parameters and values 1226
Notes 1227
Example 1227
Related commands 1228
TEL_GetPrivacy 1228
Description 1228
Constraints 1229
Input parameters 1229
Returned parameters and values 1230
Notes 1230
Example 1230
Related commands 1231
TEL_IsCTHUser 1231
Description 1231
Constraints 1232
Input parameters 1232

- lxxxiv -
Returned parameters and values 1233
Notes 1233
Example 1233
Related commands 1234
EL_UpdateCTHUser 1235
Description 1235
Constraints 1235
Input parameters 1235
Returned parameters and values 1236
Notes 1236
Example 1237
Related commands 1238
TEL_UpdatePrivacy 1238
Description 1238
Constraints 1238
Input parameters 1239
Returned parameters and values 1239
Notes 1240
Example 1240
Related commands 1241
TLD_AddWatchlist 1241
Description 1241
Constraints 1243
Input parameters 1243
Returned parameters and values 1244
Notes 1245
Example 1245
Related commands 1249
TLD_DeleteWatchlist 1249

- lxxxv -
Description 1249
Constraints 1251
Input parameters 1251
Returned parameters and values 1251
Notes 1252
Example 1252
Related commands 1254
TLD_GetTLD 1254
Description 1254
Constraints 1255
Input parameters 1255
Returned parameters and values 1256
Notes 1256
Example 1257
Related commands 1258
TLD_GetWatchlist 1258
Description 1258
Constraints 1259
Input parameters 1259
Returned parameters and values 1261
Notes 1262
Example 1262
Related commands 1265
TLD_GetWatchlistTlds 1265
Description 1265
Constraints 1266
Input parameters 1266
Returned parameters and values 1267
Notes 1268

- lxxxvi -
Example 1268
Related commands 1271
TLD_Overview 1271
Description 1271
Constraints 1271
Input parameters 1271
Returned parameters and values 1272
Notes 1273
Example 1273
Related commands 1275
TM_Check 1276
Description 1276
Constraints 1276
Input parameters 1276
Returned parameters and values 1277
Notes 1277
Example 1277
Related commands 1278
TM_GetNotice 1279
Description 1279
Constraints 1279
Input parameters 1279
Returned parameters and values 1280
Notes 1281
Example 1281
Related commands 1283
TM_UpdateCart 1283
Description 1283
Constraints 1284

- lxxxvii -
Input parameters 1284
Returned parameters and values 1284
Notes 1285
Example 1285
Related commands 1286
TP_CancelOrder 1286
Description 1286
Constraints 1287
Input parameters 1287
Returned parameters and values 1288
Notes 1288
Example 1288
Related commands 1289
TP_CreateOrder 1290
Description 1290
Constraints 1291
Input parameters 1291
Returned parameters and values 1295
Notes 1296
Example 1296
Related commands 1298
TP_GetDetailsByDomain 1298
Description 1298
Constraints 1299
Input parameters 1299
Returned parameters and values 1299
Notes 1300
Example 1301
Related commands 1308

- lxxxviii -
TP_GetOrder 1309
Description 1309
Constraints 1309
Input parameters 1309
Returned parameters and values 1310
Notes 1311
Example 1312
Related commands 1313
TP_GetOrderDetail 1314
Description 1314
Constraints 1314
Returned parameters and values 1315
Notes 1315
Example 1317
Related commands 1318
TP_GetOrderReview 1319
Description 1319
Constraints 1319
Input parameters 1319
Returned parameters and values 1320
Notes 1321
Example 1321
Related commands 1323
TP_GetOrdersByDomain 1323
Description 1323
Constraints 1323
Input parameters 1324
Returned parameters and values 1324
Notes 1325

- lxxxix -
Example 1325
Related commands 1326
TP_GetOrderStatuses 1326
Description 1326
Constraints 1327
Input parameters 1327
Returned parameters and values 1328
Notes 1328
Example 1328
Related commands 1330
TP_GetTLDInfo 1330
Description 1330
Constraints 1330
Input parameters 1331
Returned parameters and values 1331
Notes 1332
Example 1332
Related commands 1350
TP_ResendEmail 1350
Description 1350
Constraints 1351
Input parameters 1351
Returned parameters and values 1352
Notes 1352
Example 1352
Related commands 1353
TP_ResubmitLocked 1353
Description 1353
Constraints 1354

- xc -
Input parameters 1354
Returned parameters and values 1355
Notes 1355
Example 1355
Related commands 1356
TP_SubmitOrder 1356
Description 1356
Constraints 1357
Input parameters 1357
Returned parameters and values 1359
Notes 1359
Example 1359
Related commands 1360
TP_UpdateOrderDetail 1361
Description 1361
Constraints 1361
Input parameters 1362
Returned parameters and values 1364
Notes 1365
Example 1365
Related commands 1368
TS_AutoRenew 1368
Description 1368
Constraints 1369
Input parameters 1369
Returned parameters and values 1369
Notes 1370
Example 1370
Related commands 1371

- xci -
TS_Configure 1371
Description 1371
Constraints 1372
Input parameters 1372
Returned parameters and values 1376
Notes 1376
Example 1377
Related commands 1378
TS_GetAccountDetail 1378
Description 1378
Constraints 1379
Input parameters 1379
Returned parameters and values 1379
Notes 1381
Example 1381
Related commands 1383
TS_GetAccounts 1383
Description 1383
Constraints 1384
Input parameters 1384
Returned parameters and values 1385
Notes 1386
Example 1386
Related commands 1391
UpdateAccountInfo 1391
Description 1391
Constraints 1392
Input parameters 1392
Returned parameters and values 1395

- xcii -
Notes 1395
Example 1396
Related commands 1398
UpdateAccountPricing 1398
Description 1398
Constraints 1399
Input parameters 1399
Returned parameters and values 1404
Notes 1404
Example 1404
Related commands 1405
UpdateCart 1406
Description 1406
Constraints 1406
Input parameters 1406
Returned parameters and values 1407
Notes 1408
Example 1408
Related commands 1408
UpdateCusPreferences 1409
Description 1409
Constraints 1409
Input parameters 1410
Returned parameters and values 1413
Notes 1413
Example 1413
Related commands 1414
UpdateDomainFolder 1415
Description 1415

- xciii -
Constraints 1416
Input parameters 1416
Returned parameters and values 1420
Notes 1425
Example 1425
Related commands 1427
UpdateExpiredDomains 1427
Description 1427
Constraints 1428
Input parameters 1428
Returned parameters and values 1429
Notes 1429
Example 1429
Related commands 1430
UpdateHostPackagePricing 1430
Description 1430
Constraints 1431
Input parameters 1431
Returned parameters and values 1432
Notes 1433
Example 1434
Related commands 1436
UpdateMetaTag 1436
Description 1436
Constraints 1437
Input parameters 1437
Returned parameters and values 1438
Notes 1438
Example 1439

- xciv -
Related commands 1440
UpdateNameServer 1440
Description 1440
Constraints 1440
Input parameters 1441
Returned parameters and values 1441
Notes 1442
Example 1442
Related commands 1443
UpdateNotificationAmount 1443
Description 1443
Constraints 1443
Input parameters 1444
Returned parameters and values 1444
Notes 1444
Example 1445
Related commands 1446
UpdatePushList 1446
Description 1446
Constraints 1446
Input parameters 1446
Returned parameters and values 1447
Notes 1447
Example 1447
Related commands 1449
UpdateRenewalSettings 1449
Description 1449
Constraints 1449
Input parameters 1450

- xcv -
Returned parameters and values 1451
Notes 1451
Example 1451
Related commands 1452
ValidatePassword 1452
Description 1452
Constraints 1453
Input parameters 1453
Returned parameters and values 1453
Notes 1454
Example 1454
Related commands 1455
WBLConfigure 1455
Description 1455
Constraints 1456
Input parameters 1456
Returned parameters and values 1459
Notes 1460
Example 1460
Related commands 1461
WBLGetCategories 1461
Description 1461
Constraints 1462
Input parameters 1462
Returned parameters and values 1463
Notes 1463
Example 1463
Related commands 1467
WBLGetFields 1467

- xcvi -
Description 1467
Constraints 1467
Input parameters 1468
Returned parameters and values 1468
Notes 1468
Example 1469
Related commands 1470
WBLGetStatus 1470
Description 1470
Constraints 1471
Input parameters 1471
Returned parameters and values 1471
Notes 1472
Example 1472
Related commands 1474
WebHostCreateDirectory 1474
Description 1474
Constraints 1475
Input parameters 1475
Returned parameters and values 1475
Notes 1476
Example 1476
Related commands 1477
WebHostCreatePOPBox 1477
Description 1477
Constraints 1478
Input parameters 1478
Returned parameters and values 1479
Notes 1479

- xcvii -
Example 1479
Related commands 1480
WebHostDeletePOPBox 1481
Description 1481
Constraints 1481
Input parameters 1481
Returned parameters and values 1482
Notes 1482
Example 1483
Related commands 1483
WebHostGetCartItem 1484
Description 1484
Constraints 1484
Input parameters 1484
Returned parameters and values 1485
Notes 1485
Example 1486
Related commands 1487
WebHostGetOverageOptions 1487
Description 1487
Constraints 1488
Input parameters 1488
Returned parameters and values 1488
Notes 1489
Example 1489
Related commands 1490
WebHostGetOverages 1491
Description 1491
Constraints 1491

- xcviii -
Input parameters 1491
Returned parameters and values 1492
Notes 1493
Example 1493
Related commands 1494
WebHostGetPackageComponentList 1495
Description 1495
Constraints 1495
Input parameters 1495
Returned parameters and values 1496
Notes 1497
Example 1497
Related commands 1499
WebHostGetPackageMinimums 1499
Description 1499
Constraints 1500
Input parameters 1500
Returned parameters and values 1501
Notes 1501
Example 1501
Related commands 1502
WebHostGetPackages 1503
Description 1503
Constraints 1503
Input parameters 1504
Returned parameters and values 1504
Notes 1505
Example 1505
Related commands 1507

- xcix -
WebHostGetPOPBoxes 1507
Description 1507
Constraints 1508
Input parameters 1508
Returned parameters and values 1509
Notes 1509
Example 1509
Related commands 1511
WebHostGetResellerPackages 1511
Description 1511
Constraints 1512
Input parameters 1512
Returned parameters and values 1512
Notes 1513
Example 1513
Related commands 1515
WebHostGetStats 1516
Description 1516
Constraints 1516
Input parameters 1516
Returned parameters and values 1517
Notes 1518
Example 1518
Related commands 1519
WebHostHelpInfo 1519
Description 1519
Constraints 1520
Input parameters 1520
Returned parameters and values 1520

Notes 1522
Example 1522
Related commands 1524
WebHostSetCustomPackage 1524
Description 1524
Constraints 1524
Input parameters 1525
Returned parameters and values 1526
Notes 1528
Example 1528
Related commands 1529
WebHostSetOverageOptions 1529
Description 1529
Constraints 1530
Input parameters 1530
Returned parameters and values 1531
Notes 1531
Example 1531
Related commands 1532
WebHostUpdatePassword 1533
Description 1533
Constraints 1533
Input parameters 1534
Returned parameters and values 1534
Notes 1535
Example 1535
Related commands 1536
WebHostUpdatePOPPassword 1536
Description 1536

- ci -
Constraints 1537
Input parameters 1537
Returned parameters and values 1538
Notes 1538
Example 1538
Related commands 1539
WSC_GetAccountInfo 1540
Description 1540
Constraints 1540
Input parameters 1540
Returned parameters and values 1541
Notes 1543
Example 1543
Related commands 1546
WSC_GetAllPackages 1546
Description 1546
Constraints 1547
Input parameters 1547
Returned parameters and values 1547
Notes 1549
Example 1550
Related commands 1552
WSC_GetPricing 1552
Description 1552
Constraints 1553
Input parameters 1553
Returned parameters and values 1554
Notes 1555
Example 1555

- cii -
Related commands 1556
WSC_Update_Ops 1556
Description 1556
Constraints 1557
Input parameters 1558
Returned parameters and values 1559
Notes 1559
Example 1559
Related commands 1560
XXX_GetMemberId 1561
Description 1561
Constraints 1561
Input parameters 1561
Returned parameters and values 1562
Notes 1562
Example 1562
Related commands 1564
XXX_RemoveMemberId 1564
Description 1564
Constraints 1565
Input parameters 1565
Returned parameters and values 1566
Notes 1566
Example 1566
Related commands 1568
XXX_SetMemberId 1568
Description 1568
Constraints 1569
Input parameters 1569

- ciii -
Returned parameters and values 1570
Notes 1570
Example 1570
Related commands 1572

- civ -
This reference covers the entire application programming interface (API) that lets you
user eNom services to buy and sell Internet domains.
In this volume:
l Quick Start Guides
The Quick Start Guides introduce a single topic and walk you through enough of the API com-
mands to get you started.
l Domains and TLDs
This section comprises documents that describe the requirements for buying and selling
domains within specific TLDs.
l API Command Categories
The Big List; here you get into the details of every command implemented in the eNom API.
The main page breaks down the catalog into list by function. Beneath the main page is the full
catalog of API commands.

Domains and TLDs
In this section:

Selling and Managing Domains 2

New TLD - Watchlist 23
New TLD - Queue 26
.ASIA Eligibility Requirements 28
.AU, .ES and .PE 32
.CA Business Rules 35
.AU, .ES and .PE 69
.EU Transfer 72
.NU Registrant Requirements 73
.AU, .ES and .PE 76
Nominet (.UK Registry) System Changes 79
.xxx 83
.XXX Transfer 91

Selling and Managing Domains

Domain names are the real estate of the World Wide Web--unique, exclusive pieces of
Internet turf. And if you want to get into the business of domain name sales, there's no
better source than us. Year after year, we win top honors for having the best domain
name reseller program around.
This guide helps you identify the API commands you need to sell, renew, and manage
domain names on your own domain sales Web site.

Domains and TLDs


Why sell domain names?

Our customers become domain name resellers for any of a variety of reasons:
Some trade on the intrinsic value of the domain names themselves, either for their resale
value or for the parking revenues they can generate.
Some are Web hosting companies that register domain names on behalf of their own
Web hosting customers.
Some offer our full range of services, which all have domains at their core.

Audience for this guide

This guide is written for our resellers who want to build their own Web sites and sell
domain names using our realtime API command, Purchase, for domain name pur-
It also lists the API commands you are most likely to use for managing and renewing
domain names.

If you use the AddToCart command

You can use the AddToCart command to sell domain names and services. Doing so
allows you to submit a customer's entire purchase as a single order, and allows you to
use our credit card processing services including our elite fraud protection service.

Help with implementation

Our technical support staff is here to help! Contact them with questions about adding
value-added services to your product line. Check our Web site for contact information.

Domain registration and management

Selling domain names using our API involves a variety of tasks. Most are required and a
couple are optional:
1. Choose which TLDs you want to sell (optional)
2. Set pricing for the various TLDs.
3. Choose the default settings you want to apply to all domain names you sell.
4. Check domain names.
5. Bill and register domain names
6. List domain names.

Domains and TLDs

7. Show details for one domain.

8. Manage contacts, including Whois.
9. Set name servers.
10. Set host records.
11. Protect domain names from hijacking (optional but recommended).
12. Renew domain names (optional but recommended).
13. Offer DNS Hosting (optional).
14. Inbound transfers of domain names (optional).
15. Outbound transfers of domain names.
This guide shows sample query strings for all the API commands listed in tasks 3
through 5. For complete documentation, refer to our API catalog.

Task 1Decide which TLDs to offer

You can select which top-level domains you want to offer, and you can change your list
of selections at any time. One common scenario is to offer the general TLDs, plus one or
more country code TLDs that correspond most closely with the location of your cus-
This is an optional task. Its useful if you only want to view the TLDs you offer when you
set pricing, or if you want to use the GetTLDList command to populate TLD dropdown
menus in your site.
To choose TLDs, run direct API commands that allow you to work with only the TLDs
you offer. These commmands are:

API Command Usage

Specify which TLDs you want to offer, if you dont want to offer
all seventy-plus TLDs we support. Running this command also
restricts the TLDs displayed when you log into the eNom Web

Reduce the list of TLDs you offer. Or, by removing all TLDs on
your list, return to all the TLDs we support.

Retrieve a list of the TLDs you have authorized. You can use
this command to populate dropdown menus for TLDs.

Sample query strings:



Domains and TLDs






Task 2Set pricing

Setting your retail pricing for a new services is so easy you may have already done it.
Domain prices tend to be competitive and heavily marketed, so they are likely to be a
part of your business that you watch most carefully and change most often.
To set prices:
1. Log into your eNom account.
2. Click Settings.
3. Click TLD pricing.
4. Set prices and click save changes. You can set prices for all services now, and
build each service into your retail site on your own schedule.

Task 3Choose universal settings

Many resellers want all domain names to have uniform settings, most commonly the
same set of name servers and host records. The easiest way to achieve this is to set
them in advance, as account defaults.
To set your preferences:
1. Log into your eNom account.
2. Click Settings.
3. On the default tab, click default options.

Domains and TLDs

4. Set your customer preferences as you wish. We strongly recommend that you
select the Do not allow names to be transferred check box to reduce the likelihood
of hijacking. Many of our resellers also select the Renew the registration check box
so that their customers do not inadvertently lose their domain names by allowing
them to expire. Many of our resellers also have host record settingseither our
defaults or their own custom settingsthat they use for all domain names.
5. Click save changes.
6. On the default tab, click default dns.
7. Specify your desired default name servers and click save changes.

Task 4Check domain names

Checking domain names simply means sending a query to the Registry to see if a spe-
cified domain name is available. You must always do this before registering a domain
Optionally, you can also display variations of the domain name, so that if the original
name is not available, your customer is instantly presented with alternatives that are sim-
Checking involves the following API commands:

API Command Usage

Query the Registry to determine whether a specific domain
name is available.

Retrieve a list of available domain names that are similar to the

specified domain name. This is an optional command that gen-
erates alternatives in case a domain name is unavailable, and
generates alternatives for defensive registrations.

Sample query strings:




Domains and TLDs


Task 5Bill and register domain names

Registering a domain name is the most fundamental task youll perform. Registration
simply lays exclusive claim to the name, for the time period for which you register it.
Youll want to bill your customer for the domain name, and in general youll probably
want to ensure that youll receive payment before you commit to a non-refundable
domain name registration.
Usually, our resellers preauthorize the payment and then immediately register the
domain name, so that the actions appear simultaneous to your customer (and so that the
domain name isnt registered by someone else while you are processing the payment).
You can structure your billing in two ways:
l You can build your own billing system to bill your customers, and register the
domain names using the account balance you have with us.
l You can use our credit card processing, and supply credit card information in the

same query string you submit for the domain registration. We charge per trans-
action, and offer the most robust fraud screening in the industry as part of our ser-
This guide focuses on the purchase method that most of our resellers use: real-time pur-
chases. The process uses two to five API commands:

API command Usage

Retrieve the custom input parameters for a TLD. You will need
GetExtAttributes to use this command if you offer TLDs (usually country code
TLDs) that require custom parameters.

Purchase a domain name in real time. If you use our credit card
processing, submit credit card information with this command.

Check the processing status of TLDs that do not register in real

time, such as .eu and .uk.

Domains and TLDs

Sample query strings:



Purchase (simple)


Purchase (with extended attributes and contact information)




Domains and TLDs

Task 6List domain names and their statuses

Displaying a list of domains in a customers account has several uses:
l It displays an inventory of the names in their account.
l It allows you to display data such as expiration dates and settings so that your cus-
tomers can easily maintain their domain name portfolios.
l It gives you an overview of an individual customers portfolio so you can guide

them toward the products and services that best fit their needs.
Basic listing of an accounts domain names and their statuses involves the following

API command Usage

Retrieve a list of domain names, one page at a time. This com-
GetDomains mand includes filters that allow you to retrieve only names in a
specified status.

Retrieve a list of this accounts domain names that are in

GetExpiredDomains Expired, Redemption Grace Period (RGP), and Extended RGP

Sample query strings:





Task 7Retrieve status information

Youll want to be able to retrieve more detailed information on a single domain name, so
that you and your customer can see its current status and settings. Retrieve this inform-
ation using the following command:

Domains and TLDs

API command Usage

Retrieve a long list of status information on a single domain

Sample query strings:





Task 8Manage Whois and other contacts

Registries require accurate, up-to-date contact information for the owners of domain
names. You will want accurate contact information as well, for management and renewal
and to protect against fraud and hijacking.
Contact management involves the following commands:

API command Usage

Optionally, you can submit any or all contact information at the
time you register a domain name.

Contacts Set contact information for a domain name.

Retrieve all contact information for a domain name. This

GetContacts includes Billing, Registrant, Technical, Administrative, and

Retrieve Whois contact information for a domain name. This

includes Registrant, Technical, and Administrative contacts.

- 10 -
Domains and TLDs

Sample query strings:

Purchase (with contact parameters)


Contacts (for a domain name that does not require extended attributes)


Contacts (for a domain name that requires extended attributes)


- 11 -
Domains and TLDs






Task 9Set name servers

Name servers are the network that connects a users computer to your domain name.
Setting name servers is similar to signing up for telephone or Internet service: name serv-
ers are the communication portal between your domain name and the rest of the World
Wide Web.
Domain name server (DNS) management involves the following commands:

API command Usage

UpdateCusPreferences is the API command that supports the
universal settings in Task 3 above. If you set name servers at
the account level, those name servers are applied to every
domain name at the time of registration.

GetCusPreferences Retrieve the current universal settings for this account.

Set name servers for a domain name, both in our system and at
the Registry. If you dont specify universal settings through our
ModifyNS Web site or the UpdateCusPreferences command, ModifyNS
is a basic configuration command for each new domain you

GetDNS Retrieve a list of the name servers associated with a domain

- 12 -
Domains and TLDs

API command Usage


Sample query strings:









Task 10Set host records

Host records fine-tune the associations between a domain name and its Web site con-
tent, email, and other functionality. If name servers are the electrical grid, host records
are like the wiring in an individual home.
Host records management involves the following commands:

- 13 -
Domains and TLDs

API command Usage

UpdateCusPreferences is the API command that supports the
universal settings in Task 3 above. If you set name servers at
the account level, those name servers are applied to every
domain name at the time of registration.

GetCusPreferences Retrieve the current universal settings for this account.

SetHosts Set host records.

Retrieve a list of the current host record settings for a domain


Sample query strings:








- 14 -
Domains and TLDs


Task 11Protect domain names from hijacking

Registrar-Lock prevents a domain name from being transfered without the registrants
authorization. Registrar-Lock is the first and strongest defense against hijacking.
Allowing a customer to lock and unlock their domain name for the purposes of protecting
it from hijacking is optional, but you must allow them to unlock their domain (or unlock it
yourself) if they want to transfer it away.
Registrar-Lock involves the following commands:

API command Usage

UpdateCusPreferences is the API command that supports the universal set-
tings in Task 3 above. If you set name servers at the account level, those name
servers are applied to every domain name at the time of registration.

GetCusPreferences Retrieve the current universal settings for this account.

SetRegLock Toggle Registrar-Lock on or off for a domain name.

GetRegLock Retrieve the current Registrar-Lock setting for a domain name.

Sample query strings:






- 15 -
Domains and TLDs




Task 12Renew domain names

Renewal of domain names can take a variety of forms. The simplest is setting an auto-
renew flag at the account or domain level. More active management functionality
includes renewal before or after expiration; or renewal of a domain that is in Redemption
Grace Period status.
Renewing domain names is basic functionality that you will certainly want to build. We
recommend that you build the Auto Renew functionality immediately; if needed, renewal
of existing domains can wait until domains you have registered are approaching their
expiration date.
Renewal involves the following commands:

API command Usage

UpdateCusPreferences is the API command that supports the
universal settings in Task 3 above. If you set name servers at
the account level, those name servers are applied to every
domain name at the time of registration.

GetCusPreferences Retrieve the current universal settings for this account.

Toggle Auto Renew on or off for one domain name. Auto

SetRenew Renew automatically renews domain names before their expir-
ation date.

GetRenew Retrieve the current Auto Renew setting for a domain name.

Extend Renew a domain name in real time.

UpdateExpiredDomains Renew a domain in Expired status

Extend_RGP Renew a domain name that is in Redemption Grace Period

- 16 -
Domains and TLDs

API command Usage


Specify whether you want us to send out white-labeled renewal

UpdateRenewalSettings reminder emails to your customers on your behalf, containing a
link to your Web site.

Sample query strings:











- 17 -
Domains and TLDs







Task 13Offer DNS Hosting

DNS Hosting is a service that allows customers who have a domain name registered
elsewhere to point it to our name servers, and use our servers. DNS Hosting is a useful
alternative to transferring domain names.
If you offer DNS Hostingits optional functionality, but an easy revenue stream if youre
building domain management tools anywayit involves the following commands:

API command Usage

PurchaseServices Purchase DNS Hosting in real time.

Retrieve a list of domain names in an account. The commands

GetDomains offers and optional filter that allows you to return only domains
that use DNS Hosting.

GetDomainInfo Retrieve extensive status information on one domain name.

ExtendDomainDNS Renew DNS Hosting in real time.

- 18 -
Domains and TLDs

Sample query strings:









Task 14Transfer domain names in

Allowing your customers to transfer domains that are currently registered elsewhere, into
the account they have with you, is optional functionality. Its a revenue stream for you
and a service that allows your customers to consolidate their domain name portfolios.
Transferring domain names to your business involves the following commands:

API command Usage

Create an order to transfer in domain names currently
TP_CreateOrder registered elsewhere. Using this command, you can either cre-
ate and submit an order immediately, or create it and save for

- 19 -
Domains and TLDs

API command Usage

later submission.

TP_GetOrderDetail Retrieve basic information about a single transfer order.

Update information in a transfer order that has not yet been sub-

TP_SubmitOrder Submit a transfer order.

Retrieve more extensive information about a single transfer


TP_GetOrdersByDomain Retrieve transfer information about a domain name.

TP_GetOrder Retrieve a transfer order and its details.

Retrieve a list of all transfer orders submitted in the last six

months, including closed orders.

Sample query strings:

TP_CreateOrder (create and submit immediately)


TP_CreateOrder (create, but save to finalize and submit later)




- 20 -
Domains and TLDs













- 21 -
Domains and TLDs

Task 15Transfer domain names away

You must allow customers to transfer their domains to another registrar if they so desire.
This involves giving your customers access to domain name authorization codes, allow-
ing them to disable Registrar-Lock, and allowing them to update their Registrant and
Administrative contacts so that verification emails are delivered to the correct email
Transferring domain names away from your business involves the following commands:

API command Usage

GetContacts Retrieve contact information for a domain name.

Set contact information for a domain name. For transfers,

Registrant and Administrative contact information must be up-
to-date, particularly the email addresses for these two con-

Synchronize the authorization code (EPP key) for a domain

SynchAuthInfo name in our database and at the Registry, and email the author-
ization code to the Registrant.

GetRegLock Retrieve the Registrar-Lock setting for a domain name.

In the case of a losing transfer, disable Registrar-Lock for a

domain name.

Sample query strings:





- 22 -
Domains and TLDs








New TLD - Watchlist

This document is designed to provide resellers with a step-by-step guide about the pro-
cesses for adding, deleting and maintaining a new TLD Watchlist.

Get the list of all available new TLDs in our system.


- 23 -
Domains and TLDs


Get the list of all categories. The new TLDs are arranged in one or more categories.


You can create LIST(s) for organizing or managing watchlist domain names. Each LIST
consists of a ListID, ListName and ListEmail.
Each account has a default LIST (ListID=0 ), containing domains to watch. Domains can
appear in multiple LISTS. The default LIST cannot be deleted and email address cannot
be changed.

ListID=0 ListID=1 ListID=2

.education one.ceo two.ceo
one.ceo one.ninja two.ninja
one.ninja one.fun two.fun
two.ceo ..... .....

International Domain Name (IDN)

IDN allows more web users to navigate the Internet in their preferred native language.
Most domain names are registered in ASCII characters. The non-Latin scripts such as
Chinese, Russian, Korean or other languages cannot be rendered in ASCII. IDN is fully
supported in PUNY Code and URL Encoded format.
To get more information and a conversion tool for PUNY Code, check the sites below:
l Verisign's IDN Tool: http://mct.verisign-grs.com
l RFC 3492: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3492

- 24 -
Domains and TLDs

Step 1 - Add domain(s) to a new or existing LIST in a

Add domain(s) to a new or existing LIST in a Watchlist.



Step 2 - Get Watchlist LIST

Retrieve a list of domains currently in a LIST.


Step 3 - Delete domain(s)/LIST from a Watchlist

Delete a list of domain(s) or a LIST from a Watchlist.


- 25 -
Domains and TLDs


Agreement Page
Retrieve the up-to-date Agreement.


New TLD - Queue

This document is designed to provide resellers with a step-by-step implementation for
purchasing domains from the registry prior to General Availability.
Sunrise Queue
Sunrise is the period when owners of trademarks have the opportunity to place orders for
domain names that contain their owned marks.
Landrush Queue
During Landrush, non-trademark holders may register domains that didn't qualify for Sun-
rise and consist of generic terms such as loan or car.
Pre-Registration is your last chance to pre-order domains before General Availability.
Anybody may pre-register any domain name that's still available.

Step 1 - Get Queue information

Retrieve a list of all queues, which can be fitered as appropriate.


- 26 -
Domains and TLDs


Step 2 - Get Extended Attributes

Retrieve a list of extended attributes and additional information for a specific queue. Run
Queue_GetInfo command to determine if the specific queue requires extended attributes.


Step 3 - Purchase domain(s) in a Queue

Purchase domain(s) in a queue.


Step 4 - Get Queue domains

Retrieve a list of domains currently in the queue.


- 27 -
Domains and TLDs

Order history and detail

Retrieve a list of queue domain order history.


Retrieve a detailed queue domain order.



Agreement Page
Retrieve the up-to-date Queue Agreement.


.ASIA Eligibility Requirements

Whats changing
The DotAsia Organisation, the Registry that administers the .ASIA TLD, has made
changes to its domain name registration system.

NOTE: The changes are backward compatible, so will not cause errors on your Web
site. However, they benefit your customers by providing greater flexibility in meeting
.ASIA eligibility requirements.

- 28 -
Domains and TLDs

Registrations of .ASIA domains must now satisfy at least one of the following eligibility
l The Registrant contact information must include the same extended attributes as
currently, or
l The Administrative contact address must have a postal address within the DotAsia

The purpose of this document is to provide you an overview of the affected API com-
mands, and a list of countries and country codes that satisfy the DotAsia Community eli-
gibility criteria.

Timeline and test environment

We will release the .asia changes to our test environment on November 24, 2010. You
can test changes on resellertest.enom.com. Changes will release to our production sys-
tem approximately 12:00 noon PST on December 8, 2010.

Audience for this document

This document is a guide for API resellers who already offer .ASIA, and need to make
changes to functionality that already exists on their system.

Where the changes apply

CIRs changes affect the following API commands:

API command Nature of changes

For an existing domain name, either supply .ASIA extended
attributes or supply an Asian mailing address for the Admin-
Contacts istrative contact. You can use the GetExtAttributes command
to retrieve the extended attributes and to populate a country
dropdown menu for the Administrative contact address.

For registrations and contact updates, retrieve .ASIA extended

GetExtAttributes attributes, and retrieve country codes for the Administrative
contact mailing address.

For registrations in our shopping cart, specify eligibility for a

Preconfigure .ASIA domain name: either an Asian Registrant, or an Asian
mailing address for the Administrative contact.

For real-time registrations, specify eligibility for a .ASIA domain

Purchase name: either an Asian Registrant, or an Asian mailing address
for the Administrative contact.

- 29 -
Domains and TLDs

.ASIA-approved countries
The following table lists countries approved by the .ASIA registry.
If the domain name registration or contact update does not include preconfiguration with
extended attributes for the Registrant, the Administrative contact must have a mailing
address in one of the following countries:

Country Code Country

ae United Arab Emirates

af Afghanistan

am Armenia

aq Antarctica

au Australia

az Azerbaijan

bd Bangladesh

bh Bahrain

bn Brunei Darussalam

bt Bhutan

cc Cocos (Keeling)

ck Cook Islands

cn China

cx Christmas Island

cy Cyprus

fj Fiji

fm Micronesia, Federated

ge Georgia

hk Hong Kong

hm Heard

id Indonesia

il Israel

- 30 -
Domains and TLDs

Country Code Country

in India

iq Iraq

jo Jordan

jp Japan

kg Kyrgyzstan

kh Cambodia

ki Kiribati

kr Korea, Republic of

kw Kuwait

kz Kazakhstan

la Lao People's Democratic

lb Lebanon

lk Sri Lanka

mh Marshall Islands

mm Myanmar

mn Mongolia

mo Macao

mv Maldives

my Malaysia

nf Norfolk Island

np Nepal

nr Nauru

nu Niue

nz New Zealand

om Oman

pg Papua New Guinea

ph Philippines

pk Pakistan

- 31 -
Domains and TLDs

Country Code Country

ps Palestinian Territories

pw Palau

qa Qatar

sa Saudi Arabia

sb Solomon Islands

sg Singapore

th Thailand

tj Tajikistan

tk Tokelau

tl Timor-Leste

tm Turkmenistan

to Tonga

tr Turkey

tv Tuvalu

tw Taiwan

uz Uzbekistan

vn Viet Nam

vu Vanuatu

ws Samoa

ye Yemen

.AU, .ES and .PE

This document is designed to provide resellers with a step-by-step guide about the pro-
cesses for registering and maintaining .AU, .ES and .PE domain registrations.

- 32 -
Domains and TLDs

TLD Settings
.com.AU .com.PE
.net.AU .net.PE
.org.AU .nom.PE
Min Registration 2 yrs 1 yr 1 yr

Max Registration 2 yrs 10 yrs 5 yrs

Extended Attributes Yes Yes No

AuthInfo (EPP) Yes No Yes

Step 1 - Extended Attributes

Some country code TLDs (ccTLDs) require extra parameters for registration and transfer.
Use GetExtAttributes command to get the required and optional parameters.


Step 2 - Purchase
Purchase domain(s) in our system.



- 33 -
Domains and TLDs

Shopping cart






Agreement Pages
Retrieve the up-to-date Registration Agreement.


- 34 -
Domains and TLDs

.CA Business Rules

This document catalogs the business rules that CIRA, the .ca registry, applies to the con-
tact information associated with .ca domain names. The rules are enforced and can
affect the success of domain name registrations and transfers.
In this section:

This document is intended for our API users who offer .ca domain names.

Affected API commands

The information in this document applies to API commands that use extended attributes
or registrant contact information. The primary commands affected:
l Purchase
l Preconfigure
l Contacts
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_SubmitOrder
l TP_UpdateOrderDetail

Overview of .ca eligibility requirements and contact

Similar to many country code TLDs, the Canadian registry requires that domain name
registrants have legal standing to register .ca domain names. These requirements,
known as Canadian Presence Requirements (CPR), are most satisfied in the form of
Canadian citizenship or incorporation of a business in Canada, and there are a number
of other categories listed in this document.
The Canadian registry separates the types of Canadian presence (the CIRA_Legal_
Type input parameter in our API) into two categories, Individual and Non-Individual.
Their requirements for what Registrant contact information to submit depend on what
legal type the Registrant declares.
The following legal types are classified as individuals:

CIRA_Legal_Type categorized as Indi-

CCT Canadian citizen

- 35 -
Domains and TLDs

CIRA_Legal_Type categorized as Indi-

RES Permanent resident of Canada

Aboriginal peoples (individuals or groups) indigenous to


Legal representative of a Canadian citizen or permanent


The following legal types are classified as non-individuals:

CIRA_Legal_Type categorized as Non-Indi-

Corporation (Canada or Canadian province or ter-

GOV Government or government entity in Canada

EDU Canadian educational institution

ASS Canadian unincorporated association

HOP Canadian hospital

PRT Partnership registered in Canada

Trade-mark registered in Canada by non-Canadian


TRD Canadian trade union

PLT Canadian political party

LAM Canadian library, archive, or museum

TRS Trust established in Canada

Indian Band recognized by the Indian Act of


OMK Official marks registered in Canada

MAJ Her Majesty the Queen

For detailed information on each of these contact types, see Registrant legal types-defin-
itions and valid formats

- 36 -
Domains and TLDs

When to use contact names and organization names

Based on our testing, we recommend the following practices for registering as individual
and non-individual legal types:

If the CIRA_Legal_Type is Indi- If the CIRA_Legal_Type is

Input parameters
vidual: Non-Individual:
First name and last name are First name and last name are
Registrant first name and last
Required. Submit the name of a per- Required. Submit the name of a per-
son. son.

Organization name is Required.

Organization name is Optional.
Must include at least one of the
Avoid the terms listed in Dis-
Registrant organization name terms listed in Required terms in
allowed terms in contact inform-
contact information for non- Indi-
ation for Individuals section.
viduals section.

Source of this information

The rest of this document is a transcription of business rules, from the Registry's doc-
umentation, about valid contact types and data formats. It is presented verbatim with lim-
ited exceptions:
l A few headings have been added or revised, in some cases for clarity and in some
cases to provide an anchor for the hypertext links in the table above.
l Lists of required and disallowed terms have been alphabetized.
l Spelling errors are transcribed from CIRA's documentation without correction.
l Notes added by us are flagged with "Note to API users".

Valid formats and data values for .ca

A 'Legal type' is a category that the Registrant must fall into in order to meet the Cana-
dian Presence Requirements. The Canadian Presence Requirements are set out in the
General Registration Rules and the Registrant Agreement between CIRA and regis-

Corporation (Canada or Canadian province or territory)

A corporation under the laws of Canada or any province or territory of Canada, Charities,
Cooperative, Council.

- 37 -
Domains and TLDs

Registrant name format requirements

The information in this document applies to API commands that use extended attributes
or registrant contact information. The primary commands affected:
l The Registrant name must be the full legal name of the corporation and must be fol-
lowed by the jurisdiction of incorporation (i.e. Canada, Ontario, NWT.), unless it
is obvious from the corporation's name. Canadian Internet Registration Authority
l For Charities - the NFP should be included in the organization name - if it is a not-
for-profit organization - you are also required to submit the registration number (i.e.
123456789 RR0001)

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type 'Corporation'
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
The Foundation of Rosa (NFP) Smiths

La fondation de Edward (OSBL) Smiths Consulting

123745 Canada Inc. Smiths Kennel

Smith Corp. of Ontario Leatra SP

Smith Lte. Canada Smiths Corp.

Canadian citizen
A Canadian citizen of the age of majority under the laws of the province or territory in
Canada in which he or she resides or last resided.
Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be the full legal name of the Canadian Citizen who
will hold the domain name registration as the name would appear on a passport,
driver's license or other identification document issued by a government.
l The full legal name may be followed by a space and o/a xxxx where o/a stands
for Operating As and xxxx can be any alpha-numeric string designated by the
applicant and subject to applicable rules and length restrictions (e.g. John Doe o/a
Doe Consulting Group). The name may also be followed by a space and a degree
granted to the Registrant by a recognized degree granting institution or a recog-
nized professional designation which the Registrant has the right to use (i.e., PhD,
MD, and DDS.)
l Full legal names of individuals may only consist of alphabetic characters and the
special characters: single quote mark('), hyphen(-), period(.).

- 38 -
Domains and TLDs

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type 'Permanent resident of
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
John Smith John

Fred-Albert Doon PhD J. Doe

Bernard St-James o/a St-James Services None

Kathy Lynn Perse Personal


Cool Gal

Domain Administrator

St-James Services

Acme Sales Inc.

Permanent resident of Canada

A permanent resident as defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
(Canada) S.C. 2001, c.27, as amended from time to time, who is ordinarily resident (as
defined below) in Canada and of the age of majority under the laws of the province or ter-
ritory in Canada in which he or she resides or last resided. Ordinarily resident in
Canada means an individual who resides in Canada for more than 183 days in the
twelve month period immediately preceding the date of the applicable request for regis-
tration of the .ca domain name or sub-domain name and in each twelve month period
thereafter for the duration of the domain name registration.
Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be the full legal name of the Permanent Resident who
will hold the domain name registration as the name would appear on a driver's
license or other identification document issued by a government.
l The name may be followed by a space and o/a xxxx where o/a stands for Oper-
ating As and xxxx can be any alpha-numeric string designated by the applicant
and subject to applicable rules and length restrictions (e.g. John Doe o/a Doe Con-
sulting Group). The name may also be followed by a space and a degree granted
to the Registrant by a recognized degree granting institution or a recognized pro-
fessional designation which the Registrant has the right to use (i.e., PhD, MD, and
l Full legal names of individuals may only consist of alphabetic characters and the
special characters: single quote mark('), hyphen(-), period(.).

- 39 -
Domains and TLDs

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type 'Permanent resident of
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
John Smith John

Fred-Albert Doon DDS J. Doe

Bernard St-James o/a St-James Services F.A.D

Kathy Lynn Perse Cool Gal

St-James Services

Acme Sales Inc.

Government or government entity in Canada

Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, a province or a territory; an agent of Her
Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, of a province or of a territory; a federal, provincial
or territorial Crown corporation, government agency or government entity; or a regional,
municipal or local area government.
Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be the complete official name of the entity that will
hold the domain name registration, without any abbreviations. (A common abbre-
viation may follow the official name in parentheses).
l If the Registrant is not a government, the Registrant's name must be followed by
the name of the jurisdiction (i.e. Canada, province, territory, municipality, etc) to
which the Registrant is related.

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type 'Government or gov-
ernment entity in Canada'
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
Government of Alberta Toronto Sales Are Us Inc.

Export Development Corporation (EDC) (Canada) DCIOPEI

Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario (DCIO) John Doe

City of Toronto

Canadian educational institution

1. A university or college which is located in Canada and which is authorized or
recognized as a university or college under an Act of the legislature of a province

- 40 -
Domains and TLDs

or territory of Canada; or
2. A college, post-secondary school, vocational school, secondary school, pre-school
or other school or educational institution which is located in Canada and which is
recognized by the educational authorities of a province or territory of Canada or
licensed under or maintained by an Act of Parliament of Canada or of the legis-
lature of a province or territory of Canada
Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be the complete official name of the institution that will
hold the domain name registration, without any abbreviations.
l A common abbreviation may follow the official name in parentheses.
l The Registrant name must be followed by the jurisdiction (e.g. name of province,
municipality) in which the institution is accredited if not obvious from the Regis-
trant's name.

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant name for the legal type 'Canadian educational
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
L' cole de la ville (Ottawa) Sandhill Secondary School

University of British Columbia (UBC) Sales Are Us Inc.

St-John's Middle School of Ottawa UBC Student Association

Advanced Languages Institute of Ontario (ALI) Professional Association of Teaching Professionals

(Ontario) of UdeM

Joe Smith

Canadian unincorporated association

This legal type is principally intended for religious congregations, social and sports
clubs and community groups, council (not registered) or society (not registered) which
are based and operating in Canada.
An unincorporated organization, association or club:
1. at least 80% of whose members: (A) are ordinarily resident in Canada (if such mem-
bers are individuals); or (B) meet the requirements of any one of the following
Registrant Types: Corporation (Canada or Canadian province or territory), Cana-
dian citizen, Permanent Resident of Canada, Partnership Registered in Canada,
Trust established in Canada, Legal Representative of a Canadian Citizen or Per-
manent Resident; and

- 41 -
Domains and TLDs

2. at least 80% of whose directors, officers, employees, managers, administrators or

other representatives are ordinarily resident in Canada
Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be the complete name of the association that will hold
the domain name registration, without any abbreviations. (A common abbreviation
may follow the complete name in parentheses).

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type
'Canadian unincorporated association'
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
St-Alban's Reformed Church of Victoria ACDEN

Archdiocese of Montral St-Patrick's

Sun Youth Montral Dartmouth Soccer Club Limited

Citizens for the Protection of the Red River John Doe

Toronto Junior Soccer Association

Canadian hospital
A hospital which is located in Canada and which is licensed, authorized or approved to
operate as a hospital under an Act of the legislature of a province or territory of Canada.
Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be the complete official name of the hospital that will
hold the domain name registration, without any abbreviations. (A common abbre-
viation may follow the complete name in parentheses.) The Registrant's name
must be followed by the jurisdiction (i.e. name of province) which accredited the
hospital if not obvious from the Registrant's name.

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type 'Canadian hospital'
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
Royal Victoria Hospital - Qubec The dog hospital

Sick Children's Hospital of Ontario The cat veterinary

Veteran's Hospital Canada, Pointe Claire Dr. John Doe

Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Jane Doe

- 42 -
Domains and TLDs

Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name

John Doe Inc.


Nurses Union Local 1455 NHCWA

Manitoba Doctors Against Drugs (MDAD)

Partnership registered in Canada

A partnership, more than 66 2/3 % of whose partners meet the requirements of one of the
following Registrant Types: Corporation (Canada or Canadian province or territory),
Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident of Canada, Trust established in Canada or a
Legal Representative of a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident, which is registered
as a partnership under the laws of any province or territory of Canada.
Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be the registered name of the partnership that will
hold the domain name registration.
l The Registrant name must be followed by the jurisdiction of registration (i.e.,
Alberta) and the registration number.

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type
'Partnership registered in Canada'
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
John Doe, LLP (Ontario) Mybusiness Inc.

Xenon Partnership (Ontario) Fred Smith

Doucett, Entwistle and Theedom LLP (Ontario) John Doe Partnership

John Doe Partnership, British Columbia

Rosa, Edward, Kelly, Partnership-Ottawa

Trade-mark registered in Canada by non-Canadian owner

A Person which does not fall under any other legal type, but which is the owner of a
trade-mark which is the subject of a registration under the Trade-marks Act (Canada)
R.S.C. 1985, c.T-13 as amended from time to time, but in this case such permission is
limited to a request to register a .ca domain name consisting of or including the exact
word component of that registered trade-mark.

- 43 -
Domains and TLDs

NOTE: This legal type is only intended for Registrants which do not meet the require-
ments associated with any other legal type but which have a trade-mark registered in
Canada. (Trademarks subject of trade-mark applications and trade-marks registered in
other jurisdictions, such as the United States, do not qualify.) The domain name to be
registered must include the trademark. (i.e., If the trade-mark is AVEA this type of Regis-
trant can register avea.ca or aveaisus.ca but not xyz.ca)

Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be the complete legal name of the trade-mark owner
(not the trademark agent) holding the domain name registration without any abbre-
viations. (A common abbreviation may follow the complete name in parentheses.)
l The applicant must also insert the Canadian registration number of the trade-mark
following the Registrant name.

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type
'Trade-mark registered in Canada by non-Canadian owner'
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
Arcuros SPA - TMA1762466 Arcuros SPA

Canadian trade union

A trade union which is recognized by a labour board under the laws of Canada or any
province or territory of Canada and which has its head office in Canada.
Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be the complete official name of the trade union that
will hold the domain name registration, without abbreviations. (A common abbre-
viation may follow the official name in parentheses.)
l The Registrant name must be followed by the jurisdiction in Canada which recog-
nizes it (if it is not obvious from the Registrant's name.)

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type 'Canadian trade union'
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
Confdration des syndicats nationaux (CSN) - Qubec ZZCEUL local 237

Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) Jean Smith

Sales Are Us Inc.

- 44 -
Domains and TLDs

Canadian political party

A political party registered under a relevant electoral law of Canada or any province or
territory of Canada.
Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be the complete official name of the political party
holding the domain name registration, without abbreviations. (A common abbre-
viation may follow the official name in parentheses.)
l The Registrant name must also by followed by the jurisdiction in Canada in which
it is registered (if it is not obvious from the official name).

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type 'Canadian political
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
Progressive Conservative Party of Canada (PC) John Doe

Union Nationale du Qubec Sales Are Us Inc.

Reform Party - Alberta Liberal Party

ACCULD Ontario

National Liberation Front of Mexico

Canadian library, archive or museum

An institution, whether or not incorporated, that:
1. is located in Canada; and
2. is not established or conducted for profit or does not form part of, or is not admin-
istered or directly or indirectly controlled by, a body that is established or con-
ducted for profit in which is held and maintained a collection of documents and
other materials that is open to the public or to researchers
Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be the complete legal name of the institution which
will hold the domain name registration without abbreviations. (A common abbre-
viation may follow the complete name in parentheses.)

- 45 -
Domains and TLDs

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type
'Canadian library, archive or museum'
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
Royal Ontario Museum John Doe

Mus des Beaux Arts de Montral Sales Are Us Inc.

My site

Domain Administrator

Biggs Bargain Books

Trust established in Canada

A trust established and subsisting under the laws of a province or territory of Canada,
more than 66-2/3 % of whose trustees meet the requirements of one of the following
Registrant Types: Corporation (Canada or Canadian province or territory), Canadian cit-
izen, Permanent Resident of Canada, or a Legal Representative of a Canadian Citizen
or Permanent Resident.
Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be the complete official name of the trust, without any
abbreviations. (A common abbreviation may follow the official name in par-
l The Registrant name must also indicate the total percentage of the trustees that
meet one or more of the following requirements: Canadian citizen, permanent res-
ident, Canadian corporation, legal representative.

Examples of valid or invalid Registrant names for the legal type

'Trust established in Canada'
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
Marie Daigle Trust - (100%) John Doe

Arbeit Trust - (70%) Sales Are Us Inc.

Arbeit Trust (10%)

Aboriginal Peoples (individuals) indigenous to Canada

Any individual belonging to any Inuit, First Nation, Metis or other people indigenous to

- 46 -
Domains and TLDs

Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be the full legal name of the Aboriginal Person apply-
ing for the Registration as it would appear on a driver's license or other iden-
tification document issued by government.
l The Registrant may enter its full legal name followed by a space and o/a xxxx
where o/a stands for Operating As and xxxx can be any alpha-numeric string
designated by the applicant and subject to applicable rules and length restrictions
(e.g. John Doe o/a Doe Consulting Group).
l The name may also be followed by a space and a degree granted to the Registrant
by a recognized degree granting institution or a recognized professional des-
ignation which the Registrant has the right to use (i.e., PhD, MD, and DDS.)
l Full legal names of individuals may only consist of alphabetic characters and the
special characters: single quote mark('), hyphen(-), period(.).

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type
'Aboriginal Peoples (individuals) indigenous to Canada'
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
John Smith John

Fred-Albert Doon DDS None

Bernard St-James o/a St-James Services Personal


Domain Administrator

St-James Services Inc.

Aboriginal Peoples (groups) indigenous to Canada

Any Inuit, First Nation, Metis or other people indigenous to Canada, and any collectivity
of such Aboriginal peoples.
Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be the complete official name of the indigenous
people a collectivity of Aboriginal Persons or, if there is no official name, the name
by which the collectivity is commonly known.

- 47 -
Domains and TLDs

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type
'Aboriginal Peoples (individuals) indigenous to Canada'
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
Carrier Sekani Tribal Council Acme Sales Inc.

Helping Spirit Lodge Society

John Jones

Indian Band recognized by the Indian Act of Canada

Any Indian band as defined in the Indian Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. I-5, as amended from time
to time, and any group of Indian bands.
Registrant name format requirements

l The name of Registrant must be the Indian Band Name as registered with the
Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Canada.

NOTE: To verify the status or existence of an Indian Band, visit: http://www.-

aboriginalcanada.gc.ca/ or contact them directly by telephone at 888-399-0111. The web-
site is not authoritative.

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type 'Indian Band recog-
nized by the Indian Act of Canada'
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
Lac la Ronge Indian Band Mohawk Motors

Sioux Sales Inc.

Sales Are Us Inc.

John Smith

Legal representative of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident

An executor, administrator or other legal representative of a Person listed as a Canadian
Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada.
Note This legal type is only available to a person or entity that has been appointed by
legal process to represent an individual who is not competent to represent him or herself.
It is not available to anyone who represents a Canadian or foreign corporation in any

- 48 -
Domains and TLDs

Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be the full legal name of the Canadian Citizen or Per-
manent Resident of Canada who is being represented as it would appear on a
passport, driver's license or other government identification document. This must
be followed by the full legal name and capacity of at least one of the official rep-
l Full legal names of individuals may only consist of alphabetic characters and the

special characters: single quote mark('), hyphen(-), period(.).

l Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type 'Indian Band

recognized by the Indian Act of Canada'

Caution: The representative should be identified as the Administrative Contact for these

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type
'Legal representative of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident'
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
John Smith (Jayne Smith, executor) Sales Are Us Inc.

Arlenza SP

Shingle LLP

Official marks registered in Canada

A Person which does not meet the requirements for any other legal type, but which is a
Person intended to be protected by Subsection 9(1) of the Trade-marks Act (Canada) at
whose request the Registrar of trade-marks has published notice of adoption of any
badge, crest, emblem, official mark or other mark pursuant to Subsection 9(1), but in this
case such permission is limited to a request to register a .ca domain name consisting of
or including the exact word component of such badge, crest, emblem, official mark or
other mark in respect of which such Person requested publications.
Note: This legal type is only intended for Registrants which do not meet the require-
ments associated with any other legal type but which have an Official Mark registered in
Canada. The domain name must include the official mark (i.e. if the official mark is
WIPO, the Registrant can register wipo.ca but not intellectual-property.ca)
Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be the complete official name of the entity holding the
domain name registration without any abbreviations. (A common abbreviation may
follow the complete name in parentheses.) The registration number of the official
mark must follow the Registrant Name.

- 49 -
Domains and TLDs

Examples of valid and invalid Registrant names for the legal type
'Official marks registered in Canada'
Valid Registrant name Invalid Registrant name
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul-
John Doe Inc.
tural Organization (UNESCO) - 0970388

Arcuros SPA

Her Majesty the Queen

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second and her successors.
Registrant name format requirements

l The Registrant's name must be that of Her Majesty the Queen or, after a suc-
cession, the name of her successor.

About valid and invalid contact names

CIRA requires the Registrar to collect accurate information from the Registrant. Contacts
without a valid Canadian presence cannot be assigned to the Registrant role. CIRA's
registry checks for Canadian presence on a contact in the role of Registrant.
Organization (Note to API users: this is the RegistrantOrganizationName input para-
meter in our API) can only be used when a contact is an individual, because its intended
use is to indicate which organization an actual person works for, and does not indicate
the non-individual contact name.

Required terms in contact information for non-Individuals

The following is a list that includes, but is not limited to, valid non individual names.
When the category is nonindividual, the contact must contain at least one of the fol-
lowing whole words in the name:
l bank
l banque
l caisse d'economie
l caisse d'epargne
l coop
l caisse de credit
l caisse populaire
l compagnie
l company
l cooperation

- 50 -
Domains and TLDs

l cooperative
l cooprix
l corp
l corp.
l corporation
l credit union
l federation de societes mutuelles d'assurance
l federation of mutual insurance associations
l fideicommis
l fiducie
l inc
l inc.
l incorporated
l incorporee
l limited
l limited liability company
l limited liability partnership
l limitee
l llc
l llp
l ltd
l ltd.
l lte
l lte.
l ltee
l ltee.
l mutual benefit association
l s.a.
l s.a.r.f.
l s.c.c.
l s.r.l.
l sarl
l savings union
l socit responsabilit limite
l societe commerciale canadienne
l societe d'entraide economique
l societe d'epargne
l societe de fiducie
l societe de secours mutuels
l societe mutuelle d'assurance
l societe par actions
l societe par actions a responsabilite limitee
l trust
l ulc
l ulc.

- 51 -
Domains and TLDs

l unlimited liability company

Disallowed terms in contact information for Individuals

The following is a list, that includes but is not limited to, invalid individual names. The cat-
egory is individual and therefore, the contact name must not contain any of the following
whole words.
Note to API users: Our testing indicates that these terms can also be problematic in the
optional input parameter, organization name, for Individual legal types.

Invalid Individual Names

(tm) academic academie

academy access admin

administration administrations administrator

adult adventure alb

alberta alliance american

animal animals animaux

and arts assistance

associate associates association

authority autorite available

band bc breakfast

british business businesses

calgary canada canadian

canadien canadienne capital

capitale care carpet

carpets central city

classic club clubs

college comission commerce

communication communications compagnie

company computer conseiller

conseillers consultant consultants

consultation consulting coop

- 52 -
Domains and TLDs

Invalid Individual Names

co-op corporation cottages

council country cyber

cybercafe design designs

development developpement digital

disabilities disability disponible

distribution district dns

domain domaine domaines

domains drink droits

economic economique educational

eglise electronic electronics

electronique electroniques entreprise

ergonomic ergonomics ergonomique

essential essentials essentiel

essentiels evenement evenements

event events farm

farms ferme fermes

film films financial

financiere food foreign

free fund funds

gallerie gestion golf

graphic graphics graphique

graphiques group groupe

halifax hamlet health

hebdomadaire help hosting

hotel hotels immobilier

individu individual individuals

individus industrie industries

- 53 -
Domains and TLDs

Invalid Individual Names

industry information instruments

interest international internet

journal laboratoire laboratoires

laboratories laboratory leasing

liberal local location

locations management manitoba

mb mechanic mechanics

medecine media medical

montreal motel motels

motoneige motoneiges motor

motors nb network

networking new brunswick newfoundland

nf northerns nova scotia

ns of office

online ontario org.

organisation organization ottawa

outlet outlets pei

photographie photography picture

pictures product products

production productions program

programs properties property

public publishing punk

quarterly quebec realty

remote rental rentals

restaurant rights rues

rural sa sask.

saskatoon school services

- 54 -
Domains and TLDs

Invalid Individual Names

sex ski snowmobible

snowmobibles societe society

solution solutions sport

sports student studio

supplies supply system

systems teacher teachers

teaching technical technologie

technology the theatre

tm toronto treats

trimestriel town ultimate

universal universel universite

university vacation vacations

vancouver vente verte

village ville virtual

virtuel webmaster website

weekly winnipeg xxx

NOTE: Note: A Contact that is an individual cannot use invalid contact names for Admin-
istrative Contact and Technical Contact information

See also the Canadian Presence Requirements for Registrants at


Authorization Information
The registration of domain names and other operations around the registered domain
name are carried out only if the registrar is authorized for the change. An authorization
password is usually associated with the domain. Information is returned in a response
only when:
l The querying Registrar is the current sponsoring Registrar, or
l The Registrar has supplied valid authorization information with the request

For example, CIRA regards any changes to the contact name information a critical
change and requires authorization information. In this case, the request must include the

- 55 -
Domains and TLDs

authorization information for the domain. The Registrar must provide valid contact IDs for
Registrant and administrative contact, and, if applicable, technical contacts. These con-
tacts must be sponsored by the Registrar.
In the case of a domain name transfer, The Registrar must have the authorization inform-
ation, (a password) from the Registrant before the domain name can be transferred.

Permitted formats for input values

Domain Names
The following lists valid domain name formats and values.
l Maximum 4 segments separated by period characters
l Maximum segment length 63 characters
l Segment characters must be alphanumeric or "-"
l "-" must not appear at the start or end of a segment
l Last segment must be "ca"

Email Addresses
The following lists email valid format and values.
l Length is 6 - 320 characters
l Format: email@domain.tld

IP Addresses
The Registry supports both IPv4 and IPv6 address types. An IPv4 address is a 32-bit
identifier that consists of a set of four numbers, each in the range of 0 to 255, separated
by periods. For example, An IPv6 address is a 128-bit identifier. IPv6
notation consists of eight groups of four hexadecimal digits, separated by colons. For
example, 2001:db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:5b0f. CIRA supports entering IPV6 IP
addresses in standard shorthand notations such as:
l Removing the leading zeros in a group
l Replacing one or more consecutive groups that consist entirely of zero values with
two colons (::). This can only be done once in an address

Postal Codes
When the country code is CA, the postal code format is XNX NXN. Where X is a letter
and N is a number, the space separating the first three characters from the second three
characters, is optional.

- 56 -
Domains and TLDs

When the country code is US, the zip code format is NNNNN or NNNNN-NNNN. Where
N is a numeric character, the hyphen character is used to separate the first five char-
acters from the following four characters, if the 'zip plus four' format is used.

Telephone and Fax Numbers, and telephone extensions

Note to API users: CIRA's instructions in this section have been replaced with the
formatting requirements we use for all TLDs. We reformat as needed to comply with
each Registry's formatting requirements.
For telephone and fax numbers, the format must be +CountryCode.PhoneNumber,
where CountryCode and PhoneNumber use only numeric characters and the + is URL-
encoded as a plus sign (%2B).
You may add an extension number if applicable.

Permitted values for country, province, and state

Country codes
The Country Codes table lists the country names in alphabetical order and their cor-
responding country codes.

Country Code
Afghanistan AF

Aland Islands AX

Albania AL

Algeria DZ

American Samoa AS

Andorra AD

Angola AO

Anguilla AI

Antarctica AQ

Antigua & Barbuda AG

Argentina AR

Armenia AM

- 57 -
Domains and TLDs

Country Code
Aruba AW

Ascension Island AC

Australia AU

Austria AT

Azerbaijan AZ

Bahamas BS

Bahrain BH

Bangladesh BD

Barbados BB

Belarus BY

Belgium BE

Belize BZ

Benin BJ

Bermuda BM

Bhutan BT

Bolivia BO

Bosnia and Herzegovina BA

Botswana BW

Bouvet Island BV

Brazil BR

British Indian Ocean Territory IO

Brunei Darussalam BN

Bulgaria BG

Burkina Faso BF

Burundi BI

Cambodia KH

Cameroon CM

Canada CA

- 58 -
Domains and TLDs

Country Code
Cape Verde CV

Cayman Islands KY

Central African Republic CF

Chad TD

Chile CL

China CN

Christmas Island CX

Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC

Colombia CO

Comoros KM

Congo CG

Democratic Republic of the Congo CD

Cook Islands CK

Costa Rica CR

Cte D'ivoire (Ivory Coast) CI

Croatia HR

Cuba CU

Cyprus CY

Czech Republic CZ

Denmark DK

Djibouti DJ

Dominica DM

Dominican Republic DO

Ecuador EC

Egypt EG

El Salvador SV

Equatorial Guinea GQ

Eritrea ER

- 59 -
Domains and TLDs

Country Code
Estonia EE

Ethiopia ET

Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FK

Faroe Islands FO

Federated States of Micronesia FM

Fiji FJ

Finland FI

France FR

French Guiana GF

French Polynesia PF

French Southern Territories TF

Gabon GA

Gambia GM

Georgia GE

Germany DE

Ghana GH

Gibraltar GI

Greece GR

Greenland GL

Grenada GD

Guadeloupe GP

Guam GU

Guatemala GT

Guernsey GG

Guinea GN

Guinea-Bissau GW

Guyana GY

Haiti HT

- 60 -
Domains and TLDs

Country Code
Heard & McDonald Islands HM

Holy See (Vatican City State) VA

Honduras HN

Hong Kong HK

Hungary HU

Iceland IS

India IN

Indonesia ID

Iran IR

Iraq IQ

Ireland IE

Isle of Man IM

Israel IL

Italy IT

Jamaica JM

Japan JP

Jersey JE

Jordan JO

Kazakhstan KZ

Kenya KE

Kiribati KI

(North) Korea, Democratic

People's Republic of

(South) Korea, Republic of KR

Kuwait KW

Kyrgyzstan KG

Lao People's Democratic Republic LA

Latvia LV

- 61 -
Domains and TLDs

Country Code
Lebanon LB

Lesotho LS

Liberia LR

Libya (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) LY

Liechtenstein LI

Lithuania LT

Luxembourg LU

Macao MO

Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav

Republic of

Madagascar MG

Malawi MW

Malaysia MY

Maldives MV

Mali ML

Malta MT

Marshall Islands MH

Martinique MQ

Mauritania MR

Mauritius MU

Mayotte YT

Mexico MX

Micronesia, Federated States of FM

Moldova MD

Monaco MC

Mongolia MN

Montenegro ME

Montserrat MS

- 62 -
Domains and TLDs

Country Code
Morocco MA

Mozambique MZ

Myanmar MM

Namibia NA

Nauru NR

Nepal NP

Netherlands NL

Netherlands Antilles AN

New Caledonia NC

New Zealand NZ

Nicaragua NI

Niger NE

Nigeria NG

Niue NU

Norfolk Island NF

Northern Mariana Islands MP

Norway NO

Oman OM

Pakistan PK

Palau PW

Palestine (Palestinian Territory,


Panama PA

Papua New Guinea PG

Paraguay PY

Peru PE

Philippines PH

Pitcairn Islands PN

- 63 -
Domains and TLDs

Country Code
Poland PL

Portugal PT

Puerto Rico PR

Qatar QA

Runion RE

Romania RO

Russia RU

Rwanda RW

Saint Barthelemy BL

Saint Helena SH

Saint Kitts and Nevis KN

Saint Lucia LC

Saint Martin MF

Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC

Samoa WS

San Marino SM

So Tom and Principe ST

Saudi Arabia SA

Senegal SN

Serbia RS

Seychelles SC

Sierra Leone SL

Singapore SG

Slovakia SK

Slovenia SI

Solomon Islands SB

Somalia SO

- 64 -
Domains and TLDs

Country Code
South Africa ZA

South Georgia and the South Sand-

wich Islands

Spain ES

Sri Lanka LK

Sudan SD

Suriname SR

Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJ

Swaziland SZ

Switzerland CH

Sweden SE

Taiwan TW

Tajikistan TJ

Tanzania TZ

Thailand TH

Timor-Leste TL

Togo TG

Tokelau TK

Tonga TO

Trinidad and Tobago TT

Tunisia TN

Turkey TR

Turkmenistan TM

Turks and Caicos Islands TC

Tuvalu TV

Uganda UG

Ukraine UA

United Arab Emirates AE

- 65 -
Domains and TLDs

Country Code
United Kingdom (Great Britain) GB

United States US

US Minor Outlying Islands UM

Uruguay UY

Uzbekistan UZ

Vanuatu VU

Vatican City State (Holy See) VA

Venezuela VE

Vietnam VN

British Virgin Islands VG

United States Virgin Islands VI

Wallis and Futuna WF

Western Sahara EH

Yemen YE

Zambia ZM

Zimbabwe ZW

Canadian province codes

Canadian province Code
Alberta AB

British Columbia BC

Manitoba MB

New Brunswick NB

Newfoundland and Labrador NL

Northwest Territories NT

Nova Scotia NS

Nunavut NU

- 66 -
Domains and TLDs

Canadian province Code

Ontario ON

Prince Edward Island PE

Quebec QC

Saskatchewan SK

Yukon YK

US state, territory, or region codes

US state, territory, or region
Armed Forces Americas
(except Canada)

Armed Forces Africa

Armed Forces Canada
Armed Forces Europe
Armed Forces Middle East

Alaska AK

Alabama AL

Armed Forces Pacific AP

American Samoa AS

Arizona AZ

Arkansas AR

California CA

Colorado CO

Connecticut CT

Delaware DE

District of Columbia DC

Federated States of Micronesia FM

Florida FL

Georgia GA

Guam GU

- 67 -
Domains and TLDs

US state, territory, or region

Hawaii HI

Idaho ID

Illinois IL

Indiana IN

Iowa IA

Kansas KS

Kentucky KY

Louisiana LA

Maine ME

Marshall Islands MH

Maryland MD

Massachusetts MA

Michigan MI

Minnesota MN

Mississippi MS

Missouri MO

Montana MT

Nebraska NE

Nevada NV

New Hampshire NH

New Jersey NJ

New Mexico NM

New York NY

North Carolina NC

North Dakota ND

Northern Mariana Islands MP

Ohio OH

- 68 -
Domains and TLDs

US state, territory, or region

Oklahoma OK

Oregon OR

Palau PW

Pennsylvania PA

Puerto Rico PR

Rhode Island RI

South Carolina SC

South Dakota SD

Tennessee TN

Texas TX

Utah UT

Vermont VT

Virgin Islands VI

Virginia VA

Washington WA

West Virginia WV

Wisconsin WI

Wyoming WY

.AU, .ES and .PE

This document is designed to provide resellers with a step-by-step guide about the pro-
cesses for registering and maintaining .AU, .ES and .PE domain registrations.

- 69 -
Domains and TLDs

TLD Settings
.com.AU .com.PE
.net.AU .net.PE
.org.AU .nom.PE
Min Registration 2 yrs 1 yr 1 yr

Max Registration 2 yrs 10 yrs 5 yrs

Extended Attributes Yes Yes No

AuthInfo (EPP) Yes No Yes

Step 1 - Extended Attributes

Some country code TLDs (ccTLDs) require extra parameters for registration and transfer.
Use GetExtAttributes command to get the required and optional parameters.


Step 2 - Purchase
Purchase domain(s) in our system.



- 70 -
Domains and TLDs

Shopping cart






Agreement Pages
Retrieve the up-to-date Registration Agreement.


- 71 -
Domains and TLDs

.EU Transfer
The .EU Registry (EURid) will be updating their transfer and trade system to bring it
more inline with general TLDs. This document outlines the key elements affecting the
eNom transfer and trade system.

Production : November 21st, 2012
ResellerTest : November 1st, 2012

l Trade is no longer required for contact update
l Authorization Code is now required for transfer

Use this method (preconfig=0) when all required information is ready and there is no
need to modify anything. The fully configured TP_CreateOrder command will CREATE
and SUBMIT the transfer request immediately.

&tld1=eu&authinfo1=123ABC&EU_WhoisPolicy=I Agree&-

Use this method (preconfig=1) for websites with multiple sequential pages in the transfer
and/or trade process, such as those found in a step-by-step entry or wizard, or those with
a "save for later" feature.

- 72 -
Domains and TLDs

&tld1=eu&authinfo1=123ABC&EU_WhoisPolicy=I Agree&-


&emailaddress=myemail@domain.com&EU_WhoisPolicy=I Agree



.NU Registrant Requirements

What's changing
The .NU Registry has made changes to its domain name registration requirements. The
resellers are advised to incorporate these by September 2nd to avoid any issues/failures
around .NU registrations. Once we go live with this change, any Resellers who have not
included this extended attributes may see failures in processing .NU registrations.
The change requirements registrants to provide additional information at the time of regis-
tering a domain. In addition to current contact information, the following information is
required depending upon the location of registrant:

- 73 -
Domains and TLDs

l Swedish Resident: Registrants who are resident of Sweden should provide a valid
l Personal Identification Number, if registrant is an individual.

l Organization Identification Number, if the registrant is a corporation

registered in Sweden.
l VAT/Tax ID Number: If the registrant is a corporation, in addition to Cor-

poration ID, it can also optionally provide additional Tax/VAT Number.

l Non-Swedish Resident: Registrants who don't have a Swedish address are not

required to pass additional information.

Please note that although these attributes are OPTIONAL for domain registrant, NOT
providing these attributes could lead to an unsuccessful/failed registration.
Sweden Others
Personal Organization Personal Organization


Extended Attributes Code Sweden Others

Personal Organization Personal Organization

iis_orgno required required n/a n/a
ID Number

VAT Number iis_vatno n/a required n/a n/a

Timeline and test environment

l ResellerTest: August 01, 2013
l Production: September 02, 2013

Step 1 - Get Extended Attributes

Some country code TLDs (ccTLDs) require extra parameters for registration and transfer.
Use GetExtAttributes command to get the required and optional parameters.


- 74 -
Domains and TLDs

Step 2 - Purchase
Purchase domain(s) in our system.


&RegistrantLastName=Smith&RegistrantAddress1=1st Ave
&RegistrantCity=Stockholm&RegistrantPostalCode=104 65

Shopping cart




- 75 -
Domains and TLDs




Agreement Pages
Retrieve the up-to-date Registration Agreement.


Related commands
l Contacts
l PreConfigure
l Purchase

.AU, .ES and .PE

This document is designed to provide resellers with a step-by-step guide about the pro-
cesses for registering and maintaining .AU, .ES and .PE domain registrations.

- 76 -
Domains and TLDs

TLD Settings
.com.AU .com.PE
.net.AU .net.PE
.org.AU .nom.PE
Min Registration 2 yrs 1 yr 1 yr

Max Registration 2 yrs 10 yrs 5 yrs

Extended Attributes Yes Yes No

AuthInfo (EPP) Yes No Yes

Step 1 - Extended Attributes

Some country code TLDs (ccTLDs) require extra parameters for registration and transfer.
Use GetExtAttributes command to get the required and optional parameters.


Step 2 - Purchase
Purchase domain(s) in our system.



- 77 -
Domains and TLDs

Shopping cart






Agreement Pages
Retrieve the up-to-date Registration Agreement.


- 78 -
Domains and TLDs

Nominet (.UK Registry) System Changes


This document is designed to provide resellers with technical details about the changes
to the .UK name space. Nominet, the .UK Registry, has updated their Registry system to
support the ability for Resellers to register and renew .UK domain names for single or
multi-year terms.
Use this sample command to purchase a real-time domain registration (single or multi-
year terms).

Multi-Year Registrations and Renewals

Current Behavior
eNom's API requires all new .UK registrations and .UK renewals to be executed at a
two-year minimum.
New Behavior
lRegistrations: multi-year (1-10)
lRenewals: multi-year (1-10)
l Renewals availability: any time (no longer restricted to 6 months prior to expiration

Required or Optional
This change is optional. Resellers do not have to update their systems for this change.
Our API will remain backwards compatible.
l ResellerTest Server : April 4th, 2012
l Live Server : May 1st, 2012

Real-Time Response

- 79 -
Domains and TLDs

Current Behavior
eNom's API currently operates in a non-real time manner for .UK. Our system centers on
a 1300 Response Code (RRPCode) for .UK registrations. Resellers send in their .UK
registration commands and expect to receive a 1300 Response Code. This code sig-
nifies that the registration is not real-time and thus the Reseller must "poll" the domain
and/or Order to confirm it has been processed by the Registry.
New Behavior
eNom will be eliminating the use of the 1300 Response Code for .UK registrations. We
will be updating our API to work in real-time with the .UK registry. Once we make this
change, our API will return a 200 Response Code (RRPCode). The 200 Response
Code indicates that the order was processed immediately. To be clear, we will no longer
return a 1300 Response Code for .UK after this change.
Required or Optional
This change is required. Once we go live with this change, any Resellers who have not
made this update will see failures in processing UK registrations. To ensure this does
not happen, we are giving Resellers a 60 Day Notice to accommodate this change.
l ResellerTest Server : April 4th, 2012
l Live Server : June 1st, 2012

API Real-Time Purchase Sample

Purchase a .UK domain name in real time
Base parameters
l SLD: second level domain name
l TLD: top level domain name

l NumYears: number of years to register the name. Permitted values are 1 to 10

Extended Attributes are required for all .UK domain name. Please use GetExtAttributes
command to get detailed information for the required parameters below.
Registered_For: legal type of registrant contact
UK_Legal_Type: company or person domain is registered for (this must be accurate and
UK_Reg_Opt_Out: hide registrant data in Nominet WHOIS

- 80 -
Domains and TLDs

Old version:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<RRPText>Command completed
successfully - 147805511
<RequestDateTime>4/1/2012 1:30:32

New version:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

- 81 -
Domains and TLDs

<RRPText>Command completed
successfully - 157804547
<RequestDateTime>3/26/2012 2:10:31

Get extended attributes

Retrieve extended attributes required for registration
Base parameters
tld: co.uk, org.uk, etc...


- 82 -
Domains and TLDs



<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Description>Legal type of registrant contact</Description>
+ <Options>
......... <cut> .........
<RequestDateTime>3/26/2012 2:35:43 PM</RequestDateTime>

This document is designed to provide resellers with technical details about the pro-
cesses for registering .XXX domain names.

- 83 -
Domains and TLDs

Purchase a domain name in real time.
Base parameters
* Required:
sld: second level domain name
tld: top level domain name
* Optional: xxx_memberid: membership authorization token provided by ICM Registry. If
you do not have it yet, leave this blank and the ICM Registry will send an email to the
registrant contact email address with enrollment instructions. The domain will not
resolve until a valid token is submitted, but the domain can be registered. The domain
can be updated after registration with the token and will then resolve.

NOTE: If the registrant email address is already recognized by the registry as enrolled
in the sponsored community, the registry will not send another email to the registrant con-
tact. The registrant must get their token from www.icmregistry.com if they do not know it.

MemberID must be valid. Otherwise registry will reject the domain registration with
Contact error as follow:

<RRPText>Object does not exist; Failed Finding: Contact

xxx_resolving: allowed values are 0 and 1(default). Setting this value to 0 will set the
domain to not resolving after successful registration. ICM Registry will not send a com-
munity membership enrollment email to registrant email address if it is set to 0.



- 84 -
Domains and TLDs

<RRPText>Command completed successfully -
<RequestDateTime>11/11/2011 9:31:49 AM</RequestDateTime>

Supply optional and required parameters at time of registration pertaining to the domain
Base parameters (optional):
xxx_memberid: membership authorization token provided by ICM Registry. If you do not
have it yet, leave this blank and the ICM Registry will send an email to the registrant con-
tact email address with enrollment instructions. The domain will not resolve until a valid
token is submitted, but the domain can be registered. The domain can be updated after
registration with the token and will then resolve.

NOTE: If the registrant email address is already recognized by the registry as enrolled
in the sponsored community, the registry will not send another email to the registrant con-
tact. The registrant must get their token from www.icmregistry.com if they do not know it.

- 85 -
Domains and TLDs

xxx_resolving: allowed values are 0 and 1(default). Setting this value to 0 will set the
domain to not resolving after successful registration. ICM Registry will not send Com-
munity Membership email to registrant email address if it set to 0.

Command=PRECONFIGURE&opttechnical= UseBilling&uid=resellid


<BillingOrganizationName>A Team</BillingOrganizationName>
<BillingAddress1>5808 Lake Washington Blvd.</BillingAd-
<BillingAddress2 />
<BillingFax />

- 86 -
Domains and TLDs

<EncodingID />
<ExtAttributes />

- 87 -
Domains and TLDs

<RequestDateTime>11/11/2011 11:21:18 AM</RequestDateTime>

Get extended attributes

Retrieve extended attributes required for domain pre-registration.
Base parameters

Command=GetExtAttributes& UID=resellid&PW=resellerpw


<Description>Association MemberID used by xxx registry</De-
<Options />

- 88 -
Domains and TLDs

<Description>Do nameservers resolve at root?</Description>
<Title>NameServers resolve at root</Title>
<Description>NameServers resolve</Description>
<Title>Unresolving NameServers</Title>
<Description>NameServers do not resolve at root</De-
<RequestDateTime>11/29/2011 9:36:07 AM</RequestDateTime>


- 89 -
Domains and TLDs

Add, remove and set member authorization token.

If you need to replace a domain memberID with a new one, you need to remove the exist-
ing one assigned to the domain, and then add (set) the new memberID.
Base parameters (required)
sld: second level domain name
tld: top level domain name
memberID: must be a valid ID. Registry will validate during execution.





<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<DomainNameID><![CDATA[ 345105737]]></DomainNameID>
<MemberID><![CDATA[ 123]]> </MemberID>
<FullName />
<EmailAddress />
<Resolving><![CDATA[ True]]></Resolving>
<Success><![CDATA[ True]]></Success>

- 90 -
Domains and TLDs

<Command><![CDATA[ XXX_GETMEMBERID]]></Command>
<Language><![CDATA[ eng]]</Language>
<ErrCount><![CDATA[ 0]]></ErrCount>
<ResponseCount><![CDATA[ 0]]></ResponseCount>
<MinPeriod><![CDATA[ 1]]></MinPeriod>
<MaxPeriod><![CDATA[ 10]]></MaxPeriod>
<Server><![CDATA[ RESELLERTEST]]></Server>
<Site><![CDATA[ eNom]]></Site>
<IsLockable><![CDATA[ True ]]> </IsLockable>
<IsRealTimeTLD><![CDATA[ True]]> </IsRealTimeTLD>
<TimeDifference><![CDATA[ +3.00]]></TimeDifference>
<ExecTime><![CDATA[ 0.063]]> </ExecTime>
<Done><![CDATA[ true]]></Done>

.XXX Transfer
This document is designed to provide resellers with a quick guide about the processes
for transferring .XXX domain names.
Use this command to create an order to transfer domains from another registrar to eNom
or one of its resellers. There are two methods of transfers. First method, create and sub-
mit a transfer order in one command (quick transfer). Second method consist of few
steps: create, configure and submit.

Quick transfer
Create and submit domain(s) transfer in one command.
Base parameters
* Required:
SLDx: second level domain name (X=1 to DomainCount)
TLDx: top level domain name (X=1 to DomainCount)

- 91 -
Domains and TLDs

AuthInfox: current ("losing") registrar's authorization key

DomainCount: the number of domain names to be submitted on the order. This number
must match the actual number of names submitted
OrderType: permitted values are Autoverification or Fax
* Optional:
XXX_MemberID: membership authorization token provided by ICM Registry. If left
blank, the domain will still be transferred with the current value. You can update it using
XXX_SetMemberID after the domain transferred successfully.

&TLD2=xxx &AuthInfo2=ABCD1234&XXX_MemberID2=IX22WDDPHMY21TZ


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<orderdate>1/1/2012 11:11:11 AM</orderdate>
<ordertypedesc>Auto Verification</ordertypedesc>

- 92 -
Domains and TLDs

<statusdesc>Awaiting auto verification of transfer

<statusdesc>Awaiting auto verification of transfer
<RequestDateTime>1/1/2012 11:11:11 AM</RequestDateTime>

Pre-Configuration method
Create, configure and submit domain(s) transfer. This method is used to support step-by-
step domain(s) transfer configuration.

- 93 -
Domains and TLDs

1. TP_CreateOrder
Base parameters
* Required:
SLDx: second level domain name (X=1 to DomainCount)
TLDx: top level domain name (X=1 to DomainCount)
AuthInfox: current (losing) registrar's authorization key
OrderType: permitted values are Autoverification or Fax
PreConfig: set PreConfig=1 allows you to use TP_UpdateOrderDetail to modify
DomainPassword, Lock, Renew, Contacts, and extended attributes before submitting
the order. When you are ready to submit the order, call TP_SubmitOrder.



<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<orderdate>1/11/2012 1:1:11 PM</orderdate>
<ordertypedesc>Auto Verification</ordertypedesc>
<statusdesc>Order not submitted</statusdesc>
<statusdesc>Transfer request not yet submitted</statusdesc>

- 94 -
Domains and TLDs

<RequestDateTime>1/11/2012 1:1:11 PM </RequestDateTime>

2. TP_UpdateOrderDetail
You can use this command to update multiple domain names. Each item must be in
comma delimited format and the total item of each category must be matched. If you
need to update other parameters such as Registrar Lock, Auto-Renew and so on, please
refer to TP_UpdateOrderDetail detailed information in the API Catalog.
Here are few combinations:
l TransferOrderDetailID=175625417&xxx_memberid=1111

l TransferOrderDetailID=175625417,175625418&xxx_memberid=1111,

l TransferOrderDetailID=175625417,175625418,175625419&xxx_mem-

l TransferOrderDetailID=175625417,175625418,175625419&xxx_mem-

l TransferOrderDetailID=175625417,175625418,175625419&xxx_mem-


- 95 -
Domains and TLDs

l TransferOrderDetailID=175625417,175625418,175625419&xxx_mem-

Base parameters
* Required:
Update: type of update for this command. In this case, Update=XXX_MemberID
TransferOrderDetailID: transfer order ID number. Use the TP_GetOrder command to
retrieve this value
* Optional:
xxx_memberid: membership authorization token provided by ICM Registry



<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<XXX_MemberID />

- 96 -
Domains and TLDs

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<RequestDateTime>1/11/2012 1:11:11 PM</RequestDateTime>

3. TP_SubmitOrder
Base parameters
* Required:
TransferOrderID: transfer order ID number. To retrieve this value, use the TP_GetOrder-
Statuses command



<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<MinPeriod />

- 97 -
Domains and TLDs

<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<RequestDateTime>1/11/2012 1:11:11 PM</RequestDateTime>

- 98 -
API Command Categories
These categories separate the API commands into groups based on functionality. Click
on any link to be redirected to the reference page for that command.

Domain Registration
l AddBulkDomains
l Check
l DeleteRegistration
l GetAgreementPage
l GetConfirmationSettings
l GetExtAttributes
l GetTLDList
l NameSpinner
l Preconfigure
l Purchase

Domain RegistrationPremium Domains

l NM_CancelOrder
l NM_ExtendOrder
l NM_GetPremiumDomainSettings
l NM_GetSearchCategories
l NM_ProcessOrder
l NM_Search
l NM_SetPremiumDomainSettings

Domain ManagementHost Records

l GetDomainSRVHosts
l GetHosts
l GetMetaTag

- 99 -
API Command Categories

l GetRegHosts
l GetSPFHosts
l SetDomainSRVHosts
l SetHosts
l SetSPFHosts
l UpdateMetaTag

Domain ManagementName Servers

l CheckNSStatus
l DeleteNameServer
l GetDNS
l GetDNSStatus
l GetHomeDomainList
l ModifyNS
l ModifyNSHosting
l RegisterNameServer
l SetDNSHost
l UpdateNameServer

Domain ManagementContacts
l Contacts
l GetContacts
l GetExtAttributes
l GetWhoisContact
l GetWPPSInfo

Domain ManagementGeneral
l AdvancedDomainSearch
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomainNameID
l GetDomains
l GetDomainSLDTLD
l GetDomainStatus
l GetExpiredDomains
l GetExtendInfo
l GetHomeDomainList
l GetPasswordBit
l GetRegistrationStatus
l GetRegLock

- 100 -
API Command Categories

l GetRenew
l GetSubAccountPassword
l ParseDomain
l RPT_GetReport
l SetPassword
l SetRegLock
l SetRenew
l StatusDomain
l ValidatePassword

Domain ManagementMagic Folders

l AddDomainFolder
l AssignToDomainFolder
l DeleteDomainFolder
l GetDomainFolderDetail
l GetDomainFolderList
l RemoveUnsyncedDomains
l UpdateDomainFolder

Domain Management.tel
l TEL_AddCTHUser
l TEL_GetCTHUserInfo
l TEL_GetCTHUserList
l TEL_GetPrivacy
l TEL_UpdateCTHUser
l TEL_UpdatePrivacy

Domain ManagementWatchlist
l TLD_AddWatchlist
l TLD_DeleteWatchlist
l TLD_GetWatchlist

Domain Management.xxx
l XXX_GetMemberID
l XXX_RemoveMemberID
l XXX_SetMemberID

- 101 -
API Command Categories

Domain Renewal
l Extend
l Extend_RGP
l GetDomainExp
l GetExtendInfo
l GetRenew
l InsertNewOrder
l SetRenew
l UpdateExpiredDomains
l UpdateRenewalSettings

Domain Transfer
l PE_SetPricing
l PushDomain
l RefillAccount
l SetResellerServicesPricing
l SetResellerTLDPricing
l SynchAuthInfo
l TP_CancelOrder
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_GetDetailsByDomain
l TP_GetOrder
l TP_GetOrderDetail
l TP_GetOrderReview
l TP_GetOrdersByDomain
l TP_GetOrderStatuses
l TP_GetTLDInfo
l TP_ResendEmail
l TP_ResubmitLocked
l TP_SubmitOrder
l TP_UpdateOrderDetail
l UpdateAccountPricing
l UpdatePushList

DNS Hosting
l DeleteHostedDomain
l ExtendDomainDNS
l PurchaseHosting
l SetDNSHost

- 102 -
API Command Categories

Domain Services
l DisableServices
l EnableServices
l GetDomainServices
l GetHomeDomainList
l GetIPResolver
l PurchaseServices
l RenewServices
l ServiceSelect
l SetIPResolver

Service ManagementIdentity Protection

l DisableServices
l EnableServices
l GetWPPSInfo
l RenewServices

Service ManagementSSL Certificates

l CertConfigureCert
l CertGetApproverEmail
l CertGetCertDetail
l CertGetCerts
l CertModifyOrder
l CertParseCSR
l CertPurchaseCert
l GetCerts

Service ManagementTRUSTe Privacy Policy

l PP_CancelSubscription
l PP_CheckUpgrade
l PP_GetCancelReasons
l PP_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l PP_GetStatuses
l PP_GetSubscriptionDetails
l PP_GetSubscriptions
l PP_ReactivateSubscription
l PP_UpdateSubscriptionDetails
l PP_ValidatePassword

- 103 -
API Command Categories

Service ManagementVeriSign Trust Seal

l TS_AutoRenew
l TS_Configure
l TS_GetAccountDetail
l TS_GetAccounts

Service ManagementGeoTrust Anti-Malware

l AM_AutoRenew
l AM_Configure
l AM_GetAccountDetail
l AM_GetAccounts
l AM_Renew

Service ManagementSiteLock
l GetProductSelectionList
l SL_AutoRenew
l SL_Configure
l SL_GetAccountDetail
l SL_GetAccounts

Service ManagementRichContent
l RC_CancelSubscription
l RC_FreeTrialCheck
l RC_GetLoginToken
l RC_GetSubscriptionDetails
l RC_GetSubscriptions
l RC_RebillSubscription
l RC_ResetPassword
l RC_SetBillingCycle
l RC_SetPassword
l RC_SetSubscriptionDomain
l RC_SetSubscriptionName

Service ManagementBusiness Listing

l WBLConfigure
l WBLGetCategories
l WBLGetFields
l WBLGetStatus

- 104 -
API Command Categories

Service ManagementEmail Services

l DeleteAllPOPPaks
l DeletePOP3
l DeletePOPPak
l DisableServices
l EnableServices
l Forwarding
l GetCatchAll
l GetDotNameForwarding
l GetForwarding
l GetMailHosts
l GetPOP3
l GetPOPExpirations
l GetPOPForwarding
l ModifyPOP3
l PurchasePOPBundle
l RenewPOPBundle
l SetCatchAll
l SetDotNameForwarding
l SetPakRenew
l SetPOPForwarding
l SetUpPOP3User

Service ManagementWeb Site Creator

l WSC_GetAccountInfo
l WSC_GetAllPackages
l WSC_GetPricing
l WSC_Update_Ops

Service ManagementgoMobi
l GM_CancelSubscription
l GM_CheckDomain
l GM_GetCancelReasons
l GM_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l GM_GetRedirectScript
l GM_GetStatuses
l GM_GetSubscriptionDetails
l GM_GetSubscriptions
l GM_ReactivateSubscription
l GM_RenewSubscription
l GM_UpdateBillingCycle
l GM_UpdateSubscriptionDetails

- 105 -
API Command Categories

l AddContact
l AuthorizeTLD
l CheckLogin
l CreateAccount
l CreateSubAccount
l DeleteContact
l DeleteSubaccount
l GetAccountInfo
l GetAccountPassword
l GetAccountValidation
l GetAddressBook
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetCusPreferences
l GetCustomerPaymentInfo
l GetGlobalChangeStatus
l GetGlobalChangeStatusDetail
l GetOrderDetail
l GetOrderList
l GetReport
l GetResellerInfo
l GetServiceContact
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts
l GetSubaccountsDetailList
l GetTLDList
l GetTransHistory
l GetWebHostingAll
l RemoveTLD
l RPT_GetReport
l SendAccountEmail
l SubAccountDomains
l UpdateAccountInfo
l UpdateCusPreferences
l UpdateRenewalSettings

l CommissionAccount
l GetBalance
l PE_GetCustomerPricing
l PE_GetDomainPricing
l PE_GetPOPPrice
l PE_GetProductPrice

- 106 -
API Command Categories

l PE_GetResellerPrice
l PE_GetRetailPrice
l PE_GetRetailPricing
l PE_GetRocketPrice
l RefillAccount
l UpdateNotificationAmount

Shopping Cart
l AddBulkDomains
l AddToCart
l DeleteFromCart
l GetCartContent
l InsertNewOrder
l PurchasePreview
l UpdateCart

Real-Time Purchase
l Extend
l Extend_RGP
l Purchase
l PurchaseHosting
l PurchasePOPBundle
l PurchaseServices
l RenewPOPBundle
l RenewServices
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_ResubmitLocked
l TP_SubmitOrder
l UpdateExpiredDomains

Reporting commands
l DeleteCustomerDefinedData
l GetCustomerDefinedData
l GetOrderDetail
l GetOrderList
l GetReport
l GetTLDList
l GetTransHistory
l RPT_GetReport
l SetCustomerDefinedData

- 107 -
API Command Categories

Customer Support
l DeleteCustomerDefinedData
l GetCustomerDefinedData
l GetServiceContact
l SetCustomerDefinedData

Web Hosting Packages

l CalculateAllHostPackagePricing
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetResellerHostPricing
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageDelete
l HostPackageModify
l HostPackageView
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetCartItem
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums
l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetResellerPackages
l WebHostSetCustomPackage

Web Site Creator packages

l WSC_GetAccountInfo
l WSC_GetAllPackages
l WSC_GetPricing
l WSC_Update_Ops

Web Hosting Accounts and Accounting

l CancelHostAccount
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllHostAccounts
l GetHostAccount
l GetHostAccounts
l GetResellerHostPricing
l GetStorageUsage
l WebHostGetOverageOptions
l WebHostGetOverages
l WebHostGetStats

- 108 -
API Command Categories

l WebHostSetOverageOptions
l WebHostUpdatePassword

Web contentdirectories and files

l GetFilePermissions
l HostParkingPage
l ListWebFiles
l SetFilePermissions
l WebHostCreateDirectory
l WebHostHelpInfo

Domain Headers
Associating a domain name with a Web hosting account
l AddDomainHeader
l DeleteDomainHeader
l GetDomainHeader
l ListDomainHeaders
l ModifyDomainHeader

Host Headers
l AddHostHeader
l DeleteHostHeader
l GetHostHeader
l ListHostHeaders
l ModifyHostHeader

IIS Applications
l DisableFolderApp
l EnableFolderApp
l IsFolderEnabled
l MetaBaseGetValue
l MetaBaseSetValue

POP3 Email in Web Hosting Packages

l WebHostCreatePOPBox
l WebHostDeletePOPBox
l WebHostGetPOPBoxes
l WebHostHelpInfo
l WebHostUpdatePOPPassword

- 109 -
API Command Categories

SQL Database
l MySQL_GetDBInfo


Add a list of items to the shopping cart.
Use this command when you want to add multiple items to the shopping cart.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the Batch register page, the add to cart button calls the AddBulkDomains command.


The domain names in your list must meet the following requirements:
The domain names must be valid (see the domain-name constraints under Check).
The domain names must use a supported top-level domain.
The number of SLDs must match the number of TLDs.

Input parameters

- 110 -
API Command Categories

Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size
UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Type of product to add. Options are

ProductType Required 16
register or renew.

ListCount Required Number of names to add 4

SLDX Second-level domain name, for example,

Required 63
(X=1 to listcount) resellerdocs in resellerdocs.com

TLDX Top-level domain name, for example,

Required 15
(X=1 to listcount) com in resellerdocs.com

Optional Number of years to renew 1
(X=1 to listcount)

Auto-renew setting for all domains in this

Optional; order. If AutoRenew=1, domains auto-
AutoRenew 1
default is 0 matically update 30 days before expir-

Registrar lock setting for all domains in

Optional; this order. If RegLock=1, domain cannot
RegLock 1
default is 1 be transferred to another registrar without
account holders permission

Use the shopping cart for this order. Per-

mitted values are 0 and 1. If UseCart=1,
this bulk list will go into the shopping cart
and be processed through our queue; our
UseCart=1 is
system does not return an order ID until
Required if UID is
all names have been processed. If
UseCart a retail account, 1
UseCart=0, our system returns an order
ID and locks up the entire funds for the
order immediately; the funds remain
locked until all names in the list are pro-
cessed. UseCart=1 is required if UID is
a retail account.

ResponseType Optional Format of response. Permitted values 4

- 111 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-



l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query adds resellerdocs.com, resellerdocs2.net, and resellerdocs3.info to
the shopping cart of account resellid, and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


- 112 -
API Command Categories


- 113 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 12:59:58 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddToCart
l Check
l DeleteFromCart
l GetCartContent
l InsertNewOrder
l Purchase
l PurchasePreview
l UpdateCart

Add a contact to the address book for an account.
Use this command to add a contact to the address book for an account.
To retrieve the contacts in an address book, use the GetAddressBook command.

- 114 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

RegistrantOrganizationName Optional Registrant organization 60

RegistrantJobTitle Optional Registrant job title 60

RegistrantFirstName Required Registrant first name 60

RegistrantLastName Required Registrant last name 60

RegistrantAddress1 Required Registrant address 60

RegistrantAddress2 Optional Registrant additional address info 60

RegistrantCity Required Registrant city 60

RegistrantPostalCode Required Registrant postal code 16

RegistrantStateProvince Optional Registrant state or province 60

Registrant state or province

RegistrantStateProvinceChoice choice:
Optional 1
l S state
l P province

- 115 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

RegistrantCountry Optional Registrant country 60

Registrant phone number.

Required format is +Coun-
tryCode.PhoneNumber, where
RegistrantPhone Required CountryCode and PhoneNumber 20
use only numeric characters and
the + is URL-encoded as a plus
sign (%2B).

Registrant fax number. Required

format is +Coun-
tryCode.PhoneNumber, where
RegistrantFax Optional CountryCode and PhoneNumber 20
use only numeric characters and
the + is URL-encoded as a plus
sign (%2B).

RegistrantEmailAddress Required Email address for Whois 128

Format of response. Permitted val-

ResponseType Optional ues are Text (default), HTML, or 4

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
PartyID Party ID number for this contact, assigned by us

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-



- 116 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.


The following query adds a party to the address book for account resellid and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, a Party ID and an ErrCount value of 0 confirm that the query was suc-


- 117 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/13/2011 1:59:43 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l Contacts
l GetAddressBook
l GetContacts
l GetExtAttributes
l GetResellerInfo
l GetServiceContact
l GetWhoisContact
l Preconfigure

Create a folder for organizing or managing your domain names.
Use this command to create either a Standard folder that simply lets you organize your
domains, or a Magic folder that allows you to apply the same settings to all the domains
in the folder.
This command creates folders; another command, UpdateDomainFolder, configures
their settings. Settings that can be managed via a Magic folder include the following, in
any combination:

- 118 -
API Command Categories

l Auto-renew
l Registrar lock

l Access password

l DNS servers

l Host records

l Contact information (any combination of Registrant, Administrative, Auxiliary

Billing, Technical)
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the Create a new folder section, the GO button calls the AddDomainFolder command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Folder name. Permitted characters are

letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores,
FolderName Required 125
and spaces; name must begin with a let-
ter or number.

FolderDescription Optional Description of folder or contents 256

Type of folder to create. Permitted val-

Optional; default is ues:
FolderType 1
l 0 Standard folder (for organizing

- 119 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

and sorting)
l 1 Magic folder (a folder that allows
you to manage settings of

Copy a folder into this folder, as well as

leaving it in the folder list. Permitted val-
CopyFolderName Optional 125
ues are names of existing folders in this

Copy one domain that is in another

folder, and put it also in this folder. A
CopyDomainName Optional domain can only be in one Magic folder at 70
a time. The domain must be in this
account. Permitted format is sld.tld

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
FolderID Identification number assigned by our database

FolderName Folder name, as assigned by you

Folder type. 0 indicates Standard folder, 1 indicates Magic


FolderDescription Folder description, as typed by you

Result of running this query string. Values are:

Result l 0 Folder was not created

l 1 Folder was created successfully
l 2 A folder with this name already exists

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 120 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query creates a new folder and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the presence of your input values and an ErrCount value 0 indicate that
the query was successful:


- 121 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/6/2011 11:51:55 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AdvancedDomainSearch
l AssignToDomainFolder
l DeleteDomainFolder
l GetDomainFolderDetail
l GetDomainFolderList
l RemoveUnsyncedDomains
l UpdateDomainFolder

Associate a domain name with a Web hosting account.
You must create at least one domain header to publish a Web site for the domain name.
You may create additional domain headers if you want more than one domain name in
your Web hosting account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 122 -
API Command Categories

The add button calls the AddDomainHeader command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this account.
l The domain header must not already exist.
l The domain designated by the SLD and TLD parameters must be hosted by us.
l If we are the registrar for this domain, it must be in this account.
l This command does not create a directory, and allows you to point to a directory
that does not exist.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:
uid=yourloginid&pw=yourpassword& par-

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required enom in enom.com) that you want to asso- 63
ciate with this domainheader

Top-level domain name (extension) that you

TLD Required 15
want to associate with this domain header

Third level of a domain name, such as www in

HostName Optional 14

The name of the Web hosting account to

HostAccount Required 14
which you want to add a domain header

Name of the directory to point the @ host

record to. If you want the domain to point to a
subdirectory, use format
Directory Optional 213
Must be full path from root.May be forward
slash or backslashdelimited.May begin
with forward slash, backslash, or nothing.To
create a directory, use the

- 123 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

WebHostCreateDirectory command.

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional r 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainHeader Success status of this procedure

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query creates a new domain header for Web hosting account resellwebid,
designating that the @ host record for domain resellerdocs2.net points at directory ser-
vice. Finally, the query string instructs that the
response be in XML format:


- 124 -
API Command Categories

In the response, the Successful value True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddHostHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l DeleteDomainHeader
l GetDomainHeader
l ListDomainHeaders

Create a host header (a pointer for a third-level domain name) in your Web hosting
Use this command to add a host header to your Web hosting account.

- 125 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to set the www host header for your account if you want www.y-
ourdomainname.com to resolve to a location other than the root directory of your Web
hosting account.
Another common use for this command is to branch a domain name, for example, so
that sales.example.com and service.example.com resolve to different pages.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingteLog on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resell-
webid, password resellwebpw.
The SAVE HOST HEADER SETTINGS button calls the AddHostHeader command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.
l The domain header must already exist.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:
uid=yourloginid&pw=yourpassword& par-

Parameter Status Description MaxSize

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Web hosting account that the domain

HostAccount Required 14
header is associated with.

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom inenom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

- 126 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description MaxSize

Host name; third-level domain name. For
HostName Required example, in sales.example.com, the host 53
name is sales.

Directory path where you want this host

header to point. Path must start at root
level; path can be forward slash or back-
FilePath Optional 254
slashdelimited. If you do not supply this
parameter,this host header will point to

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Successful Success status for creating a new host header.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query adds a host header servicedept to domain header resellerdocs.com.
Note that the query string specifies, but does not create, a directory path for the host
header. You can create a directory structure using the WebHostCreateDirectory com-

- 127 -
API Command Categories



In the response, the success value of True confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l DeleteDomainHeader
l DeleteHostHeader
l GetAllHostAccounts
l GetDomainHeader
l GetHostAccount
l GetHostHeader
l ListDomainHeaders
l ListHostHeaders
l ModifyHostHeader

- 128 -
API Command Categories

Add an item to the shopping cart.
Add an item to the shopping cart.
To purchase items once they are in the shopping cart, use the InsertNewOrder com-
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Type a domain name and click Search. On the Search Results page, the Proceed to
Cart button calls the AddToCart command. If the user selects multiple items, clicking the
Proceed to Cart button calls the AddToCart command once for each item.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l If the item is a domain name, use the Check command to confirm that the name is
l The domain names must be valid (see the domain-name constraints under Check).
l The domain names must use a top-level domain supported by this registrar.
l The number of SLDs must match the number of TLDs.
l There is a limit of 200 items (active plus inactive) in the cart.

Input parameters
Click the links below to go directly to specific products:
Input parameters for domains
Input parameters for dot-name
Input parameters for ID Protect

- 129 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters for SSL certificates

Input parameters for TRUSTe Privacy Policy
Input parameters for VeriSign Trust Seal
Input parameters for GeoTrust Anti-Malware
Input parameters for SiteLock
Input parameters for RichContent
Input parameters for Business Listing
Input parameters for POP Email
Input parameters for Email Forwarding and URL Forwarding
Input parameters for Instant Reseller
Input parameters for Web hosting
Input parameters for Web Site Creator
Input parameters for goMobi

Input parameters for domains

Use the input parameters in the table below to add a domain name to the cart.
Build the query string using this syntax:
?command=AddToCart&UID=YourLoginID &PW-

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

End users IP address. This is

used in fraud checking, as part
EndUserIP Required of our order processing ser- 15
vice. Use format

ProductType Required Type of product to add. Per- 39

- 130 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

mitted values are:
l Register
l Renew (Use Renew for
all TLDs including
.name bundles)
l RGP (Redemption
Grace Period)
l Extended RGP
l Host (DNS hosting)
l Host Renew
l PremiumDomain

l Required for
l Register
l Renew
l Extended Second-level domain name (for
SLD 63
l RGP example, enom in enom.com)
l Host
l Host
l Renew Premi-

Required for:
l Register
l Renew
Extended Top-level domain name (exten-
l RGP sion)
l Host
l Host
l Renew Premi-

Optional for
l Register Permitted values are 1 through
l Renew 10 for most domains; some
l Host TLDs vary. Registration can-
Quantity l Host Renew not extend beyond 10 years 2
l PremiumDomain; from today for any TLD. Per-
default is duration you mitted value for Premi-
set in UpdateCusPrefer- umDomain is 1
ences Number of

Do you want the name to

attempt to renew automatically
AutoRenew Optional for Register 10
(renewal will succeed if avail-
able account balance is suf-

- 131 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

ficient)? Permitted values are 0
and 1

Do you want protection against

unauthorized transfer of this
RegLock Optional for Register 10
domain name? Permitted val-
ues are 0 and 1

For Extended RGP, required

UsePerm Required for Extended RGP 10
value is UsePerm=ok

Make all items currently in the

cart inactive (but keep them in
Optional; you must also add the cart), and add a new item.
ClearItems another item to the cart in the Permitted value is yes. To 3
same query reactivate items in the cart that
are inactive, use the
UpdateCart command.

Format of response. Permitted

ResponseType Optional values are Text (default), 4

Input parameters for dot-name

Use the input parameters in the table below to add a domain name to the cart.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

End users IP address. This is used

in fraud checking, as part of our order
EndUserIP Required 15
processing service. Use format

Type of product to add. Permitted val-

ProductType Required ues are: 39
l DotNameBundle

- 132 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

l DotNameForwarding
(Use when the .name domain
was purchased using the
Purchase command and you
want to add the .name
Registrys email forwarding
service. If a .name domain is
purchased using the shopping
cart, the Registrys email for-
warding service is auto-
matically bundled with the

Required for:
DotNameBundle Second-level domain name (for
SLD 63
example, enom in enom.com)

Required for:
TLD DotNameBundle Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Optional; default is dur-

Quantity ation you set in Number of years. 2

Make all items currently in the cart

inactive (but keep them in the cart),
Optional; you must also
and add a new item. Permitted value
ClearItems add another item to the 3
is yes. To reactivate items in the cart
cart in the same query
that are inactive, use the UpdateCart

Format of response. Permitted val-

ResponseType Optional ues are Text (default), HTML, or 4

Input parameters for ID Protect

Use the input parameters in the table below to add ID Protect to the cart.
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 133 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

End users IP address. This is used in

fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP Required 15
cessing service. Use format

Type of product to add. Permitted values

ProductType Required 39
IDProtect (Whois Privacy Protection)

Required for
Second-level domain name (for example,
SLD IDProtect 63
enom in enom.com)

Required for
TLD IDProtect Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Quantity Number of years. 2
default is 1

Make all items currently in the cart inact-

Optional; you must
ive (but keep them in the cart), and add a
also add another
ClearItems new item. Permitted value is yes. To 3
item to the cart in
reactivate items in the cart that are inact-
the same query
ive, use the UpdateCart command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for SSL certificates

Use the input parameters in the table below to add an SSL certificate to the cart.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameters Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 134 -
API Command Categories

Parameters Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

End users IP address. This is used in

fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP Required 15
cessing service. Use format

Type of product to add. Permitted values

l Certificate-Comodo-Essential
l Certificate-Comodo-Instant
l Certificate-Comodo-Essential-
l Certificate-Comodo-Premium-
l Certificate-Comodo-EV
l Certificate-Comodo-EV-SGC
l Certificate-GeoTrust-QuickSSL
l Certificate-GeoTrust-QuickSSL-
l Certificate-GeoTrust-TrueBizID
ProductType Required 39
l Certificate-GeoTrust-TrueBizID-
l Certificate-GeoTrust-TrueBizID-
l Certificate-RapidSSL-RapidSSL
l Certificate-VeriSign-Secure-Site
l Certificate-VeriSign-Secure-Site-
l Certificate-VeriSign-Secure-Site-
l Certificate-VeriSign-Secure-
l Site-Pro-EV
l Certificate-Comodo-UCC-DV
l Certificate-Comodo-UCC-OV

Number of years to purchase this SSL

Permitted values are 1 to the to the fol-
lowing maximum values:
5 Comodo Essential
Required for all
Quantity 5 Comodo Instant 2
3 Comodo Essential Wildcard
5 Comodo Premium Wildcard
2 Comodo EV
2 Comodo EV SGC

- 135 -
API Command Categories

Parameters Status Description Max Size

4 GeoTrust QuickSSL
4 GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium
4 GeoTrust True BusinessID
4 GeoTrust True BusinessID Wildcard
2 GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV
4 RapidSSL
4 VeriSign Secure Site
4 VeriSign Secure Site Pro
2 VeriSign Secure Site with EV
2 VeriSign Secure Site Pro with EV
3 Comodo UCC DV
3 Comodo UCC OV

Make all items currently in the cart inact-

Optional; you must
ive (but keep them in the cart), and add a
also add another
ClearItems new item. Permitted value is yes. To 3
item to the cart in
reactivate items in the cart that are inact-
the same query
ive, use the UpdateCart command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for TRUSTe Privacy Policy

Use the input parameters in the table below to add TRUSTe Privacy Policy, or TRUSTe
Privacy Policy with Seal, to the cart.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

EndUserIP Required End users IP address. This is used in 15

- 136 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
cessing service. Use format

Type of product to add.

Permitted values are:
ProductType Required 39

Number of years to purchase this

Quantity Required TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription. 1
Permitted values are 1, 2, or 3 years.

Make all items currently in the cart inact-

Optional; you must
ive (but keep them in the cart), and add a
also add another
ClearItems new item. Permitted value is yes. To 3
item to the cart in
reactivate items in the cart that are inact-
the same query
ive, use the UpdateCart command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for VeriSign Trust Seal

Use the input parameters in the table below to add VeriSign Trust Seal to the cart.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description MaxSize

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

End users IP address. This is used in

fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP Required 15
cessing service. Use format

Type of product to add. For VeriSign

ProductType Required 39
Trust Seal, the permitted value is:

- 137 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description MaxSize


Number of years to subscribe to VeriSign

Required for all
Quantity Trust Seal. Permitted values are 1, 2, 2
and 3

Make all items currently in the cart inact-

Optional; you must
ClearItems ive (but keep them in the cart), and add a
also add another
new item. Permitted value is yes. To 3
item to the cart in
reactivate items in the cart that are inact-
the same query
ive, use the UpdateCart command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for GeoTrust Anti-Malware

Use the input parameters in the table below to add GeoTrust Anti-Malware to the cart.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

End users IP address. This is used in

fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP Required 15
cessing service. Use format

Type of product to add. For GeoTrust

Anti-Malware, the permitted value is:
ProductType Required 39

Number of years to subscribe to

Quantity Optional; default=1 GeoTrust Anti-Malware. Permitted value 2
is 1

ClearItems Optional; you must Make all items currently in the cart inact- 3

- 138 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

ive (but keep them in the cart), and add a
also add another
new item. Permitted value is yes. To
item to the cart in
reactivate items in the cart that are inact-
the same query
ive, use the UpdateCart command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for SiteLock

Use the input parameters in the table below to add SiteLock to the cart.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

End users IP address. This is used in

fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP Required 15
cessing service. Use format

Type of product to add. For SiteLock, the

permitted value is:
ProductType Required 39

Number of years to subscribe to

SiteLock. 2
Permitted value is 1

Make all items currently in the cart inact-

Optional; you must
ive (but keep them in the cart), and add a
also add another
ClearItems new item. Permitted value is yes. To 3
item to the cart in
reactivate items in the cart that are inact-
the same query
ive, use the UpdateCart command.

- 139 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Format of response. Permitted values
ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for RichContent

Use the input parameters in the table below to add RichContent to the cart.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

End users IP address. This is used in

fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP Required 15
cessing service. Use format

Type of product to add. For RichCon-

tent, values are:
One RichContent subscription allows
you to place content on one host
record of one source domain, of the
ProductType Required form host.sld.tld 2
Quantity Optional for RichContent;
default is 1 Billing period, in months,
for RichContent. For RichContent, per-
mitted values are 1, 3, 6, or 12.
This parameter is not used for
RichContentFreeTrial, which auto-
matically converts to monthly billing
after the one-month free trial period

Either EmailAddress Email address of the RichContent cus-

EmailAddress or PublisherID is tomer. An email address can be used 150
Required for multiple RichContent subscriptions

- 140 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

in the same domain name account, but
can only be used for a free trial once.

Identification number for this email

Either EmailAddress address in our records of RichContent
PublisherID or PublisherID is subscriptions. To retrieve this number 10
Required use the RC_GetSubscriptions com-
mand. Permitted values are integers

Optional for Domain name, with host records, to

RichContent associate with this RichContent sub-
SourceDomain 272
RichContentFreeTrial scription. Permitted format is

Make all items currently in the cart

Optional; you must inactive (but keep them in the cart),
also add another item and add a new item. Permitted value is
ClearItems 3
to the cart in the yes. To reactivate items in the cart that
same query are inactive, use the UpdateCart com-

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for Business Listing

Use the input parameters in the table below to add Business Listing to the cart.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

End users IP address. This is used in

fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP Required 15
cessing service. Use format

Type of product to add. For Business

ProductType Required 39
Listing, values are:

- 141 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size


Required for
BusListing Second-level domain name (for example,
SLD 63
enom in enom.com)

Required for
BusListing Renewal Top-level domain name (exten-
TLD 15
and BusListing

Quantity Number of years. 2
default is 1

Make all items currently in the cart inact-

Optional; you must
ive (but keep them in the cart), and add a
also add another
ClearItems new item. Permitted value is yes. To 3
item to the cart in
reactivate items in the cart that are inact-
the same query
ive, use the UpdateCart command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for POP Email

Use the input parameters in the table below to add POP Email to the cart.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

End users IP address. This is used in

fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP Required 15
cessing service. Use format

- 142 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Type of product to add. Permitted values
POP (10-mailbox pak with 1GB storage
ProductType Required per mailbox) 39
EmailStorage (512MB extra storage per

Required for
Second-level domain name (for example,
SLD 10
Renew-POP enom in enom.com)


TLD Top-level domain name (extension) 10
POP EmailStorage

For ProductType=POP, the number of

10-mailbox paks to purchase for this
Optional for
For ProductType=Renew-POP, the num-
Quantity ber of years to add to this POP pak sub- 2
Renew-POP scription.
For ProductType=EmailStorage, the
number of 512MB units of storage to add
to this pak.

Required for
POP pak ID number. To retrieve this
ProductID Renew-POP 3
value, use the GetPOP3 command.

Make all items currently in the cart inact-

Optional; you must
ive (but keep them in the cart), and add a
also add another
ClearItems new item. Permitted value is yes. To 3
item to the cart in
reactivate items in the cart that are inact-
the same query
ive, use the UpdateCart command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 143 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters for Email Forwarding and URL For-

Use the input parameters in the table below to add Email Forwarding or URL For-
warding to the cart.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

End users IP address. This is used

in fraud checking, as part of our order
EndUserIP Required 15
processing service. Use format

Type of product to add. Permitted val-

ues are:
ProductType Required EmailForwardingRenew 39


Required for
EmailForwarding Second-level domain name (for
SLD EmailForwardingRenew 63
example, enom in enom.com)

Required forE-
TLD EmailForwardingRenew Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Optional for
Quantity EmailForwardingRenew Number of years 2

- 144 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

default is 1

Make all items currently in the cart

inactive (but keep them in the cart),
Optional; you must also
and add a new item. Permitted value
ClearItems add another item to the 3
is yes. To reactivate items in the cart
cart in the same query
that are inactive, use the UpdateCart

Format of response. Permitted val-

ResponseType Optional ues are Text (default), HTML, or 4

Input parameters for Instant Reseller

Use the input parameters in the table below to add Instant Reseller to the cart.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

End users IP address. This is used in

fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP Required 15
cessing service. Use format

Type of product to add. Permitted values

ProductType Required 39

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Optional 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Optional Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Number of years. Permitted values are

Quantity Optional 2
integers 1 to 10

- 145 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Make all items currently in the cart inact-
Optional; you must
ive (but keep them in the cart), and add a
also add another
ClearItems new item. Permitted value is yes. To 3
item to the cart in
reactivate items in the cart that are inact-
the same query
ive, use the UpdateCart command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for Web hosting

Use the input parameters in the table below to add Web hosting to the cart.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

End users IP address. This is used in

fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP Required 15
cessing service. Use format

Type of product to add. Permitted values

ProductType Required 39

Optional; default is
Quantity Number of months 2

Which WSC package, if any, to include

in this Web hosting package. Permitted
Optional; default is values are: WSCBasic
WSCOption 14
no WSC

Required for Web hosting account name. Must be

HostID 14
WebHosting alphanumeric and 6 to 14 characters in

- 146 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size


Web hosting account password. Must be

Required for
HostPW alphanumeric and 6 to 14 characters in 14

Web hosting package. Use the

Required for WebHostGetPackages command, in the
Package 14
WebHosting Web hosting API catalog, to retrieve a
list of permitted package names.

Overage handling option. Permitted val-

ues are:
Required for
OverageOption 1 Automatically upgrade bandwidth 1
2 Charge overage fee
3 Temporarily disable until next month

Optional for Name of domain to associate with this

DDomain 79
WebHosting Web hosting account. Use format sld.tld

Update www and @ host records to

Required for
SetHostRecords point to this Web hosting account. Per- 3
mitted values are Yes or No.

Make all items currently in the cart inact-

Optional; you must
ive (but keep them in the cart), and add a
also add another
ClearItems new item. Permitted value is yes. To 3
item to the cart in
reactivate items in the cart that are inact-
the same query
ive, use the UpdateCart command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for Web Site Creator

Use the input parameters in the table below to add Web Site Creator to the cart.
Build the query string using this syntax:
&SLD=SLDValue&TLD=TLDvalue&ProductType=ProductToAdd& OptPara-

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 147 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

End users IP address. This is used in

fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP Required 15
cessing service. Use format

Type of product to add. Permitted values

ProductType Required LWSCBasic 39

Account name for this Web Site Creator

account. To retrieve this value, use the
LWSCAccountName Optional
WSC_GetAllPackages API command.
Permitted format is LWSCNNNxNNNN

Web site ID number for this Web Site

Creator account. To retrieve this value,
LWSCWebSiteID Required
use the WSCSiteID return value from the
WSC_GetAllPackages API command.

Quantity Number of years 2
default is 1

Optional; you must

Make all items currently in the cart inact-
also add another
ClearItems ive (but keep them in the cart), and add a 3
item to the cart in
new item. Permitted value is yes.
the same query

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for goMobi

Use the input parameters in the table below to add goMobi to the cart.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 148 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

End users IP address. This is used in

fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP Required 15
cessing service. Use format

Type of product to add. For goMobi, per-

mitted values are:
ProductType Required 39

Number of months for goMobi billing

Optional; default is cycle. Permitted values are:
Quantity 2
1 1 Monthly billing cycle
12 Yearly billing cycle

Make all items currently in the cart inact-

Optional; you must
ive (but keep them in the cart), and add a
also add another
ClearItems new item. Permitted value is yes. To 3
item to the cart in
reactivate items in the cart that are inact-
the same query
ive, use the UpdateCart command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ItemName Domain name or service

ItemId Item number

Price Price for this product or service

ICANNFees Fees charged by ICANN for this product or service

CartItemID ID number, assigned by us, of this item in your shopping cart

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

ErrX Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

- 149 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query adds resellerdocs.com to the shopping cart of account resellid and
sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:



- 150 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 3:27:30 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddBulkDomains
l DeleteFromCart
l GetCartContent
l GetHomeDomainList
l InsertNewOrder
l PurchasePreview
l UpdateCart

Search the domains in your account.
Use this command to search domains that are in your account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 151 -
API Command Categories

The search button calls the AdvancedDomainSearch command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Comma-delimited list of TLDs to include

TLDList in search results. Also permitted is *, 120
default is *
which returns all TLDs that we offer.

What part of domains to match? For

example, SearchCriteria=Start&SLD=A
returns all domains that start with A. Per-
mitted values are:
SearchCriteria Optional 5

String to match in domain name. Use

with SearchCriteria to constrain results.
For example, SearchCri-
SLD Optional teria=Start&SLD=A returns all domains 8000
that start with A.
Permitted values are letters, numbers,
and hyphens.

Return domains with numbers in the

domain name? Permitted values are:
0 Exclude domain names containing num-
ExcludeNumbers Optional 1
1 Include domain names containing num-

- 152 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Return domains with hyphens in the
domain name? Permitted values are:
0 Exclude domain names containing
ExcludeDashes Optional 1
1 Include domain names containing

Return parked domains? Permitted val-

ues are:
ParkingStatus Optional 1
0 Return domains that are not parked
1 Return domains that are parked

What registration status to return? Per-

mitted values are:
RegistrationStatus Optional Registered 10

What auto-renew status to return? Per-

mitted values are:
AutoRenew Optional 1
0 Auto-renew off
1 Auto-renew on

What registrar lock status to return? Per-

mitted values are:
Locked Optional 1
0 Registrar lock off
1 Registrar lock on

Date the domain was originally

CreationDate Optional registered. Permitted format is 10

Return domains that are within this many

DaysTillExpires Optional days before expiration date. Permitted 7
values are integers 0 to 65535

Return domains that are within this many

DaysExpired Optional days after expiration date. Permitted val- 7
ues are integers 0 to 65535

Return only domains that use our name

servers? Permitted values are:
NSStatus Optional 5

Return domains that use this name

NameServer Optional 60

Return domains with ID Protect? Per-

HasIDProtect Optional 1
mitted values are:

- 153 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

0 Domains with no subscription to ID Pro-
1 Domains with ID Protect

Return domains that have ID Protect

thats due to expire within the number of
DaysUntilExpires Optional 7
days specified here. Permitted values are
integers 0 to 65535

Return domains with subscriptions to

POPmail? Permitted values are:
HasPOPMail Optional 1
0 No POP mail subscription
1 Subscribed to POP mail

Return domains associated with Web

hosting? Permitted values are:
HasWebHosting Optional 1
0 No Web hosting subscription
1 Subscribed to Web hosting

Include domains that fit the search cri-

teria that are in retail subaccounts? Per-
IncludeSubaccounts Optional mitted values are: 1
0 Exclude domain names in subaccounts
1 Include domain names in subaccounts

Login name of subaccounts to include 20

OrderBy Optional Permitted values are:
SubaccountLogin Optional TLD 8

What number in the list to begin with in

this response? For example, StartPos-
StartPosition Optional 8
ition=26&RecordsToReturn=25 returns
domains 26 through 50 in the list.

Number of domains to return in each

response. For example,
RecordsToReturn Optional StartPosition=26&RecordsToReturn=25 3
returns domains 26 through 50 in the list.
Maximum permitted value is 100.

Retrieve domains associated with what

types of folders? Permitted values are:
FolderOption Optional 1 Domains that are not in any folders 1
2 Domains that are in at least one folder

- 154 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

3 Domains that are in any Magic folder
4 Domains that are in any standard folder
5 Domains that are only in a Magic folder
6 Domains that are only in a standard
7 Domains that are in folder FolderName

Required when Return domains in this folder. Permitted

FolderName 125
FolderOption=7 value is a folder name.

Synchronization status. Permitted values

1Domains are in the process of syn-
FolderSyncStatus Optional 1
2 Domains are in sync
3 At least one domain is out of sync

MultiLang Optional Permitted values are On or Off. 3

Format of response. Permitted values are

ResponseType Optional 4
Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
SP-TLDList Domains included in this return match these TLDs

Domains included in this return include this character string in

the SLD

Domains included in this return include the SP-SLD value in

this part of the SLD

SP-ParkingStatus Returned domains match this parking status

SP-XML XML formatting options for this return

SP-RegistrationStatus Returned domains match this registration status

SP-AutoRenew Returned domains match this auto-renew setting

SP-Locked Returned domains match this registrar lock setting

SP-DaysTillExpires Returned domains are within this many days of expiration

SP-DaysExpired Returned domains have expired in the last X days

- 155 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
SP-NSStatus Returned domains match this name server status

SP-HostRecord Type Not used

SP-HostName Not used

SP-HostAddress Not used

SP-NameServer Returned domains use this name server

SP-Has Returned domains match this ID Protect status

SP-HasPOPMail Returned domains match this POP mail status

SP-EmailForwarding Not used

SP-HasWebHosting Returned domains match this Web hosting status

If SP-ExcludeNumbers=1, returned domains do not contain

numbers in the SLD

If SP-ExcludeDashes=1, returned domains do not contain

hyphens in the SLD

If SP-IncludeSubAccounts=1, returned domains include

domains in retail subaccounts

SP-SubAccountLogin Returned domains are in this subaccount

SP-XMLResponse XMLResponse setting

SP-RecordsToReturn This response includes this number of domains in a sorted list

SP-StartPosition This response starts at this number in the sorted list

SP-OrderBy Sort criterion for this list

SP-CustomerGroupName Not used

SP-FolderOption Returned domains match this folder option

SP-FolderSyncStatus Returned domains match this folder sync status

SP-FolderName Returned domains match this folder name

SP-EmailResultsOnly Send response by email only

SP-CreationDate Returned domains were originally registered on this date

SP-DaysUntilExpires Returned domains are within X days before ID Protect


- 156 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
SP-WBLStatusID Returned domains have this status ID

Returned domains have this enabled status for Business List-


Returned domains have this Auto Renew status for Business


TotalResults Total number of domains that match these search criteria

The first domain in this response is in this position in the overall

sorted list of domains

The next response will start at this position in the overall sorted

MultiRRP Multiple RRPs in this response?

TLDOverride TLD override setting

DomainNameID ID number for this domain

SLD SLD of this domain

TLD TLD of this domain

AutoRenew Auto-renew setting of this domain

ExpDate Expiration date of this domain

DomainRegistrationStatus Registration status of this domain

DeleteType Delete status of this domain

NSStatus Is this domain using our name servers?

FolderStatus Is this domain in any folders?

RRProcessor Registrar credential of this domain name

RRCompanyName Registrar of record for this domain name

HasIDProtect Does this domain have ID Protect, and is it enabled?

DomainFolderStatus Sync status of this domain

AbleToReactivate If expired, can this name be reactivated?

IsPremiumName Is this a premium .tv name?

PremiumPrice Price for this premium .tv name

Is the price for this premium .tv name above the premium
threshold price?

- 157 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
PremiumCategory Premium category for a .tv name

ReactivatePrice Price to reactivate this expired .tv name

WBLStatusID Status identifier for Business Listing for this domain name

WBLStatus Description of status for Business Listing

WBLExpDate Expiration date for Business Listing

WBLAutoRenew Auto-renew setting for Business Listing

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves domains that match the specified search criteria, and
sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a domain list and an ErrCount value 0 indicate that the query was suc-

- 158 -
API Command Categories


<DomainName sld="r" location="Start"/>

- 159 -
API Command Categories

<RRCompanyName>eNom, Inc.</RRCompanyName>

- 160 -
API Command Categories

<RRCompanyName>eNom, Inc.</RRCompanyName>

- 161 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 3:29:08 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddDomainFolder
l AssignToDomainFolder
l DeleteDomainFolder
l GetDomainFolderDetail
l GetDomainFolderList
l RemoveUnsyncedDomains
l UpdateDomainFolder

Set the Auto Renew flag for a GeoTrust Anti-Malware subscription.
Use this command to set the Auto Renew flag for a GeoTrust Anti-Malware subscription.
In the eNom web site, we only display the Auto Renew setting for subscriptions in status
Service Active, but our API allows you to set the Auto Renew flag at any time.
All resellers have access to this command
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 162 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The GeoTrust Anti-Malware subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID. 20

PW Required Account password. 20

Identification number of the GeoTrust

Anti-Malware for which you want to set
AMID Required the Auto Renew flag. To retrieve AMID 8
numbers, use the AM_GetAccounts com-

Setting to apply to the Auto Renew flag

for this GeoTrust Anti-Malware sub-
AutoRenew Required scription. Permitted values are: True 5
Automatically renew this subscription
False Allow this subscription to expire

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount)

ErrX Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

- 163 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter rameter ErrCount If greater than 0 the transaction
failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise pro-
cess the returned parameters as defined above.

The following query sets the Auto Renew flag for a GeoTrust Anti-Malware subscription,
and requests the response in XML format:



<?xml version="1.0"?>

- 164 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>1/11/2012 10:35:29 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AM_Configure
l AM_GetAccountDetail
l AM_GetAccounts
l AM_Renew

Configure a GeoTrust Anti-Malware account.
Use this command to configure a GeoTrust Anti-Malware subscription after initial pur-
All resellers have access to this command
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:

- 165 -
API Command Categories

l The login ID and password must be valid.

l The GeoTrust Anti-Malware subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID. 20

PW Required Account password. 20

Identification number of the GeoTrust

Anti-Malware for which you want to con-
AMID Required 8
figure. To retrieve AMID numbers, use
the AM_GetAccounts command.

Domain name. Permitted input format

DomainName Required includes the range from sld.tld to a com- 256
plete URL.

Domain Administrator's email address.

GeoTrust sends email to this address for
AdminEmail Required 256
notificatons related to the domain activ-

Domain Technical contact's email

address. GeoTrust sends email to this
TechEmail Required 256
address for notificatons related to any
technical domain activities or requests.

TechFName Required Domain Technical contact First Name. 50

TechLName Required Domain Technical contact Last Name. 50

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 166 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount)

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter rameter ErrCount If greater than 0 the transaction
failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise pro-
cess the returned parameters as defined above.

The following query configures a GeoTrust Anti-Malware subscription after initial pur-
chase, and requests the response in XML format:



<?xml version="1.0"?>

- 167 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod/> <MaxPeriod>10</MaxPeriod>
<Site>eNom</Site> <IsLockable/>
<RequestDateTime>11/11/2011 11:11:11 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AM_AutoRenew
l AM_GetAccountDetail
l AM_GetAccounts
l AM_Renew

Retrieve detailed information for one GeoTrust Anti-Malware account.
Use this command to retrieve detailed information for one GeoTrust Anti-Malware sub-
All resellers have access to this command

- 168 -
API Command Categories

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The GeoTrust Anti-Malware subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID. 20

PW Required Account password. 20

Identification number of the GeoTrust

Anti-Malware. To retrieve AMID num-
AMID Required 8
bers, use the AM_GetAccounts com-

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount)

- 169 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter rameter ErrCount If greater than 0 the transaction
failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise pro-
cess the returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves detailed information for one GeoTrust Anti-Malware sub-
scription, and requests the response in XML format:



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ProdDesc>GeoTrust Anti-Malware Scan</ProdDesc>
<OrderDate>11/11/2011 4:35:27 PM</OrderDate>

- 170 -
API Command Categories

<ConfigurationDate>11/11/2011 11:11:11 PM</Con-
<ExpirationDate>11/11/2012 3:47:18 PM</ExpirationDate>
<RequestDateTime>1/11/2012 11:59:51 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AM_AutoRenew
l AM_Configure
l AM_GetAccounts
l AM_Renew

- 171 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve a list of GeoTrust Anti-Malware account for this login ID.
Use this command to retrieve a list of GeoTrust Anti-Malware account for this login ID.
All resellers have access to this command
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The GeoTrust Anti-Malware subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 172 -
API Command Categories

UID Required Account login ID. 20

PW Required Account password. 20

Product identification number. Permitted values are:

ProdType Optional 175: GeoTrust Anti-Malware Scan With Seal 3
177: GeoTrust Anti-Malware Scan

Return results beginning with this position in the sor-

Optional; default ted list.
StartPosition 8
is 1 For example, StartPosition=26&PagingPageSize=25
returns accounts 26 through 50 in the sorted list.

Optional; default Number of accounts to return in this response. Max-

PagingPageSize 3
is 25 imum permitted value is 250.

Sorting parameter. Permitted values are:

Optional; default StatusID
SortBy 255
is DomainName SubStatus

Permitted values are:

Optional; default
SortByDirection Asc 128
is Asc Sort order.

GeoTrust Anti-Malware StatusID/Status. Permitted

values are:
StatusID or Status Optional 4/50
0: Inactive
1: Active

GeoTrust Anti-Malware SubStatusID/SubStatus. Per-

mitted values are:
SubStatusID or 1: Awaiting Configuration
Optional 4/50
SubStatus 2: Expired
3: Canceled
4: Active

Auto Renew. Permitted values are:

AutoRenew Optional True: subscriptions with automatic renewal 4
False: subscriptions without automatic renewal

DomainNameContains Optional Specific word in domain names. 300

- 173 -
API Command Categories

OrderDateStart Optional Order date start filter. Use format MM/DD/YYYY. 10

OrderDateEnd Optional Order date end filter. Use format MM/DD/YYYY. 10

ExpirationDateStart Optional Expiration date start filter. Use format MM/DD/YYYY. 10

ExpirationDateEnd Optional Expiration date end filter. Use format MM/DD/YYYY. 10

Format of response. Permitted values are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount)

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter rameter ErrCount If greater than 0 the transaction
failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise pro-
cess the returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of GeoTrust Anti-Malware account for this login ID,
and requests the response in XML format:


- 174 -
API Command Categories



<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<ProdDesc>GeoTrust Anti-Malware Scan With Seal</ProdDesc>
<SubStatus>Awaiting Configuration</SubStatus>
<OrderDate>11/29/2011 4:08 PM</OrderDate>
<ExpirationDate>11/29/2012 4:08 PM</ExpirationDate>

- 175 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<RequestDateTime>1/11/2012 2:06:27 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AM_AutoRenew
l AM_Configure
l AM_GetAccountDetail
l AM_Renew

Assign one or more domains to one folder.
Use this command to assign one or more domains to a folder. Most commonly, youll put
domains in a standard folder to organize them; in a Magic Folder to manage settings.
You can assign domains in several ways:
l Put a list of domains into a folder.
l Move a list of domains from one folder to another, or from all folders where the
domains currently reside to a single folder.
l Copy a list of domains to a folder so that they are in multiple folders (but a domain

can only be in one Magic Folder at a time; see Notes).

l Remove a list of domains from a folder or from all folders.


- 176 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
At the bottom of the domain list, when the LIST ACTIONS menu is set to a folder option,
the GO button calls the AssignToDomainFolder command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The folder must belong to this login ID.
l A domain can only be in one Magic Folder at a time. See Notes.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Comma-separated list of domain names

to put into this folder.
DomainNameList Required 1500
Permitted format is

Action to execute. Permitted values:

1 Copy to ToFolderName (and leave in
all folders where it is currently placed)
TransferMode Required 2 Move to ToFolderName (and remove 1
from FromFolderName or from all)
3 Remove from FromFolderName or
from all folders

FromFolderName Optional if Trans- If TransferMode=2 or 3, the query oper- 125

Ignored if Trans- ferMode=2 or 3;

- 177 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

ates only on domains that are currently in
FromFolderName. Permitted values are
one folder name or * (all folders)
If TransferMode=2 and no value is
provided for FromFolderName, domains
ferMode=1; default is * (all); are moved from all folders where they
are currently associated, to ToFolder-
If TransferMode=3 and no value is
provided for FromFolderName, domains
are deleted from all folders.

Required if Trans-
ferMode=1 or 2; Assign the listed domains to this folder.
ToFolderName 125
Ignored if Trans- Permitted value is one folder name.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ToFolderName Destination folder for domains

FromFolderName Source folder for domains

Domain name IDs. To retrieve the domain names from these

IDs, use the GetDomainSLDTLD command.

Type of reassignment done by this query. Values are:

1 Copy to ToFolderName (and leave in all folders where it is
currently associated)
2 Move to ToFolderName (and remove from FromFolderName
or from all folders where it is currently associated)
3 Remove from FromFolderName

Result of this query. Values are:

0 General failure
1 Success
2 Unable to add domains to folder
Result 3 No such folder
4 Cannot move a domain from a folder to the same folder
5 At least one domain is not found as active in this account
6 At least one domain cannot be removed from folder because

- 178 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
synchronization is in progress
7 At least one domain is already associated with another Magic
8 Unable to remove domains from folder

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l A domain can only be in one Magic Folder at a time.
l If a query string uses a wildcard value when removing domains from folders, or
does not specify a foldername (TransferMode=3&FromFolderName=*), it will
remove the domains from all folders they arecurrently in.

The following query copies two domains into a folder and sends the response in XML


In the response, a Result value 1 and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was

- 179 -
API Command Categories


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<debug> <![CDATA[ ]]> </debug>

Related commands
l AddDomainFolder
l AdvancedDomainSearch
l DeleteDomainFolder
l GetDomainFolderDetail
l GetDomainFolderList
l RemoveUnsyncedDomains
l UpdateDomainFolder

- 180 -
API Command Categories

Create or add to a list of TLDs that you offer to your resellers and retail customers.
Use this command to specify the TLDs that you offer to your resellers and retail cus-
tomers. This command controls which TLDs your Web site can offer for registrations,
renewals, and transfers.
The first time you use this command, the list of TLDs we return to you switches from the
list of all TLDs we offer, which is the default, to your own list that contains only the TLDs
you authorize.
You can also use this command to add to your list of authorized TLDs. When you want to
add one TLD, run AuthorizeTLD with that single TLD.
To revert from the authorized TLD mode back to the default mode (all TLDs that we sup-
port), or to remove TLDs from your list, use the RemoveTLD command.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Clicking the TLD Pricing tab shows either the complete set of TLDs we offer, or the TLDs
you have authorized.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l You can only authorize TLDs that we offer.

- 181 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

One top-level domain (TLD) to add to

Either TLD or
your list of authorized TLDs. For
TLD DomainList is 15
example, if you want to add .biz, use

Comma-separated list of TLDs to add to

Either TLD or
your list of authorized TLDs. For
DomainList DomainList is 100
example, if you want to add .com, .net,
and .org, use DomainList=com,net,org

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TLD to add to authorized list. Indexed X when Respon-
seType=Text or HTML.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 182 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query authorizes TLDs .com, .net, and .org for account resellid, and sends
the response in XML format:


In the response, the list of TLDs and the ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was suc-


- 183 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 3:34:07 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetTLDList
l PE_SetPricing
l RemoveTLD
l SetResellerTLDPricing

Set the Auto Renew flag for a GeoTrust Anti-Malware subscription.
Use this command to set the Auto Renew flag for a GeoTrust Anti-Malware subscription.
In the eNom web site, we only display the Auto Renew setting for subscriptions in status
Service Active, but our API allows you to set the Auto Renew flag at any time.
All resellers have access to this command
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 184 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The GeoTrust Anti-Malware subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID. 20

PW Required Account password. 20

Identification number of the GeoTrust

Anti-Malware for which you want to set
AMID Required the Auto Renew flag. 8
To retrieve AMID numbers, use the AM_
GetAccounts command.

Setting to apply to the Auto Renew flag

for this GeoTrust Anti-Malware sub-
scription. Permitted values are:
AutoRenew Required 5
True Automatically renew this sub-
False Allow this subscription to expire

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default),HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount)

- 185 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter rameter ErrCount If greater than 0 the transaction
failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise pro-
cess the returned parameters as defined above.

The following query sets the Auto Renew flag for a GeoTrust Anti-Malware subscription,
and requests the response in XML format:



<?xml version="1.0"?>

- 186 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>1/11/2012 10:35:29 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AM_Configure
l AM_GetAccountDetail
l AM_GetAccounts
l AM_Renew

Retrieve contents, and calculate cost and selling price, of all Web hosting packages con-
figured for an account.
Use this command to generate a complete list of Web hosting packages defined for an
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Set Packages table, with the re-calculate and save packages buttons, calls and dis-
plays results of the CalculateAllHostPackagePricing command.

- 187 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Optional; default is Operating system of Web server. Per-

OSType 7
Windows mitted values are Windows or Linux.

Do you want to return results for only the

Optional; default is Web server operating system specified
FilterByOS 5
False by OSType? Permitted values are True
or False.

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
PackageID ID number (generated by us) for this Web hosting package

PackageName Name of this Web hosting package

- 188 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Number of Web site content storage units in this Web hosting
package. Each storage unit is 1GB.

Number of bandwidth units in this Web hosting package. Each

bandwidth unit is 20GB.

Number of POP mail units in this Web hosting package. Each

POP unit is 10 mailboxes, with 100MB storage per mailbox.

Number of units of SQL database storage in this Web hosting

package. Each SQL unit is 250MB.

Our ID for the operating system of this packages Web hosting

server. 1 indicates Windows; 2 indicates Linux.

OSType Operating system of this packages Web hosting server.

PackageCost The cost to this account for this Web hosting package

The price this account charges customers for this Web hosting

Number of different Web hosting packages listed in this


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 189 -
API Command Categories

The following query retrieves the contents, cost, and selling price of all Web hosting
packages defined for account resellid, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a list of packages and an ErrCount value 0 indicate that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 190 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetHostAccount
l GetResellerHostPricing
l GetStorageUsage
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageDelete
l HostPackageModify
l HostPackageView
l HostParkingPage
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetOverageOptions
l WebHostGetOverages
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums
l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetResellerPackages

- 191 -
API Command Categories

l WebHostSetCustomPackage
l WebHostSetOverageOptions

Calculate the cost and selling price of Web hosting packages (both existing and
planned) based on the costs and selling prices of their components.
Use this command to configure one or more Web hosting packages and calculate their
cost based on the components they contain. This command does not create the pack-
ages; rather, it allows you to adjust quantities of each component and view the effect on
the overall price of the package. Once you have a configuration you like, you can create
the package using the HostPackageDefine command.
Note that this command does not check for a valid package. For example, if you specify
a PackageName that already exists as a Windows package but specify Linux in this
query, the response will give the pricing for the Linux package; however, if you try to run
HostPackageDefine with the Linux package, the query will fail.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the Set Packages section, the re-calculate button calls the Cal-
culateHostPackagePricing command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 192 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Number of Web hosting packages being

PackageCount Required 2
defined in this query

Name of Web hosting package X. To

PackageNameX (X=1 to retrieve a list of currently defined pack-
Required 14
PackageCount) ages, use the WebHostGetReseller-
Packages command.

Operating system of Web hosting pack-

OSTypeIDX Required age X. Permitted values are: 1 Windows 2
2 Linux

Number of Web storage units to include

Optional; default is in Web hosting package X. Each unit con-
StorageUnitsX 2
1 tains 1GB; maximum permitted is 400
units (total of 400GB).

Number of bandwidth units to include in

Optional; default is Web hosting package X. Each unit con-
BandwidthUnitsX 2
1 tains 20GB; maximum permitted is 150
units (total of 3000GB).

Number of POP email units to include in

Web hosting package X. Each unit con-
Optional; default is
POPUnitsX tains 10 email boxes with 100MB storage 2
per mailbox; maximum permitted is 30
units (total of 300 mailboxes).

Number of SQL database storage units

Optional; default is to include in Web hosting package X.
SQLUnitsX 2
0 Each unit contains 250MB; maximum
permitted is 30 units (total of 7500MB).

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

- 193 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
(Responses in text format are numbered, X=1 to Pack-
ageCount Name of this Web hosting package

Number of storage units for Web site content. Each storage

unit is 1GB.

Number of bandwidth units in this package. Each bandwidth

unit is 20GB.

Number of POP mail units in this package. Each POP unit is

10 mailboxes, with 100MB storage per mailbox.

Number of units of SQL database storage in this package.

Each SQL unit is 250MB.

ID number of the operating system of the Web hosting server

OSTypeIDX for this Web hosting account. 1 indicates Windows; 2 indicates

Operating system of the Web hosting server for this Web host-
ing account. Return values are Windows or Linux.

PackageCostX The cost to this account for this package

SellPriceX The price this account charges customers for this package

Number of different Web hosting packages listed in this


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 194 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query defines Web hosting packages Silver and Gold, calculates their cost
and resale price, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, package listings and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 195 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CalculateAllHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetHostAccount
l GetResellerHostPricing
l GetStorageUsage
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageDelete
l HostPackageModify
l HostPackageView
l HostParkingPage
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetOverageOptions
l WebHostGetOverages
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums

- 196 -
API Command Categories

l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetResellerPackages
l WebHostSetCustomPackage
l WebHostSetOverageOptions

Enable or disable a Web hosting account, or mark a Web hosting account for deletion at
the end of the current billing cycle.
Use this command to enable a Web hosting account, unless it has been disabled by our
system for nonpayment or overages. In those circumstances, the Web hosting account
must be enabled by a customer service representative.
Use this command to disable a Web hosting account.
Use this command to flag a Web hosting account for deletion at the end of the billing
Use this command to remove a deletion flag on a Web hosting account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.
l This command cannot be used to enable an account that has been disabled by our
system for nonpayment or overages. In those circumstances, the Web hosting
account must be enabled by a customer service representative.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 197 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Name of Web hosting account 14

Enabled status of this Web hosting

account. Set to 0 or false to disable the
Web hosting account. Anything else
enables the account unless it has been
Optional; default is
Enable disabled by our system for nonpayment 5
or overages. If disabled by our system,
the Web hosting account can only be
enabled by a customer service rep-

Deletion flag for this Web hosting

account. Set to 1 or true to flag the Web
Optional; default is hosting account for deletion at the end of
Delete 5
0 the billing cycle. Anything else leaves it
as an active account or removes any
deletion flag.

Optional; default is Cancel this Web hosting account? Set to

TotalCancel 5
0 1 to delete at the end of the billing cycle.

Reason for cancelling this Web hosting

account. Permitted values are: 1 No
longer needed 2 Not as expected 3 Price/-
DropdownReason Required 1
value 4 Technical issue 5 Support issue
6 Unsupported functionality 7 Other
reason not listed

Detailed explanation for cancelling this

FreeformReason Required Web hosting account. Most commonly, 200
this would be user-generated text.

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

- 198 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

Language Language flag for error messages

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l If a Web hosting account has been disabled, then the GetHostAccount commands
and other commands will return an error: Host account has been disabled. Please
contact customer service.
l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query leaves Web hosting account B1027 enabled (Enable=1), flags it for
deletion at the end of the current billing cycle (Delete=1), and sends the response in
XML format:


- 199 -
API Command Categories

In the response, the ErrCount value 0 confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllHostAccounts
l GetHostAccount
l WebHostGetResellerPackages

Cancel a pre-order for a specific domain name.
Use this command to cancel the order of a specific pre-registration domain name.
All resellers have access to this command.

- 200 -
API Command Categories

Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The OrderID and Domain Name must be passed in and be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

DomainName Required The Domain Name to cancel 32

The Order ID the domain name belongs

OrderID Required

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
OrderID The Order ID

Success Boolean indicating if the action was successfull.

Text message indicating a success, or indicating an error mes-


DomainName The domain name

- 201 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Text message indicating the description as appropriate based
on the action, and/or errors.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The Domain Name must be a part of the order ID passed in, and both items must
belong to the reseller calling the API command.

The following query cancels the domain abcd1234.catering from orderID 123456789,
and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the presence of spun names and the ErrCount value 0 indicate that the
query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 202 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>7/2/2014 4:28:17 PM</RequestDateTime>
<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddToCart
l Check
l Purchase

Change approver email for a Symantec, Verisign or GeoTrust certificate.

- 203 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to change approver email for a Symantec, Verisign or GeoTrust cer-
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The cert must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

ID number for this individual certificate.

CertID Required Retrieve this number using the Cer- 8
tGetCerts command.

Email addresses of qualified approvers

for the domain name embedded in a
ApproverEmail Required 79
CSR. Use the CertGetApproverEmail
command to retrieve the list.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 204 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success status for retrieving the authoritative Whois registrant

ApproverEmail Email address of approver

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query changes approver email for a GeoTrust Certificate, and requests the
response in XML format:



- 205 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<RequestDateTime>1/11/2012 1:33:38 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CertChangeApproverEmail
l CertConfigureCert
l CertGetApproverEmail
l CertGetCertDetail
l CertGetCerts
l CertModifyOrder
l CertParseCSR
l CertPurchaseCert
l CertReissueCert
l CertResendApproverEmail
l CertResendFulfillmentEmail
l GetCerts

- 206 -
API Command Categories

Add or update certificate information in preparation to submit to Certificate Authority.
Use this command to add or update certificate information in preparation to submit to Cer-
tificate Authority.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The save changes button calls the CertConfigureCert command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The cert must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 207 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

ID number for this individual cer-

CertID Required tificate. Retrieve this number using 8

For UCC type,

Number of domains to be added to
DomainListNumber this parameter 3
the list
is Required

For UCC type,

UCCDomainListX X=1 to max-
this parameter Domain name 64
imum 100
is Required

For UCC type,

UCCEmailListX X=1 to maximum
this parameter Approver email 64
is Required

Type of Web server on which this

cert will be installed. Permitted val-
ues for GeoTrust, RapidSSL, and
VeriSign certs:
1 Apache + MOD SSL
2 Apache + Raven
3 Apache + SSLeay
4 C2Net Stronghold
8 iPlanet Server 4.1
9 Lotus Domino Go
10 Lotus Domino Go
WebServerType (GeoTrust, Rap- 11 Lotus Domino 4.6+
idSSL, and VeriSign certs on this Required 12 Microsoft IIS 4.0 4
page; Comodo below) 13 Microsoft IIS 5.0
14 Netscape Enterprise/FastTrack
17 Zeus v3+
18 Other
20 Apache + OpenSSL
21 Apache 2
22 Apache + ApacheSSL
23 Cobalt Series
24 Cpanel
25 Ensim
26 Hsphere
27 Ipswitch
28 Plesk

- 208 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

29 Jakart-Tomcat
30 WebLogic (all versions)
31 OReilly WebSite Professional
32 WebStar
33 Microsoft IIS 6.0

Type of web server on which this

cert will be installed. Permitted
vabe installed. Permitted values for
Comodo certs:
1000 Otherold
1001 AOL
1002 Apache/ModSSL
1003 Apache-SSL (Ben-SSL, not
1004 C2Net Strongholdold
1005 Cobalt Raq
1006 Covalent Server Software
1007 IBM HTTP Server
1008 IBM Internet Connection
1009 iPlanet
1010 Java Web Server (Javasoft /
1011 Lotus Domino
WebServerType (Comodo certs
1012 Lotus Domino Go!
on this page; GeoTrust, Rap- Required 4
1013 Microsoft IIS 1.x to 4.x
idSSL, and VeriSign certs above)
1014 Microsoft IIS 5.x and later
1015 Netscape Enterprise Server
1016 Netscape FastTrack
1017 Novell Web Server
1018 Oracle
1019 Quid Pro Quo
1020 R3 SSL Server
1021 Raven SSL
1022 RedHat Linux
1023 SAP Web Application Server
1024 Tomcat
1025 Website Professional
1026 WebStar 4.x and later
1027 Web Ten ( from Tenon)
1028 Zeus Web Server
1029 Ensim
1030 Plesk
1031 WHM/cPanel
1032 H-Sphere

CSR Required Certificate Signing Request. We 4500

- 209 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

recommend saving this value to
use again in the CertParseCSR
command. Click on the links to for
more information about CSR:
GeoTrust certs RapidSSL certs
VeriSign certs EV certs require a
2048-bit CSR. When creating a
CSR for a wildcard cert, be sure to
submit the domain name as

Optional over-
allthe default
for a cert
Admin is the
Admin contact
for this
account; Given name of this ContactGiven
defaults for the name of this ContactType for this
ContactTypeFName cert Tech and cert. Permitted ContactTypes are 60
Billing contacts Admin, Tech, and Billing. For
are the cert example, AdminFName=John
Admin contact.
If you supply
information for
a ContactType,
this param is

If you supply
Family name of this ContacFamily
information for
name of this ContactType for this
ContactTypeLName a ContactType, 60
cert. For example, AdminLName-
this param is

If you supply
information for
Organization name of this
ContactTypeOrgName a ContactType, 60
ContactType for this cert
this param is

If you supply
information for
Job title of this ContactType for
ContactTypeJobTitle a ContactType, 60
this cert
this param is

If you supply Address, line 1, of this

ContactTypeAddress1 60
information for ContactType for this cert

- 210 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

a ContactType,
this param is

If you supply
information for
Address, line 2, of this
ContactTypeAddress2 a ContactType, 60
ContactType for this cert
this param is

If you supply
information for
City for this ContactType for this
ContactTypeCity a ContactType, 60
this param is

Either State or
Province is
State for this ContactType for this
ContactTypeState Required for 2

Either State or
Province is
Province for this ContactType for
ContactTypeProvince Required for 60
this cert

If you supply Is this cert ContactTypes location

information for a state or province. Permitted val-
ContactTypeStateProvinceChoice a ContactType, ues are: 1
this param is S state
Optional P province

If you supply
information for
Postal code for this ContactType
ContactTypePostalCode a ContactType, 16
for this cert
this param is

If you supply
information for Country for this ContactType for
ContactTypeCountry a ContactType, this cert, in two-letter country code 2
this param is format

If you supply Phone for this this ContactType for

information for this cert. Required format is +Coun-
ContactTypePhone 17
a ContactType, tryCode.PhoneNumber, where
this param is CountryCode and PhoneNumber

- 211 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

use only numeric characters and
Required the + is URL-encoded as a plus
sign (%2B).

If you supply
information for
Phone extension for this this
ContactTypePhoneExt a ContactType, 8
ContactType for this cert
this param is

Fax number for this ContactType

If you supply for this cert. Required format is
information for +CountryCode.PhoneNumber,
ContactTypeFax a ContactType, where CountryCode and 17
this param is PhoneNumber use only numeric
Optional characters and the + is URL-
encoded as a plus sign (%2B).

If you supply
information for Email address for this
ContactTypeEmailAddress a ContactType, ContactType for this cert. Use 128
this param is format Name@DomainName.com

Format of response. Permitted val-

ResponseType Optional ues are Text (default), HTML, or 4

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
CertID Identification number of this individual cert

Success Has this cert been configured successfully?

Organization Organization embedded in this CSR

DomainName Domain name embedded in this CSR

Email Email addresss embedded in this CSR

HasBadExtensions Any bad extensions?

IsValidQuickDomainName Valid quick domain name?

IsValidTrueDomainName Valid true domain name?

- 212 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Locality Locality embedded in this CSR

OrganizationUnit Organization unit embedded in this CSR

State State embedded in this CSR

Country Country embedded in this CSR

ApproverType Type of this approver

ApproverEmail Email address of this approver

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l Because the required parameters for this command exceed the length limits for
many browser address bars, you should submit your HTTP request using the
post instead of get method.
l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send
l ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
l Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the returned para-
meters as defined above.

The following query configures a cert, and sends the response in XML format:


- 213 -
API Command Categories


In the response, a success value True confirms that the query was successful:

- 214 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Email />
<ApproverEmail />
<Approver Type="Domain">
<Approver Type="Domain">
<Approver Type="Generic">
<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />

- 215 -
API Command Categories


Related commands
l CertChangeApproverEmail
l CertConfigureCert
l CertGetApproverEmail
l CertGetCertDetail
l CertGetCerts
l CertModifyOrder
l CertParseCSR
l CertPurchaseCert
l CertReissueCert
l CertResendApproverEmail
l CertResendFulfillmentEmail
l GetCerts

Retrieve the email addresses of qualified approvers for the domain name embedded in a
Use this command to retrieve the email addresses of qualified approvers for the domain
name embedded in a CSR.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 216 -
API Command Categories

The save changes button calls the CertParseCSR command to retrieve the domain
name associated with this CSR. Then, the CertGetApproverEmail command calls the
authoritative WhoIs and retrieves the email address for the registrant of that domain.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The cert must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Domain name that is associated with this

cert, in format sld.tld. Use Cer-
Domain Required 79
tParseCSR or CertGetCertDetail to
retrieve this value.

ID number for this individual certificate.

CertID Required Retrieve this number using the Cer- 8
tGetCerts command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success status for retrieving the authoritative Whois registrant

- 217 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
ApproverType Type of approver

ApproverEmail Email address of approver

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query queries the authoritative Whois database for the domain registrants
email address, generates other email addresses that are likely to be valid approvers for
the cert, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a Success status True confirms that the query was successful:


- 218 -
API Command Categories

<Approver Type="Domain">
<Approver Type="Domain">
<Approver Type="Generic">
<Approver Type="Generic">
<Approver Type="Generic">
<Approver Type="Generic">
<Approver Type="Generic">
<Approver Type="Generic">
<Approver Type="Manual">

- 219 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 3:38:17 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CertChangeApproverEmail
l CertConfigureCert
l CertGetCertDetail
l CertGetCerts
l CertModifyOrder
l CertReissueCert
l CertParseCSR
l CertPurchaseCert
l CertResendApproverEmail
l CertResendFulfillmentEmail
l GetCerts

Retrieve configuration information on one SSL certificate.
Use this command to retrieve detailed configuration information on one SSL certificate.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 220 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The cert must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

ID number of this cert. Use the Cer-

CertID Required tGetCerts command to retrieve the ID 8

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
CertID ID number of this individual cert

DomainName Domain this cert is associated with

ValidityPeriod Total validity duration of this cert, in months

OrderDate Date on which this cert was ordered

ConfigDate Date on which this cert was installed

RenewalIndicator Renewal indicator setting for this cert

WebServerTypeID ID number of the type of server this cert is configured for

- 221 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
WebServerTypeName Text description of the type of server this cert is configured for

OrderID ID number of the order that included this cert

OrderDetailID Item ID number of this cert when it was ordered

ExpirationDate Expiration date of this cert

ServerCount Should always be 1

ApproverEmail Email address of the registrant

Message Message

CertStatusID ID number that identifies this certs phase in its processing

CertStatus Text description of this certs status in its processing

CertStatusDetail Verbose description of status

ProdType Product ID number of this type of cert

ProdDesc Text description of this type of cert

Certificate Signing Request (CSR) code, provided by the cer-

tificate authority

ReferenceID Reference ID number for this cert

SSLCertificate SSL certificate, provided by the certificate authority.

ContactTypeOrgName Organization name of Admin, Tech, or Billing Contact

ContactTypeJobTitle Job title of Contact

ContactTypeFName Given name of Contact

ContactTypeLName Family name of Contact

ContactTypeAddress1 Contact address, first line

ContactTypeAddress2 Contact address, second line

ContactTypeCity Contact city

ContactTypeStateProvince Contact state or province

ContactTypeStateProvinceChoice Is this a state or a province?

ContactTypePostalCode Contact postal code

ContactTypeCountry Contact country

ContactTypePhone Contact phone

- 222 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
ContactTypeFax Contact fax

ContactTypeEmailAddress Contact email address

ContactTypePhoneExt Contact phone extension

WebServerTypeID ID number of this type of Web server

WebServerTypeName Text description of this type of Web server

WebServerTypeCode Text abbreviation of this type of Web server

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves information on a cert, and sends the response in XML


- 223 -
API Command Categories

In the response, cert information and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was suc-

<OrderDate>5/4/2005 2:21:07 PM</OrderDate>
<WebServerTypeName>Microsoft IIS 6.x or later-
<ExpirationDate>5/4/2006 2:21:07 PM</ExpirationDate>
<CertStatus>Awaiting Configuration</CertStatus>
<ProdDesc>SSL Certificate - GeoTrust TrueBizID Wild-

- 224 -
API Command Categories

<AdminOrgName>Bel Air</AdminOrgName>
<AdminAddress1>516 Apple</AdminAddress1>
<AdminCity>Bel Air</AdminCity>

- 225 -
API Command Categories

<TechOrgName>Bel Air</TechOrgName>
<TechAddress1>516 Apple</TechAddress1>
<TechCity>Bel Air</TechCity>
<BillingOrgName>Bel Air</BillingOrgName>
<BillingAddress1>516 Apple</BillingAddress1>
<BillingCity>Bel Air</BillingCity>
<WebServerTypeName>Apache + ApacheSSL</WebServerTypeName>

- 226 -
API Command Categories

<WebServerTypeName>Apache + MOD SSL</WebServerTypeName>
<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 3:39:54 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CertChangeApproverEmail
l CertConfigureCert
l CertGetApproverEmail
l CertGetCerts
l CertModifyOrder
l CertReissueCert
l CertParseCSR
l CertPurchaseCert
l CertResendApproverEmail
l CertResendFulfillmentEmail
l GetCerts

- 227 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve a list of the SSL certificates currently registered in this account.
Use this command to retrieve a list of the types of SSL certificates that that are currently
registered in this account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
https://resellertest.enom.com /secure/manage-ssl-certificates.aspx
The table lists the certs currently registered in this account.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

- 228 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Product identification number. Permitted
values are: 20: GeoTrust QuickSSL
Premium 21: GeoTrust True BusinessID
23: RapidSSL 24: GeoTrust TrueBizID
with EV 26: GeoTrust QuickSSL 27:
GeoTrust TrueBizID Wildcard 180: Ver-
ProdType Optional isign Secure Site 181: Verisign Secure 3
Site Pro 182: Verisign Secure Site EV
183: Verisign Secure Site Pro EV 211:
Comodo Essential 212: Comodo Instant
213: Comodo Premium Wildcard 214:
Comodo Essential Wildcard 221:
Comodo EV 222: Comodo EV SGC

Return results beginning with this pos-

ition in the sorted list. For example,
Optional; default is
StartPosition StartPosition=26&PagingPageSize=25 8
returns accounts 26 through 50 in the sor-
ted list.

Number of accounts to return in this

Optional; default is
PagingPageSize response. Maximum permitted value is 3

Optional; default is Sorting parameter. Permitted values are:

SortBy 20
CertID CertID Domain CertStatus Expiration

Optional; default is Sort order. Permitted values are: Asc

SortByDirection 8
Asc Desc

Filter output by a specific cert status ID.

Permitted values are: 0: Return all certs
1: Awaiting Configuration 2: Processing
4: Certificate Issued 6: Rejected by Cus-
tomer 7: Refunded - No Cert Issued 8:
Refunded - Cert Issued 9: Approval Email
CertStatusID Optional 4
Sent (Comodo only) 10: Approved by
Domain Owner (Comodo only) 12: Pend-
ing Installation (associate with our host-
ing) 13: Cert Installed (associate with our
hosting) Note: CertStatusID=3, 5 and 11
are no longer valid

DomainNameContains Optional Specific word in domain names. 300

Order date start filter. Use format

OrderDateStart Optional 10

Order date end filter. Use format

OrderDateEnd Optional 10

- 229 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Expiration date start filter. Use format
ExpirationDateStart Optional 10

Expiration date end filter. Use format

ExpirationDateEnd Optional 10

Format of response. Permitted values are

ResponseType Optional 4
Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
IsExpired Is this cert expired.

CertID ID number for this individual cert, from our database

OrderDate Date on which this cert was purchased

ConfigDate Date on which this cert was configured

DomainName Domain that this cert is associated with

ValidityPeriod Expiration date for this cert

RenewalIndicator Renewal indicator setting

ProdType Product ID number, from our records

ProdDesc Text description of product

ExpirationDate Expiration date of this cert

ServerCount Should always return 1

CertStatus Current status of this cert

CertStatusID ID number corresponding to current cert status

OrderID Identification number of the order that included this cert

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 230 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves all certs in a domain name account, and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, cert information and the ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was

<ProdDesc>SSL Certificate - RapidSSL</ProdDesc>
<CertStatus>Awaiting Configuration</CertStatus>

- 231 -
API Command Categories

<ProdDesc>SSL Certificate - RapidSSL</ProdDesc>
<CertStatus>Awaiting Configuration</CertStatus>

- 232 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 3:42:01 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CertChangeApproverEmail
l CertConfigureCert
l CertGetApproverEmail
l CertGetCertDetail
l CertModifyOrder
l CertReissueCert
l CertParseCSR
l CertPurchaseCert
l CertResendApproverEmail
l CertResendFulfillmentEmail
l GetCerts

Cancel a cert configuration order. Cancellation is permitted while a cert is in status
Approval email sent or Processing. This command does not delete the cert from a cus-
tomers account; it only cancels the configuration order. This allows a customer to
change the configuration, including the domain name with which the cert will be asso-
Use this command to cancel a cert configuration order. A cert configuration order can
only be canceled while the cert is in status Approval email sent or Processing.

- 233 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The cert must belong to this account.
l The CertModifyOrder command must reach the Certification Authority before they
validate the cert.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

ID number for this cert, from our records.

CertID Required Use the CertGetCerts command to 6
retrieve this number.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
CertID Identification number of this cert

- 234 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query cancels the configuration order for a cert, and sends the response in
XML format:


In the response, a cert ID number and an ErrCount value 0 confirms that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 235 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />

Related commands
l CertChangeApproverEmail
l CertConfigureCert
l CertGetApproverEmail
l CertGetCertDetail
l CertGetCerts
l CertReissueCert
l CertParseCSR
l CertPurchaseCert
l CertResendApproverEmail
l CertResendFulfillmentEmail
l GetCerts

Parse a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to determine the domain name and other
information associated with this cert.

- 236 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to parse a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to determine the
domain name and other information associated with this cert.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The cert must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Certificate Signing Request (CSR) gen-

CSR Required erated as an input parameter for the Cer- 4500
tConfigureCert command.

ID number of this cert. To retrieve this

CertID Required number, use the CertGetCerts com- 8

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 237 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this parsing operation

Organization Organization name embedded in the CSR

DomainName Domain name embedded in the CSR

Email Email address embedded in the CSR

Locality Locality (usually a city) embedded in the CSR

OrganizationUnit Organizational unit embedded in the CSR

State State embedded in the CSR

Country Country embedded in the CSR

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query parses a CSR and sends the response in XML format:


- 238 -
API Command Categories


In the response, parsed information and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Organization>Acme Inc.</Organization>
<Email />
<OrganizationUnit>SSL Certificate</OrganizationUnit>

- 239 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />

Related commands
l CertChangeApproverEmail
l CertConfigureCert
l CertGetApproverEmail
l CertGetCertDetail
l CertGetCerts
l CertReissueCert
l CertModifyOrder
l CertPurchaseCert
l CertResendApproverEmail
l CertResendFulfillmentEmail
l GetCerts

Send a cert configuration to its Certification Authority for final approval and issuance of
the cert.

- 240 -
API Command Categories

Once you have confirmed that all configuration information is correct, use this command
to send the configurationto the Certification Authority for final approval and issuance of
the cert.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The cert must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Email address of the registrant of record

for the domain to be associated with this
cert. Use the CertParseCSR command
to retrieve the domain name, and then
ApproverEmail Required 130
use the CertGetApproverEmail com-
mand to retrieve the registrants email
address (the approver) from the author-
itative Whois database.

ID number for this cert, from our records.

CertID Required 6
Use the CertGetCerts command to

- 241 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

retrieve this number.

For UCC type, this

Number of domains to be added to the
DomainListNumber parameter is 3

For UCC type, this

UCCDomainListX X=1
parameter is Domain name 64
to maximum 100

For UCC type, this

UCCEmailListX X=1 to
parameter is Approver email 64
maximum 100

Required for all Name of the organization that will use

CSROrganization 64
Comodo certs this cert

Required for all Unit within the organization that will use
CSROrganizationUnit 64
Comodo certs this cert

Required for all Address, line 1, of the organization that

CSRAddress1 128
Comodo certs will use this cert

Required for all

CSRAddress2 Address, line 2 128
Comodo certs

Required for all

CSRAddress3 Address, line 3 128
Comodo certs

Required for all

CSRLocality Location (often a city) of the organization 128
Comodo certs

Required for all State or province in which the organ-

CSRStateProvince 128
Comodo certs ization is located

Required for all

CSRPostalCode Postal code of the organization 40
Comodo certs

Required for all Country in which the organization is loc-

CSRCountry 40
Comodo certs ated

Optional for all D-U-N-S Number. Speeds validation of

DUNSNumber 32
Comodo certs Secure, Secure Plus, and all EV certs

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 242 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
CertID Identification number of this cert

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query sends information to the Certification Authority for final validation of
the cert, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, an ErrCount value 0 confirms that the query was successful:

- 243 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />

Related commands
l CertChangeApproverEmail
l CertConfigureCert
l CertGetApproverEmail
l CertGetCertDetail
l CertGetCerts
l CertReissueCert
l CertModifyOrder
l CertParseCSR
l CertResendApproverEmail
l CertResendFulfillmentEmail
l GetCerts

Reissue an existing Symantec, Verisign or GeoTrust certificate.

- 244 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to reissue an existing Symantec, Verisign or GeoTrust certificate.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The cert must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Certificate Signing Request (CSR) gen-

CSR Required erated as an input parameter for the Cer- 4500
tConfigureCert command.

ID number of this cert. To retrieve this

CertID Required number, use the CertGetCerts com- 8

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 245 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this parsing operation

Organization Organization name embedded in the CSR

DomainName Domain name embedded in the CSR

Email Email address embedded in the CSR

Locality Locality (usually a city) embedded in the CSR

OrganizationUnit Organizational unit embedded in the CSR

State State embedded in the CSR

Country Country embedded in the CSR

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query parses a CSR and sends the response in XML format:


- 246 -
API Command Categories


In the response, parsed information and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Message />

- 247 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<RequestDateTime>1/11/2012 11:18:42 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CertChangeApproverEmail
l CertConfigureCert
l CertGetApproverEmail
l CertGetCertDetail
l CertGetCerts
l CertModifyOrder
l CertParseCSR
l CertPurchaseCert
l CertResendApproverEmail
l CertResendFulfillmentEmail
l GetCerts

Resend approver email for a Symantec, Verisign or GeoTrust certificate.

- 248 -
API Command Categories

User this command to resend approver email for a Symantec, Verisign or GeoTrust cer-
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The cert must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

ID number for this individual certificate.

CertID Required Retrieve this number using the Cer- 8
tGetCerts command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 249 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success status for retrieving the authoritative Whois registrant

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query changes approver email for a GeoTrust Certificate, and requests the
response in XML format:


In the response, parsed information and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was

- 250 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<RequestDateTime>1/11/2012 11:18:42 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CertChangeApproverEmail
l CertConfigureCert
l CertGetApproverEmail
l CertGetCertDetail
l CertGetCerts
l CertModifyOrder
l CertParseCSR
l CertPurchaseCert
l CertReissueCert
l CertResendFulfillmentEmail
l GetCerts

- 251 -
API Command Categories

Resend fulfillment email (final cert) for a Symantec, Verisign or GeoTrust certificate.
Use this command to resend fulfillment email (final cert) for a Symantec, Verisign or
GeoTrust certificate.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The cert must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

ID number for this individual certificate.

CertID Required 8
Retrieve this number using the Cer-

- 252 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

tGetCerts command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success status for retrieving the authoritative Whois registrant

ApproverEmail Email address of approver

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query changes approver email for a GeoTrust Certificate, and requests the
response in XML format:


- 253 -
API Command Categories


In the response, parsed information and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<RequestDateTime>3/1/2012 11:29:08 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CertChangeApproverEmail
l CertConfigureCert
l CertGetApproverEmail
l CertGetCertDetail
l CertGetCerts
l CertModifyOrder
l CertParseCSR
l CertPurchaseCert
l CertReissueCert

- 254 -
API Command Categories

l CertResendApproverEmail
l GetCerts

Check the availability of a domain name.
Use this command to check whether a domain name is already registered.
The Check command is available to every reseller.
Implementation on eNom.com
When you type a domain name in the Register A Domain boxes, the GO or Search but-
tons call the Check command.

Domain names must meet the following requirements:
l Second-level domain (SLD) must be composed of the letters a through z, the num-
bers 0 through 9, and the hyphen (-) character.
l Some foreign character sets can display onscreen, but resolve to alphanumeric
plus hyphen characters in the underlying code.
l The SLD must not begin or end with the hyphen character.
l The SLD must not contain spaces.
l The SLD must not contain special characters other than the hyphen character.
l The third and fourth characters of the SLD must not both be hyphens unless it is an
encoded international-character domain name.
l The SLD must contain 2 to 63 characters, inclusive.
l SLDs are not case sensitive.
l The SLD-TLD combination must be unique.

- 255 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Required unless
Second-level domain name (for example,
SLD DomainList is used 63
enom in enom.com)

Top-level domain name (extension). Per-

mitted values: Any single TLD, for
example, com * returns 11 of the most
Required unless
commonly used TLDs:com, org, net, biz,
TLD DomainList or 15
ws, info, cc, us, tv, bz, nu *1 returns
TLDList is used
com, net, org, info, biz, us, ws *2 returns
com, net, org, info, biz, us @ returns
com, net, org

A comma- or newline-delimited list of

DomainList Optional domains to check, up to 30 names. If 2000
used, SLD and TLD are ignored.

A comma- or newline-delimited list of

TLDList Optional TLDs to check, up to 30 names. If used, 2000
TLD is ignored.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
If return includes multiple domains, the name of domain X
(indexed X in HTML and Text output, but not in XML output)

Success code. Only 210 indicates that the name is available at

the Registry. 211 indicates the domain is not available at the

- 256 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description

Text which accompanies and describes the RRPCode. 210

Domain available 211 Domain not available

IsPremiumName True indicates this is a premium name.

PremiumPrice Registration price per year for this premium name, in $US.

True indicates the registration price for this premium name is

higher than for non-premium names.

DomainCount The number of names checked.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l When parsing the response, use the RRPCode value rather than the RRPText
value or the position in the response. Of these, only the RRPCode value is guar-
anteed by the Registry to be stable.

The following checks whether the domain name unusualTVname.tv is available and
sends the response in XML format:

- 257 -
API Command Categories


The response indicates that unusualTVname.tv is available:


<RRPText>Domain not available</RRPText>
<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 4:11:54 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddBulkDomains
l InsertNewOrder
l NameSpinner
l Purchase

- 258 -
API Command Categories

Validate user login for a domain name.
Use this command when you want to validate a users identity.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Clicking the log-in button calls the CheckLogin command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 259 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
PartyID PartyID of the account

Reseller Is this a reseller account.

ParentAccount Parent account ID number

IsETP Is this account an ETP account.

SEOPartner Is this an SEO partner.

BulkMembershipType BulkRegister membership type

BulkMembership Is this account a BulkRegister member?

bBulkMembershipStatus Status of BulkRegister membership

VerifiedBidder Is this a NameJet verified bidder.

RSA Reserved parameter. Should always return False.

SiteType Site

HelpEmailAddress Email address for the Billing contact for this account

Type Agreement type

Description Name of this agreement

Category Category of this agreement

RemoteURL URL of this agreement, if it is not served by us

LatestVersion Version number of this agreement

Agreed Has this account agreed to this agreement.

CurrentCompliance Is this account currently complying with this agreement.

AgreementNote Note on this agreement

ParentAccount Account ID of this accounts parent

IsETP Is the parent an ETP reseller.

Enforced Enforcement setting

ViewAgreement View setting for agreement

ClubDrop Is this account a Club Drop member?

- 260 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
ClubDropExpired Is this Club Drop membership expired

CartItems Number of items currently in cart

Command Name of command executed

Language Language setting

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

ResponseCount Number of responses

MinPeriod Minimum registration period (for domain names)

MaxPeriod Maximum registration period (for domain names)

Server Server name

Site Site for which this response is configured

IsLockable Can this domain be Registrar locked. (for domain names)

Is this a domain that can be purchased in real time. (for domain


TimeDifference Time difference between this site and our servers

ExecTime Time elapsed to execute this command

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 261 -
API Command Categories

The following query requests the party ID and reseller status of account resellid, and
requests the response in XML format:


The response provides basic information about the account:



- 262 -
API Command Categories

<Description>Network Solutions Service Agree-

<Description>NameJet Terms of Use</Description>
<Description>eNomCentral Registration Agree-

- 263 -
API Command Categories

<Description>BulkRegister temp</Description>

- 264 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 4:15:00 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CreateAccount
l CreateSubAccount
l GetAccountInfo
l GetAccountPassword
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetOrderDetail
l GetOrderList
l GetReport
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts
l GetTransHistory
l UpdateAccountInfo
l UpdateCusPreferences

Retrieve information about a name server:
l If the name server exists and is registered using our credential, this command
returns status information.
l If a name server does not exist, this command informs you of that fact.

- 265 -
API Command Categories

lIf a name server exists but is outside our credential, this command informs you of
that fact.
Use this command when you want status information about a name server, or want to
determine whether a name server exists, or is outside our credential.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l To retrieve status information, the name server must exist and must be registered
under our credential.
l The query must call the name server in a valid format (by its use name, not its IP

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Name server use name to check. Use

CheckNSName Required 63
format dnsX.NameServerName.com.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 266 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Was this name server check successful. 1 indicates yes; 0
indicates no.

Other parameters will be returned, and will vary from one name
Other parameters
server to another

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter Check the return parameter Err(ErrCount) can be
presented to the client. Otherwise process the returned parameters as defined

The following query requests the status of name server ns1.name-services.com, and
requests the response in XML format:


The NsCheckStatus value of 1 indicates that the name server was found:

- 267 -
API Command Categories

<RRPText>Command completed successfully</RRPText>
<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 4:40:34 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l DeleteNameServer
l GetDNS
l GetDNSStatus
l ModifyNS
l ModifyNSHosting

- 268 -
API Command Categories

l RegisterNameServer
l UpdateNameServer

Returns the current commission balance for an account.
Use this command to return the current commission balances for an account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the subaccount page, the Access link calls the CommissionAccount command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 269 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the total and available commission balances for account
resellid, and requests the response in XML format:


The response lists the balances:

- 270 -
API Command Categories


<PayableTo>Johnny Doety</PayableTo>
<Address1>15801 NE 24th Street</Address1>
<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 4:53:52 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 271 -
API Command Categories


Related commands
l GetBalance
l PE_GetCustomerPricing
l PE_GetDomainPricing
l PE_GetResellerPrice
l PE_GetRetailPrice
l PE_GetRocketPrice
l PE_SetPricing

Update contact information for a domain name.
Use this command to set or change contact information for a domain.
If you want to update one contact type and leave the others as is, use this command with
the ContactType parameter.
When you create contacts for .eu and .be domain names, we recommend that you
always provide Registrant contact information that is separate from Billing contact inform-
ation; dont use the "same as Billing" default. Tip: If the Billing and Registrant contact
information are the same, we recommend changing the use or spelling of abbreviations
in the street address to help our system recognize that it needs to create multiple con-
tacts. Separating the Registrant and Billing information makes it easier to update Regis-
trant contact information in the future.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 272 -
API Command Categories

On the edit contact info page, typing information in the text boxes provides the parameter
values for the Contacts command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The domain must exist in the account that is modifying it.
l Some country code TLDs require extended attributes (parameters that are specific
to the country code). To find out whether a country code TLD requires extended
parameters and what they are, run GetExtAttributes on the country code.
l The BILLING contact type cannot be updated with this command. To update billing
information, use UpdateAccountInfo.
l If you use the ContactType parameter, you can reset only one contact type.
l If you use the ContactType parameter, the contact type of the other parameters
must match it (for example, if you set ContactType=AUXBILLING, you must use
l AuxBillingOrganizationName, AuxBillingFirstName, and so on.
l If you dont use the ContactType parameter and dont supply new information for
all contacts, those that you dont supply will be empty in the database and will use
our defaults in interfaces.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for

SLD Required 63
example, enom in enom.com)

- 273 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Top-level domain name (exten-
TLD Required 15

If no contact parameters are sup-

plied, all contacts are set to the
Account Billing contact Type of
ContactType Optional 16
contact to add/update. Options

contact type you add or update

First name of ContactType. In
place of ContactType in the para-
meter name, substitute Regis-
ContactTypeFirstName Required 60
trant, AuxBilling, Tech, or Admin.
For example, to add or update the
Registrant, use Regis-

contact type you add or update

ContactTypeLastName Required Last name of ContactType con- 60

contact type you add or update

ContactTypeOrganizationName Required Organization of ContactType con- 60

ContactTypeJobTitle Optional Job title of ContactType contact 60

contact type you add or update

ContactTypeAddress1 Required 60
Address of ContactType contact

Additional address info of

ContactTypeAddress2 Optional 60
ContactType contact

contact type you add or update

ContactTypeCity Required 60
City of ContactType contact

State or province choice of

Optional ContactType contact. Permitted 1
values are: S State P Province

State or province of ContactType

ContactTypeStateProvince Optional 60

Optional for most

Postal code of ContactType con-
ContactTypePostalCode TLDs; Required 16
for .org

contact type you add or update

ContactTypeCountry Required 60
Country of ContactType contact

- 274 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

for each contact type you add or
ContactTypeEmailAddress Required update Email address of 128
ContactType contact

contact type you add or update

Phone number of ContactType
contact. Required format is
ContactTypePhone Required 17
where CountryCode and
PhoneNumber use only numeric
characters and the + is URL-
encoded as a plus sign (%2B).

for each contact type you add or

ContactTypePhoneExt Optional update Phone extension of 17
ContactType contact

Fax number of ContactType con-

tact. Required format is +Coun-
tryCode.PhoneNumber, where
ContactTypeFax Optional CountryCode and PhoneNumber 17
use only numeric characters and
the + is URL-encoded as a plus
sign (%2B).

country codes Data required by

the Registry for some country
ExtendedAttributes Required codes. Use GetExtAttributes ?
whether this TLD requires exten-
ded attributes. varies

Format of response. Permitted

ResponseType Optional values are Text (default), HTML, 4
or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

Done True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-

- 275 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description

l The BILLING contact type cannot be updated with this command. To update billing
information, use UpdateAccountInfo.
l You can submit multiple contact data in a single request by omitting the
ContactType parameter and sending additional contact data by replacing Regis-
trant in the above optional parameters with the ContactTypes AUXBILLING,
l If you use the ContactType parameter, you can reset only one contact type.
l If you use the ContactType parameter, the contact type of the other parameters
must match it (for example, if you set ContactType=AUXBILLING, you must use
parameters AuxBillingOrganizationName, AuxBillingFirstName, and so on).
l If you dont use the ContactType parameter and dont supply new information for
all contacts, those that you dont supply will be empty in the database and will use
our defaults in interfaces.
l AUXBILLING masks the true billing contact in WhoIs output.
l Some country code TLDs require extended attributes (parameters that are specific
to the country code). To find out whether a country code TLD requires extended
parameters and what they are, run GetExtAttributes on the country code.
l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query provides new technical contact information for resellerdocs.com and
requests the response in XML format:


- 276 -
API Command Categories


The error count of 0 in the response confirms that the query was successful:

<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 4:56:54 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddContact
l GetAddressBook
l GetContacts
l GetExtAttributes
l GetServiceContact
l GetWhoisContact
l Preconfigure

- 277 -
API Command Categories

Create a new subaccount.
Use this command to create a new retail subaccount.
CreateAccount differs from CreateSubAccount in that CreateAccount offers credit card
When you pass credit card information with this command, you must use the secure
HTTPS protocol.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
At the bottom of the information form, the submit button calls the CreateAccount com-

The query must meet the following requirements:
l Parameter values submitted in the query must pass validation tests.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 278 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Subaccount login ID. Permitted

values are 6 to 20 characters in
NewUID Required length; permitted characters 20
include letters, numbers, hyphen,
and underscore

Subaccount password. Permitted

NewPW Required characters are letters, numbers, 20
hyphen, and underscore

Confirm subaccount password.

ConfirmPW Required Permitted characters are letters, 20
numbers, hyphen, and underscore

RegistrantOrganizationName Required Registrant organization 60

RegistrantJobTitle Optional Registrant job title 60

RegistrantFirstName Required Registrant first name 60

RegistrantLastName Required Registrant last name 60

RegistrantAddress1 Required Registrant address 60

RegistrantAddress2 Optional Registrant additional address info 60

RegistrantCity Required Registrant city 60

RegistrantPostalCode Required Registrant postal code 16

RegistrantStateProvince Optional Registrant state or province 60

RegistrantStateProvinceChoice Registrant state or province

Optional 1
choice: S state P province

RegistrantCountry Optional Registrant country 60

Registrant phone number.

Required format is +Coun-
tryCode.PhoneNumber, where
RegistrantPhone Required CountryCode and PhoneNumber 17
use only numeric characters and
the + is URL-encoded as a plus
sign (%2B).

Registrant fax number. Required

RegistrantFax Optional format is +Coun- 17
tryCode.PhoneNumber, where

- 279 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

CountryCode and PhoneNumber
use only numeric characters and
the + is URL-encoded as a plus
sign (%2B).

RegistrantEmailAddress Required Email address for Whois 128

Email address for us to contact

Optional you about your domain name 128

Type of credit card. Permitted val-

ues are Visa, Mastercard, AmEx,
CardType Required When you pass credit card inform- 20
ation with this command, you
must use the secure HTTPS pro-

CCName Required Cardholder's name 60

CreditCardNumber Required Customer's credit card number 128

Credit card expiration month in

CreditCardExpMonth Required 2
MM format

Credit card expiration year in

CreditCardExpYear Required 4
YYYY format

CVV2 Required Credit card verification code 4

CCAddress Required Credit card billing address 60

CCZip Required Credit card billing postal code 15

Credit card billing country. The

CCCountry Required two-letter country code is a per- 60
mitted format.

Nature of the question used for

identity verification. Permitted val-
ues are:
smaiden mothers maiden name
sbirth city of birth
ssocial last 4 digits of SSN
AuthQuestionType Required 10
shigh high school
fteach favorite teacher
fvspot favorite vacation spot
fpet favorite pet
fmovie favorite movie
fbook favorite book

- 280 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

The answer to the question type
(mother's maiden name, city of
AuthQuestionAnswer Required 50
birth, last 4 digits of social secur-
ity, or high school)

The value of a send e-mail noti-

fication checkbox. If EmailIn-
fo=checked an email will be sent
EmailInfo Optional 10
to the registrant email parameter
posted with this request containing
this account information

Format of response. Permitted val-

ResponseType Optional ues are Text (default), HTML, or 4

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
OrganizationName Organization name of the Billing contact

FName First name (given name) of the Billing contact

LName Last name (family name) of the Billing contact

JobTitle Job title for the Billing contact

Address1 Address, line 1, for the Billing contact

Address2 Address, line 2, for the Billing contact

City City for the Billing contact

StateProvince State or province for the Billing contact

StateProvinceChoice Tells whether StateProvince value is a state or a province

PostalCode Postal code for the Billing contact

Country County for the Billing contact

Phone Phone number for the Billing contact

PhoneExt Phone extension for the Billing contact

Fax Fax number for the Billing contact

EmailAddress Email address for public WhoIs record

- 281 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Email address that we use when contacting account owner
about this account

Tells whether confirmation emails should be sent to these

email addresses

CCType Type of credit card

CCName Cardholders name

CCNumber Credit card number

CCMonth Expiration month for this credit card

CCYear Expiration year for this credit card

CCAddress Billing address street address for this credit card

CCCity Billing address city for this credit card

CCStateProvince Billing address state or province for this credit card

CCZip Billing address postal code for this credit card

CCCountry Billing address country for this credit card

CCPhone Phone number on record for this credit card

1 indicates this subaccount is a reseller account; 0 indicates


NewUID Login ID for this subaccount

NewPW Password for this subaccount

ConfirmPW Repeat password, for confirmation purposes

AuthQuestionType Type of authorization question for this subaccount

AuthQuestionAnswer Answer to the authorization question

DefPeriod Default registration period for domain names, in years

StatusCustomerInfo Returns Successful if the subaccount was created

PartyID Party ID of this subaccount, for our records

Account ID code of this subaccount, for our records. We

recommend that you store this value.

Code we use to log the user into the new subaccount imme-

- 282 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l If there are errors validating the data passed in, the same parameters and values
are returned to rebuild the form.

The following query creates subaccount ichiro, and requests the response in XML


- 283 -
API Command Categories

The response confirms the successful creation of the subaccount and returns sub-
account information:

<OrganizationName>Reseller Documents Inc.</Or-
<JobTitle>First Baseman</JobTitle>
<Address1>111 Main St.</Address1>

- 284 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 4:59:14 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CheckLogin
l CreateSubAccount
l DeleteSubaccount
l GetAccountInfo
l GetAccountPassword
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetOrderDetail
l GetOrderList
l GetReport
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts

- 285 -
API Command Categories

l GetTransHistory
l SubAccountDomains
l UpdateAccountInfo
l UpdateCusPreferences

Create a Web hosting account.
Use this command to establish an account for Web hosting.
This command automatically deducts the cost of this Web hosting account from the
domain name account balance, and the monthly fees for Web hosting are also deducted
from the account balance. This command does not accommodate our credit card pro-
cessing services.

NOTE: If you do your own billing, you should scan all Web hosting accounts on a
monthly basis to confirm that your billing reflects any upgrades customers have chosen.

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the configure a package page, the add to cart button behaves similarly to the
CreateHostAccount command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The domain account login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain account must be a reseller account.
l The name for the Web hosting account must contain 6 to 14 characters. The first
character must be alphabetic; the remaining characters must be alphanumeric.

- 286 -
API Command Categories

l The password for the Web hosting account must contain 6 to 14 alphanumeric char-
l When you associate a domain name with this account, it must either be registered
with us or the host records must point to our servers (web1.ehost-services.com).

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Name for this Web hosting account. Per-

mitted values are 6 to 14 characters in
HostAccount Required 14
length, begin with a letter, and the remain-
ing characters are alphanumeric.

Password for this Web hosting account;

HostPassword Required must be alphanumeric and 6 to 14 char- 14
acters in length.

First and last name of the contact person

FullName Required for this Web hosting account, for 44
example, John Doe

Email address for communications from

us regarding this Web hosting account,
HostAccountEmail Required 78
for example, john.-

Package name. To retrieve currently

Package Required defined packages, use 11

Your instructions for how we should

handle bandwidth overages, measured
on a per-month basis. Permitted values
OverageOption Required are: 1 Upgrade to the next bandwidth 1
package 2 Charge on a per-GB basis on
my next monthly bill 3 Disable the
account until the beginning of the next

- 287 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

monthly billing cycle

Optional, but to
reduce the pos-
sibility of fraud we IP address of the computer from which
EndUserIP recommend that the order is being placed, for tracking pur- 15
you require this poses
information from

Send a confirmation email to me when a

customer successfully places and order
using this command. Permitted values
EmailNotify Optional 4
are: 1 Send email confirmation when pro-
cessed 0 Do not send email confirmation
when processed Default is 0

Second-level domain name (for example,

enom in enom.com) to associate this
Web hosting account with. Include SLD
and TLD if you know which domain you
SLD Optional 63
want to associate with this Web hosting
account. You can specify this asso-
ciation later using the AddDomainHeader

Top-level domain name (extension) to

associate this Web hosting account with.
Include SLD and TLD if you know which
TLD Optional domain you want to associate with this 15
Web hosting account. You can specify
this association later using the AddDo-
mainHeader command.

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
OrderID Order ID number for this transaction, for our internal records

PackageID Web hosting package ID number, for our internal records

Successful Success status for creating this Web hosting account

Command Name of command executed

- 288 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check
the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query creates a Web hosting account WebHostTest in account resellid
and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 289 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l GetAllHostAccounts
l GetHostAccount
l WebHostGetResellerPackages

Create a subaccount.
Use this command to create a new retail subaccount.
Resellers can also create subaccounts to help organize their business.
CreateSubAccount differs from CreateAccount in that CreateAccount offers credit card
CreateSubAccount does not.
All resellers have access to this command.

- 290 -
API Command Categories

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The submit button calls the CreateSubAccount command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The account must have reseller status in eNoms database.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Subaccount login ID. Permitted

values are 6 to 20 characters in
NewUID Required length; permitted characters 20
include letters, numbers, hyphen,
and underscore

Subaccount password. Permitted

NewPW Required characters are letters, numbers, 20
hyphen, and underscore

Confirm subaccount password.

ConfirmPW Required Permitted characters are letters, 20
numbers, hyphen, and underscore

Nature of the question used for

AuthQuestionType Optional identity verification. Permitted val- 10

- 291 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

ues are: smaiden mothers maiden
name sbirth city of birth ssocial
last 4 digits of SSN shigh high
school fteach favorite teacher
fvspot favorite vacation spot fpet
favorite pet fmovie favorite movie
fbook favorite book

The answer to the question type

(mother's maiden name, city of
AuthQuestionAnswer Optional 50
birth, last 4 digits of social secur-
ity, or high school)

RegistrantAddress1 Required Registrant address 60

RegistrantAddress2 Optional Registrant additional address info 60

RegistrantCity Required Registrant city 60

RegistrantCountry Required Registrant country 60

RegistrantEmailAddress Required Email address for WhoIs 128

Email address for us to contact

Optional you about your domain name 128

Registrant fax number. Required

format is +Coun-
tryCode.PhoneNumber, where
RegistrantFax Optional CountryCode and PhoneNumber 17
use only numeric characters and
the + is URL-encoded as a plus
sign (%2B).

RegistrantFirstName Required Registrant first name 60

RegistrantLastName Required Registrant last name 60

RegistrantJobTitle Optional Registrant job title 60

RegistrantOrganizationName Optional Registrant organization 60

Registrant phone. Required format

is +CountryCode.PhoneNumber,
where CountryCode and
RegistrantPhone Required 17
PhoneNumber use only numeric
characters and the + is URL-
encoded as a plus sign (%2B).

RegistrantPostalCode Optional Registrant postal code 16

- 292 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

RegistrantStateProvince Optional Registrant state or province 60

RegistrantStateProvinceChoice Registrant state or province

Optional 1
choice: S state P province

Format of response. Permitted val-

ResponseType Optional ues are Text (default), HTML, or 4

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
StatusCustomerInfo Returns Successful if account was created

PartyID Party ID for the new subaccount

Account Account ID for the new subaccount

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query creates a new subaccount, resellsub4, and requests the response in
XML format:

- 293 -
API Command Categories


The response confirms the successful creation of the subaccount:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA [ ] ]>

Related commands
l CheckLogin
l CreateAccount
l GetAccountInfo
l GetAccountPassword
l GetAllAccountInfo

- 294 -
API Command Categories

l GetOrderDetail
l GetOrderList
l GetReport
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts
l GetTransHistory
l SubAccountDomains
l UpdateAccountInfo
l UpdateCusPreferences

Delete all POP3 email paks in a domain.
Use this command to delete all POP3 paks from a domain. Note that if you delete the
POP paks, the only way to replace them is to buy new paks.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l All POP paks in the domain must have no user emails configured. You can use the
DeletePOP3 command to remove user email accounts.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 295 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
PaksRemoved Number of POP paks removed from the domain name

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l Use the DeletePOP3 command to delete any email user accounts before running

- 296 -
API Command Categories

The following query deletes all POP3 10-paks from resellerdocs.com and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, the error count 0 confirms that the command executed successfully:

<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 5:07:14 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l DeletePOP3
l DeletePOPPak
l Forwarding
l GetForwarding
l GetMailHosts
l GetPOP3

- 297 -
API Command Categories

l ModifyPOP3
l PurchasePOPBundle
l SetUpPOP3User

Delete a contact from the address book.
Use this command to delete a contact from a domain name accounts address book.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l Only contacts added with the AddContact command can be deleted.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 298 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

Party ID number of the contact you want

RegistrantPartyID Required to delete. Use the Required format is the 40
Party ID enclosed in curly braces.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query deletes a contact from a domain accounts address book, and sends
the response in XML format:


- 299 -
API Command Categories


In the response, the ErrCount value 0 confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA [ ] ]>

Related commands
l AddContact
l GetAddressBook
l GetContacts
l GetSubAccounts

Delete customer-defined data records.

- 300 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to delete customer-defined data.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Object ID number, an integer assigned

ObjectID Required when this customer-defined field was 2
first established.

Object type. Permitted values are:

1 Data pertaining to an account
Type Required 1
2 Data pertaining to a domain
3 Data pertaining to an order

Required If Type=2 Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD 63
enom in enom.com)

Required If Type=2
TLD Top-level domain name (extension) 15

- 301 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Required If Type=3 Order ID, which you can retrieve using
OrderID 11
the GetDomainStatus command

Title of this entry, or label describing this

Key Required 50
data field

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query deletes the customer-defined data labeled FavoriteCuisine from
account resellid, and sends the response in XML format:


- 302 -
API Command Categories


In the response, the ErrCount value 0 confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<![CDATA [ ] ]>

Related commands
l GetCustomerDefinedData
l SetCustomerDefinedData

Delete a folder.
Use this command to delete one domain name folder.
This command does not delete domains; only the folder.

- 303 -
API Command Categories

When you delete a folder, the domains that were in it keep the settings assigned by the
folder until you change them.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the list of folders, the delete link calls the DeleteDomainFolder command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The folder must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

FolderName Required Name of the folder you want to delete 125

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 304 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
FolderName Name of folder

Success of this query. Values are: 0 Failure 1 Success 2

Folder not found in this account

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query deletes a domain folder, and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:



- 305 -
API Command Categories

<FolderName>Favorites 2</FolderName>
<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 5:25:53 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddDomainFolder
l AdvancedDomainSearch
l AssignToDomainFolder
l GetDomainFolderDetail
l GetDomainFolderList
l RemoveUnsyncedDomains
l UpdateDomainFolder


- 306 -
API Command Categories

Delete a domain header (a pointer that associates a domain with a specific location in
your directory structure) from a Web hosting account.
Use this command to delete a domain header from a Web hosting account. When the
domain header is deleted, the domain name no longer resolves.
Note that when you delete a domain header, any host headers associated with that
domain header are also deleted.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the Delete column, the delete links call the DeleteDomainHeader command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this account.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Name of Web hosting account that con- 14

- 307 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

tains the domain header you want to

Second-level domain name (for example,

enom in enom.com) of the domain you
SLD Required 63
want to remove from the Web hosting

Top-level domain name (extension) of the

TLD Required domain you want to remove from the 15
Web hosting account

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Successful Success status of the query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 308 -
API Command Categories

The following query deletes the domain header for domain testsld3.biz from Web hosting
account test20030903, and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l DeleteDomainHeader
l ListDomainHeaders
l ModifyDomainHeader
l WebHostCreateDirectory

- 309 -
API Command Categories

Delete an item or all items from the shopping cart.
Use this command when you want to remove one or all items from the shopping cart.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The delete button behaves similarly to the DeleteFromCart command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The shopping cart must contain one or more items.
l One or all items in the shopping cart must be deleted.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

- 310 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Item ID number of the item to be deleted
Either ItemNumber
from the shopping cart. Use the
ItemNumber or EmptyCart is 10
GetCartContent command to retrieve the
item ID numbers.

Either Either
ItemNumber or Use EmptyCart=On to completely empty
EmptyCart 2
EmptyCart is the shopping cart.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ItemDeleted True if deleted.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests that item 365485 be deleted from the shopping cart, and
requests the response in XML format:

- 311 -
API Command Categories



The response confirms the successful deletion from the shopping cart:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 2:52:44 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddBulkDomains
l AddToCart
l GetCartContent
l InsertNewOrder
l PurchasePreview
l UpdateCart

- 312 -
API Command Categories

Discontinue our DNS hosting of a domain name.
Use this command to cancel our DNS hosting of a domain name.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must be hosted by this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

- 313 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
OldRegistrationStatus Registration status before running this query

Status Success status for canceling DNS hosting on this domain

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query discontinues our DNS hosting of ExternalHostedDomain.com, and
sends the response in XML format:


- 314 -
API Command Categories


In the response, the OldRegistrationStatus value Hosted and the ErrCount value 0 indic-
ate that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA [ ] ]>

Related commands
l ExtendDomainDNS
l PurchaseHosting

- 315 -
API Command Categories

Remove a host header (pointer to a third-level domain name) from your Web hosting
Use this command to remove a host header from your Web hosting account. This com-
mand would commonly beused to disable a third-level domain name (host name).
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resellwebid, password resell-
In the Manage column, the delete links call the DeleteHostHeader command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.
l The domain name must use our name servers.
l The domain header must exist.
l The host header must exist.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 316 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Name of the Web hosting account 14

Required Second-level domain name (for

SLD Required 63
example, enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

HostName Required Host header to be deleted 53

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Successful Success status of the query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 317 -
API Command Categories

The following query deletes host header accountspayable from domain header reseller-
docs.com and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the error count 0 indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l AddHostHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l DeleteDomainHeader
l GetAllHostAccounts
l GetDomainHeader
l GetHostAccount
l GetHostHeader
l ListDomainHeaders

- 318 -
API Command Categories

l ListHostHeaders
l ModifyHostHeader

Delete a name server at the Registry.
Use this command to delete a name server at the Registry. This command does not
affect the name servers listed for any individual domain.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the Delete a Name Server box, the submit button calls the DeleteNameServer com-

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name server must be registered.
l The domain name this DNS uses must belong to this account.
l The domain name server must have no domains using it.
l All registrar locks and Registry holds must be off, and the domain must be in an act-
ive state.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 319 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Use name of name server, in format

NS Required 60

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default) HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
RegistrarLock Registrar lock status

NSSuccess Success of the name server reset process

RegistrarLock Registrar lock setting

RRPCode Registry code

RRPText Description of Registry code

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 320 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query deletes the name server registration for dns3.resellerdocs.com at
the Registry, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the NsSuccess value 1, the RRPCode 200, and the RRPText Com-
mand completed successfully confirm that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<RRPText>Command completed successfully</RRPText>
<![CDATA [ ] ]>

- 321 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l CheckNSStatus
l GetDNS
l GetDNSStatus
l ModifyNS
l ModifyNSHosting
l RegisterNameServer
l UpdateNameServer

Delete an individual POP3 user name from the database.
Use this command to delete an individual POP3 email user name. Once you delete it,
you can fill that vacancy with another name. This command has no effect on the POP 10-
pak nor on any other user names in the account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The user name must be listed in the POP3 list for the account.
l The user name must be in a POP pak for which the subscription is current.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 322 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example, enom

SLD Required 63
in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

POP mailbox user name to delete. Start with

UserName1 and index to delete multiple user
UserNameX Required 16
names, for example, User-

Format of response. Permitted values are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 323 -
API Command Categories

The following query deletes the POP user james and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the error count of 0 confirms that the POP user was deleted suc-

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 3:17:09 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l DeleteAllPOPPaks
l DeletePOPPak

- 324 -
API Command Categories

l Forwarding
l GetCatchAll
l GetForwarding
l GetMailHosts
l GetPOP3
l ModifyPOP3
l PurchasePOPBundle
l SetCatchAll
l SetUpPOP3User

Delete a POP Email pak under a domain name.
Use this command to delete an entire 10-pak of POP accounts. Note that once a pak is
deleted, the only way to replace it is to purchase a new one.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The pak must have no user email accounts currently configured.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 325 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

ID number of the POP pak to delete. Use

BundleID Required 6
GetPOP3 to get POP pak IDs.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err (ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l Use the DeletePOP3 command to delete any email user accounts before running

- 326 -
API Command Categories

The following query deletes POP bundle 5733 from resellerdocs.com and sends the
response in XML format:


The ErrCount value 0 confirms that the command was successful:


<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 3:25:01 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l DeleteAllPOPPaks
l DeletePOP3
l Forwarding
l GetForwarding
l GetMailHosts

- 327 -
API Command Categories

l GetPOP3
l ModifyPOP3
l PurchasePOPBundle
l SetUpPOP3User

Delete a domain name registration.
Use this command to delete a domain name registration. Fees will apply.
This command is available to resellers on our DeleteRegistration whitelist. If you wish to
have access to this command, contact your sales representative.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The domain name must have been purchased less than five days ago.
l The most common TLDs, including .com and .net, can be deleted. For other TLDs,
check the resellerpages on our Web site.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 328 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

End users IP address. Permitted format

EndUserIP Required 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainDeleted If domain deleted successfully, response is True

ErrString Error string

ErrSource Error source

ErrSection Error section

RRPCode Registry success code

RRPText Text that corresponds to and explains the RRPCode value

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 329 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query deletes a domain and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, an RRPCode value 200 confirms that the query was successful:

<RRPText>Command completed successfully</RRPText>

- 330 -
API Command Categories


Related commands
l AddToCart
l Purchase

Delete a subaccount.
Use this command to delete a retail or reseller subaccount.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the subaccounts page, the Delete link calls the DeleteSubaccount command with the
Action=Confirm parameter.
Click a Delete link
On the Delete Sub-account page, the delete button calls the DeleteSubaccount com-
mand with the Action=Delete parameter.

The query must meet the following requirements:

- 331 -
API Command Categories

l The login ID and password must be valid.

l The subaccount must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Subaccount ID number, in NNN-aa-

NNNN format. You can retrieve the sub-
Account Required 11
account ID number using the GetSubAc-
counts command.

Action to take. Permitted values are Con-

Optional; default firm Confirm which subaccount is to be
Action 7
value is Confirm deleted Delete Delete the subaccount
specified in this query

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Action Action to be taken with regard to deleting this subaccount

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 332 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query deletes the sub-account with account number 332-ep-2379 and
sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the Action return parameter and the ErrCount value 0 confirm that the
query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />

- 333 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA [ ] ]>

Related commands
l CreateAccount
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts

Disable IIS Application functionality for a folder.
Use this command to disable execute permission for IIS Applications in the current
By default, subfolders inherit the enabled status of their parent. This remains the case
until you reset the status of a child. Once reset, the childs enabled status is no longer
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resellwebid, password resell-
On the IIS Application line, the Remove link calls the DisableFolderApp command.

- 334 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Name of the Web hosting account 14

Name of the directory to enable as an applic-

ation. Format is Dir-
Directory Required 254
Specify the directory path from the root, for-
ward slash or backslashdelimited, with no
initial slash before the first directory name.

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Successful Success status of the query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

- 335 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query disables execute permissions for IIS Applications in folder acct, and
sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the Successful value True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

- 336 -
API Command Categories


Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l AddHostHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l EnableFolderApp
l IsFolderEnabled
l WebHostCreateDirectory

Switch off a service in an account.
Use this command to switch off a service in a domain name account.
This command does not shut down the service or cancel it at the end of the current
billing period; it merely toggles it off.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
When the unprotected option button is selected, the save changes button calls the Dis-
ableServices command.

- 337 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l Other constraints may apply depending on the services being disabled.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Name of the service to be disabled. Per-

mitted values are: WPPS (Whois Pri-
Service Required 15
vacy Protection) EmailForwarding

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Service Name of the service being disabled

ServiceStatus New status of this service

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

- 338 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query disables the ID Protect Whois privacy protection service on reseller-
docs.com and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the ServiceStatus value confirms the new status of the service:


- 339 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 5:48:34 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l EnableServices
l GetWPPSInfo
l ServiceSelect

Enable IIS Application functionality for a folder.
Use this command to enable execute permission for IIS Applications in the current
By default, subfolders inherit the enabled status of their parent. This remains the case
until you reset the status of a child. Once reset, the childs status is no longer inherited.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resellwebid, password resell-
In the IIS Application line, the Create link calls the EnableFolderApp command.

- 340 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this account.
l The folder must already exist (this command does not create it).

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Name of the Web hosting account 14

Name of the directory to enable as an applic-

ation. Use format Dir-
Directory Required 254
Specify the directory path from the root, for-
ward slash or backslashdelimited, with an
initial slash.

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Successful Success status of the query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

- 341 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query makes folder acct executable and sends the response in XML


In the response, the Successful value True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 342 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l AddHostHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l DisableFolderApp
l IsFolderEnabled
l WebHostCreateDirectory

Switch on a service in a domain name account.
Use this command to switch on a service in a domain name account.
This command does not give this account access to the service or subscribe to the ser-
vice. Rather, it toggles on a service that the account has already subscribed to but has
toggled off.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
When the protected option button is selected, the save changes button calls the
EnableServices command.

- 343 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l Other constraints may apply depending on the services being enabled.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Name of the service to be enabled. Per-

mitted values are: WPPS (ID Protect,
Service Required 15
our Whois privacy protection service)
EmailForwarding URLForwarding

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Service Name of the service being enabled

ServiceStatus New status of this service

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

- 344 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query enables the ID Protect Whois privacy protection service on reseller-
docs.com and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the ServiceStatus value confirms the new status of the service:


- 345 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 5:50:30 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddToCart
l DisableServices
l GetWPPSInfo
l PurchaseServices
l ServiceSelect
l SetRenew
l SetResellerServicesPricing
l UpdateAccountPricing

Extend (renew) the registration period for a domain name.
Use this command to renew domain registrations in real time. We recommend that you
renew at least a week before the domain expiration date.
When you pass credit card information with this command, you must use the secure
HTTPS protocol.
Most commonly, this command is used by resellers who maintain their own databases.
Resellers who use a shopping cart and our order processing queue generally use the
AddToCart command with input parameter ProductType=Renew.

- 346 -
API Command Categories

After a domain expires, use UpdateExpiredDomains to reactivate it and renew its regis-
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Extend command is a real-time command that is not implemented on enom.com;
however, on the domain control panel page, the add years button behaves similarly to
the Extend command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l To use our credit card processing, this must be an ETP reseller account.
l The domain name must be valid and active.
l The new expiration date cannot be more than 10 years in the future.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for

SLD Required 63
example, enom in enom.com)

Top-level domain name (exten-

TLD Required 15

- 347 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

NumYears Optional Number of years to extend 10

Use OverrideOrder=1 to submit

more than one renewal request
OverrideOrder Optional 1
for this domain name within 24
hours of the first transaction

If UseCreditCard=yes, use
eNoms credit-card processing
services. When you pass credit
UseCreditCard Optional 3
card information with this com-
mand, you must secure HTTPS

End users IP address. This is

Required If used in fraud checking, as part of
EndUserIP UseCreditCard=yes our order processing service. 15
Use format

If UseCreditCard=yes Amount to
ChargeAmount Required charge per year for the renewal. 6
Use DD.cc format.

Type of credit card. Permitted val-

Required If
CardType ues are Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, 20

Required If
CCName Cardholder's name 60

Required If
CreditCardNumber Customer's credit card number 128

Required If
Credit card expiration month in
CreditCardExpMonth UseCreditCard=yes 2
MM format

Required If Credit card expiration year in

CreditCardExpYear 4
UseCreditCard=yes YYYY format

Required If
CVV2 Credit card verification code 4

Required If
CCAddress UseCreditCard=yes Credit card billing address 60

Required If
CCZip Credit card billing postal code 15

- 348 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Credit card billing country. The
Required If
CCCountry two-letter country code is a per- 60
mitted format.

Required UseCred-
RegistrantFirstName Registrant first name 60

Required If
RegistrantLastName Registrant last name 60

Required If
RegistrantAddress1 UseCreditCard=yes Registrant address 60

Registrant additional address

RegistrantAddress2 Optional 60

Required If
RegistrantCity UseCreditCard=yes Registrant city 60

Optional Required If Registrant state or province

RegistrantStateProvinceChoice 1
UseCreditCard=yes choice: S state P province

Required If
RegistrantStateProvince Registrant state or province 60

Required If
RegistrantPostalCode Registrant postal code 16

Required If
RegistrantCountry Registrant country 60

Required If
RegistrantEmailAddress Registrant email address 128

RegistrantOrganizationName Optional Registrant organization 60

RegistrantJobTitle Optional Registrant job title 60

Registrant phone number.

Required format is +Coun-
tryCode.PhoneNumber, where
Required If
RegistrantPhone CountryCode and PhoneNumber 20
use only numeric characters and
the + is URL-encoded as a plus
sign (%2B).

Registrant fax number. Required

RegistrantFax Optional format is +Coun- 20
tryCode.PhoneNumber, where

- 349 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

CountryCode and PhoneNumber
use only numeric characters and
the + is URL-encoded as a plus
sign (%2B).

Format of response. Permitted

ResponseType Optional values are Text (default), HTML, 4
or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Order number if successful. We recommend that you store this
value for future use.

Extension Returns Successful, otherwise this parameter isn't returned.

RRPCode Success code. Only a 200 indicates success.

RRPText Text which accompanies and describes the RRPCode.

RegistryExpDate Domain expiration date at the Registry level.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l If using our credit card option ALL credit card information is required.
l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l We recommend that you store the OrderID valueat least the most recent one for
each domainfrom thereturn. Several other commands use this value as a
required input parameter.

- 350 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests that the registration period for resellerdocs.com be exten-
ded for 1 year, and requests the response in XML format:


The response confirms the successful extension of the registration period for the domain:

<RRPText>Command completed successfully</RRPText>
<RegistryExpDate>2015-03-31 09:17:29.000</RegistryExpDate>
<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 3:32:35 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 351 -
API Command Categories


Related commands
l Extend_RGP
l ExtendDomainDNS
l GetDomainExp
l GetExtendInfo
l GetPOPExpirations
l GetRenew
l InsertNewOrder
l RenewPOPBundle
l SetRenew
l UpdateExpiredDomains

Renew domain names that are in RGP status, in near-real time. This command charges
not only the usual renewal fee, but also the higher redemption fee.
Use this command to extend names that are in RGP status. This command does not yet
accommodate names in Extended RGP status. Use the GetExpiredDomains command
to check a names status.
RGP redemptions are performed at the Registry and generally take at least 3 hours to
complete. When you run this command, we recommend that you store the Order ID so
that you can check progress conveniently using the GetOrderDetail command.
This command will result in both a redemption and a renewal charge for the domain
name. We recommend that you check the RGP redemption price before running this com-
mand, as it can be quite high.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

- 352 -
API Command Categories

This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l This command is available only to ETP reseller accounts.
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l This command does not support our credit card processing; it deducts from the
reseller balance.
l This command applies only to names in RGP status, not Extended RGP or
domains in Expired status. Todetermine the status of a name, use the GetEx-
piredDomains command.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required enom in enom.com) of name in Redemp- 63
tion Grace Period (RGP) status

Top-level domain name (extension) of

TLD Required 15
name in RGP status

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 353 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Extension Success status of the query

DomainName Name of the domain to be redeemed

Order ID number. Store this number to simplify progress


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l We recommend that you check the redemption price for RGP names before run-
ning this command, as theprice can be quite high. Use the PE_GetResellerPrice
command, and look at product types 16 (renew) and 17 (RGP).
l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query redeems and renews a domain name that is in RGP status, and
sends the response in XML format:


- 354 -
API Command Categories

In the response, the Extension value Successful value confirms that the query was suc-

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA [ ] ]>

Related commands
l AddToCart
l Extend
l ExtendDomainDNS
l GetExpiredDomains
l GetOrderDetail
l GetRenew
l PE_GetResellerPrice
l PE_SetPricing
l Purchase
l PurchaseServices

- 355 -
API Command Categories

l SetRenew
l UpdateExpiredDomains

In real time, renew DNS hosting services for a domain name that is registered else-
Use this command to renew DNS services for a name that is registered elsewhere. This
is a real-time command that is most commonly used by resellers who maintain their own
databases. Resellers who use a shopping cart and our order queue generally use the
AddToCart command with input parameter ProductType=HostRenew.
When you pass credit card information with this command, you must use the secure
HTTPS protocol.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The ExtendDomainDNS command is not implemented on www.enom.com. However, on
the checkout page, the purchase button calls InsertNewOrder, a similar command that ini-
tiates checkout. The difference is that InserNewOrder acquires contents of the shopping
cart and puts them in a queue for checkout; the ExtendDomainDNS command bypasses
the shopping cart and the queue.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l To use our credit card processing, this must be an ETP reseller account.
l The domain name must not be registered with us, but must use our name servers.

- 356 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for

SLD Required 63
example, enom in enom.com)

Top-level domain name (exten-

TLD Required 15

Number of years to add to the

DNS hosting subscription.
NumYears Optional 2
Default value is 1. Maximum
total is 10.

Required if using
RegistrantFirstName our credit card pro- Registrant first name 60

Required if using
RegistrantLastName our credit card pro- Registrant last name 60

Required if using
RegistrantAddress1 our credit card pro- Registrant address 60

Registrant additional address

RegistrantAddress2 Optional 60

Required if using
RegistrantCity our credit card pro- Registrant city 60

RegistrantCountry Optional Registrant country 60

Required if using
RegistrantEmailAddress our credit card pro- Registrant email address 128

- 357 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

RegistrantOrganizationName Optional Registrant organization 60

RegistrantJobTitle Optional Registrant job title 60

Registrant phone. Required

format is +Coun-
tryCode.PhoneNumber, where
RegistrantPhone Optional CountryCode and PhoneNumber 20
use only numeric characters and
the + is URL-encoded as a plus
sign (%2B).

Registrant fax number. Required

format is +Coun-
tryCode.PhoneNumber, where
RegistrantFax Optional CountryCode and PhoneNumber 20
use only numeric characters and
the + is URL-encoded as a plus
sign (%2B).

Required if using
RegistrantPostalCode our credit card pro- Registrant postal code 16

RegistrantStateProvince Optional Registrant state or province 60

Registrant state or province

RegistrantStateProvinceChoice Optional 1
S state
P province

Amount to charge to the credit

ChargeAmount Optional 6

If UseCreditCard=yes, use our

creditcard processing services.
When you pass credit card
UseCreditCard Optional 3
information with this command,
you must use the secure HTTPS

End users IP address. This is

used in fraud checking, as part of
Required If
EndUserIP our order processing service. 15
Use format

Type of credit card. Permitted val-

If UseCred-
CardType Required ues are Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, 20
and Discover

- 358 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Required If
CCName Cardholder's name 60

Required If
CreditCardNumber Customer's credit card number 128

Required If Credit card expiration month, in

CreditCardExpMonth 2
UseCreditCard=yes MM format

Required If Credit card expiration year, in

CreditCardExpYear 4
UseCreditCard=yes YYYY format

Required UseCred-
CVV2 Credit card verification code 4

Required If
CCAddress Credit card billing address 60

Required If
CCZip Credit card billing postal code 15

Required If
CCCountry Credit card billing country 60

Format of response. Permitted

ResponseType Optional values are Text (default), HTML, 4
or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
CCTransResult Success status for the credit card transaction

OrderID Order ID, assigned by us

Command Name of the command

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 359 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML
l in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query renews DNS hosting for domain resellerdnshost.com. It uses a
credit card, submits the credit card information using the secure HTTPS protocol, and
sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the order ID and the ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was suc-


- 360 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 4:05:56 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddToCart
l DeleteHostedDomain
l Extend
l InsertNewOrder
l Purchase
l PurchaseHosting
l PurchasePOPBundle
l PurchaseServices

Set email forwarding addresses.
Use this command to specify forwarding addresses for email sent to the domain.
A similar command, SetPOPForwarding, allows you to create, change, or delete mail-
boxes for either email forwarding or POP mail.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 361 -
API Command Categories

On the e-mail settings page,the save changes button calls the Forwarding command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The domain must be using eNoms domain name server.
l The domain must exist in the account cited in the query.
l The query must include all addresses that you want to keep. Forwarding
addresses not included in thequery are deleted from the account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description
UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Address (mailbox user name) to be for-

AddressX Required 30
warded from this domain

Where this address will be forwarded to, in

ForwardToX Required 130
format UserName@sld.tld

Format of response. Permitted values are

ResponseType Optional 4
Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 362 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l Example: thisAddress@mydomain.com to be forwarded to me@myhome.com.
Pass as Address1=thisAddress and ForwardTo1=me@myhome.com

The following query gives instructions that email addressed to jane.-
doe@resellerdocs.com and john.doe@resellerdocs.com be forwarded to jane.-
doe@example.com and john.doe@example.com,and requests the response in XML


The error count 0 confirms that the email forwarding instructions are successful:

- 363 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 6:14:10 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l DeleteAllPOPPaks
l DeletePOP3
l DeletePOPPak
l GetCatchAll
l GetDotNameForwarding
l GetForwarding
l GetMailHosts
l GetPOP3
l ModifyPOP3
l PurchasePOPBundle
l SetCatchAll
l SetDotNameForwarding
l SetPOPForwarding
l SetUpPOP3User

- 364 -
API Command Categories

Get account ID, password, authorization question and answer, reseller flag, and credit
card agreement settings.
Use this command to return a short list of account identification information and reseller
GetAllAccountInfo, a similar command, returns a complete list of account information.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command runs in the background of eNoms Web site.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

- 365 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Format of response. Permitted values
ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
UserID Current login ID

Password Current account password

Nature of the question used for identity verification. Permitted

values are:
smaiden mothers maiden name
sbirth city of birth
ssocial last 4 digits of SSN
AuthQuestionType shigh high school
fteach favorite teacher
fvspot favorite vacation spot
fpet favorite pet
fmovie favorite movie
fbook favorite book

AuthQuestionAnswer Current answer to the authorization question

Account Account number

Reseller Is this a reseller account or not

Returns True if the credit card agreement has been signed,

False otherwise

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 366 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests a limited list of account information for account resellid,
and requests the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA [ ] ]>

- 367 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l CheckLogin
l CreateAccount
l CreateSubAccount
l GetAccountPassword
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetConfirmationSettings
l GetCustomerPaymentInfo
l GetOrderDetail
l GetOrderList
l GetReport
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts
l GetTransHistory
l UpdateAccountInfo
l UpdateCusPreferences

Get the password for an account.
Use this command to have the password for an account e-mailed to the contact for that
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the help page, the Password recovery link calls the GetAccountPassword command.

- 368 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The AuthQuestionAnswer value must be correct.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

Login ID for the account for which you

LoginID Required 20
want the password.

AuthQuestionAnswer Required Answer to the authorization question 50

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Account information has been located in the registrars data-

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 369 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can
be presented to the client. Otherwise process the returned parameters as defined

The following query requests the password for subaccountThe following query requests
the password for subaccount ichiro, and requests the response in XML format:


In the response, the true value for GotAccountInfo and the 0 value for ErrCount indicate
that the query was successful. The password is sent to the registrant e-mail address
almost instantly.


- 370 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 6:16:27 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CheckLogin
l CreateAccount
l CreateSubAccount
l GetAccountInfo
l GetAccountValidation
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetOrderDetail
l GetOrderList
l GetReport
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts
l GetTransHistory
l SendAccountEmail
l UpdateAccountInfo
l UpdateCusPreferences

Retrieve the authorization question and answer for a subaccount.
Use this command to retrieve the authorization question and answer for a subaccount.
Typically, you would use this command to validate the identity of a user before using the
GetAccountPassword command to email their password to them.

- 371 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the Login ID and Password Information section, the Secret Word Type and Secret
Word fields display the return values of the GetAccountValidation command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The subaccount must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Login ID of the parent account 20

PW Required Password of the parent account 20

LoginID Required Login ID of the subaccount 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Nature of the question used for identity verification. Permitted
AuthQuestionType values are:

- 372 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
smaiden mothers maiden name
sbirth city of birth
ssocial last 4 digits of SSN
shigh high school
fteach favorite teacher
fvspot favorite vacation spot
fpet favorite pet
fmovie favorite movie
fbook favorite book

AuthQuestionAnswer The answer to the authorization question for the subaccount

LoginID The login ID of the subaccount

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the authorization question and answer for subaccount
ichiro and sends the response in XML format:


- 373 -
API Command Categories

In the response, values for AuthQuestionType and AuthQuestionAnswer indicate that

the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<AuthQuestionType>Mother's Maiden Name</AuthQuestionType>
<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA [ ] ]>

Related commands
l GetAccountPassword
l GetSubAccounts
l GetSubaccountsDetailList
l SendAccountEmail

- 374 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve all contact information that has been entered for all domains in this account.
Use this command to retrieve all contact information that has been entered for domains
in this account.
This command retrieves only information associated with names in this account. It does
not retrieve information from subaccounts.
A typical use for this command is for accounts that offer real-time purchases, where the
account contains domain names registered by many customers.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com. This command will typically be used
by a domain name reseller for administrative purposes.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 375 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Optional; default is Number of contacts to return in this

PageSize 4
100 response

Which page of responses to return. For

Optional; default is example, if PageSize=100&Page=2 gen-
Page 3
1 erates the second page of 100 con-
tacts: contacts 101 through 200.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Record number for this contact, assigned dynamically when
this query runs

PartyID Party ID for this contact, a permanent value

OrganizationName Organization name

JobTitle Job title

FirstName First name

LastName Last name

Address1 Street address, first line

Address2 Street address, second line

City City

StateProvince State or province

S indicates the StateProvince value is a state; P indicates


PostalCode Postal code

Country Country

Phone Phone number

PhoneExt Phone extension

- 376 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Fax Fax number

Email Email address

Number of contacts returned in this response (may be fewer

than the PageSize value)

Total number of pages of contacts that exist for this account,

given the Page Size value submitted in this query.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The first contact in the response will always be the Billing contact for the account.
This is true regardless ofthe Page and PageSize values submitted in the query.
l Other than the first contact in the response, contacts are listed in the order they are
retrieved from ourdatabase. No sort parameters are offered for this command.
l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the first 100 contacts recorded for account resellid and
sends the response in XML format:


- 377 -
API Command Categories

In the response, address records, a Count value, and a TotalPages value confirm that
the query was successful:

<Address rec="1">
<OrganizationName>Extraordinary Sales</OrganizationName>
<Address1>15801 NE 24th Street</Address1>
<Address rec="2">
<Address1>Italy, Torino</Address1>

- 378 -
API Command Categories

<Address rec="100">
<City>Test City</City>
<RequestDateTime>12/7/2011 6:20:04 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 379 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l AddContact
l Contacts
l DeleteContact
l GetContacts
l GetExtAttributes
l GetResellerInfo
l GetServiceContact
l GetWhoisContact
l Preconfigure

Retrieve the up-to-date Registration Agreement.
Use this command to retrieve the up-to-date verbiage for the requested agreement. You
can implement this command in your own Web site so that your agreement page always
contains the current language.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The eNoms Registration Agreement link calls the GetAgreementPage command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

- 380 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Which agreement to retrieve. Permitted

values are:
Agreement General Registration Agree-
Anti-Malware GeoTrust Anti-Malware
DRP Uniform Domain Name Dispute
ID-Protect ID-Protect Agreement
goMobi additional requirements for
POP-Email POP E-Mail Agreement
TLDPortal TLDPortal Agreement
Truste Privacy Policy TrustePri-
Optional; default is vacyPolicySeal Truste with Seal Privacy
Page Policy 20
TrustSeal Symantec Safe Site (aka Ver-
isign Trust Seal) Service Agreement
Watchlist TLD Watchlist Agreement
WBL_Terms Business Listing Agree-
AC additional requirements for .ac
Altdotcom additional Registry require-
ments for CentralNIC's TLDs (such as
.br.com and .se.net)
AM additional requirements for .am
AT additional requirements for .at
AU additional requirements for .au
BE additional requirements for .be

- 381 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

BIZ additional requirements for .biz
BZ additional requirements for .bz
CA additional requirements for .ca
CC additional requirements for .cc
CN additional requirements for .cn
CO additional requirements for .co
DE additional requirements for .de
ES additional requirements for .es
EU additional requirements for .eu
GS additional requirements for .gs
IN additional requirements for .in
INFO additional requirements for .info
IO additional requirements for .io
IT additional requirements for .it
JOBS additional requirements for .jobs
JP additional requirements for .jp
LA additional requirements for .la
MOBI additional requirements for .mobi
MS additional requirements for .ms
MX additional requirements for .mx
NAME additional requirements for .name
NL additional requirements for .nl
NU additional requirements for .nu
NZ additional requirements for .nz
PE additional requirements for .pe
PRO additional requirements for .pro
SH additional requirements for .sh
TC additional requirements for .tc
TLDTW additional requirements for .tw
3rd level domain
TM additional requirements for .tm
TV additional requirements for .tv
TW additional requirements for .tw
UK additional requirements for .uk
US additional requirements for .us
VG additional requirements for .vg
WS additional requirements for .ws
XXX additional requirements for .xxx

Language of agreement. Permitted val-

Optional; default is
Language ues are: Eng English Ger German Por 3
Portuguese Spa Spanish

Format of response. Permitted values

are Text (default), HTML, or XML. For
ResponseType Optional this command, the text response is URL- 4
encoded so that the response will parse

- 382 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Content Content of the Registration Agreement

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l For RichContent, display the user agreement found at http://www.rich-
l For Comodo SSL certificates, display the user agreement that link from http://www.-
l For GeoTrust SSL certificates, display the user agreement found at http://www.geo-
l For VeriSign SSL certificates, display the user agreement found at http://www.ver-
l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the Registration Agreement text and sends the response in
XML format.


- 383 -
API Command Categories



This Registration Agreement ("Agreement") sets forth the
and conditions of your use of domain name registration and
related services ("Services"). In this Agreement "you" and
"your" refer to you and the registrant listed in the WHOIS
contact information for the domain name. "We", "us" and
"our" refer to the registrars listed at the <a href=
"#registrars">bottom of this document</a>, any one of which
will be the registrar for your domain name and all of which
share common ownership, common terms and conditions, and a
shared Services infrastructure. To determine which regis-
your domain name is registered with, perform a WHOIS lookup
at <a href="http://www.uwhois.com" target="_blank">http://
www.uwhois.com</a>. You obtain the Services through your
primary service provider, with whom we have a wholesale
relationship (your "Primary Service Provider"). Your
relationship with your Primary Service Provider may be
governed by additional terms, as you and your Primary Ser-
Provider may agree. "We," "us" and "our" does not include
Primary Service Provider, except when specifically men-
or unless your Primary Service Provider is one of us (i.e.,
if your Primary Service Provider is also one of the regis-
listed at the <a href="#registrars">bottom of this document

- 384 -
API Command Categories


<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 3:31:10 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l None

Combines GetAccountInfo, GetCustomerPaymentInfo, and GetCustomerPreferences.
Use this command to access all information for an account.
All resellers have access to this command.

- 385 -
API Command Categories

Implementation on eNom.com
This command runs in the background of eNoms Web site.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
OrganizationName Name of organization

JobTitle Job title

FName First Name

LName Last Name

Address1 Address line 1

Address2 Address line 2

City City

- 386 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
StateProvince State or province

StateProvinceChoice State or province choice

PostalCode Postal code

Country Country

Phone Telephone number

Fax Fax number

EmailAddress Email address for Whois

Email address for us to contact you about your domain name


UserID Current account ID

Password Current account password

Nature of the question used for identity verification. Permitted

values are:
smaiden mothers maiden name sbirth city of birth ssocial last
4 digits of SSN
shigh high school
fteach favorite teacher
fvspot favorite vacation spot
fpet favorite pet
fmovie favorite movie
fbook favorite book

AuthQuestionAnswer Current question answer

Account Account number

Reseller Is this a reseller account or not

CardType Type of credit card

CCName Cardholder's name

CreditCardNumber Customer's credit card number

CreditCardExpMonth Credit card expiration month

CreditCardExpYear Credit card expiration year

CCAddress Credit card billing address

CCZip Credit card billing postal code

CCCountry Credit card billing country

- 387 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
DefPeriod Default number of years to register a name

PIN Personal identification number for our technical support

Enabled Is the technical support PIN enabled.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests all account information for account resellid, and requests
the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:



- 388 -
API Command Categories

<OrganizationName>Extraordinary Sales</OrganizationName>
<Address1>15801 NE 24th Street</Address1>
<CCPhone>+United States.34534</CCPhone>

- 389 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 3:34:38 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CheckLogin
l CreateAccount
l CreateSubAccount
l GetAccountInfo
l GetAccountPassword
l GetCustomerPaymentInfo
l GetOrderDetail
l GetOrderList
l GetReport
l GetResellerInfo
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts
l GetTransHistory
l RPT_GetReport
l UpdateAccountInfo
l UpdateCusPreferences

- 390 -
API Command Categories

Get all domain names in an account.
Use this command to list all the domain names in an account, with their domain name
IDs and expiration dates.
We recommend that you use this command only for accounts with fewer than 200
names, because longer lists can time out. For large accounts, use GetDomains.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l We recommend that you use this command only for accounts with fewer than 200
names, becauselonger lists can time out. For large accounts, use GetDomains.
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 391 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

Returns a list of domains that use cus-

UseDNS Optional tom (user-specified) name servers. Per- 10
mitted value is custom.

Returns default name servers. Value is

GetDefaultOnly Optional 1

Returns domains with the specified first

Letter Optional character. Permitted values are 0 through 1
9 and A through Z.

Returns domains with the specified

RegistrarLock Optional Registrar Lock status. Permitted values 10
are Locked and Not Locked.

Returns domains with the specified Auto

AutoRenew Optional Renew status. Permitted values are Yes 3
and No.

Returns domains with the specified

name, on record for the contact type spe-
Name Optional cified in ContactType. Permitted values 40
are space-separated first and last
names, for example, Name=John Doe.

Returns domains with the specified

name, on record for the contact type spe-
ContactType Optional cified in ContactType. Permitted values 14
are Registrant, Aux Billing, Technical, or

Returns domains that use the specified

NameServer Optional name server. Use format dns1.- 135

Returns domains that use the specified

UseEnomNS Optional name servers. Permitted values are Yes 3
or No.

Format of response. Options are XML

ResponseType Optional (recommended), HTML, or Text (default). 4

- 392 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainName Name of the domain described in this node

DomainNameID Database ID of this domain

Expiration-Date Expiration date of this domain

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests all domains in account resellid, and requests the response
in XML format:


The response lists all domain names in the account, with the ID number and expiration
date for each domain:

- 393 -
API Command Categories

<expiration-date>7/7/2012 8:37:00 AM</expiration-date>
<expiration-date>2/4/2011 6:25:00 AM</expiration-date>
<lockstatus>Not Locked</lockstatus>
<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 3:38:26 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 394 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomains
l GetExtendInfo
l GetHomeDomainList
l GetPasswordBit
l GetRegistrationStatus
l GetRegLock
l GetRenew
l GetSubAccountPassword
l SetPassword
l SetRegLock
l SetRenew
l StatusDomain
l ValidatePassword

Retrieve a list of all Web hosting accounts in a domain name account, with attributes.
Use this command to list the Web hosting accounts in your eNom account, and some
attributes of each.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the left-hand menu, the manage link calls the GetAllHostAccounts command.

- 395 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
WebHostID Web hosting package ID from our internal records

HostAccount Web hosting account name assigned by the account holder

WebStorage Web storage setting, in MB

BandWidth Current traffic capacity, in GB

SQLSize Current database storage, in MB

DatabaseType Type of database that currently supports this account

POPMailBoxes Number of POP mailboxes allotted to this account

Overage Current setting for accommodating bandwidth overage

BillingDate Next billing date for this Web hosting account

- 396 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Status Status of this Web hosting account

OSType Operating system of the Web server

Terminate flag. If True, this Web hosting account will be

deleted at the end of this billing period.

Date on which this Web hosting account will be deleted, if one

has been set

HasWSC Does this account subscribe to WebSite Creator?

WSCEnabled Is WebSite Creator enabled?

WSCLaunchURL URL to launch WebSite Creator, specific to this account

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of the Web hosting accounts in account resellid, and
sends the response in XML format:


- 397 -
API Command Categories


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<DatabaseType>SQL Server</DatabaseType>
<Overage>pay premium</Overage>
<DatabaseType>SQL Server</DatabaseType>
<Overage>pay premium</Overage>

- 398 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CreateHostAccount
l GetHostAccount

Retrieve your wholesale costs and retail selling prices, for all quantity levels, for Web
hosting components, for either Windows or Linux.
Use this command to retrieve a list of your wholesale costs and retail selling prices, for
all quantity levels, for all Web hosting components. One run of the command retrieves
either Windows or Linux pricing; send the query twice if you want to display both sets of
pricing on one page.
A similar command, GetResellerHostPricing, retrieves prices you charge to your sub-
accounts for Web hosting components.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 399 -
API Command Categories

The Set Component Unit Pricing table displays the results of the GetAllReseller-
HostPricing command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Domain name account login ID 20

PW Required Domain name account login password 20

Optional; default is Which set of pricing to retrieve. Per-

OSType 4
Windows mitted values are Windows and Linux

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
In the wholesale pricing structure for this account, the lower
end of the quantity range for this component. For example, if
ResellerQtyX (in HTML and text output,
one ResellerQty=1 and the next largest is ResellerQty=5, the
X=1 to PackageCount
prices in the ResellerQty=1 node apply to quantities of 1 to 4 of
each Web hosting component listed in this query string.

In the retail (selling price) structure for this account, the lower
end of the quantity range for this component. For example, if
one RetailQty=1 and the next largest is RetailQty=5, the prices
in the RetailQty=1 node apply to quantities of 1 to 4 of each

- 400 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Web hosting component listed in this query string.

Cost to this account (wholesale price) of bandwidth units in

this quantity range. Each bandwidth unit contains 20GB.

Selling (retail) price of bandwidth units in this quantity range.

Each bandwidth unit contains 20GB.

Cost to this account (wholesale price) of Web storage units in

this quantity range. Each Web hosting unit contains 1GB.

Selling (retail) price of Web storage units in this quantity range.

Each Web hosting unit contains 1GB.

Cost to this account (wholesale price) of SQL database stor-

ResellerDBStoragePriceX age units in this quantity range. Each SQL database unit con-
tains 250MB.

Selling (retail) price of SQL database storage units in this quant-

ity range. Each SQL database unit contains 250MB.

Cost to this account (wholesale price) of POP email units to

ResellerPOPMailPriceX include in this quantity range. Each POP mail unit contains 10
email boxes, with 100MB storage for each mailbox.

Selling (retail) price of POP email units to include in this quant-

RetailPOPMailPriceX ity range. Each POP mail unit contains 10 email boxes, with
100MB storage for each mailbox.

PackageCount Number of quantity brackets listed in this response

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 401 -
API Command Categories

The following query returns the reseller (wholesale) costs and retail (selling) prices for
all quantity levels of all components and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a list of components and prices comfirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 402 -
API Command Categories

<ResellerDBStoragePrice />
<RetailDBStoragePrice />
<ResellerWebStoragePrice />
<RetailWebStoragePrice />
<ResellerDBStoragePrice />
<RetailDBStoragePrice />
<ResellerPOPMailPrice />
<RetailPOPMailPrice />
<![CDATA[ ]]>

- 403 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l CalculateAllHostPackagePricing
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetHostAccount
l GetResellerHostPricing
l GetStorageUsage
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageDelete
l HostPackageModify
l HostPackageView
l HostParkingPage
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetOverageOptions
l WebHostGetOverages
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums
l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetResellerPackages
l WebHostSetCustomPackage
l WebHostSetOverageOptions

Get account balances.
Use this command to return the current balance on an account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Access link calls the GetBalance command.

- 404 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Reseller Returns 1 if this is a reseller account, 0 otherwise

Balance Current account balance

AvailableBalance Current available balance

Price Default price for names

COMPrice Price for .com

NETPrice Price for .net

ORGPrice Price for .org

CCPrice Price for .cc

TVPrice Price for .tv

- 405 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
DomainCount Current count of domains in the account

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l This command only returns the price for original purchase of domains, not tranfers
or renewals. For acomplete list of prices, use PE_GetRetailPricing or PE_

The following query requests the account balance for account resellid, and requests the
response in XML format:


The response lists the balance and the available balance:



- 406 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/13/2011 2:59:04 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CommissionAccount
l RefillAccount
l UpdateNotificationAmount


- 407 -
API Command Categories

Get the contents of the shopping cart.

Use this command to display the contents of the shopping cart.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
The cart link calls the GetCartContent command. The command creates the list of cart
contents on the cart page.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 408 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ItemID Item number

Description Nature of the transaction. Options are Register, Renew

Years Number of years to register

NameID Name ID

Name Domain name

Current status of the name. Value A indicates item is active

and will be affected by future transactions, or I for inactive

ItemPrice Item price

Auto-renew setting. Value 1 indicates this item is set to auto-

renew, 0 indicates this item is not set to auto-renew

A NeedsConfig value of 1 indicates that the Preconfigure icon

should be displayed for this cart item. This happens when the
cart item is a domain name that requires preconfiguration, and
the preconfiguration has not yet been done.

An IsMailPak value of 1 indicates that the POP Email icon

should be displayed for this cart item. This happens when the
IsMailPak cart item is a domain name for which POP mail is available,
and the user has not added the POP Email to the shopping

A ShowWPPSLink value of 1 indicates that the Whois Privacy

Protection Service (WPPS, ID Protect) icon should be dis-
ShowWPPSLink played for this cart item. This happens when the cart item is a
domain name for which WPPS is available, and the user has
not added WPPS to the shopping cart.

QtyDesc Unit by which this item is sold

A SubItem value of 0 indicates that this item is a single line

item in the shopping cart

A FreeTrial value of 0 indicates that the user begins paying for

this item as soon as it is purchased

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

ErrX Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

- 409 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than If greater than 0 the trans-
action failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Other-
wise process the returned parameters as defined above.rameter StThe parameter
StatusID returns A for active and will be affected by future transactions, or I for inact-

The following quThe following query requests the contents of the shopping cart for
account resellid, and requests the response in XML format:


The response indicates that the shopping cart currently contains a domain to register

<Description>Email Pak - 10 email boxes</Description>

- 410 -
API Command Categories


- 411 -
API Command Categories

<Group ParentItemID="889049" GroupCount="1"/>
<Group ParentItemID="889066" GroupCount="1"/>
<Group ParentItemID="889018" GroupCount="1"/>

- 412 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 3:43:27 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddBulkDomains
l AddToCart
l DeleteFromCart
l InsertNewOrder
l PurchasePreview
l UpdateCart

Get the forwarding address for emails addressed to nonexistent mailboxes.
Use this command to retrieve the forwarding address for nonexistent email addresses
under a domain name. The domain name must be in our system, but the forwarding
address does not need to be.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

- 413 -
API Command Categories

Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The Catch-All Email box at the bottom of the page uses the GetCatchAll command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description
UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example, enom in

SLD Required 63

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Email address that mail will be sent to if the addressee mailbox
does not exist

Command Name of command executed

- 414 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the
Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the Catch-All email address for this domain name, and
sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the presence of the Catch-All email address confirms that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 415 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l DeletePOP3
l Forwarding
l GetDotNameForwarding
l GetForwarding
l GetPOP3
l GetPOPForwarding
l SetCatchAll
l SetDotNameForwarding
l SetPOPForwarding
l SetUpPOP3User

Retrieve a list of the SSL certificates that we offer.
Use this command to retrieve a list of the types of SSL certificates that we offer.
All resellers have access to this command.

- 416 -
API Command Categories

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The table that lists the certs we offer could be populated by the GetCerts command. Our
page uses GetCerts to retrieve prices and hard codes the cert names, but GetCerts does
return cert names as well.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Reseller Is this a reseller account.

ProdCode Product text ID

ProdType Product number ID

ProdDesc Product description

- 417 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
QtyDesc Units in which this product is sold

RetailPrice Retail selling price charged to customers

ResellerPrice Wholesale price this account pays

Enabled Is this product enabled for selling.

Quantities available. For example, Years=3 indicates that a

customer can buy a 3-year registration of this product.

CertCount Number of SSL certificate products listed in this return

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of the SSL certificate products we offer, and sends
the response in XML format:


- 418 -
API Command Categories

In the response, a list of certificates and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was

<ProdDesc>SSL Certificate - RapidSSL</ProdDesc>
<ProdDesc>SSL Certificate - GeoTrust QuickSSL</ProdDesc>

- 419 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 3:47:44 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CertConfigureCert
l CertGetApproverEmail
l CertGetCertDetail
l CertGetCerts
l CertModifyOrder
l CertParseCSR
l CertPurchaseCert

Retrieve the settings for email confirmations of orders.
Use this command to retrieve the current settings for email confirmations of orders (con-
firmations sent to you when a customer places an order).

- 420 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The settings on the Reseller Confirmation Email Settings page are retrieved using the
GetConfirmationSettings command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
The setting for sending copies of order confirmation emails to
you, when orders are placed on this account

TransferOrderConfirmation The setting for sending copies of transfer request emails to

- 421 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
you, when orders are placed on this account

The setting for sending copies of order confirmation emails to

you, when orders are placed on a subaccount of this account

The setting for sending copies of transfer request emails to

you, when orders are placed on a subaccount of this account

EmailHead If set for custom email text, the header string that will be used

EmailTail If set for custom email text, the tail string that will be used

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the settings for order confirmation emails, and sends the
response in XML format:


- 422 -
API Command Categories

In the response, return values in the ConfirmationSettings node confirms that the query
was successful:

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 3:50:04 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetAccountInfo
l GetCusPreferences
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetTLDList
l PE_GetRetailPricing
l PE_SetPricing
l UpdateCusPreferences

- 423 -
API Command Categories

Get all contact data for a domain name.
Use this command to display contact information for this account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the utilities section, the Contact/WhoIs Information link calls the GetContacts com-

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 424 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainName Domain name

SLD Second-level domain name (for example, enom in enom.com)

TLD Top-level domain name (extension)

DomainNameID Identification number for this domain name, in our system

None indicates no separate Registrant information has been

Registrant entered for this domain name. Otherwise, Registrant inform-
ation is returned

None indicates no separate Auxiliary Billing information has

AuxBilling been entered for this domain name. Otherwise, Auxiliary Billing
contact information is returned

None indicates no separate Technical contact information has

Tech been entered for this domain name. Otherwise, Technical con-
tact information is returned

None indicates no separate Admin contact information has

Admin been entered for this domain name. Otherwise, Admin contact
information is returned

Billing information is returned for most TLDs, with some excep-

tions like .eu

ContactTypePartyID Party ID

ContactTypeAddress1 Address 1

ContactTypeAddress2 Address 2

ContactTypeCity City

- 425 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
ContactTypeCountry Country

ContactTypeEmailAddress Email Address

ContactTypeFax Fax

ContactTypeFirstName First Name

ContactTypeLastName Last Name

ContactTypeJobTitle Job Title

ContactTypeOrganizationName Organization Name

ContactTypePhone Phone number

ContactTypePhoneExt Phone extension

ContactTypePostalCode Postal Code

ContactTypeStateProvince State or Province

ContactTypeStateProvinceChoice State or Province? S indicates State; P indicates Province

True indicates that AuxBilling appears on the Contacts page

as an optional alternative for this ContactType

AuxID PartyID for Auxiliary Billing contact

RegID PartyID for Registrant contact

Registry-specific data for some country-code TLDs. For each

ExtendedAttributes TLD, you can retrieve the expected extended attributes by run-
ning this command or the GetExtAttributes command.

WPPSAllowed Is ID Protect permitted for this TLD?

Is there a current ID Protect subscription for this domain


Is the ID Protect subscription currently being used to protect

this domain name?

WPPSExpDate Expiration date for ID Protect subscription

WPPSAutoRenew Auto renew setting for ID Protect subscription

EscrowLiftDate If this domain name is currently in escrow, the lift date

EscrowHold Is this domain name currently in escrow?

Does this TLD have restrictions on the freedom to update con-

tact information without a trade (transfer).

- 426 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l If there are additional contact entries, Billing in the above return parameter names

The following query requests the contact information for resellerdocs.com, and requests
the response in XML format:


The response gives contact information for the registrant party and billing party, and
states that no different information was provided for the auxiliary billing, technical, and
administrative contacts. Where no different information is provided, these contacts
default to the billing party information:


- 427 -
API Command Categories

<domainname sld="resellerdocs" tld="com" domain-
<RegistrantOrganizationName>Extraordinary Sales</Re-
<RegistrantAddress1>15801 NE 24th Street</Re-
<AuxBillingAddress1>15801 NE 24th Street</AuxBillingAd-

- 428 -
API Command Categories

<TechAddress1>100 Main St.</TechAddress1>
<TechStateProvinceChoice> </TechStateProvinceChoice>
<AdminOrganizationName>Extraordinary Sales</Ad-
<AdminAddress1>15801 NE 24th Street</AdminAddress1>

- 429 -
API Command Categories

<BillingOrganizationName>Extraordinary Sales</BillingOr-
<BillingAddress1>15801 NE 24th Street</BillingAddress1>
<BillingFullCountry>United States</BillingFullCountry>
<Nexus category=""/>

- 430 -
API Command Categories

<OrganizationName>Whois Privacy Protection Service,

<Address1>PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St - F1</Address1>
<Address2>C/O resellerdocs.com</Address2>
<DateTimeChanged>12/7/2011 5:50:30 AM</DateTimeChanged>

- 431 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 3:54:37 AM</RequestDateTime>


Related commands
l AddContact
l Contacts
l DeleteContact
l GetAddressBook
l GetExtAttributes
l GetResellerInfo
l GetServiceContact
l GetWhoisContact
l Preconfigure

Retrieve global preferences for an account.
Use this command to retrieve global preferences for an account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the settings page, many of the settings shown can be retrieved using GetCusPrefer-

- 432 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Reseller EC key for this Instant Reseller

ResellerKey Optional or Registry Rocket site, if different from 40
this UID

ResellerStatus=1 retrieves information

ResellerStatus Optional about Registry Rocket sites and reseller 1

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Default period for registrations, renewals, and transfers, in

AllowDNS True allows name servers other than eNoms

ShowPopUps True shows pop-up menus

True automatically renews the domain 30 days before it


- 433 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
True requires the account holders permission to transfer the
domain to another registrar

True automatically renews POP paks 30 days before they


UseDNS True uses eNoms name servers

ResellerStatus Is this a reseller account.

0 indicates no email; 1 indicates send notice; 2 indicates con-

tact and charge customer

1 indicates send copy of email to reseller; 0 indicates no copy

to reseller

True automatically renews URL forwarding 30 days before the

URL forwarding subscription expires.

True automatically renews email forwarding 30 days before the

email forwarding subscription expires.

HostName Name of this default host record

Address Address of this default host record

RecordType Record type of this default host record

DefaultHostRecordOwn Is this account using its own set of default host records?

UseOurDNS Does this account use eNoms DNS servers by default?

DNSX Default DNS server X for this domain name account

True indicates this account has signed a credit-card pro-

cessing agreement with us

URL URL for reseller site listed in email notices

ParentAccount This accounts parent

NoService Service status

Maximum number of names this account can register in a

single query

ResellerKey Reseller key for this Registry Rocket site

HostPrice Price this Registry Rocket account charges for DNS hosting

CCPrice Price this Registry Rocket account charges for .cc

InfoPrice Price this Registry Rocket account charges for .info

- 434 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
PictureURL URL of image file used in this Registry Rocket site

ContactEmail Contact email address for this Registry Rocket account

CompanyName Company name for this Registry Rocket account

Referrer Referrer for this Registry Rocket account

Balance Current balance for this reseller account

BalanceThreshold Balance threshold for this reseller account

Price Wholesale price this account pays for .com

CCPrice Wholesale price this account pays for .cc

AvailableBalance Available balance for this account

ResCustomerPrice ?

CommissionBalance Current commission balance for this account

Send a notification email to the Billing contact for this account

when available balance drops below this amount

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 435 -
API Command Categories

The following query retrieves the account settings for resellid and sends the response in
XML format:


The response is as follows:


<hostrecord hostname="@" address="" record-
<hostrecord hostname="*" address="" record-
<hostrecord hostname="www" address="" record-
<hostrecord hostname="" address="" recordtype="A"/>
<hostrecord hostname="" address="" recordtype="A"/>

- 436 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 3:56:24 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetConfirmationSettings
l UpdateCusPreferences
l UpdateRenewalSettings

- 437 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve customer-defined data.
Use this command to retrieve custom data.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Object ID number, an integer assigned

ObjectID Required when this customer-defined field was 2
first established.

- 438 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Object type. Options are: 1 Data per-
Type Required taining to an account 2 Data pertaining to 1
a domain 3 Data pertaining to an order

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required If Type=2 63
enom in enom.com)

Required If Type=2
TLD Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Order ID, which you can retrieve using

OrderID Required If Type=3 11

Title of this entry, or label describing this

Key Required 50
data field

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Value Content of this entry

Visibility to subaccount. Options are: 0 This entry not visible

DisplayFlag when logged on using subaccount ID 1 This entry is visible
when logged on using subaccount ID

EnteredBy Name of the person adding this entry

LastUpdatedDate Last date on which this entry was changed

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 439 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the value for the customer-defined data titled Favor-
iteCuisine for account resellid, and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<LastUpdatedDate>7/7/2003 5:46:10 PM</LastUpdatedDate>
<![CDATA [ ] ]>

- 440 -
API Command Categories


Related commands
l DeleteCustomerDefinedData
l SetCustomerDefinedData

Retrieve customer payment information.
Use this command to retrieve customer payment information.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Credit Card Information box contains the return values supplied by the GetCus-
tomerPaymentInfo command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 441 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
CCName Credit card holders name

CCNumber Credit card number

CCType Credit card type

CCMonth Credit card expiration month

CCYear Credit card expiration year

CCAddress Credit card billing address street address

CCZip Credit card billing address postal code

CCCity Credit card billing address city

CCStateProvince Credit card billing address province

CCCountry Credit card billing address country

CCPhoneDial Telephone country code

CCPhone Telephone number with area code

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

- 442 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the payment information on record for an account, and
sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<CCName>John Doe</CCName>

- 443 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA [ ] ]>

Related commands
l CreateAccount
l CreateSubAccount
l GetAccountInfo
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts
l UpdateAccountInfo
l UpdateCusPreferences

Retrieve the name server settings for a domain name.

- 444 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to retrieve name servers for one domain name.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
NSCount Number of DNS entries

- 445 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Name server X. Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or

Which name servers a domain is using. Default indicates our

name servers

NSStatus Returns yes if using registrar's name servers.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.


The following query requests the domain name servers for resellerdocs.com, and
requests the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


- 446 -
API Command Categories

<RRPText>Command completed successfully</RRPText>
<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 3:58:52 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CheckNSStatus
l DeleteNameServer
l GetDNSStatus
l ModifyNS
l ModifyNSHosting
l RegisterNameServer
l UpdateNameServer

- 447 -
API Command Categories

Get the nameserver status for a domain name.
Use this command to determine what DNS this domain uses. The query returns values
only if the domain uses eNom servers.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

- 448 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Which name servers a domain is using. Default indicates our
name servers.

Maximum number of host records permitted for this domain, of

types A, AAAA, CNAME, URL, and FRAME

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the DNS status of resellerdocs.com -- that is, whether the
domain uses its registrars servers. The query also requests the response in XML format:

- 449 -
API Command Categories


The NS status Yes indicates that the domain uses the registrars name servers:

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 4:03:39 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CheckNSStatus
l DeleteNameServer
l GetDNS
l ModifyNS
l ModifyNSHosting
l RegisterNameServer
l UpdateNameServer

- 450 -
API Command Categories

Get the count for registered, hosted, processing, watch list, cart item and expired
Use this command to return the number of domains in each category.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
GetDomainCount is not implemented on eNom.com, but clicking the log-in button returns
information that includes counts of the domains in each category.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

- 451 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Format of response. Permitted values
ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
RegisteredCount Number of registered domain names

HostCount Number of hosted domain names

ExpiringCount Number of expiring domain names

ExpiredDomainsCount Number of expired domain names

RGP Number of domain names in Redemption Grace Period

Number of domain names in Extended Redemption Grace


KeywordCount Number of keywords (obsolete feature)

ProcessCount Number of domain names that are still processing

WatchlistCount Number of domain names in the watchlist

CartItemCount Number of items in the shopping cart

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 452 -
API Command Categories

The following query requests a tally of domains in account resellid, and requests the
response in XML format:


The response indicates that the account has 3084 registered and 190 hosted domains:


- 453 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 4:05:04 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomains
l GetExtendInfo
l GetPasswordBit
l GetRegistrationStatus
l GetRegLock
l GetRenew
l GetSubAccountPassword
l SetPassword
l SetRegLock
l SetRenew
l StatusDomain
l ValidatePassword

Get domain expiration date.
Use this command to display the expiration date for a domain name.

- 454 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
GetDomainExp is not implemented on eNom.com, but clicking the domain names link on
the my enom page returns information that includes expiration dates.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 455 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ExpirationDate Expiration date for the domain registration.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the expiration date for resellerdocs.com, and requests the
response in XML format:


The response indicates that the expiration date for the domain is 6/10/2019:

<ExpirationDate>6/10/2019 3:56:56 PM</ExpirationDate>

- 456 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 4:06:42 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l Extend
l Extend_RGP
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomains
l GetExtendInfo
l GetPasswordBit
l GetRegistrationStatus
l GetRegLock
l GetRenew
l GetSubAccountPassword
l InsertNewOrder
l SetPassword
l SetRegLock
l SetRenew
l StatusDomain
l UpdateExpiredDomains
l ValidatePassword

- 457 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve an extensive set of information on a domain folder.
Use this command to retrieve an extensive set of information on a domain folder.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Clicking a Settings link calls the GetDomainFolderDetail command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The folder must belong to this account

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

- 458 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Name of the folder for which you want
FolderName Required 125

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Result of this query. Values are: 0 Failure 1 Success 2 Folder
does not exist in this account

FolderID Identification number of this folder, used by our database

FolderName Name of this folder

FolderDescription Description entered by user when this folder was created

Folder type. Values are:

FolderType 0 regular folder (for organizing domains)
1 Magic Folder (for managing domain settings)

Folder status. Values are:

1 Standard folder
2 Magic Folder that is in sync
3 Magic Folderuser has revised settings, but not processed
4 Magic Folder that is out of sync

FolderDomainCountan Number of domains in this folder

ShouShould DNS settings be the same for all domains in this

folder? Values are:
0 Leave DNS records for each domain as is
1 Update DNS records for all domains to this folders settings

SyncSynchronization status of DNS settings. Values are:

1 In sync and eligible for updates to DNS settings
2 Newly created and eligible for updates to DNS settings
3 Pendingrevisions to DNS settings are not yet processed

NameName server status. Values are:

NSStatusan Yes Domains use our name servers
NA Domains use custom name servers

Should auto-renew settings be the same for all domains in this

SyncRenewan folder. If auto-renew is on, domains automatically renew 30
days before they expire. Values are:

- 459 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
0 Leave auto-renew settings for each domain as is
1 Update auto-renew settings for all domains to this folders set-

SyncSynchronization status of auto-renew settings. Values

1 In sync and eligible for updates to auto-renew settings
2 Newly created and eligible for updates to auto-renew settings
3 Pendingrevisions to auto-renew settings are not yet pro-

AutoAuto-renew setting for this folder, if one is set. Values are:

RenewStatusan 0 Do not auto-renew domains in this folder
1 Automatically renew domains in this folder

ShouShould registrar lock settings be the same for all domains

in this folder? If registrar lock is on, domains can be transferred
only after the registrant >grants permigrants permission. Val-
SyncRegLockan ues are:
0 Leave registrar lock settings for each domain as is
1 Update registrar lock settings for all domains to this folders

Synchronization status of registrar lock settings. Values are:

1 In sync and eligible for updates to registrar lock settings
2 Newly created and eligible for updates to registrar lock set-
3 Pendingrevisions to registrar lock settings are not yet pro-

Registrar lock setting for this folder, if one is set. Values are:
RegLockStatus 0 Do not lock domains in this folder
1 Automatically lock domains in this folder

Should domain password settings be the same for all domains

in this folder. If domain password is on, domains folder? If
domain password is on, domains can be managed individually
by their registrants, without logging in to the domain name
account. Values are:
0 Leave domain password settings for each domain as is
1 Update domain password settings for all domains to the
folder setting

Synchronization status of domain password settings. Values

1 In sync and eligible for updates to domain password settings
SyncDomainPwdStatus 2 Newly created and eligible for updates to domain password
3 Pendingrevisions to domain password settings are not yet

- 460 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Domain password setting for this folder, if one is set. Values
0 Do not require a password for domains in this folder
1 Require a password for all domains in this folder

Should host records be the same for all domains in this folder?
Host records are also known as third-level domain names, like
SyncHostse www. Values each are:
0 Leave host records for each domain as is
1 Update host records for all domains to the folder settings

Synchronization status of host records. Values are:

1 In sync and eligible for updates to host records
2 Newly created and eligible for updates to host records
3 Pendingrevisions to host records are not yet processed

Should any contacts be reset to match the Should any con-

tacts be reset to match the accounts Billing contact? Values
0 Leave contact information for each domain as is
1 Update any contacts that have a SyncContactContactType
value 1

Synchronization status of contact information. Values are:

1 In sync and eligible for updates to contact settings
2 Newly created and eligible for updates to contact settings
3 Pendingrevisions to contact settings are not yet processed

Should the contact information for this contact type (Regis-

trant, Tech, Admin, or AuxBilling) be revised to match another
contact type. Values are:
0 Leave contact information for each domain as is
1 Update the contact information of this ContactType for all
domains in this folder

PartyID Party ID of this contact

OrganizationName Organization name of this contact

JobTitle Job title of this contact

FName First (given) name of this contact

LName Last (family) name of this contact

Address1 Address, first line, of this contact

Address2 Address, second line, of this contact

City City of this contact

- 461 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
StateProvince State or province of this contact

Is StateProvince value a state or a province? Values are: S

State S State P Province

Country Country of this contact

Phone Phone number of this contact

Fax Fax number of this contact

EmailAddress Email address of this contact

PhoneExt Phone extension of this contact

SameAs Same As setting of this contact

FolderNameEnc Name of folder

TrafficOnly True indicates that this is a Traffic Only account

NameOnly True indicates that this is a Name Only account

ParkingEnabled True indicates that parking is enabled

Customer Type. True indicates that this account is in our

reseller category (Reseller, Name Only, or Traffic Only).

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to The number of errors if any occurred.

Messages explaining the failure. These can be presented as is

back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or
XMThe default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or
XML format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter e parameterErr Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the
client. Otherwise process the returned parameters as defined above.

- 462 -
API Command Categories

The following query retrieves details on a folder, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the presence of data and an ErrCount value 0 indicate that the query
was successful:


- 463 -
API Command Categories

<OrganizationName>Extraordinary Sales</OrganizationName>
<Address1>15801 NE 24th Street</Address1>
<FullCountry>United States</FullCountry>

- 464 -
API Command Categories


- 465 -
API Command Categories


- 466 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 4:14:10 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddDomainFolder
l AdvancedDomainSearch
l AssignToDomainFolder
l DeleteDomainFolder
l GetDomainFolderList
l RemoveUnsyncedDomains
l UpdateDomainFolder

Retrieve a list of folders that a domain is in, or retrieve a list of all folders in an account.
Use this command to find out which folders a domain is in, or to retrieve a list of all
folders in an account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 467 -
API Command Categories

The folders link calls the GetDomainFolderList command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

SLD (second-level domain name) of the

domain for which you want to retrieve
folder information. Use this parameter if
SLD Optional 63
you want information for one domain.
Without SLD and TLD, the response lists
all folders in the account.

TLD (top-level domain name) of the

domain for which you want to retrieve
folder information. Use this parameter if
TLD Optional 15
you want information for one domain.
Without SLD and TLD, the response lists
all folders in the account.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 468 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Result Result of this query. Possible results are: 1 Successful

ID Folder identification number, assigned by us

Name Folder name, assigned by you

Folder type. Possible values are: 0 Standard folder; not Magic

1 Magic

DomainCount Number of domains in this folder

Status of this folder. Possible results are: 0 Standard 2 Magic,

Status in sync 3 Magic, in process of synchronization 4 Magic, out of

Count Total number of folders in this account

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests a list of folders that contain the specified domain, and
sends the response in XML format:

- 469 -
API Command Categories


In the response, a Result value 1 and an ErrCount value 0 indicate that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 470 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainFolder
l AdvancedDomainSearch
l AssignToDomainFolder
l DeleteDomainFolder
l GetDomainFolderDetail
l RemoveUnsyncedDomains
l UpdateDomainFolder

Retrieve status of a domain header (a pointer for a domain name that associates the
sld.tld portion of the name with a specific location in your Web hosting directory struc-
ture) in your Web hosting account.
Use this command to retrieve information on a domain header from your Web hosting
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
The GetDomainHeader command is not implemented on enom.com; however, the fol-
lowing gives a similar result:
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 471 -
API Command Categories

The modify link calls the GetDomainHeader command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Name of Web hosting account 14

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Domain Domain name being checked with this query

Location of the directory in which this domain resides, from


Success status for retrieving a domain header that matches

this query

- 472 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query checks whether a domain header record has been established for
resellerdocs.com, and sends the response in XML format:


The response indicates that resellerdocs.com does indeed have a domain header, and it
is pointed to \resellwebid:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 473 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l DeleteDomainHeader
l ListDomainHeaders
l ModifyDomainHeader
l WebHostCreateDirectory

Get information about a single domain name.
Use this command to display current information about a single domain name. This com-
mand also retrieves the DomainNameID value, which is required by some other com-
mands in our API.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

- 474 -
API Command Categories

Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

On the my domains page, clicking a link in the Domain Name column calls the GetDo-
mainInfo command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters

Build the query string using this syntax:


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
SLD Second-level domain name (for example, enom in enom.com)

- 475 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
TLD Top-level domain name (extension)

DomainNameID ID number of this individual domain

Multy-LangSLD Is this a multi-language SLD?

Expiration Expiration date of this domain registration

Registrar Registrar of this domain

RegistrationStatus Registration status of this domain

Purchase-Status Purchase status of this domain

Party-ID Party ID of the account in which this domain is registered

Belongs-To Login ID of the account in which this domain is registered

EntryName Name of the product or service described in this node

Changable Can this service be changed?

Service Setting for the service. Permitted values are:

(which domain name servers):

1006 use our name servers
1012 use user-specified domain servers, including none
DNSSettings (host records):
1021 host records WSB (Web site services):
1060 no Web site building or hosting services
1063 Web Site Builder
1066 Web site hosting accounts
EmailSet (Email services):
DNSServer 1048 no email
1051 email forwarding (to a POP or WebMail address)
1054 user (mail server name required)
1105 user simplified (mail servers IP address required)
1114 POP3/WebMail plus email forwarding
WPPS (ID Protect Whois Privacy Protection):
1120 WhoIs information is masked
1123 WhoIs information is viewable
WBL (Business Listing):
1130 Business Listing settings

ServiceChangable Can this service be toggled on or off, or switched?

ConfigurationChangable Is this a configurable product or service?

WBLID Business Listing identification number

StatusID Status number of this Business Listing

- 476 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
StatusDescr Status ID of this Business Listing

ExpDate Expiration date of this Business Listing

Visibility status of this Business Listing in the WhoisBusi-

Enabled nessListings.com directory. 1 indicates Business Listing is vis-
ible; 0 indicates Business Listing is hidden.

Renew Automatic renewal setting of this Business Listing

CompanyName Company name for this Business Listing

CompanyDescription Description of company

DomainName Domain name to which this Business Listing is attached

Street Street address of this Business Listing

City City of this Business Listing

PostalCode Postal code of this Business Listing

Country Country of this Business Listing

CategoryIDX Category identification number(s) of this Business Listing

FieldName Name of descriptive field

Value Descriptive content associated with this field name

Name Name of this host record

Type Type of product, service, or host record

Address Host record address

MXPref Priority value of this host record

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 477 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests domain informationstatus and services for reseller-
docs.com, and requests the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<domainname sld="resellerdocs" tld="com" domain-
<expiration>6/10/2019 3:56:56 PM</expiration>
<deletebydate>6/10/2019 3:56:56 PM</deletebydate>
<registrar>eNom, Inc.</registrar>
<belongs-to party-id="{BB4A2DE1-6485-45CB-A4FC-

- 478 -
API Command Categories

<entry name="dnsserver">
<enomDNS value="YES" isDotName="NO"/>
<service changable="1">1006</service>
<configuration changable="0" type="dns">
<entry name="dnssettings">
<service changable="0">1021</service>
<configuration changable="1" type="host">
<entry name="wsb">
<service changable="1">1063</service>
<configuration changable="1" type="wsb">
<nextbilldate>Jun 27 2011 12:00AM</nextbilldate>
<entry name="emailset">
<service changable="1">1114</service>
<configuration changable="1" type="pop">

- 479 -
API Command Categories

<entry name="wpps">
<service changable="1">1120</service>
<configuration changable="1" type="id protect">
<expiredate>Dec 22, 2011</expiredate>
<entry name="wbl">
<service changable="1">1130</service>
<companyname>My Super Company</companyname>
<companydescription>We make super cool stuff</-
<street>123 Anywhere Street</street>
<street2>Suite 100</street2>

- 480 -
API Command Categories

<field fieldname="Associations">
<value>My associations</value>
<field fieldname="Tags">
<value>My tags</value>
<field fieldname="Promotions">
<value>My Promotions</value>
<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 4:20:45 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomains

- 481 -
API Command Categories

l GetExpiredDomains
l GetExtendInfo
l GetPasswordBit
l GetRegistrationStatus
l GetRegLock
l GetRenew
l GetSubAccountPassword
l SetPassword
l SetRegLock
l SetRenew
l StatusDomain
l ValidatePassword

Retrieves the ID number for a domain.
In some API commands, you can use the domain name ID instead of the SLD and TLD.
Our database associates a unique ID with each domain name, and all activity in the data-
base is tracked by ID rather than by domain name.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

- 482 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainRRP Processor identifier of the registrar which manages the domain

SLD Second-level domain name (for example, enom in enom.com)

TLD Top-level domain name (extension)

DomainNameID Identification number of this domain name

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 483 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the domain name ID for resellerdocs.com, and sends the
response in XML format:


The successful response returns the domain name ID:


<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 4:24:19 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 484 -
API Command Categories


Related commands
l GetDomainSLDTLD

Get a single page of domain names with the ability to load the next or previous page of
Use this command to list a single page of domains in an account. GetAllDomains is our
older command for large accounts. GetAllDomains, a similar command, returns the com-
plete list of domain names in an account but can time out for accounts with more than
200 domain names. AdvancedDomainSearch is the most up-to-date command for
accounts of all sizes.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the my enom section, the x domain names link calls the GetDomains command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

- 485 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

The type of domains to return. Per-

mitted values are:
IOwn current names in this account
Sub_IOwn names in retail subaccounts
WatchList names in this accounts
Optional; default is IHost DNS hosting names, this
Tab 10
IOwn account
ExpiringNames names nearing expir-
ExpiredDomains expired but able to
RGP RGP and Extended RGP names
Promotion names on promotional basis

Return names that expire with in this

Optional with Tab-
DaysToExpired number of days, whether they are set to 4
auto-renew or not

Optional with Tab- The type of domains to return for a sub-

RegStatus b=Sub_IOwn; account. Permitted values are 10
default is Registered Registered and Expired.

Number of domains to return in one

Optional; default is
Display response. Permitted values are 0 to 4

Return names that start with this num-

ber in the sorted list. For example, Dis-
Start Optional; default is 1 play=25&Start=26 returns the 26th 4
through 50th names from a numero-
alphabetically sorted list.

OrderBy Optional The order to return the results. Per- 15

- 486 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

mitted values are SLD, TLD, DNS, and

StartLetter Optional Return names that start with this letter 1

If MultiLang=On, display SLD in native

MultiLang Optional 1
character set in UI.

Return names that match this name.

Domain Optional 60
Use format SLD.TLD

Returns XML tags without hyphens, to

more rigorously adhere to XML stand-
ards and allow more trouble-free per-
ExtFormat Optional 1
formance with automated parsers. Use
ExtFormat=1 to return tags without

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Domain name ID. Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or

Second-level domain name (for example, enom in enom.com).

Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or HTML.

Top-level domain name (extension). Indexed X when Respon-

seType=Text or HTML.

Name server status. YES indicates this domain uses our name
servers. Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or HTML.

Expiration date of the domain registration. Indexed X when

ResponseType=Text or HTML.

Auto-renew setting. Return values are Yes or No. Indexed X

when ResponseType= Text or HTML.

WhoIs privacy protection setting. Return values are Enabled or

Disabled. Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or HTML.

RR processor. Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or


- 487 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests a list of domains and basic information about them for
account resellid, and requests the response in XML format. This command returns 25
domains at a time. Because it does not specify which domain to start with, the response
by default starts with the first domain (sorting by domain name: numbers first, then let-


The response lists the first 25 domains in account resellid, starting with resellerdocs.com
and resellerdocs3.info. It also provides some summary information about the total con-
tents of the account:

- 488 -
API Command Categories

<domain-list type="Registered">

- 489 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 4:27:04 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomainInfo
l GetExpiredDomains
l GetExtendInfo
l GetHomeDomainList
l GetPasswordBit
l GetRegistrationStatus
l GetRegLock
l GetRenew
l GetSubAccountPassword
l SetPassword
l SetRegLock
l SetRenew
l StatusDomain
l ValidatePassword

Retrieve the settings for domain services and value-added services for a domain.

- 490 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to retrieve information about email forwarding, URL forwarding, and
other domain and valueadd services for a domain.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the domain control panel, change and configure buttons give access to current set-
tings and the ability to change value-add settings.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 491 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
WebSite Web site setting

Phone Name-My-Phone setting

IPResolver Setting for resolving dynamic IP addresses

Map Name-My-Map setting

DomainNameID ID number for this domain, from our internal records

EMailForwarding Email forwarding setting for this domain

EmailForwardExpDate Expiration date for email forwarding

EMailAutoRenew Auto-renew setting for email forwarding

URLForwarding URL forwarding setting for this domain

URLForwardExpDate Expiration date for email forwarding

URLAutoRenew Auto-renew setting for email forwarding

EMailForwardingPrice Price for email forwarding

URLForwardingPrice Price for URL forwarding

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 492 -
API Command Categories

The following query retrieves the domain and value-add service settings for reseller-
docs.com and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:



- 493 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 4:28:18 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l DisableServices
l EnableServices
l GetIPResolver
l ServiceSelect
l SetDomainSubServices
l SetIPResolver

Retrieve the domain name (SLD and TLD).
Use this command when you have the domain name ID and want the domain name
(SLD and TLD).
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

- 494 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

DomainNameID Required Domain name ID 11

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainRRP Registrar ide ntifier

SLD Second-level domain name (for example, enom in enom.com)

TLD Top-level domain name (extension)

DomainNameID Domain name ID

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

Done True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-

- 495 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the SLD and TLD for domain name ID 152533676 and
sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:



- 496 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 4:53:15 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomainNameID

Retrieve SRV host records for a domain name.
Use this command to retrieve a list of all SRV records for a domain name.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The list of SRV records is populated by the GetDomainSRVHosts command.

The query must meet the following requirements:

- 497 -
API Command Categories

l The login ID and password must be valid.

l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The domain must use our DNS servers.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
HostID Identification number for this SRV record, assigned by us

HostName Use name you have assigned to this SRV record

Protocol Internet protocol you have assigned for this SRV record

Fully qualified domain name you have assigned for this SRV

RecordType Host record type for this recordshould always be SRV

MXPref MXPref value. Not used for SRV records

Weight you have assigned to this SRV record (for load bal-

Priority Priority you have assigned to this SRV record (for backup serv-

- 498 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description

Port Port you have assigned to this SRV record

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves SRV records and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:



- 499 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 4:31:56 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetDomainInfo
l GetHosts

- 500 -
API Command Categories

l SetDomainSRVHosts
l SetHosts

Check the registration status of TLDs that do not register in real time.
Use this command to check the status of domains that do not register in real time (includ-
ing .ca, .co.uk, .org.uk,and others). Because of the delay inherent in the non-real-time
registrations, wait at least five minutes after yourtransaction to run this command, and
run it at intervals of five minutes or longer. This command runs more quicklythan a sim-
ilar command, StatusDomain.
Use this command to retrieve the most recent order ID for a domain name.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 501 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Order ID of the most recent transaction

OrderID Recommended 15
for this domain

Optional; default is Type of order. Permitted values are

OrderType 10
Purchase Purchase (default), Transfer, or Extend

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainName Domain name

Status of the domain in our database: 0 not in our database 1 in our database and in the
InAccount account cited in this query 2 in our database but in a different account than the one cited in
this query

StatusDesc More detailed explanation of the InAccount value

ExpDate Expiration date of the domain registration

OrderID Order identification number of the most recent transaction for this domain

Command Name of command executed

ErrCount The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

ErrX Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented as is back to the client.

Done True indicates this entire response has reached you successfully.

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 502 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the status of domain resellerdocs.co.uk and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, the InAccount value 0 and the StatusDesc value Awaiting Registry
Response confirm that the order is currently being processed at the co.uk Registry:

<ExpDate>10/25/2007 5:18:12 AM</ExpDate>
<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 5:05:44 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 503 -
API Command Categories


Related commands
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomains
l GetExtendInfo
l GetPasswordBit
l GetRegistrationStatus
l GetRegLock
l GetRenew
l GetSubAccountPassword
l SetPassword
l SetRegLock
l SetRenew
l StatusDomain
l ValidatePassword

Get current settings for domain services (active or inactive).
Use this command to get which services are enabled to control whether to present the
user the ability to get or update information related to the service. (eg. Host or email for-
warding records). For some services, you can get more detailed information using the
GetDomainServices command.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

- 504 -
API Command Categories

This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
EmailForwarding True, False or empty

HostRecords True, False or empty

SetDomainServices Successful or Failed

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

- 505 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query sets the subservices of a domain and sends the response in XML


The error count value of 0 confirms that hosts have been set successfully:


- 506 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 4:37:14 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetIPResolver
l ServiceSelect
l SetDomainSubServices
l SetIPResolver

Retrieve the current address for email forwarding by the .name Registry.
Use this command to retrieve the email forwarding address used by the .name Registry
for forwarding email addressed to this domain.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the domain names menu, click my domains, and then click a .name domain.

- 507 -
API Command Categories

In the email settings box of the domain control panel, the .name email button calls the
GetDotNameForwarding command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The domain must be a .name domain.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

Top-level domain. For this command,

TLD Required 15
value must be name.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainNameID Domain name ID, eNoms internal accounting number

SLD Second-level domain name (for example, enom in enom.com)

TLD Top-level domain. For this command, value is name.

- 508 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Status Status

Email address to which email addressed to this domain is for-


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the Err
(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented as

is back to the client.

Done True indicates this entire response has reached you successfully.

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the email forwarding address for john.doe.name and sends
the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 509 -
API Command Categories

<domainname domainnameid="157171163" sld="john.doe" tld-
d="name" />
<![CDATA [ ] ]>

Related commands
l Forwarding
l GetCatchAll
l GetForwarding
l GetPOP3
l SetCatchAll
l SetDotNameForwarding

Retrieve a list of an accounts domains that are in Expired, Redemption Grace Period
(RGP), and Extended RGP status.
Use this command to retrieve a list of Expired, RGP, and Extended RGP names in the
account specified in the query string. Typically, a reseller will use this information to

- 510 -
API Command Categories

determine which command to use to reactivate a domain, and what price they will
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Clicking the expired or redemption tabs call the GetExpiredDomains command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainName Domain name

- 511 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
DomainNameID Domain name ID number, from our database

Status Expiration status of this domain

Expiration-Date Expiration date of this domain

LockStatus Registrar lock status of this domain

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


Notes Notes
l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return paramet If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The parameter Err
(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the returned para-
meters as defined above. ters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the expired domains in account resellid; identifies them as
Expired, RGP, or Extended RGP status; and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


- 512 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<status>Extended RGP</status>
<expiration-date>3/1/2003 6:54:40 AM</expiration-date>
<expiration-date>6/4/2002 6:18:36 PM</expiration-date>
<expiration-date>3/8/2002 2:14:45 AM</expiration-date>
<expiration-date>3/8/2011 11:38:32 PM</expiration-date>
<expiration-date>3/7/2011 6:44:29 PM</expiration-date>

- 513 -
API Command Categories

<status>Extended RGP</status>
<expiration-date>2/26/2011 4:01:46 PM</expiration-date>
<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA [ ] ]>

Related commands
l AddToCart
l Extend_RGP
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomains
l PE_SetPricing
l Purchase

- 514 -
API Command Categories

This command retrieves the extended attributes for a country code TLD (required para-
meters specific to the country code).
Use this command to determine whether a country code TLD requires extended attrib-
utes, and what they are.
Extended attributes supplied by this command are used in the Preconfigure command to
configure some TLDs.
Input parameter names for the Preconfigure command are tagged <Name> in the return
of this command, and permitted values for the Preconfigure command are tagged
<Value> in the return for this command.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The country code TLD must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 515 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ID ID number for our internal use

Parameter name. Use this as the input parameter name in the

Preconfigure command.

Parameter value for the query string. Use this as the input para-
meter value in the Preconfigure command.

Title Short definition of the parameter value

Application Application. 2 indicates Registrant contact.

User must supply the value for this parameter from outside

Obligation of this parameter. 0 indicates optional, 1 indicates

required, 2 indicates a child attribute/parameter that is require d
for some values of the parent. Values that require the child are
indicated in the <Required> node of the parent.

Description Extended definition of the parameter value

If IsChild=1, this parameter is the child of another extended


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 516 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ter ErrCount. Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the cli-
ent. Otherwise process the returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the extended attributes for the .us TLD and requests the
response in XML format:


The response indicates that the entended attributes for .us are us_nexus, global_cc_us,
and us_purpose. In the Preconfigure command, these parameters would be input, for
example, as us_nexus=C11&us_purpose=P2:=P2:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Description>Nexus Category</Description>
<Title>US Citizen</Title>

- 517 -
API Command Categories

<Description>A natural person who is a US Cit-

<Title>Permanent Resident</Title>
<Description>A natural person who is a Permanent Res-
<Options />
<Description>Application Purpose</Description>
<Title>For Profit</Title>
<Description>Business use for profit</Description>

- 518 -
API Command Categories

Non-profit business, club, association, religious organ-
ization, etc.
<![CDATA [ ] ]>

Related commands
l AddContact
l Contacts
l GetAddressBook
l GetContacts
l GetWhoisContact
l Preconfigure

Get extension (renewal) information.

- 519 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to display information about the expiration date of a domain name.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the domain control panel page, the add years button calls the GetExtendInfo com-

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 520 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
The enabled status of a domain. If RegistrarHold is True, the
domain is disabled.

Expiration Current expiration date.

MaxExtension Maximum # of years that can be added.

CCAuthorized Credit card transaction successfully authorized.

Price Price for one-year extension for this type of TLD.

Balance Current balance in this account.

AvailableBalance Available balance in this account.

Account-level setting for default renewal period for domain

name registrations

Account-level settingTrue allows domain name servers other

than eNoms

ShowPopups Account-level settingTrue shows popup menus

Account-level settingTrue automatically renews the domain

registration 30 days before it expires

Account-level settingTrue requires the account holders per-

missiont to transfer the domain to another registrar

Account-level settingTrue automatically renews POP paks

30 days before they expire

UseDNS Account-level settingTrue uses eNoms name servers

ResellerStatus Account-level settingReseller status of this account

Account-level setting 0 Send no renewal reminder when

domain expiration approaches 1 Send renewal reminder by
email 2 Contact customer, renew registration, and charge

Account-level setting 1 Send blind carbon copy of renewal

email to reseller 0 Do not send blind carbon copy to reseller

Account-level settingTrue automatically renews URL for-

warding 30 days before the subscription expires

Account-level settingTrue automatically renews email for-

warding 30 days before the subscription expires

- 521 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Account-level settingTrue automatically renews email for-
warding 30 days before the subscription expires

Account-level settingTrue automatically renews ID Protect

30 days before the subscription expires

Account-level settingTrue automatically renews ID Protect

30 days before the subscription expires

HostNameX Account-level settingName of default host record

AddressX Account-level settingDefault host record address

RecordTypeX Account-level settingDefault host record type

Indicates whether this domain is associated with a Web Host-

ing account

Account-level settingBy default, does this account assign

user-defined host records?

Account-level settingBy default, does this account assign our

DNS to domain names?

DNSX Account-level settingDefault name servers

True has signed a credit card processing agreement with


URL URL for reseller site, used in email notices

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 522 -
API Command Categories

The following query requests renewal information for resellerdocs.com and requests the
response in XML format:


The response is as follows:



- 523 -
API Command Categories

<hostrecord hostname="@" address="" record-
<hostrecord hostname="*" address="" record-
<hostrecord hostname="www" address="" record-
<hostrecord hostname="" address="" recordtype="A"/>
<hostrecord hostname="" address="" recordtype="A"/>

- 524 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 4:54:28 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l Extend
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomains
l GetPasswordBit
l GetRegistrationStatus
l GetRegLock
l GetRenew
l GetSubAccountPassword
l InsertNewOrder
l SetPassword
l SetRegLock
l SetRenew
l StatusDomain
l UpdateExpiredDomains
l ValidatePassword

Retrieves write permissions for a Web hosting folder.
Use this command to retrieve write permissions for a Web hosting folder.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

- 525 -
API Command Categories

Log on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The Write access allowed check box indicates the return value for the GetFilePer-
missions command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.
l The root directory always has write permission.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Name of the Web hosting account 14

Name of the directory to retrieve write per-

mission on. Use format Dir-
Directory Required 254
Specify the directory path from the root, for-
ward slash or backslashdelimited, with no
initial slash.

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

- 526 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Write permission on this directory. Value F indicates that write
permission is on; R indicates that write permission is off.

Successful Success status of the query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the write access permissions for directory testdir and
sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the Successful value True confirms that the query was successful. In
this example the Permission value R indicates that write permission is currently off for dir-
ectory testdir:

- 527 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l AddHostHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l DisableFolderApp
l EnableFolderApp
l IsFolderEnabled
l ListWebFiles
l MetaBaseGetValue
l MetaBaseSetValue
l SetFilePermissions
l WebHostCreateDirectory

Get email forwarding records for a domain name.

- 528 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to display email forwarding records for a domain name.
A similar command, GetPOPForwarding, displays both email forwarding and POP
records for a single email address.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the domain control panel, if the e-mail settings service is set to e-mail forwarding, the
configure button calls the GetForwarding command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The domain must use eNoms domain name servers.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

- 529 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

If this is set to 1, extra blank input
records are returned for user input on the
GetDefaultOnly Optional 1
email forwarding form. Primarily used in
XML output.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Alias name to forward. Indexed X when ResponseType=Text
or HTML.

Alias Alias name to forward. Present when ResponseType=XML

Email address to forward the alias to. Indexed X when Respon-

seType=Text or HTML.

Email address to forward the alias to. Present when Respon-


Enabled status of email forwarding: 0 Email forwarding enabled

StatusX 1 Email forwarding disabled Indexed X when Respon-
seType=Text or HTML.

EmailCount Number of email forwarding records currently configured

Total number of email forwarding records permitted for this

domain name

EmailForwarding True

HostRecords True

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 530 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests e-mail forwarding information for resellerdocs.com and
requests the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:



- 531 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 4:56:11 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l DeleteAllPOPPaks
l DeletePOP3
l DeletePOPPak
l Forwarding
l GetCatchAll
l GetDotNameForwarding
l GetMailHosts
l GetPOP3
l ModifyPOP3
l PurchasePOPBundle
l SetDotNameForwarding
l SetUpPOP3User

Retrieve a list of IDs for instances in which a global edit command was run on this

- 532 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to retrieve RequestID values for global edits performed on domains
in this account. Commonly, you will run this command to get a RequestID in order to run
the GetGlobalChangeStatusDetail command.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Click here to view the status and history of your previous global edits link calls the
GetGlobalChangeStatus command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 533 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
RequestID ID number of the request for the change described in this node

ReqDate Time-stamp for this request

ReqTypeDesc Description of the requested change

ReqStatusDesc Status of the requested change

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query Retrieves the global changes that have been requested in account
resellid and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


- 534 -
API Command Categories

<ReqDate>11/10/2008 12:47:03 PM</ReqDate>
<ReqTypeDesc>Custom DNS changes</ReqTypeDesc>
<ReqDate>3/7/2008 9:00:07 AM</ReqDate>
<ReqTypeDesc>Custom DNS changes</ReqTypeDesc>
<ReqDate>3/7/2008 8:50:35 AM</ReqDate>
<ReqTypeDesc>Custom DNS changes</ReqTypeDesc>
<ReqDate>3/7/2008 6:43:10 AM</ReqDate>
<ReqTypeDesc>Custom DNS changes</ReqTypeDesc>
<ReqDate>11/9/2006 4:01:29 PM</ReqDate>
<ReqTypeDesc>Custom DNS changes</ReqTypeDesc>
<ReqDate>2/24/2004 11:02:58 AM</ReqDate>
<ReqTypeDesc>Registrar-lock off</ReqTypeDesc>
<ReqDate>2/23/2004 7:03:53 PM</ReqDate>
<ReqTypeDesc>Registrar-lock off</ReqTypeDesc>

- 535 -
API Command Categories

<ReqDate>2/23/2004 6:55:23 PM</ReqDate>
<ReqTypeDesc>Registrar-lock off</ReqTypeDesc>
<ReqDate>2/23/2004 6:44:18 PM</ReqDate>
<ReqTypeDesc>Registrar-lock off</ReqTypeDesc>
<ReqDate>2/23/2004 6:41:58 PM</ReqDate>
<ReqTypeDesc>Registrar-lock on</ReqTypeDesc>
<ReqDate>9/3/2003 5:29:13 PM</ReqDate>
<ReqTypeDesc>Registrar-lock on</ReqTypeDesc>
<ReqDate>9/3/2003 5:29:13 PM</ReqDate>
<ReqTypeDesc>Auto renew on</ReqTypeDesc>
<ReqDate>9/3/2003 5:22:27 PM</ReqDate>
<ReqTypeDesc>Registrar-lock on</ReqTypeDesc>
<ReqDate>9/3/2003 5:22:27 PM</ReqDate>
<ReqTypeDesc>Auto renew on</ReqTypeDesc>

- 536 -
API Command Categories

<ReqDate>9/3/2003 5:12:04 PM</ReqDate>
<ReqTypeDesc>Contact changes</ReqTypeDesc>
<ReqDate>4/25/2003 3:00:03 AM</ReqDate>
<ReqTypeDesc>Custom DNS changes</ReqTypeDesc>
<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 4:57:39 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetGlobalChangeStatusDetail


- 537 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve a list of the domains affected by the specified global update, and the success
status for each.
Use this command to check the success of global changes.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Clicking any of the RequestID links calls the GetGlobalChangeStatusDetail command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The ResponseID must match a global update that was performed in this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

ID number for the global change to one

parameter. Use the GetG-
RequestID Required 6
lobalChangeStatus command to retrieve
this value.

- 538 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Format of response. Permitted values
ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainName Domain name

StatusDesc Status of this change to this domain

ErrorDesc Description of any error encountered during this change

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the status for each domain affected by global change
RequestID=8331 and sends the response in XML format:


- 539 -
API Command Categories


The response is as follows:


<StatusDesc>Processed successfully</StatusDesc>
<StatusDesc>Processed successfully</StatusDesc>
<StatusDesc>Processed successfully</StatusDesc>
<StatusDesc>Processed successfully</StatusDesc>
<StatusDesc>Processed successfully</StatusDesc>
<StatusDesc>Processed successfully</StatusDesc>

- 540 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 4:59:20 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetGlobalChangeStatus

Retrieve a list of registered and hosted domains in this account that use our domain
name servers.
Use this command to retrieve a list of registered and hosted domains in this account that
use our domain name servers.
A typical use of this command is to retrieve domains that are eligible to use our DNS-
dependent services.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 541 -
API Command Categories

For accounts with 25 or fewer domain names that use our DNS, the Select a domain text
box is a dropdown menu populated by the GetHomeDomainList command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Return domain names beginning with this

Optional; default is number. For example, if StartPos-
StartPosition 5
1 ition=26&Display=25, display names 26
through 50 in the ordered list.

Optional; default is How many domain names to include in

Display 100
25 response. Permitted values are 1 to 100.

Sort the response by this criterion. Per-

Optional; default is
OrderBy mitted values are SLD, TLD, or 9

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ID Our numeric ID number for this domain

- 542 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Name Domain name

RegStatus Registration status

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of domains in this account that use our DNS servers,
sorted by TLD, and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:



- 543 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 5:00:45 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddToCart
l GetAllDomains

- 544 -
API Command Categories

l GetDomains
l GetReport
l PurchaseServices

Retrieve account and usage information about a Web hosting account.
Use this command to retrieve account information, limits, and this months usage-to-date
information for a Web hosting account.
To retrieve day-by-day usage information, use the WebHostGetStats command.
To retrieve bandwidth overage information for end-of-month account reconciliation, use
GetAccountOverages command.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Links in the Login Name column call the GetHostAccount command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 545 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Name of Web hosting account. You can

HostAccount Required retrieve Web hosting account names 14
using GetAllHostAccounts

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
WebHostID Web hosting package ID number from our internal records

HostAccount Web hosting account name

Password Web hosting account password

Operating system of the computer in our data center that runs

this account

The type of database support currently associated with this

Web hosting account

The bandwidth currently available to this Web hosting account

per billing cycle, in GB

The bandwidth currently used by this Web hosting account, in


Web storage space available to this Web hosting account, in


Web storage space currently used by this Web hosting

account, in MB

Database storage space available to this Web hosting

account, in MB

Database storage space currently used by this Web hosting

account, in MB

- 546 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
POPMailBoxes POP mail boxes allocated to this domain name

POPMailBoxCount POP mail boxes currently used by this domain name

OptionID Current setting for how to handle bandwidth overages

BillingDate Account creation date for bookkeeping purposes

Status Status of this Web hosting account

Price Subscription rate for this Web hosting account, per billing cycle

Number of domain headers defined for this Web hosting


SQLTableCount Number of SQL tables defined for this Web hosting account

Terminate flag. If True, this Web hosting account will be

deleted at the end of this billing period.

Date on which this Web hosting account will be deleted, if one

has been set

Percentage of this months bandwidth allocation that has been


HasDisabledWSCAccount Has this WebSite Creator account been disabled?

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 547 -
API Command Categories

The following query requests information on Web hosting account resellwebid and
sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<DatabaseType>SQL Server</DatabaseType>

- 548 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllHostAccounts

Retrieve a list of all Web hosting accounts in a domain name account, with attributes.
Use this command to list Web hosting accounts and their current configurations.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the left-hand menu, the manage link calls the GetHostAccounts command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

- 549 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
WebHostIDX Responses in Text format ID number of the Web hosting account, from our internal
are numbered, X=1 to PackageCount records

HostAccountX Name of the Web hosting account, assigned by the user

WebStorageX Amount of Web storage available to this Web hosting account

BandWidthX Amount of bandwidth available to this Web hosting account

Amount of SQL database storage available to this Web hosting


DatabaseTypeX Type of database, chosen by the user

Number of POP mailboxes available to this Web hosting


OverageX Overage handling method, chosen by the user

BillingDateX Next billing date for this Web hosting account

StatusX Status of this Web hosting account

Operating system of the Web server for this Web hosting


Terminate flag. If True, this Web hosting account will be

deleted at the end of this billing period.

- 550 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Date on which this Web hosting account will be deleted, if Ter-

PackageCount Number of Web hosting accounts in this domain name account

Command Name of command executed

Language Language of response messages

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following queThe following query retrieves a list of the Web hosting accounts in
domain name account resellid and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the list of Web hosting account names and properties, and the Web host-
ing PackageCount, indicate that the query was successful:

- 551 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>esponse>

<DatabaseType>SQL Server</DatabaseType>
<TerminateDate />
<DatabaseType>SQL Server</DatabaseType>
<TerminateDate />

- 552 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllHostAccounts
l GetHostAccount

List attributes of a host header (pointer for a third-level domain name) in your Web host-
ing account.
Use this command to retrieve information about a host header in your Web hosting
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:

- 553 -
API Command Categories

l The login ID and password must be valid.

l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.
l The domain header must exist.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Name of the Web hosting account that

HostAccount Required contains the host header you are inquir- 14
ing about

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Host header (third-level domain name)

HostName Required 53
that you want information about

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Host header (third-level domain name) that the software looked

Path Directory path to the host header

HostHeaderID Host header ID number, our internal record

Successful Successful completion status of the query

HostHeaderFound Return status of the host header; whether the software found

- 554 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
the host header

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML-
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query asks whether there is a host header accountspayable under domain
header resellerdocs.com and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a return value of True for the HostHeaderFound parameter indicates
that the specified host header exists:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 555 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l AddHostHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l DeleteHostHeader
l GetAllHostAccounts
l GetHostAccount
l ListHostHeaders

Get host records for a domain name.
Use this command to return all host records. GetRegHosts, a similar command, does not
return mail host records.

- 556 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the domain control panel, the DNS settings (zone file) box retrieves its information
using the GetHosts command. Clicking the configure button brings up the GetHosts com-
mand in editable form.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The domain must use eNoms domain name servers.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 557 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Name Host name of record.

Record Type. Returns A, AAAA, URL, MX, MXE, CNAME or


Preference level: the lower this value, the higher priority this
service. Default value is 10.

Address. Can be an IP for record types A, MXE and FRAME

only. Record type AAAA accepts an IP address in IPv6 format.
Address Record types URL and FRAME can be a full URL. Record
types MX, URL, FRAME and CNAME can be a fully qualified
domain name.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests all host records, including mail hosts, and sends the
response in XML format:


- 558 -
API Command Categories


The response lists the hosts:



- 559 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 5:02:39 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetMetaTag
l GetRegHosts
l GetSPFHosts
l SetDNSHost
l SetHosts
l SetSPFHosts
l UpdateMetaTag

Retrieve a list of language codes currently supported for a TLD.
Use this command to retrieve a list of language codes currently supported for a TLD.
All resellers have access to this command.

- 560 -
API Command Categories

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.comwith Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Go to: https://resellertest.enom.com/domains/PreConfigure.asp
With a configurable domain in the cart, click the configure button below the list of cart

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

TLD Required Top-level domain name 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Language Language name and code value

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values

- 561 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves list of language codes currently supported for a TLD, and
requests the response in XML format.



<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<tld tld="com">
<language code="afr" name="Afrikaans" />
<language code="alb" name="Albanian" />
<language code="ara" name="Arabic" />
<language code="arg" name="Aragonese" />
........<cut> ........
<language code="wel" name="Welsh" />
<language code="yid" name="Yiddish" />

- 562 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2012 12:12:12 AM</RequestDateTime>
<debug />

Related commands
l Purchase
l Preconfigure

Get IP Resolver settings.
Use this command to retrieve the NameMyComputer settings for a domain name.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

- 563 -
API Command Categories

Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

On the domain control panel page, the GetIPResolver command provides the content of
the name my computer box.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
IP-Resolver-ID Currently 1240 for ICQ.

Host-Name Host name for the service.

- 564 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Client-Service Currently only service type 1 for ICQ.

Client-User-ID Client ID (ICQ #).

ID Option ID for the client service.

Name Currently returns only ICQ.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests IP resolver information for the domain resellerdocs.com,
and requests the response in XML format:


The response indicates that the IP resolver host name is home, and the client user ID is

- 565 -
API Command Categories

<domainname sld="resellerdocs" tld="com" id="152533676">r-
<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 5:04:05 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 566 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l ServiceSelect
l SetIPResolver

Get mail hosts (DNS information) only.
Use this command to retrieve the mail records associated with a domain name.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The domain must use eNoms domain name servers.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 567 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Host name. For theHost name. For the GetMailHosts com-
mand, this is mail.sld.tld

Record type. Permitted values are MXE (email forwarding) or

MX (POP3 mail).

AddressX IP address of eNoms mail forwarding service.

Preference level: the lower this value, the higher priority this
service. Default value is 10.

The identification number of the email service for this domain.

1048 no email
1051 email forwarding ("easy" mail)
1054 user configured
1105 user simplified
1114 enable POP Mail

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 568 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the mail host information for the domain resellerdocs.com,
and requests the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<HostName>@ (none)</HostName>

- 569 -
API Command Categories

<HostName>* (other)</HostName>
<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 5:19:02 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 570 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l DeleteAllPOPPaks
l DeletePOP3
l DeletePOPPak
l Forwarding
l GetForwarding
l GetPOP3
l ModifyPOP3
l PurchasePOPBundle
l SetUpPOP3User

Retrieve the metatags for one of a domains host records.
Use this command to retrieve the current metatags for one host record for a domain.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with login ID resellid, password resellpw.
After you assign to a host record a record type of URL Frame, then click save changes,
then in the DNS Settings (zone file) section click configure, the edit link calls the
GetMetaTag command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

- 571 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Host record ID for this host record for this

domain; our internal tracking number.
MetaTagHostID Required 8
You can retrieve all host IDs for a domain
using the GetRegHosts command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TitleBar Metatag content for browser title bar

SiteDescription Metatag content for search engine results

Keywords Metatag content for search engine keywords

DomainNameID ID number for this domain, our internal tracking number

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 572 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the HTML metatag contents for the specified host record,
and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<titlebar>MY COOL TITLE</titlebar>
<sitedescription>MY SITE DESCRIPTION</sitedescription>
<keywords>MY SITE KEYWORDS</keywords>

- 573 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l GetHosts
l GetRegHosts
l SetHosts
l UpdateMetaTag

Generate variations of a domain name based on a search term.
Use this command to generate variations of the domain name you specify. This com-
mand will return a list of domains across a variety of sld/tld combinations.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Type an SLD into the Register A New Domain box and click GO. The results in the
Related section are generated by the GetNameSuggestions command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l A search term must be passed in.

- 574 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description
UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

The term to use to generate suggestions, most

SearchTerm Required 32
commonly use is SLD

A coma seperated list of TLDs to generate results

on. Only TLDs included in this list will be included
Optional; default is
TldList in the results. When used with AllGA it will also ?
all TLDs
include additional TLDs you specify, such as
some in pre-register status if desired.

A coma seperated list of TLDs to generate results

Optional; default is
OnlyTldList on. Only TLDs included in this list will be included ?
in the results, even if AllGA is true.

Optional; default is TLDs A coma seperated list of TLDs to exclude

ExclueTldList ?
no from the results.

Maximum number of suggested names to return

Optional; default is in addition to your input. The number actually
MaxResults 2
50 returned may be lower based on search term. Per-
mitted values are numbers 1 through 100

Determine the type of results you will get;

0 - Both TLD and Spun recommendations - com-
bination of 1 & 2
1 - Only TLD recommendations (exact SLD
Optional; default is
SpinType match) - no suggestions 5
2 - Only Spun recommendations - only sug-
3 - Will allow suggestions such as domaintld to be
treated as domain.tld suggestions

Optional; default is Allow domain names that may be considered

Adult 5
False "adult" in nature. Permitted values are True or

- 575 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description

Allow suggestions that are considered to be

Optional; default is
Premium "premium" to be returned in the result set. Per- 5
mitted values are True or False.

Controls if only TLDs in GA (General Availability)

Optional; default is are returned, or if it will return ALL TLDs, including
AllGA 5
True those in pre-registration. Permitted values are
True or False.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainSuggestionCount Number of Suggestions returned in this response

Score Relevancy of the result to the search term

Tld Parsed TLD for this set of results

Sld Parsed SLD for this set of results

Idn Is this domain an IDN. True indicates yes; False indicates no.

Is this domain considerd "Premium"? True indicates yes; False

Premium indicates no. Unknown indicates that this is a TLD which we
cant know for sure.

In_GA Is this TLD in GA. True indicates yes; False indicates no.

NativeSld If the item is an IDN, the Native language SLD.

NativeTld If the item is an IDN, the Native language TLD.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 576 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l Note: The Premium output attribute is a best guess based on data provided by the
registries. This data is subject to change on a daily basis, so for the best results it
is recomended to do a an EPP Check (Check API Command) on any domain to
verify the domain is premium.

The following query retrieves 8 domains that resemble the input SLD hand, and sends
the response in XML format:


In the response, the presence of spun names and the ErrCount value 0 indicate that the
query was successful:

<Domain score="0.3" tld="uno" sld="hand" idn="false" in_
ga="true" premium="false">hand.uno</Domain>
<Domain score="0.25" tld="co.com" sld="hand" idn="false"
in_ga="true" premium="false">hand.co.com</Domain>
<Domain score="0.22" tld="best" sld="hand" idn="false" in_
ga="true" premium="false">hand.best</Domain>
<Domain score="0.21" tld="guru" sld="hand" idn="false" in_
ga="true" premium="false">hand.guru</Domain>
<Domain score="0.18" tld="shop" sld="hand" idn="false" in_
ga="true" premium="false">hand.shop</Domain>

- 577 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 3:33:28 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddToCart
l Check
l Purchase

Getting registry maintenance schedule details.
Use this command to get registry maintenance alert messages.
All resellers have access to this command.

- 578 -
API Command Categories

Implementation on eNom.com
This command is implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Product Details of the product

Message Registry message for the product

Total Number of subscriptions

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

- 579 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query is used to get registry maintenance alerts that have been requested
in account resellid and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<![CDATA[ cn ]]>
CNNIC, the registry that manages .CN registrations has made
a temporary policy
decision to stop all new .CN registrations effective Jan
06, 2010. Renewals will
continue to work as expected. Meanwhile all attempts to
register new .CN domains

- 580 -
API Command Categories

will fail or be returned as unavailable by eNom. No date

has been set
for when the new registrations will be re-opened.
That is all the information we have at this time but we are
working directly
with the registry to get this resolved as soon as possible.
<RequestDateTime>11/14/2012 3:19:41 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetProductNews

Get detailed information about an order.

- 581 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to retrieve contents and details of an order when you know the order
Use this command to monitor status when an order includes non-real-time domain
names (names that, at the time you submit the order, have an RRPCode value of 1300
and an IsRealTimeTLD value of false).
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the view orders page, clicking a link in the Order # column calls the GetOrderDetail

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

The identification number of the order for

OrderID Required which you want details. You can retrieve 10
this number using the GetOrderList com-

- 582 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size


Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
OrderID 9-digit order identification number.

True/False -- True indicates that this order exists, and exists

under this account.

Time at which customers account was billed for the trans-

action amount.

Credit card reference number for this transaction, generated by


OrderBillAmount Total amount of this order, in $US.

AdjustToAccount Adjustments to this account

Certs Any SSL certificates in this order?

ProductType Description of this item.

Description of the item. Return value is usually a domain


Status for fulfilling the order for this item. Only a status Suc-
Status cessful indicates that the Registry has registered this name to

Quantity Number of years.

Amount paid for this item. If the Registry has processed this
name and has not registered it to you, the AmountPaid va lue is
Not billed. If the value is Not billed, check the Status parameter
for the reason for failure.

DomainPassword Domain password, if one was assigned

Order status. If OrderStatus is Open, check back later: the

order is still being processed. If OrderStatus is Closed, check
the Status parameter. If we registered the domain the Status
value is Successful. Any other value indicates a failure.

- 583 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the details of order 156062775, and requests the response
in XML format:


The response indicates that in this order, the account successfully purchased 2

<BillDate>11/7/2011 5:40:05 AM</BillDate>

- 584 -
API Command Categories

<OrderDate>11/7/2011 5:37:42 AM</OrderDate>
<ExpiryDatetime>11/7/2012 5:37:00 AM</ExpiryDatetime>
<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 5:09:40 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 585 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l CheckLogin
l CreateAccount
l CreateSubAccount
l GetAccountInfo
l GetAccountPassword
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetDomainStatus
l GetOrderList
l GetReport
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts
l GetTransHistory
l RPT_GetReport
l UpdateAccountInfo
l UpdateCusPreferences

Get a list of the orders placed through this account.
Use this command to retrieve a list of orders, identified by order number.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the Report Categories menu, select the view orders option. Clicking the view report
button calls the GetOrderList command.

- 586 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Return sets of 25 records in reverse chro-

Optional; default is nological order. For example, Start=26
Start 4
1 returns the 26th through 50th most recent

Optional; if omit-
ted, six months of Must be no more than six months before
BeginDate orders are returned EndDate. Permitted format is 10
Beginning date of MM/DD/YYYY
orders to return.

Optional; if omit-
Must be no more than six months after
ted, EndDate is
EndDate BeginDate. Permitted format is 10
today End date of
orders to return.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
OrderID Order identification number, in nine-digit format.

OrderDate Date on which the order was placed. Time stamp indicates the

- 587 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
time at which our database received the order.

Overall status of the order. Options are: 0 New 1 Authorization

StatusDesc Succeeded 2 Authorization Failed 3 Processing 5 Ready for
billing 6 Order complete 7 Order canceled

OrderProcessFlag True/False -- True indicates the order has been processed.

Yes/No -- Yes gives user access to previous and next trans-


Yes/No -- Yes displays a link that calls the previous block of


First transaction to include in the response, counting back from

PreviousStartPosition the most recent, if user clicks a Previous link on your Web

First transaction to include in the response, counting back from

the most recent.

Last transaction to include in the response, counting back from

the most recent.

Yes/No -- Yes displays a link that calls the next block of trans-

RecordCount Total number of orders stored for this account.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 588 -
API Command Categories

The following query requests a list of orders successfully submitted through account
resellid. The optional Start=26 parameter specifies that the list should start with the 26th
most recent order. The query requests the response in XML format:


The response gives an overview of orders starting with the 26th most recent. Normally,
the response would include the 26th through 50th most recent orders; this response
ends with the 37th because only 37 orders have been placed in the lifetime of the

<BeginDate>6/8/2011 5:11:16 AM</BeginDate>
<EndDate>12/8/2011 5:11:16 AM</EndDate>
<OrderDate>11/10/2011 5:09:09 AM</OrderDate>
<StatusDesc>Order complete</StatusDesc>
<OrderDate>11/10/2011 5:09:09 AM</OrderDate>
<StatusDesc>Order complete</StatusDesc>

- 589 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 5:11:18 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CheckLogin
l CreateAccount
l CreateSubAccount
l GetAccountInfo
l GetAccountPassword
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetOrderDetail
l GetReport
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts
l GetTransHistory
l RPT_GetReport
l UpdateAccountInfo
l UpdateCusPreferences

- 590 -
API Command Categories

Check to see if a password is set for a domain name.
Use this command to determine whether a password is set for a domain name, and what
the password is.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the domain control panel, in the utilities box, the Domain Access Password link calls
the GetPasswordBit command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 591 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
PasswordSet Returns 1 if a password is set, 0 otherwise.

If PasswordSet=1, then a password is returned in this para-


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the domain name password for resellerdocs.com, and
requests the response in XML format:

- 592 -
API Command Categories


In the response, the password-set value of 1 indicates that a password is set. The
DomainPassword value indicates that the domain password is userpw.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomains
l GetExtendInfo
l GetRegistrationStatus
l GetRegLock
l GetRenew
l GetSubAccountPassword
l SetPassword
l SetRegLock
l SetRenew
l StatusDomain
l ValidatePassword

- 593 -
API Command Categories

Gets all POP3 accounts for a domain name.
Use this command to generate a list of the POP mail accounts belonging to a domain
name. Return information includes mailbox names and BundleID numbers for the
domains POP paks.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the domain control panel, email settings box, if the current service is POP mail, click-
ing the configure button calls the GetPOP3 command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The domain must use eNoms domain name servers.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 594 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

If this is set to 1, extra blank input

records are returned for user input on the
GetDefaultOnly Optional 1
POP3 form. Primarily used in XML out-

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
EmailCount Number of email accounts on the domain name.

POP user name for this email account (this mailbox). Indexed
X = 1 to

EmailCount if ResponseType=text or HTML.

POP password name for the email account. Indexed X = 1 to

EmailCount if ResponseType=text or HTML.

Maximum storage capacity for each mailbox, in megabytes.

Indexed X = 1 to EmailCount if ResponseType=text or HTML.

Expiration date of the POP3 account. Indexed X = 1 to

EmailCount if ResponseType=text or HTML.

ID number of this POP pak. Indexed X = 1 to EmailCount if

ResponseType=text or HTML.

Auto-renewal setting for this POP3 account and its POP pak. 1
AutoRenewX signifies that auto-renew is on, 0 off. Indexed X = 1 to
EmailCount if ResponseType=text or HTML.

Number of MB of storage space currently in use for this

QuotaUsedX account. Indexed X =1 to EmailCount if ResponseType=text
or HTML.

ID number of this POP pak. Prefixed Pak and indexed X = 1 to

Count if ResponseType=text or HTML.

- 595 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Total number of POP accounts that have been purchased for
[Pak]QtyPurchasedX this domain name. Prefixed xed X = 1 to Count if Respon-
seType=text or HTML.

Total number of POP accounts currently configured for this

[Pak]QtyAvailableX domain name. Prefixed xed Pak and indexed X = 1 to Count if
ResponseType=text or HTML.

Expiration date of this POP pak. Prefixed Pak and indexed X =

1 to Count if ResponseType=text or HTML.

Auto-renewal setting for this POP pak. 1 signifies that auto-

[Pak]AutoRenewX renew is on, 0 off. Prefixed Pak and indexed X = 1 to Count if
ResponseType=text or HTML.

Maximum storage capacity for each mailbox, in megabytes.

[Pak]QuotaX Prefixed Pak and indexed X = 1 to Count if Respon-
seType=text or HTML.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If The number of errors if

ErrCount any occurred. If greater than 0 check the Err(1 to ErrCount) val-

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain textThe default response format is plain text.
To receive the response in HTML or XML format, send ResponseType=HTML or
ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter eater than 0 the transaction failed If greater than 0 the
transaction failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client.
Otherwise process the returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests a list of alThe following query requests a list of all POP
mail accounts in resellerdocs.com, and requests the response in XML format:

- 596 -
API Command Categories


The response lists the eight POP mail accounts that belong to resellerdocs.com. Four
are part of bundle 26770 and one is from bundle 26771:

<expdate>5/3/2010 2:14:59 AM</expdate>
<expdate>5/3/2010 2:14:59 AM</expdate>
<expdate>5/3/2010 2:14:59 AM</expdate>

- 597 -
API Command Categories

<expdate>5/3/2010 2:14:59 AM</expdate>
<expdate>5/3/2010 2:15:51 AM</expdate>
<expdate>5/3/2010 2:15:51 AM</expdate>
<expdate>5/3/2010 2:15:51 AM</expdate>

- 598 -
API Command Categories

<expdate>5/3/2010 2:15:51 AM</expdate>

<ExpDate>5/3/2010 2:14:59 AM</ExpDate>
<ExpDate>5/3/2010 2:15:51 AM</ExpDate>

- 599 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/8/2011 5:14:56 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l DeleteAllPOPPaks
l DeletePOP3
l DeletePOPPak
l Forwarding
l GetCatchAll
l GetForwarding
l GetMailHosts
l GetPOPExpirations
l GetPOPForwarding
l ModifyPOP3
l PurchasePOPBundle
l RenewPOPBundle
l SetPakRenew
l SetPOPForwarding
l SetUpPOP3User

Retrieve a list of POP paks and their expiration dates, and the domains they are asso-
ciated with.
Use this command to retrieve a list of POP paks and their expiration dates, and the
domains they are associated with.

- 600 -
API Command Categories

This command allows you to synchronize your database with ours. In particular, you can
use it to identify POP paks that are about to expire or have recently expired, update the
expiration dates of POP paks that were renewed in a site other than yours, or retrieve the
expiration date of POP paks associated with domains that were transferred or pushed
into your account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the email settings section, the configure button returns expiration dates for POP mail
paksone component of the information retrieved by the GetPOPExpirations command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 601 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Domain name with which this POP pak is associated. The
response is indexed X if ResponseType=text or HTML.

ID number of this POP pak, from our internal records. Use this
ID number to renew the POP pak using the RenewPOPBundle
command. The response is indexed X if ResponseType=text or

Expiration date of this POP pak. The response is indexed X if

ResponseType=text or HTML.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves POP pak expiration dates, and sends the response in XML


- 602 -
API Command Categories

In the response, the list of POP paks and the ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query
was successful:

<expdate>10/25/2012 2:13:57 AM</expdate>
<expdate>10/25/2012 2:12:18 AM</expdate>
<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 2:21:48 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 603 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l Extend
l GetPOP3
l GetRenew
l Purchase
l PurchasePOPBundle
l RenewPOPBundle

Retrieve the email forwarding recordeither POP or our email forwardingfor a spe-
cified mailbox name.
Use this command to retrieve the email forwarding record for a specified mailbox user
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the Email Settings section, the configure button retrieves forwarding records in a man-
ner similar to the GetPOPForwarding command.


The query must meet the following requirements:

l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The user name must be an existing email address for this domain name.

- 604 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Mailbox name (for example, john in

UserName Required 50

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainName Domain SLD and TLD

DomainNameID Numeric domain name ID, from our database

UserName Mailbox name

ForwardTo Email forwarding address

Active Is this forwarding address active. 1 indicates yes.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 605 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the email forwarding record for Jane.Doe@re-
sellerdocs.com and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the presence of the popforwarding node and the absence of an
ErrString parameter confirm that the query was successful:


- 606 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 2:24:10 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l DeletePOP3
l GetCatchAll
l GetPOP3
l PurchasePOPBundle
l SetPOPForwarding
l SetUpPOP3User

Getting product maintenance schedule details at a time.
Use this command to get product maintenance alert messages.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is implemented on enom.com.

- 607 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Product Details of the product

Message Maintenance message for the product

Total Number of subscriptions

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 608 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query is used to get maintenance alert for the products that have been
requested in account resellid and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:



- 609 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>11/14/2012 2:55:24 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetNews

Retrieve a list of sorting or filtering values (such as status values) for a given product.
Use this command to retrieve options for placement in a sorting or filtering selection form
field for a given product.
All resellers have access to this command

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 610 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID. 20

PW Required Account password. 20

Product identification number. Permitted

values are:
ProdType Required 260: SiteLock Basic 3
262: SiteLock Premium
264: SiteLock Enterprise

Product description. Permitted values

ProdDesc Optional SiteLock-Basic 3

Optional; Default is Option values to be returned. Permitted

Action 8
status value is: Status

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount)

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter rameter ErrCount If greater than 0 the transaction
failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise pro-
cess the returned parameters as defined above.

- 611 -
API Command Categories

The following query retrieves a list of SiteLock account for this login ID, and requests the
response in XML format:



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ProdDesc />
<Desc>Awaiting Configuration</Desc>
<Desc>Service Active</Desc>
<Desc>Pending Expiration</Desc>
<Desc>Service Expired</Desc>

- 612 -
API Command Categories

<Desc>Auto Renew Off</Desc>
<Desc>Billing Failed CC</Desc>
<Desc>Billing Failed Balance</Desc>
<RequestDateTime>4/11/2012 11:11:00 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l SL_GetAccountDetail
l SL_GetAccounts

- 613 -
API Command Categories

Get host records for a domain without mail host records.
Use this command to display host record information for a domain. The response does
not include mail host entries. GetHosts, a similar command, returns all host records
including mail host records.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the domain control panel, DNS settings box, the configure button calls the
GetRegHosts command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The domain must use eNoms domain name servers.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 614 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

ExtFormat=1 encloses the repeating

ExtFormat Optional host information in a separate tag so it is 1
easier to parse.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
HostIDX Identification number of this individual host record

HostNameX Name of this individual host record

AddressX Address of this individual host record

RecordTypeX Record type of this individual host record

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 615 -
API Command Categories

The following query requests the DNS host records for a domain name, specifies
ExtFormat=1 to enclose the host records in a separate tag, and requests the response in
XML format:


The response is as follows:


<HostName>@ (none)</HostName>

- 616 -
API Command Categories

<HostName>* (other)</HostName>

- 617 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 2:26:00 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetHosts
l GetMetaTag
l SetDNSHost
l SetHosts
l UpdateMetaTag

Get the registration and paid status of a domain name.
Use this command to get the registration status and paid status of domains in your
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 618 -
API Command Categories

This command is not implemented on enom.com; however, the registered tab of the my
domains page returns similar information.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Registration Status of the Domain name. Options are Pro-
cessing, Registered, Hosted, Null.

Purchase status of the Domain name. Options are Processing,

Paid, Null.

- 619 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves information on whether the domain name resellerdocs.com
is registered and paid for, and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 620 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomains
l GetExtendInfo
l GetPasswordBit
l GetRegLock
l GetRenew
l GetSubAccountPassword
l SetPassword
l SetRegLock
l SetRenew
l StatusDomain
l ValidatePassword

Get the registrar lock setting for a domain name.
Use this command to determine whether one of your domain names is locked, that is,
whether it is protected from being transferred to another registrar.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

- 621 -
API Command Categories

Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

In the domain control panel, utilities box, clicking the Set reg-lock/auto-renew options
link calls the GetRegLock command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Reg-Lock Returns 1 if locked, 0 otherwise if the responsetype is Text.

RRPCode Response code from Registry.

- 622 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
RRPText Response text from Registry.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the lock status of a domain name, and sends the response
in XML format:


In the response, the reg-lock value of 1 indicates that the domain name is locked:


- 623 -
API Command Categories

<RRPText>Command completed successfully</RRPText>

<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 2:28:08 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomains
l GetExtendInfo
l GetPasswordBit
l GetRegistrationStatus
l GetRenew
l GetSubAccountPassword
l SetPassword
l SetRegLock
l SetRenew
l StatusDomain
l ValidatePassword

- 624 -
API Command Categories

Get the auto-renew setting for a domain name.
Use this command to determine whether a domain in your account is set to renew auto-
matically. If so, the renewal is charged to your account a month before the expiration
date for the domain name. Fifteen days before that, you receive an email notifying you of
the auto-renew charges.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the domain control panel, utilities box, the Set reg-lock/auto-renew options link calls
the GetRenew command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 625 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
RenewName Returns 1 if this domain is set to auto-renew, 0 otherwise.

1 if there are POP paks associated with this domain, 0 oth-

PakExist Returns

Returns 1 if the POP paks for this domain are set to auto-
renew, 0 otherwise.

Returns 1 if this domain subscribes to email forwarding, 0 oth-


Returns 1 if the email forwarding for this domain is set to auto-

renew, 0 otherwise.

Returns 1 if this domain subscribes to URL forwarding, 0 oth-


Returns 1 if the URL forwarding for this domain is set to auto-

renew, 0 otherwise.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 626 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the auto-renew status of resellerdocs.com and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, the auto-renew value of 1 indicates that the domain is set to auto-
matically renew:


- 627 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 2:29:36 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l Extend
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomains
l GetExtendInfo
l GetPasswordBit
l GetPasswordBit
l GetPOPExpirations
l GetRegLock
l GetSubAccountPassword
l InsertNewOrder
l RenewPOPBundle
l SetPakRenew
l SetPassword
l SetRegLock
l SetRenew
l StatusDomain
l UpdateExpiredDomains
l ValidatePassword


- 628 -
API Command Categories

Get a report on a users account.

Use this command to retrieve an overview of the domains in an account: domain names,
name server status, registration status, and expiration date.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The GetReport command works in the background of the my domains page. Each of the
four tabs on the page displays one category of domain names returned by the GetReport

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 629 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
FName First (use) name of the account registrant.

LName Last (family) name of the account registrant.

Party identification number. Format is 32 hexadecimal digits,


DN Domain name parameter.

DomName Domain name attribute.

Name server status. Value yes indicates our name servers.

Value no indicates not our name servers.

Registration status in this account. Return values are:

Deleted Domain has been deleted from registrars database.
Expired Domain registration has expired but has not been
deleted from registrars database (domain is within grace
period for reactivaton).
Expired Transfers Domain that is being transferred to another
registrar in expired state.
Hosted Domain that is hosted by us but registered with another
Hosted Deleted Domain that was hosted by us but registered
elsewhere, its registration has expired, and it has been deleted
RegistrationStatus from our database.
Hosted Expired Domain that is hosted by us but registered else-
where, its registration has expired, but it is still present in our
Hosted Transfers Domain that is hosted by us but registered
elsewhere, and the registration is transferring to another regis-
Keyword Keyword, an obsolete feature.
Registered Domain that is registered by us.
Transferred away Hosted and Registered Domain that was
registered and hosted by us, and both the registration and host-
ing services are transferring away from us.

ExpirationDate Date on which this domain registration expires.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

- 630 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests a report on account resellid, and requests the response in
XML format:


In the response, the ReportDetail section lists the domains in account resellid:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<dn DomName="resellerdocs.com" nsstatus="No" regis-
ExpirationDate="07/15/03" />
<dn DomName="resellerdocs2.net" nsstatus="Yes" regis-
ExpirationDate="06/25/04" />

- 631 -
API Command Categories

<dn DomName="resellerdocs3.info" nsstatus="Yes" regis-

ExpirationDate="06/25/04" />
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l CheckLogin
l CreateAccount
l CreateSubAccount
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetAccountPassword
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetHomeDomainList
l GetOrderDetail
l GetOrderList
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts
l GetTransHistory
l RPT_GetReport
l UpdateAccountInfo
l UpdateCusPreferences


- 632 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve pricing for the components of Web hosting packages, including price breaks for
larger packages.
Use this command to retrieve pricing for components of Web hosting packages.
To retrieve the prices you currently pay, use parameter AccountType=reseller.
To retrieve the prices you currently charge, use parameter AccountType=retail.
To retrieve the prices you currently charge a specific subaccount, use parameter SubID-
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Set Component Unit Pricing table displays both the AccountType=reseller and
AccountType=retail return values.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

- 633 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Either Accoun- Use AccountType=reseller to retrieve
tType or SubID is the prices this account pays. Use
AccountType 8
Required; default AccountType=retail to retrieve the prices
value is reseller this account charges.

Either Accoun-
tType or SubID is
Name of the subaccount to retrieve the
Required. If you
prices for. Return values are the prices
SubID use the SubID para- 20
the subaccount pays (wholesale prices)
meter, do not use
for components.
the AccountType

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Number of units of each component. This number represents
the lowest value in the range. For example, if a query returns a
node with Qty=1 and another with Qty=5, the node with Qty=1
gives prices for 1 to 4 units of each component.

BandwidthPrice Price for each bandwidth unit (each unit contains 20GB)

WebStoragePrice Price for each Web storage unit (each unit contains 1GB)

Price for each database storage unit (each unit contains


Price for each POP mail unit (each unit contains 10 email
boxes, with 100MB storage per mailbox)

PackageCount Number of pricing levels present in this account.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 634 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieThe following query retrieves the prices that account resellid
pays for Web hosting components, and sends the response in XML format:

command=GETRESELLERHOSTPRICING& uid=resellid&pw=resellpw

In the response, a list of component prices and the ErrCount value 0 indicate that the
query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>t;


- 635 -
API Command Categories

<DBStoragePrice />
<WebStoragePrice />
<DBStoragePrice />
<POPMailPrice />
<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CalculateAllHostPackagePricing
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetHostAccount
l GetStorageUsage
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageDelete
l HostPackageModify
l HostPackageView

- 636 -
API Command Categories

l HostParkingPage
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetOverageOptions
l WebHostGetOverages
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums
l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetResellerPackages
l WebHostSetCustomPackage
l WebHostSetOverageOptions

Retrieve the contact information for the account holder.
Use this command to retrieve contact information for a reseller account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the my info page, the Organization (or Individual) Information box displays the results
of the GetResellerInfo command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

- 637 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
OrganizationName Reseller organization name

FName Reseller first name

LName Reseller last name

Address1 Address first line

Address2 Address second line

City City

StateProvince Name of state or province

StateProvinceChoice S indicates StateProvince is a state; P, a province

PostalCode Postal code

Country Two-letter country code

Phone Phone number

Fax Fax number

- 638 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
EMailAddress Email address

PhoneExt Phone extension

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves reseller contact information for the specified account and
domain, and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<OrganizationName>Extraordinary Sales</OrganizationName>

- 639 -
API Command Categories

<Address1>15801 NE 24th Street</Address1>
<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 2:55:03 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddContact
l GetAccountInfo
l GetAddressBook
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetContacts
l GetWhoisContact

- 640 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve the customer service contact information for a domain name account.
Use this command to retrieve customer service contact information for an account. If
there is a PDQ subscription associated with this account, this command can return the
PDQ contact information. Otherwise, this command returns the Billing contact inform-
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Clicking the my site tab calls the GetServiceContact command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 641 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Use Service=PDQ to return the contact

information for this accounts PDQ sub-
Service Optional scription. If the Service parameter is omit- 20
ted, the Billing contact information is

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Organization Name of contacts organization

Address1 Contact address, line 1

Address2 Contact address, line 2

City Contacts city

StateProvince Contacts state or province

PostalCode Contacts postal code

Country Contacts country

Phone Contacts phone number

Fax Contacts fax number

EmailAddress Contacts email address

URL URL of PDQ site, if any

ResellerKey Reseller key of PDQ site, if any

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

Done True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-

- 642 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the customer service contact information for resellid and
sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the presence of contact information, and the ErrCount value 0, indicate
that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Organization>Reseller Documents Inc.</Organization>
<Address1>111 Main St.</Address1>
<Address2 />

- 643 -
API Command Categories

<URL />
<ResellerKey />
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l AddContact
l Contacts
l GetAddressBook
l GetContacts
l GetWhoisContact

Retrieve Sender Policy Framework (SPF) host records for a domain.
Use this command to retrieve SPF host records for a domain.

- 644 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the DNS settings (zone file) section, the test record shows the SPF host record.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Name Name of this SPF record

- 645 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Type Type of this SPF record

A-Radio Setting for A-radio

MX-Radio Setting for MX-radio

PTR-Radio Setting for PTR-radio

ALL-Radio Setting for ALL-radio

A-Records Value for A records

MX-Records Value for MX records

IP-Records Value for IP records

INC-Records Value for INC record

HostID Host ID number

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the SPF hosts for a domain and sends the response in
XML format:

- 646 -
API Command Categories


In the response, host values confirm that the query was successful and that SPF records
have been configured for this domain:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>>

<a-records>regular hostnames po</a-records>
<mx-records>mx servers to</mx-records>
<inc-records>myisp.net mydomain.com</inc-records>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

- 647 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l GetHosts
l SetHosts
l SetSPFHosts

Retrieve the current usage of Web storage resources for this Web hosting account.
Use this command to retrieve the current Web storage usage for a Web hosting account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resellwebid, password resell-
In the Web Sites section, the Storage Usage line displays the results of the GetSt-
orageUsage command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 648 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostName Required Web hosting account name 14

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Usage Web storage usage by this account, in MB

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 649 -
API Command Categories

The following query retrieThe following query retrieves the amount of Web storage
space currently being used by Web hosting account resellwebid and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, a return value for Usage indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l GetAllHostAccounts
l WebHostGetOverages
l WebHostSetOverageOptions

- 650 -
API Command Categories

For one subaccount, get the wholesale prices you charge this subaccount for products
and services, and whether enabled settings for one subaccount.
Use this command to list prices for one subaccount.
To set TLD prices for one subaccount, use the SetResellerTLDPricing or UpdateAc-
To set prices for services for one subaccount, use the UpdateAccountPricing command.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the sub-account page, clicking a link in the LoginID column calls the GetSubAc-
countDetails command without the Action=Manage parameter.
On the Sub-account configuration page, clicking the save changes button calls the
GetSubAccountDetails command with the Action=Manage parameter.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The account must be a reseller account.
l The subaccount must belong to this account.

- 651 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Subaccount ID number, in NNN-aa-

NNNN format. You can retrieve this num-
Account Required 20
ber using the GetSubAccounts command

Action to take. Permitted values are List

and Info. Action=List returns a long list of
Optional; default
Action current price settings. Action=Info 20
value is List
returns a short list of information about
the subaccount and parent account

Year bracket to retrieve prices for. For

example, UseQtyEngine=2 retrieves the
annual price for domain name regis-
trations of 2 to 4 years; UseQtyEngine=5
UseQtyEngine Optional retrieves the annual price for 5 to 9 years. ?
Permitted values are 1, 2, 5, and 10. You
may use only one UseQtyEngine para-
meter per query. Use this parameter with

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Action Type of action you specified in the query string

Display Which content to display here

Party identification number expressed as 32 hexadecimal char-

acters, hyphenated

- 652 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
LoginID Account login ID of the subaccount

DomainCount Number of domains in this subaccount

Account Subaccount ID number, in NNN-aa-NNNN format

TLD Top-level domain; for example, com for .com domains

RegisterPrice Price for registering a domain of this type for one year

True/FalseTrue indicates that this subaccount allows cus-

tomers to register domain names

RenewPrice Price for renewing a domain of this type for one year

True/False True indicates that this subaccount allows cus-

tomers to renew domain names

TransferPrice paying for one year of registration

True/False True indicates that this subaccount allows cus-

tomers to transfer domain names

POP3 Price for one 10-mailbox POP pak, per year, in $US

Price for a one-year registration of a .name domain, with the

.name Registrys email forwarding

DNSHosting Price for one year of DNS hosting

Price for one year of ID Protect Certificate-GeoTrust-Quick-

WPPS SSL-Premium Price for one year registration of a GeoTrust
QuickSSL Premium SSL certificate

Price for one year registration of a GeoTrust True BusinessID

SSL certificate

Certificate-RapidSSL-RapidSSL Price for one year registration of a RapidSSL certificate

Price for one year registration of a GeoTrust True BusinessID

EV certificate

Price for one year registration of a GeoTrust QuickSSL cer-


Certificate-GeoTrust-TrueBizID-Wild- Price for one year registration of a GeoTrust True BusinessID

card Wildcard SSL certificate

Price for one year registration of a VeriSign Secure Site SSL


Price for one year registration of a VeriSign Secure Site PRO

SSL certificate

- 653 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Price for one year registration of a VeriSign Secure Site Exten-
ded Validation SSL certificate

Price for one year registration of a VeriSign Secure Site Pro

with Extended Validation SSL certificate

Price for one year registration of a Comodo Essential SSL cer-


Price for one year registration of a Comodo Instant SSL cer-


Price for one year registration of a Comodo PremiumWildcard

SSL certificate

Price for one year registration of a Comodo Essential Wildcard

SSL certificate

Certificate-Comodo-EV Price for one year registration of a Comodo EV SSL certificate

Price for one year registration of a Comodo EV SGC SSL cer-


Seal-VeriSign-Trust-Seal Price for one year subscription to VeriSign Trust Seal

LWSC-Basic Price for one month of Web Site Creator Basic

LWSC-Full Price for one month of Web Site Creator Full

LWSC-Ecommerce Price for one month of Web Site Creator eCommerce

RichContentFreeTrial Price for RichContent free trial, per month

Price for RichContent, per month. Additional prices for further

RichContent down in the response, in the ValueAdd nodes and ProductType
and following return parameters

DNSHostingRenew Price to renew one year of DNS hosting

POPStorage Price for one unit of extra POP storage, for one year

POPStorageRenew Price to renew one year of extra POP storage, for one year

Price to renew POP service for one year, for one 10-mailbox
POP pak

Price for one year of email forwarding by the .name Registry,

for one domain name

Price to renew one year of registration and email forwarding by

the .name Registry

EmailForwardingRenew Price to renew our email forwarding service, for one year and

- 654 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
one domain name

Price to renew our URL forwarding service, for one year and
one domain name

WPPSRenew Price to renew ID Protect for one year, for one domain

WBL Price for Business Listing for one year, for one domain

WBLRenew Price for a one-year renewal of Business Listing

ProductType Product ID number

Product Product name

ProductEnabled Enabled status of this product

Price of this product. Both Email Forwarding and URL For-

warding are yearly subscriptions.

TimeBracket Billing period for this product-billing cycle-price set

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

Done successfully.

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests for a subaccount of resellid, subaccount 659-fs-2869. The
query retrieves the prices for all products and requests the response in XML format:

- 655 -
API Command Categories


The response lists the prices given in the query for each of the domain name products,
and then lists identification information and the updated prices for subaccount 154-dz-

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<YearBracket />
<Action />

- 656 -
API Command Categories


- 657 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CheckLogin
l CreateAccount
l CreateSubAccount
l DeleteSubaccount
l GetAccountInfo
l GetAccountPassword
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetConfirmationSettings
l GetCustomerPaymentInfo
l GetOrderDetail
l GetOrderList
l GetReport
l GetSubAccounts
l GetSubaccountsDetailList
l GetTransHistory
l GetWebHostingAll
l SetResellerServicesPricing
l SetResellerTLDPricing
l SubAccountDomains
l UpdateAccountInfo
l UpdateCusPreferences

- 658 -
API Command Categories

Get the password for a domain name.
Use this command to retrieve the password for a domain name that belongs to your
account. The password is emailed to the Registrant contact address.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the help page, the Password recovery link calls the GetSubAccountPassword com-

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 659 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the password for domain resellerdocs.com, and requests
the response in XML format:


- 660 -
API Command Categories


The 0 value for ErrCount indicates that the request has been processed successfully.
The password is e-mailed to the registrant almost instantly.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Server>Dev Workstation</Server>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomains
l GetExtendInfo
l GetPasswordBit
l GetRegistrationStatus
l GetRegLock
l GetRenew
l SetPassword
l SetRegLock
l SetRenew
l StatusDomain
l ValidatePassword

- 661 -
API Command Categories

List subaccounts.
Use this command to list subaccounts for an account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the subaccount page,clicking the List/Manage link calls the GetSubAccounts com-

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

- 662 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Sorting parameter. Options are LName,
ListBy Optional 12
EMailAddress, LoginID.

StartLetter Optional First letter of the ListBy value 1

First return value in the list generated

with the ListBy and StartLetter para-
StartPosition Optional 7
meters. Maximum number of sub-
accounts returned per query is 25.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Party identification number expressed as 32 hexadecimal char-
acters, hyphenated

LoginID Login ID of the subaccount

DomainCount Number of domains in this subaccount

Account Subaccount ID number in NNN-aa-NNNN format.

Reseller=0 indicates that this subaccount is a retail account;

Reseller=1 indicates this subaccount is a reseller account

Number of subaccounts in this account that fit the ListBy and

StartLetter criteria

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 663 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests a list of subaccounts for account resellid. It specifies that
the return values should be listed by last name, starting with the letter D, and starting
with the seventh subaccount in that list. Finally, the string requests the response in XML


The response indicates that account resellid has 12 subaccounts that fit the parameters,
and returns the seventh through twelfth subaccounts in that list:


- 664 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 5:42:54 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CheckLogin
l CreateAccount
l CreateSubAccount
l DeleteContact
l DeleteSubaccount
l GetAccountInfo

- 665 -
API Command Categories

l GetAccountPassword
l GetAccountValidation
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetCustomerPaymentInfo
l GetOrderDetail
l GetOrderList
l GetReport
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubaccountsDetailList
l GetTransHistory
l GetWebHostingAll
l SendAccountEmail
l SetResellerServicesPricing
l SetResellerTLDPricing
l SubAccountDomains
l UpdateAccountInfo
l UpdateCusPreferences

Retrieve a list of subaccounts, and contact information for their owners.
Use this command to retrieve contact information for your subaccounts.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

- 666 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
LoginID Subaccount ID

FName First name of the subaccount owner

LName Last name of the subaccount owner

EMailAddress Email address of the subaccount owner

OrganizationName Organization of the subaccount owner

URL URL of the subaccount owners business

JobTitle Job title of the subaccount owner

Address1 Street address of the subaccount owners address, first line

Address2 Street address of the subaccount owners address, second line

City Subaccount owners city

StateProvince Subaccount owners state or province

PostalCode Subaccount owners postal code

Country Subaccount owners country

Phone Subaccount owners phone number

- 667 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Fax Subaccount owners fax number

PhoneExt Extension of subaccount owners phone number

Reseller status. 1 indicates this is a reseller subaccount; 0

indicates retail.

Password If this is a retail account, the account password

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests a list of the subaccounts of account resellid, with owners
contact information, and requests the response in XML format:


The response is a list of subaccounts with the owner information:


- 668 -
API Command Categories

<Address1>111 Main St.</Address1>
<Address1>111 Main St.</Address1>

- 669 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 5:45:11 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts
l GetAccountValidation
l GetWebHostingAll
l SubAccountDomains

Retrieve TLD characteristics in detail for a specified TLD.
Use this command to retrieve TLD characteristics in detail for a specified TLD.

- 670 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Multiple pages to drive specific characteristic based on TLD.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Top Level Domain. If not declared, this

command returns sumarized chara-
TLD Optional 16
teristics for all authorized TLD for this

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TLDID Top Level Domain identification number

TLD Top Level Domain name

AbleToLock Support domain lock to prevent transfer?

- 671 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Allow domain's contacts to use WHOIS Privacy Protection
Service (WPPS)?

AutoRenewOnly Allow user to renew domain manually at any time?

Require user to add extended attributes on domain regis-


AllowWBL Allow domain to use WHOIS Business Listing (WBL)?

TransRequiresNewContact Require a new registrant contact for transfer

Support Internationalized Domain Name (IDN)? If not empty,

the TLD supports IDN

LangCode IDN natural character encoding type

NativeDisplay Native characters for the IDN TLD

ClearPhoneNumber Clear phone number as part of contact creation

ClearFax Clear fax number as part of contact creation

ValidateDNSHosting Perform check to the Registry if this TLD can be hosted

HasPremiumNames Support premium domain name category?

Registration - Realtime Support realtime registration?

Registration - Unit Registration quantity unit

Registration - Minimum Registration minimum unit

Registration - Maximum Registration maximum unit

Registration - HasPremiumNames Support premium domain name registration?

Registration - ExtAttributes Require extended attributes for registration?

Registration - DomainLevel Support domain level extended attributes?

Registration - DNSRequired Require DNS for registration?

Registration - DNSMinimum Minimum number of DNS

Registration - DNSMaximum Maximum number of DNS

Registration - Gen-
Date and time the TLD enters General Availability

Renewal - AutoRenewOnly Allow user to renew domain manually at any time?

Does Registry renew the domain automatically on day of expir-

Renewal - AutoRenewed

- 672 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
How many months does the registry allow user to renew the
Renewal - RenewBeforeExpMonths
domain prior to the expiration date?

Renewal - DeleteType Deletion type. Legacy parameter

Number of days from the expiration date, that we delete a

Renewal - DeleteDay domain name. If negative, we delete the domain name prior to
the expiration date

How many days after registration/renewal can the domain be

Renewal - GracePeriod
deleted and a full refund issued?

Can the domain be renewed after the expiration date? Flag

Renewal - Reactivate
used by order processing

Can the domain be renewed after the expiration date? Flag

Renewal - Restorable
used by user interface

Can domain be restored after deletion. Flag used by auto

Renewal - RGP

After domain is deleted, how long does the Registry allow for
Renewal - RGPDays
redemption period

Renewal - ExtendedRGP Support Extended RGP?

The number of years the expiration date will be extended when

Renewal - TransferPeriod
a domain transfers.

Transfer - Transferable Support transfer?

Support Authorization Info or Extensible Provisioning Protocol

Transfer - AuthInfo
(EPP) Key

Transfer - Realtime Support realtime transfer request?

Transfer - AutoVerification Support auto verification transfer?

Transfer - AutoFax Support auto fax transfer?

Support transfer approval using an FOA email to the losing

Transfer - TransferByFOA

Transfer - RequiresNewContact Require a new registrant contact for transfer

PremiumNames - HasPremiumNames Support premium domain name registration?

PremiumNames - MaxPremi- Maximum number of years a premium domain can be

umRegYears registered

The date when the registry will support TM claims check. If

PremiumNames - TrademarkStartDate
null, the Registry does not support TM claims check

- 673 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
NameServers - RequiresDNS Require DNS for registration?

NameServers - MinNameServers Minimum number of DNS

NameServers - MaxNameServers Maximum number of DNS

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves TLD characteristics in detail for a specified TLD, and
sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

- 674 -
API Command Categories


- 675 -
API Command Categories


- 676 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>1/1/2014 2:42:35 PM</RequestDateTime>


Retrieve a list of the TLDs that you offer.
Use this command to retrieve a list of the TLDs that you offer. If you have not specifically
authorized TLDs then this command returns all TLDs offered by us.
Use the AuthorizeTLD command to authorize TLDs and the RemoveTLD command to
remove TLDs from authorized status for your account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Clicking the TLD pricing tab shows a table that includes all TLDs offered by this account
(although the contents of this particular table are retrieved by a different command than

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 677 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Top-level domain name (extension). If ResponseType=text or
html, each entry is indexed X.

Number of TLDs listed in this response (that is, the number of

TLDs authorized by this account)

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 678 -
API Command Categories

The following query retrieves a list of TLDs authorized for this account, and sends the
response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 679 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<Site />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l AuthorizeTLD
l PE_SetPricing
l RemoveTLD
l SetResellerTLDPricing

Return a list of up to 25 transactions in an account.
Use this command to retrieve an overview of transactions.
All resellers have access to this command.

- 680 -
API Command Categories

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
When the my enom submenu is open on the left side of the Web page, clicking the trans-
actions link calls the GetTransHistory command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Return sets of 25 records in reverse chro-

Optional; default is nological order. For example, StartPos-
StartPosition 4
1 ition=26 returns the 26th through 50th
most recent transactions. Defaults to 1.

Beginning date of transactions to return.

Optional; if omit-
Must be no more than six months before
StartDate ted, six months of 10
EndDate. Permitted format is
orders are returned

End date of transactions to return. Must

Optional; default is be no more than six months after
EndDate 10
todays date StartDate. Permitted format is

ResponseType Optional Format of response. Permitted values 4

- 681 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
AdjustedBeginDate Start date for this response

AdjustedEndDate End date for this response

FName First (given) name

LName Last (family) name

Party identification number. Format is 32 hexadecimal char-

acters, hyphenated, in curly braces

Start position of this response, in the reverse chronological list

of transactions

RecordCount Number of transactions in the transaction history

Start position of the next response, in the reverse chronological

list of transactions

Start position of the previous response, in the reverse chro-

nological list of transactions

Time stamp indicates when the transaction was submitted to

our accounting system

Amount Amount of the transaction, $US

TransDescription Word description of this transaction

Identification number of this transaction type. Values are:

1 Order
2 Debit Credit Card
3 Credit Credit Card
4 Refill Reseller Account
5 Check Refill
TransType 7 Credit Reseller Balance
6 Debit Reseller Balance
8 Transfer Order
9 Reverse Refi ll
10 Refund and Reverse Commissions
11 Transfer from commission account
12 Commission account cashout

- 682 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
16 Sales Commission
17 CCTransaction Fee
20 Refund and Reverse Commissions with Charge Back
21 Charge Back
22 Reverse Commission
23 Reverse Commission with Charge Back
25 Preregistration Fee
26 Activation Fee
28 Refill Service Convenience Charge
30 PDQ Annual Fee
32 Refill Reseller Account (No Service Charge)

LinkValue Used in XML to build links to individual orders.

OrderID Order identification number, a nine-digit number

OrderProcessFlag True indicates the order has been successfully processed.

Balance Balance in the account following this transaction.

ComBalance Commission balance following this transaction.

Status of the transaction. Options are:

1 Ready for billing (Processing in UI)
TransStatus 2 Transaction failed (Failed in UI)
3 Transaction successful (Successful in UI)
6 Void (Voided in UI)

Command Name of command executed

Language Language

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

ResponseCount Response count

MinPeriod Minimum registration period, for domain name purchases

MaxPeriod Maximum registration period, for domain name purchases

Server Name of server

Site Name of site

IsLockable Is this a lockable domain name.

IsRealTimeTLD Is this a TLD that supports real-time purchase.

- 683 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
TimeDifference Time difference between end user and our server

ExecTime Time to execute this API query

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the transaction history for account resellid, and requests
the response in XML format:


By default, the response gives a summary of the 25 most recent transactions:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<AdjustedBeginDate />
<AdjustedEndDate />

- 684 -
API Command Categories

<Trans-Date>7/18/2007 1:25:11 PM</Trans-Date>
<ComBalance />
<Trans-Date>7/16/2007 2:05:01 AM</Trans-Date>
<ComBalance />
<MinPeriod />

- 685 -
API Command Categories

<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CheckLogin
l CreateAccount
l CreateSubAccount
l GetAccountInfo
l GetAccountPassword
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetOrderDetail
l GetOrderList
l GetReport
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts
l RefillAccount
l RPT_GetReport
l UpdateAccountInfo
l UpdateCusPreferences

Retrieve reseller keys for Registry Rocket accounts.
Use this command to retrieve reseller keys for Registry Rocket accounts.

- 686 -
API Command Categories

Do not use this command to retrieve prices, because the prices returned here may be
obsolete. Instead, use one of the PE_Get* pricing commands.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the Registry Rocket Settings box at the bottom of the page, the ResellerKey line posts
the return value from the GetWebHostingAll command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 687 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ResellerKey Registry Rocket reseller key

Price when this Registry Rocket account was created; likely to

be obsolete. For current pricing, use the PE_Get*commands.

Price when this Registry Rocket account was created; likely to

be obsolete. For current pricing, use the PE_Get*commands.

Price when this Registry Rocket account was created; likely to

be obsolete. For current pricing, use the PE_Get*commands.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of the reseller keys for account resellid, and sends
the response in XML format:


- 688 -
API Command Categories

In the response, the results for ResellerKey and the ErrCount of 0 confirm that the query
was successful:


- 689 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 3:08:37 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts
l GetSubaccountsDetailList
l PE_GetCustomerPricing
l PE_GetDomainPricing
l PE_GetResellerPrice
l PE_GetRetailPrice
l PE_GetRetailPricing
l PE_GetRocketPrice
l PE_SetPricing
l Purchase

Get Whois contact information for a domain name.
Use this command to get contact information for any domain name registered through
eNom or its resellers.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
On the enom.com home page, the Whois link at the top of the page calls the
GetWhoisContact command.

- 690 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ContactType Type of contact data being returned

RegistrantOrganization Organization information

RegistrantFName First name

RegistrantLName Last name

RegistrantAddress1 Address line 1

RegistrantAddress2 Address line 2

RegistrantCity City

- 691 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
RegistrantStateProvince State or province

RegistrantPostalCode Postal Code

RegistrantCountry Country

RegistrantPhone Phone number

RegistrantFax Fax number

RegistrantEmailAddress Email address

Whoisregistrar Registrar for the name

Whoisupdated-by Registrar that last updated the Whois info

Whoisstatus Status of the name

Whoisupdated-date Date of last update

Whoiscreated-date Creation date for the name

Whoisregistration-expiration-date Current expiration date

Whoiscreated-by Registrar that created the information for the name

WhoisnameserverCount Number of name servers associated with this name

Name servers. Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presen-

tedas is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 692 -
API Command Categories

l If additional contact types are returned other than Registrant they will be
"ContactType" Technical,Administrative or Billing.

The following query requests the whois contact information for resellerdocs.com, and
requests the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<domainname sld="resellerdocs" tld-

<contact ContactType="Registrant">
<Organization>Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.</Or-
<Address1>PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St - F1</Address1>
<Address2>C/O resellerdocs.com</Address2>

- 693 -
API Command Categories

<companyname>My Super Company</companyname>
<companydescription>We make super cool stuff</-
<street>123 Anywhere Street</street>
<street2>Suite 100</street2>
<field fieldname="Associations">
<value>My associations</value>
<field fieldname="Tags">
<value>My tags</value>
<field fieldname="Promotions">
<value>My Promotions</value>

- 694 -
API Command Categories

<updated-date>2011-09-28 20:17:36.000</updated-date>
<created-date>2002-06-25 20:24:35.000</created-date>
<registration-expiration-date>2015-08-21 17:45:35.000</re-
<RRPText>Command completed successfully</RRPText>
<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 3:10:26 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddContact
l Contacts
l GetAddressBook
l GetContacts

- 695 -
API Command Categories

l GetExtAttributes
l GetResellerInfo
l GetServiceContact
l Preconfigure

Retrieve the ID Protect (Whois privacy protection) status and contact information for a
domain name.
Use this command to retrieve ID Protect status for a domain name.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the id protect section, the configure button calls the GetWPPSInfo command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 696 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainName Domain name

SLD Second-level domain name (for example, enom in enom.com)

TLD Top-level domain name (extension)

DomainNameID Domain name ID number, from our database

WPPSAllowed Whether ID Protect is available for this TLD

WPPSExists Whether this domain has an ID Protect subscription

WPPSEnabled Whether ID Protect is enabled for this domain

WPPSExpDate Expiration date for this domains ID Protect subscription

Whether auto-renew is enabled for this domains ID Protect


WPPSPrice Yearly fee for this domains ID Protect subscription

ContactType The contact type for this set of contact information

Organization The organization name for this contact

FName First name for this contact

LName Last name for this contact

Address1 Address, first line, for this contact

Address2 Address, second line, for this contact

City City for this contact

- 697 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
StateProvince State or province for this contact

PostalCode Postal code for this contact

Country Country for this contact

Phone Phone number for this contact

Fax Fax number for this contact

EmailAddress Email address for this contact

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests ID Protect settings for resellerdocs.com and sends the
response in XML format:


- 698 -
API Command Categories

In the response, the ID Protect status information, and the ErrCount value 0, confirm that
the query wassuccessful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<domainname sld="resellerdocs" tld="com" domain-
<WPPSExpDate>Nov 26, 2014</WPPSExpDate>
<contact ContactType="Administrative">
<Organization>Reseller Documents Inc.</Organization>
<Address1>111 Main St.</Address1>
<Address2 />
<contact ContactType="WPPS">
<Organization>Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.</Or-
<Address1>PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St - F1</Address1>
<Address2>C/O resellerdocs.com</Address2>

- 699 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l DisableServices
l EnableServices
l PurchaseServices
l ServiceSelect


- 700 -
API Command Categories

Cancel a goMobi subscription.

Use this command to cancel a goMobi subscription.
This command is suitable to use in conjunction with the GM_GetCancelReasons com-
GM_CancelSubscription command submits the cancellation request, and GM_
GetCancelReasons populates the menu for reasons to cancel.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Click a domain name.
On the subscription details page, click Cancel Service.
The Cancel Service button launches the GM_CancelSubscription command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The goMobi subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 701 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number of the subscription

to be cancelled. To retrieve subscription
SubscriptionID Required 8
ID numbers, use the GM_GetSub-
scriptions command.

Reason for cancellation. Permitted val-

ues are: 1 No longer needed 2 Not as
expected 3 Price/value 4 Technical issue
5 Support issue 6 Unsupported func-
ReasonID Required 1
tionality 7 Other reason not listed You
can retrieve these reason identification
numbers and descriptions using the GM_
GetCancelReasons command.

Comment Required Users comments 250

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 702 -
API Command Categories

The following query cancels a goMobi subscription and sends the response in XML


In the response, a Success value True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>

- 703 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ enom ]]>

<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 1.406 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ a0f04d13-51de-479b-8518-78cc7c32f4dc ]]>

Related commands
l GM_CheckDomain
l GM_GetCancelReasons
l GM_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l GM_GetRedirectScript
l GM_GetStatuses
l GM_GetSubscriptionDetails
l GM_GetSubscriptions
l GM_ReactivateSubscription
l GM_RenewSubscription
l GM_UpdateBillingCycle
l GM_UpdateSubscriptionDetails

Check whether a third-level domain name is available for a goMobi mobile Web site.

- 704 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to check whether a third-level domain of gomobinow.mobi is avail-
able for a goMobi mobile web site. For example, check example if you want users to
access your mobile Web site at example.gomobinow.mobi.
This third-level domain functionality is one of four methods by which goMobi subscribers
can provide access to their mobile web site. Other options for mobilizing their Web site
l Use the third-level domain name assigned when the subscription was created (in
format GMNNN.gomobinow.mobi).
l Associate the mobilized site with a separate domain name (for example, example.-

mobi could be the mobile-friendly version of the desktop site example.com).

l Embed a JavaScript snippet in the header of the code for the desktop Web site.

The snippet identifies thevisitors device, and delivers content formatted for that
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Click a goMobi domain name.
In the Mobile URL row, click edit.
The Check button launches the GM_CheckDomain command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The goMobi subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 705 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Third-level (host) record to check (for

example, if you want to use example.go-
ThirdLevelDomain Required 63
mobinow.mobi to access the mobile site,
use ThirdLevelDomain=example)

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Available Availability status of this third-level domain.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 706 -
API Command Categories

The following query checks the availability of example.gomobinow.mobi and sends the
response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ True ]]>
<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />

- 707 -
API Command Categories

<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.281 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ b4d7b79f-5b70-4388-bd89-a320c484af5f ]]>

Related commands
l GM_CancelSubscription
l GM_GetCancelReasons
l GM_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l GM_GetRedirectScript
l GM_GetStatuses
l GM_GetSubscriptionDetails
l GM_GetSubscriptions
l GM_ReactivateSubscription
l GM_RenewSubscription
l GM_UpdateBillingCycle
l GM_UpdateSubscriptionDetails

Retrieve a menu of reasons for cancelling a goMobi subscription.
Use this command to retrieve a menu of reasons for cancelling a goMobi subscription.

- 708 -
API Command Categories

This command is suitable to use in conjunction with the GM_CancelSubscription com-

l GM_GetCancelReasons populates a dropdown menu of reasons for cancelling,
and GM_CancelSubscription submits the cancellation request.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Click a link in the Mobile Domain column.
Click Cancel Service.
The Select Reason dropdown menu is populated by the GM_GetCancelReasons com-

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 709 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Reason Reason for cancelling a goMobi subscription

ID ID number associated with this reason

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves reasons for cancelling goMobi and the identification num-
bers associated with them, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a list of cancellation reasons and an ErrCount value 0 indicate that the
query was successful:

- 710 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?><interface-response>

<Reason id="1">No longer Needed</Reason>
<Reason id="2">Not as expected</Reason>
<Reason id="3">Price/Value</Reason>
<Reason id="4">Technical Issue</Reason>
<Reason id="5">Support Issues</Reason>
<Reason id="6">Unsupported Functionality</Reason>
<Reason id="7">Other reason not listed</Reason>
<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.172 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>

- 711 -
API Command Categories

<debug />
<![CDATA[ 19ee6f64-1d33-451c-a73c-60ad4e4a91c9 ]]>

Related commands
l GM_CancelSubscription
l GM_CheckDomain
l GM_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l GM_GetRedirectScript
l GM_GetStatuses
l GM_GetSubscriptionDetails
l GM_GetSubscriptions
l GM_ReactivateSubscription
l GM_RenewSubscription
l GM_UpdateBillingCycle
l GM_UpdateSubscriptionDetails

Retrieve a URL for the goMobi control panel.
Use this command to retrieve a URL for the goMobi control panel. The URL includes a
five-minute login token.
All subscribers should use the control panel to confirm, or provide, content for their
mobile site.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 712 -
API Command Categories

Click a domain name.
The Login to goMobi Control Panel link launches the GM_GetControlPanelLoginURL

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The MobileDomainName value must be a domain name in this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Domain name associated with the

MobileDomainName Required goMobi account you want to manage, in 63
sld.tld format

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
URL for the goMobi control panel. The URL includes a 5-minute
login token

Command Name of command executed

- 713 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the
Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a URL for the goMobi control panel, and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, the presence of a URL indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ https://cpsand-

- 714 -
API Command Categories

1fr1dO1x1RtV375qBkbsfzo%3d/eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.156 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ a6436432-c856-4738-b4b6-58c7ee86058d ]]>

- 715 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l GM_CancelSubscription
l GM_CheckDomain
l GM_GetCancelReasons
l GM_GetRedirectScript
l GM_GetStatuses
l GM_GetSubscriptionDetails
l GM_GetSubscriptions
l GM_ReactivateSubscription
l GM_RenewSubscription
l GM_UpdateBillingCycle
l GM_UpdateSubscriptionDetails

Retrieve the goMobi JavaScript snippet, which the customer embeds in the header for
their source (desktop) site to power the reformatting for mobile devices.
Use this command to retrieve the goMobi JavaScript snippet. The customer embeds the
snippet in the header for the desktop site associated with the source domain name.
goMobi uses this header information to detect the visitors mobile device and reformat
the desktop site for the specific mobile device.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Click any subscription that displays a designated source domain.
In the Add Mobile Site Redirect row, the text box contains a JavaScript snippet supplied
by the GM_GetRedirectScript command.

- 716 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l Redirect scripts require a designated source domain name.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Domain name of the desktop Web site to

SourceDomainName Required 70
be mobilized

Domain name that mobile device user

MobileDomainName Required types to access the mobile-formatted 70
Web site

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Script, suitable for cutting and pasting into the header code for
RedirectScript the Web site associated with the SourceDomainName value
specified in the query string

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

- 717 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a JavaScript snippet for goMobi, and sends the response
in XML format:


In the response, the presence of a JavaScript snippet and an ErrCount value 0 indicate
that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ <script type="text/javascript" src="http://
m=resellerdocs.com"></script> ]]>

- 718 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ eng ]]>

<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.141 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ 638275b6-c66f-4e9d-b092-fa5bf2f3a740 ]]>

Related commands
l GM_CancelSubscription
l GM_CheckDomain
l GM_GetCancelReasons
l GM_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l GM_GetStatuses

- 719 -
API Command Categories

l GM_GetSubscriptionDetails
l GM_GetSubscriptions
l GM_ReactivateSubscription
l GM_RenewSubscription
l GM_UpdateBillingCycle
l GM_UpdateSubscriptionDetails

Retrieve the list of possible statuses for goMobi.
Use this command to retrieve a list of the possible statuses for goMobi.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not directly implemented on the eNom Web site, but can be used on
any page that displays a goMobi subscription status description.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 720 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
StatusID Subscription status identification number and description

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of possible statuses for goMobi, and sends the
response in XML format:


- 721 -
API Command Categories


In the response, a list of statuses and an ErrCount value 0 indicate that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Status id="4">Billing Failed</Status>
<Status id="2">Cancellation Pending</Status>
<Status id="1">Service Active</Status>
<Status id="3">Service Disabled</Status>
<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>

- 722 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ 0.094 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ 2977d696-5efc-4f06-b7bd-91bb520bf708 ]]>

Related commands
l GM_CancelSubscription
l GM_CheckDomain
l GM_GetCancelReasons
l GM_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l GM_GetRedirectScript
l GM_GetSubscriptionDetails
l GM_GetSubscriptions
l GM_ReactivateSubscription
l GM_RenewSubscription
l GM_UpdateBillingCycle
l GM_UpdateSubscriptionDetails

Retrieve details for one goMobi subscription.
Use this command to retrieve details for one goMobi subscription.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

- 723 -
API Command Categories

Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The GM_GetSubscriptionDetails command populates this page.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The goMobi subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number for the subscription

for which you want information. To
SubscriptionID Required 8
retrieve this number, use the GM_
GetSubscriptions API Command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
GMSubscriptionID Identification number for this goMobi subscription

PartyID Party identification number associated with this subscription

MobileDomainName Domain name that an end user of a mobile device should use

- 724 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
to access the mobile web site

Domain name of the desktop-format web site that needs to be

converted to mobile format

StatusDesc Status of this subscription

BillingCycleDesc Billing cycle for this subscription

NextBillingDate Next billing date for this subscription

Status identification number for this subscription. Corresponds

to the StatusDesc value

NextBillingCycleDesc Description for the next billing cycle

RenewDate Start date for the next billing cycle

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves details for one goMobi subscription, and sends the
response in XML format:

- 725 -
API Command Categories


In the response, subscription details and an ErrCount value 0 indicate that the query was

<StatusDesc>Service Disabled</StatusDesc>
<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 3:18:49 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 726 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l GM_CancelSubscription
l GM_CheckDomain
l GM_GetCancelReasons
l GM_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l GM_GetRedirectScript
l GM_GetStatuses
l GM_GetSubscriptions
l GM_ReactivateSubscription
l GM_RenewSubscription
l GM_UpdateBillingCycle
l GM_UpdateSubscriptionDetails

Retrieve a list of the goMobi subscriptions in an account.
Use this command to retrieve a list of the goMobi subscriptions in an account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The GM_GetSubscriptions command generates the list of goMobi subscriptions on this

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

- 727 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Sort the list of goMobi subscriptions by

this parameter. Permitted values are the
return parameters in a GM_GetSub-
scriptions response:
Optional; default is
SortBy SourceDomainName 16

Arrange the sorted list in ascending or

Optional; default is
SortOrder descending order? Permitted values are 4
Asc or Desc

Optional; default is Number of records to return in this

RecordsToReturn 5
25 response. Permitted values are numeric

In the sorted list, start with the entry in

this position.
Optional; default is
StartPosition For example, to return items 26 through 5
50 in a sorted list, submit Record-

Return records that match this filter. Per-

mitted values are the StatusID values
Optional; if no returned by the GM_GetStatuses com-
value is supplied, mand:
StatusFilter 1
all statuses are 1 Service Active
returned 2 Cancellation Pending
3 Service Disabled
4 Billing Failed

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 728 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
MobileDomainName Domain name that displays this mobilized site

Domain name of the desktop web site from which this mobile
site derives its content

StatusDesc Status description of this goMobi subscription

Next billing date:

NextBillingDate 7 days ahead of expiration date for monthly billing
14 days ahead of expiration for yearly billing

Status identification number corresponding to the StatusDesc


GMSubscriptionId Identification number for this goMobi subscription

TotalCount Total number of goMobi subscriptions in this list

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of goMobi subscriptions and sends the response in
XML format:

- 729 -
API Command Categories



In the response, a list of subscriptions and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query
was successful:

<StatusDesc>Service Active</StatusDesc>
<StatusDesc>Service Active</StatusDesc>
<StatusDesc>Service Active</StatusDesc>

- 730 -
API Command Categories

<StatusDesc>Service Active</StatusDesc>
<StatusDesc>Service Active</StatusDesc>
<StatusDesc>Service Active</StatusDesc>
<StatusDesc>Service Disabled</StatusDesc>

- 731 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 3:20:26 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GM_CancelSubscription
l GM_CheckDomain
l GM_GetCancelReasons
l GM_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l GM_GetRedirectScript
l GM_GetStatuses
l GM_GetSubscriptionDetails
l GM_ReactivateSubscription
l GM_RenewSubscription
l GM_UpdateBillingCycle
l GM_UpdateSubscriptionDetails

Remove the cancellation flag from a goMobi subscription.
Use this command to undo the cancellation request for a goMobi subscription.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

- 732 -
API Command Categories

Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

Click a subscription that is in status Cancellation Pending.
The Reactivate Now link launches the GM_ReactivateSubscription command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The goMobi subscription must belong to this account, and must be flagged for can-

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number of the goMobi sub-

scription to be reactivated. To retrieve
SubscriptionID Required 8
the subscription ID, use the GM_GetSub-
scriptions command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this query

- 733 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query removes the cancellation request from a goMobi subscription, and
sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a Success value True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 734 -
API Command Categories


<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 1.000 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ 96296481-599f-4385-a60a-1d1570c6d8d3 ]]>

Related commands
l GM_CancelSubscription
l GM_CheckDomain

- 735 -
API Command Categories

l GM_GetCancelReasons
l GM_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l GM_GetRedirectScript
l GM_GetStatuses
l GM_GetSubscriptionDetails
l GM_GetSubscriptions
l GM_RenewSubscription
l GM_UpdateBillingCycle
l GM_UpdateSubscriptionDetails

Renew a goMobi subscription for which the status is Service Disabled (status 3) or
Billing Failed (status 4).
Us this command to renew a goMobi subscription Service Disabled (status 3, usually an
expired subscription) or Billing Failed (status 4, usually due to insufficient account bal-
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
For any subscription with status Billing Failed (StatusID=4), clicking the Charge Account
link launches the GM_RenewSubscription command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The goMobi subscription must belong to this account.
l The goMobi subscription must be in Billing Failed status.

- 736 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number of the expired

goMobi subscription. To retrieve the Sub-
SubscriptionID Required 8
scriptionID, use the GM_GetSub-
scriptions command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 737 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query renews a goMobi subscription for which the previous billing attempt
failed, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a Success value True and an OrderID number indicate that the query
was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>

- 738 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 1.172 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ 1a5d4041-46d3-41f4-b84c-ec138035732f ]]>

Related commands
l GM_CancelSubscription
l GM_CheckDomain
l GM_GetCancelReasons
l GM_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l GM_GetRedirectScript
l GM_GetStatuses
l GM_GetSubscriptionDetails
l GM_GetSubscriptions
l GM_ReactivateSubscription
l GM_UpdateBillingCycle
l GM_UpdateSubscriptionDetails

- 739 -
API Command Categories

Change a goMobi billing cycle to monthly or yearly.
Use this command to switch between monthly and yearly billing for a goMobi sub-
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Click a domain name.
In the Subscription Details section, the Switch to Annual Subscription link launches the
GM_UpdateBillingCycle command (the API command also allows you to change from
yearly to monthly billing, but we do not implement this option in our user interface).

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The goMobi subscription must be in this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 740 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number for the goMobi sub-

scription. To retrieve SubscriptionID val-
SubscriptionID Required 8
ues, use the GM_GetSubscriptions

Billing cycle to change to. Permitted val-

ues are:
Months Required 15
1 Monthly billing
12 Yearly billing

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 741 -
API Command Categories

The following query updates a goMobi subscription to yearly billing, and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, a Success value True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />

- 742 -
API Command Categories

<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.109 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ cf2d2d1b-5f13-4687-9f52-caa5aa5074ed ]]>

Related commands
l GM_CancelSubscription
l GM_CheckDomain
l GM_GetCancelReasons
l GM_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l GM_GetRedirectScript
l GM_GetStatuses
l GM_GetSubscriptionDetails
l GM_GetSubscriptions
l GM_ReactivateSubscription
l GM_RenewSubscription
l GM_UpdateSubscriptionDetails

Configure or update the source and mobile domain names for a goMobi subscription.

- 743 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to configure or update the source domain name (the full-sized web
site) and mobile domain name (site you want to display on mobile devices).
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Click the domain name for the subscription you want to configure.
The Subscription Overview section receives input parameters, and the Save Settings but-
ton launches the GM_UpdateSubscriptionDetails command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The goMobi subscription must belong to this account.
l The mobile domain name must be in the same account as the goMobi sub-

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number for this goMobi sub-

scription. To retrieve SubscriptionID val-
SubscriptionID Required 8
ues, use the GM_GetSubscriptions

- 744 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Domain name for the main Web site (the
full-size site). Permitted input formats
include: SLD.TLD subdomain.SLD.TLD
SourceDomainName Required 70
goMobi does not limit the number of
levels of subdomains in the domain name

The domain mobile device users should

use to access the mobile-optimized site.
This domain must be registered with us
or use our DNS Hosting. This domain
MobileDomainName Required can be any TLD except .tel. Permitted 70
input formats include: SLD.TLD host-
names.SLD.TLD goMobi does not limit
the number of levels of host names (sub-
domains) in the mobile domain name

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 745 -
API Command Categories

The following query specifies that resellerdocs.com should be the mobile domain name
associated with desktop Web site example.com, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a Success value True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

- <![CDATA[ eng ]]>
- <![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
- <![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
- <![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
- <![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
- <![CDATA[ enom ]]>

- 746 -
API Command Categories

<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
- <![CDATA[ 4.547 ]]>
- <![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ c769a335-5f2b-4440-9797-a65bc0a95641 ]]>

Related commands
l GM_CancelSubscription
l GM_CheckDomain
l GM_GetCancelReasons
l GM_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l GM_GetRedirectScript
l GM_GetStatuses
l GM_GetSubscriptionDetails
l GM_GetSubscriptions
l GM_ReactivateSubscription
l GM_RenewSubscription
l GM_UpdateBillingCycle

Create and configure, or reconfigure, a Web hosting package that you offer to your retail

- 747 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to create and configure, or reconfigure, a Web hosting package that
you offer to your retail customers.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The save packages button calls the HostPackageDefine command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Name of this Web hosting package. To

Either Pack-
retrieve a list of currently defined pack-
PackageName ageName or Pack- 11
ages, use the WebHostGetReseller-
ageID is Required
Packages command.

ID number of this Web hosting package.

Either Pack-
To retrieve a list of currently defined
PackageID ageName or Pack- 6
packages, use the WebHostGetReseller-
ageID is Required
Packages command.

- 748 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Operating system of the Web server for
Optional; default is
OSType this Web hosting package. Permitted val- 2
ues are Windows or Linux

Number of bandwidth units to include in

this Web hosting package. Each unit con-
BandwidthUnits Required 2
tains 20GB; maximum permitted is 150
units (total of 3000GB).

Number of Web storage units to include

in this Web hosting package. Each unit
WebStorageUnits Required 2
contains 1GB; maximum permitted is
400 units (total of 400GB).

Type of database storage to offer with

Optional; default is this Web hosting package. Permitted val-
DBType 6
Access ues are Access and MSSQL. If this para-
meter is omitted, the default is Access.

Recommended if
Number of SQL database storage units
to include in this Web hosting package.
If this input param
DBStorageUnits Each unit contains 250MB of MDF file 2
is omitted, value
capacity; maximum permitted is 30 units
remains at the last
value set.

Number of POP email units to include in

this Web hosting package. Each unit con-
POPUnits Required 2
tains 10 email boxes; maximum per-
mitted is 30 units (300 mailboxes).

Number of domain header units to

include in this Web hosting package.
DomainHeaders Required Each unit includes 10 domain headers; 2
maximum permitted is 10 units (100
domain headers).

Operating system of the server that will

OSType Optional host this Web hosting package. Per- 2
mitted value is Windows.

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

- 749 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of the query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query defines a Web hosting package named Enterprise and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, the Success value True and the ErrCount value 0 confirm that the Web
hosting package was defined successfully:

- 750 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CalculateAllHostPackagePricing
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetHostAccount
l GetResellerHostPricing
l GetStorageUsage
l HostPackageDelete
l HostPackageModify
l HostPackageView
l HostParkingPage
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetOverageOptions
l WebHostGetOverages
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums
l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetResellerPackages
l WebHostSetCustomPackage
l WebHostSetOverageOptions

- 751 -
API Command Categories

Delete a host package configuration.
Use this command to delete a host package configuration.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the Set Packages section, clicking a delete link and then the save packages button
calls the HostPackageDelete command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 752 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

Name of the Web hosting package to be

Either Pack- deleted. To retrieve a list of currently
PackageName ageName or Pack- defined packages, use the 11
ageID is Required WebHostGetResellerPackages com-

ID number of the Web hosting package

Either Pack- to be deleted. To retrieve a list of cur-
PackageID ageName or Pack- rently defined packages, use the 6
ageID is Required WebHostGetResellerPackages com-

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of the query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 753 -
API Command Categories

The following query deleteThe following query deletes Web hosting package Cor-
porate4 and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the Success value True confirms that that query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>t;

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CalculateAllHostPackagePricing
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetHostAccount
l GetResellerHostPricing
l GetStorageUsage
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageModify

- 754 -
API Command Categories

l HostPackageView
l HostParkingPage
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetOverageOptions
l WebHostGetOverages
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums
l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetResellerPackages
l WebHostSetCustomPackage
l WebHostSetOverageOptions

Change the quantity of one or more components in a Web hosting package.
Use this command to change the configuration of storage, bandwidth, and so on in a
Web hosting package. If you make changes to a package that customers have already
subscribed to, their configuration remains the same as when they subscribed; the
change applies only to future customers.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Changing quantities in the Set Packages grid and clicking the save changes button calls
HostPackageModify command.

The query must meet the following requirements:

- 755 -
API Command Categories

l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Either the Pack- ID number of this Web hosting package.

ageID or Pack- To retrieve a list of currently defined
PackageID 6
ageName is packages, use the WebHostGetReseller-
Required Packages command.

Either the Pack- Name of this Web hosting package. To

ageID or Pack- retrieve a list of currently defined pack-
PackageName 11
ageName is ages, use the WebHostGetReseller-
Required Packages command.

Number of bandwidth units to include in

this Web hosting package. Each unit con-
BandwidthUnits Required 2
tains 20GB; maximum permitted is 150
units (total of 3000GB).

Number of Web storage units to include

in this Web hosting package. Each unit
WebStorageUnits Required contains 1GB of MDF file capacity; max- 2
imum permitted is 400 units (total of

Optional; default is Type of database. Permitted values are

DBType 7
Access Access and MSSQL.

Recommended if
DBType=MSSQL. Number of SQL database storage units
If this input param to include in this Web hosting package.
DBStorageUnits 2
is omitted, value Each unit contains 250MB; maximum
remains at the last permitted is 30 units (total of 7500MB).
value set.

- 756 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Number of POP email units to include in
this Web hosting package. Each unit con-
POPUnits Required 2
tains 10 email boxes; maximum per-
mitted is 30 units (300 mailboxes).

Number of domain header units to

include in this Web hosting package.
DomainHeaders Recommended Each unit includes 10 domain headers; 2
maximum permitted is 10 units (100
domain headers).

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 757 -
API Command Categories

The following query modifies the contents of Web hosting package Silver and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, the Success value True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CalculateAllHostPackagePricing
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllResellerHostPricing

- 758 -
API Command Categories

l GetHostAccount
l GetResellerHostPricing
l GetStorageUsage
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageDelete
l HostPackageView
l HostParkingPage
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetOverageOptions
l WebHostGetOverages
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums
l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetResellerPackages
l WebHostSetCustomPackage
l WebHostSetOverageOptions

View the configurations of Web hosting packages available to your retail customers.
Use this command to display the contents of the Web hosting packages available to your
retail customers.
Use this command to display the contents of a single Web hosting package available to
your retail customers.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Set Packages table displays the results of the HostPackageView command.

- 759 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting package must belong to this domain name account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Name of the Web hosting package you

want information about. Include this para-
Optional; if omit- meter or PackageID to specify a single
PackageName ted, all are returned package you want information about. To 11
retrieve a list of currently defined pack-
ages, use the WebHostGetReseller-
Packages command.

Package ID of the Web hosting package

you want information about. Include this
parameter or PackageName to specify a
Optional; if omit- single package you want information
PackageID 8
ted, all are returned about. To retrieve a list of currently
defined packages, use the
WebHostGetResellerPackages com-

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

- 760 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Responses in HTML or text format are numbered, X=1 to
Count ID number for this Web hosting package

PackageNameX Name of this Web hosting package

Gigabytes per calendar month allocated to the Web hosting


Megabytes of storage for Web site content available to the

Web hosting account

Megabytes of database storage available to this Web hosting


Number of POP email boxes supplied with this web hosting


Number of units of storage for Web site content available to the

Web hosting account

Number of units of bandwidth allocated to this Web hosting


Number of units of database storage available to this Web host-

ing account

Number of POP email units supplied with this web hosting


Number of domain headers allowed in this Web hosting


DBTypeX Type of database configured for this Web hosting account

OSTypeX Operating system of the Web server that serves this account

EnabledX Enabled status of this Web hosting package

Total number of Web hosting packages in this domain name


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

Done True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-

- 761 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the Web hosting packages defined for account resellid and
sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a list of packages and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 762 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

- 763 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l CalculateAllHostPackagePricing
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetHostAccount
l GetResellerHostPricing
l GetStorageUsage
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageDelete
l HostPackageModify
l HostParkingPage
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetOverageOptions
l WebHostGetOverages
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums
l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetResellerPackages
l WebHostSetCustomPackage
l WebHostSetOverageOptions

Set the text for the parking page for a Web hosting account. This is the default parking
page used by all domains in the account that do not have a designated home page.
Use this command to set the title-bar and page content of the parking page for a Web
hosting account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resellwebid, password resell-

- 764 -
API Command Categories

On the PARKING PAGE SETTINGS page, the save button calls the HostParkingPage

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Name of the Web hosting account 14

Optional; default is
PageTitle Content for browser title bar 94

Optional; a default
PageText Content for parking page 1890
is provided

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ParkingPage Parking page

Command Name of command executed

- 765 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check
the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query sets parking text and title bar caption for domains in Web hosting
account resellwebid and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the ErrCount value 0 confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<ParkingPage />

- 766 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CreateHostAccount
l GetHostAccount
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageModify
l HostPackageView
l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetResellerPackages

Insert a checkout order of items in the shopping cart.
Use this command if you use our shopping cart, to finalize purchase of the cart contents.
This command checks out the items in a shopping cart that are in A (active) status, and
puts the order in a queue.
Purchase, a similar command, completes the purchase of selected products in real time,
without using our shopping cart or waiting for the order processing queue.
Because of the high prices for some Premium Domains, we offer you a wider variety of
payment methods than for most purchases. In addition to immediate payment using your
account balance, as you do for other domains and services, we offer two additional pay-
ment options for high-value Premium Domains: wire transfer, or delayed payment using

- 767 -
API Command Categories

your account balance. Use the UseWireTransfer parameter in the InsertNewOrder com-
mand to signal that you want to pay later, then either wire your payment or use the NM_
ProcessOrder command to pay
using your account balance.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the checkout page, the purchase button calls the InsertNewOrder command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l If the shopping cart is empty, ItemCount must equal 1 or the query will return an
error message.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

End users IP address. This is used in

fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP Required 15
cessing service. Use format

ItemCount Optional Number of items ready to purchase. All 4

- 768 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

with a status of A (active). To retrieve the
statuses of items in the shopping cart,
use the GetCartContent command

If UseWireTransfer=Yes, process this

Premium Domain order as a deferred pay-
ment order. Options for later payment are
Optional overall,
wire transfer or account balance. If you
but Required defer
pay by wire transfer, contact your sales
UseWireTransfer payment of a 3
representative for wire transfer instruc-
Premium Domain
tions. If you pay using your account bal-
ance (but after submitting the order using
the InsertNewOrder command), use the
NM_ProcessOrder command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Identification number for the order that includes all Premium
PremiumDomainOrderID Domains and the services directly associated with those
Premium Domains.

Identification number for the order that includes all items not
associated with Premium Domains

ProdTypeX Product type identification number for domain names

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 769 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests purchase of the contents of the shopping cart, defers pay-
ment for the Premium Domains in the cart, and requests the response in XML format:


In the response, an order ID number for Premium Domains, regular items, or both con-
firms that the query string was successful:

<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 3:24:56 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 770 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l AddBulkDomains
l AddToCart
l Check
l DeleteFromCart
l Extend
l Extend_RGP
l ExtendDomainDNS
l GetDomainExp
l GetExtendInfo
l GetRenew
l Purchase
l PurchasePreview
l SetRenew
l UpdateCart
l UpdateExpiredDomains

Retrieve the IIS-enabled status of a folder.
Use this command to determine the IIS-enabled status of a folder
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.enom.com with Login ID resellwebid, password resellwebpw.
In the list of directories, the folder icons indicate whether the folder is enabled.

The query must meet the following requirements:

- 771 -
API Command Categories

l The login ID and password must be valid.

l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Host account name 14

Path to the directory. Use format Dir-

Directory Required Specify the directory path from the root, for- 254
ward slash or backslashdelimited, with an
initial forward slash or backslash.

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Enabled IIS-enabled status of the folder

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 772 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the IIS-enabled status of folder acct, and sends the
response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

- 773 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l AddHostHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l DisableFolderApp
l EnableFolderApp
l WebHostCreateDirectory

Retrieve a list of domain headers (pointers for domain names) and host headers for a
Web hosting account.
Use this command to list the domain headers and host headers for one Web hosting
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the Domains column, the modify link calls the ListDomainHeaders command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this account.
l The domain header must belong to this Web hosting account.

- 774 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Name of the Web hosting account for

HostAccount Required 14
which you want a list of domain headers

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Domain Domain associated with the headers listed in this node

WebHostDomainID ID number from our internal records

HostHeaders Number of headers available for this host account

HostHeaderCount Number of domain headers currently defined for this domain

WebHostHeaderID ID number from our internal records

HostName Name of the host record, to be used in the URL

FilePath File path location of this host record

DomainCount Number of domains associated with this Web hosting account

Operating system for the Web hosting server for this Web host-
ing account

Successful Success status of this query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

- 775 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests a list of domain headers in Web hosting account resell-
webid and sends the response in XML format:


The response lists the domains associated with the Web hosting account and the head-
ers in each:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 776 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l DeleteDomainHeader
l ModifyDomainHeader

- 777 -
API Command Categories

List the host headers (pointers to third-level domain names) in your Web hosting
Use this command to retrieve a list of host headers in your Web hosting account, with
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
The ListHostHeaders command is not implemented on enom.com; however, the fol-
lowing gives a similar result:
Log on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resellwebid, password resell-
In the table, the modify links call the ListHostHeaders command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.
l The domain header must already exist.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 778 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Web hosting account that contains the

HostAccount Required domain header you want a list of host 14
headers for

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
The host header name; third-level domain name. For example,
in sales.example.com, the host name is sales.

Path Path from root to this host header

HostHeaderID Host header ID number, our internal record

Total number of host headers associated with this domain


Successful Success status of the query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 779 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of the host headers for Web hosting account resell-
webid, domain resellerdocs.com, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a list of host names and a count of the total number of host headers for
the domain indicate that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 780 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l AddHostHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l DeleteHostHeader
l GetAllHostAccounts
l GetHostAccount
l GetHostHeader

List the subdirectories and files in a directory of a Web hosting account.
Use this command to create a list of subdirectories and files in a directory in your Web
hosting account.
All resellers have access to this command.

- 781 -
API Command Categories

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resellwebid, password resell-
The Change Directory box on the right side of the page displays some of the results of
the ListWebFiles command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Web hosting account name 14

Name of the directory to list contents of. Use

format Dir-
Directory Required 254
Specify the directory path from the root, back-
slashor forward slashdelimited, with an ini-
tial backslash, forward slash, or no slash.

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

- 782 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Responses in HTML or text format are numbered, X=1 to
DirectoryNameX FileCount Name of a subdirectory in the directory specified in
the query string

DirectoryAppX Is this subdirectory enabled for IIS applications?

FileNameX Name of a file in the directory specified in the query string

Number of subdirectories in the directory specified in the query


FileCount Number of files in the directory specified in the query string

ServerIP IP address of the Web server of this Web hosting account

Successful Success status of the query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of directories and files in the root directory of Web
hosting account resellwebid and sends the response in XML format:

- 783 -
API Command Categories


In the response, the Successful value True confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 784 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l AddHostHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l DisableFolderApp
l EnableFolderApp
l GetFilePermissions
l IsFolderEnabled
l MetaBaseGetValue
l MetaBaseSetValue
l SetFilePermissions
l WebHostCreateDirectory

Retrieve some current IIS settings for a directory in a Web hosting account.
Use this command to retrieve current settings for HTTP access, anonymous access, dir-
ectory browsing, and the pages to display in case of 404 or ASP errors.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resellwebid, password resell-

- 785 -
API Command Categories

In the menu, clicking web sites and then advanced calls the MetaBaseGetValue com-
mand. The results display on the Advanced IIS Settings page.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.
l The directory must be a subdirectory you have created in this Web hosting

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Name of the Web hosting account 14

Path from root to the directory you want

status for. Use format Dir-
Directory Required 254
Specify the directory path from the root, for-
ward slash or backslashdelimited, with an
initial forward slash, backslash, or no slash.

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

- 786 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
HTTPAccessible Is this directory accessible by HTTP?

AnonymousAccess Does this directory permit anonymous access?

DirectoryBrowsing Does this directory permit browsing?

Err404Page Page to display in case of HTTP 404 errors

ErrASPPage Page to display in case of ASP errors

Successful Success status for this query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the metabase settings for directory testdir and sends the
response in XML format:


- 787 -
API Command Categories

In the response, the MetaBase node and the ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query
was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l AddHostHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l DisableFolderApp
l EnableFolderApp
l GetFilePermissions
l IsFolderEnabled
l ListWebFiles
l MetaBaseSetValue
l SetFilePermissions
l WebHostCreateDirectory

- 788 -
API Command Categories

Specify values for IIS settings for one directory in a Web hosting account.
Use this command to set HTTP access, anonymous access, directory browsing, the 404
error page, and the ASP error page for a directory in a Web hosting account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resellwebid, password resell-
The SAVE NEW FOLDER SETTINGS button calls the MetaBaseSetValue command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.
l The directory must be a subdirectory you have created in the Web hosting account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 789 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Name of the Web hosting account 14

Name of the directory to set. Use format Dir-

Directory Required Specify the directory path from the root, for- 254
ward slash or backslashdelimited, with no
initial slash.

Allow HTTP access to this directory? Per-

HTTPAccessible Optional mitted values are on and off. Default value is 3

Allow anonymous access to this directory?

AnonymousAccess Optional Permitted values are on and off. Default value 3
is off.

Allow browsing to this directory? Permitted

DirectoryBrowsing Optional 3
values are on and off. Default value is on.

Location of 404 error page. Use format

Err404Page=/DirectoryName/FileName Spe-
Err404Page Optional cify the directory path from the root, forward 254
slashdelimited, with an initial forward slash.
Default is the browsers 404 error page.

Location of ASP error page. Use format

ErrASPPage=/DirectoryName/FileName Spe-
ErrASPPage Optional cify the directory path from the root, forward 254
slashdelimited, with an initial forward slash.
Default is the browsers ASP error page.

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Successful Success status of the query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

- 790 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query sets metabase values for directory testdir and sends the response in
XML format:


In the response, the Successful value True confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 791 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l AddHostHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l DisableFolderApp
l EnableFolderApp
l GetFilePermissions
l IsFolderEnabled
l ListWebFiles
l MetaBaseGetValue
l SetFilePermissions
l WebHostCreateDirectory

Add a domain header (a pointer that associates a domain name with a specific location
in your Web hosting directory structure), or redirect a domain header from one directory
to another within your Web hosting account.
Use this command to change the path to the content displayed for your Web site.

- 792 -
API Command Categories

Note that if you modify a domain header, all host records associated with the domain
header are deleted.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The add button calls the ModifyDomainHeader command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.
l The directory (domain header) you want to move the domain to must already exist.
l The domain designated by the SLD and TLD parameters must be hosted by us.
l If we are the registrar for this domain, it must be in this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Web hosting account name 14

Directory in the Web hosting account to

add a domain header to. This parameter
Directory Optional is necessary only if you want host 213
records to point to a different page than
the home page in your root directory. Sup-

- 793 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

ply the directory name; no leading slash
is needed.

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Successful Success status of the query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query points resellerdocs.com to directory acct, and sends the response in
XML format:

- 794 -
API Command Categories


In the response, the Successful value True confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l DeleteDomainHeader
l GetDomainHeader
l ListDomainHeaders
l WebHostCreateDirectory

- 795 -
API Command Categories

Redirect a host header (a pointer to third-level domain name) to a different directory in
your Web hosting account.
Use this command to change the directory a host header points to.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resellwebid, password resell-
The SAVE HOST HEADER SETTINGS button calls the ModifyHostHeader command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.
l The domain header must already exist.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 796 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Web hosting account name 14

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

HostName Required Name of the host header 53

Path from root to the directory you want

the host header to point to. If you do not
FilePath Optional include this parameter, the host header 254
points to the default, root. Path can be for-
ward slash or backslashdelimited.

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Successful Success status of the query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 797 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query changes the accountspayable host header to point to the directory
/accounting and sends the response in XML format:

command=modifyhostheader& uid=resellid&pw=resellpw

In the response, the Successful value True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

- 798 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l AddHostHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l DeleteDomainHeader
l DeleteHostHeader
l GetAllHostAccounts
l GetDomainHeader
l GetHostAccount
l GetHostHeader
l ListDomainHeaders
l ListHostHeaders

Modify name servers for a domain name.
Use this command if you want to use name servers that are different than the name serv-
ers currently set for a domain.
ModifyNS updates DNS records at the Registry and in the registrars database. Modi-
fyNSHosting, a similar command, redirects to another set of name servers without updat-
ing the Registry records.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the Domain Name Maintenance page, the save changes button calls the ModifyNS

- 799 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The query must pass name servers that are registered at NSI.
l Name servers for .us names must be located in the United States.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Use this parameter to switch to our name

Either UseDNS or
UseDNS servers. Permitted value is UseDNS- 4
NSX is Required

Use this parameter to switch to custom

name servers or no name servers. Max-
imum of 12 name servers can be set. To
NSX X=1 to maximum Either UseDNS or designate custom name servers, supply
of 12 NSX is Required the use names, for example, NS1-
1=ns1.name-services.com To designate
no name servers, supply an empty para-
meter: NS1=

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 800 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter rameter ErrCount If greater than 0 the transaction
failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise pro-
cess the returned parameters as defined above.
l To set name servers to eNoms set the UseDNS=ours param and don't pass NS(x)
name servers. To setname servers to your name servers, set NSX-
X=YourNameServerX and don't pass UseDNS=default. Youcan set up to 12 of
your own name servers.

The following query changes the name servers for resellerdocs.com to ns1.name-ser-
vices.com and ns2.name-services.com, and requests the response in XML format:


In the reponse, an ErrCount value 0 indicates that the change of name servers was suc-

- 801 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>0" ?>

<RRPText>Command completed successfully</RRPText>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l CheckNSStatus
l DeleteNameServer
l GetDNS
l GetDNSStatus
l ModifyNSHosting
l RegisterNameServer
l UpdateNameServer

Modify the name server settings for a domain name, in our database, without changing
the settings at the Registry.
ModifyNSHosting redirects to another set of name servers without updating the Registry
records. ModifyNS, a similar command, updates name server records at the Registry and
in the registrars database.

- 802 -
API Command Categories

Use this command when name servers are set correctly at the Registry but incorrectly in
our records.
Use this command when a domain name is registered in your account, and uses DNS
Hosting in a different account. In this case, set the name servers to our name servers at
the Registry, and to N/A in our database.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The name server cited in the query must exist.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Name servermaximum of 12 can be

set. Permitted value is the use name of
NSX X=1 to 12 Required 60
the name server, for example, NS1-

- 803 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Format of response. Permitted values
ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query designates ns1.name-services.com as the name server for reseller-
docs.com, and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


- 804 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

- <interface-response>
- <debug>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l CheckNSStatus
l DeleteNameServer
l GetDNS
l GetDNSStatus
l ModifyNS
l RegisterNameServer
l UpdateNameServer

Modify POP account password.
Use this command to change the password of one or more POP3 mail accounts in a
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 805 -
API Command Categories

On the Domain Name Maintenance page, in the Edit POP mail accounts box, typing a
new password and clicking the add to cart button to save modifications calls the Modi-
fyPOP3 command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The POP3 service need not be active for the password change to be successful.
l The values of UserName in the query must exist for the domain.
l The value for EmailCount must match the number of UserNames and Passwords
in the query.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Number of accounts on this domain to

EmailCount Required 2

UserNameX X=1 to POP3 user name to update the password

Required 30
EmailCount on.

Either IsAdminX or Should UserNameX have administrative

PasswordX is privileges over all mailboxes associated
IsAdminX X=1 to with this domain name? Administrative
Required They 1
EmailCount privileges allow this user to reset the
may be used
together. password for mailboxes, and delete mail-

- 806 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

boxes. Permitted values are:
0 Regular user (can change the pass-
word for their own mailbox but no one
1 Administrator (when this user logs on
to Webmail and goes to the admin page,
he or she can see all mailboxes for this
domain name, can reset passwords for
any or all mailboxes, and can delete any
or all mailboxes)

Either IsAdminX or
PasswordX is
PasswordX X=1 to New password for UserNameXs mail-
Required They 50
EmailCount box.
may be used

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 807 -
API Command Categories

The following query requests that two POP3 passwords change in resellerdocs.com:
user name john should now have password johnpw and user name jane should now
have password janepw. The query also requests that the response be in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 3:30:38 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 808 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l DeleteAllPOPPaks
l DeletePOP3
l DeletePOPPak
l Forwarding
l GetForwarding
l GetMailHosts
l GetPOP3
l PurchasePOPBundle
l SetUpPOP3User

Retrieve a list of the MySQL databases in a Web hosting account.
Use this command to retrieve a list of the MySQL databases in a Web hosting account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the resellwebid row, click access.
In the menu, click MySQL / PHP.
The Manage MySQL Databases table is populated by the MySQL_GetDBInfo command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.

- 809 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Web hosting account name 14

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Status of this Web hosting account: 1 Host account is active 2
Account disabled for exceeding allowed monthly bandwidth 3
Account disabled for exceeding the 3000GB bandwidth limit 4,
5, 6, 7 Account disabled; contact customer service

MySQLCount Number of MySQL databases in this Web hosting account

Total number of MySQL databases permitted in this Web host-

ing account

DBName Name of this database

DBStatus Status of this database

DBDateCreated Date this database was created

DBMaxSize Maximum size permitted for this database

DBCurrentSize Current size of this database

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

- 810 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of the MySQL databases in a Web hosting account,
and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the ErrCount value 0 confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<DBDateCreated>8/2/2005 4:54:25 PM</DBDateCreated>

- 811 -
API Command Categories

<DBDateCreated>8/2/2005 4:54:40 PM</DBDateCreated>
<DBDateCreated>8/3/2005 10:43:50 AM</DBDateCreated>
<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllHostAccounts
l GetHostAccount

- 812 -
API Command Categories

Generate variations of a domain name that you specify, for .com, .net, .tv, and .cc TLDs.
Use this command to generate variations of the domain name you specify. This com-
mand will return TLDs .com, .net, .tv, and .cc.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Type an SLD into the Register A New Domain box and click GO. The results in the We
also recommend section are generated by the NameSpinner command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

- 813 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Second-level domain name (for example,
SLD Required 32
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Block potentially offensive content. Per-

Optional; default is
SensitiveContent mitted values are True or False. True fil- 5
ters out offensive content.

Optional; default is Maximum length of SLD to return. Per-

MaxLength 2
63 mitted values are numbers 2 to 63.

Maximum number of suggested names

to return in addition to your input. The
Optional; default is number actually returned may be lower
MaxResults 2
20 because of the spinning algorithm
developed by the Registry. Permitted val-
ues are numbers 0 to 99.

Return domain names that include

Optional; default is
UseHyphens hyphens. Permitted values are True or 5

Optional; default is Return domain names that include num-

UseNumbers 5
True bers. Permitted values are True or False.

Higher values return suggestions that are

Optional; default is built by adding prefixes, suffixes, and
Basic 6
Medium words to the original input. Permitted val-
ues are Off, Low, Medium, and High.

Higher values return domain names by

interpreting the input semantically and
construct suggestions with a similar
Optional; default is
Related meaning. Related=High will find terms 6
that are synonyms of your input. Per-
mitted values are Off, Low, Medium, and

Higher values return suggestions that are

similar to the customers input, but not
necessarily in meaning. Similar=High will
Optional; default is
Similar generate more creative terms, with a 6
slightly looser relationship to your input,
than Related=High. Permitted values are
Off, Low, Medium, and High.

Higher values return suggestions that

Optional; default is reflect current topics and popular words.
Topical 6
Medium Permitted values are Off, Low, Medium,
and High.

- 814 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Format of response. Permitted values
ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
SpinCount Number of SLDs returned in this response

TLDList TLDs returned in this response

Domain name SLD for this set of results

Is this SLD available from the .com Registry. Y indicates yes;

N indicates no.

The Registrys score of how closely this SLD matches the

ComScore SLD input you supplied in the query string. Highest possible
score is 1000.

Is this SLD available from the .net Registry. Y indicates yes; N

indicates no.

The Registrys score of how closely this SLD matches the

NetScore SLD input you supplied in the query string. Highest possible
score is 1000.

Is this SLD available from the .tv Registry. Y indicates yes; N

indicates no.

The Registrys score of how closely this SLD matches the

TvScore SLD input you supplied in the query string. Highest possible
score is 1000.

Is this SLD available from the .cc Registry. Y indicates yes; N

indicates no.

The Registrys score of how closely this SLD matches the

CcScore SLD input you supplied in the query string. Highest possible
score is 1000.

OriginalSLD The SLD value you supplied in the input query string

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

- 815 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves 8 domains that resemble the input SLD hand, and sends
the response in XML format:


In the response, the presence of spun names and the ErrCount value 0 indicate that the
query was successful:

<domain name="Richandbob" com="n" comscore="778" net="y"
netscore="806" tv="y" tvscore="742" cc="y" ccscore="709"/>
<domain name="Cardbyhand" com="y" comscore="799" net="y"
netscore="774" tv="y" tvscore="748" cc="y" ccscore="723"/>
<domain name="Side" com="n" comscore="831" net="n"
netscore="806" tv="y" tvscore="797" cc="y" ccscore="764"/>

- 816 -
API Command Categories

<domain name="Glove" com="n" comscore="819" net="n"

netscore="793" tv="y" tvscore="784" cc="y" ccscore="751"/>
<domain name="Handytune" com="y" comscore="783" net="y"
netscore="758" tv="y" tvscore="732" cc="y" ccscore="707"/>
<domain name="Palm" com="n" comscore="806" net="n"
netscore="780" tv="y" tvscore="771" cc="y" ccscore="738"/>
<domain name="Fingers" com="n" comscore="793" net="n"
netscore="767" tv="y" tvscore="758" cc="y" ccscore="725"/>
<domain name="Shandawl" com="y" comscore="751" net="y"
netscore="726" tv="y" tvscore="700" cc="y" ccscore="675"/>
<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 3:33:28 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddToCart
l Check
l Purchase

- 817 -
API Command Categories

Cancel a Premium Domains order that was created with the AddToCart or Purchase
command with the pay-later parameter UseWireTransfer=Yes, but which was never com-
Use this command to cancel a Premium Domains order that was created with the
AddToCart or Purchase command with the deferred payment parameter UseWireTrans-
fer=Yes, but which was never completed.
This command cancels an entire order. We do not offer a means of splitting an order that
includes multiple items.
If you do not redeem, extend, or cancel an order within 10 days, the order cancels auto-
You must be a direct ETP Reseller to sell Premium Domains.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com..

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Premium Domains order must be associated with this account.
l The Premium Domains order must have been submitted using the UseWireTrans-
fer=Yes parameterand must still be in Payment Pending status.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 818 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number for the Premium

OrderID Required 10
Domains order to be cancelled

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query cancels an uncompleted Premium Domains order, and sends the
response in XML format:

- 819 -
API Command Categories



In the response, a Success value True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ True ]]>
<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>

- 820 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ 0.750 ]]>

<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ c4e94efc-c70f-4c0a-a9b1-9d41ee05b1ab ]]>

Related commands
l NM_ExtendOrder
l NM_GetPremiumDomainSettings
l NM_GetSearchCategories
l NM_ProcessOrder
l NM_Search
l NM_SetPremiumDomainSettings

Extend the payment period for a Premium Domain to 10 days from today.
Use this command to extend the payment deferral period for a Premium Domain. This
command can be used for Premium Domains purchased using either the AddToCart or
Purchase command with the UseWireTransfer=Yes parameter.
This command extends the payment period to 10 days from today.
A Premium Domains order that was submitted with payment deferral can be extended
If you do not pay for, extend, or cancel the order, it will automatically cancel 10 days after
being placed.

- 821 -
API Command Categories

You must be a direct ETP Reseller to sell Premium Domains.

Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Premium Domains order must have been submitted with UseWireTrans-
fer=Yes, and must be inpayment pending status.
l An order can only be extended once.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number of the Premium

OrderID Required 10
Domains order you want to extend.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of the query

Command Name of command executed

ErrCount The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

- 822 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query extends a Premium Domains order that was submitted with
UseWireTransfer=Yes, and sends the response in XML format:


In the repsonse, a Success status True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ True ]]>

- 823 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ eng ]]>

<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.141 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ 1afd0df6-79fa-420a-b498-f423926ba50a ]]>

Related commands
l NM_CancelOrder
l NM_GetPremiumDomainSettings
l NM_GetSearchCategories
l NM_ProcessOrder

- 824 -
API Command Categories

l NM_Search
l NM_SetPremiumDomainSettings

Retrieve account-level settings associated with Premium Domains.
Use this command to retrieve account-level settings that are specific to Premium
The minimum and maximum price of Premium Domains to be returned by Instant
The threshold price above which you want to pay by wire transfer instead of using your
account balance.
Premium Domains can only be sold by our direct ETP resellers.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The NM_GetPremiumDomainSettings command populates the Premium Domain Pri-
cing dollar amount.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 825 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Minimum price of Premium Domains to be returned in searches
in your Instant Reseller site

Maximum price of Premium Domains to be returned in

searches your Instant Reseller site

$US amount above which you want to pay by wire transfer

WireTransferThreshold instead of account balance or credit card. See Usage notes in

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 826 -
API Command Categories

The following query retrieves and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>

- 827 -
API Command Categories

<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.109 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ 5681f3a4-551c-4b01-8e63-20bc6ab7086a ]]>

Related commands
l NM_CancelOrder
l NM_ExtendOrder
l NM_GetSearchCategories
l NM_ProcessOrder
l NM_Search
l NM_SetPremiumDomainSettings

Retrieve Premium Domain search categories and subcategories.
Use this command to retrieve search categories and/or subcategories for Premium

- 828 -
API Command Categories

You can use this command to populate the Category and Subcategory values in the
NM_Search command.These would typically be rendered as Category and Subcategory
menus in a user interface.
Only our direct ETP resellers can sell Premium Domains.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Which part of the search category tax-

onomy to display. Permitted values are:
Optional; default is All Retrieve all categories and sub cat-
Display 13
All egories Categories Retrieve categories
Subcategories Retrieve the sub-
categories for one category

Which category to display subcategories

Optional overall,
for. Permitted values are category ID
but Required if Dis-
CategoryID numbers, which you can retrieve by run- 3
play= Sub-
ning this command with Dis-

ResponseType Optional Format of response. Permitted values 4

- 829 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ID Identification number of this category or subcategory

ParentID Identification number of this subcategorys parent category

Name Name of this category or subcategory

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the subcategories associated with category 169 (Recre-
ation) and sends the response in XML format:


- 830 -
API Command Categories

In the response, a list of subcategories and an ErrCount value 0 indicate that the query
was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<category id="155" parentid="169" name="Photography" />
<category id="170" parentid="169" name="Cartoons" />
<category id="171" parentid="169" name="Aviation" />
<category id="172" parentid="169" name="Boating" />
<category id="174" parentid="169" name="Games" />
<category id="177" parentid="169" name="Restaurants and
Bars" />
<category id="178" parentid="169" name="Fun and Humor" />
<category id="179" parentid="169" name="Computer Games" />
<category id="180" parentid="169" name="Hobbies" />
<category id="181" parentid="169" name="Popular Culture" />
<category id="182" parentid="169" name="Movies" />
<category id="183" parentid="169" name="Music" />
<category id="184" parentid="169" name="People" />
<category id="185" parentid="169" name="Performing Arts" />
<category id="186" parentid="169" name="Radio" />
<category id="187" parentid="169" name="TV" />
<category id="188" parentid="169" name="Videos" />
<category id="189" parentid="169" name="Video Games" />
<category id="253" parentid="169" name="Books" />
<category id="318" parentid="169" name="Wine" />
<category id="368" parentid="169" name="Writing" />
<category id="386" parentid="169" name="General" />
<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />

- 831 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.156 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ 7ba0df6d-6c15-4b16-84d3-0e31e6c2f8d3 ]]>

Related commands
l NM_CancelOrder
l NM_ExtendOrder
l NM_GetPremiumDomainSettings
l NM_ProcessOrder
l NM_Search
l NM_SetPremiumDomainSettings


- 832 -
API Command Categories

Finish processing a Premium Domain order that you initiated with the AddToCart or
Purchase command, using the deferred payment parameter, UseWireTransfer=Yes.
Use this command to use the account balance to pay for a Premium Domain order that
was originally submitted with the AddToCart or Purchase command, using the pay-later
parameter, UseWireTransfer=Yes.
You must be one of our direct ETP Resellers to sell Premium Domains.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Premium Domain order ID must be associated with this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number for the Premium

OrderID Required 10
Domain order you want to pay now

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 833 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this query string

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error message explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query uses the account balance to pay for a Premium Domains order that
was originally submitted with our deferred payment option, UseWireTransfer=Yes:


In the response, a Success value True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 834 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ True ]]>
<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
- <![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
- <![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
- <![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
- <![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
- <![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
- <![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
- <![CDATA[ 0.391 ]]>
- <![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ 000e422f-fbee-4da2-bbe5-6bb9e9a33c67 ]]>

- 835 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l NM_CancelOrder
l NM_ExtendOrder
l NM_GetPremiumDomainSettings
l NM_GetSearchCategories
l NM_Search
l NM_SetPremiumDomainSettings

Search for available Premium Domains.
Use this command to search for Premium Domains that are available for purchase.
Premium Domains can only be sold by our direct ETP resellers.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The text box populates the Keyword parameter, we set Record-
sToReturn=50&SortBy=Quality, and the Search button calls the NM_Search command.
Our UI divides the 50 results into five pages of 10 domains each.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 836 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Word to include in search results. Does not

function if query string includes the
StartsWith or EndsWith parameter. This para-
Recommended; meter expects full words to function as inten-
Keyword default is no ded. Permitted values are single strings or ?
keyword comma-delimited lists of strings. For
example, Keyword=Box,Office returns
matches that contain Box and Office, fol-
lowed by matches that contain Box or Office

Words to exclude from search results. This fil-

ter expects complete words, not just the first
few letters, and does not extrapolate to vari-
ations such as plurals. Permitted values are
single strings or comma-delimited lists of
Optional; default
Filter strings. For example, Key- ?
is no filter
returns matches that contain Box or Office,
then removes any items from that list that con-
tain Exchange or Chart, but does not remove
items that contain Charts.

Optional; default Return domain names that start with this char-
StartsWith 1
is no filter acter. Permitted values are alphanumeric

Optional; default Return domain names that end with this char-
EndsWithWith 1
is no filter acter. Permitted values are alphanumeric

Optional; by
default, the Topic category to search. Use the NM_
Category scope of a GetSearchCategories command to retrieve 3
search is all cat- search categories

Optional; by
default, the Topic subcategory to search. Use the NM_
Subcategory scope of a GetSearchCategories to retrieve search sub- 3
search is all sub- categories

- 837 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

TLDs to include in results. Permitted format is
Optional; default tld or tld1,tld2,tld3, . . .. For example, TLDList-
TLDList ?
is com t=com,net,org returns .com, .net, and .org
matches to your search

Exclude domain names that contain

Optional; default
ExcludeHyphens hyphens? Use ExcludeHyphens=Yes to 3
is No
exclude hyphens

Minimum number of characters in the SLDs

Optional; default returned by the search. Most registries
MinLength 2
is no minimum impose a minimum of 1 letter for TLDs. Per-
mitted values are numeric

Maximum number of characters in the SLDs

Optional; default returned by the search. Most registries
MaxLength 2
is no maximum impose a maximum of 63 characters for
SLDs. Permitted values are numeric

Filter return so that all results are at or below

Optional; default this price. We dont impose a maximum price
PriceHigh ?
is no maximum but you may want to, to manage risk. Per-
mitted values are in DD or DD.cc format

Filter return so that all results are at or above

Optional; default
PriceLow this price. Permitted values are in DD or ?
is no minimum
DD.cc format

Sort order for the list of domains that matches

your search criteria. Note that search results
will include topics related to the keyword you
specify, and commonly include thousands of
Optional; default items. Choosing a sort criterion other than
SortBy ?
is Quality Quality can return unexpected matches. Per-
mitted values: Quality Quality of match to spe-
cified keyword(s) Domain Alphabetic Alpha
Alphabetic Price Price, lowest to highest
PriceDesc Price, highest to lowest

Updated Optional Date added to inventory 9

Number of domains to return in this response.

Permitted values are integers 1 to 500. For
Optional; default example, if you return domains 25 at a time
RecordsToReturn 3
is 50 and want to retrieve the third set of 25
domains, use Record-

Optional; default For this set of results, start with this position
StartPosition ?
is 1 in the set of 25 domains, use Record-

- 838 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

sToReturn=25&StartPosition=51 to retrieve
the third set of 25 domains, use Record-

Format of response. Permitted values are

ResponseType Optional 4
Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Count Number of Premium Domains returned in this response

PremiumDomain Premium Domain name

Price Selling price for this domain name

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=HTML or Respon-
seType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter o the client. Otherwise process the If greater than 0 the
transaction failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client.
Otherwise process the returned parameters as defined above.

The following query searches on comma-dilimited keywords, sorts by quality, and pages
the results:

- 839 -
API Command Categories

Command=NM_Search& uid=resellid&pw=resellpw

In the response, a list of matches and an ErrCount value 0 indicate that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<domains count="10">
<premiumdomain price-
<premiumdomain price-
<premiumdomain price-
<premiumdomain price-
<premiumdomain price-
<premiumdomain price-
<premiumdomain price-
<premiumdomain price-
<premiumdomain price-
<premiumdomain price-
<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>

- 840 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.406 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ 122c8b26-60f6-4dde-8a2d-dae0a5898bf7 ]]>

Related commands
l NM_CancelOrder
l NM_ExtendOrder
l NM_GetPremiumDomainSettings
l NM_GetSearchCategories
l NM_ProcessOrder
l NM_SetPremiumDomainSettings

- 841 -
API Command Categories

Set the threshold at which you want to require payment for Premium Domains by wire
transfer to us.
Use this command to set the threshold price above which you want to always pay your
Premium Domains order by wire transfer. You can use this setting as a means of ensur-
ing that orders dont fail due to an insufficient account balance.
You also have the option of deferring payment at lower price levels, using the
UseWireTransfer parameter in the Purchase or InsertNewOrder commands.
The account-level deferred payment threshold that you set with the NM_SetPremi-
umDomainSettings command applies in the following ways:
l If you use the Purchase command to purchase domain names, the threshold
applies to the price of thesingle Premium Domain in the query string.
l If you use AddToCart and InsertNewOrder to purchase domain names, the

threshold applies to the sumof the Premium Domains, plus the services attached to
them, in an order.
There are a few considerations within our system to be aware of, to guide you in choos-
ing a threshold for deferredpayment:
l We place a limit on orders that use our merchant services to process credit cards. If
you normally use our merchant services and want to offer your customers Premium
Domains over that limit in value, you must establish a system to pay us, and to
charge your customers, that is outside our merchant services environment. The
lower the wire transfer threshold you choose, the more likely you are to need this
l When youre ready to submit your deferred payment, use the NM_ProcessOrder

command to completethe order using your account balance, or contact your sales
representative for wire transfer instructions.
Premium Domains can only be sold by our direct ETP resellers.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

- 842 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Threshold at or above which you want to

always pay for your Premium Domain
Optional; default is
WireTransferThreshold order by wire transfer. See Usage sec- 14
tion for more information. Permitted val-
ues are in DD or DD.cc format

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Status Success status of this query string

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 843 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query specifies account-level settings for Premium Domains: wire transfer
threshold. It sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a Status value Successful indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />

- 844 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.141 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ e5f9e424-f92f-40a7-92e3-0786ca6035cc ]]>

Related commands
l NM_CancelOrder
l NM_ExtendOrder
l NM_GetPremiumDomainSettings
l NM_GetSearchCategories
l NM_ProcessOrder
l NM_Search

Separate the domain name into its host, SLD, and TLD.

- 845 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to separate a domain name into its constituent parts.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Full name to parse, including the third

PassedDomain Required 70
level if appropriate

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Host Host name

- 846 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
SLD Second-level domain name (for example, enom in enom.com)

TLD Top-level domain name (extension)

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query separates the domain name www.resellerdocs.com into its Host,
SLD, and TLD, and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 847 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l None

Get retail prices that this account charges to consumers. These are also the prices that
this accounts subaccounts will be charged, unless you change them for each individual
Use this command to retrieve prices that you have changed from their default values.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 848 -
API Command Categories

If you click a Login ID of a retail subaccount, the link calls the PE_GetCustomerPricing
command. If you click a Login ID of a reseller subaccount, the link calls the PE_
GetResellerPrice command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Pricing engine index, for use by eNoms database. Pro-
ductType for domains Product type for domains. Permitted val-
ues are:
10 Domain registration
13 DNS hosting
CPID 14 DNS hosting renew
16 Domain renewal
17 Domain redemption grace period (RGP)
18 Domain Extended RGP (available at our discretion, and
decided by us on a name-by-name basis)
19 transfer

- 849 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
41 Registration and email forwarding by the .name Registry
44 .name registration and email forwarding renewal

Product type for SSL certificates. Permitted values are:

211 SSL certificate - Comodo Essential
212 SSL certificate - Comodo Instant
214 SSL certificate - Comodo Essential Wildcard
213 SSL certificate - Comodo Premium Wildcard
221 SSL certificate - Comodo EV
222 SSL certificate - Comodo EV SGC
20 SSL certificate - GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium
ProductType for SSL certificates 21 SSL certificate - GeoTrust True BusinessID
24 SSL certificate - GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV
26 SSL certificate - GeoTrust QuickSSL
27 SSL certificate - GeoTrustTrueBizID Wildcard
23 SSL certificate - RapidSSL
180 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure Site
181 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure Site Pro
182 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure Site EV
183 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure Site Pro EV

Product type for Web hosting and Web site creation services.
Permitted values are:
50 Web hosting account with Access database
51 Web hosting component - 20GB bandwidth
52 Web hosting component - 1GB Web storage
53 Web hosting component - 250MB SQL database storage
54 Web hosting component - 10 POP mailboxes
55 Web hosting setup fee
ProductType for Web hosting and Web 56 Web hosting bandwidth overage, at per-1GB overage pro-
site creation services tection rate
57 Web hosting bandwidth overage fee, with upgrade
58 Web hosting component - 100MB POP storage
86 Web Site Creator without Web hosting - Basic
87 Web Site Creator without Web hosting - Full
88 Web Site Creator without Web hosting - eCommerce
90 Web Site Creator added to Web hosting - Basic
91 Web Site Creator added to Web hosting - Full
92 Web Site Creator added to Web hosting - eCommerce

Product type for email services. Permitted values are:

35 Additional storage for POP pak - renewal - 512MB/box
36 Additional storage for POP pak - 512MB per mailbox
38 POP mail 10-pak
ProductType for email services 39 POP mail 10-pak renewal
41 Registration and email forwarding by the .name Registry
42 Email forwarding by the .name Registry
44 .name registration and email forwarding renewal
45 Email forwarding by us

- 850 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
46 Email forwarding by us - renewal

Product type for all other services. Permitted values are:

47 URL forwarding
48 URL forwarding - renewal
65 Private label annual subscription
66 Private label annual renewal
72 ID Protect (Whois Privacy Protection)
73 ID Protect - renewal
140 Business Listing
141 Business Listing renewal
235 goMobi
ProductType for all other services
236 goMobi free trial 190
200 RichContent free trial
201 RichContent
215 Instant Reseller
216 Instant Reseller renewal
217 Instant Reseller upgrade
240 TRUSTe Privacy Policy
241 TRUSTe Privacy Policy renewal
242 TRUSTe Privacy Policy with Seal
243 TRUSTe Privacy Policy with Seal renewal

Product description. Values are listed under ProductType,


TLDID Top-level-domain ID number.

TLD Top-level domain name.

Retail price. Response contains a value only if price overrides

the default value.

ResellerPrice Reseller price.

Registry Rocket price. Response contains a value only if price

overrides the default value.

Enabled Enabled state for this TLD. Options are True or False.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 851 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the price that subaccount ichiro charges for transferring a
.org domain name, and requests the response in XML format:

command=PE_GETCUSTOMERPRICING& uid=resellid

The response indicates that the price for transferring a .org name is $8.95, and .org trans-
fers are enabled in this subaccount:


- 852 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 11:07:40 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CommissionAccount
l GetBalance
l PE_GetDomainPricing
l PE_GetPOPPrice
l PE_GetProductPrice
l PE_GetResellerPrice
l PE_GetRetailPrice
l PE_GetRocketPrice
l PE_SetPricing

- 853 -
API Command Categories

Get the retail pricing that this account charges for registrations, renewals, and transfers,
by top-level domain.
Use this command when you want a list of retail prices for one top-level domain, for regis-
trations, renewals, and transfers. To get a list of retail prices for all products offered by
this account, use PE_GetRetailPricing.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
PE_GetDomainPricing is not implemented on enom.com. The sub-account configuration
page displays similar information, but for all top-level domains.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 854 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Optional; default is Return prices for multiple-year regis-

UseQtyEngine 1
0 trations. Permitted values are 0 and 1.

Number of years for multiple-year regis-

Optional; default is
Years trations. Permitted values are 1, 2, 5, 2
and 10.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the pricing for account resellid for the various top-level
domains, with the response in XML format:

- 855 -
API Command Categories


The response indicates that the price of .com domains is $8.95 per year, .net is $8.95 per
year, and so on:


- 856 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 3:40:47 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CommissionAccount
l GetBalance
l PE_GetCustomerPricing
l PE_GetPOPPrice
l PE_GetProductPrice
l PE_GetResellerPrice
l PE_GetRetailPrice
l PE_GetRocketPrice
l PE_SetPricing

Get Early Access Program (EAP) pricing and phase information for a list of TLDs, includ-
ing if there are pending orders for the domain for the given EAP day.
Use this command to retrieve prices for a list of domains in EAP status.

- 857 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This is used to show the pre-registration options for a TLD on the queue search results.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l At least one domain must be passed in
l The TLD must be a TLD sold through Donuts Inc.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLDX Required enom in enom.com) X = integer, 1, 2, 3, 63

Top-level domain name (extension) X =

TLDX Required 15
integer, 1, 2, 3, etc

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 858 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Domain Domain Name.

SLD Second level domain name.

TLD Top-level domain name.

TLDID Top-level-domain ID number.

Phase The name of the phase

EAP Day number for that phase. Will only be present for EAP
phase items.

Price The calling accounts price for the item.

Retail price. Response contains a value only if the api is called

as a reseller.

ReleaseDate Localized time that the phase gets released. Time is in PST.

ReleaseDate-UTC Release Date converted to UTC

Order(s) exist for this SLD.TLD in the given EAP day? Will not
be returned for non EAP phases.

Valid values are 0 and 1.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the price that account resellid will be charged and their
retail price for registering the domain name trading.cards, and requests the response in
XML format:

- 859 -
API Command Categories


command=PE_GetEapPricing& uid=resellid&pw=resellpw

The response indicates the available days to place a pre-registration for EAP and the pri-
cing available to the reseller.

<domain domain="trading.cards" sld="trading" tld="cards"

- 860 -
API Command Categories


- 861 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>5/6/2014 11:40:48 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l PE_GetDomainPricing
l PE_GetPOPPrice
l PE_GetProductPrice
l PE_GetResellerPrice
l PE_GetRetailPrice
l PE_GetRocketPrice
l PE_SetPricing

Retrieve the wholesale price that this account pays for POP mail 10-paks.
Use this command to retrieve the wholesale price that this account pays for POP mail

- 862 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the POP3 email paks row, the value in the Your cost column is supplied by the PE_
GetPOPPrice command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Pop Wholesale price this account pays per POP 10-pak

Command Name of command executed

- 863 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check
the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the wholesale price that account resellid pays for a POP
10-pak, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a pop pricing value and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 864 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l GetPOP3
l PE_GetCustomerPricing
l PE_GetDomainPricing
l PE_GetProductPrice
l PE_GetResellerPrice
l PE_GetRetailPrice
l PE_GetRetailPricing
l PE_GetRocketPrice
l PE_SetPricing
l PurchasePOPBundle

Retrieve the premium pricing for a list of domains.
Use this command to retrieve the premium pricing for a list of domains.

- 865 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

SLDx X=1 to
Required Second level domain 8

TLDx Required Top level domain 8

QNamex Required Queue name 32

Product type. Permitted values are:

ProductType Required 16
Extended RGP

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

- 866 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Domain Domain name

IsPremium Is premium domain?


Premium domain price. Empty value will be returned for a non-

Price premium domain or if the domain is not eligible in a specified

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err (1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the premium pricings for a list of domains, and requests the
response in XML format.


- 867 -
API Command Categories


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<RequestDateTime>11/25/2013 5:31:15 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l Queue_GetInfo
l Queue_GetExtAttributes
l Queue_DomainPurchase

- 868 -
API Command Categories

l Queue_GetDomains
l Queue_GetOrders
l Queue_GetOrderDetail
l GetAgreementPage

Retrieve the wholesale cost that this account pays for a product.
Use this command to retrieve wholesale pricing information for a single product.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Each value in the Your Cost column could be retrieved using one call to the PE_GetPro-
ductPrice command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:
command =nameofcommand&uid=yourloginid&pw=yourpassword

- 869 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Product type for domains. Permitted val-

ues are:
10 Domain registration
13 DNS hosting
14 DNS hosting renew
16 Domain renewal
17 Domain redemption grace period
ProductType for
A ProductType is (RGP)
domains (other Pro- 63
Required 18 Domain Extended RGP (available at
ductTypes follow)
our discretion, and decided by us on a
name-by-name basis)
19 transfer
41 Registration and email forwarding by
the .name Registry
44 .name registration and email for-
warding renewal

Product type for SSL certificates. Per-

mitted values are:
211 SSL certificate - Comodo Essential
212 SSL certificate - Comodo Instant
214 SSL certificate - Comodo Essential
213 SSL certificate - Comodo Premium
221 SSL certificate - Comodo EV
222 SSL certificate - Comodo EV SGC
20 SSL certificate - GeoTrust QuickSSL
ProductType for SSL cer- 21 SSL certificate - GeoTrust True Busi-
tificates (see adjacent nessID
Required 63
rows for other Pro- 24 SSL certificate - GeoTrust True Busi-
ductTypes) nessID with EV
26 SSL certificate - GeoTrust QuickSSL
27 SSL certificate - GeoTrustTrueBizID
23 SSL certificate - RapidSSL
180 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure
181 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure
Site Pro
182 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure
Site EV
183 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure
Site Pro EV

- 870 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Product type for Web hosting and Web
site creation services. Permitted values
50 Web hosting account with Access
51 Web hosting component - 20GB band-
52 Web hosting component - 1GB Web
53 Web hosting component - 250MB
SQL database storage
54 Web hosting component - 10 POP
55 Web hosting setup fee
ProductType for Web
56 Web hosting bandwidth overage, at
hosting and Web site cre-
per-1GB overage protection rate
ation services (see adja- Required 63
57 Web hosting bandwidth overage fee,
cent rows for other
with upgrade
58 Web hosting component - 100MB
POP storage
86 Web Site Creator without Web host-
ing - Basic
87 Web Site Creator without Web host-
ing - Full
88 Web Site Creator without Web host-
ing - eCommerce
90 Web Site Creator added to Web host-
ing - Basic
91 Web Site Creator added to Web host-
ing - Full
92 Web Site Creator added to Web host-
ing - eCommerce

Product type for email services. Per-

mitted values are:
35 Additional storage for POP pak -
renewal - 512MB/box
36 Additional storage for POP pak -
512MB per mailbox
ProductType for email
38 POP mail 10-pak 39 POP mail 10-pak
services (see adjacent
Required renewal 63
rows for other Pro-
41 Registration and email forwarding by
the .name Registry
42 Email forwarding by the .name
44 .name registration and email for-
warding renewal
45 Email forwarding by us

- 871 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

46 Email forwarding by us - renewal

Product type for all other services. Per-

mitted values are:
47 URL forwarding
48 URL forwarding - renewal
65 Private label annual subscription
66 Private label annual renewal
72 ID Protect (Whois Privacy Protection)
73 ID Protect - renewal
140 Business Listing
ProductType for all other 141 Business Listing renewal
services (see previous 235 goMobi
Required 63
rows for other Pro- 236 goMobi free trial
ductTypes) 200 RichContent free trial
201 RichContent
215 Instant Reseller
216 Instant Reseller renewal
217 Instant Reseller upgrade
240 TRUSTe Privacy Policy
241 TRUSTe Privacy Policy renewal
242 TRUSTe Privacy Policy with Seal
243 TRUSTe Privacy Policy with Seal

ProductType is 10, 16, or 19 Top-level

TLD Required 15
domain name (extension)

Year bracket for which to retrieve prices.

Optional; default Permitted values are 1, 2, 5, and 10. For
Years 20
value is 1 example, Years=2 retrieves prices for
registrations of 2 to 4 years.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Price Wholesale price that the UID pays for this product

ProductEnabled Enabled status of this product

- 872 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the price for registering a .com domain, and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, a price and an enabled status for the product confirm that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 873 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l PE_GetCustomerPricing
l PE_GetDomainPricing
l PE_GetPOPPrice
l PE_GetResellerPrice
l PE_GetRetailPrice
l PE_GetRetailPricing
l PE_GetRocketPrice
l PE_SetPricing

Get the wholesale price that this account pays for one product, and tell whether that
product is enabled.

- 874 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to retrieve the price of one product. For example, you can use this
command to retrieve the price you pay for registering a .com name.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the home > pricing info page, each individual price can be retrieved using PE_

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Product type for domains. Permitted val-

ues are: 10 Domain registration 13 DNS
hosting 14 DNS hosting renew 16
Domain renewal 17 Domain redemption
ProductType for
A ProductType is grace period (RGP) 18 Domain Extended
domains (other Pro- 63
Required RGP (available at our discretion, and
ductTypes follow)
decided by us on a name-by-name basis)
19 transfer 41 Registration and email for-
warding by the .name Registry 44 .name
registration and email forwarding renewal

- 875 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Product type for SSL certificates. Per-

mitted values are: 211 SSL certificate -
Comodo Essential 212 SSL certificate -
Comodo Instant 214 SSL certificate -
Comodo Essential Wildcard 213 SSL cer-
tificate - Comodo Premium Wildcard 221
SSL certificate - Comodo EV 222 SSL
certificate - Comodo EV SGC 20 SSL
ProductType for SSL certificate - GeoTrust QuickSSL
certificates (see adja- Premium 21 SSL certificate - GeoTrust
Required 63
cent rows for other Pro- True BusinessID 24 SSL certificate -
ductTypes) GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV 26
SSL certificate - GeoTrust QuickSSL 27
SSL certificate - GeoTrustTrueBizID
Wildcard 23 SSL certificate - RapidSSL
180 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure
Site 181 SSL certificate - VeriSign
Secure Site Pro 182 SSL certificate - Ver-
iSign Secure Site EV 183 SSL certificate
- VeriSign Secure Site Pro EV

Product type for Web hosting and Web

site creation services. Permitted values
are: 50 Web hosting account with
Access database 51 Web hosting com-
ponent - 20GB bandwidth 52 Web host-
ing component - 1GB Web storage 53
Web hosting component - 250MB SQL
database storage 54 Web hosting com-
ponent - 10 POP mailboxes 55 Web host-
ProductType for Web
ing setup fee 56 Web hosting bandwidth
hosting and Web site
overage, at per-1GB overage protection
creation services (see Required 63
rate 57 Web hosting bandwidth overage
adjacent rows for other
fee, with upgrade 58 Web hosting com-
ponent - 100MB POP storage 86 Web
Site Creator without Web hosting - Basic
87 Web Site Creator without Web host-
ing - Full 88 Web Site Creator without
Web hosting - eCommerce 90 Web Site
Creator added to Web hosting - Basic 91
Web Site Creator added to Web hosting -
Full 92 Web Site Creator added to Web
hosting - eCommerce

ProductType for email Product type for email services. Per-

services (see adjacent Required mitted values are: 35 Additional storage 63
rows for other Pro-

- 876 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

for POP pak - renewal - 512MB/box 36
Additional storage for POP pak - 512MB
per mailbox 38 POP mail 10-pak 39 POP
mail 10-pak renewal 41 Registration and
email forwarding by the .name Registry
42 Email forwarding by the .name
Registry 44 .name registration and email
forwarding renewal 45 Email forwarding
by us 46 Email forwarding by us -

Product type for all other services. Per-

mitted values are: 47 URL forwarding 48
URL forwarding - renewal 65 Private
label annual subscription 66 Private label
annual renewal 72 ID Protect (Whois Pri-
vacy Protection) 73 ID Protect - renewal
ProductType for all other 140 Business Listing 141 Business List-
services (see previous ing renewal 235 goMobi 236 goMobi free
Required 63
rows for other Pro- trial 200 RichContent free trial 201
ductTypes) RichContent 215 Instant Reseller 216
Instant Reseller renewal 217 Instant
Reseller upgrade 240 TRUSTe Privacy
Policy 241 TRUSTe Privacy Policy
renewal 242 TRUSTe Privacy Policy
with Seal 243 TRUSTe Privacy Policy
with Seal renewal

Required for Pro- If the ProductType is 10, 16, or 19, spe-

TLD ductType 10, 16, or cify the TLD for which you want pricing 20
19 information.

Retrieve quantity discount information.

For some products like domains, this
Optional; default is value represents the price break for multi-
Years 3
1 year registrations. For other products, it
represents the price for multiple units of
the product.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

- 877 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check
the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the price for registration of a .org domain name, and
requests the response in XML format:


The response indicates that a .org domain name is $8.95 per year:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 878 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l CommissionAccount
l GetBalance
l PE_GetCustomerPricing
l PE_GetDomainPricing
l PE_GetPOPPrice
l PE_GetProductPrice
l PE_GetRetailPrice
l PE_GetRocketPrice
l PE_SetPricing

Get the Retail pricing for a specified product, and tell whether the product is enabled.
The Retail price is the price you charge to your retail customers; it is also the price you
charge your subaccounts unless you set prices specifically for each subaccount using
commands such as UpdateAccountPricing, GetSubAccountDetails, or PE_SetPricing.
Use this command to retrieve pricing for a single product. For example, you can use this
command to retrieve the price for renewing a .org name that you currently have set for
one retail subaccount.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

- 879 -
API Command Categories

Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

PE_GetRetailPrice is not implemented on enom.com. The sub-account configuration
displays similar information, but for all top-level domains and for registering,
renewing, and transferring domains.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Product type for domains. Permitted val-

ues are:
10 Domain registration
13 DNS hosting
14 DNS hosting renew
16 Domain renewal
17 Domain redemption grace period
ProductType for A ProductType is
(RGP) 63
domains Required
18 Domain Extended RGP (available at
our discretion, and decided by us on a
name-by-name basis)
19 transfer
41 Registration and email forwarding by
the .name Registry
44 .name registration and email for-

- 880 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

warding renewal

Product type for SSL certificates. Per-

mitted values are:
211 SSL certificate - Comodo Essential
212 SSL certificate - Comodo Instant
214 SSL certificate - Comodo Essential
213 SSL certificate - Comodo Premium
221 SSL certificate - Comodo EV
222 SSL certificate - Comodo EV SGC
20 SSL certificate - GeoTrust QuickSSL
21 SSL certificate - GeoTrust True Busi-
ProductType for SSL cer- AProductTypeis nessID
tificates Required 24 SSL certificate - GeoTrust True Busi-
nessID with EV
26 SSL certificate - GeoTrust QuickSSL
27 SSL certificate - GeoTrustTrueBizID
23 SSL certificate - RapidSSL
180 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure
181 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure
Site Pro
182 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure
Site EV
183 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure
Site Pro EV

Product type for Web hosting and Web

site creation services. Permitted values
50 Web hosting account with Access
51 Web hosting component - 20GB band-
52 Web hosting component - 1GB Web
ProductType for Web
A ProductType is storage
hosting and Web site cre- 63
Required 53 Web hosting component - 250MB
ation services
SQL database storage
54 Web hosting component - 10 POP
55 Web hosting setup fee
56 Web hosting bandwidth overage, at
per-1GB overage protection rate
57 Web hosting bandwidth overage fee,

- 881 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

with upgrade
58 Web hosting component - 100MB
POP storage
86 Web Site Creator without Web host-
ing - Basic
87 Web Site Creator without Web host-
ing - Full
88 Web Site Creator without Web host-
ing - eCommerce
90 Web Site Creator added to Web host-
ing - Basic
91 Web Site Creator added to Web host-
ing - Full
92 Web Site Creator added to Web host-
ing - eCommerce

Product type for email services. Per-

mitted values are:
35 Additional storage for POP pak -
renewal - 512MB/box
36 Additional storage for POP pak -
512MB per mailbox
38 POP mail 10-pak
ProductType for email A ProductType is 39 POP mail 10-pak renewal
services Required 41 Registration and email forwarding by
the .name Registry
42 Email forwarding by the .name
44 .name registration and email for-
warding renewal
45 Email forwarding by us
46 Email forwarding by us - renewal

Product type for all other services. Per-

mitted values are:
47 URL forwarding
48 URL forwarding - renewal
65 Private label annual subscription
66 Private label annual renewal
72 ID Protect (Whois Privacy Protection)
ProductType for all other A ProductType is 73 ID Protect - renewal 63
services Required 140 Business Listing
141 Business Listing renewal
235 goMobi
236 goMobi free trial
200 RichContent free trial
201 RichContent
215 Instant Reseller

- 882 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

216 Instant Reseller renewal
217 Instant Reseller upgrade
240 TRUSTe Privacy Policy
241 TRUSTe Privacy Policy renewal
242 TRUSTe Privacy Policy with Seal
243 TRUSTe Privacy Policy with Seal

If ProductType is 10, 16, or 19, include

TLD Optional the TLD for which you want the retail 15
price setting.

Retrieve prices for bulk discounts. In

some cases like domains, this value rep-
resents the price for multi-year regis-
Years Optional 3
trations. In other cases, this value
represents the price for multiple units sub-
scribed concurrently.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 883 -
API Command Categories

The following query requests the price for registering a .org name, and requests the
response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 3:45:37 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CommissionAccount
l GetBalance

- 884 -
API Command Categories

l PE_GetCustomerPricing
l PE_GetDomainPricing
l PE_GetPOPPrice
l PE_GetProductPrice
l PE_GetResellerPrice
l PE_GetRocketPrice
l PE_SetPricing

Retrieve the retail prices that this account charges for all products, and their enabled
"Retail" prices apply to retail customers of this account. They also apply to any sub-
accounts in which the prices the subaccount pays have not been set for that individual
subaccount using a command such as UpdateAccountPricing, GetSubAccountDetails,
or PE_SetPricing.
Use this command to display the full list of retail prices for this account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the my enom > settings page, the Default Account/Sub-Account Pricing section dis-
plays the query results for PE_GetRetailPricing.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

- 885 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Use TLDOnly=1 if you want only domain

Optional; default is name prices; otherwise this command
TLDOnly 20
0 returns prices for domain names and all
other products and services.

Beginning of year range for which to

retrieve prices. Permitted values are 1, 2,
Optional; default
Years 5, and 10. For example, Years=2 20
value is 1
retrieves prices for registrations of 2 to 4

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TLD Top-level domain name (extension)

TLDID Our ID number for this TLD

Product type for domains. Permitted values are:

10 Domain registration
13 DNS hosting
14 DNS hosting renew
16 Domain renewal
ProductType for domains 17 Domain redemption grace period (RGP)
18 Domain Extended RGP (available at our discretion, and
decided by us on a name-by-name basis)
19 transfer
41 Registration and email forwarding by the .name Registry
44 .name registration and email forwarding renewal

- 886 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Product type for SSL certificates. Permitted values are:
211 SSL certificate - Comodo Essential
212 SSL certificate - Comodo Instant
214 SSL certificate - Comodo Essential Wildcard
213 SSL certificate - Comodo Premium Wildcard
221 SSL certificate - Comodo EV
222 SSL certificate - Comodo EV SGC
20 SSL certificate - GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium
ProductType for SSL certificates 21 SSL certificate - GeoTrust True BusinessID
24 SSL certificate - GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV
26 SSL certificate - GeoTrust QuickSSL
27 SSL certificate - GeoTrustTrueBizID Wildcard
23 SSL certificate - RapidSSL
180 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure Site
181 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure Site Pro
182 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure Site EV
183 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure Site Pro EV

Product type for Web hosting and Web site creation services.
Permitted values are:
50 Web hosting account with Access database
51 Web hosting component - 20GB bandwidth
52 Web hosting component - 1GB Web storage
53 Web hosting component - 250MB SQL database storage
54 Web hosting component - 10 POP mailboxes
55 Web hosting setup fee
ProductType for Web hosting and Web 56 Web hosting bandwidth overage, at per-1GB overage pro-
site creation services tection rate
57 Web hosting bandwidth overage fee, with upgrade
58 Web hosting component - 100MB POP storage
86 Web Site Creator without Web hosting - Basic
87 Web Site Creator without Web hosting - Full
88 Web Site Creator without Web hosting - eCommerce
90 Web Site Creator added to Web hosting - Basic
91 Web Site Creator added to Web hosting - Full
92 Web Site Creator added to Web hosting

Product type for email services. Permitted values are:

35 Additional storage for POP pak - renewal - 512MB/box
36 Additional storage for POP pak - 512MB per mailbox
38 POP mail 10-pak
39 POP mail 10-pak renewal
ProductType for email services
41 Registration and email forwarding by the .name Registry
42 Email forwarding by the .name Registry
44 .name registration and email forwarding renewal
45 Email forwarding by us
46 Email forwarding by us - renewal

- 887 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Product type for all other services. Permitted values are:
47 URL forwarding
48 URL forwarding - renewal
65 Private label annual subscription
66 Private label annual renewal
72 ID Protect (Whois Privacy Protection)
73 ID Protect - renewal
140 Business Listing
141 Business Listing renewal
235 goMobi
ProductType for all other services
236 goMobi free trial
200 RichContent free trial
201 RichContent
215 Instant Reseller
216 Instant Reseller renewal
217 Instant Reseller upgrade
240 TRUSTe Privacy Policy
241 TRUSTe Privacy Policy renewal
242 TRUSTe Privacy Policy with Seal
243 TRUSTe Privacy Policy with Seal renewal

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the prices that account resellid
is charging for all products, and whether the

- 888 -
API Command Categories

products are enabled. It also requests the response in XML format:



The response lists the prices for all products, and tells whether they are offered in this

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 889 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l PE_GetCustomerPricing
l PE_GetDomainPricing
l PE_GetResellerPrice
l PE_GetDomainPricing
l PE_GetPOPPrice
l PE_GetProductPrice
l PE_GetResellerPrice
l PE_GetRetailPrice
l PE_GetRocketPrice
l PE_SetPricing
l UpdateAccountPricing


- 890 -
API Command Categories

Get the pricing and enabled state for a Registry Rocket key.
Use this command to get the price for one product, for one top-level domain. For
example, you can use this command to retrieve the price for renewing a .org name. This
command is most useful to resellers who offer a restricted set of top-level domains.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
This command is not implemented on enom.com. However, on the registry rocket page,
the create link button returns similar information.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:
&paramname=paramvalue &nextparamname=nextparamvalue

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Top-level domain (extension, e.g. com)

TLD Required 15
for which you want information.

Product type. Options are: 10 register 13

ProductType Required 3
DNS hosting 14 DNS hosting renew 16

- 891 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

renew 19 transfer

Unique key created for each Registry

ResellerKey Required 40
Rocket site.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presen-

ted as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l Product types are: 10=register, 13=hosting, 14=hosting renew, 16=renew, 19=tran-

The following query requests the Registry Rocket price for .org domain names, with
response in XML format:

- 892 -
API Command Categories


The response indicates that the price for .org names is $29.95 per year, and sales of .org
are enabled:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l CommissionAccount
l GetBalance
l GetWebHostingAll
l PE_GetCustomerPricing
l PE_GetDomainPricing
l PE_GetPOPPrice
l PE_GetProductPrice
l PE_GetResellerPrice
l PE_GetRetailPrice
l PE_SetPricing

- 893 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve the ID number for a TLD.
Use this command to retrieve the ID number for a TLD.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 894 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TLDID ID number for the TLD specified in the query string.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the ID number for the .org TLD, and sends the response in
XML format:


In the response, a value for the TLDID parameter confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 895 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l PE_SetPricing
l SetResellerTLDPricing

Set prices you charge subaccounts for our products and services. You can use this com-
mand to set any number of prices.
Use this command to set the prices you charge subaccounts for our products and ser-
vices. You can use this command to set any number of prices.

- 896 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the my enom > settings page, scroll to the Default Account/Sub-Account Pricing sec-
tion and click change. You can use PE_SetPricing to set the price of any or all products.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

If setting sub-
account prices,
Party ID of the subaccount to set pricing
PartyID either PartyID or 40
LoginID is

If setting sub-
account prices,
Login ID of the subaccount to set pricing
LoginID either PartyID or 20
LoginID is

If you want to update more than one

Optional; default is
UpdateResellerPrice product price in a reseller subaccount, 5
supply UpdateResellerPrice=true

- 897 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Required for Pro-
Top-level domain name (extension) to
TLDX X=1, 2, 3, . . . ductType 10, 13, 15
set pricing for
14, 16, 19

Year bracket to set prices for. For

example, Years=2 sets the annual price
for the time bracket from 2 to 4 years;
YearsX X=1, 2, 3, . . . Required Years=5 sets the annual price for 5 to 9 2
years. Permitted values are 1, 2, 5, and
10. You can use only one Years para-
meter per query.

Product type for domains. Permitted val-

ues are:
10 Domain registration
13 DNS hosting
14 DNS hosting renew
16 Domain renewal
17 Domain redemption grace period
ProductTypeX X=1, 2, 3, A ProductType is (RGP)
. . . Domains Required 18 Domain Extended RGP (available at
our discretion, and decided by us on a
name-by-name basis)
19 transfer
41 Registration and email forwarding by
the .name Registry
44 .name registration and email for-
warding renewal

Product type for SSL certificates. Per-

mitted values are:
211 SSL certificate - Comodo Essential
212 SSL certificate - Comodo Instant
214 SSL certificate - Comodo Essential
213 SSL certificate - Comodo Premium
221 SSL certificate - Comodo EV
ProductTypeX X=1, 2, 3, 222 SSL certificate - Comodo EV SGC
Required 63
. . . SSL 20 SSL certificate - GeoTrust QuickSSL
21 SSL certificate - GeoTrust True Busi-
24 SSL certificate - GeoTrust True Busi-
nessID with EV
26 SSL certificate - GeoTrust QuickSSL
27 SSL certificate - GeoTrustTrueBizID

- 898 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

23 SSL certificate - RapidSSL
180 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure
181 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure
Site Pro
182 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure
Site EV
183 SSL certificate - VeriSign Secure
Site Pro EV

Product type for Web hosting and Web

site creation services. Permitted values
50 Web hosting account with Access
51 Web hosting component - 20GB band-
52 Web hosting component - 1GB Web
53 Web hosting component - 250MB
SQL database storage
54 Web hosting component - 10 POP
55 Web hosting setup fee
ProductTypeX X=1, 2, 3, 56 Web hosting bandwidth overage, at
. . . Web hosting and per-1GB overage protection rate
Required 63
Web site creation ser- 57 Web hosting bandwidth overage fee,
vices with upgrade
58 Web hosting component - 100MB
POP storage
86 Web Site Creator without Web host-
ing - Basic
87 Web Site Creator without Web host-
ing - Full
88 Web Site Creator without Web host-
ing - eCommerce
90 Web Site Creator added to Web host-
ing - Basic
91 Web Site Creator added to Web host-
ing - Full
92 Web Site Creator added to Web host-
ing - eCommerce

Product type for email services. Per-

mitted values are:
ProductTypeX X=1, 2, 3, 35 Additional storage for POP pak -
Required 63
. . . Email services renewal - 512MB/box
36 Additional storage for POP pak -

- 899 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

512MB per mailbox
38 POP mail 10-pak
39 POP mail 10-pak renewal
41 Registration and email forwarding by
the .name Registry
42 Email forwarding by the .name
44 .name registration and email for-
warding renewal
45 Email forwarding by us
46 Email forwarding by us - renewal

Product type for all other services. Per-

mitted values are:
47 URL forwarding
48 URL forwarding - renewal
65 Private label annual subscription
66 Private label annual renewal
72 ID Protect (Whois Privacy Protection)
73 ID Protect - renewal
140 Business Listing
141 Business Listing renewal
ProductTypeX X=1, 2, 3,
235 goMobi
. . . Miscellaneous ser- Required 63
236 goMobi free trial
200 RichContent free trial
201 RichContent
215 Instant Reseller
216 Instant Reseller renewal
217 Instant Reseller upgrade
240 TRUSTe Privacy Policy
241 TRUSTe Privacy Policy renewal
242 TRUSTe Privacy Policy with Seal
243 TRUSTe Privacy Policy with Seal

Enable or disable the product type. Set

EnabledX X=1, 2, 3, . . . Optional 1
=1 to enable or =0 to disable.

Optional; use when

PriceX X=1, 2, 3, . . . setting retail prices Set the product price. Use format DD.cc 5000.00
for this UID

Reseller price for this product type. If

you use this parameter, you can reset
Optional; use when
the reseller price for only one product per
setting one whole-
ResellerPrice query. If you use this parameter, use 5000.00
sale price for one
parameters ProductType and Enabled
rather than ProductTypeX and

- 900 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Retail price for this product type. If you
use this parameter, you can reset the
Optional; use when retail price for only one product per
RetailPrice setting one retail query. If you use this parameter, use 5000.00
price for this UID parameters ProductType and Enabled
rather than ProductTypeX and

Registry Rocket price for this product

RocketPrice Optional 5000.00

Required if setting
ResellerKey a Registry Rocket Registry Rocket key 40

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l Either LoginID or PartyID is required. If LoginID is passed in then it will override the
PartyID if it is also

- 901 -
API Command Categories

l passed in.
l At least one Price must be supplied.

The following query requests that the retail price for registering .org names be set at
$44.00 and for renewing .org names $45.00, and requests the response in XML format:


In the response, the Status Successful and Errcount 0 confirm that the query suc-
cessfully reset 2 prices:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l AuthorizeTLD
l CommissionAccount

- 902 -
API Command Categories

l GetBalance
l GetTLDList
l GetWebHostingAll
l PE_GetCustomerPricing
l PE_GetDomainPricing
l PE_GetPOPPrice
l PE_GetProductPrice
l PE_GetResellerPrice
l PE_GetRetailPrice
l PE_GetRetailPricing
l PE_GetRocketPrice
l RemoveTLD
l SetResellerServicesPricing
l SetResellerTLDPricing
l UpdateAccountPricing

This command will get a list of domains awarded to watchlist users belonging to the par-
ent reseller.
This command will get a list of all domains that have been awarded to the resellers
watchlist users. Only domains that have not yet been marked as provisioned will be
returned by this command.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not utilized on enom.com as it is intended for partner integration

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

- 903 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

The maximum number of records to

Optional; default is
RecordCount return. maximum records is capped at 3

Determine the type of domains you will

get back; Permitted values are:
0 - Only return domains that a Reseller
Optional; default is has not provisioned
RecordOption 5
0 1 - Only return domains that a Reseller
has already provisioned
2 - Return all data, even ones that have
already been awarded

Optionally set which value to start at.

Optional; default is
StartPosition This allows you to optionally page 5
through the results.

Optional; default is Optionally allows you to filter the results

Tld 5
NULL only to domains with the specified TLD

Optionally allows you to filter the results

Optional; default is
DomainNameID only to the single domain with the spe- 5
cified Domain Name ID.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainCount Number of domains returned in this response

TotalDomainCount Total number of domains available to be returned

- 904 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Next starting position to use for those paging through the res-

DomainName The Domain Name

EmailAddress The Email Address of the portal user

ExpirationDate The domains expiration date.

RegisterDate The domains registration date.

ForeignLoginID The login ID on your system that registered the domain.

PortalDomainId The Portal Domain Name ID of the domain.

RegisterPrice The users registration price. This is the price that they paid.

The users registration price. This is the price that they would
pay to renew the domain at your current pricing.

RegistrationPeriod The number of years the domain is registered for

Boolean value indicating if you have marked this domain as pro-

visioned into your system.

If the domain is marked as provisioned, this is the date that it

was done so.

Registration status of the domain. Example: Registered,

Expired, etc.

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 905 -
API Command Categories

l Note: NewStartPosition is calculated by total results, start position and records to

return. It is advised that if you are paging through the results that you do the cal-
culation yourself with the values that make sense for your application.
l Note: ForeignLoginID is the "LoginID" that you pass along to the PORTAL_

The following query retrieves a single domain, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the presence of Success with a value of True AND the ErrCount value 0
indicate that the query was successful:

<ForeignLoginId>Fred Penner</ForeignLoginId>

- 906 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>5/30/2014 2:51:56 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands

Get information about a domain registered through portal.
Use this command to get information about a domain registered through portal.
All resellers have access to this command.

- 907 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainName Domain name

EmailAddress Email address of the portal account

ExpirationDate Expiration date

RegisterDate Registration date

ForeignLoginId Portal account's login ID

PortalDomainId Domain name ID

RegisterPrice Registration price

- 908 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
RenewPrice Renewal price

RegistrationPeriod Registration period (year)

ResellerProvisioned Is provisioned by the reseller?

ResellerProvisionedDate Provisioned date

IsPremium Is premium domain?

RegistrationStatus Domain registration status

Collections of domain activities, such as registrations, renew-

als and transfers.

<orders> Collections of order histories.

<pushes> Collections of push activities.

Collections of domain services including nameserrver, host

records and other value added items.

<RAASettings> RAA Information about contact update.

<Payment> Portal account payment information.

<Contacts> Collections of domain contacts.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 909 -
API Command Categories

The following query gets information about a domain registered through portal, and
requests the response in XML format.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<ResellerProvisionedDate />
<domain AutoRenew="Yes" ExpDate="2015-10-14T18:46:00" Regis-
trationStatus="Registered" Cred="eNom, Inc." DomainName-
e="domaintest.camera" DomainNameID="152718298" SiteID="E"
LoginID="resellid" />
<orders />
<pushes />
<entry name="dnsserver">

- 910 -
API Command Categories

<enomDNS value="NA" isDotName="NO" />

<service changable="1">1012</service>
<configuration changable="1" type="dns">
<dns />
<entry name="wpps">
<service changable="1">1123</service>
<entry name="wbl">
<entry name="mobilizer">
<service changable="0">1117</service>
<mobilizer />
<FirstName />
<LastName />
<EmailAddress />
<VerificationStatus>Pending Suspension</VerificationStatus>
<ValidationType>New Domain</ValidationType>
<ToBeSuspendedDate>12/18/2013 7:35:57 AM</ToBeSus-
<CCName>Jim Smith</CCName>
<CCAddress1>1st Ave</CCAddress1>

- 911 -
API Command Categories

<RegistrantAddress1>1st Ave</RegistrantAddress1>
<RegistrantAddress2 />
<RegistrantPhoneExt />
<RegistrantFax />
<AuxBillingAddress1>1st Ave</AuxBillingAddress1>
<AuxBillingAddress2 />

- 912 -
API Command Categories

<AuxBillingPhoneExt />
<AuxBillingFax />
<TechnicalAddress1>1st Ave</TechnicalAddress1>
<TechnicalAddress2 />
<TechnicalPhoneExt />
<TechnicalFax />
<AdminAddress1>1st Ave</AdminAddress1>
<AdminAddress2 />

- 913 -
API Command Categories

<AdminPhoneExt />
<AdminFax />
<RequestDateTime>5/22/2014 11:17:34 AM</RequestDateTime>

Get an access token which allows a user to auto login to a tld portal.
Use this command to get an access token which allow users to auto login to a tld portal.
All resellers have access to this command.

- 914 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Portal User ID must be unique.
l The Email address has to be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

PortalUserID Required Unique user login ID on the reseller site 200

Email Required User email address 300

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Token Access token which allows a user to auto login to a tld portal.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

Done True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-

- 915 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves list of TLDs currently offered for this account, and requests
the response in XML format.


<?xml version="1.0"?>

- 916 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>9/26/2012 9:12:12 AM</RequestDateTime>

This command will update a set list of domains awarded as reseller provisioned.
Use this command to to update a single domain or a list of domains that have been awar-
ded to your customers through the portal as reseller provisioned and imported into your
system. Doing this will remove the domain from being able to be managed by the cus-
tomer through the portal, and will ensure that they will do so from your system.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not utilized on enom.com as it is intended for partner integration

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l A search term must be passed in.
l At least one item to update must be passed in.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 917 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

A comma seperated list of PortalDo-

DomainList Required 10000
mainIDs to update

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success True indicates that the request was completed successfully.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l Note: This process is not reversible. Once a domain is marked as provisioned, it
will be removed from the portal and the end user will no longer be able to manage
the domain through the portal in any capacity.

The following query updates 3 domains as "reseller provisioned" and sends the
response in XML format:

- 918 -
API Command Categories



In the response, the presence of Success with a value of True AND the ErrCount value 0
indicate that the query was successful:

<RequestDateTime>5/30/2014 2:51:56 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands

- 919 -
API Command Categories

This command flags a TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription for deletion at the end of the
current billing period.
Use this command to flag a TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription for deletion at the end
of the current billing period. The subscription will remain active until the next billing date.
If a customer wants to remove the TRUSTe Seal from their Web site before that date,
they can do so by removing the TRUSTe code snippet from their Web site source code.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Click the domain name associated with the subscription you want to cancel. Click
Cancel Service. The Cancel Service Service button calls the PP_CancelSubscription

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 920 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number of the Privacy

Policy subscription to be canceled. To
SubscriptionID Required 10
retrieve SubscriptionID values, use the
PP_GetSubscriptions command.

Identification number of the reason for

canceling. You can use the PP_
GetCancelReasons command to retrieve
this list. Permitted values:
1 No longer Needed
ReasonID Required 2 Not as expected 1
3 Price/Value
4 Technical Issue
5 Support Issues
6 Unsupported Functionality
7 Other reason not listed

Text, supplied by customer, describing

Comment Required 256
reason for canceling.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success status of this query. Success=true indicates that the
Success subscription has successfully been flagged for cancelation,
and will become inactive at the end of this billing cycle.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 921 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query flags a TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription for cancelation, and
sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a Success value true indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>

- 922 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.250 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ 9b15959c-52e3-4161-a708-782043c69f3e ]]>

Related commands
l PP_CheckUpgrade
l PP_GetCancelReasons
l PP_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l PP_GetStatuses
l PP_GetSubscriptionDetails
l PP_GetSubscriptions
l PP_ReactivateSubscription
l PP_UpdateSubscriptionDetails
l PP_ValidatePassword

- 923 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to trigger display of a dialog box that confirms that the end user
intends to substitute a Privacy Policy with Seal for an existing Privacy Policy
This is a command that you can implement to support a warning or confirmation dialog
box in your UI, to confirm that a customer intends to consolidate a configured TRUSTe
Privacy Policy subscription with an unconfigured Privacy Policy with Seal subscription.
Most commonly, its used as a precursor to the PP_UpdateSubscriptionDetails com-
to confirm the users intent to merge an existing Privacy Policy subscription with a new
Privacy Policy with Seal subscription.
This API command is optional support for your UI. Regardless of whether you implement
this command, TRUSTe subscriptions that meet the configuration criteria (the customer
specifies the same domain name for a new Privacy Policy with Seal that is already
assigned to an existing Privacy Policy) will be consolidatedin effect, deleting the
Privacy Policy subscription.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
- Click a Privacy Policy subscription that is identified by its associated domain name.
- Make a note of the domain name associated with this subscription.
- Click the browser Back button to return to the Privacy Policy list.

- 924 -
API Command Categories

- Click a Privacy Policy with Seal that is still labeled Awaiting Configuration.
- Fill in the domain name that you have noted for the Privacy Policy subscription, specify
an email address, and click Submit. In our implementation, the Submit button calls the
PP_CheckUpgrade command, and if the response includes IsUpgrade=true, a dialog
box inquires whether the user intends to consolidate two subscriptions. If the user clicks
OK in the dialog box, we call the PP_UpdateSubscriptionDetails command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number of the Privacy

Policy with Seal subscription that will
replace an existing, configured Privacy
SubscriptionID Required 10
Policy subscription. To retrieve a list of
Privacy Policy subscriptions, use the
PP_GetSubscriptions command.

The domain name associated with the

DomainName Required existing Privacy Policy subscription, in 79
sld.tld format.

The email address to associate with the

EmailAddress Required 128
new Privacy Policy subscription.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 925 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
True indicates that the domain name and email address sup-
plied in the query string will constitute an upgrade of an existing
IsUpgrade Privacy Policy subscription, and will cause that existing sub-
scription to be replaced by the Privacy Policy with Seal sub-
scription ID specified in this query string.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests a check of whether a TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription
qualifies as an upgrade, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the presence of an IsUpgrade value, and an ErrCount value 0,

- 926 -
API Command Categories

indicate that the query is successful:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ True ]]>
<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.109 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />

- 927 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ 7db66e5a-0f35-4fff-bc9a-f8ab9bf1bc56 ]]>

Related commands
l PP_CancelSubscription
l PP_GetCancelReasons
l PP_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l PP_GetStatuses
l PP_GetSubscriptionDetails
l PP_GetSubscriptions
l PP_ReactivateSubscription
l PP_UpdateSubscriptionDetails
l PP_ValidatePassword

This command retrieves a list of reasons for cancelling a subscription to TRUSTe Pri-
vacy Policy or TRUSTe Privacy Policy with Seal.
Use this command to retrieve a list of reasons for cancelling a subscription to TRUSTe
Privacy Policy or TRUSTe Privacy Policy with Seal.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 928 -
API Command Categories

In the Domain column, click a domain name or the Awaiting Configuration link. Click
Cancel Service. The Select Reason dropdown menu is populated by the PP_
GetCancelReasons API command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
id Identification number for this cancellation reason

Reason Description of this cancellation reason

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

Done True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-

- 929 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of reasons for cancelling a Privacy Policy sub-
scription, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a list of cancellation reasons indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Reason id="1">No longer Needed</Reason>
<Reason id="2">Not as expected</Reason>
<Reason id="3">Price/Value</Reason>
<Reason id="4">Technical Issue</Reason>
<Reason id="5">Support Issues</Reason>
<Reason id="6">Unsupported Functionality</Reason>
<Reason id="7">Other reason not listed</Reason>

- 930 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.219 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ ffbee395-a3ae-4f31-ba8e-e5265be90bbe ]]>

Related commands
l PP_CancelSubscription
l PP_CheckUpgrade
l PP_GetControlPanelLoginURL

- 931 -
API Command Categories

l PP_GetStatuses
l PP_GetSubscriptionDetails
l PP_GetSubscriptions
l PP_ReactivateSubscription
l PP_UpdateSubscriptionDetails
l PP_ValidatePassword

Retrieve a URL to the TRUSTe control panel, including a 5-minute login token.
Use this command to provide a link to the TRUSTe control panel, logged in for the sub-
scription specified in the query string. The return URL includes a 5-minute login token.
For a more long-lived means of logging in, you can direct end users to trustem-
anager.com, where they can log in with their domain name and the password they chose
when configuring their TRUSTe subscription.
The TRUSTe control panel allows your customer to create a privacy policy, allows your
customer to notify TRUSTe that their Web site is ready for the certification scan for the
TRUSTe Seal, and displays code snippets for their privacy policy and Seal.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
All subscriptions also use this command to log into the TRUSTe control panel so that a
customer can build or edit their privacy policy. Click a domain name. The Login to my
control panel button uses the PP_GetControlPanelLoginURL command to log the user
into the TRUSTe control panel, to configure the Privacy Policy associated with the
domain name they clicked.
When a customer subscribes to Privacy Policy with Seal and configures subscription
details, our subscription list shows a Setup Required link until the customer configures

- 932 -
API Command Categories

their privacy policy and generates it for review. This link also calls the PP_GetCon-
trolPanelLoginURL command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Domain name associated with the

TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription for
DomainName Required 79
which you want a URL for the TRUSTe
control panel, in sld.tld format

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
LoginURL Login URL for the TRUSTe control panel.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

ErrX Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

- 933 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a login URL for the TRUSTe control panel for one Privacy
Policy subscription, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the presence of a login URL, and an ErrCount value 0, indicate that the
query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ https://reseller-qa.truste-svc.net/re-
a26c35f1-b352-409b-a9fa-8f831e932614 ]]>

- 934 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 1.172 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ 9f4193ea-54d8-4163-8a57-3ec33c9fcc45 ]]>

Related commands
l PP_CancelSubscription
l PP_CheckUpgrade
l PP_GetCancelReasons
l PP_GetStatuses

- 935 -
API Command Categories

l PP_GetSubscriptionDetails
l PP_GetSubscriptions
l PP_ReactivateSubscription
l PP_UpdateSubscriptionDetails
l PP_ValidatePassword

This command retrieves a list of subscription statuses for TRUSTe Privacy Policy.
Use this command to retrieve a list of our subscription statuses for TRUSTe Privacy
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The PP_GetStatuses command populates the Filter By dropdown menu.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters

Build the query string using this syntax:


- 936 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
id Identification number for this subscription status

Status Description of this subscription status

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of Privacy Policy subscription statuses, and sends
the response in XML format:

- 937 -
API Command Categories


In the response, a list of statuses indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Status id="1">Awaiting Configuration</Status>
<Status id="5">Billing Failed</Status>
<Status id="4">Pending Renewal</Status>
<Status id="2">Service Active</Status>
<Status id="6">Service Disabled</Status>
<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />

- 938 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>

<![CDATA[ 0.094 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ 14334e9a-2037-4f66-b691-2cfc59e9fa43 ]]>

Related commands
l PP_CancelSubscription
l PP_CheckUpgrade
l PP_GetCancelReasons
l PP_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l PP_GetSubscriptionDetails
l PP_GetSubscriptions
l PP_ReactivateSubscription
l PP_UpdateSubscriptionDetails
l PP_ValidatePassword

Retrieve details for one TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription.
Use this command to retrieve details for one TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

- 939 -
API Command Categories

Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

Click a domain name. The PP_GetSubscriptionDetails command populates the Sub-
scription Details section of the TRUSTe Manager page.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number for this TRUSTe

subscription. To retrieve SubscriptionID
SubscriptionID Required 10
values, use the PP_GetSubscriptions

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Domain name associated with this TRUSTe Privacy Policy

EmailAddress Email address associated with this TRUSTe Privacy Policy

- 940 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description

StatusDesc Status of this TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription

NextBillingDate Next billing date of this TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription

Identification number for this Privacy Policys current status: 1

StatusId Awaiting Configuration 5 Billing Failed 4 Pending Renewal 2
Service Active 6 Service Disabled

Identification number of this subscription Description of this

PPSubscriptionId Type

Type Description of this subscription

Renew Auto-renew setting of this subscription

Has this subscription configured a password to log into trustem-


Status of this subscription at TRUSTe. Values are:

New Customer has associated this subscription with a domain
name and email address. Next action needed from customer is
to work through the TRUSTe control panel and generate a com-
pleted privacy policy.
Pending This status applies only to Privacy Policy with Seal.
Customer has completed the TRUSTe wizard and has gen-
erated a privacy policy, and is waiting for TRUSTes review to
certify the TRUSTe Seal. No actions needed from customer
when subscription is in this status.
Onhold This status applies only to Privacy Policy with Seal.
TRUSTe has compared the privacy policy and the customers
site, and has detected inconsistencies. TRUSTe com-
municates directly with the customer to explain the problems.
Next actions from the customer are to resolve the incon-
sistencies listed by TRUSTe, and go to the control panel to
retrieve the code snippet for their Seal (TRUSTe displays the
code snippet after customer agrees to address problems).
Verified This status applies only to Privacy Policy with Seal.
TRUSTe has scanned the customers Web site and has
determined that it is consistent with their privacy policy, and
has issued code snippets for privacy policy and Seal. Cus-
tomers next action is to log into TRUSTe control panel, where
code snippets for privacy policy and Seal are delivered.

Customer has accessed their code snippets on the TRUSTe

Verified_Viewed control panel. Customer can return to control panel as often as
needed to retrieve code snippets.

Command Name of command executed

- 941 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check
the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves details about a TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription, and
sends the response in XML format:


In the response, subscription details and an ErrCount value 0 indicate that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<StatusDesc>Service Active</StatusDesc>

- 942 -
API Command Categories

<Type>TRUSTe Privacy Policy + Seal</Type>
<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.141 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />

- 943 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ 3bec3eb8-950d-4998-a746-64ccf930105a ]]>


Related commands
l PP_CancelSubscription
l PP_CheckUpgrade
l PP_GetCancelReasons
l PP_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l PP_GetStatuses
l PP_GetSubscriptions
l PP_ReactivateSubscription
l PP_UpdateSubscriptionDetails
l PP_ValidatePassword

Retrieve a list of the Privacy Policy subscriptions in this account.
Use this command to retrieve a list of the Privacy Policy subscriptions in this account,
along with configuration and status information for each subscription. This command
allows you to sort and filter the results.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The PP_GetSubscriptions command populates the list on this page. It also sorts and fil-
ters the list based on the filter selected in the Filter by dropdown menu, and sort order
selected by clicking the column headers.

- 944 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Sort the list of Privacy Policy sub-

scriptions by this parameter. Permitted
values are:
Optional; default is DomainName
SortBy 12
NextBillDate EmailAddress

Optional; default is Sort in ascending or descending order?

SortOrder 4
Asc Permitted values are Asc and Desc.

In a list, what item in the list should be

Optional; default is
StartPosition returned first? Permitted values are 5

How many items to return in this

Optional; default is
RecordsToReturn response? Permitted values are 5

Optional; If no Filter the list of Privacy Policy sub-

StatusFilter value is supplied, scriptions by this parameter. Permitted 1
all statuses are values are:

- 945 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

1 Awaiting Configuration
5 Billing Failed
returned 4 Pending Renewal
2 Service Active
6 Service Disabled

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

DomainName Domain name associated with this Privacy Policy subscription

EmailAddress Email address associated with this Privacy Policy subscription

StatusDesc Current status of this Privacy Policy subscription

NextBillingDate Next billing date for this Privacy Policy subscription

Identification number for this Privacy Policys current status: 1 Awaiting Configuration
5 Billing Failed 4 Pending Renewal 2 Service Active 6 Service Disabled

Identification number for this Privacy Policy subscription Type of Privacy Policy sub-
TRUSTe Privacy Policy
TRUSTe Privacy Policy with Seal

Type of Privacy Policy subscription:

Type TRUSTe Privacy Policy
TRUSTe Privacy Policy with Seal

Renew Auto-renew setting for this subscription

Status of this subscription at TRUSTe. Values are:

New Customer has associated this subscription with a domain name and email
address. Next action needed from customer is to work through the TRUSTe control
panel and generate a completed privacy policy.
Pending This status applies only to Privacy Policy with Seal. Customer has com-
pleted the TRUSTe wizard and has generated a privacy policy, and is waiting for
PolicyStatus TRUSTes review to certify the TRUSTe Seal. No actions needed from customer
when subscription is in this status.
Onhold This status applies only to Privacy Policy with Seal. TRUSTe has compared
the privacy policy and the customers site, and has detected inconsistencies.
TRUSTe communicates directly with the customer to explain the problems. Next
actions from the customer are to resolve the inconsistencies listed by TRUSTe, and
go to the control panel to retrieve the code snippet for their Seal (TRUSTe displays the

- 946 -
API Command Categories

code snippet after customer agrees to address problems).

Verified This status applies only to Privacy Policy with Seal. TRUSTe has scanned
the customers Web site and has determined that it is consistent with their privacy
policy, and has issued code snippets for privacy policy and Seal.
Customers next action is to log into TRUSTe control panel, where code snippets for
privacy policy and Seal are delivered.

Customer has accessed their code snippets on the TRUSTe control panel. Customer
can return to control panel as often as needed to retrieve code snippets.

Total number of Privacy Policy subscriptions in this account that satisfy the filtering
criterion in the query string

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the Err(1 to ErrCount) val-

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented as is back to the cli-

Done True indicates this entire response has reached you successfully.

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query string retrieves a list of Privacy Policy subscriptions in this account,
and sends the response in XML format:


- 947 -
API Command Categories

In the response, the presence of a TotalCount value, and an ErrCount value 0, indicate
that the query was successful:

<Status>Service Active</Status>
<Status>Service Active</Status>

- 948 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/13/2011 12:54:55 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l PP_CancelSubscription
l PP_CheckUpgrade
l PP_GetCancelReasons
l PP_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l PP_GetStatuses
l PP_GetSubscriptionDetails
l PP_ReactivateSubscription
l PP_UpdateSubscriptionDetails
l PP_ValidatePassword

Remove the cancellation flag from a TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription that has been
flagged for cancellation.
Use this command to remove the cancellation flag from a TRUSTe Privacy Policy sub-
scription that has been flagged for cancellation.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 949 -
API Command Categories

In the row of a subscription in status Cancellation Pending, the Reactivate Now link calls
PP_ReactivateSubscription command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number of the subscription

to be reactivated. To retrieve sub-
SubscriptionID Required 10
scription IDs, use the PP_GetSub-
scriptions command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success=true indicates that the subscription has been react-
ivated successfully

Command Name of command executed

ErrCount The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

- 950 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query removes the cancellation flag from a TRUSTe Privacy Policy sub-
scription, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a Success value true indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 951 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ eng ]]>

<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.094 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ f485f8fb-fabe-4656-b46b-4f7fb6f4740b ]]>

Related commands
l PP_CancelSubscription
l PP_CheckUpgrade
l PP_GetCancelReasons
l PP_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l PP_GetStatuses

- 952 -
API Command Categories

l PP_GetSubscriptionDetails
l PP_GetSubscriptions
l PP_UpdateSubscriptionDetails
l PP_ValidatePassword

Configure or update subscription details for TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription.
Use this command to configure or update the subscription details for a TRUSTe Privacy
Policy subscription:
Associate a domain name with the subscription (note that once a domain name has
been configured, it cannot be changed).
Configure or update the email address that will appear in your privacy policy.
Configure or update the password that the end customer uses to log into trustem-
anager.com (our portal which redirects them to the TRUSTe Privacy Policy control
This command is available only to ETP resellers
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Click a TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription that is in status Awaiting Configuration. On
the configuration page, the Submit button calls the PP_UpdateSubscriptionDetails com-

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription must belong to this account.

- 953 -
API Command Categories

l This command allows you to perform an initial configuration on domain name,

email address, and password. Subsequent updates are only permitted for email
address and password.

Input parameters

Build the query string using this syntax:


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number of the TRUSTe Pri-

vacy Policy subscription that you want to
SubscriptionID Required configure. To retrieve SubscriptionID val- 10
ues, use the PP_GetSubscriptions com-

Domain name to associate with this sub-

scription. Once configured, the domain
DomainName Required 79
name cannot be changed. Permitted
format is sld.tld

Email address to be associated with this

EmailAddress Required subscription. Permitted format is mail- 128

Password for logging into trustem-

anager.com, if you choose to offer your
customers that option for accessing the
SubscriptionPassword Optional 20
TRUSTe control panel. Permitted values
are alphanumeric and 6 to 20 characters
in length.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 954 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
A return value of true indicates that this TRUSTe Privacy
Policy subscription was configured successfully.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query configures subscription details for a TRUSTe Privacy Policy sub-
scription, and returns the response in XML format:


In the response, a Success value true indicates that the query was successful:

- 955 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.266 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ 1ef1a485-91f8-48c1-8c88-900d05ca4c8e ]]>

- 956 -
API Command Categories


Related commands
l PP_CancelSubscription
l PP_CheckUpgrade
l PP_GetCancelReasons
l PP_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l PP_GetStatuses
l PP_GetSubscriptionDetails
l PP_GetSubscriptions
l PP_ReactivateSubscription
l PP_ValidatePassword

Use this command to validate the password for a TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription,
when a user logs into the TRUSTe control panel through a page you build.
Use this command when you want to build your own login portal for the TRUSTe control
This command supports one of the three means we have created to give your customers
access to the TRUSTe control panel:
l Auto-login: The PP_GetControlPanelLoginURL command retrieves an auto-login
URL with 5-minute token. This URL opens TRUSTes control panel.
l White-labeled portal: We provide trustemanager.com, a white-labeled portal that

allows your customer to log into TRUSTes control panel using their domain name
and password.
l Your own portal: You can build a page that accepts the domain name and pass-

word associated with a TRUSTe subscription, validate with the PP_Val-

idatePassword command, then use the PP_GetControlPanelLoginURL command
to redirect to TRUSTes control panel.

- 957 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.

Implementation on eNom.com
On trustemanager.com, the Submit button calls the PP_ValidatePassword command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The TRUSTe Privacy Policy subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Domain name associated with the

TRUSTe Privacy Policy or Privacy
DomainName Required Policy with Seal subscription that this 79
customer wants to access. Permitted
format is sld.tld

SubscriptionPassword Required Password for this TRUSTe subscription. 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
A Success value True indicates that this DomainName/Sub-
scriptionPassword value is exists as submitted, for a TRUSTe

- 958 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
subscription in this account

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following submits a domain name associated with a TRUSTe subscription, and a
password, and inquires whether the pair are valid for logging into trustemanager.com (or
the portal you have built to use in place of trustemanager.com):


In the response, a Success value True indicates that the DomainName/Sub-

scriptionPassword pair is valid:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

- 959 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ True ]]>
<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ sjl21wresell01 ]]>
<![CDATA[ enom ]]>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ +0.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.094 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ ad261088-6b11-4ea6-83c2-6d3cc4d616fe ]]>

- 960 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l PP_CancelSubscription
l PP_CheckUpgrade
l PP_GetCancelReasons
l PP_GetControlPanelLoginURL
l PP_GetStatuses
l PP_GetSubscriptionDetails
l PP_GetSubscriptions
l PP_ReactivateSubscription
l PP_UpdateSubscriptionDetails

Configure the extended attributes for the Active domains in a shopping cart. Most
commonly, extended attributes are added for certain country codes, including .us,
.ca, .co.uk, and .org.uk.
Use this command when registering domains that require extended attributes (inform-
ation required by some registries for some TLDs). To retrieve extended attributes, use
the GetExtAttributes command.
This command operates only if you use our shopping cart, and only on the domains in
the cart that have status Active. If you use the Purchase command instead of our shop-
ping cart, supply the extended attributes in the Purchase command.
Optionally, you can also use this command to configure many universal attributes for
domains in your shopping cart that are in status Active. Preconfigurable attributes
include the Auto Renew setting, Registrar-Lock setting, IDN codes, name servers, host
records, access passwords, and contacts.
Many of the universal attributes that this command can set in a cart can also be set for all
future registrations by using the UpdateCusPreferences command.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

- 961 -
API Command Categories

Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

With a configurable domain in the cart, click the configure button below the list of cart
contents. On the Pre-configure page, one or more specific information boxes contain text
boxes that set values for the Preconfigure command when you click save changes.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l This command operates only if you use our shopping cart, and only on the
domains in the cart that have status Active.
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l There must be at least one configurable domain in the cart.
l The extended attributes (configuration parameters) you provide in the query must
match those required for the current TLD. For example, configuring a .us name
requires that you provide the attributes for .us, not those for .ca.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description
UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

1 use the previously configured values for all pre-

Required .ca,
configuration information
Load .co.uk, and .or- 1
2 submit new preconfiguration information (con-
tacts, name servers, extended attributes)

Data required by the Registry for some country

Required for
codes. Use GetExtAttributes to determine var-
ExtendedAttributes some country
whether this TLD requires extended attributes. If ies
extended attributes are required, the GetEx-

- 962 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description
tAttributes return supplies parameter names
tagged as <Name> and permitted values tagged
as <Value>

Set to Auto Renew. Permitted values are:

1 Set the preconfigured domains to renew auto-
AutoRenew Required 1
matically (recommended)
0 Set the domains to not auto-renew

Set Registrar-Lock. Permitted values are:

1 Set the preconfigured domains to registrar lock
RegLock Required (recommended, to prevent unauthorized trans- 1
0 Do not lock the domains

Required for
International Domain Name code for each lan-
guage used by a domain in the cart that has
names that use
IDNX X = 1 to Num- status Active. To retrieve the Active domains in
characters 3
berOfLanguages the cart, use command GetCartContent . For a
other than the
list of IDN codes, go to http://www.enom.-
English alpha-
bet, numbers,
and hyphen

Which name servers this domain uses: default

PreConfigDNS Required our name servers other name servers specified 7
in this query using the NSX parameter

Required if you
want to use Names of the name servers a domain is using.
NSX X=1 . . . 12 2
name servers Maximum of 12 name servers.
other than ours

Use host records provided in this query string.

Permitted values are: 0 Use this accounts
UseHostRecords Optional 1
default host records 1 Store the host records
provided in this string

HostNameX Optional Name of host record X, for example, www 60

Record type of host record X. Permitted values

A IP address
AAAA IPv6 address
RecordTypeX Optional CNAME Alias record type, to associate a host 5
name with another host
URL URL redirect
FRAME Frame redirect

- 963 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description
MX Mail. Can be a host name under this domain
name or the name of a mail server
MXE Mail Easy (email forwarding)
TXT Text (SPF) record

Address to redirect to.

If RecordTypeX=A, AddressX must be an IP
If RecordTypeX=AAAA, AddressX must be an
IPv6 address
If RecordTypeX=CNAME, AddressX must be a
fully qualified domain name (see Note) or a host
name defined in this domain
If RecordTypeX=URL, AddressX must be the
exact URL of the page you redirect to, or an IP
address, or a fully qualified domain name (see
If RecordTypeX=FRAME, AddressX is the
AddressX Optional 260
actual URL, or the IP address, or the fully qual-
ified domain name (see Note) of the page you
want to display when someone types Your_
If RecordTypeX=MX, AddressX must be a fully
qualified domain name (see Note) or a host
name defined in this domain
If RecordTypeX=MXE, AddressX must be an
IP address
If RecordTypeX=TXT, AddressX is a text (SPF)
For help writing an SPF record, go to http://sp-

AccessPassword1 Optional Domain name password 50

Domain name password. Must be identical to

AccessPassword2 Optional 50

ExpressCheck- If ExpressCheckout=1, the accounts default
out or all four contacts will be applied. If ExpressCheckout=0
ExpressCheckout 1
Opt* para- or is not used, supply contact information using
meters are the Opt* and ContactType* parameters below.

Either Permitted values are:

ExpressCheck- UseBilling Use the account billing contact as the
OptContactReg Registrant contact for this domain 1
out or all four
Opt* para- UseRegistrant Use the account default Regis-

- 964 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description
trant contact as the Registrant contact for this
meters are domain
Required UseExisting Use the Registrant contact inform-
ation supplied in this query string

Permitted values are:

Either UseBilling Use the account billing contact as the
ExpressCheck- Technical contact for this domain
out or all four UseRegistrant Use the account default Regis-
OptTechnical 1
Opt* para- trant contact as the Technical contact for this
meters are domain
Required UseExisting Use the Technical contact inform-
ation supplied in this query string

Permitted values are:

Either UseBilling Use the account billing contact as the
ExpressCheck- Administrative contact for this domain
out or all four UseRegistrant Use the account default Regis-
OptAdministrative 1
Opt* para- trant contact as the Administrative contact for
meters are this domain
Required UseExisting Use the Administrative contact
information supplied in this query string

Permitted values are:

Either UseBilling Use the account billing contact as the
ExpressCheck- Auxiliary Billing contact for this domain
out or all four UseRegistrant Use the account default Regis-
OptContactAux 1
Opt* para- trant contact as the Auxiliary Billing contact for
meters are this domain
Required UseExisting Use the Auxiliary Billing contact
information supplied in this query string

Name of Contacts organization. ContactType

ContactTypeOrg Optional ADMIN. Supply ContactType parameters for 60
any contact type where you supplied Opt*-

ContactTypeJobTitle Optional Contacts job title 60

ContactTypeFName Optional Contacts first name 60

ContactTypeLName Optional Contacts last name 60

ContactTypeAddress Optional Contacts address 60

ContactTypeAddress2 Optional Contacts address, second line 60

ContactTypeCity Optional Contacts city 60

- 965 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description
ContactTypeState Optional Contacts state 60

ContactTypeProvince Optional Contacts province 60

Contacts state or province choice. Use value S

Optional if Contact is located in a state; use P if a 1

Optional for
most TLDs;
ContactTypeZip Contacts postal code 16
Required for

Contacts country. 2-letter country code is a per-

ContactTypeCountry Optional 60
mitted format

Contacts phone number. Required format is

+CountryCode.PhoneNumber, where Coun-
ContactTypePhone Optional tryCode and PhoneNumber use only numeric 17
characters and the + is URL-encoded as a plus
sign (%2B).

ContactTypePhoneExt Optional Contacts phone extension 6

Contacts fax number. Required format is

+CountryCode.PhoneNumber, where Coun-
ContactTypeFax Optional tryCode and PhoneNumber use only numeric 17
characters and the + is URL-encoded as a plus
sign (%2B).

ContactTypeEmail Optional Contacts email address 128

Format of response. Permitted values are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
1 indicates no extended attributes required. 2 indicates query
failed at Registry.

Count Number of TLDs affected

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

- 966 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as is back to the client.

0 indicates the domain is not lockable; 1 indicates the domain

is lockable

Indicates whether this is a TLD that registers in real time. 0

indicates no; 1 indicates yes.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l A fully qualified domain name is expressed in the format hostname.SLD.TLD..
Note that the trailing period is an essential component of a fully qualified domain
l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query supplies the extended attributes for resellerdocs.us and requests
the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


- 967 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<BillingOrganizationName>Reseller Documents Inc.</BillingOr-
<BillingAddress1>111 Main St.</BillingAddress1>
<BillingAddress2 />
<BillingCountry>United States</BillingCountry>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l AddContact
l Contacts
l GetContacts

- 968 -
API Command Categories

l GetExtAttributes
l GetWhoisContact

Purchase a domain name or Premium Domain in real time, or put in a real time order into
the pre-registration queue for an EAP domain.
The Purchase command enables direct real-time purchase of a domain name or
Premium Domain. The Purchase command bypasses the shopping cart and the queuing
delay associated with it.
When you pass credit card information with this command, you must use the secure
HTTPS protocol.
The Purchase command is typically used for a single-name purchase and returns an
immediate success/failure response.
Most commonly, the Purchase command is used by resellers who maintain their own
Usage notes for .eu and .be
When you register a .eu or .be domain name, we recommend that you always provide
Registrant contact information that is separate from Billing contact information; dont use
the same as Billing default.
Tip: If the Billing and Registrant contact information are the same, we recommend chan-
ging the use or spelling of abbreviations in the street address to help our system recog-
nize that it needs to create multiple contacts. Separating the Registrant and Billing
information makes it easier to update Registrant contact information in the future.
Usage notes for Premium Domains
Because of the high prices for some Premium Domains, we offer you a wider variety of
payment methods than for most purchases:
l You can pay immediately using your account balance or credit card, just as you do
for non-premium domains (but note that we place a maximum on credit card trans-

- 969 -
API Command Categories

l For Premium Domains, you can also pay by wire transfer, or you can pay later
using your account balance. Use the UseWireTransfer parameter in the Purchase
command to defer payment. When youre ready to pay, either wire your payment,
or use the NM_ProcessOrder command to pay with your account balance. Just be
aware that we will not release the Premium Domain to your account until we
receive payment.
All resellers can sell domain names that are available at the Registry, but only our
direct ETP resellers can sell Premium Domains.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Purchase command is not implemented on www.enom.com. However, on the
Your Order page, the Submit Order button calls InsertNewOrder , a similar command
that initiates order creation. The difference is that InsertNewOrder acquires contents of
the shopping cart and puts them in a queue for checkout; the Purchase command
bypasses the shopping cart and the queue and submits an order in real time.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l To use our credit card processing, this must be a reseller account directly under
eNom, and must have
l signed a credit card agreement with us.
l The domain name(s) to be purchased must be valid. (See requirements under the
Check command.)
l eNom must be licensed to sell the names you attempt to register (eNom is not
licensed with the
l Registries for all TLDs).
l Name servers for .us names must be located in the United States.
l .co.uk and .org.uk names must have at least two name servers.

- 970 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description
UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

International Domain Name code for each

Optional for PUNY-
language used by a domain in the cart that
encoded names that
has status Active. To retrieve the Active
use characters other
IDNCode domains in the cart, use command 3
than the English alpha-
GetCartContent . For a list of IDN codes,
bet, Arabic numbers,
go to http://www.enom.-
and hyphen

The exact price for this domain to acknow-

Optional. Required for ledge this domain comes at a price higher
CustomerSuppliedPrice purchasing a Premium than most registrations. Use the PE_ 8
Domain GetPremiumPricing command to retrieve
the price.

Optional. Required for PremiumDomain=Yes is required when pur-

purchasing a Premium chasing a Premium Domain, to acknow-
PremiumDomain 3
Domain via NM_* com- ledge this domain comes at a price higher
mands than most registrations

Optional. Required for Which EAP Registration period you are

RegPeriod purchasing an EAP attempting to purchase. Supported values 20
domain are "pre-registration".

Optional. Required for Specify which EAP day you are intending
EapDay purchasing an EAP to purchase. Supported values are between 1
domain 1 and 7.

Optional. Required for The contents of the SMD (Signed Mark

Signed_Mark_Data purchasing domain Data) file that the TMCH (Trade Mark Clear-
with a trademark ing House) has provided you.

- 971 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description
Specify UseDNS=default to use our name
Either UseDNS or servers (most of the services that we
UseDNS 7
NSX is Required provide require our name servers). See

Use this parameter to assign user-specified

name servers. Permitted values are the use
Either UseDNS or
NSX names of registered name servers, for 60
NSX is Required
example, NS1=ns1.name-services.com
See Note.

Optional; default value

UnLockRegistrar Set to 1 to unlock or 0 to lock the name. 1
is 0

Optional; default value Set to 1 to renew the name automatically

RenewName 1
is 0 before it expires.

Set a password on the domain name. For

Premium Domains, you cannot set a pass-
Optional; default value
DomainPassword word in the Purchase command, but you 60
is no password
can set a password once the domain name
is in your account.

Set to 1 to receive email notification of cus-

EmailNotify Optional; default is 0 tomer orders, set to 0 or don't use it oth- 1

Optional for non-

premium domains;
Number of years to register the name. For
default is the number
most registrations, permitted values are 1
you set with
to 10 but some TLDs vary from this range.
NumYears UpdateCusPrefer- 2
For Premium Domains, we ignore this para-
ences For Premium
meter if you supply it, and automatically set
Domains, we auto-
NumYears to 1
matically set this
value to 1.

If QueueOrder=1, register the domain at the

Registry and return an order ID, then put
this order in our order queue instead of pro-
cessing in real time. This option reduces
the risk of the order timing out when our sys-
tem is under stress. This option is suitable
QueueOrder Optional 6
for real-time TLDs like .com and .net but
less relevant for manually processed TLDs
like .de and .co.uk. The slight delay asso-
ciated with this option makes it unsuitable if
your processes immediately execute sec-
ondary calls like setting host recordsthey

- 972 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description
must be done after the order completes.

If the Registry would fail this order due to

stresses it is experiencing, submit
AllowQueuing=1 to queue and process this
AllowQueuing Optional; default is 1 1
order when the Registry recovers. Submit
AllowQueuing=0 to fail the order when the
Registry is under stress.

Continue processing even if name servers

cannot be applied. If IgnoreNSFail=Yes,
this purchase request will succeed even if
the Registry does not recognize the name
IgnoreNSFail Optional; default is No 6
servers listed in this query. If you use
IgnoreNSFail=Yes and failures are
returned, you should confirm the status of
name servers with the Registry.

If UseWireTransfer=Yes , process this

Premium Domain order as a deferred pay-
ment order. Use this parameter if you want
to use either of our pay-later options: wire
Optional overall, but
transfer or account balance. If you pay by
Required if you want
UseWireTransfer wire transfer, contact your sales rep- 3
to defer payment for a
resentative for wire transfer instructions. If
Premium Domain
you pay using your account balance (but
after submitting the order using the
Purchase command), use the NM_Pro-
cessOrder command.

If UseCreditCard=Yes, use our credit card

processing services. This service is avail-
able only to resellers who have entered into
UseCreditCard Optional a credit card processing agreement with us. 3
When you pass credit card information with
this command, you must use the secure
HTTPS protocol.

Amount to charge per year for the regis-

tration (this value will be multiplied by
Required if using our
NumYears to calculate the total charge to
credit card processing
the credit card). Required format is DD.cc
to purchase a non-
For Premium Domains, we ignore this para- 5000.-
ChargeAmount premium domain
meter if you supply it, and charge the pos- 00
name. This parameter
ted price. We cover your merchant services
is ignored for Premium
fees for Premium Domains so that the con-
venience charges do not reduce your com-

- 973 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description
End users IP address. This is used in fraud
Required if using our checking, as part of our order processing
EndUserIP 15
credit card processing service. Use format

Required if using our Type of credit card. Permitted values are

CardType 20
credit card processing Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover

Required if using our

CCName Cardholder's name 60
credit card processing

Required if using our

CreditCardNumber Customer's credit card number 128
credit card processing

Required if using our Credit card expiration month. Permitted

CreditCardExpMonth 2
credit card processing format is MM

Required if using our Credit card expiration year. Permitted

CreditCardExpYear 4
credit card processing format is YYYY

Required if using our

CVV2 Credit card verification code 4
credit card processing

Required if using our

CCAddress Credit card billing address 60
credit card processing

Required if using our

CCCity Credit card billing city 60
credit card processing

Required if using our

CCStateProvince Credit card billing state or province 60
credit card processing

Required if using our

CCZip Credit card billing postal code 15
credit card processing

Credit card billing phone number. Required

format is +CountryCode.PhoneNumber,
Required if using our
CCPhone where CountryCode and PhoneNumber 15
credit card processing
use only numeric characters and the + is
URLencoded as a plus sign (%2B).

Required our credit Credit card billing country. The two-letter

CCCountry 60
card processing country code is a permitted format

Data required by the Registry for some

Required for some country codes. Use GetExtAttributes to var-
country code TLDs determine whether this TLD requires exten- ies
ded attributes.

RegistrantFirstName Required if extended Registrant first name 60

- 974 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description
attributes are required
OR if you supply one
of the other core Regis-
trant attributes (see

Required if extended
attributes are required
OR if you supply one
RegistrantLastName Registrant last name 60
of the other core Regis-
trant attributes (see

Optional Registrant organization 60

Required if param
RegistrantJobTitle trantOr- Registrant job title 60
ganizationName is

Required if extended
attributes are required
OR if you supply one
RegistrantAddress1 Registrant Address 60
of the other core Regis-
trant attributes (see

RegistrantAddress2 Optional Registrant additional address info 60

Required if extended
attributes are required
OR if you supply one
RegistrantCity Registrant city 60
of the other core Regis-
trant attributes (see

Regis- Registrant state or province choice: S state

Optional 1
trantStateProvinceChoice P province

Required if extended
attributes are required
OR if you supply one
RegistrantStateProvince Registrant state or province 60
of the other core Regis-
trant attributes (see

RegistrantPostalCode Required for .org Registrant postal code 16

- 975 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description
names or when you
supply one of the other
core Registrant attrib-

Required if extended
attributes are required
OR if you supply one Registrant country. The twocharacter coun-
RegistrantCountry 60
of the other core Regis- try code is a permitted format
trant attributes (see

Required if extended
attributes are required
OR if you supply one
RegistrantEmailAddress Registrant email address 128
of the other core Regis-
trant attributes (see

Required if extended
Registrant phone. Required format is
attributes are required
+CountryCode.PhoneNumber, where Coun-
OR if you supply one
RegistrantPhone tryCode and PhoneNumber use only 20
of the other core Regis-
numeric characters and the + is URLen-
trant attributes (see
coded as a plus sign (%2B).

Registrant fax number. Required format is

Required if Regis-
+CountryCode. PhoneNumber, where
RegistrantFax CountryCode and PhoneNumber use only 20
ganizationName is
numeric characters and the + is URLen-
coded as a plus sign (%2B).

ContactType first name. Replace

ContactType in the parameter names with
Tech, Admin or AuxBilling. Use these para-
meters if you want the Technical, Admin-
ContactTypeFirstName Optional istrative, or Auxiliary Billing contact 60
information to be different from the Billing
contact. You can also supply or change con-
tact information later using the Contacts
API command.

Required if you supply

one of the other core
ContactTypeLastName attributes for this ContactType last name 60
ContactType (see

ContactTypeOr- Optional ContactType organization 60

- 976 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description

Required if you supply

one of the other core
ContactTypeJobTitle attributes for this ContactType job title 60
ContactType (see

Required if you supply

one of the other core
ContactTypeAddress1 attributes for this ContactType address, line 1 60
ContactType (see

ContactTypeAddress2 Optional ContactType additional address info 60

Required if you supply

one of the other core
ContactTypeCity attributes for this ContactType city 60
ontactType (see Note)

ContactTypeStateProvinc- ContactType state or province choice: S

Optional 1
eChoice state P province

Optional ContactType state or province 60

Optional; Required for

.org names if you sup-
ContactTypePostalCode ply one of the other ContactType postal code 16
core attributes for this

Required if you supply

one of the other core
ContactType country, expressed as the
ContactTypeCountry attributes for this 60
two-character country code
ContactType (see

Required if you supply

one of the other core
attributes for this ContactType email address 128
ContactType (see

Required if you supply ContactType phone. Required format is

ContactTypePhone one of the other core +CountryCode. PhoneNumber, where 20
attributes for this CountryCode and PhoneNumber use only

- 977 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description
ContactType (see numeric characters and the + is URLen-
Note) coded as a plus sign (%2B).

ContactType fax number. Required format

is +CountryCode.PhoneNumber, where
ContactTypeFax Optional CountryCode and PhoneNumber use only 20
numeric characters and the + is URLen-
coded as a plus sign (%2B).

Format of response. Permitted values are

ResponseType Optional 4
Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Returned if this order was queued due to stresses at the

ContactTypeContact Returned if new contacts were created with this query string

Order number if successful. We recommend that you store this

number for future use

TotalCharged Total points or $US charged for this order

FailedNameServers Not implemented

RegistrantPartyID Party ID number for registrant, for our database

Success code. Response code 200 indicates successful pro-

RRPCode cessing in real time; response code 1300 indicates a suc-
cessful queued order.

RRPText Text which accompanies and describes the RRPCode value.

Expiration date of this domain when response code is 200 and

processing is in real time.

Create date of this domain when response code is 200 and pro-
cessing is in real time.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

ErrX Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

- 978 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l If using our credit card option ALL registrant and credit card information is required.
l For most TLDs (those that dont require extended attributes), Registrant contact
information is optional: if not supplied, it is inherited from the Billing contact.
However, if you supply any one of the core Registrant values, you must supply
them all. The core Registrant values are:
l RegistrantFirstName

l RegistrantLastName

l RegistrantAddress1

l RegistrantCity

l PostalCode (for .org names)

l RegistrantCountry

l RegistrantEmailAddress

l RegistrantPhone

l Additional parameters for contact information can be passed by replacing Regis-

trant in the parameter names above with Tech, Admin or AuxBilling.
l To set name servers to eNoms, set the UseDNS=default param and don't pass NS
(x) name servers. To set name servers to your name servers, set NSX-
X=YourNameServerX and don't pass UseDNS=default. You can set up to 12 of
your own name servers.
l Some TLDs, including .de, require you to specify name servers. The Registry will
automatically delete the domain name if no name servers are specified.
l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l We recommend that you store the OrderID valueat least the most recent one for
each domainfrom the return. Several other commands use this value as a
required input parameter.
l In the return, an RRPCode of 200 indicates a successful registration. Otherwise,
check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l In the return, if the RRPCode value is 1300 and the IsRealTimeTLD value is false,
then this is a nonreal-time TLD. For these names, use the GetOrderDetail com-
mand roughly every 24 hours to check the progress of the registration.

- 979 -
API Command Categories

The following query requests the purchase of domain name resellerdocs2.net, and
requests the response in XML format:


The response includes the three components that indicate a successful transaction: an
order ID indicates success at the registrar level, and the RRPCode value of 200 and
RRP text with a success message indicate success at the Registry level:

<RRPText>Command completed successfully -

- 980 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 3:58:42 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddBulkDomains
l Check
l PurchaseServices

Subscribe to our domain name hosting services, while leaving the registration of the
domain name at another registrar. This is a real-time command.
Use this command to purchase domain name hosting services in real time, while leaving
the registration of a domain name at another registrar.
When you pass credit card information with this command, you must use the secure
HTTPS protocol.
To purchase DNS hosting using the shopping art and order queue, use the AddToCart
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not imThis command is not implemented on eNom.com, but is the real-
time analog to two commands that are. On our site, we use AddToCart to allow a cus-

- 981 -
API Command Categories

tomer to specify that they want to purchase DNS Hosting, and InsertNewOrder to submit
the order.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l To use our credit card processing, this must be an ETP reseller account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for

SLD Required 63
example, enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

DomainPassword Optional Set a password on the domain name 60

NumYears Optional Number of years to register the name 2

Renewname Optional Set =1 to auto-renew the name 1

Amount to charge per year for the regis-

ChargeAmount Optional 6

Optional overall, but Permitted values are yes and no. The
Required for credit card supplied in this query string
resellers who have is charged only if UseCreditCard=yes.
a credit card pro- If this param is omitted, or if the value
UseCreditCard cessing agreement supplied is anything other than yes, the 3
with us AND want account balance rather than the credit
to use our CC pro- card is debited for this transaction. This
cessing to charge is true even if the query string includes

- 982 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

this transaction to
all the required credit card information.
the credit card
When you pass credit card information
included in this
with this command, you must use the
query string. Default
secure HTTPS protocol.
is no.

End users IP address. This is used in

Required if
fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP UseCreditCard=yes 15
cessing service. Use format

Required if
Type of credit card. Permitted values
CardType UseCreditCard=yes 20
are Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover

Required if
CreditCardNumber UseCreditCard=yes Customer's credit card number 128

Required if
CreditCardExpMonth UseCreditCard=yes Credit card expiration month 2

Required if
CreditCardExpYear UseCreditCard=yes Credit card expiration year 4

Required if
CVV2 UseCreditCard=yes Credit card verification code 4

Required for our CC

CCName Cardholders name 60

Required for our CC

CCAddress Credit card billing street address 60

Optional for our CC

CCCity Credit card billing city ?

Optional for our CC

CCStateProvince Credit card billing state or province 40

Required for our CC Credit card billing country. Two-char-

CCCountry 40
processing acter country code is a permitted format

Required for our CC

CCZip Credit card billing postal code 60

Optional for our CC Credit card billing phone. Required

CCPhone 20
processing format is +CountryCode.PhoneNumber,

- 983 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

where CountryCode and PhoneNumber
use only numeric characters and the +
is URL-encoded as a plus sign (%2B).

Set =1 to receive email notification for

EmailNotify Optional orders, set =0 or omit this parameter oth- 1

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
OrderID Order number if successful.

RRPCode Success code. Only a 200 indicates success.

RRPText Text which accompanies and describes the RRPCode.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l Additional params for contact information can be passed by replacing Registrant in
the param names above with Tech, Admin or AuxBilling.
l If using our credit card option ALL registrant and credit card information is required.

- 984 -
API Command Categories

The following query orders and pays for one year of DNS hosting for the site reseller-
docs.com, and sends the response in XML format:



<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 4:01:09 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 985 -
API Command Categories


Related commands
l ExtendDomainDNS
l DeleteHostedDomain
l GetHosts
l SetHosts

Purchase, in real time, a pak of 10 POP Email accounts for the specified domain name.
Use this command to purchase, in real time, a pak of 10 POP Email accounts for the spe-
cified domain name.
We recommend the POP3 mail service for parties who want to be able to send mail from
their domain name (instead of, for example, a yahoo or hotmail senders address), and
for parties who want to manage multiple email accounts as a body (rather than having
everyones email forwarded to scattered locations).
After you sell a POP Email bundle, you can set up users with the SetUpPOP3User com-
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the POP3 Mail page, the add an Email Pak button calls the PurchasePOPBundle

- 986 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l To use our credit card processing, this must be an ETP reseller account.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l This command can be used only for purchasing POP paks for reseller accounts.
Retail accounts must
l use a queue-based shopping cart process.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Quantity Required Number of 10-address paks. 10

Optional in all Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType 4
cases are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
OrderID Identification number of the order

BundleID Identification number of each POP3 10-pak

Number of POP 10-paks sold in this transaction, if more than


- 987 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests 1 pak of 10 POP3 mailboxes for resellerdocs.com, and
requests the response in XML format:


In the response, the return of an orderid value and a bundleid value confirm a successful


- 988 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 4:02:14 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l DeleteAllPOPPaks
l DeletePOP3
l DeletePOPPak
l Forwarding
l GetDotNameForwarding
l GetForwarding
l GetMailHosts
l GetPOP3
l GetPOPExpirations
l GetPOPForwarding
l ModifyPOP3
l PurchaseHosting
l PurchaseServices
l RenewPOPBundle
l SetDotNameForwarding
l SetPOPForwarding
l SetUpPOP3User

- 989 -
API Command Categories

Preview a shopping cart order.
Use this command to view the items that will be purchased if you check out now.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the cart page, the checkout button calls the PurchasePreview command. It creates
the list of items on the checkout page.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

- 990 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Format of response. Permitted values
ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ItemID Shopping cart item ID, from our internal records

Description Description of shopping cart item

Years Number of time units customer wants to subscribe

NameID Domain name ID, from our internal records

Name Name the customer has requested for this item

StatusID Status ID

ItemPrice Price for one unit of this item

ExtPrice ItemPrice multiplied by Years (number of time units)

NeedsConfig Flag that marks domains requiring pre-configuration

ProductType Product type ID number, from our internal records

FreeTrial Is this product being offered as a free trial?

ParentItemID Parent item ID number, from our internal records

ICANNFees Fees charged by ICANN for this product

BasePrice Price of this product before the ICANN fee

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 991 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following requests a preview of account resellid and an inventory of its shopping
cart, and requests the response in XML format:


The response gives some general information about the account, plus the current con-
tents of the shopping cart:


- 992 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/9/2011 4:03:28 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddBulkDomains
l AddToCart
l DeleteFromCart
l GetCartContent
l InsertNewOrder
l UpdateCart

Purchase one of our services in real time.
The PurchaseServices command allows you to purchase one service each time you run
the query.
Use this command to purchase one value-added service in real time, as opposed to
going through a shopping cart and our order queue. Most commonly, real-time com-
mands are used by resellers who maintain their own databases.
Our credit card services are available for ID Protect and DNS hosting.

- 993 -
API Command Categories

When you pass credit card information with this command, you must use the secure
HTTPS protocol.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The PurchaseServices command is not implemented on www.enom.com. Its func-
tionality is most similar to the combined functionality of AddToCart and InsertNewOrder.
The difference is that AddToCart and InsertNewOrder can put multiple items into a shop-
ping cart and then put items selected from that cart into a queue for checkout, whereas
the PurchaseServices command purchases a single item in real time.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l Some products are available to only some TLDs. For example, ID Protect is not
available for .us.
l To use our credit card processing (available only for ID Protect, Business Listing,
and DNS hosting in the PurchaseServices suite of products), this must be an ETP
reseller account that has signed a credit card agreement with us.

Input parameters
Click a link in the table below to go directly to a specific product:
Input parameters for ID Protect
Input parameters for SSL Certificates
Input parameters for TRUSTe Privacy Policy
Input parameters for VeriSign Trust Seal
Input parameters for GeoTrust Anti-Malware
Input parameters for SiteLock
Input parameters for RichContent

- 994 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters for Business Listing

Input parameters for POP Email
Input parameters for Web Site Creator
Input parameters for Web hosting
Input parameters for DNS hosting
Input parameters for goMobi

Input parameters for ID Protect

The table below lists input parameters for ID Protect.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Service Required Permitted value for ID Protect is WPPS 15

Required for Second-level domain name (forexample,

SLD 63
WPPS enom in enom.com).

Required for
TLD Top-level domain name (extension). 15

Optional for
Number of years to subscribe to ID Pro-
NumYears WPPS; default is 1 2

Optional for Use RenewName=1 to automatically

RenewName WPPS; default is 0 renew ID Protect 30 days before it 1

Permitted values are 0 and 1. 1 sends

Optional; default is you an email confirmation when a cus-
EmailNotify 3
0 tomer makes a purchase using this com-

- 995 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Optional overall, Available for WPPS. Permitted values
but Required for are yes and no. The credit card supplied
resellers who have in this query string is charged only if
a credit card pro- UseCreditCard=yes. If this param is
cessing agreement omitted, or if the value supplied is any-
with us AND want thing other than yes, the account balance
UseCreditCard to use our CC pro- rather than the credit card is debited for 3
cessing to charge this transaction. This is true even if the
this transaction to query string includes all the required
the credit card credit card information. When you pass
included in this credit card information with this com-
query string. mand, you must use the secure HTTPS
Default is no. protocol.

End users IP address. This is used in

Required for our
fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP credit card pro- 15
cessing service. Use format

Amount to charge for each year;

Required for our cc
ChargeAmount ChargeAmount will be multiplied by 6
NumYears. Required format is DD.cc

Required for our cc Credit card type. Permitted values are

CardType 20
processing Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover

Required for our cc

CreditCardNumber Credit card number 128

Required for our cc Expiration month of the credit card, in

CreditCardExpMonth 2
processing format MM

Required for our cc Expiration year of the credit card, in

CreditCardExpYear 4
processing format YYYY

Required for our cc

CVV2 processing, if prin- Credit card verification value 4
ted on the card

Required for our cc

CCName Cardholders name 60

Required for our cc

CCAddress Credit card billing street address 60

Optional for our CC

CCCity Credit card billing city 60

Optional for our CC

CCStateProvince Credit card billing state or province 40

- 996 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Required for our cc Credit card billing country. Two-character
CCCountry 40
processing country code is a permitted format

Required for our cc

CCZip Credit card billing postal code 60

Credit card billing phone. Required

format is +CountryCode.PhoneNumber,
Optional for our CC
CCPhone where CountryCode and PhoneNumber 20
use only numeric characters and the + is
URL-encoded as a plus sign (%2B).

Optional in all Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType 4
cases are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for SSL Certificates

The table below lists input parameters for SSL certificates.
Build the query string using this syntax:

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Service to purchase. Permitted values for certs are:

Service Required Certificate-GeoTrust-QuickSSL 15

- 997 -
API Command Categories


Number of years to purchase this SSL certificate. Permitted val-

ues are 1 to the following maximum values:
5 Comodo Essential
5 Comodo Instant
3 Comodo Essential Wildcard
5 Comodo Premium Wildcard
2 Comodo EV
2 Comodo EV SGC
4 GeoTrust QuickSSL
Optional for
4 GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium
NumYears certs; default is 1 2
4 GeoTrust True BusinessID
4 GeoTrust True BusinessID Wildcard
2 GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV
4 RapidSSL
4 VeriSign Secure Site
4 VeriSign Secure Site Pro
2 VeriSign Secure Site with EV
2 VeriSign Secure Site Pro with EV
3 Comodo UCC DV
3 Comodo UCC OV

ResponseType Optional in all Format of response. Permitted values are Text (default), HTML,
cases or XML.

Input parameters for TRUSTe Privacy Policy

The table below lists input parameters for TRUSTe Privacy Policy and TRUSTe Privacy
Policy with Seal.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

- 998 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Permitted values are:
Service Required TRUSTePrivacyPolicyFreeTrial 23

Number of years to subscribe to

Optional; default is TRUSTe Privacy Policy or TRUSTe Pri-
NumYears 1
1 vacy Policy with Seal. Permitted values
are 1, 2, or 3

Permitted values are 0 and 1. 1 sends

Optional; default is you an email confirmation when a cus-
EmailNotify 3
0 tomer makes a purchase using this com-

Optional overall, Available for TRUSTe products. Per-

but Required for mitted values are yes and no. The credit
resellers who have card supplied in this query string is
a credit card pro- charged only if UseCreditCard=yes. If
cessing agreement this param is omitted, or if the value sup-
with us AND want plied is anything other than yes, the
UseCreditCard to use our CC pro- account balance rather than the credit 3
cessing to charge card is debited for this transaction. This
this transaction to is true even if the query string includes all
the credit card the required credit card information.
included in this When you pass credit card information
query string. with this command, you must use the
Default is no. secure HTTPS protocol.

Required for our End users IP address. This is used in

EndUserIP credit card pro- fraud checking, as part of our order pro- 15
cessing cessing service.

Amount to charge for each year;

Required for our cc
ChargeAmount ChargeAmount will be multiplied by 6
NumYears. Required format is DD.cc

Required for our cc Credit card type. Permitted values are

CardType 20
processing Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover

Required for our cc

CreditCardNumber Credit card number 128

Required for our cc Expiration month of the credit card, in

CreditCardExpMonth 2
processing format MM

Required for our cc Expiration year of the credit card, in

CreditCardExpYear 4
processing format YYYY

- 999 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Required for our cc
CVV2 processing, if prin- Credit card verification value 4
ted on the card

Required for our cc

CCName Cardholders name 60

Required for our

CCAddress Credit card billing street address 60
CC processing

Optional for our CC

CCCity Credit card billing city 60

Optional for our CC

CCStateProvince Credit card billing state or province 40

Required for our Credit card billing country. Two-character

CCCountry 40
CC processing country code is a permitted format

Required for our

CCZip Credit card billing postal code 60
CC processing

Credit card billing phone. Required

format is +CountryCode.PhoneNumber,
Optional for our CC
CCPhone where CountryCode and PhoneNumber 20
use only numeric characters and the + is
URL-encoded as a plus sign (%2B).

Optional in all Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType 4
cases are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for VeriSign Trust Seal

The table below lists input parameters for VeriSign Trust Seal.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

- 1000 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Service to purchase. Permitted values
Service Required for VeriSign Trust Seal: Seal-VeriSign- 15

Number of years to subscribe to VeriSign

NumYears Required Trust Seal. Permitted values are 1, 2, or 1

Optional in all Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType 4
cases are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for GeoTrust Anti-Malware

The table below lists input parameters for GeoTrust Anti-Malware.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Service to purchase. Permitted values

for GeoTrust Anti-Malware: GeoTrust-
Service Required 15
Anti-Malware-Scan GeoTrust-Anti-Mal-

Number of years to subscribe to

Optional; default=1
NumYears GeoTrust Anti-Malware. Permitted value 1
is 1

Optional in all Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType 4
cases are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for SiteLock

The table below lists input parameters for SiteLock.
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1001 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Service to purchase. Permitted values

Service Required for SiteLock: SiteLock-Basic SiteLock- 15
Premium SiteLock-Enterprise

Optional; default=1 Number of years to subscribe to

NumYears 1
SiteLock. Permitted value is 1

Optional in all Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType 4
cases are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for RichContent

The table below lists input parameters for RichContent.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Permitted values for RichContent are:

Service Required 15
RichContent RichContentFreeTrial

Email address of the RichContent cus-

Either EmailAd-
tomer. An email address can be used for
dress or Pub-
EmailAddress multiple RichContent subscriptions in 150
lisherID is
the same domain name account, but can
only be used for a free trial once.

Either EmailAd- Identification number for this email

PublisherID 10
dress or Pub- address in our records of RichContent

- 1002 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

subscriptions. To retrieve this number
lisherID is
use the RC_GetSubscriptions com-
mand. Permitted values are integers

RichContentFreeTrial Domain name,

Optional for with host records, to associate with this
SourceDomain 272
RichContent RichContent subscription. Permitted
format is host.sld.tld

Billing period, in months. For RichCon-

tent, permitted values are 1, 3, 6, or 12.
Optional; default is For RichContentFreeTrial, the permitted
Quantity 2
1 value is 1, and the subscription auto-
matically converts to monthly billing after
the one-month free trial

Permitted values are 0 and 1. 1 sends

Optional; default is you an email confirmation when a cus-
EmailNotify 3
0 tomer makes a purchase using this com-

End users IP address. This is used in

fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP Required 15
cessing service. Use format

Optional in all Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType 4
cases are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for Business Listing

The table below lists input parameters for Business Listing.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Permitted value for Business Listing is

Service Required 15

- 1003 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Required for Second-level domain name (for example,
SLD 63
BusListing enom in enom.com).

Required for
TLD Top-level domain name (extension). 15

Optional for
Number of years to subscribe to ID Pro-
NumYears BusListing; default 2
tect. Permitted values are 1 to 10.
is 1

Optional for Use RenewName=1 to automatically

RenewName BusListing; default renew Business Listing 30 days before it 1
is 1 expires

Permitted values are 0 and 1. 1 sends

Optional; default is you an email confirmation when a cus-
EmailNotify 3
0 tomer makes a purchase using this com-

Optional overall, Available for BusListing. Permitted val-

but Required for ues are yes and no. The credit card sup-
resellers who have plied in this query string is charged only if
a credit card pro- UseCreditCard=yes . If this param is
cessing agreement omitted, or if the value supplied is any-
with us AND want thing other than yes, the account balance
UseCreditCard to use our CC pro- rather than the credit card is debited for 3
cessing to charge this transaction. This is true even if the
this transaction to query string includes all the required
the credit card credit card information. When you pass
included in this credit card information with this com-
query string. mand, you must use the secure HTTPS
Default is no. protocol.

End users IP address. This is used in

Required for our fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP 15
CC processing cessing service. Use format

Amount to charge for each year;

Required for our
ChargeAmount ChargeAmount will be multiplied by 6
CC processing
NumYears. Required format is DD.cc

Required for our Credit card type. Permitted values are

CardType 20
CC pprocessing Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover

Required for our

CreditCardNumber Credit card number 128
CC processing

Required for our Expiration month of the credit card, in

CreditCardExpMonth 2
CC processing format MM

- 1004 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Required for our Expiration year of the credit card, in on
CreditCardExpYear 4
CC processing year of the credit card, in format YYYY

Required for our

CVV2 CC processing, if Credit card verification value 4
printed on the card

Required for our

CCName Cardholders name 60
CC processing

Required for our

CCAddress Credit card billing street address 60
CC processing

Optional for our CC

CCCity Credit card billing city 60

Optional for our CC

CCStateProvince Credit card billing state or province 40

Required for our Credit card billing country. Two-character

CCCountry 40
CC processing country code is a permitted format

Required for our

CCZip Credit card billing postal code 60
CC processing

Credit card billing phone. Required

format is +CountryCode.PhoneNumber,
Optional for our CC
CCPhone where CountryCode and PhoneNumber 20
use only numeric characters and the + is
URL-encoded as a plus sign (%2B).

Optional in all Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType 4
cases are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for POP Email

The table below lists input parameters for POP Email.
Using the PurchaseServices command, you can purchase POP Email for 1 year.
You can renew in real time using the RenewPOPBundle command, or set auto-renew
preferences with the SetPakRenew or SetRenew commands.
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1005 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Type of service to purchase. For POP

Service Required 15
Email, Service=POP3.

Required for POP3 Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD 63
enom in enom.com).

Required for POP3

TLD Top-level domain name (extension). 15

For POP3, number of 10-address POP

Quantity Required for POP3 10

Permitted values are 0 and 1. 1 sends

Optional; default is you an email confirmation when a cus-
EmailNotify 3
0 tomer makes a purchase using this com-

Optional in all Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType 4
cases are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for Web Site Creator

The table below lists input parameters for Web Site Creator (WSC).
Using the PurchaseServices command, you can subscribe to WSC with a monthly
billing cycle.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Type of service to purchase. For WSC,

Service Required 15
use Service=LWSCBasic, LWSCFull, or

- 1006 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size


Required for Second-level domain name (for example,

LWSCBasic, enom in enom.com). For LWSC*, this is
SLD 63
LWSCFull, and the domain WSC will be associated with.

Required for
Top-level domain name (extension). For
TLD LWSC*, this is the domain WSC will be 15
LWSCFull, and
associated with.

Permitted values are 0 and 1. 1 sends

Optional; default is you an email confirmation when a cus-
EmailNotify 3
0 tomer makes a purchase using this com-

Optional in all Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType 4
cases are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for Web hosting

The table below lists input parameters for Web hosting.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Type of service to purchase. For Web

Service Required 15
hosting, use Service=WebHosting

Second-level domain name (for example,

Optional for enom in enom.com). For WebHosting,
SLD 63
WebHosting this is the domain the Web hosting pack-
age will be associated with.

Top-level domain name (extension). For

Optional for
TLD WebHosting , this is the domain the Web 15
hosting package will be associated with.

- 1007 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Name for this Web hosting account. Per-
Required for mitted values are 6 to 14 characters in
HostAccount 14
WebHosting length, begin with a letter, and the remain-
ing characters are alphanumeric.

Password for this Web hosting account;

Required for
HostPassword must be alphanumeric and 6 to 14 char- 14
acters in length.

First and last name of the contact person

Required for
FullName for this Web hosting account, for 44
example, John Doe

Email address for communications from

Optional for us regarding this Web hosting account,
HostAccountEmail 78
WebHosting for example, john.-

Package name. To retrieve currently

Required for defined packages, use the
Package 11
WebHosting WebHostGetPackages command from
the Web hosting API catalog.

Your instructions for how we should

handle bandwidth overages, measured
on a per-month basis. Permitted values
Required for are: 1 Upgrade to the next bandwidth
OverageOption 1
WebHosting package 2 Charge on a per-GB basis on
my next monthly bill 3 Disable the
account until the beginning of the next
monthly billing cycle

Permitted values are 0 and 1. 1 sends

Optional; default is you an email confirmation when a cus-
EmailNotify 3
0 tomer makes a purchase using this com-

Optional in all Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType 4
cases are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Input parameters for DNS hosting

The table below lists input parameters for DNS hosting.
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1008 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Type of service to purchase. For DNS

Service Required 15
hosting, use Service=DNSHosting.

Required for Number of years to subscribe to this ser-

NumYears 2
DNSHosting vice. Permitted values are 1 to 10.

Required for Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD 63
DNSHosting enom in enom.com).

Required for
TLD Top-level domain name (extension). 15

Optional for
DomainPassword Set a password on the domain name 60

Optional for
RenewName Set to 1 to auto-renew the name 1

Permitted values are 0 and 1. 1 sends

Optional; default is you an email confirmation when a cus-
EmailNotify 3
0 tomer makes a purchase using this com-

Optional overall, Credit card processing is available for

but Required for DNSHosting. Permitted values are yes
resellers who have and no. The credit card supplied in this
a credit card pro- query string is charged only if UseCred-
cessing agreement itCard=yes. If this param is omitted, or if
with us AND want the value supplied is anything other than
UseCreditCard to use our CC pro- yes, the account balance rather than the 3
cessing to charge credit card is debited for this transaction.
this transaction to This is true even if the query string
the credit card includes all the required credit card
included in this information. When you pass credit card
query string. information with this command, you must
Default is no. use the secure HTTPS protocol.

End users IP address. This is used in

Required for credit fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP 15
card processing cessing service. Use format

ChargeAmount Required for our Amount to charge for each year of DNS 6

- 1009 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

hosting; ChargeAmount is multiplied by
CC processing NumYears to yield the total charge for
this order. Required format is DD.cc

Required for our Credit card type. Permitted values are

CardType 20
CC processing Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover

Required for our

CreditCardNumber Credit card number 128
CC processing

Required for our Expiration month of the credit card, in

CreditCardExpMonth 2
CC processing format MM

Required for our Expiration year of the credit card, in

CreditCardExpYear 4
CC processing format YYYY

Required for our

CVV2 CC processing, if Credit card verification value 4
printed on the card

Required for our

CCName Cardholders name 60
CC processing

Required for our

CCAddress Credit card billing street address 60
CC processing

Optional for our CC

CCCity Credit card billing city 60

Optional for our CC

CCStateProvince Credit card billing state or province 40

Required pro- Credit card billing country. Two-character

CCCountry 40
cessing country code is a permitted format

Required for our cc

CCZip Credit card billing postal code 60

Credit card billing phone. Required

format is +CountryCode.PhoneNumber,
Optional for our CC
CCPhone where CountryCode and PhoneNumber 20
use only numeric characters and the + is
URL-encoded as a plus sign (%2B).

Optional in all Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType 4
cases are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1010 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters for goMobi

The table below lists input parameters for goMobi, our product that
instantly converts any Web site to a compact format suitable for display
on mobile devices.
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Type of service to purchase. For goMobi,

Service Required permitted values are: goMobi 15

Billing cycle for goMobi. Permitted val-

Quantity Required ues are: 1 Monthly billing 12 Yearly billing 2

Permitted values are 0 and 1. 1 sends

Optional; default is you an email confirmation when a cus-
EmailNotify 3
0 tomer makes a purchase using this com-

Optional in all Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType 4
cases are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Credit card preauthorization result; included when using our
CCTransResult credit card processing for Service=WPPS, BusListing, or

Our identification number for the email address associated with

PublisherID this RichContent purchase; included for Service=RichContent
and RichContentFreeTrial

- 1011 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Our identification number for the Domain Name associated
SubscriptionID with this GoMobi purchase; included for Service=GoMobi and

Our identification number for this POP pak; included for Ser-

Total number of POP paks purchased with this query; included

for Service=POP3

LWSCHostAccount WSC account name; included for Service=LWSC*

Success status for adding WSC to this domain; included for


Success status for setting up monthly billing for this WSC

account; included for Service=LWSC*

Web hosting package ID number assigned by us; included for


IP of the Web hosting server for this Web hosting account;

included for Service=WebHosting

Success status of this query; included for Ser-


OrderID Order ID number

Cert ID for the cert purchased in this order; included for any
cert purchase

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l A fully qualified domain name is expressed in the format hostname.SLD.TLD..
Note that the period at the
l end is an essential component of a fully qualified domain name.

- 1012 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query adds three POP mail paks to domain resellerdocs.com and sends
the response in XML format:


In the response, the presence of an OrderID and the ErrCount value 0 confirm that the
query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 1013 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l Forwarding
l GetHomeDomainList
l Purchase
l PurchaseHosting
l PurchasePOPBundle
l RenewServices
l SetHosts

Push a domain name into another account.
Use this command to transfer a domain name from one eNom account to another.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the push a domain page, the submit button calls the PushDomain command.

- 1014 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The account to which the domain name is being pushed must be under eNom or
one of its resellers.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Login ID of the account to push the name

AccountID Required into. Use GetSubAccounts to list sub- 16

Push the contact information for this

domain from the old account to the new
account. Permitted values are:
Optional; default is
PushContact 0 Do not push contact information with 16
the domain
1 Push contact information with the

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1015 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
PushDomain Returns =1 if successful or =0 if it fails

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests that the domain name resellerdocs2.net be pushed from
account resellid to account ichiro, and requests the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

- 1016 -
API Command Categories

<domainname sld="resellerdocs2" tld="net" id="152533887">
<Server>Dev Workstation</Server>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l TP_CancelOrder
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_GetDetailsByDomain
l TP_GetOrder
l TP_GetOrderDetail
l TP_GetOrdersByDomain
l TP_GetOrderStatuses
l TP_ResubmitLocked
l TP_SubmitOrder
l TP_UpdateOrderDetail
l UpdatePushList

Purchase a domain in a specified queue. Note, these orders will be processed once the
queue closes.

- 1017 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to purchase a domain in a specified queue. Note, these orders will be
processed once the queue closes.
Premium Domain
A unique, memorable or noteworthy name might be considered as a premium domain.
This type of domain will be more expensive depending on the name and TLD. If Queue_
DomainPurchase returns error:
"CustomerSuppliedPrice is required for mydomain.bike"
this domain is considered as the premium domain. The exact price for this domain must
be declared in the parameter module as CustomerSuppliedPrice. Use the PE_GetPremi-
umPricing command to retrieve the price.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description
UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

- 1018 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description
Collection of domain orders, grouped in domain module(s).
Each parameters for a domain are separated by pipe sym-
bol or "|". Multiple domain entry is allowed by adding comma
or "," between each domain module. Use the PE_GetPremi-
umPricing command to retrieve the premium domain price
for CustomerSuppliedPrice. Domain module format:
QName= [phase] | SLD= [sld] | TLD= [tld] | ExtAttributes |
Signed_Mark_Data | CustomerSuppliedPrice Example:
ItemList Required ItemList- ?
data=Shogun, QName-
data=DkOnNp...CustomerSuppliedPrice=65.00 Note:
please use URL Encoding for ListItem or the entire API
string to avoid any unexpected results.

If UseCreditCard=Yes, use our credit card processing ser-

vices. This service is available only to resellers who have
UseCreditCard Optional entered into a credit card processing agreement with us. 3
When you pass credit card information with this command,
you must use the secure HTTPS protocol.

Required if
Amount UseCred- Amount to charge for this order. Format: DDD.CC 8

Required if using End users IP address. This is used in fraud checking, as

EndUserIP our credit card pro- part of our order processing service. Format: 15
cessing NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN.

Required if using
CCName our credit card pro- Cardholder's name 60

Required if using
CCNumber our credit card pro- Customer's credit card number

Required if using
CCExpMonth our credit card pro- Credit card expiration month. Format: MM 2

Required if using
CCExpYear our credit card pro- Credit card expiration year. Format: YYYY 4

CVV2 Required if using Credit card verification code 4

- 1019 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description
our credit card pro-

Required if using
CCAddress our credit card pro- Credit card billing address 60

Required if using
CCCity our credit card pro- Credit card billing city 60

Required if using
our credit card pro- Credit card billing state or province 60

Required if using
CCZip our credit card pro- Credit card billing postal code 15

Required if using
CCCountry our credit card pro- Credit card billing country (2 letter code) Format: XX 60

Format of response. Permitted values are Text (default),

ResponseType Optional 4

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Overall item status. If there is one failure within a transaction
(multiple domains), the entire transaction fails.

Order ID for this transaction. All domains are purchased in a

single order.

Total amount for this transaction. Please notice that the

Amount amount might be modified if the price does not meet the
account's minimum cost

TransactionNumber Credit card transaction number

TransactionReference Credit card transaction reference

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err (1 to ErrCount) values

- 1020 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query purchases a .NINJA domain name from the corresponding sunrise
queue, and requests the response in XML format.
NON-PREMIUM - without Signed Mark Data


PREMIUM - with Signed Mark Data and CustomerSuppliedPrice samples



- 1021 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<RequestDateTime>6/5/2013 1:49:08 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l Queue_GetInfo
l Queue_GetExtAttributes
l Queue_GetDomains
l Queue_GetOrders
l Queue_GetOrderDetail
l PE_GetPremiumPricing
l GetAgreementPage

- 1022 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve a list of domains currently in the specified queue for the account.
Use this command to retrieve a list of domains currently in the specified queue in the
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Optional; dafault is Display queue domain's metric. Per-

DisplayMetrics 1
true mitted values are true and false

- 1023 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Optional; dafault is Display a list of domains. Permitted val-
DisplayDomains 1
false ues are true and false

Return results beginning with this pos-

ition in the sorted list. For example,
Optional; default is
RecordStart StartPosition=26&PagingPageSize=25 8
returns accounts 26 through 50 in the sor-
ted list

Number of accounts to return in this

Optional default is
PagingSize response. Maximum permitted value is 3

Sorting parameter. Permitted values are:

SortBy Optional 20
DomainName TLD Price

Optional; default is Sort order. Permitted values are Asc and

SortOrder 4
Asc Desc

FilterTLD Optional Filter by TLD 15

FilterQueue Optional Filter by Queue 15

FilterStatus Optional Filter by Status ID 3

FilterStatusDesc Optional Filter by Status Description 500

Filter by domain name, contains specific

DomainNameFilter Optional 500

Format of response. Permitted values are

ResponseType Optional 4
Text (default), HTML, or XML

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Total items in Watchlist (not a distinct list). For example,
domain.ninja and .ninja are counted as two (2) entries

WatchlistPreorder Total items in Watchlist available for Pre-Order

WathclistDomainWatched Total domains (SLD.TLD) watched

WatchlistTLDWatched Total TLD watched

NewTLDOrders Number of orders entered to the Queue

NewTLDValidated Number of orders have been Validated

- 1024 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
NewTLDPending Number of orders in Pending status

NewTLDRejected Number of orders in Rejected status

QueuesDisabled Is Queue disabled for this account?

PreregDisabled Is PreRegistration disabled for this account?

OrderID Order ID

DomainName Domain name


TLDName TLD name

TLDDesc TLD description

DateStart Queue opening date

DateEnd Queue closing date

Price Price

QID Queue ID

QName Queue name

StatusID Status ID

StatusName Status name

ItemCount Total items return in this search (filter)

ItemTotal Total items in this account

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err (1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 1025 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of domains currently in the queue, and requests the
response in XML format.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<DateStart>6/12/2013 2:32 PM</DateStart>
<DateEnd>6/28/2013 2:32 PM</DateEnd>

- 1026 -
API Command Categories

<QName>Sunrise B</QName>
<StatusName>Awaiting Submission</StatusName>
<DateStart>6/12/2013 2:32 PM</DateStart>
<DateEnd>6/28/2013 2:32 PM</DateEnd>
<QName>Sunrise B</QName>
<StatusName>Awaiting Submission</StatusName>
<RequestDateTime>6/3/2013 3:55:35 PM</RequestDateTime>

- 1027 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l Queue_GetInfo
l Queue_GetExtAttributes
l Queue_DomainPurchase
l Queue_GetOrders
l Queue_GetOrderDetail
l PE_GetPremiumPricing
l GetAgreementPage

Retrieve a list of extended attributes for a specific queue.
Use this command to retrieve a list of extended attributes for a specific queue.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1028 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Queue identification list in comma-sep-

arated format. Use Queue_GetInfo com-
QIDList Required -
mand to retrieve queue identification

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ID Queue indetifier

TLD Top level domain

Attributes Attributes collection in XML format

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err (1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1029 -
API Command Categories

The following query retrieves a list of extended attributes for a TLD available in a queue,
and requests the response in XML format.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Options />
<Description>Email Address</Description>
<Options />

- 1030 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>4/30/2013 4:12:07 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l Queue_GetInfo
l Queue_DomainPurchase
l Queue_GetDomains
l Queue_GetOrders
l Queue_GetOrderDetail
l PE_GetPremiumPricing
l GetAgreementPage

Retrieve a list of all queues, which can be fitered as appropriate.

- 1031 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to retrieve a list of all queues, which can be fitered as appropriate.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Category Optional Filter by category 500

FilterTLD Optional Filter by TLD 500

FilterTLDStatusDesc Optional Filter by TLD status description 100

FilterQStatusName Optional Filter by queue status name 100

FilterExtAttributes Optional Filter by extended attributes requirement 1

FilterStartDate Optional Filter by queue start date -

FilterEndDate Optional Filter by queue end date -

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

- 1032 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TLD Top level domain

NativeIDN IDN TLD in native characters

CategoryName TLD category

CategoryDesc TLD category description

QID Queue indetifier

QName Queue name

QStatusID Queue status identifier

QStatusName Queue status name

ExtAttributes Does this Queue require extended attributes?

StartDate Start date

EndDate End date

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err (1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1033 -
API Command Categories

The following query retrieves a list of queues for .NINJA, and requests the response in
XML format.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<TLDDescription><![CDATA[For the self-professed masters of
the world,
.NINJA provides a fun, unique, and flexible TLD option. Use
it as blog.NINJA,
homeimprovement.NINJA, homecooking.NINJA, and more. .NINJA
can also be
used for more traditional applications of the word, to pro-
mote ninja books, comics,
movies, and cultural references, such as comics.NINJA.
Whatever the use,
.NINJA is a memorable domain namespace guaranteed to help
any business,
group, or individual using it make a lasting impression.]]>
<TLDStatusDesc>Evaluation Passed</TLDStatusDesc>

- 1034 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>4/30/2013 3:43:35 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l Queue_GetExtAttributes
l Queue_DomainPurchase
l Queue_GetDomains
l Queue_GetOrders
l Queue_GetOrderDetail
l PE_GetPremiumPricing
l GetAgreementPage

Retrieve a detailed queue domain order.

- 1035 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to retrieve a detailed queue domain order.

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

The identification number of the order for

which you want details. You can retrieve
OrderID Required 10
this number using the Queue_GetOrders

PortalUserPartyID Optional Portal user identification 36

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

- 1036 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
OrderID Order ID

OrderDate Order Date

PaidAmount Amount charged for this transaction

DomainName Domain Name

OrderType Order type. In a queue process, this value will be 'Register'

ExtTime Registration time applied to this item

OrderStatus Order status

RegistrationFee Registration Fee

ApplicationFee Application Fee

TotalFee Total fee for this item

RecordStart Record start position

PagingSize Record size per page

NextRecord Record next position

TotalResults Total records for this account

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err (1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1037 -
API Command Categories

The following query retrieve a list of queue domain order history, and requests the
response in XML format.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<OrderDate>4/11/2013 5:11 PM</OrderDate>

- 1038 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>6/5/2013 3:40:56 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l Queue_GetInfo
l Queue_GetExtAttributes
l Queue_DomainPurchase
l Queue_GetDomains
l Queue_GetOrders
l PE_GetPremiumPricing
l GetAgreementPage

Retrieve a list of queue domain order history.
Use this command to retrieve a list of queue domain order history.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 1039 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

PortalUserPartyID Optional Portal user identification 36

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
OrderID Order ID

StatusID Status ID

StatusName Status Name

StatusDesc Status Description

Success Total number of successful item in this order

Failed Total number of failed item in this order

Pending Total number of pending item in this order

OrderDate Order date

Command Name of command executed

- 1040 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check
the Err (1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieve a list of queue domain order history, and requests the
response in XML format.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


- 1041 -
API Command Categories

<OrderDate>4/11/2013 5:11 PM</OrderDate>
<RequestDateTime>6/5/2013 3:27:10 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l Queue_GetInfo
l Queue_GetExtAttributes
l Queue_DomainPurchase
l Queue_GetDomains
l Queue_GetOrderDetail
l PE_GetPremiumPricing
l GetAgreementPage

- 1042 -
API Command Categories

Get Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) information for a contact change.
Use this command to get RAA information for a contact change.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Domain name which contact change

DomainName Required* 272
was made on (or new registration)

- 1043 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Verification code that is generated on a
VerificationCode Required* ?
contact change

FirstName Required* First name of contact change 60

LastName Required* Last name of contact change 60

EmailAddress Required* Email address of contact change 128

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

*NOTE: only one (1) RAA parameter is required to be passed in. If more than one of the
RAA parameters are present in the query string, the first value based on the order below
will be processed (other values will be ignored):
l DomainName
l VerificationCode
l FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress

Example: if DomainName and VerificationCode parameters are being passed, only

DomainName value will be taken.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Domain Domain name

VerificationCode Verification code

VerificationStatus Verification status

ValidationType Validation type

FirstName First name

LastName Last name

EmailAddress Email address

IsSuspended Is this domain suspended?

IsPendingSuspension Is this domain in pending suspension?

SuspensionDate Suspension date

ToBeSuspendedDate Following suspension date

- 1044 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
ResultText Result description

List of notification emails sent out to the domain owner(s).

Information includes destination email adrress and sent date

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err (1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query gets RAA information for a contact change in various types, and
requests the response in XML format.
Passing DomainName
You will only get back what information you passed in and was used for the API Call.
If you send in DomainName you would only get back the domain name in the output,
the other parameters if sent are cleared and not used or returned.


Passing VerificationCode
You will only get back what information you passed in and was used for the API Call.

- 1045 -
API Command Categories

If you send in VerificationCode you would only get back the verification code
in the output, the other parameters if sent are cleared and not used or returned.


Passing FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress

You will only get back what information you passed in and was used for the API Call.
For example if you send in FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress you would only get
back the firstname, lastname, emailaddress in the output, the other parameters
if sent are cleared and not used or returned.


Passing DomainName

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<VerificationCode />
<VerificationStatus>Pending Suspension</VerificationStatus>
<ValidationType>New Domain</ValidationType>
<FirstName />
<LastName />
<EmailAddress />
<ToBeSuspendedDate>12/18/2013 7:35:57 AM</ToBeSus-

- 1046 -
API Command Categories

<To> joetester@test.com</To>
<SendDate>12/3/2013 7:45:00 AM</SendDate>
<To> joetester@test.com</To>
<SendDate>12/4/2013 12:45:00 PM</SendDate>
<RequestDateTime>12/4/2013 7:57:44 AM</RequestDateTime>

Passing VerificationCode

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Domain />
<VerificationStatus>Pending Suspension</VerificationStatus>
<ValidationType>New Domain</ValidationType>
<FirstName />
<LastName />
<EmailAddress />

- 1047 -
API Command Categories

<ToBeSuspendedDate>12/18/2013 7:35:57 AM</ToBeSus-
<To> joetester@test.com</To>
<SendDate>12/3/2013 7:45:00 AM</SendDate>
<To> joetester@test.com</To>
<SendDate>12/4/2013 12:45:00 PM</SendDate>
<RequestDateTime>12/4/2013 7:57:44 AM</RequestDateTime>

Passing FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Domain />
<VerificationCode />
<VerificationStatus>Pending Suspension</VerificationStatus>
<ValidationType>New Domain</ValidationType>

- 1048 -
API Command Categories

<ToBeSuspendedDate>12/18/2013 7:35:57 AM</ToBeSus-
<To> joetester@test.com</To>
<SendDate>12/3/2013 7:45:00 AM</SendDate>
<To> joetester@test.com</To>
<SendDate>12/4/2013 12:45:00 PM</SendDate>
<RequestDateTime>12/4/2013 7:57:44 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l RAA_GetInfo
l RAA_ResendNotification
l RPT_GetReport

- 1049 -
API Command Categories

Resend Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) notification email for a contact
Use this command to resend RAA notification email for a contact change.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Domain name which contact change

DomainName Required* 272
was made on (or new registration)

- 1050 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Verification code that is generated on a
VerificationCode Required* ?
contact change

FirstName Required* First name of contact change 60

LastName Required* Last name of contact change 60

EmailAddress Required* Email address of contact change 128

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

*NOTE: only one (1) RAA parameter is required to be passed in. If more than one of the
RAA parameters are present in the query string, the first value based on the order below
will be processed (other values will be ignored):
l DomainName
l VerificationCode
l FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress

Example: if DomainName and VerificationCode parameters are being passed, only

DomainName value will be taken.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err (1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1051 -
API Command Categories

The following query resends RAA notification email for a contact change in various
types, and requests the response in XML format.
Passing DomainName


Passing VerificationCode


Passing FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


- 1052 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/4/2013 8:25:02 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l RAA_GetInfo
l RAA_ResendNotification
l RPT_GetReport

Cancel a RichContent subscription.
Use this command to cancel a RichContent subscription.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Click a Subscription link. At the bottom of the RichContent Manager page, click Cancel
this service. At the bottom of the form, the Cancel Service button calls the RC_
CancelSubscription command.

- 1053 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The RichContent subscription must be associated with this domain name account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number for the RichContent

subscription that is being canceled. To
SubscriptionID Required 10
retrieve SubscriptionID values, use the
RC_GetSubscriptions command

Reason for cancellation. Permitted val-

ues are: 1 No longer needed 2 Not as
ReasonID Required expected 3 Price/value 4 Technical issue 1
5 Support issue 6 Unsupported func-
tionality 7 Other reason not listed

User-supplied text explaining can-

Comments Required 250

Rescind a cancellation request. Supply

UndoCancellation=true to undo a can-
UndoCancellation Required 5
cellation request on a RichContent sub-

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1054 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success result of this query

ResultCode Success code of this query

Success status of this query, corresponding to the ResultCode


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query cancels a RichContent subscription and sends the response in XML


In the response, a Success value True indicates that the query was successful:

- 1055 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<debug />

Related commands
l RC_FreeTrialCheck
l RC_GetLoginToken
l RC_GetSubscriptionDetails
l RC_GetSubscriptions
l RC_RebillSubscription
l RC_ResetPassword
l RC_SetBillingCycle
l RC_SetPassword
l RC_SetSubscriptionDomain
l RC_SetSubscriptionName


- 1056 -
API Command Categories

Validate whether an email address is eligible for a free trial of RichContent.

Use this command to validate whether an email address is eligible for a free trial of
To be eligible, the email must never have been used for a RichContent subscription.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Filling out the form and clicking the Continue button launches the RC_FreeTrialCheck
command (as well as the AddToCart command).

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l Reseller accounts can generally have one free trial for each email address that has
not previously
l subscribed to RichContent (although we reserve the right to end free trials for
accounts that appear to be
l abusing the free trials).
l Retail accounts are limited to one free trial.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 1057 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

Email for which you want a RichContent

Email Required 128
free trial

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
FreeTrialOK Is this email address eligible for a free trial of RichContent?

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query checks whether a RichContent free trial is available for a domain
name, and sends the response in XML format:


- 1058 -
API Command Categories


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<debug />

Related commands
l RC_CancelSubscription
l RC_GetLoginToken
l RC_GetSubscriptionDetails
l RC_GetSubscriptions
l RC_RebillSubscription
l RC_ResetPassword
l RC_SetBillingCycle
l RC_SetPassword
l RC_SetSubscriptionDomain
l RC_SetSubscriptionName

- 1059 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve the URL for the RichContent control panel.
Use this command to retrieve the URL for the RichContent control panel. Using this com-
mand allows your customers to instantly link to the control panel to integrate the
RichContent into their sites without interruption.
Using this command logs your customers in to RichContentWidget.com as a branded
site. If you prefer to build your own custom-branded control panel, contact your reseller
sales representative.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Login to the control panel link launches the RC_GetLoginToken command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The RichContent account must belong to this login ID.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1060 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Either Email or Pub-

Email address associated with this
Email lisherID is ?
RichContent account

Identificaton number of the email

Either Email or Pub- address associated with this RichCon-
PublisherID lisherID is tent account. To retrieve this number, ?
Required use the RC_GetSubscriptions com-

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
RichContentToken Login token for the RichContent control panel

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1061 -
API Command Categories

The following query retrieves a RichContent login token and sends the response in XML


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ http://www.richcontentwidget.com/default.aspx?h=
9DCB9BCF ]]>
<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<debug />

- 1062 -
API Command Categories


Related commands
l RC_CancelSubscription
l RC_FreeTrialCheck
l RC_GetSubscriptionDetails
l RC_GetSubscriptions
l RC_RebillSubscription
l RC_ResetPassword
l RC_SetBillingCycle
l RC_SetPassword
l RC_SetSubscriptionDomain
l RC_SetSubscriptionName

Retrieve information on one RichContent subscription.
Use this command to retrieve information on one RichContent subscription.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Clicking on any subscription name launches the RC_GetSubscriptionDetails command.

The query must meet the following requirements:

- 1063 -
API Command Categories

l The login ID and password must be valid.

l The SubscriptionID must be for a RichContent subscription in this domain name

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number for this RichCon-

SubscriptionID Required tent subscription. To retrieve this value, 10
use the RC_GetSubscriptions command

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
User-configurable display name associated with this RichCon-
tent subscription

DomainName Domain name associated with this RichContent subscription

Email Email address associated with this RichContent subscription

Password for logging into the management console to manage

this RichContent subscription. The testing management con-
sole is beta.richcontentwidget.com The production man-
agement console is www.richcontentwidget.com

NextBillingDate Next billing date for this RichContent subscription

BillingCycle Duration in months of the current billing period

NextBillingCycle Duration in months of next billing period

- 1064 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Status of this RichContent subscription. Possible values: 1
Status Service Active 2 Service Disabled 3 Pending Cancellation 4
Policy Violation

Identification number for this email address in our records of

RichContent subscriptions

Date the customer originally created this RichContent sub-


Unique identification number for the email address associated

with this Rich- Content subscription

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves details for one RichContent subscription and sends the
response in XML format:


- 1065 -
API Command Categories

In the response, subscription information and an ErrCount value 0 indicate that the query
was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<BillingCycle />
<NextBillingCycle />
<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ ]]>

- 1066 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l RC_CancelSubscription
l RC_FreeTrialCheck
l RC_GetLoginToken
l RC_GetSubscriptions
l RC_RebillSubscription
l RC_ResetPassword
l RC_SetBillingCycle
l RC_SetPassword
l RC_SetSubscriptionDomain
l RC_SetSubscriptionName

Retrieve a list of RichContent subscriptions for a domain name account.
Use this command to retrieve a list of RichContent subscriptions for an account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The RC_GetSubscriptions command populates the table on this page.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

- 1067 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Sort so that response is ordered by the

Optional; default is values of this parameter. Permitted val-
SortBy 16
SubscriptionName ues are: SubscriptionName Status Nex-
tBillingDate Email DomainName

Send sorted response in ascending or

Optional; default is
SortOrder descending order. Permitted values are: 4
Asc Desc

Filter so that list includes only one sub-

Optional; if omit-
scription status. Permitted values are:
Status ted, all statuses 15
Service Active Service Disabled Pend-
are returned
ing Cancellation Policy Violation

Filter so that the list includes only sub-

EmailSearchTerm Optional scriptions with this string in their email 272

In the sorted list, which item to start with

Optional; default is
StartPosition in this set of returns. Permitted values ?
are integers.

Optional; default is How many items to return in this

RecordsToReturn ?
25 response. Permitted values are integers.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Identification number for this email address in our records of
RichContent subscriptions

- 1068 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
SubscriptionID Identification number for this RichContent subscription

Email Email address associated with this PublisherID value

DomainName Domain name associated with this RichContent subscription

User-configurable display name associated with this RichCon-

tent subscription

Status of this RichContent subscription. Possible values: 1

Status Service Active 2 Service Disabled 3 Pending Cancellation 4
Policy Violation

NextBillingDate Next billing date for this RichContent subscription

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of RichContent subscriptions for this domain name
account, and sends the response in XML format:


- 1069 -
API Command Categories

In the response, a list of Subscriptions and an ErrCount value 0 indicate that the query
was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<NextBillingDate />
<NextBillingDate />
<NextBillingDate />

- 1070 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<debug />

Related commands
l RC_CancelSubscription
l RC_FreeTrialCheck
l RC_GetLoginToken
l RC_GetSubscriptionDetails
l RC_RebillSubscription
l RC_ResetPassword
l RC_SetBillingCycle
l RC_SetPassword
l RC_SetSubscriptionDomain
l RC_SetSubscriptionName

Rebill a RichContent subscription for which the initial billing failed because of insuf-
ficient account balance.
When a billing for RichContent fails because of an insufficient account balance, use this
command to rebill.

- 1071 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the Periodic Billing History Report section, click Run Report. Any RichContent sub-
scriptions that are in their rebill period but have not rebilled successfully appear in this
list. Clicking the Rebill link runs the RC_RebillSubscription command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The RichContent subscription must belong to this domain name account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number for the RichContent

subscription that is being cancelled. To
SubscriptionID Required 10
retrieve SubscriptionID values, use the
RC_GetSubscriptions command

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1072 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success status of this rebill attempt. Possible results are True
or False.

ResultCode Numerical result code. Corresponds to ResultText.

ResultText Result of this rebill attempt in text format.

If this rebill attempt is successful, return value is an order ID. If

this rebill attempt fails, the return value is the ResultCode.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query attempts to rebill the account for the specified RichContent sub-
scription, and sends the response in XML format:


- 1073 -
API Command Categories

In the response, an ErrCount value 0 indicates that the query executed successfully. A
Success value True indicates that this rebill attempt was successful. In this example, the
Success value False is due to an insufficient account balance:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<debug />

Related commands
l RC_CancelSubscription
l RC_FreeTrialCheck
l RC_GetLoginToken
l RC_GetSubscriptionDetails
l RC_GetSubscriptions
l RC_ResetPassword
l RC_SetBillingCycle
l RC_SetPassword
l RC_SetSubscriptionDomain
l RC_SetSubscriptionName

- 1074 -
API Command Categories

When the customer has forgotten their password, create a new password and email it to
the email address associated with this RichContent subscription.
Use this command when a customer has forgotten the password to their RichContent
control panel. This command generates a new password and emails it to the customer.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Clicking the Forgot your password? link launches the RC_ResetPassword command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The RichContent identification number must be associated with this domain name

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1075 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

PublisherID Required Identification number 10

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this query

ResultCode Result code for this query

Success status of this query, corresponding to the ResultCode


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query generates a new password and sends it to the customer, and sends
the response in XML format:

- 1076 -
API Command Categories



In the response, the Success value True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<debug />

Related commands
l RC_CancelSubscription
l RC_FreeTrialCheck
l RC_GetLoginToken
l RC_GetSubscriptionDetails
l RC_GetSubscriptions
l RC_RebillSubscription
l RC_SetBillingCycle

- 1077 -
API Command Categories

l RC_SetPassword
l RC_SetSubscriptionDomain
l RC_SetSubscriptionName

Specify the billing cycle for a RichContent subscription.
Specify the billing cycle for a RichContent subscription. This command also allows you
to choose whether to bill now for the new billing cycle or wait until the next posted billing
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Click on any subscription name. Making changes in the Modify your Billing Cycle
options section and then clicking Save Changes launches the RC_SetBillingCycle com-

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The RichContent subscription must be associated with this domain name account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1078 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number of this RichContent

subscription. To retrieve SubscriptionID
SubscriptionID Required 10
values, use the RC_GetSubscriptions

Duration of billing cycle. Permitted val-

Months Required 2
ues are 1, 3, 6, and 12

Does customer want to pay for this imme-

diately. BillNow=True allows customer to
pay immediately for a change that will go
Optional; default is into effect on the next billing date.
BillNow 5
False BillNow=False submits the change
request to be effective for the next billing
cycle, and charges for the change on the
next billing date.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this query

ResultCode Result code for this query

Result of this query; this text corresponds to the result code


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 1079 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query sets the billing cycle for a RichContent subscription to 12 months,
and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a Success value True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />

- 1080 -
API Command Categories

<debug />

Related commands
l RC_CancelSubscription
l RC_FreeTrialCheck
l RC_GetLoginToken
l RC_GetSubscriptionDetails
l RC_GetSubscriptions
l RC_RebillSubscription
l RC_ResetPassword
l RC_SetPassword
l RC_SetSubscriptionDomain
l RC_SetSubscriptionName

Set a user-specified password for all RichContent subscriptions associated with one
email address.
Use this command to set a user-specified password for the RichContent subscriptions
associated with one email address.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 1081 -
API Command Categories

Click on any subscription name. In the Subscription Settings section, changing the pass-
word and then clicking Save Settings launches the RC_SetPassword command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The RichContent subscriptions must be associated with this domain name

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number for all RichContent

subscriptions that use the same email
PublisherID Required address. To retrieve the PublisherID 10
value, use the RC_GetSubscriptions
command. Permitted values are integers

CurrentPassword Required Current password of this PublisherID 20

New password of this PublisherID. Per-

NewPassword Required mitted values are alphanumeric and 6 to 20
20 characters in length

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1082 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this query

ResultCode Result code for this query

Result of this query; this text corresponds to the result code


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query changes the password for the set of RichContent subscriptions that
are associated with a single email address, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a Success value True indicates that the query was successful:

- 1083 -
API Command Categories

In the response, a Success value True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<debug />

Related commands
l RC_CancelSubscription
l RC_FreeTrialCheck
l RC_GetLoginToken
l RC_GetSubscriptionDetails
l RC_GetSubscriptions
l RC_RebillSubscription
l RC_ResetPassword
l RC_SetBillingCycle
l RC_SetSubscriptionDomain
l RC_SetSubscriptionName

- 1084 -
API Command Categories

Associate a domain name with a RichContent subscription.
Use this command to associate a domain name with a RichContent subscription.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Click on any subscription name. In the Subscription Settings section, supplying a
domain name and then clicking Save Settings launches the RC_SetSub-
scriptionDomain command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The RichContent subscription must be part of this domain name account.
l Our system does not validate for the existence of the source domain.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1085 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number for this RichCon-

SubscriptionID Required tent subscription. To retrieve this value, 10
use the RC_GetSubscriptions command

Domain name, with host records, to asso-

SourceDomain Required ciate with this RichContent account. Per- 1000
mitted format is host.sld.tld

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this query

ResultCode Result code for this query

ResultText Result of this query; this text corresponds to the result code

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


TrackingKey Tracking identifier for this query string, for our logging

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1086 -
API Command Categories

The following query sets the domain for a RichContent subscription and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, the Success value True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<debug />

- 1087 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l RC_CancelSubscription
l RC_FreeTrialCheck
l RC_GetLoginToken
l RC_GetSubscriptionDetails
l RC_GetSubscriptions
l RC_RebillSubscription
l RC_ResetPassword
l RC_SetBillingCycle
l RC_SetPassword
l RC_SetSubscriptionName

Specify a user-created display name for this RichContent subscription.
Use this command to specify a display name for this RichContent subscription.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Click on any subscription name. In the Subscription Details section, clicking edit, then
supplying a subscription name, and then clicking Save Settings launches the RC_
SetSubscriptionName command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The RichContent subscription must be associated with this domain name account.

- 1088 -
API Command Categories

l RichContent subscription names must be unique to this domain name account, but
do not need to be
l unique relative to the entire RichContent system.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number of this RichContent

SubscriptionID Required subscription. Permitted values are 10

User-specified display name for this sub-

scription. Must be unique to this domain
NewSubscriptionName Required name account but need not be unique 200
across the entire RichContent system.
Permitted values are alphanumeric

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this query

ResultCode Numeric code for success status

Text description of success status (corresponds to Res-


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

- 1089 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query assigns a new user-specified display name to a RichContent sub-
scription and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a Success value True indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 1090 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<debug />

Related commands
l RC_CancelSubscription
l RC_FreeTrialCheck
l RC_GetLoginToken
l RC_GetSubscriptionDetails
l RC_GetSubscriptions
l RC_RebillSubscription
l RC_ResetPassword
l RC_SetBillingCycle
l RC_SetPassword
l RC_SetSubscriptionDomain

Add funds to your account using a credit card.
To add funds to your account, set parameter Debit=True and include the credit card para-

- 1091 -
API Command Categories

To remove your credit card information from our database, set parameter Debit=True and
omit the credit card parameters.
To retrieve your account balance without adding funds, and to retrieve the current credit
card information for the account, set parameter Debit=False.
When you pass credit card information with this command, you must use the secure
HTTPS protocol.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
At the bottom of the Credit Card section, the submit button calls the RefillAccount com-

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The account must be a reseller account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Debit the credit card; options are True or

Debit Required False. Debit=True uses the credit card in 1

- 1092 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

this query string for this transaction, and
replaces the credit card information for
the account record with the values in this
query string. Debit=False retrieves your
account balance without changing it, and
without charging your credit card; it also
retrieves the current credit card inform-
ation for the account. When you pass
credit card information with this com-
mand, you must use the secure HTTPS

End users IP address. This is used in

Required to add
fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP funds to this 15
cessing service. Use format

Amount to charge to credit card, in

Required to add
DD.cc format. We charge a 3% con-
CCAmount funds to this ?
venience fee which is deducted imme-
diately from the CCAmount. Min $100

Required to add
Credit card type. Options are AmEx, Dis-
CCType funds to this 10
cover, MasterCard, Visa.

Required to add
Credit card holders name as imprinted
CCName funds to this 60
on the credit card

Required to add
CCNumber funds to this 16-digit credit card number 16

Required to add
Month in which credit card expires, in
CCMonth funds to this 2
MM format

Required to add
Year in which credit card expires, in
CCYear funds to this 4
YYYY format

Required to add Credit card security verification code, 3-

CVV2 funds to this or 4- digit number from the back of the 4
account credit card

Required to add
Optional Street address as shown on
CCAddress funds to this 60
credit card bill

- 1093 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Required to add
CCCity funds to this Optional City as shown on credit card bill 60

Required to add
State or province as shown on credit card
CCStateProvince funds to this 60

Required to add
Zip code or postal code as shown on
CCZip funds to this 16
credit card bill

Required to add
Country of credit card billing address,
CCCountry funds to this 2
expressed as 2-character country code

Phone number as shown on credit card

bill. Required format is +Coun-
Required to add
tryCode.PhoneNumber, where Coun-
CCPhone funds to this 20
tryCode and PhoneNumber use only
numeric characters and the + is URL-
encoded as a plus sign (%2B).

Send email confirmation to the billing con-

Optional; default is tact for this account. 0 or No turns off the
SendMail 2
1 email; any other value or omitting this
parameter sends the email.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Reseller 1 indicates that this is a reseller account

CCTRANSRESULT Result of the credit card transaction

ResellerRefill Success status of the account refill

CreditCardStatus Success status of the credit card transaction

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

ErrX Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

- 1094 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML
l in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query adds $100.00 to the account balance for resellid. It uses a card dif-
ferent from the one stored for the account, passes the credit card information using the
secure HTTPS protocol, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the values for CCTRANSRESULT, ResellerRefill, CreditCardStatus,

and ErrCount confirm that the refill was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<CurrentDate>Wednesday, August 20, 2007</CurrentDate>

- 1095 -
API Command Categories

<ResellerRefill>Transactions processed suc-
<CCAddress>100 Main St.</CCAddress>
<CCPhoneDial />
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l GetBalance
l GetTransHistory
l UpdateNotificationAmount

- 1096 -
API Command Categories

Register a domain name server.
Use this command to register one of your own servers as a domain name server.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the register a name server page, the submit button calls the RegisterNameServer

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The server you register must use a domain name that is in your account.
l eNom must be licensed with the Registry in which you want to register a name
server; you can only register name servers for TLDs that we support.
l The registrar lock for the domain must be set to off while you register a name
server. You can switch the registrar lock back on (and we recommend that you do
so) once the name server is registered.
l Name servers for .us names must be located in the United States.
l .co.uk and .org.uk names must have at least two name servers.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1097 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Authority to add a name server. Set Add-

Add Required 5
d=true to authorize.

Name server to register. Use format

NSName Required 60

IP Required IP of the name server. 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1098 -
API Command Categories

The following query requests that the computer with IP address, known as ns1.-
nameservices.com, be registered as a name server. The query requests the response in
XMLL format:


In the response, the RRP code of 200 and success message in the RRP text indicate a
successful registration:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<RRPText>Command completed successfully</RRPText>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

- 1099 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l CheckNSStatus
l DeleteNameServer
l GetDNS
l GetDNSStatus
l ModifyNS
l ModifyNSHosting
l UpdateNameServer

Remove TLDs from your list of authorized TLDs that you offer to your resellers and retail
customers. Or, revert to our default list, which includes all TLDs that we support.
Use this command to remove TLDs from your custom list of authorized TLDs that you
offer to your resellers and retail customers. This command controls the list of TLDs we
send you for registrations, renewals, and transfers.
This command does not function unless you have previously used the AuthorizeTLD
command to authorize TLDs. It will not remove TLDs if your account is using our default
If you run RemoveTLD with one TLD, our system starts with your current list, removes
the single TLD, and leaves the rest. If you remove all TLDs from your list of authorized
TLDs, your account will revert to our default list (all TLDs that we support).
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
If you remove TLDs from your authorized list, refreshing this page will reflect the change.

- 1100 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l You can only remove TLDs that you added using the AuthorizeTLD command.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

One top-level domain (TLD) to remove

Either TLD or
from your list of authorized TLDs. For
TLD DomainList is 15
example, if you want to remove .biz, use

Comma-separated list of TLDs to

Either TLD or remove from your list of authorized
DomainList DomainList is TLDs. For example, if you want to 100
Required remove .com, .net, and .org, use

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
List of TLDs to remove from the list of TLDs authorized for this
account. Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or HTML.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

- 1101 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query removes TLDs .us and .ca from resellids list of authorized TLDs,
and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the list of TLDs and the ErrCount value of 0 confirm that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 1102 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l AuthorizeTLD
l GetTLDList
l PE_SetPricing
l SetResellerTLDPricing

Remove out-of-sync domains from a specified Magic Folder, or from all Magic Folders in
the account.
Use this command to remove out-of-sync domains from a specified Magic Folder, or from
all Magic Folders in the account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 1103 -
API Command Categories

The Remove Names button calls the RemoveUnsyncedDomains command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Folder from which to remove unsynced

Optional; default is
domains. If no FolderName is supplied,
FolderName all folders in 125
all unsynced domains in all Magic
Folders are removed.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Result of processing this query. Possible return values are:
Result 1 Success
2 Failure

Command Name of command executed

ErrCount The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

- 1104 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query removes out-of-sync domains from one folder, and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, a Result value 1 indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 1105 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainFolder
l AdvancedDomainSearch
l AssignToDomainFolder
l DeleteDomainFolder
l GetDomainFolderDetail
l GetDomainFolderList
l UpdateDomainFolder

Renew the annual subscription on a POP mail 10-pak in real time.
Use this command to renew, in real time, the annual subscription on a POP mail 10-pak.
When you pass credit card information with this command, you must use the secure
HTTPS protocol.
All resellers have access to this command.

- 1106 -
API Command Categories

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The add years button behaves similarly to the RenewPOPBundle command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l This command is available for reseller accounts only. Retail accounts must use the
l shopping cart process to renew POP bundles.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Account login ID. Must be a reseller
UID Required 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

ID number of this POP pak. You can

retrieve the ID numbers of all POP paks
PakID Required 10
in the account with the GetPOPEx-
pirations command.

Number of years to renew this POP pak

Quantity Required 2

- 1107 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Permitted values are yes and no. The
credit card supplied in this query string is
Optional overall,
charged only if UseCreditCard=yes. If
but Required for
this param is omitted or if UseCred-
resellers who use
itCard=no, the account balance rather
our credit card pro-
than the credit card is debited for this
UseCreditCard cessing AND want 3
transaction. This is true even if the query
to charge this trans-
string includes all the Registrant contact
action to the credit
and credit card information. When you
card included in
pass credit card information with this
this query string
command, you must use the secure
HTTPS protocol.

End users IP address. This is used in

Required for our
fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP credit card pro- 15
cessing service. Use format

Required for our

RegistrantFirstName Registrant first name 60
CC processing

Required for our

RegistrantLastName Registrant last name 60
CC processing

Required for our

RegistrantAddress1 First line of Registrant address 60
CC processing

Optional for our CC

RegistrantAddress2 Second line of Registrant address 60

Required for our

RegistrantCity Registrant city 60
CC processing

Required for our Registrant country. Two-letter country

RegistrantCountry 60
CC processing code is a permitted format.

Required for our

RegistrantPostalCode Registrant postal code 16
CC processing

Registrant phone. Required format is

+CountryCode.PhoneNumber, where
Required for our
RegistrantPhone CountryCode and PhoneNumber use 20
CC processing
only numeric characters and the + is
URL-encoded as a plus sign (%2B).

RegistrantEmailAddress Required for our

Registrant email address 128
CC processing

Required for our Credit card type. Permitted values are

CardType 20
CC processing Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover

- 1108 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Required for our
CCName Cardholders name 60
CC processing

Requiredfor our
CreditCardNumber Credit card number 128
CC processing

Required for our Expiration month of the credit card, in

CreditCardExpMonth 2
CC processing format MM

Required for our Expiration year of the credit card, in

CreditCardExpYear 4
CC processing format YYYY

Required for our

CVV2 Credit card verification code 4
CC processing

Required for our

CCAddress Credit card billing address 60
CC processing

Required for our Amount to charge this credit card.

ChargeAmount 6
CC processing Required format is DD.cc

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
OrderID Identification number for tracking this order in our system

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 1109 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query renews POP pak 5105 for 1 year and sends the response in XML


In the response, an OrderID value and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

- 1110 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l Extend
l GetPOP3
l GetPOPExpirations
l GetRenew
l Purchase
l PurchasePOPBundle
l RenewServices

Renew one value-added service in real time.
Use this command to renew one value-added service in real time, as opposed to going
through our shopping cart.
This real-time command currently supports ID Protect and DNS hosting.
When you pass credit card information with this command, you must use the secure
HTTPS protocol.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The service must currently be subscribed for this domain. If not already subscribed,
do so using the PurchaseServices or AddToCart commands.

- 1111 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Service to be renewed. Permitted values:

Service Required WPPS ID Protect DNSHosting DNS 15
Hosting BusListing Business Listing

Optional; default is
NumYears Number of years to renew this service 2

Second-level domain name (for example,

Required for
SLD enom in enom.com) for the domain this 63
WPPS BusListing
service is associated with

Top-level domain name (extension) for

Required for
TLD the domain this service is associated 15
WPPS BusListing

Optional overall, Available for WPPS DNSHosting

but Required BusListing Permitted values are yes and
resellers who have no. The credit card supplied in this query
a credit card pro- string is charged only if UseCred-
cessing agreement itCard=yes. If this param is omitted, or if
with us AND want the value supplied is anything other than
UseCreditCard to use our CC pro- yes, the account balance rather than the 3
cessing to charge credit card is debited for this transaction.
this transaction to This is true even if the query string
the credit card includes all the required credit card
included in this information. When you pass credit card
query string. information with this command, you must
Default is no. use the secure HTTPS protocol.

End users IP address. This is used in

Required for our
fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
EndUserIP credit card pro- 15
cessing service. Use format

Required our CC Amount to charge for each year;

ChargeAmount 6
processing ChargeAmount is multiplied by

- 1112 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

NumYears. Required format is DD.cc

Required for our Credit card type. Permitted values are

CardType 20
CC processing Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover

Required our CC
CreditCardNumber Credit card number 128

Required for our Expiration month of the credit card, in

CreditCardExpMonth 2
CC processing format MM

Required our CC Expiration year of the credit card, in

CreditCardExpYear 4
processing format YYYY

Required for our

CVV2 CC processing, if Credit card verification value 4
printed on the card

Required for our

CCName Cardholders name 60
CC processing

Required for our

CCAddress Credit card billing street address 60
CC processing

Optional for our CC

CCCity Credit card billing city 60

Optional for our CC

CCStateProvince Credit card billing state or province 40

Required for our Credit card billing country. Twocharacter

CCCountry 60
CC processing country code is a permitted format

Required for our

CCZip Credit card billing postal code 60
CC processing

Credit card billing phone. Required

format is +CountryCode.PhoneNumber,
Optional for our CC
CCPhone where CountryCode and PhoneNumber 20
use only numeric characters and the + is
URL-encoded as a plus sign (%2B).

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1113 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
OrderID Identification number for tracking this order in our system

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query renews ID Protect for two years and sends the response in XML


In the response, an order ID number confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

- 1114 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l PurchaseServices
l RenewPOPBundle

Retrieve an itemized list of one type of activity in a domain name account.
Use this command to retrieve a list of one of the following types of account activity in a
domain name account: registrations, renewals, transfers, private label, subaccounts,
accounting, or expiring names.
All resellers have access to this command.

- 1115 -
API Command Categories

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
When you choose one of the seven report types listed above under Usage, the view
report button calls the RPT_GetReport command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The beginning date for reports must be no earlier than 6 months before today.
l The ResponseType must be XML. You can parse the XML response after receiv-
ing it.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Version of this command. Permitted val-

ues are 0 and 1. Use Version=1 to
receive the return parameters listed in
the Returned parameters table below.
Optional; default is Version=0 and Version=1 return para-
Version 20
0 meters vary slightly in the data returned
and in the tag names. We recommend
that you use Version=1,which avoids
timeouts by supporting paging of results,
and queueing of the query.

Type of report to generate. Permitted val-

ReportType Required 1?

- 1116 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

ues are:
0 Registrations
1 Renewals
2 Transfers In
11 Transfers Out
3 Private Label (Instant Reseller and
Registry Rocket)
4 Sub-Accounts
5 Accounting
6 Expiring Domains
10 Pricing Editor Updates
13 Business Listing Bulk Update
15 Business Listing Domain Update
16 Transactions
17 Order History
18 Periodic Billing History
20 Premium Registration
21 Monthly Invoices
22 Invoice History
23 Invoice Detail
24 List of Invoices
25 Top Watchlist TLDs
26 Watchlist Summary
27 Top Watchlists
28 All Watchlists
29 All Watchlist Details
30 Domain Name History
31 Domain Verification/Suspension

Optional; default is
the last day of the First date to include in the report. Must
BeginDate month, two months be no earlier than six months before 10
before the current today. Use format MM/DD/YYYY

Optional; default is Last date to include in the report. Use

EndDate 10
todays date format MM/DD/YYYY

In the overall list of returns for this report

Optional; default is
Start type and date range, the start position for 8
the return to this query.

Optional; default is
RecordsToReturn 100 if Down- Number of items to return in this report. 8

Do you wish to run report in real time or

Download Required deliver to this accounts Billing contact ?
email address? Permitted values are:

- 1117 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

True Send the report via email False
Real-time and deliver in API response
Reports will always be delivered by
email if they extend past four months
before today, or if they includemore than
25,000 results.

If delivering the report via email,

ReportOutputType Required ?
ReportOutputType must be 2.

Format of response. Permitted value is

ResponseType Required 4

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
RptString List report descriptions

ThreeMoPast The date three months before today

SixMoPast The date six months before today

BeginDate The first date included in this report

EndDate The last date included in this report

ID Report type identification number

Name Report name

ReportType Report type specified in this query string

ReportName Name of the report type specified in this query string

Should report results be queued. Permitted values are 1 to

queue results; 0 to send results immediately via HTTP.

Results specific to this report type. The results, and return para-
meters, vary by report type.

DomainName Domain name

OrderID Order identification number

Commission Commission

SalePrice Sale price

DateApplied Date sale was recorded

- 1118 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
LoginID Login ID to which this order was delivered

In the full list of results, the start position of the next page of

In the full list of results, the position of the first result listed on
this page

In the full list of results, the position of the last result listed on
this page

In the full list of results, the position of the previous page of res-

TotalReturned Number of results listed on this page

TotalRows Number of results total for this report

ShowPrevious Should this page show a link to the previous page of results?

ShowNext Should this page show a link to the next page of results?

ShowPaging Should this page show links to previous and next results?

Version Version of this command that generated this return

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1119 -
API Command Categories

The following query requests a list of registrations for the period 12/1/2009 to 1/1/2010,
and sends the response in XML format.



<rptString>Registrations | Renewals | Transfers In | Priv-
ate Label |
Sub-Accounts | Accounting | Expiring Domains | | | | Pri-
cing Editor Updates |
Transfers Out | | Business Listing Bulk Update | | Business
Domain Update | Transactions | Order History | Periodic
Billing History | |
Premium Registration | Monthly Invoices | Invoice History |
Invoice Detail |
List of Invoices | Top Watchlist TLDs | Watchlist Summary |
Top Watchlists |
All Watchlists | All Watchlist Details | Domain Name His-
tory |
Domain Verification/Suspension
<reporttype id="0" name="Registrations"></reporttype>
<reporttype id="1" name="Renewals"></reporttype>
<reporttype id="2" name="Transfers In"></reporttype>
<reporttype id="11" name="Transfers Out"></reporttype>
<reporttype id="3" name="Private Label"></reporttype>
<reporttype id="4" name="Sub-Accounts"></reporttype>

- 1120 -
API Command Categories

<reporttype id="5" name="Accounting"></reporttype>

<reporttype id="6" name="Expiring Domains"></reporttype>
<reporttype id="10" name="Pricing Editor Updates"></re-
<reporttype id="13" name="Business Listing Bulk
<reporttype id="15" name="Business Listing Domain
<reporttype id="16" name="Transactions"></reporttype>
<reporttype id="17" name="Order History"></reporttype>
<reporttype id="18" name="Periodic Billing His-
<reporttype id="20" name="Premium Regis-
<reporttype id="21" name="Monthly Invoices"></reporttype>
<reporttype id="22" name="Invoice History"></reporttype>
<reporttype id="23" name="Invoice Detail"></reporttype>
<reporttype id="24" name="List of Invoices"></reporttype>
<reporttype id="25" name="Top Watchlist TLDs"></reporttype>
<reporttype id="26" name="Watchlist Summary"></reporttype>
<reporttype id="27" name="Top Watchlists"></reporttype>
<reporttype id="28" name="All Watchlists"></reporttype>
<reporttype id="29" name="All Watchlist Details"></re-
<reporttype id="30" name="Domain Name His-
<reporttype id="31" name="Domain Veri-
<reportname> Registrations </reportname>
<report0-single tld="com" sum="2"/>
<report0-single tld="net" sum="1"/>
<row OrderID="157781016" SLD="resellerdocs1"
TLD="com" CreationDate="2011-12-09T03:25:03.253"
ExpDate="2012-12-09T11:25:00" PaidAmount="8.9500"
<row OrderID="157781016" SLD="resellerdocs123"

- 1121 -
API Command Categories

TLD="com" CreationDate="2011-12-09T03:25:06.657"
ExpDate="2012-12-09T11:25:00" PaidAmount="8.9500"
<row OrderID="157781021" SLD="resellerdocs12312"
TLD="net" CreationDate="2011-12-09T03:58:41.283"
ExpDate="2012-12-09T03:58:00" PaidAmount="8.9500"
<RequestDateTime>1/6/2014 4:16:19 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CreateAccount
l CreateSubAccount
l GetAccountInfo
l GetAccountPassword
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetOrderDetail
l GetOrderList
l GetReport
l GetSubAccounts
l GetTransHistory

- 1122 -
API Command Categories

Email subaccount login information to the billing contact of record.
Use this command to email subaccount login information to the billing contact for that
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The subaccount must be a child of this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

LoginID Required Login ID of subaccount 20

- 1123 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

ID number of subaccount, in NNN-aa-
NNNN format. Use GetSubAccounts
Account Required 11
command to retrieve the subaccount ID

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query sends an email to the owner of the subaccount, and sends the
response in XML format:


- 1124 -
API Command Categories

In the response, an ErrCount value 0 confirms that the query was successful:

<RequestDateTime>12/11/2011 10:31:43 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetAccountPassword
l GetAccountValidation
l GetSubAccounts

Enable and disable services for a domain. You can also use this command to retrieve
the current settings for a service.
Use this command to enable or disable email (MX or MXE), DNS, Web Site Creator,
Web hosting, ID Protect services for a domain.
Use this command to create a Web Site Creator account.

- 1125 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to get the current settings for a service.

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the email settings page, the save changes button calls the ServiceSelect command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l One query can select only one service. You must repeat the query for each service
you want to select.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Required; if Service
is used without
Permitted values are: WSB (Web Site
NewOptionID and
Creator and Web hosting services)
Service Update, the 15
EmailSet (email services) WPPS (ID
response gives the
Protect Whois Privacy Protection)
current setting Ser-
vice type.

- 1126 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Permitted values are:
Service=DNSServer (which domain
name servers):
l 1006 use our name servers
l 1012 use user-specified domain
servers, including none

Service=WSB (Web site services):

l 1060 no Web site services
l 1063 Web Site Creator stand-
alone (use this option to create or
enable Web Site Creator stand-
Optional; if you use
l 1066 Web hosting account
NewOptionID you
NewOptionID must also use Service=EmailSet (Email services): 4
Update Setting for l 1048 no email
the service. l 1051 email forwarding (to a POP
or WebMail address)
l 1054 user (mail server name
l 1105 user simplified (mail
servers IP address required)
l 1114 POP3/WebMail plus email
Service=WPPS (ID Protect Whois Pri-
vacy Protection):
l 1120 WhoIs information is
l 1123 WhoIs information is view-

Required if you use True updates the NewOptionID value for

Update 5
NewOptionID the service

Required for Ser- WPPS Second-level domain name (for

SLD 63
vice=EmailSet example, enom in enom.com)

Required for Ser-

TLD vice=EmailSet Top-level domain name (extension) 15
WPPS Messaging

Required if Ser-
vice=WSB and Name of the Web hosting account to
HostAccount 14
NewOptionID=1066 enable or disable.

ResponseType Optional Format of response. Permitted values 4

- 1127 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
current-svc Current service option setting

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query enables email services, and requests the response in XML format:


The response indicates that email services have changed from option 1048 (no email) to
1114 (POP3/WebMail plus email forwarding):

- 1128 -
API Command Categories


<domainname sld="resellerdocs" tld="com" domain-
<service name="emailset">
<option name="1048"/>
<option name="1051"/>
<option name="1054"/>
<option name="1105"/>
<option name="1114"/>
<RequestDateTime>12/11/2011 10:37:40 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetWPPSInfo
l GetIPResolver
l ModifyNS
l PE_SetPricing

- 1129 -
API Command Categories

l SetHosts
l SetIPResolver
l SetResellerServicesPricing

Set a forwarding address for any emails addressed to nonexistent mailboxes.
Use this command to forward email addressed to nonexistent email addresses under a
domain name. The domain name must be in our system, but the forwarding address
does not need to be.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Catch-All Email box at the bottom of the page uses the SetCatchAll command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The ForwardTo address does not need to be in our system.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1130 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Email address to forward mail to. Use

ForwardTo Required 130
format mailbox@sld.tld

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Email address that mail will be sent to if the addressee mailbox
does not exist

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1131 -
API Command Categories

The following query forwards any email addressed to nonexistent mailboxes for this
domain name, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the presence of the CatchAll email address you supplied confirms that
the query was successful:

<RequestDateTime>12/11/2011 10:39:46 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l DeletePOP3
l Forwarding
l GetCatchAll
l GetDotNameForwarding

- 1132 -
API Command Categories

l GetForwarding
l GetPOP3
l GetPOPForwarding
l SetDotNameForwarding
l SetPOPForwarding
l SetUpPOP3User

Enter data fields defined by you, and the corresponding data.
Use this command to create a storage place for data fields that do not currently exist.
Also use this command to put data into those custom data fields. This command allows
you to add data one field at a time.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1133 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Object ID number, an integer assigned

ObjectID Required 2
by you.

Object type. Options are:

1 Data pertaining to an account
Type Required 1
2 Data pertaining to a domain
3 Data pertaining to an order

Required if Type=2 Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD 63
enom in enom.com)

Required if Type=2
TLD Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Required if Type=3 Order ID, which you can retrieve using

OrderID 11

Title of this entry, or label describing this

Key Required 50
data field

Value Required Content of this entry 50

Visibility to subaccount. Options are:

0 Not visible when logged on with sub-
DisplayFlag Recommended account ID 1
1 Visible when logged on using sub-
account ID

EnteredBy Recommended Name of the person adding this entry 50

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

ErrX Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

- 1134 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query creates a new data field labeled FavoriteCuisine and assigns a
value Italian for this account.:


In the response, the value 0 for ErrCount confirms that the query executed successfully:


- 1135 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/11/2011 10:44:27 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l DeleteCustomerDefinedData
l GetCustomerDefinedData

Dynamically updates the IP address of the host computer in our name server records.
Use this command to update the IP address of a host that does not have a static IP
If possible, use this command in a secure mode: https instead of http.
All customers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

- 1136 -
API Command Categories

l The domain name must have a password.

l The host must be set as an IP address.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

The host and domain name that you want

Zone Required to update in the DNS. For example, 93

Password for managing the domain (a

DomainPassword Required domain that uses the SetDNSHost com- 60
mand must have a password)

The IP address to set the DNS record to.

If omitted, the IP you are coming from (as
our server sees it) is used. For example,
Address Optional 15
if you are connecting to our server
through a proxy, the proxy server's IP will
be used.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

- 1137 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query uses a secure server to set the host for resellerdocs.com. Because
the query string does not specify the IP, the command sets the IP to that from which the
server received the query:


The error count value 0 confirms that the DNS host was set successfully:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 1138 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l GetHosts
l GetRegHosts
l SetHosts

Create or edit SRV host records for a domain name.
Use this command to create or edit SRV (service) records for a domain name.
This command deletes all previously existing SRV records for the domain name. You
must include all SRV records that you want to end up with, in the query string.
SRV records are required for some newer Internet protocols such as SIP and XMPP.
Some other protocols support, but do not require, SRV records.
This command allows a user to supply the components of an SRV record that are dis-
cretionary, then adds TTL, Class, and formatting to produce a complete SRV record.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The save button calls the SetDomainSRVHosts command.

- 1139 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The domain name must use our name servers.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

ID number of an existing host record, if it

Optional exists and you want to edit it. Use the
Required GetDomainSRVHosts command to
retrieve SRV record ID numbers.

Service type of this record. Required

format is 1 to 14 characters in length;
ServiceX Required includes lower-case letters, digits, and 14
hyphens; and begins and ends with a let-
ter or digit

Transport protocol for this record, such

ProtocolX Required 14
as TCP or UDP

Priority for this record. Lowest priority val-

ues are used first, working toward higher
PriorityX Required priority values when lower values are 5
unavailable. Use this value to designate
backup service. Permitted values are

- 1140 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

numbers from 0 to 65535

Proportion of time to use this record.

Records of equal priority are added and
the total normalized to 100%. Use this
WeightX Required parameter to specify load balancing 5
among records of the same priority. Per-
mitted values are numbers from 0 to

Port to use for this service. Permitted

PortX Required 5
format is numbers from 0 to 65535

Fully qualified domain name for this SRV

record. Permitted format is SRVRe-
TargetX Required
cordName.SLD.TLD. (include the trailing
period in a fully qualified domain name)

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
InsertedCount Number of SRV records added

UpdatedCount Number of SRV records edited

DeletedCount Number of SRV records deleted

Success Success status of this query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 1141 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query keeps an existing SRV record and adds a new record, and sends
the response in XML format:


In the response, the Success value True and the ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query
was successful. In addition, the response specifies the numbers of SRV records that
were added, changed, and deleted:


- 1142 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/11/2011 11:15:59 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomainSRVHosts
l GetHosts
l SetHosts

Update settings for domain services (active or inactive for email forwarding host
Use this command to enable or disable services. (e.g., Host or email forwarding
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:

- 1143 -
API Command Categories

l The login ID and password must be valid.

l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Enable email forwarding. Permitted val-

Optional; ues are:
ActivateForwarding 1
default is 1 1 to enable
0 to disable

Enable URL forwarding. Permitted val-

Optional; ues are:
ActivateHostRecords 1
default is 1 1 to enable
0 to disable

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
EmailForwarding 1, 0 or empty

HostRecords 1, 0 or empty

SetDomainServices Successful status of this query

Command Name of command executed

- 1144 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check
the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XMLin your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query sets the subservices of a domain and sends the response in XML


In the response, the SetDomainServices value Successful and the ErrCount value of 0
confirm that services have been set successfully:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 1145 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l GetDomainSubServices
l GetIPResolver
l ServiceSelect
l SetIPResolver

Set the email forwarding address for a .name domain.
Use this command if you want to use the .name Registrys email forwarding feature (you
can also use eNoms email forwarding with .name domains).
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the domain names menu, click my domains, and then click a .name domain.

- 1146 -
API Command Categories

On the domain control panel of the .name domain, scroll down to Email Settings.
Click the .name email button.
On the Manage this domain's ".NAME email forward" settings page, the save changes
button calls the SetDotNameForwarding command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The domain must have a .name TLD.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Email address to forward to, in the format

ForwardTo Required 120

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1147 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ForwardTo Email address to which email will be forwarded

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTMLor ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.

John Doe registers domain john.doe.name, which automatically includes the email
address john@doe.name. The following query forwards email addressed to john@-
doe.name to john.doe@resellerdocs.com, and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


- 1148 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l Forwarding
l GetCatchAll
l GetDotNameForwarding
l GetForwarding
l PurchasePOPBundle
l SetUpPOP3User

Set write permissions on Web hosting folders.
Allow or deny write permissions for Web hosting folders.
All resellers have access to this command.

- 1149 -
API Command Categories

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resellwebid, password
The Write access allowed check box sets the value, and the SAVE NEW FOLDER
SETTINGS button calls the SetFilePermissions command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.
l The SetFilePermissions command applies to subdirectories but not to root.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Web hosting account name 14

Name of the directory to allow write per-

mission on.
Use format Dir-
Directory Required ectory=DirectoryName/SubdirectoryName 254
Specify the directory path from the root, for-
ward slash or backslashdelimited, with no
initial slash.

Write permission setting. Permitted values

WriteAccess Required 3
are on and off.

ResponseType Optional Format of response. Options are Text 4

- 1150 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Successful Success status of this query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query grants write access for directory testdir, and sends the response in
XML format:


- 1151 -
API Command Categories

In the response, the Successful value True and the ErrCount value 0 confirm that the
query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l AddHostHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l DisableFolderApp
l EnableFolderApp
l GetFilePermissions
l IsFolderEnabled
l ListWebFiles
l MetaBaseGetValue
l MetaBaseSetValue
l WebHostCreateDirectory

- 1152 -
API Command Categories

Set host records for a domain name.
Use this command to change the host records for a domain name.
This command deletes the existing host records before replacing them with the host
records included in the query string. To avoid unpleasant surprises for the user, some
resellers use the GetHosts command to retrieve existing host records, and populate the
SetHosts query string with existing host records while also allowing the user to add or
delete host records.
To set SRV records, use the SetDomainSRVHosts command.
To enable or disable email, use the ServiceSelect command.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the host settings page, the save changes button calls the SetHosts command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l This command deletes your existing host records before replacing them with the
records you include in the query string. See Usage note, above.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1153 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Name of the host record to add. This com-

mand deletes all existing host records
and replaces them with the records you
Required supply in this query string. Index the para- 60
X=1 to maximum 50
meters for each host record X; X must be
numeric and in sequence beginning with

Record type of host record X. Permitted

values are:
A IP address
AAAA IPv6 address
CNAME Alias record type, to associate a
RecordTypeX host name
Required 5
X=1 to maximum 50 URL URL redirect
FRAME Frame redirect
MX Mail. Can be a host name under this
domain name or the name of a mail
MXE Mail Easy (email forwarding)
TXT Text (SPF) record

Address to redirect to.

If RecordTypeX=A, AddressX must be
an IP address
If RecordTypeX=AAAA, AddressX must
be an IPv6 address
If RecordTypeX=CNAME, AddressX
AddressX must be a fully qualified domain name
Required 260
X=1 to maximum 50 (see Note) or a host name defined in this
If RecordTypeX=URL, AddressX must
be the exact URL of the page you redir-
ect to, or an IP address, or a fully qual-
ified domain name (see Note)

- 1154 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

If RecordTypeX=FRAME, AddressX is
the actual URL, or the IP address, or the
fully qualified domain name (see Note) of
the page you want to display when
someone types Your_Domain.com
If RecordTypeX=MX, AddressX must be
a fully qualified domain name (see Note)
or a host name defined in this domain
If RecordTypeX=MXE, AddressX must
be an IP address
If RecordTypeX=TXT, AddressX is a
text (SPF) record.
For help writing an SPF record, go to

Optional; use with Host record preference for setting mail

record type MX; redirection. The lower the number, the 5
X=1 to maximum 50)
default is 10 higher the priority

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l A fully qualified domain name is expressed in the format hostname.SLD.TLD..
Note that the period at the end is an essential component of a fully qualified
domain name.
l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 1155 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l On executing this command, the MX records are not deleted. But all other hosts are
deleted and re-created as required.

The following query sets four host records for resellerdocs.com. The results:
lresellerdocs.com forwards mail to IP address
l photos.resellerdocs.com points to domain name photos.msn.com

l yahoo.resellerdocs.com points to IP address

l msn.resellerdocs.com points to URL http://www.msn.com



The error count value of 0 confirms that hosts have been set successfully:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Server>Dev Workstation</Server>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

- 1156 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l GetHosts
l GetMetaTag
l GetRegHosts
l GetSPFHosts
l PurchaseServices
l SetDomainSRVHosts
l SetDNSHost
l SetSPFHosts
l UpdateMetaTag

Update IP Resolver settings.
Use this command to set information for the NameMyComputer service.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the name my computer page, the save changes button calls the SetIPResolver com-

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

- 1157 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

IPResolverID Optional IP resolver ID 60

OrigHostName Optional Original host name 60

HostName Required Name for your host 60

ClientUserID Required ICQ# or UserID 60

ServiceID Required City to build the map for 60

OfflineURL Optional Offline URL 78

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ip-resolver-id Current ID if one exists.

host-name Name for your host.

client-user-id Current ICQ# or UserID.

service-id Current service ID ("1").

SetIPResolver Success of this query. Response is Successful or Failed.

- 1158 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query sets information for the Name My Computer service, and requests
the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<domainname sld="resellerdocs" tld="com" id="152533676">

- 1159 -
API Command Categories

<ip-resolver-id />
<orig-host-name />
<![CDATA[ 12345678 ] ]>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>
<data-errors />
<Server>Dev Workstation</Server>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l GetIPResolver
l ServiceSelect

Set the auto-renew behavior for a POP email pak.
Use this command to set auto-renew behavior for an individual POP pak.

- 1160 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
At the bottom of the section for each POP pak, the Attempt to auto-renew check box calls
the SetPakRenew command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The POP pak bundle ID must belong to this domain.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Numerical ID for the POP pak (retrieve

BundleID Required the bundle ID using the GetPOP3 com- 4

Auto-renew setting to be applied to this

AutoPakRenew Required 1
POP pak. Permitted values are 1 (on) or

- 1161 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

0 (off)

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainRRP Domain type

Bundle ID of the POP pak for which the auto-renew value is

being reset

AutoPakRenew Auto-renew setting for the pak. Values are 1 (on) or 0 (off)

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the cli-ent.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query turns the POP pak auto-renew setting for bundle 5105 on, and
sends the response in XML format:

- 1162 -
API Command Categories


In the response, the error count of 0 and absence of error messages confirm that the
query was successful:

<RequestDateTime>12/11/2011 11:33:42 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetPOP3
l GetRenew
l SetRenew
l UpdateCusPreferences

- 1163 -
API Command Categories

Set a password for a domain name.
Use this command to set a password for access to a domain name.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the domain password page, the save changes button calls the SetPassword com-

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The domain name password must use ASCII characters, and must be 6 to 60 char-
acters in length.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1164 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Password to access and manage the

domain name. Must use ASCII char-
DomainPassword Required 60
acters and be 6 to 60 characters in

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1165 -
API Command Categories

The following query sets the domain password for resellerdocs.com as resellerdocspw,
and requests the response in XML format:


The response confirms that the password is set successfully:


<RequestDateTime>12/11/2011 11:35:47 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomains
l GetExtendInfo

- 1166 -
API Command Categories

l GetPasswordBit
l GetRegistrationStatus
l GetRegLock
l GetRenew
l GetSubAccountPassword
l SetRegLock
l SetRenew
l StatusDomain
l ValidatePassword

Create, change, or delete an email forwarding address for a domain name.
Use this command to create, update, or delete email forwarding records for a domain
This command can be used to configure email forwarding addresses for both our POP
mail and our email forwarding services.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The save changes button calls the SetPOPForwarding command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

- 1167 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

The user name for this mailbox (email

UserName Required 30
address will be UserName@sld.tld).

Domain for this mailbox. Must be the

same values as SLD and TLD above.
EMail Required 78
Use format SLD.TLD (email address will
be UserName@sld.tld).

Email address to forward to. Use format

ForwardTo Required 130

Add this email forwarding. Permitted val-

ues are:
Enable Required 0 Delete this email forwarding address 1
1 Add or change this email forwarding

Deliver to forwarding address. Permitted

values are:
no value Deliver to original mailbox only
StatusFlags Optional 1
0 Deliver to both original mailbox and for-
warding address
1 Deliver only to the forwarding address

Format of response. Permitted values are

ResponseType Optional 4
Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1168 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success 1 indicates the query was successful

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query creates an email forwarding record: Email addressed to sales@re-
sellerdocs.com will be forwarded to info@resellerdocs.com. The query string also
requests a response in XML format:


In the response, the Success value 1 indicates that the query was successful:

- 1169 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l DeletePOP3
l GetCatchAll
l GetPOP3
l GetPOPForwarding
l PurchasePOPBundle
l SetUpPOP3User

Set the registrar lock for a domain name.

- 1170 -
API Command Categories

Set the registrar unlock value to 0 to prevent unauthorized transfer of a domain name to
another registrar.
Set the registrar unlock value to 1 to allow unrestricted transfer of a domain name.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the Domain Name Maintenance page, the check box marked Do not allow this
name to be transferred sets the value for the UnlockRegistrar parameter, and the save
changes button calls the SetRegLockcommand.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

- 1171 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Lock option to be set. Permitted values
UnlockRegistrar Required 1
are 1 to unlock, 0 to lock).

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
reg-lock Current lock status.

RRPCodeSR Registry response code for our internal use.

RRPText Verbose description of RRPCodeSR.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


Identification number for this query, for our history and error

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests that the registrar lock be set (unlockregistrar set to false),
and requests the response in XML format:

- 1172 -
API Command Categories


In the response, an ErrCount value 0 indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<RRPText>Command completed successfully</RRPText>
<Server>Dev Workstation</Server>
<RequestDateTime>12/11/2011 10:35:56 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomains
l GetExtendInfo

- 1173 -
API Command Categories

l GetPasswordBit
l GetRegistrationStatus
l GetRegLock
l GetRenew
l GetSubAccountPassword
l SetPassword
l SetRenew
l StatusDomain
l ValidatePassword

Set the auto-renew flag for a domain name.
Use this command with RenewFlag set to 1 to renew the domain registration auto-
matically. Use this command with RenewFlag set to 0 to require the owner to actively
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the Domain Name Maintenance page, the check box marked Renew the registration
sets the value for the RenewFlag parameter, and the save changes button calls the
SetRenew command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

- 1174 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Turn the auto-renew setting for the

RenewFlag Required domain on or off. Options are 1 to auto- 1
renew, 0 otherwise

Turn the auto-renew setting for all POP

paks in this domain on or off. Permitted
values are 1 to auto- renew, 0 otherwise.
AutoPakRenew Optional 1
To control the auto-renew settings for
individual POP paks, use the SetPakRe-
new command.

Turn the auto-renew setting for email for-

warding in this domain on or off. Per-
EmailForwardRenew Optional 1
mitted values are 1 to auto-renew, 0

Turn the URL forwarding setting for POP

URLForwardRenew Optional paks in this domain on or off. Permitted 1
values are 1 to auto-renew, 0 otherwise.

Turn the auto-renew setting for Whois Pri-

vacy Protection Service in this domain
WPPSRenew Optional 1
on or off. Permitted values are 1 to auto-
renew, 0 otherwise.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1175 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
RenewName Current auto-renew setting (1 = on, 0 = off)

Current auto-renew setting for POP paks (True = on, False =

AutoPakRenew off). This return parameter only appears if the AutoPakRenew
is an input parameter.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests that resellerdocs.com renew automatically, and requests
the response in XML format:


The response confirms that the autorenew flag is set successfully (RenewName=1):

- 1176 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/11/2011 11:40:17 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l Extend
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomains
l GetExtendInfo
l GetPasswordBit
l GetRegistrationStatus
l GetRegLock
l GetRenew
l GetSubAccountPassword
l InsertNewOrder
l SetPakRenew
l SetPassword
l SetRegLock
l StatusDomain
l UpdateExpiredDomains
l ValidatePassword

- 1177 -
API Command Categories

Set the prices you charge your reseller for services.
Use this command to set prices you charge a subaccount for services.
This command differs from the GetSubAccountDetails command in that the SetReseller-
ServicesPricing command allows you to set pricing of any combination of services,
SetResellerServicesPricing does not require you to simultaneously convert an account
to reseller status, and SetResellerServicesPricing does not require you to set all service
prices in a single query.
To cover all the functionality of the GetSubAccountDetails command without its restric-
tions, use SetResellerTLDPricing, and SetResellerServicesPricing.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The save changes button calls the SetResellerServicesPricing command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1178 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Either SubUID or
Login ID of the subaccount to set pricing
SubUID Account is 20

Account ID of the subaccount to set pri-

Either SubUID or
cing for, in NNN-aa-NNNN format. To
Account Account is 11
retrieve the subaccount ID, use the
GetSubAccounts command.

Price you are charging this subaccount

DotNameBundle Optional for a name-and-email .name bundle, in 5
DD.cc format

Price you are charging this subaccount

DNSHosting Optional for one year ofDNS hosting, in DD.cc 5

Price your are charging this subaccount

WPPS Optional for a one-yearsubscription to ID Protect, 5
in DD.cc format

Price you are charging this subaccount

RichContent Optional for a monthlyRichContent subscription, 5
in DD.cc format

Price you are charging this subaccount

POP3 Optional 5
for a POP310-pak, in DD.cc format

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Name of this service. Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or

Price you set for this service. Indexed X when Respon-

seType=Text or HTML.

Number of services listed in this response (all services, not

just those for which you set prices in your query)

- 1179 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as- is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query sets prices for services-wholesale prices that resellid charges sub-
account 443-up-6579 and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the list of prices that match those you set, and the ErrCount value 0,
indicate that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<service name="pop3" price="19.95" />
<service name="dotnamebundle" price="" />

- 1180 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l GetSubAccounts
l PE_SetPricing
l SetResellerTLDPricing

Set the prices you charge your resellers for domain names. You can use this command
to set any number of prices.
Use this command to set prices you charge your resellers for domain names.
We recommend that you use SetResellerTLDPricing for setting prices charged to sub-
accounts. The GetSubAccountDetails command also offers this functionality, but with
much stricter requirements on the query string.

- 1181 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The save changes button calls the SetResellerTLDPricing command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The subaccount must belong to this domain name account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Either SubUID or
Login ID of the subaccount to set pricing
SubUID Account is 20

Account ID number of the subaccount to

Either SubUID or
set pricing for, in NNN-aa-NNNN format.
Account Account is 11
To retrieve the subaccount ID number,
use the GetSubAccounts command.

Price you are charging this subaccount

TLDPrice Optional 5
for registering this TLD, in DD.cc format

Price you are charging this subaccount

TLDRenew Optional 5
for renewing this TLD, in DD.cc format

- 1182 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Price you are charging this subaccount
TLDTransfer Optional 5
for transferring this TLD, in DD.cc format

Price you are charging this subaccount

DotNameBundle Optional for a name-and-email .name bundle, in 5
DD.cc format

Price you are charging this subaccount

POP3 Required 5
for a POP3 10-pak, in DD.cc format

Price you are charging this subaccount

WPPS Required for WhoIs Privacy Protection Service, in 5
DD.cc format

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
When ResponseType=XML, this multi-part parameter name is
price tld="TLD" id="ID" prod="Prod" used as the XML tag. The return value is the price of the
product described by the param name.

tldX TLD. Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or HTML.

TLD ID number from our database. Indexed X when Respon-

seType=Text or HTML.

Product ID number from our database. Indexed X when

ResponseType=Text or HTML.

priceX Product price. Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or HTML.

The price of a one-year subscription to a .name name-and-

email bundle

Name of product. Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or


The price for a one-year subscription to product. Indexed X

when ResponseType=Text or HTML.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

- 1183 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query sets prices for some TLDs and services in account resellid, and
sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the list of TLDs and services and their prices, and the ErrCount value 0,
confirm that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<price tld="biz" id="6" prod="10" />
<price tld="biz" id="6" prod="16" />

- 1184 -
API Command Categories

<price tld="biz" id="6" prod="19" />

<price tld="com" id="0" prod="10">12.95</price>
<price tld="com" id="0" prod="16">12.95</price>
<price tld="com" id="0" prod="19">12.95</price>
<price tld="info" id="5" prod="10" />
<price tld="info" id="5" prod="16" />
<price tld="info" id="5" prod="19" />
<price tld="net" id="1" prod="10">12.95</price>
<price tld="net" id="1" prod="16">12.95</price>
<price tld="net" id="1" prod="19">12.95</price>
<price tld="org" id="2" prod="10">12.95</price>
<price tld="org" id="2" prod="16">12.95</price>
<price tld="org" id="2" prod="19">12.95</price>
<service name="dotnamebundle" price="" />
<Site />
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l AuthorizeTLD
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts
l GetTLDList

- 1185 -
API Command Categories

l PE_SetPricing
l RemoveTLD
l SetResellerServicesPricing

Create or update Sender Policy Framework (SPF) host records for a domain name.
Use this command to create or update SPF host records for a domain name.
The SetSPFHosts command creates or updates one record per query. To set more than
one SPF host record per query, use the SetHosts command.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The host records setup section behaves similarly to the SetSPFHosts command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1186 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Required when Host ID number from our database. You

HostID updating an SPF can retrieve this value using the 10
host record GetSPFHosts command.

HostName Required Host name, assigned by you 63

For SPF records, the required value is txt

RecordType Required 5

The SPF record. For help writing this

Address Required record, you can go to 255

Host record preference for setting the

SPF record. The lower the number, the
MXPref Optional 5
higher the priority. If not specified, default
value is 10.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 1187 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, sendResponseType=HTMLor ResponseType=XMLin your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query sets SPF host records for domain resellerdocs.com and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, the ErrCount value 0 confirms that the query was successful:

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 12:54:35 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 1188 -
API Command Categories


Related commands
l GetHosts
l GetSPFHosts
l SetHosts

Set up a POP3 mailbox for your domain.
Use this command when you have purchased a POP3 email pak (see
PurchasePOPBundle) and want to set up mailboxes for your domain.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the POP3 Mail page, below the Add users to this Email Pak box, the save changes
button calls the SetUpPOP3User command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l A POP mail pak must have been purchased for the domain and the correct
BundleID supplied.

- 1189 -
API Command Categories

l There must be at least one mailbox available in the email pak (BundleID) ref-

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

POP pak ID number to add the user to

(must have already been purchased).
The order confirmation for purchasing the
BundleID Required integer
bundle contains the Bundle ID, or you
can retrieve it using the GetPOP3 com-

The user name to set up (email address

will be UserNameX@sld.tld).
UserNameX Required UserNameX is indexed, starting with 30
UserName1. You can configure multiple
user names in a single query string

Should UserNameX have administrative

privileges over all mailboxes associated
with this domain name. Administrative
privileges allow this user to reset the
password for mailboxes, and delete mail-
boxes. Permitted values are:
IsAdminX Optional 0 Regular user (can change the pass- 1
word for their own mailbox but no one
1 Administrator (when this user logs on to
Webmail and goes to the admin page, he
or she can see all mailboxes for this
domain name, can reset passwords for

- 1190 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

any or all mailboxes, and can delete any
or all mailboxes).
IsAdminX is indexed, starting with IsAd-
min1. You can configure multiple user
names in a single query string

POP3 password.
PasswordX is indexed, starting with
PasswordX Required 50
Password1. You can configure multiple
user names in a single query string

User's full name, as it appears in return

name in Web mail.
DisplayNameX Optional DisplayNameX is indexed, starting with 60
DisplayName1. You can configure mul-
tiple user names in a single query string

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1191 -
API Command Categories

The following query creates mailbox james@resellerdocs.com and requests the
response in XML format:


In the response, the value 0 for parameter ErrCount indicates that the query was suc-

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 12:57:20 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 1192 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l DeleteAllPOPPaks
l DeletePOP3
l DeletePOPPak
l Forwarding
l GetCatchAll
l GetDotNameForwarding
l GetForwarding
l GetMailHosts
l GetPOP3
l GetPOPForwarding
l ModifyPOP3
l PurchasePOPBundle
l SetDotNameForwarding
l SetUpPOP3User

Set the Auto Renew flag for a SiteLock subscription.
Use this command to set the Auto Renew flag for a SiteLock subscription.
All resellers have access to this command
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The SiteLock subscription must belong to this account.

- 1193 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID. 20

PW Required Account password. 20

Identification number of the SiteLock sub-

scription for which you want to set the
SLID Required Auto Renew flag. To retrieve SLID num- 8
bers, use the SL_GetAccounts com-

Setting to apply to the Auto Renew flag

for this SiteLock subscription. Permitted
values are:
AutoRenew Required 5
True Automatically renew this sub-
False Allow this subscription to expire

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount)

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 1194 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter rameter ErrCount If greater than 0 the transaction
failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise pro-
cess the returned parameters as defined above.

The following query sets the Auto Renew flag for a SiteLock subscription, and requests
the response in XML format:



<?xml version="1.0"?>

- 1195 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>3/11/2012 10:35:29 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetProductSelectionList
l SL_Configure
l SL_GetAccountDetail
l SL_GetAccounts

Configure a SiteLock subscription.
Use this command to configure a SiteLock subscription after initial purchase.
All resellers have access to this command
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The SiteLock subscription must belong to this account.

- 1196 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID. 20

PW Required Account password. 20

Identification number of the SiteLock for

which you want to configure. To retrieve
SLID Required 8
SLID numbers, use the SL_GetAccounts

Domain name. Permitted input format

DomainName Required includes the range from sld.tld to a com- 256
plete URL.

Email address. SiteLocks sends email to

EmailAddress Required this address for authorization and noti- 256
ficatons related to the subscription.

Password value to login to SiteLock con-

trol panel (different from your account
password). Random value will be gen-
Password Optional erated when left empty. Once the pass- 20
word is created, you cannot update it
from API. Password length: 5-20 char-

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount)

ErrX Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

- 1197 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter rameter ErrCount If greater than 0, the transaction
failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, pro-
cess the returned parameters as defined above.

The following query configures a SiteLock subscription after initial purchase, and
requests the response in XML format:



<?xml version="1.0"?>

- 1198 -
API Command Categories

<Site>eNom</Site> <IsLockable/>
<RequestDateTime>3/11/2012 11:11:11 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetProductSelectionList
l SL_AutoRenew
l SL_GetAccountDetail
l SL_GetAccounts

Retrieve detailed information for one SiteLock subscription.
Use this command to retrieve detailed information for a SiteLock subscription.
All resellers have access to this command
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 1199 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The SiteLock subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID. 20

PW Required Account password. 20

Identification number of the SiteLock. To

SLID Required retrieve SLID numbers, use the SL_ 8
GetAccounts command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount)

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 1200 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter rameter ErrCount If greater than 0, the transaction
failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, pro-
cess the returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves detailed information for one SiteLock subscription, and
requests the response in XML format:



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ProdDesc>SiteLock Premium</ProdDesc>
<StatusDesc>Service Active</Status>

- 1201 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>1/11/2012 11:59:51 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetProductSelectionList
l SL_AutoRenew
l SL_Configure
l SL_GetAccounts

Retrieve a list of SiteLock subscriptions for this login ID.
Use this command to retrieve a list of SiteLock subscriptions for this login ID.

- 1202 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The SiteLock subscription must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID. 20

PW Required Account password. 20

Product identification number. Permitted

values are:
ProdType Optional 260: SiteLock Basic 3
262: SiteLock Premium
264: SiteLock Enterprise

Return results beginning with this pos-

ition in the sorted list. For example,
StartPosition StartPosition=26&PagingPageSize=25 8
default is 1
returns accounts 26 through 50 in the sor-
ted list.

Number of accounts to return in this

PagingPageSize response. Maximum permitted value is 3
default is 25

- 1203 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Sorting parameter. Permitted values are:
SortBy default is 255

Sort order. Permitted values are:

SortByDirection Asc 128
default is Asc

To retrieve information about all possible

statuses for this product, use the GetPro-
ductSelectionlist command.

StatusID/StatusDesc. Permitted values

1: Awaiting Configuration
StatusID, StatusDesc,
2: Service Active
SubStatusID or Optional 4/50
7: Pending Expiration
8: Service Expired

SubStatusID/SubStatusDesc. Permitted
values are:
1: Auto Renew Off
2: Billing Failed CC
3: Billing Failed Balance

Auto Renew. Permitted values are:

True: subscriptions with automatic
AutoRenew Optional renewal 4
False: subscriptions without automatic

DomainNameContains Optional Specific word in domain names. 300

Order date start filter. Use format

OrderDateStart Optional

Order date end filter. Use format

OrderDateEnd Optional

Expiration date start filter. Use format

ExpirationDateStart Optional

- 1204 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Expiration date end filter. Use format
ExpirationDateEnd Optional

Format of response. Permitted values are

ResponseType Optional 4
Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount)

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter rameter ErrCount If greater than 0, the transaction
failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, pro-
cess the returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of SiteLock account for this login ID, and requests the
response in XML format:


- 1205 -
API Command Categories


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<ProdDesc>SiteLock Premium</ProdDesc>
<DomainName><![CDATA[ ]]></DomainName>
<StatusDesc>Awaiting Configuration</StatusDesc>
<MinPeriod />

- 1206 -
API Command Categories

<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<RequestDateTime>3/11/2012 2:06:27 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetProductSelectionList
l SL_AutoRenew
l SL_Configure
l SL_GetAccountDetail

Get information about the status of a single domain name: registrar, expiration date, and
whether it is in your account.
Use this command when you have received an RRPCode value of 724 when attempting
to register a domain. The response for the Purchase command gives additional inform-
ation explaining the 724 code.
For other aspects of domain status, use the GetDomainStatus command for the fastest
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

- 1207 -
API Command Categories

This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The query returns an error if the domain does not belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Options are Purchase(default), Transfer

OrderType Optional 10
or Extend.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
DomainName Name being statused

Registrar Returns Known, Unknown, or None.

Returns 0 if not in an eNom account, 1 if in your eNom account

or 2 if in another eNom account.

- 1208 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
OrderID ID number of the most recent order that included this domain.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XMLin your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests information about domain resellerdocs.com, and requests
the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:



- 1209 -
API Command Categories

<ExpDate>6/10/2019 3:56:56 PM</ExpDate>
<RRPText>Command completed successfully</RRPText>
<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 12:59:00 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomains
l GetDomainStatus
l GetExtendInfo
l GetPasswordBit
l GetRegistrationStatus
l GetRegLock
l GetRenew
l GetSubAccountPassword
l SetPassword
l SetRegLock
l SetRenew
l ValidatePassword

- 1210 -
API Command Categories

List the domains in a subaccount.
Use this command to list the domains in a subaccount.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the list of subaccounts, click any Enter link. Clicking the X domain names link pro-
duces a similar result to using the SubAccountDomains command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The subaccount must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 1211 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

Subaccount ID number, in NNN-aa-

Account Required NNNN format. Use the GetSubAccounts 11
command to retrieve this code.

Which category of names to return. Per-

mitted values are:
iown names registered here
Tab Required ihost names that use our DNS hosting 9
progress names that are expiring or
watchlist names you are interested in

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Tab Category of names returned

Do names in this account include credentials of more than one


Domain-List Type Description of the category of names returned

DomainNameID Domain name ID number, from our records

SLD Second-level domain name (for example, enom in enom.com)

TLD Top-level domain name (extension)

NS-Status YES indicates that this domain uses our default name servers

Expiration-Date Expiration date of this domain registration

Auto-Renew Is this domain set to renew automatically?

Position in the overall list of the last domain returned with this

Number of domains in the overall list before the first domain in

this list

Number of domains in the overall list after the last domain in

this list

- 1212 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
OrderBy Sorting parameter for names

Result Did this query yield any names?

Position in the overall list of the first domain returne d with this

DomainCount Total number of domains in this subaccount

TotalDomainCount Total number of domains in this parent account

StartLetter First letter of the domains returned with this query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XMLin your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query returns the registered (iown) domain names in the subaccount, and
sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:

- 1213 -
API Command Categories


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<domain-list type="Registered">
<OrderBy />
<StartLetter />

- 1214 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l CreateAccount
l CreateSubAccount
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccountPassword
l GetSubAccounts
l GetSubaccountsDetailList

Synchronize a domains EPP key with the Registry, and optionally email it to the regis-
Use this command to create a new EPP key, synchronize the key with the Registry, and
optionally email it to the registrant.

- 1215 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the General Settings page, the Email Auth Code to Registrant link calls the
SynchAuthInfo command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Should we mail the EPP key to the regis-

EmailEPP Required trant of this domain name. Permitted val- 5
ues are True and False

Should we synchronize the EPP key for

this domain and make sure our records
RunSynchAutoInfo Required 5
are identical to the Registrys. Permitted
values are True and False.

- 1216 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Format of response. Permitted values
ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Returns True if EPP key has been synchronized at Registry.
This parameter displays when EmailEPP=False

Returns confirmation that EPP key is emailed to registrant.

This parameter displays when EmailEPP=True

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query synchronizes the EPP key between the Registry and our database,
emails the EPP key to the registrant of record in our database, and sends the response
in XML format:


- 1217 -
API Command Categories


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<EPPEmailMessage>Email has been sent.</EPPEmailMessage>
<debug><![CDATA[ ]]></debug>

Related commands
l TP_CreateOrder

This command creates a CTH account with a username, domain, zone, and simple

- 1218 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to create a new Community TelHosting (CTH) account for .tel dir-
ectory records.
Use this command to configure a .tel domain after it is registered.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
If this form initially displays with all fields blank (due to a domain name transfer or push,
or when the preconfiguration information was invalid), clicking the save button calls the
TEL_AddCTHUser command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this domain name account.
l The domain name must be a .tel domain.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Login ID for your .tel CTH account. Per-

mitted values are 6 to 32 alphanumeric
Username Required 32
characters, must start with a letter, and
must not contain spaces

- 1219 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Password for your .tel CTH account. Per-
mitted values are 6 to 32 alphanumeric
Password Required 32
characters, must start with a letter, and
must not contain spaces

The .tel domain name for which you are

DomainName Required 67
creating a CTH account

Contact email address for this CTH

account. You can have more than one
Email Required 128
CTH account using the same email

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query creates a new CTH user account, and sends the response in XML

- 1220 -
API Command Categories



In the response, a success value true confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<debug />

Related commands
l TEL_GetCTHUserInfo
l TEL_GetCTHUserList
l TEL_GetPrivacy

- 1221 -
API Command Categories

l TEL_UpdateCTHUser
l TEL_UpdatePrivacy

This command retrieves information on the CTH account information associated with a
domain name.
Use this command to retrieve information on the CTH account information associated
with a domain name.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The TEL_GetCTHUserInfo command populates this page.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The domain name must be a .tel domain.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1222 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

The .tel domain name for which you want

DomainName Required 67
CTH account information

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
User name for the CTH account associated with this domain

Email address for the CTH account associated with this

domain name

Status Success status of this query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1223 -
API Command Categories

The following query creates a new CTH user account, and sends the response in XML


In the response, a status value success confirms that the query was successful:

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 1:51:15 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 1224 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l TEL_AddCTHUser
l TEL_GetCTHUserList
l TEL_GetPrivacy
l TEL_UpdateCTHUser
l TEL_UpdatePrivacy

Retrieve a list of CTH accounts.
Use this command to retrieve a list of CTH accounts, for example, to populate a drop-
down menu.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Put a .tel domain name in the shopping cart.
The Select an existing username link displays a dropdown menu populated by the TEL_
GetCTHUserList command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

- 1225 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Login ID for your .tel CTH account. Permitted values are 6 to
32 alphanumeric characters and must start with a letter

Password for your .tel CTH account. Permitted values are 6 to

32 alphanumeric characters and must start with a letter

Contact email address for this CTH account. You can have
more than one CTH account using the same email address

The .tel domain name for which you are creating a CTH

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 1226 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of CTH account usernames and sends the response
in XML format:


In the response, a list of usernames and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query
string was successful:


- 1227 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 1:52:59 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l TEL_AddCTHUser
l TEL_GetCTHUserInfo
l TEL_GetPrivacy
l TEL_UpdateCTHUser
l TEL_UpdatePrivacy

Retrieve the current setting for displaying private CTH contact information.

- 1228 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to retrieve the current for displaying private CTH contact information.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The response from this command populates the Privacy Settings section on the .TEL Set-
tings page.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this domain name account.
l The domain name must be a .tel domain.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

The .tel domain name for which you want

DomainName Required the current privacy setting. Permitted 67
format is sld.tel

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1229 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this query

TelWhoisType Is this CTH contact type for a natural person or a legal person.

Should this CTH contact information be published in the


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the privacy setting and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a Success value true confirms that the query executed successfully:

- 1230 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<debug />

Related commands
l TEL_AddCTHUser
l TEL_GetCTHUserInfo
l TEL_GetCTHUserList
l TEL_UpdateCTHUser
l TEL_UpdatePrivacy

Check the existence of a CTH account username.

- 1231 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to check the existence of a CTH account username.

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Put a .tel domain name in the shopping cart
Click the preconfigure link by the .tel domain name.
The Save My Settings button calls the TEL_IsCTHUser command to verify that the User-
name supplied in this form may be used with this domain name.
As a last-minute check, you may optionally run TEL_IsCTHUser a second time, imme-
diately before submitting the order, to make sure the registration doesnt fail due to a
username being taken by another customer.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

CTH account username you want to

UserName Required 32

- 1232 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Format of response. Permitted values
ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
UserExists Response value for whether this user exists in our system

Response value for whether this user exists in this domain

name account

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query checks whether a username exists, and sends the response in XML


- 1233 -
API Command Categories

In the response, a userexists value confirms that the query executed successfully:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<debug />

Related commands
l TEL_AddCTHUser
l TEL_GetCTHUserInfo
l TEL_GetCTHUserList
l TEL_GetPrivacy
l TEL_UpdateCTHUser
l TEL_UpdatePrivacy

- 1234 -
API Command Categories

Change the domain name, email address, or password associated with a CTH account.
Use this command to change the domain name, email address, or password associated
with a CTH account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
If this form contains data when first displayed, clicking the save button calls the TEL_
UpdateCTHUser command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must be a .tel domain.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1235 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Login ID for your .tel CTH account. Per-

mitted values are 6 to 32 alphanumeric
Username Required 32
characters, must start with a letter, and
must not contain spaces

The .tel domain name for which you are

DomainName Required 67
creating a CTH account

Password for your .tel CTH account. Per-

Either Password or mitted values are 6 to 32 alphanumeric
Password 32
Email is Required characters, must start with a letter, and
must not contain spaces

Contact email address for this CTH

Either Password or account. You can have more than one
Email 128
Email is Required CTH account using the same email

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status for execution of this query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 1236 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query changes the CTH account associated with the specified domain
name, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the Success value true confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<debug />

- 1237 -
API Command Categories


Related commands
l TEL_AddCTHUser
l TEL_GetCTHUserInfo
l TEL_GetCTHUserList
l TEL_GetPrivacy
l TEL_UpdatePrivacy

This command changes the privacy settings for .tel Whois contact information.
Use this command to change the privacy settings for .tel Whois contact information.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Changing the Privacy Settings and clicking save calls the TEL_UpdatePrivacy com-

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this domain name account.

- 1238 -
API Command Categories

l The domain name must be a .tel domain.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

The .tel domain name for which you want

DomainName Required 67
to reset privacy settings

Contact type. Permitted values are:

natural_person (Human beings, per-
ceptible to the senses and subject to
physical laws. Public whois is optional)
TelWhoisType Required 15
legal_person (Companies, businesses,
partnerships, non-profit entities, asso-
ciations, or other types of legal con-
structs. Public whois required)

Publish the CTH contact information for

Required natural_ a natural person. Permitted values are
person; yes or no. If TelWhoisType=legal_per-
TelPublishWhois 3
not needed for son, TelPublishWhois is automatically
legal_person set to yes to comply with Registry

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Success status of this query.

Command Name of command executed

- 1239 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check
the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the cli-ent.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query changes the privacy settings for a .tel domain name and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, the Success value true confirms that the query executed successfully:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 1240 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<debug />

Related commands
l TEL_AddCTHUser
l TEL_GetCTHUserInfo
l TEL_GetCTHUserList
l TEL_GetPrivacy
l TEL_UpdateCTHUser

Add a list of domain(s) to an existing the watchlist or create new watchlist with these
domains. An empty watchlist cannot be created.
Use this command to add a list of domain(s) to an existing the watchlist or create new
watchlist with these domains. An empty watchlist cannot be created.
You can create LIST(s) for organizing or managing watchlist domain names. Each LIST
consist of a ListID, ListName and ListEmail.

- 1241 -
API Command Categories

Each account has a default LIST (ListID=0 ), containing domains to watch. Domains can
appear in multiple LISTS. The default LIST cannot be deleted and email address cannot
be changed.

ListID=0 ListID=1 ListID=2

.education one.ceo two.ceo
one.ceo one.ninja two.ninja
one.ninja one.fun two.fun
two.ceo ..... .....

Operational/Logic Table:

ListID ListName ListEmail Result

No No - Error: ListID or ListName are required

Error: Email Address is required if ListName is

No Yes No

Create a new LIST and add domain(s). ListID

No Yes Yes will be automatically created and returned in
the output

Yes - No Add domain(s) to specified LIST

Add domain(s) to specified LIST and update

Yes - Yes
email address

l No = input parameter is not declared
l Yes = input parameter is declared and has value
l - = input parameter could be declared or not declared. Does not affect the end res-

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 1242 -
API Command Categories

The Watch Domains button calls the TLD_AddWatchlist command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

A comma-separated list of domains


International Domain Name (IDN) allows

more web users to navigate the Internet
in their preferred native language. Most
domain names are registered in ASCII
DomainList Required characters. The non-Latin scripts such 4096
as Chinese, Russian, Korean or other lan-
guages cannot be rendered in ASCII.
IDN is fully supported in PUNY Code
and URL Encoded format.

To get more information and conversion

tool for PUNY Code, check the sites
- Verisign's IDN Tool: http://mct.verisign-
- RFC 3492: http://tools.i-

- 1243 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size


List ID. See Operational/Logic table for

Conditional; conditional information Use the TLD_
default is 0 GetWatchlist with Action=GetListID com-
mand to retrieve LIST

ListName Conditional Name of the LIST (must be unique) 50

ListEmail Conditional Email address for the List 128

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ID Watchlist item ID for each domain

DomainName Domain name

Success Domain add status

ResultMessage Domain add message

FailCount Number of domain(s) failed to add to the Watchlist

SuccessCount Number of domain(s) successfully added to the Watchlist

TotalRecords Total number of domain(s) processed

Type Reserved for future implementation

List ID. New number will be created whenever a new LIST is


ListName List Name

ListEmail List Email Address

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client

Done True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-

- 1244 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query adds domain(s) to the watchlist, and requests the response in XML
Add to default watchlist


Create a new LIST and add domains


Add to a specific LIST


- 1245 -
API Command Categories


Add to default watchlist

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DomainName><![CDATA[ blogging.ninja ]]></DomainName>
<ResultMessage><![CDATA[ ]]></ResultMessage>
<DomainName><![CDATA[ domain.ninja ]]></DomainName>
<ResultMessage><![CDATA[ ]]></ResultMessage>
<ListName />
<ListEmail />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />

- 1246 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>7/16/2012 2:52:25 PM</RequestDateTime>

Create a new LIST and add domains

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DomainName><![CDATA[ blogging.ninja ]]></DomainName>
<ResultMessage><![CDATA[ ]]> </ResultMessage>
<DomainName><![CDATA[ domain.ninja ]]></DomainName>
<ResultMessage><![CDATA[ ]]> </ResultMessage>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />

- 1247 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>7/16/2012 2:52:25 PM</RequestDateTime>

Add to a specific LIST

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DomainName><![CDATA[ blogging.ninja ]]></DomainName>
<ResultMessage><![CDATA[ ]]> </ResultMessage>
<DomainName><![CDATA[ domain.ninja ]]></DomainName>
<ResultMessage><![CDATA[ ]]> </ResultMessage>

- 1248 -
API Command Categories

<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<RequestDateTime>7/16/2012 2:52:25 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l TLD_DeleteWatchlist
l TLD_GetCategory
l TLD_GetWatchlist
l TLD_GetAgreementPage

Delete a set of domains from a LIST or delete an entire LIST from the watchlist. Deleting
all domains in a LIST does not delete the LIST
Use this command to delete a set of domains from a LIST or delete an entire LIST from
the watchlist. Deleting all domains in a LIST does not delete the LIST
You can create LIST(s) for organizing or managing watchlist domain names. Each LIST
consists of a ListID, ListName and ListEmail.
Each account has a default LIST (ListID=0 ), containing domains to watch. Domains can
appear in multiple LISTS. The default LIST cannot be deleted and email address cannot
be changed.

- 1249 -
API Command Categories

ListID=0 ListID=1 ListID=2

.education one.ceo two.ceo
one.ceo one.ninja two.ninja
one.ninja one.fun two.fun
two.ceo ..... .....

Operational/Logic Table:

Action WatchlistItemID ListID Result

DeleteList - No Error: ListID must be supplied

Delete the LIST and all domains in

DeleteList - Yes

Error: WatchlistItemID must be

DeleteListItem No -

Delete WatchlistItemID(s) in the

DeleteListItem Yes No
default account (ListID=0)

Delete WatchlistItemID(s) in the

DeleteListItem Yes Yes
specified ListID

l No = input parameter is not declared
l Yes = input parameter is declared and has value
l - = input parameter could be declared or not declared. Does not affect the end res-

All resellers have access to this command
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Delete button calls the TLD_DeleteWatchlist command.

- 1250 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Type of delete operation. Permitted val-

ues are:
Action Required 8

The ID for a specified LIST in the

account. See Operational/Logic table for
ListID Required conditional information. Use the TLD_
GetWatchlist with Action=GetListIDs
command to retrieve the LIST

A comma-separated list of Watch-

WatchlistItemID Conditional listItemID. Use the TLD_GetWatchlist
command to retrieve these IDs

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ID WatchlistItemID for each domain name

DomainName Domain name

- 1251 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Success Success status for deleting domain name from the Watchlist

ResultMessage Message returned from the processing system

Type Reserved for future implementation

FailCount Number of domain(s) failed to add to the watchlist

SuccessCount Number of domain(s) successfully added to the Watchlist

TotalRecords Total number of domain(s) processed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query deletes list of domain(s) or a LIST from the Watchlist, and requests
the response in XML format.
Delete domain(s)


Delete LIST

- 1252 -
API Command Categories


Delete domain(s)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ResultMessage><![CDATA[ ]]></ResultMessage />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<RequestDateTime>7/16/2012 3:55:55 PM</RequestDateTime>

- 1253 -
API Command Categories

Delete LIST

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<RequestDateTime>7/16/2012 3:55:55 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l TLD_AddWatchlist
l TLD_GetCategory
l TLD_GetWatchlist
l TLD_GetAgreementPage


- 1254 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve a list of TLDs currently offered for this account.

Use this command to retrieve a list of TLDs currently offered for this account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Browse TLDs tab calls the TLD_GetTLD command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Return a list of TLDs filtered by Primary

Category Optional 500

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

- 1255 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TLD name (IDN is displayed as PUNY Code).

International Domain Name (IDN) allows more web users to

navigate the Internet in their preferred native language. Most
domain names are registered in ASCII characters. The non-
Latin scripts such as Chinese, Russian, Korean or other lan-
Name guages cannot be rendered in ASCII. IDN is fully supported in
PUNY Code and URL Encoded format.

To get more information and conversion tool for PUNY Code,

check the sites below:
- Verisign's IDN Tool: http://mct.verisign-grs.com
- RFC 3492: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3492

TLD Category. Each TLD may have more than one category.
CategoryNames The first category in this list (comma delimited format) is the

NativeIDN TLD Name in native characters

Description Description of NativeIDN

StatusID TLD Status ID

StatusDesc TLD Status Description

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1256 -
API Command Categories

The following query retrieves list of TLDs currently offered for this account, and requests
the response in XML format.



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Name><![CDATA[ ABOGADO ]]></Name>
<NativeIDN><![CDATA[ ]]></NativeIDN>
<Description><![CDATA[ ]]></Description>
<TLDStatusDesc><![CDATA[ Awaiting Evaluation ]]
<Name><![CDATA[ xn--io0a7i ]]></Name>
<NativeIDN><![CDATA[ ]]></NativeIDN>
<![CDATA[ The string of " " means network. It is a col-
of hardware components and computers interconnected by com-
channels that allow sharing of resources and information.
<TLDStatusDesc><![CDATA[ Awaiting Evaluation ]]

- 1257 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>7/17/2012 11:11:11 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l TLD_AddWatchlist
l TLD_DeleteWatchlist
l TLD_GetCategory
l TLD_GetWatchlist
l TLD_GetAgreementPage

Retrieve a list of domains currently in a Watchlist LIST in this account.
Use this command to retrieve a list of domains currently in a Watchlist LIST in this

- 1258 -
API Command Categories

You can create LIST(s) for organizing or managing watchlist domain names. Each LIST
consists of a ListID, ListName and ListEmail.
Each account has a default LIST (ListID=0 ), containing domains to watch. Domains can
appear in multiple LISTS. The default LIST cannot be deleted and email address cannot
be changed.

ListID=0 ListID=1 ListID=2

one.ceo two.ceo
one.ninja two.ninja
one.fun two.fun
..... .....
two.ninja .....

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The My Watchlist tab calls the TLD_GetWatchlist command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1259 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

This parameter determines which result

set will be provided. If this parameter is
not declared, or has no value, the API will
return a list of all of the domains in the
Optional specified LIST. Set the parameter to
default is Empty GetListIDs to retreive a list of all of the
LISTs for this account. Check the
example section see the differences. Per-
mitted values are: Empty (not declared)

Return only those domain(s) belonging to

a specific LIST. Not declaring this para-
ListID Optional
meter will result in the domains returned
from the default LIST (ListID=0).

Sorting parameter. Permitted values are:

SortBy default is 20

Optional Sorting order. Permitted values are: Asc

SortByDirection 4
default is Asc Desc

Return results beginning with this pos-

ition in the sorted list For example,
StartPosition StartPosition=26&PagingPageSize=25
default is 1
returns results 26 through 50 in the sorted

Optional default is Number of results to return in this

25 response

SLD Optional Filter by SLD 275

TLD Optional Filter by TLD 15

Category Optional Filter by Category 500

Filter by Domain Name. When present,

this will filter the result set according to
the text supplied. This parameter is sim-
DomainNameFilter Optional 300
ilar to using the LIKE clause in SQL to
generate a result set based on the input
string. For example, if the string is ion,

- 1260 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

the results may include mydo-
main.auction, *.auction, ion-drive.ceo,
ion-drive.*, etc.

Format of response. Permitted values are

ResponseType Optional 4
Text (default), HTML, or XML

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ID Watchlist Item ID for each domain name

DomainName Domain name

SLD SLD value

TLD TLD value

NativeIDN Domain name in Native IDN format

StatusID Status ID for this specific domain

StatusDesc Status description for this specific domain

SubStatusID Sub-Status ID for this specific domain

SubStatusDesc Sub-Status description for this specific domain

TLDCategory TLD Primary Category

TLDCategoryDesc TLD Category description

TLDStatusID Status ID for this specific TLD

TLDStatusDesc Status description for this specific TLD

ListID List ID

ListName List Name

ListEmail List Email Address

SortBy Sort By value

SortByDirection Sort By Direction type

StartPosition Start Position value

PagingPageSize Paging Page Size value

- 1261 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
FilterByDomainName Filter by Domain Name value

FilterBySLD Filter by SLD value

FilterByTLD Filter by TLD value

FilterByTLDCategory Filter by TLD Category value

RecordsCount Records return in one page for this request

TotalRecords Total records for this type of request

AllRecords All records for this account

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves list of domains currently added to the Watchlist in this
account, and requests the response in XML format.
Get LIST domains


- 1262 -
API Command Categories




Get Watchlist domains

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DomainName><![CDATA[ blogging.xn--nqv7f ]]></DomainName>
<SLD><![CDATA[ blogging ]]></SLD>
<TLD><![CDATA[ xn--nqv7f]]></TLD>
<NativeIDN><![CDATA[ blogging. ]]></NativeIDN>
<StatusDesc><![CDATA[ Watching ]]></StatusDesc>
<SubStatusDesc><![CDATA[ ]]></SubStatusDesc>
<TLDCategory><![CDATA[ IDN ]]></TLDCategory>
<TLDCategoryDesc><![CDATA[ ]]></TLDCategoryDesc>
<TLDStatusDesc><![CDATA[ Awaiting Evaluation ]]>
<ListID />
<ListName />
<ListEmail />
<SLD />

- 1263 -
API Command Categories

<Category />
<DomainName />
<RequestDateTime>7/23/2012 11:29:08 AM</RequestDateTime>


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ListName><![CDATA[ ]]></ListName>
<ListEmail><![CDATA[ ]]></ListEmail>
<ListName><![CDATA[ Customer1 ]]></ListName>
<ListEmail><![CDATA[ john@smith.com ]]></ListEmail>

- 1264 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>7/23/2012 11:29:08 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l TLD_AddWatchlist
l TLD_GetCategory
l TLD_DeleteWatchlist
l TLD_GetAgreementPage

Retrieve a list of Tlds currently in a Watchlist LIST in this account.
Use this command to retrieve a list of Tlds currently in a Watchlist LIST in this account.

- 1265 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

ApplicationFeeMin Optional Filter based on minimum Application fee

ApplicationFeeMax Optional Filter based on Maximum Application fee

DateStart Optional Filter based on Date

DateEnd Optional Filter based on Date

Return only those Tlds belonging to a spe-

cific LIST. Not declaring this parameter
ListID Optional
will result in the tlds returned from the
default LIST (ListID=0).

Sorting parameter. Permitted values are:

SortBy default is 20

- 1266 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size


Sorting order. Permitted values are:

SortByDirection Asc 4
default is Asc

Return results beginning with this pos-

ition in the sorted list For example,
StartPosition StartPosition=26&PagingPageSize=25
default is 1
returns results 26 through 50 in the sorted

Optional Number of results to return in this

default is 25 response

SLD Optional Filter by SLD 275

TLD Optional Filter by TLD 15

Category Optional Filter by Category 500

Permitted values
True / False
IsOpen Optional

RegistrationFeeMin Optional Filter based on minimum Registration fee

Filter based on Maximum Registration

RegistrationFeeMax Optional

Format of response. Permitted values are

ResponseType Optional 4
Text (default), HTML, or XML

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TLD TLD value

TLDCategoryDesc TLD Category description

TLDCategory TLD Primary Category

DomainCount Displays Domain count

SortBy Sort By value

- 1267 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
SortByDirection Start Position value

StartPosition Records starting position

PagingPageSize Paging size for records to display

TotalRecords Total records for this type of request

SubStatusDesc Sub-Status description for this specific domain

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as- is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves list of domains currently added to the Watchlist in this
account, and requests the response in XML format.



- 1268 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<![CDATA[ Awaiting Evaluation ]]>
<![CDATA[ 1 ]]>
<![CDATA[ Awaiting Evaluation ]]>
<![CDATA[ 1 ]]>
<![CDATA[ Awaiting Evaluation ]]>
<![CDATA[ 1 ]]>
<![CDATA[ Awaiting Evaluation ]]>

- 1269 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ Awaiting Evaluation ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<RequestDateTime>3/11/2013 12:17:43 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 1270 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l TLD_AddWatchlist
l TLD_GetCategory
l TLD_DeleteWatchlist
l TLD_GetAgreementPage

Retrieve a detailed overview of a TLD.
Use this command to retrieve a detailed overview of a TLD.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1271 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

TLD Required Top level domain 500

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ID TLD identification (if applicable)

Name TLD name

NativeIDN TLD name in native language

Description TLD description

TimeFrameDescription TLD timeframe description (pre-order phase)

Requirements TLD requirements

DrawNumbers TLD drawnumbers (pre-order phase)

Categories TLD categories

QueueInfo Collection of queue(s) information

StatusID Queue status ID

StatusDesc Queue status description

StatusAdditional Queue status sub-description

QID Queue ID

Phase Queue name or phase

DateStart Queue start date

DateEnd Queue end date

IsActive Is queue open for registration?

ApplicationFee Queue application fee

ApplicationFeeRefundable Is queue application fee refundable?

- 1272 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
RegistrationFee Queue registration fee

RegistrationFeeRefundable Is queue registration fee refundable?

PopularDomains Popular domain(s) suggestion based on this TLD

SimilarNewTLDs Similar new TLD(s) suggestion based on this TLD

SimilarTLDs Similar existing TLD(s) suggestion based on this TLD

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves detailed overview of TLD, and requests the response in
XML format.



- 1273 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<ID />
<Description><![CDATA[For the self-professed masters of the
world, .NINJA provides a fun, unique, and flexible TLD
option. Use it as blog.NINJA, homeimprovement.NINJA, home-
cooking.NINJA, and more. .NINJA can also be used for more
traditional applications of the word, to promote ninja
books, comics, movies, and cultural references, such as com-
ics.NINJA. Whatever the use, .NINJA is a memorable domain
namespace guaranteed to help any business, group, or indi-
vidual using it make a lasting impression.]]>
<TimeFrameDescription><![CDATA[This new TLD is not yet
available, but it is expected to open for registration
Spring of 2013. Please sign up to watch this new gTLD and
we will notify you when registration opens. ]]>
<Requirements />
<StatusDesc>Evaluation Passed</StatusDesc>
All applications for TLD have passed ICANNs evaluation.
<QID />
<Phase>Evaluation Passed</Phase>
<DateStart />
<DateEnd />
<ApplicationFeeRefundable />
<RegistrationFeeRefundable />

- 1274 -
API Command Categories

<PopularDomains><![CDATA[car, computer, design, management,

yourname, yourcompany, info]]>
<SimilarNewTLDs><![CDATA[.guru, .help, .expert]]></Sim-
<RequestDateTime>11/22/2013 6:08:46 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l Queue_GetInfo
l Queue_GetExtAttributes
l Queue_DomainPurchase
l Queue_GetDomains
l Queue_GetOrders
l Queue_GetOrderDetail
l GetAgreementPage

- 1275 -
API Command Categories

Check a trademark claim for a domain name from Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH).
Use this command to check a trademark claim for a domain name from Trademark Clear-
inghouse (TMCH).
The Lookup Key returns a value when 1 (one) or more claim(s) exist for the specified
domain name.
The key value is valid for up to 24 hours. The countdown starts immediately after this
command (TM_Check) is successfully executed.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1276 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 20
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional
are Text (default), HTML, or XML 4

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Lookup Key value. Valid for up to 24 hours. The countdown
LookupKey starts immediately after this command is successfully

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err (1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query checks a trademark claim for test---validate.claimsgatwo domain
name from Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH), and requests the response in XML

- 1277 -
API Command Categories




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<RequestDateTime>1/10/2014 9:00:00 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l TM_Check
l TM_GetNotice
l TM_UpdateCart

- 1278 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve an itemized list of Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) Claims for an SLD using
a Lookup Key.
Use this command to retrieve an itemized list of Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH)
Claims for an SLD using a Lookup Key.
tcnID (Trademark Clearinghouse Claims Notification ID) is valid for 24 to 48 hours. The
countdown starts immediately after TP_Check command is successfully executed.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 1279 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

A unique Lookup Key for a domain. Use

the TM_Check command to retrieve the
LookupKey Required 32
Please use URL Encoding to avoid incor-
rect data being sent.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
tcnID TMCH Claims Notification ID

tcnStart TMCH Claims start date (UTC)

tcnExpDate TMCH Claims expiration date (UTC)

SLD Second level domain

MarkName Trademark name

Holder Entitlement Holder entitlement

Org Organization name

Street Address

City City

State State

ZipCode Postal code

Country Country

Email Email address

Jur Desc Jurisdiction description

Class Desc Class description

GoodsAndServices Goods and Services name

- 1280 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check
the Err (1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves an itemized list of Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH)
Claims for an SLD using a Lookup Key, and requests the response in XML format.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


- 1281 -
API Command Categories

<MarkName>Test & Validate</MarkName>
<Holder Entitlement="owner">
<Org>Test Organization</Org>
<Street>101 West Arques Avenue</Street>
<Jur Desc="United States of America" Country="US" />
<Class Desc="Musical instruments. " Num="15" />
<MarkName>Test & Validate</MarkName>
<Holder Entitlement="owner">
<Org>Test Organization</Org>
<Street>101 West Arques Avenue</Street>
<Jur Desc="United States of America" Country="US" />
<Class Desc="Precious metals and their alloys and goods
in precious metals or coated therewith, not included
in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological
and chronometric instruments. " Num="14" />
<GoodsAndServices>Musical instruments</GoodsAndServices>

- 1282 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>1/10/2014 12:43:35 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l TM_Check
l TM_GetNotice
l TM_UpdateCart

Acknowledge and record the date time for a Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) Claims
ID for a domain in the shopping cart.
Use this command to acknowledge and record the date time for a Trademark Clear-
inghouse (TMCH) Claims ID a domain in the shopping cart.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 1283 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid

Input parameters

Build the query string using this syntax:


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

SLD Required Second Level Domain 20

Trademark Claims notification ID. Use

tcnID Required the TM_GetNotice command to retrieve 32
the value

Trademark Claims expiration date (UTC)

tcnExpDate Required 16

The date and time when the registrant

tcnAcceptDate Required acknowledged the Trademark Claims 16

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Update status

- 1284 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check
the Err (1 to ErrCount) values

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.


The following query acknowledges and records the date time for a Trademark Clear-
inghouse (TMCH) Claims ID for a domain in the shopping cart, and requests the
response in XML format.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


- 1285 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>1/10/2014 2:01:35 PM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l TM_Check
l TM_GetNotice
l TM_UpdateCart

Cancel a transfer order that has been submitted by eNom, but not yet processed by the
Use this command to cancel the parts of a transfer order that has been submitted by us,
but not yet processed by the Registry (there is an interval of approximately 5 days
between the two events).
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

- 1286 -
API Command Categories

Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

On the Transfer Order Detail page, the Cancel This Order link calls the TP_CancelOrder
On the Pending orders page, the cancel button calls the TP_CancelOrder command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The transfer order must be valid and must belong to this account.
l A transfer order can be cancel only for domains that have a TransferOrderDetail
StatusID of 0, 9, 10,11, 12, 13, 28, or 29. Use TP_GetOrderDetail to retrieve the
statuses of each domain in the order.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Transfer order ID number. To retrieve

TransferOrderID Required this value, use the TP_GetOrder- 10
Statuses command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1287 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success Returns True if transfer request was successfully cancelled

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the cli-ent.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l To be eligible for cancellation, each domain must be in one of the following
statuses. Retrieve an orders status by calling TP_GetOrder. Eligible Trans-
ferOrderDetail StatusIDs:
l 0 Transfer request created - awaiting fax

l 9 Awaiting auto verification of transfer request

l 10 Unable to retrieve current domain contacts from UWhois

l 11 Auto verification of transfer request initiated

l 12 Awaiting for auto transfer string validation

l 13 Domain awaiting transfer initiation

l 28 Fax received - awaiting registrant verification

l 29 Awaiting manual fax verification.

The following query requests that transfer order ID 445413 be cancelled, and requests
the response in XML format:

- 1288 -
API Command Categories


In the response, the return value True for the Success parameter confirms the successful
cancellation of the order:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Server>Dev Workstation</Server>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands

l PushDomain
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_GetDetailsByDomain
l TP_GetOrder
l TP_GetOrderDetail
l TP_GetOrderReview
l TP_GetOrdersByDomain
l TP_GetOrderStatuses
l TP_ResubmitLocked
l TP_SubmitOrder
l TP_UpdateOrderDetail
l UpdatePushList

- 1289 -
API Command Categories

Transfer domains into an account. Accepts Fax and AutoVerification order types.
Use this command to create an order to transfer domains from another registrar to eNom
or one of its resellers.
You can also use this command to create but not submit a transfer order, using the
PreConfig parameter.
When you pass credit card information with this command, you must use the secure
HTTPS protocol.
When you transfer a .eu or .be domain name from another registrar, we recommend that
you always provide Registrant contact information that is separate from Billing contact
information; dont use the same as Billing default. Tip: If the Billing and Registrant con-
tact information are the same, we recommend changing the use or spelling of abbre-
viations in the street address to help our system recognize that it needs to create multiple
contacts. Separating the Registrant and Billing information makes it easier to update
Registrant contact information in the future.
Premium Domain
A unique, memorable or noteworthy name might be considered as a premium domain.
This type of domain will be more expensive depending on the name and TLD. If the TP_
CreateOrder command returns the error "CustomerSuppliedPrice is required",then this
domain is considered as a premium domain. The exact price for this domain must be
declared in the parameter CustomerSuppliedPrice. Use the PE_GetPremiumPricing
command to retrieve this price.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the transfer a name page, the next button calls the TP_CreateOrder command.

- 1290 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l To use our credit card processing, this must be an ETP reseller account.
l All domain names in the order must be in top-level domains supported by this regis-
l To transfer EPP names, the query must include the authorization key from the
l When using the Fax order type, the registrant contact information must match the
current Whois registrant.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Set PreConfig=1 to create, but not

send, the order at this time. Using
PreConfig=1 allows you to use TP_
UpdateOrderDetail to modify
Optional; default
PreConfig DomainPassword, Lock, Renew, 1
is 0
contacts, and extended attributes
before submitting the order. When
you are ready to submit the order,
call TP_SubmitOrder.

Permitted values are Fax or

OrderType Required 20

For premium domain(s), the exact

price for this domain must be
CustomerSuppliedPrice Optional declared in this parameter. Use the 8
PE_GetPremiumPricing command
to retrieve the price.

- 1291 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

The number of domain names to be
submitted on the order. This num-
DomainCount Required 4
ber must match the actual number
of names submitted.

Second-level domain name (for

SLDX X=1 to DomainCount Required 63
example, enom in enom.com)

TLDX Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

EPP TLDs Current (losing) regis-

AuthInfoX Required 20
trars authorization key

Set a domain access password on

DomainPassword Optional 16
the domain name

Set Lock=1 to turn on Regis-

Lock Optional 1
trarLock option

Set Renew=1 to turn on Auto-

Renew Optional 1
Renew option

Authorization string for automated

AuthString Optional transfer order entries (approved 100
accounts only)

Optional for Set UseContacts=1 to transfer

TLDs that do not existing Whois contacts with a
require extended domain that does not require exten-
UseContacts attributes; ded attributes. Set UseContacts=0 1
Required TLDs if you want to supply new contacts,
that require exten- or when the Registry is one that
ded attributes requires extended attributes.

Required for Extended attributes, required for

TLDs that use some country code TLDs. You can
ExtendedAttributes extended attrib- retrieve a list of required extended n/a
utes, when attributes for any TLD using the
UseContacts =0 GetExtAttributes command.

RegistrantAddress1 Required for Fax Registrant address 60

RegistrantAddress2 Required Fax Registrant additional address info 60

RegistrantCity Required for Fax Registrant city 60

- 1292 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

RegistrantCountry Required for Fax Registrant country 60

RegistrantEmailAddress Required for Fax Registrant email address 128

Registrant fax number. Required

format is +Coun-
tryCode.PhoneNumber, where
RegistrantFax Optional CountryCode and PhoneNumber 20
use only numeric characters and
the + is URLencoded as a plus sign
(%2B). .

RegistrantFirstName Required for Fax Registrant first name 60

RegistrantLastName Required for Fax Registrant last name 60

RegistrantJobTitle Optional Registrant job title 60

RegistrantOrganizationName Required for Fax Registrant organization 60

Registrant phone. Required format

is +CountryCode.PhoneNumber,
where CountryCode and
RegistrantPhone Required for Fax 20
PhoneNumber use only numeric
characters and the + is URLen-
coded as a plus sign (%2B). .

Required .org
names when you
RegistrantPostalCode supply new Registrant postal code 16
Registrant inform-

RegistrantStateProvince Optional Registrant state or province 60

Registrant state or province choice:

Optional S state 1
P province

UseCreditCard Optional for Permitted values are yes and no. 3

- 1293 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

The credit card supplied in this
query string is charged only if
resellers who use UseCreditCard=yes. If this param
our credit card is omitted or if UseCreditCard=no,
processing AND the account balance rather than the
want to charge credit card is debited for this trans-
this transaction action. This is true even if the query
to the credit card string includes all the Registrant
included in this contact and credit card information.
query string When you pass credit card inform-
ation with this command, you must
use the secure HTTPS protocol.

End users IP address. This is used

Required our CC in fraud checking, as part of our
EndUserIP 15
processing order processing service. Use

Credit card type. Permitted values

Required our CC
CardType are Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Dis- 20

Required our CC
CreditCardNumber Credit card number 128

Required our CC Expiration month of the credit card,

CreditCardExpMonth 2
processing in format MM

Required our CC Expiration year of the credit card, in

CreditCardExpYear 4
processing format YYYY

Required our CC
CVV2 Credit card verification code 4

Required our CC
CCName Cardholders name 60

Required our CC
CCAddress Credit card billing street address 60

Optional for our

CCCity Credit card billing city 60
CC processing

Optional for our

CCStateProvince Credit card billing state or province 40
CC processing

Credit card billing country. Two-

Required our CC
CCCountry character country code is a per- 40
mitted format

CCZip Required our CC Credit card billing postal code 60

- 1294 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size


Credit card billing phone. Required

format is +Coun-
tryCode.PhoneNumber, where
Optional for our
CCPhone CountryCode and PhoneNumber 20
CC processing
use only numeric characters and
the + is URL- encoded as a plus
sign (%2B).

Required our CC Amount to charge this credit card.

ChargeAmount 6
processing Required format is DD.cc

Format of response. Permitted val-

Optional in all
ResponseType ues are Text (default), HTML, or 4

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TransferOrderID Transfer order number.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 1295 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l Example of SLD and TLD params:
SLD1=first SLD
TLD1=first TLD
SLD2=second SLD
l Additional params for contact information can be passed by replacing Registrant in
the param names above with Tech, Admin or AuxBilling.
l If UseContacts is set =1 and contact information is passed in the URL, current
Whois contacts are transferred and preconfigured contacts (passed in the URL) are
l Automatic transfer of Whois information is available only for the largest registrars.
l An OrderType of Fax requires a signed fax to process the order, an OrderType of
Autoverification uses an electronic verification process to authorize and initiate the

The following query requests the creation of an autoverification transfer order, to transfer
domains resellerdocs2.net and resellerdocs3.info, and requests the response in XML

AuthInfo2=pkv7ihRb& domaincount=2&responsetype=xml

The response confirms the successful creation of transfer order 445413, and gives
details of the transfer:

- 1296 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<orderdate>7/29/2002 5:19:29 PM</orderdate>
<ordertypedesc>Auto Verification</ordertypedesc>
<statusdesc>Awaiting auto verification of transfer
<statusdesc>Awaiting auto verification of transfer
<Server>Dev Workstation</Server>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

- 1297 -
API Command Categories


Related commands
l PushDomain
l SynchAuthInfo
l TP_CancelOrder
l TP_GetDetailsByDomain
l TP_GetOrder
l TP_GetOrderDetail
l TP_GetOrderReview
l TP_GetOrdersByDomain
l TP_GetOrderStatuses
l TP_GetTLDInfo
l TP_ResendEmail
l TP_ResubmitLocked
l TP_SubmitOrder
l TP_UpdateOrderDetail
l UpdatePushList

Get transfer order information for a domain using sld.tld.
Use this command to retrieve status information on one domain name that is in the pro-
cess of transferring.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 1298 -
API Command Categories

On the Transfer Order Detail page, one row of the Domain Name table returns the same
information as one query using the TP_GetDetailsByDomain command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must be in a transfer order that belongs to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:
paramname=paramvalue &nextparamname=nextparamvalue

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Number of transfer orders that have been submitted for this

OrderIDX Transfer order detail number. Indexed X when Respon-

X=1 to OrderCount seType=Text or HTML.

The date the order was submitted. Indexed X when Respon-

seType=Text or HTML.

- 1299 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
TransferOrderDetail status ID -- a number that indicates the
StatusIDX status of this domain in the transfer process. See Notes.
Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or HTML.

TransferOrderDetail status descriptiona text description of the

StatusDescX status of this domain in the transfer process. See Notes.
Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or HTML.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l TransferOrderDetail StatusID is the status of this domain in the transfer process:
l 0=Transfer request created - awaiting fax

l 5=Transferred successfully

l 9=Awaiting auto verification of transfer request

l 10=Unable to retrieve current domain contacts from UWhois

l 11=Auto verification of transfer request initiated

l 12=Awaiting for auto transfer string validation

l 13=Domain awaiting transfer initiation

l 14=Domain transfer initiated and awaiting approval

l 15=Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from UWhois

l 16=Canceled - domain contacts did not respond to verification e-mail

l 17=Canceled - domain contacts did not approve transfer of domain

l 18=Canceled - domain validation string is invalid

l 19=Canceled - Whois information provided does not match current registrant

l 20=Canceled - Domain is currently not registered and cannot be transferrred

l 21=Canceled - Domain is already registered in account and cannot be trans-

l 22=Canceled - Domain is locked at current registrar

l 23=Canceled - Transfer already initiated for this domain

- 1300 -
API Command Categories

l 24=Canceled - Unable to transfer due to unknown error

l 25=Canceled - Transfer rejected by losing registrar
l 26=Canceled - Transfer authorization fax not received
l 27=Canceled by customer
l 28=Fax received - awaiting registrant verification
l 29=Awaiting manual fax verification
l 30=Canceled - Domain name is invalid or is Invalid for Transfers
l 35=Transfer request not yet submitted.

The following query requests transfer information for resellerdocs2.net, and requests the
response in XML format:


The response confirms that resellerdocs2.net is part of transfer order ID 445413, and
gives current status of that order:

<orderdate>9/27/2010 2:26:09 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - Invalid EPP/authorization key -
Please contact current registrar to obtain correct
<orderdate>9/27/2010 2:46:50 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - Invalid EPP/authorization key -
Please contact current registrar to obtain correct

- 1301 -
API Command Categories

<orderdate>9/27/2010 3:43:14 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - Invalid EPP/authorization key -
Please contact current registrar to obtain correct
<orderdate>9/27/2010 3:57:16 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - Invalid EPP/authorization key -
Please contact current registrar to obtain correct
<orderdate>9/27/2010 3:57:54 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - Invalid EPP/authorization key -
Please contact current registrar to obtain correct
<orderdate>9/27/2010 9:47:10 PM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - Invalid EPP/authorization key -
Please contact current registrar to obtain correct
<orderdate>11/3/2010 7:22:14 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - Invalid EPP/authorization key -
Please contact current registrar to obtain correct
<orderdate>11/3/2010 7:26:00 AM</orderdate>

- 1302 -
API Command Categories

<statusdesc>Canceled - Invalid EPP/authorization key -
Please contact current registrar to obtain correct
<orderdate>11/19/2010 9:47:07 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - Invalid EPP/authorization key -
Please contact current registrar to obtain correct
<orderdate>11/19/2010 9:47:40 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - Invalid EPP/authorization key -
Please contact current registrar to obtain correct
<orderdate>4/5/2011 9:23:37 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>8/3/2011 1:15:05 PM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>8/3/2011 1:15:33 PM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from

- 1303 -
API Command Categories

<orderdate>8/3/2011 1:17:35 PM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>8/3/2011 1:40:45 PM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>8/3/2011 1:45:08 PM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>9/7/2011 8:03:46 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>9/7/2011 8:05:15 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>9/7/2011 9:01:15 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from

- 1304 -
API Command Categories

<orderdate>9/7/2011 9:02:48 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>9/7/2011 10:20:20 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>9/7/2011 10:26:52 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>9/7/2011 10:49:52 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>9/7/2011 10:59:21 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>9/12/2011 3:43:07 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from

- 1305 -
API Command Categories

<orderdate>9/12/2011 6:05:53 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>9/12/2011 6:06:14 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>9/13/2011 1:06:08 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>9/13/2011 3:44:19 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>9/13/2011 6:55:03 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>9/13/2011 7:07:26 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from

- 1306 -
API Command Categories

<orderdate>9/13/2011 7:09:07 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>9/13/2011 7:10:44 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>9/13/2011 7:11:41 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>9/22/2011 2:39:45 AM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from
<orderdate>11/6/2011 10:02:01 PM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - domain contacts did not respond to
verification e-mail</statusdesc>
<orderdate>11/6/2011 10:02:12 PM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - domain contacts did not respond to
verification e-mail</statusdesc>

- 1307 -
API Command Categories

<orderdate>11/6/2011 10:02:39 PM</orderdate>
<statusdesc>Canceled - domain contacts did not respond to
verification e-mail</statusdesc>
<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 1:59:03 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l PushDomain
l TP_CancelOrder
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_GetOrder
l TP_GetOrderDetail
l TP_GetOrderReview
l TP_GetOrdersByDomain
l TP_GetOrderStatuses
l TP_ResendEmail
l TP_ResubmitLocked
l TP_SubmitOrder
l TP_UpdateOrderDetail
l UpdatePushList

- 1308 -
API Command Categories

Get a list of domains in a single transfer order.
Use this command to retrieve status information on each item in a transfer order.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the transfer a name page, clicking a link in the Transfer Order ID column calls the
TP_GetOrder command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The transfer order ID must be valid.
l The transfer order must have originated from this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 1309 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

Transfer order ID number. You can

TransferOrderID Required retrieve this number by calling the TP_ 10
GetOrderStatuses command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TransferOrderID Transfer order number

OrderDate Date the order was entered

OrderTypeID Type ID of order

OrderTypeDesc Type of order

StatusID Status ID of order. See Notes.

StatusDesc Status description of order. See Notes.

AuthAmount Charge amount for this order

TransferOrderDetailID Transfer order detail number

SLD Second-level domain name (for example, enom in enom.com)

TLD Top-level domain name (extension)

Price Cost of the name transfer

UseContacts Use original contacts or not

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 1310 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTMLor ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l TransferOrder StatusID:
l 0 Transfer request has been made

l 1 Fax has been received

l 2 Order canceled

l 3 Order complete

l 4 Processing

l 5 Order not submitted

l TransferOrderDetail StatusID:
l 0 Transfer request created - awaiting fax

l 1 WhoIs information matches

l 2 Canceled due to WhoIs error

l 3 Pending due to domain status

l 4 Canceled due to domain status

l 5 Transferred and paid successfully

l 6 Transfer incomplete - charge problem

l 7 Frozen due to charge problem

l 8 NSI rejected transfer

l 9 Awaiting auto verification of transfer request

l 10 Unable to retrieve current domain contacts from UWhois

l 11 Auto verification of transfer request initiated

l 12 Awaiting for auto transfer string validation

l 13 Domain awaiting transfer initiation

l 14 Domain transfer initiated and awaiting approval

l 15 Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from UWhois

l 16 Canceled - domain contacts did not respond to verification e-mail

l 17 Canceled - domain contacts did not approve transfer of domain

l 18 Canceled - domain validation string is invalid

l 19 Canceled - Whois information provided does not match current registrant

l 20 Canceled - Domain is currently not registered and cannot be transferred

l 21 Canceled - Domain is already registered in account and cannot be trans-

l 22 Canceled - Domain is locked at current registrar, or is not yet 60 days old

l 23 Canceled - Transfer already initiated for this domain

l 24 Canceled - Unable to transfer due to unknown error

l 25 Canceled - The current registrar has rejected transfer (please contact

them for details)

l 26 Canceled - Transfer authorization fax not received

l 27 Canceled by customer

- 1311 -
API Command Categories

l 28 Fax received - awaiting registrant verification

l 29 Awaiting manual fax verification
l 30 Canceled - Domain name is invalid or is Invalid for Transfers
l 31 Canceled - Domain is currently undergoing transfer by another Registrar
l 32 Canceled - Invalid EPP/authorization key - Please contact current regis-
trar to obtain correct key
l 33 Canceled - Cannot transfer domain from name-only account
l 34 Unable to complete transfer. Transfers must include a change in registrar.
l 35 Transfer request not yet submitted
l 36 Canceled - Account is not authorized to perform domain transfers
l 37 Canceled - Domain was not retagged or not retagged in time by losing
l 45 Order cancelled

The following query requests transfer information for transfer order ID 445413, and
requests the response in XML format:


The response provides information on transfer order ID 445413:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<orderdate>7/29/2002 5:19:29 PM</orderdate>
<ordertypedesc>Auto Verification</ordertypedesc>

- 1312 -
API Command Categories

<statusdesc>Awaiting auto verification of transfer
<statusdesc>Awaiting auto verification of transfer
<Server>Dev Workstation</Server>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l PushDomain
l TP_CancelOrder
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_GetDetailsByDomain
l TP_GetOrderDetail
l TP_GetOrderReview
l TP_GetOrdersByDomain
l TP_GetOrderStatuses
l TP_ResubmitLocked
l TP_SubmitOrder

- 1313 -
API Command Categories

l TP_UpdateOrderDetail
l UpdatePushList

Get information for a single domain on a transfer order.
Use this command to retrieve a long list of information on a single domain that is in the
process of transferring.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The transfer order detail ID must belong to a transfer order created under this
l Input parameters

Build the query string using this syntax:


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

- 1314 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Transfer order detail number returned by
TransferOrderDetailID Required 10
calling TP_GetOrder.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TransferOrderDetailID Transfer order detail number

SLD Second level name

TLD Top level name

Lock Lock status of the name

Renew Renew status of the name

DomainPassword Password to be set for the name

StatusID Status ID of this order. See Notes.

StatusDesc Status description of this order. See Notes.

Price Charge amount for this order

UseContacts Use original contacts or not

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 1315 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l TransferOrderDetail StatusID and StatusDesc:
l 0 Transfer request created - awaiting fax

l 1 WhoIs information matches

l 2 Canceled due to WhoIs error

l 3 Pending due to domain status

l 4 Canceled due to domain status

l 5 Transferred and paid successfully

l 6 Transfer incomplete - charge problem

l 7 Frozen due to charge problem

l 8 NSI rejected transfer

l 9 Awaiting auto verification of transfer request

l 10 Unable to retrieve current domain contacts from UWhois

l 11 Auto verification of transfer request initiated

l 12 Awaiting for auto transfer string validation

l 13 Domain awaiting transfer initiation

l 14 Domain transfer initiated and awaiting approval

l 15 Canceled - cannot obtain domain contacts from UWhois

l 16 Canceled - domain contacts did not respond to verification e-mail

l 17 Canceled - domain contacts did not approve transfer of domain

l 18 Canceled - domain validation string is invalid

l 19 Canceled - Whois information provided does not match current registrant

l 20 Canceled - Domain is currently not registered and cannot be transferred

l 21 Canceled - Domain is already registered in account and cannot be trans-

l 22 Canceled - Domain is locked at current registrar, or is not yet 60 days old

l 23 Canceled - Transfer already initiated for this domain

l 24 Canceled - Unable to transfer due to unknown error

l 25 Canceled - The current registrar has rejected transfer (please contact

them for details)

l 26 Canceled - Transfer authorization fax not received

l 27 Canceled by customer

l 28 Fax received - awaiting registrant verification

l 29 Awaiting manual fax verification

l 30 Canceled - Domain name is invalid or is Invalid for Transfers

l 31 Canceled - Domain is currently undergoing transfer by another Registrar

l 32 Canceled - Invalid EPP/authorization key - Please contact current regis-

trar to obtain correct key

l 33 Canceled - Cannot transfer domain from name-only account

l 34 Unable to complete transfer. Transfers must include a change in registrar.

l 35 Transfer request not yet submitted

l 36 Canceled - Account is not authorized to perform domain transfers

- 1316 -
API Command Categories

l 37 Canceled - Domain was not retagged or not retagged in time by losing

l 45 Order cancelled

The following query requests information on transfer order detail (one item in a transfer
order) ID 301770, and requests the response in XML format:


The response indicates that tranfer order detail ID 301770 is for the transfer of domain
resellerdocs2.net, and provides details of the order:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<domainpassword />
<statusdesc>Awaiting auto verification of transfer
<ordertype />

- 1317 -
API Command Categories

<BillingAddress1>111 Main Street</BillingAddress1>
<BillingAddress2 />
<BillingOrganizationName>Reseller Documents Inc.</BillingOr-
<BillingFullCountry>United States</BillingFullCountry>
<auxID />
<regID />
<Server>Dev Workstation</Server>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l PushDomain
l TP_CancelOrder
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_GetDetailsByDomain
l TP_GetOrder

- 1318 -
API Command Categories

l TP_GetOrderReview
l TP_GetOrdersByDomain
l TP_GetOrderStatuses
l TP_ResendEmail
l TP_ResubmitLocked
l TP_SubmitOrder
l TP_UpdateOrderDetail
l UpdatePushList

Retrieve information on a transfer order.
Use this command to retrieve information on a transfer order a request originated by
you to transfer a name into your account.
This command differs from the TP_GetOrderDetail command in that TP_GetOrderDetail
retrieves a larger set of information, including the status of the order and detailed contact
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The transfer order must have originated from this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1319 -
API Command Categories

paramname=paramvalue &nextparamname=nextparamvalue

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Order ID number that was returned when

you originated your transfer. You can
TransferOrderID Required 7
also retrieve this number using the TP_
GetOrderStatuses command.

OrderType Required Permitted value is Transfer 8

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TransferOrderID ID number of the transfer order

OrderType Type of the order

TransferOrderDetailID Transfer order detail ID number, from our records

SLD Second-level domain name (for example, enom in enom.com)

TLD Top-level domain name (extension)

Price that will be charged to this account if the transfer is suc-


Lock Registrar lock setting that was specified in the transfer order

Renew Auto-renew setting that was specifie d in the transfer order

DomainPassword Domain password, if one was specified in the transfer order

UseContacts Use this accounts default contacts

EPP Key associated with this domain. Some TLDs require this
code to authorize a transfer

RRProcessor RRProcessor we use

- 1320 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
TransferOrderDetailCount Number of domain names in this order

TransferTotalPrice Total charges if all domains in this order transfer successfully

Yes indicates we have not yet received the EPP key (author-
ization code) for at least one domain in this order. If you use the
TP_CreateOrder command to begin an order, then allow cus-
tomers to supply authorization codes on a separate page
before using TP_SubmitOrder, you would use this value to
determine whether to display the auth code page.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests details on transfer order 465681 and sends the response
in XML format:


The response is as follows:

- 1321 -
API Command Categories


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<domainpassword />
<authinfo />
<RRProcessor>Reseller Documents Inc.</RRProcessor>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

- 1322 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l PushDomain
l TP_CancelOrder
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_GetDetailsByDomain
l TP_GetOrder
l TP_GetOrderDetail
l TP_GetOrdersByDomain
l TP_GetOrderStatuses
l TP_ResubmitLocked
l TP_SubmitOrder
l TP_UpdateOrderDetail
l UpdatePushList

Retrieve transfer information for a domain name.
Use this command to list a history and status of transfer orders for a domain name.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

- 1323 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:
paramname=paramvalue &nextparamname=nextparamvalue

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Number of transfer orders that have been submitted for this

TransferOrderIDX Transfer order detail number. Indexed X when Respon-

X=1 to OrderCount seType=Text or HTML.

The account this transfer order is in. Indexed X when Respon-

seType=Text or HTML.

The date the order was submitted. Indexed X when Respon-

seType=Text or HTML.

Current status of the order. Indexed X when Respon-

seType=Text or HTML.

TransferOrder StatusID number. Options are:

0 New
1 Authorization Succeeded
StatusIDX 2 Authorization Failed
3 Processing
4 Order queued
5 Ready for Billing

- 1324 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
6 Order complete
7 Order canceled.
Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or HTML.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests transfer order information for domain name reseller-
docs2.net, and requests the response in XML format:


The response indicates that resellerdocs2.net is in transfer order ID 445413, initiated by

account resellid:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 1325 -
API Command Categories

<orderdate>7/29/2002 5:19:29 PM</orderdate>
<Server>Dev Workstation</Server>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands

l PushDomain
l TP_CancelOrder
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_GetDetailsByDomain
l TP_GetOrder
l TP_GetOrderDetail
l TP_GetOrderReview
l TP_GetOrderStatuses
l TP_ResubmitLocked
l TP_SubmitOrder
l TP_UpdateOrderDetail
l UpdatePushList


- 1326 -
API Command Categories

Get a list of orders including Closed for the last 6 months.

Use this command to list all transfer orders for an account ID.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the transfer a name page, the Click here to view existing transfer orders link calls the
TP_GetOrderStatuses command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:
command=nameofcommand& uid=yourloginid&pw=yourpassword&

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

IncludeClosedOrders Optional Set =1 to return closed orders in the list. 1

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1327 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TransferOrderID Transfer order number

OrderDate Date the order was entered

OrderTypeID Type ID of order

OrderTypeDesc Type of order

Status ID of transfer order. Options: 0 Transfer request has

StatusID been made 1 Fax has been received 2 Order canceled 3 Order
complete 4 Processing 5 Order not submitted

Status description of transfer order. See text descriptions of

statuses in StatusID parameter, above.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l The OrderIDs returned can be used to call functions to view or update transfer

The following query requests the status of all transfer orders by account resellid, and
requests the response in XML format:

- 1328 -
API Command Categories


The response lists the status of every transfer order placed by resellid. The complete out-
put for transfer order ID 445413 is included here; details of other orders are abridged:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<ordertypedesc>Auto Verification</ordertypedesc>
<Server>Dev Workstation</Server>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

- 1329 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l PushDomain
l TP_CancelOrder
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_GetDetailsByDomain
l TP_GetOrder
l TP_GetOrderDetail
l TP_GetOrderReview
l TP_GetOrdersByDomain
l TP_ResubmitLocked
l TP_SubmitOrder
l TP_UpdateOrderDetail
l UpdatePushList

Retrieve a list of information required for transferring domains, for each TLD.
Use this command to list the information that each Registry requires when domains are
A typical use for this command is administrative. When your customers submit transfer
requests, you can use this command to guide you in what is required for processing the
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

- 1330 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:
command =nameofcommand& uid=yourloginid&pw=yourpassword&
paramname=paramvalue &nextparamname=nextparamvalue

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Which subset of TLDs to return. Per-

mitted values are:
0 All TLDs
1 Transferable TLDs
QueryFlag Required 2 Transferable via auto-verification 1
3 Transferable via fax
4 Authorization key required for transfer
5 Lockable TLDs
6 Both lockable and transferable

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ID number for this TLD, used by our database. Indexed X when
ResponseType=Text or HTML.

Top-level domain name (extension). Indexed X when Respon-

seType=Text or HTML.

Registry protocol. Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or


Registry permits locking (user ability to prevent domain from

AbleToLockX being transfered without authorization). Indexed X when
ResponseType=Text or HTML.

Registry processes domain registrations in real time. Indexed

X when ResponseType=Text or HTML.

- 1331 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Is this TLD transferable. Indexed X when ResponseType=Text
or HTML.

Does this TLD require an authorization code for transfers?

Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or HTML.

Does this Registry permit transfers by auto-verification.

Indexed X when ResponseType=Text or HTML.

Does this Registry permit transfers by fax. Indexed X when

ResponseType=Text or HTML.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of TLDs that satisfy QueryFlag=6-TLDs that are both
lockable and transferable-and sends the response in XML format:


- 1332 -
API Command Categories

In the response, a list of TLDs and their characteristics, and an ErrCount value 0, confirm
that the query was successful:


- 1333 -
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- 1334 -
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- 1336 -
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- 1337 -
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- 1338 -
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- 1339 -
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- 1340 -
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- 1341 -
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- 1343 -
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- 1344 -
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- 1346 -
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- 1347 -
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- 1348 -
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- 1349 -
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<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 3:35:09 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l AddToCart
l TP_CancelOrder
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_GetOrderStatuses
l TP_SubmitOrder
l TP_UpdateOrderDetail

Resend the Domain Transfer Request authorization email. This is the email we send to
the WhoIs contact on record at the Registry, requesting their authorization to transfer the
domain name into the account specified in this query string.
Use this command to resend the Domain Transfer Request email for a transfer. You
would typically use this command when the owner who is losing the domain updates
their email address after we have sent an initial authorization email.

- 1350 -
API Command Categories

This command can only be used between the time we send an initial Domain Transfer
Request email, and the time we receive a response.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must be one that is transferring into this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:
command =nameofcommand& uid=yourloginid&pw=yourpassword&
paramname=paramvalue &nextparamname=nextparamvalue

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Login ID of the account that requested
UID Required 20
the transfer (the gaining account)

Password of the account that requested

PW Required 20
the transfer (the gaining account)

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required enom in enom.com) of the domain to be 63

Top-level domain name (extension) of

TLD Required 15
the domain to be transferred

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1351 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success True indicates the query was successful

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l If you are transferring a domain name between two of your own accounts at dif-
ferent registrars, you can reduce delays by updating your email address in the los-
ing account before you submit a transfer order.
l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query resends confirmation emails for the transfer of resellerdocs3.info,
and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a Success value of True indicates that the query was successful:

- 1352 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_GetDetailsByDomain
l TP_GetOrderDetail
l TP_GetOrdersByDomain
l TP_GetOrderStatuses
l TP_ResubmitLocked
l TP_SubmitOrder

Resubmit a request for a previously locked domain name.

- 1353 -
API Command Categories

Use this command after you have previously submitted a transfer request, received an
error message saying the domain was locked, and have had the registrant of the domain
unlock it. This command may also be used to resubmit a transfer that was rejected
because the domain was registered less than 60 days ago.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
On the Transfer order detail page, the Resubmit locked domain link (when it is present)
calls the TP_ResubmitLocked command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The transfer order detail ID must be valid.
l The transfer order detail ID must belong to a domain that previously failed to trans-
fer because it was locked.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:
command =nameofcommand& uid=yourloginid&pw=yourpassword&
paramname=paramvalue &nextparamname=nextparamvalue

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Transfer Order Detail ID. To retrieve this

TransferOrderDetailID Required 10
value, use the TP_GetOrder command.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1354 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TransferOrderID New Transfer Order ID

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

Previously, account resellid had requested that a domain be transferred into this
account, and received an e-mail stating that the transfer could not complete because the
domain was locked. The owner of account resellid contacted the owner of the domain
and had the lock removed. The following query resubmits the transfer request, and
requests the response in XML format:


The Success=True parameter value in the response, and the new TransferOrderID, con-
firm a successful request:

- 1355 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![ CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l PushDomain
l TP_CancelOrder
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_GetDetailsByDomain
l TP_GetOrder
l TP_GetOrderDetail
l TP_GetOrderReview
l TP_GetOrdersByDomain
l TP_GetOrderStatuses
l TP_ResendEmail
l TP_SubmitOrder
l TP_UpdateOrderDetail
l UpdatePushList

Submit a preconfigured transfer order.

- 1356 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to submit a transfer order that has been created and configured using
the TP_CreateOrder command, but not submitted. Domain names in this status appear
on the Pending orders page. When you pass credit card information with this command,
you must use the secure HTTPS protocol.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Enter a domain name and click Next.
On the Pending orders page, the submit button calls the TP_SubmitOrder command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l To use our credit card processing, this must be an ETP reseller account.
l The TransferOrderID must identify an order that has been successfully created but
not submitted.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Transfer order ID number. To retrieve this

TransferOrderID Required 10
value, use the

EndUserIP Required our CC End users IP address. This is used in 15

- 1357 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

fraud checking, as part of our order pro-
processing cessing service. Use format

Permitted values are yes. or no. The

credit card supplied in this query string is
Optional for charged only if UseCreditCard=yes. If
resellers who use this param is omitted or if UseCred-
our credit card pro- itCard=no , the account balance rather
cessing AND want than the credit card is debited for this
UseCreditCard 3
to charge this trans- transaction. This is true even if the query
action to the credit string includes all the Registrant contact
card included in and credit card information. When you
this query string pass credit card information with this
command, you must use the secure
HTTPS protocol.

Required our CC Credit card type. Permitted values are

CardType 20
processing Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover

Required our CC
CCName Cardholders name 60

Required our CC
CreditCardNumber Credit card number 128

Required our CC Expiration month of the credit card, in

CreditCardExpMonth 2
processing format MM

Required our CC Expiration year of the credit card, in

CreditCardExpYear 4
processing format YYYY

Required our CC
CVV2 Credit card verification code 4

Required our CC
CCName Cardholders name 60

Required our CC
CCAddress Credit card billing street address 60

Optional for our CC

CCCity Credit card billing city 60

Optional for our CC

CCStateProvince Credit card billing state or province 40

Required our CC Credit card billing country. Two-character

CCCountry 40
processing country code is a permitted format

CCZip Required our CC Credit card billing postal code 60

- 1358 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size


Credit card billing phone. Required

format is +CountryCode.PhoneNumber,
Optional for our CC
CCPhone where CountryCode and PhoneNumber 20
use only numeric characters and the + is
URL-encoded as a plus sign (%2B).

Required our CC Amount to charge this credit card.

ChargeAmount 6
processing Required format is DD.cc

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the
Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

Transfer order 445440 was created with command TP_CreateOrder, with parameter
PreConfig=1. With that parameter value, the order was created and atransfer order ID
was assigned, but the order was not submitted instantly. The following query uses the
transfer order ID to submit the preconfigured order, and sends the response in XML

- 1359 -
API Command Categories



In the response, the error count of 0 indicates that the order was submitted successfully:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Server>Dev Workstation</Server>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l PushDomain
l TP_CancelOrder
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_GetDetailsByDomain
l TP_GetOrder
l TP_GetOrderDetail
l TP_GetOrderReview
l TP_GetOrdersByDomain
l TP_GetOrderStatuses
l TP_GetTLDInfo
l TP_ResendEmail
l TP_ResubmitLocked
l TP_UpdateOrderDetail
l UpdatePushList

- 1360 -
API Command Categories

Update a preconfigured transfer order before submitting the order.
Use this command to configure registrar lock, auto-renew, domain password, or contact
information for a domain name that is in the process of being transferred to eNom.
This command is typically used after an order has been created using the TP_
CreateOrder command with the parameter PreConfig=1. Once the transfer order has
been configured using this command, the next step is typically to use the TP_Sub-
mitOrder command, which causes the transfer order to be processed.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Enter a domain name and click next.
On the Pending orders page, click the domain name.
In the Editing transfer order for domain name box, the check boxes set the parameter val-
ues for the TP_UpdateOrderDetail command, and the next button calls the command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The transfer order detail ID must be valid and must be part of an order created
under this account.
l The transfer order must be in a StatusID of 5 (Order not submitted).

- 1361 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Transfer order detail ID. Use the

TransferOrderDetailID Required TP_GetOrder command to retrieve 10
this value.

Optional; default Set registrar lock on the name. Per-

Lock 5
is True mitted values are True or False.

Optional; default Set auto-renew. Permitted values

Renew 5
is True are True or False.

Set a domain password on the

DomainPassword Optional 60

Remove all names from this order,.

DeleteOrderDetail Optional To remove all names, supply 3

RegistrantAddress1 Required Fax Registrant address 60

RegistrantAddress2 Optional Registrant additional address info 60

RegistrantCity Required Fax Registrant city 60

RegistrantCountry Required Fax Registrant country 60

Required Fax
orders and for
RegistrantEmailAddress Registrant email address 128
.org names for
which you are
supplying new

- 1362 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size


Registrant fax number. Required

format is +Coun-
tryCode.PhoneNumber, where
RegistrantFax Optional CountryCode and PhoneNumber 20
use only numeric characters and the
+ is URL-encoded as a plus sign
(%2B). .

RegistrantFirstName Required Fax Registrant first name 60

RegistrantLastName Required Fax Registrant last name 60

RegistrantJobTitle Optional Registrant job title 60

RegistrantOrganizationName Required Fax Registrant organization 60

Registrant phone. Required format

is +CountryCode.PhoneNumber,
where CountryCode and
RegistrantPhone Required Fax 20
PhoneNumber use only numeric
characters and the + is URLen-
coded as a plus sign (%2B). .

RegistrantPostalCode Optional Registrant postal code 16

RegistrantStateProvince Optional Registrant state or province 60

Registrant state or province choice:

Optional S state 1
P province

Set =1 to transfer existing Whois

contacts when the transfer is com-
plete. If you supply UseContacts=0
Optional; default
UseContacts for a domain that has extended 1
is 0
attributes, you must supply contact
information and extended attributes
before submitting the transfer order.

Required Extended attributes, required for

ExtendedAttributes TLDs that use some country code TLDs. You can n/a
extended attrib- retrieve a list of required extended

- 1363 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

utes, when attributes for any TLD using the
UseContacts=0 GetExtAttributes command.

If set =none then Billing contact will

RegistrantUseContact Optional be used, otherwise Registrant con- 3
tact data must be submitted

Tech* Optional Technical contact data. See Note. *

If set =none then no contact will be

TechUseContact Optional used, otherwise Tech contact data 3
must be submitted.

Auxiliary Billing contact data. See

AuxBilling* Optional *

If set =none then no contact will be

AuxBillingUseContact Optional used, otherwise Auxbilling contact 3
data must be submitted.

Format of response. Permitted val-

ResponseType Optional ues are Text (default), HTML, or 4

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TransferOrderDetailID Transfer order detail number

SLD Second-level domain name

TLD Top-level domain name

lock Registrar lock status

renew Auto-renew status

domainpassword Password to set for the domain name

statusid Status ID of the order

statusdesc Description of the status

price Transfer price

usecontacts Use the current contacts flag

Registrant* Registrant contact data

- 1364 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
AuxBilling* Auxilliary Billing contact data

Tech* Technical contact data

Admin* Administrative contact data

Billing* Billing contact data

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed.
l The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.
l To update Technical or Auxilliary Billing contacts submit the contact data by repla-
cing Registrant* param names with Tech* or AuxBilling* param names.

The following query requests that for transfer order detail ID 301770, the registrar lock
and automatic renew options both be set to On. It also instructs that contact information
should remain unchanged, and requests the response in XML format:


- 1365 -
API Command Categories

The response indicates the successful setting of the registrar lock and automatic renew

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<domainpassword />
<statusdesc>Unable to retrieve current domain contacts from
<ordertype />
<RegistrantAddress1>111 Main Street</RegistrantAddress1>
<RegistrantAddress2 />
<RegistrantOrganizationName>Reseller Documents Inc.</Re-

- 1366 -
API Command Categories

<BillingAddress1>111 Main Street</BillingAddress1>
<BillingAddress2 />
<BillingOrganizationName>Reseller Documents Inc.</BillingOr-
<BillingFullCountry>United States</BillingFullCountry>
<auxID />
<Server>Dev Workstation</Server>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

- 1367 -
API Command Categories

Related commands

l PushDomain
l TP_CancelOrder
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_GetDetailsByDomain
l TP_GetOrder
l TP_GetOrderDetail
l TP_GetOrderReview
l TP_GetOrdersByDomain
l TP_GetOrderStatuses
l TP_GetTLDInfo
l TP_ResubmitLocked
l TP_SubmitOrder
l UpdatePushList

Set the Auto Renew flag for a Trust Seal subscription.
Use this command to set the Auto Renew flag for a Trust Seal subscription.
In the eNom web site, we only display the Auto Renew setting for subscriptions in status
Service Active, but our API allows you to set the Auto Renew flag at any time.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
For any Trust Seal subscription with status Service Active, click the link in the Domain
column. The current Auto Renew setting displays, and the Save Changes button
launches the TS_AutoRenew command.

- 1368 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Trust Seal subscription must belong to this login ID.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number of the Trust Seal

subscription for which you want to set
TSID Required the Auto Renew flag. To retrieve TSID 8
numbers, use the TS_GetAccounts com-

Setting to apply to the Auto Renew flag

for this Trust Seal subscription. Per-
Optional; default is mitted values are:
AutoRenew 5
True True Automatically renew this sub-
False Allow this subscription to expire

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Identification number for the Trust Seal subscription being set
with this query string

- 1369 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
New setting for the Auto Renew flag for this Trust Seal sub-

Success Success status of this query string

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query turns off the Auto Renew flag for a Trust Seal subscription, and
sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a Success value True indicates that the query was successful:


- 1370 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 4:06:12 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l TS_Configure
l TS_GetAccountDetail
l TS_GetAccounts

Configure a VeriSign Trust Seal account.
Use this command to configure a Verisign Trust Seal subscription after initial purchase.
When the user submits this configuration, VeriSign performs two checks before issuing a
Trust Seal: an identity verification, then an initial malware scan.

- 1371 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Click any Awaiting Configuration link. On the configuration page, the Submit for
Approval button calls the TS_Configure command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The VeriSign Trust Seal account must belong to this login ID.
l VeriSign will only allow one Trust Seal to be associated with a domain.
l Trust Seal is available for any domain name; the domain does not need to be
registered or hosted with us.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Our product identification num-

ProdType Required ber. For Trust Seal, the permitted 3
value is 185

Identification number for the

Trust Seal subscription to be con-
TSID Required figured. To retrieve this value, 8
use the TS_GetAccounts com-

- 1372 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Domain name. Permitted input
format includes the range from
sld.tld to a complete URL. Ver-
Domain Required iSign reduces all inputs to sld.tld 128
and applies the Trust Seal to all
URLs that include this domain

Permitted values are Individual

UserType Required 12
and Organization

Is this configuration ready to sub-

mit to VeriSign for their veri-
SubmitApproval Optional 5
fication. Permitted values are
True or False

Required Organization name of the admin-

AdminOrgName UserType=Organization istrative contact for this Trust 60
Seal subscription

Job title of the administrative con-

AdminJobTitle Required tact for this Trust Seal sub- 60

First (given) name of the admin-

AdminFName Required istrative contact for this Trust 60
Seal subscription

Last (family) name of the admin-

AdminLName Required istrative contact for this Trust 60
Seal subscription

Address of the administrative con-

AdminAddress1 Required tact for this Trust Seal sub- 60

Second line (if needed) of the

AdminAddress2 Optional administrative contact for this 60
Trust Seal subscription

City of the administrative contact

AdminCity Required 60
for this Trust Seal subscription

Is this contact address in a state

or province. Permitted values
Required are: 1
S State
P Province

State or province of the admin-

AdminStateProvince Required 20
istrative contact for this Trust

- 1373 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Seal subscription

Postal code of the administrative

AdminPostalCode Required contact for this Trust Seal sub- 15

Country of the administrative con-

tact for this Trust Seal sub-
scription. Two-letter country code
AdminCountry Required 15
is a permitted format. If User-
Type=Individual, AdminCountry
must be US

Phone number of the admin-

istrative contact for this Trust
Seal subscription. Required
format is +Coun-
AdminPhone Required tryCode.PhoneNumber, where 20
CountryCode and PhoneNumber
use only numeric characters and
the + is URL-encoded as a plus
sign (%2B).

Phone extension of the admin-

AdminPhoneExt Optional istrative contact for this Trust 10
Seal subscription

Fax number of the administrative

contact for this Trust Seal sub-
scription. Required format is
AdminFax Optional 20
where CountryCode and
PhoneNumber use only numeric
characters and the + is URL-
encoded as a plus sign (%2B).

Email address of the admin-

AdminEmailAddress Required istrative contact for this Trust 128
Seal subscription

Organization name of the tech-

TechOrgName Required nical contact for this Trust Seal 60

Job title of the technical contact

TechJobTitle Required 60
for this Trust Seal subscription

First (given) name of the tech-

TechFName Required nical contact for this Trust Seal 60

- 1374 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Last (family) name of the tech-
TechLName Required nical contact for this Trust Seal 60

Address of the technical contact

TechAddress1 Required 60
for this Trust Seal subscription

Second line of the address (if

TechAddress2 Optional needed) of the technical contact 60
for this Trust Seal subscription

City of the technical contact for

TechCity Required 60
this Trust Seal subscription

Does the technical contact for

this Trust Seal subscription live
in a state or a province. Permitted
TechStateProvinceChoice Required 1
values are:
S for state
P for province

Province of the technical contact

TechStateProvince Required 20
for this Trust Seal subscription

Postal code of the technical con-

TechPostalCode Required tact for this Trust Seal sub- 15

Country of the technical contact

TechCountry Required 15
for this Trust Seal subscription

Phone number of the technical

contact for this Trust Seal sub-
scription. Required format is
TechPhone Required 20
where CountryCode and
PhoneNumber use only numeric
characters and the + is URL-
encoded as a plus sign (%2B).

Phone extension of the technical

TechPhoneExt Optional contact for this Trust Seal sub- 10

Fax number of the technical con-

tact for this Trust Seal sub-
scription. Required format is
TechFax Optional 20
where CountryCode and
PhoneNumber use only numeric

- 1375 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

characters and the + is URL-
encoded as a plus sign (%2B).

Email address of the technical

TechEmailAddress Required contact for this Trust Seal sub- 128

Format of response. Permitted

ResponseType Optional values are Text (default), HTML, 4
or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TSID Identification number for this Trust Seal subscription

Domain Domain name associated with this Trust Seal subscription

UserType User type assigned to this Trust Seal subscription

Status of submitting this Trust Seal configuration to our data-

Status base without errors(whether or not this query string instructs us
to submit to VeriSign for their verification process)

If this configuration contains errors, this node describes the


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1376 -
API Command Categories

The following query configures a Trust Seal subscription and submits it to VeriSign for
verification, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a Status value true indicates that the query was successful:

<Detail>Missing or Invalid Field: PartnerOrderID</Detail>

- 1377 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 4:08:45 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l TS_AutoRenew
l TS_GetAccountDetail
l TS_GetAccounts

Retrieve detailed information for one VeriSign Trust Seal account.
Use this command to retrieve information for one Verisign Trust Seal subscription.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
When you click a link in the Domains column, TS_GetAccountDetail populates the detail

- 1378 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Trust Seal account must belong to this login ID.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Identification number for this VeriSign

Trust Seal subscription. To retrieve TSID
TSID Required 8
values, use the TS_GetAccounts com-

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Identification number for the Trust Seal subscription covered in
this response

Domain Domain name associated with this Trust Seal

UserType User type associated with this Trust Seal

ProdDesc Product description for this Trust Seal

Status Status of this Trust Seal

- 1379 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Expiration Expiration date of this Trust Seal

AutoRenew Auto Renew setting of this Trust Seal

BillingCycle Billing cycle for this Trust Seal subscription

Price Price for this Trust Seal subscription

When Status=Service Active, this node returns the Trust Seal

script, which can be placed as-is in the Web pages of the site.

Success Success status of this query

OrderState Message from VeriSign if verification fails

Our database identification number for this Administrative or

Technical contact

Organization Organization name configured for this contact

JobTitle Job title configured for this contact

FirstName First name configured for this contact

LastName Last name configured for this contact

Address1 Address configured for this contact

Address2 Address second line configured for this contact

City City configured for this contact

StateProvinceChoice State or Province choice (S or P) configured for this contact

StateProvince State or province configured for this contact

PostalCode Postal code configured for this contact

Country Country configured for this contact

Phone Phone number configured for this contact

Fax Fax number configured for this contact

EmailAddress Email address configured for this contact

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

- 1380 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.


The following query retrieves details for a Trust Seal subscription and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, a Success status True, and details for this Trust Seal subscription, indic-
ate that the query was successful:

<ProdDesc>Symantec Safe Site</ProdDesc>
<Status>Pending Verification</Status>
<Expiration>7/8/2013 2:07:48 PM</Expiration>

- 1381 -
API Command Categories

<RenewalStatus>Not Available for Renewal</RenewalStatus>
<OrderState>Order is ready to be vetted. Orders can be in
this state for
as much as several days.</OrderState>
<Address1>100 Main</Address1>
<Address1>100 Main</Address1>

- 1382 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 4:10:14 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l TS_AutoRenew
l TS_Configure
l TS_GetAccounts

Retrieve a list of Verisign Trust Seal subscriptions for this login ID.
Use this command to retrieve a list of Verisign Trust Seal subscriptions for this login ID.

- 1383 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The TS_GetAccounts command populates this list.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Product identification number. Permitted

ProdType Required 3
value is 185 for VeriSign Trust Seal

Filter to return VeriSign Trust Seal sub-

scriptions in this state. Permitted values
Service Active
Awaiting Configuration
Optional; default is
Status Pending Verification 42
Verification Failed - Malware Scan Fail-
Verification Failed - Service Canceled
Service Canceled
Service Renewed
Service Expired

- 1384 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Return results beginning with this pos-
ition in the sorted list. For example,
Optional; default is
StartPosition StartPosition=26&RecordsToReturn=25 8
returns accounts 26 through 50 in the sor-
ted list

Number of accounts to return in this

Optional; default is
RecordsToReturn response. Maximum permitted value is 3

Sorting parameter. Permitted values are:

Optional; default is Domain
SortBy 10
Domain Status

Sort order. Permitted values are:

Optional; default is
Ascending 1 Ascending 1
0 Descending

Format of response. Permitted values are

ResponseType Optional 4
Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TSID Identification number for this VeriSign Trust Seal subscription

Domain name with which this Trust Seal subscription is asso-


In the response for an individual subscription, the product type

identification number of this subscription

Identification number for the order in which this Trust Seal sub-
scription was purchased

In the response for an individual subscription, the status of this


AutoRenew Auto renew setting of this Trust Seal subscription

For new subscriptions, this is the deadline for activating this

subscription. For activated subscriptions, this is the expiration
date for the subscription. Once purchased, the customer has a
year to activate

- 1385 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
ProdType In the summary for this list, the product type filter for the list

Status In the summary for this list, the status filter for the list

In the overall sorted list, the start position of the Trust Seal sub-
scriptions included in this response

RecordsToReturn Number of Trust Seal subscriptions listed in this response

SortBy Sorting parameter for this response

Sort order for this response. 1 indicates ascending order; 0

indicates descending order

TotalAccounts Number of Trust Seal subscriptions belonging to this login ID

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-



l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the VeriSign Trust Seal subscriptions associated with a
login ID, and sends the response in XML format:

- 1386 -
API Command Categories


In the response, the presence of a Status node and an ErrCount value of 0 indicate that
the query was successful:

<Status>Awaiting Configuration</Status>
<Expiration>7/8/2011 3:17 PM</Expiration>
<RenewalStatus>Not Available for Renewal</RenewalStatus>
<Status>Awaiting Configuration</Status>
<Expiration>7/8/2013 3:47 PM</Expiration>
<RenewalStatus>Not Available for Renewal</RenewalStatus>

- 1387 -
API Command Categories

<Status>Awaiting Configuration</Status>
<Expiration>7/8/2013 3:47 PM</Expiration>
<RenewalStatus>Not Available for Renewal</RenewalStatus>
<Status>Awaiting Configuration</Status>
<Expiration>7/8/2013 3:47 PM</Expiration>
<RenewalStatus>Not Available for Renewal</RenewalStatus>
<Status>Pending Verification</Status>
<Expiration>6/28/2011 5:10 PM</Expiration>
<RenewalStatus>Not Available for Renewal</RenewalStatus>

- 1388 -
API Command Categories

<Status>Service Expired</Status>
<Expiration>7/8/2011 12:39 PM</Expiration>
<RenewalStatus>Available for Renewal</RenewalStatus>
<OriginalFulfillmentDate>7/9/2010 12:00 AM</Ori-
<Status>Service Expired</Status>
<Expiration>7/8/2011 1:11 PM</Expiration>
<RenewalStatus>Available for Renewal</RenewalStatus>
<OriginalFulfillmentDate>7/9/2010 12:00 AM</Ori-
<Status>Service Canceled</Status>
<Expiration>7/2/2011 3:09 PM</Expiration>
<RenewalStatus>Not Available for Renewal</RenewalStatus>

- 1389 -
API Command Categories

<Status>Pending Verification</Status>
<Expiration>7/8/2013 2:07 PM</Expiration>
<RenewalStatus>Not Available for Renewal</RenewalStatus>
<Status>Awaiting Configuration</Status>
<Expiration>7/8/2013 2:35 PM</Expiration>
<RenewalStatus>Not Available for Renewal</RenewalStatus>

- 1390 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 4:11:57 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l TS_AutoRenew
l TS_Configure
l TS_GetAccountDetail

Update a variety of account information, for this account or a retail subaccount.
Use this command to update Billing contact information for this account.
Use this command to change the password or authorization question for a retail sub-
Use this command to update credit card information for this account or a retail sub-
When you pass credit card information with this command, you must use the secure
HTTPS protocol.
To add funds to a reseller account, use the RefillAccount command.
All resellers have access to this command.

- 1391 -
API Command Categories

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the my info page, the save changes button calls the UpdateAccountInfo command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The account identified in the UID parameter must be a reseller account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description
UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Retail subaccount login ID. Per-

Required for changing
mitted format is alphanumeric char-
NewUID the password of a retail 20
acters. Must be unique in our

Desired password for the retail sub-

Required for changing account for the future. Permitted
NewPW the password of a retail values are 6 to 20 alphanumeric 20
subaccount characters and symbols. Not per-
mitted: space, #, %, &

Required for changing

Confirm desired password for the
ConfirmNewPW the password of a retail 20
retail subaccount for the future

AuthQuestionType Required Nature of the question used for 10

- 1392 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description
identity verification. Permitted val-
ues are:
smaiden mothers maiden name
sbirth city of birth
ssocial last 4 digits of SSN
shigh high school
fteach favorite teacher
fvspot favorite vacation spot
fpet favorite pet
fmovie favorite movie
fbook favorite book

The answer to the question type

(mother's maiden name, city of
AuthQuestionAnswer Required 50
birth, last 4 digits of social security
or high school)

Account ID of the account to be

Account Optional 11

Required for us to
RegistrantOrganizationName apply the Web site Registrant organization 60

Optional overall, but

Required if we bill your
URL of the domain registration
WebSiteURL customers for domain 150
Web site, for billing purposes
renewals and other ser-

RegistrantFirstName Required Registrant first name 60

RegistrantLastName Required Registrant last name 60

Required if Regis-
RegistrantJobTitle trantOrganization Registrant job title 60
Name is supplied

RegistrantAddress1 Required Registrant Address 60

RegistrantAddress2 Optional Registrant additional address info 60

RegistrantCity Required Registrant city 60

Registrant state or province

RegistrantStateProvinceChoice choice:
Required 1
S state
P province

- 1393 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description
RegistrantStateProvince Required Registrant state or province 60

RegistrantPostalCode Optional Registrant postal code 16

RegistrantCountry Optional Registrant country 60

RegistrantEmailAddress Required Email address for WhoIs 128

Email address for us to contact to

Optional you about your domain name 128

Registrant phone. Required format

is +CountryCode.PhoneNumber,
where CountryCode and
RegistrantPhone Required 17
PhoneNumber use only numeric
characters and the + is URL-
encoded as a plus sign (%2B). .

Registrant fax number. Required

format is +Coun-
Required if Regis- tryCode.PhoneNumber, where
RegistrantFax trantOrganization CountryCode and PhoneNumber 17
Name is supplied use only numeric characters and
the + is URL-encoded as a plus
sign (%2B) . .

Type of credit card

Required if updating
When you pass credit card inform-
CardType credit card information 20
ation with this command, you pro-
of a retail account

Required if updating
CCName credit card information Cardholder's name 60
of a retail account

Required if updating
CreditCardNumber credit card information Customer's credit card number 128
of a retail account

Required if updating
CreditCardExpMonth credit card information Credit card expiration month 2
of a retail account

Required if updating
CreditCardExpYear credit card information Credit card expiration year 4
of a retail account

Required if updating
CVV2 Credit card verification code 4
credit card information

- 1394 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description
of a retail account

Required if updating
CCAddress credit card information Credit card billing address 60
of a retail account

Optional if updating
CCCity credit card information Credit card billing city 60
of a retail account

Optional if updating
CCStateProvince credit card information Credit card billing state or province 40
of a retail account

Required if updating
CCZip credit card information Credit card billing postal code 15
of a retail account

Required if updating
CCCountry credit card information Credit card billing country 60
of a retail account

Format of response. Permitted val-

ResponseType Optional ues are Text (default), HTML, or 4

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as-is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 1395 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query updates account information: password, authorization question, or
contact information. The query requests the response in XML format:


The response confirms the Successful update of account information:


<OrganizationName>Reseller Documents Inc.</Or-
<Address1>111 Main St.</Address1>

- 1396 -
API Command Categories

<Err1>Only retail subaccounts can be modified by the parent
<ResponseString>Validation error; unauthorized; sub account

- 1397 -
API Command Categories

<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 4:13:13 AM</RequestDateTime>

Related commands
l CheckLogin
l CreateAccount
l CreateSubAccount
l GetAccountInfo
l GetAccountPassword
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetCustomerPaymentInfo
l GetOrderDetail
l GetOrderList
l GetReport
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts
l GetTransHistory
l UpdateCusPreferences

Set wholesale prices for a subaccount.

- 1398 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to set the wholesale prices that one subaccount pays you for each
To set retail prices for consumers who buy directly from this account, use PE_SetPricing.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Click any subaccounts LoginID to see the wholesale prices you charge them; the values
can be reset with UpdateAccountPricing.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The subaccount named with LoginID or Account parameters must be a subaccount
of the account named in the uid and pw parameters.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Subaccount login ID (use GetAc-

LoginID Optional 20
countInfo subaccount login ID)

Subaccount ID number (use GetAc-

Account Required 11
countInfo subaccount ID number; format

- 1399 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

is NNN-aa-NNNN)

Type of this subaccount. Permitted val-

AcctType Required ues are reseller and retail. To retrieve sub- 8
account types, use the

For example, comprice=44.95 sets the

Optional name, in
TLDprice price of registering a .com name to 5000.00
DD.cc format.

Price for renewing a domain name, in

TLDrenew Optional 5000.00
DD.cc format

Price for transferring a domain name and

TLDtransfer Optional extending its expiration date by one year, 5000.00
in DD.cc format

Price for one year of DNS hosting, in

DNSHosting Optional 5000.00
DD.cc format

email service from the .name Registry, in

DotNameBundle Optional 5000.00
DD.cc format

Price for one year of Whois Privacy Pro-

WPPS Optional 5000.00
tection Service, in DD.cc format

Optional Essential certificate, in DD.cc format 5000.00

Certificate-Comodo- Price for a one-year Comodo Instant cer-

Optional 5000.00
Instant tificate, in DD.cc format

Certificate-Comodo- Price for a one-year Comodo Essential

Optional 5000.00
Essential-Wildcard Wildcard certificate, in DD.cc format

Certificate-Comodo- Price for a one-year Comodo Premium

Optional 5000.00
Premium-Wildcard Wildcard certificate, in DD.cc format

Price for a one-year Comodo EV cer-

Certificate-Comodo-EV Optional 5000.00
tificate, in DD.cc format

Price for a one-year Comodo EV SGC

Optional (server-gated cryptography) certificate, 5000.00
in DD.cc format

Certificate-GeoTrust- Price for a one-year GeoTrust QuickSSL

Optional 5000.00
QuickSSL certificate, in DD.cc format

Price for a one-year GeoTrust QuickSSL

Optional Premium SSL certificate, in DD.cc 5000.00

- 1400 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Certificate-GeoTrust- Price for a one-year GeoTrust True Busi-
Optional 5000.00
TrueBizID nessID SSL certificate, in DD.cc format

Price for a one-year GeoTrust True Busi-

Optional nessID Wildcard SSL certificate, in 5000.00
DD.cc format

Price for a one-year GeoTrust True Busi-

Optional nessID with EV SSL certificate, in 5000.00
DD.cc format

Certificate-RapidSSL- Price for a one-year RapidSSL cer-

Optional 5000.00
RapidSSL tificate, in DD.cc format

Certificate-VeriSign- Price for a one-year VeriSign Secure Site

Optional 5000.00
Secure-Site SSL certificate, in DD.cc format

Certificate-VeriSign- Price for a one-year VeriSign Secure Site

Optional 5000.00
Secure-Site-Pro Pro SSL certificate, in DD.cc format

Certificate-VeriSign- Price for a one-year VeriSign Secure Site

Optional 5000.00
Secure-Site-EV EV SSL certificate, in DD.cc format

Certificate-VeriSign- Price for a one-year VeriSign Secure Site

Optional 5000.00
Secure-Site-Pro-EV Pro EV SSL certificate, in DD.cc format

Price for a one-year subscription to

TRUSTe Privacy Policy, in DD.cc
format. Use this parameter if you want to
PrivacyPolicy Optional offer only a single price point for Privacy 5000.00
Policy. Use the -Yr1, -Yr2, and -Yr3 para-
meters below if you want to set different
rates for durations

Price for a one-year subscription to

PrivacyPolicy-Yr1 Optional TRUSTe Privacy Policy, in DD.cc 5000.00

Price per year when customer purchases

PrivacyPolicy-Yr2 Optional a two-year subscription to TRUSTe Pri- 5000.00
vacy Policy, in DD.cc format

Price per year when customer purchases

PrivacyPolicy-Yr3 Optional a three-year subscription to TRUSTe Pri- 5000.00
vacy Policy, in DD.cc format

Price per year for renewal of TRUSTe Pri-

PrivacyPolicy-Renewal Optional 5000.00
vacy Policy, in DD.cc format

Price for a one-year subscription to

PrivacyPolicySeal Optional TRUSTe Privacy Policy with Seal, in 5000.00

- 1401 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

DD.cc format. Use this parameter if you
want to offer only a single price point for
Privacy Policy with Seal. Use the -Yr1, -
Yr2, and -Yr3 parameters below if you
want to set different rates for different
subscription durations

Price for a one-year subscription to

PrivacyPolicySeal-Yr1 Optional TRUSTe Privacy Policy with Seal, in 5000.00
DD.cc format

Price per year when customer purchases

PrivacyPolicySeal-Yr2 Optional a two-year subscription to TRUSTe Pri- 5000.00
vacy Policy with Seal, in DD.cc format

Price per year when customer purchases

PrivacyPolicySeal-Yr3 Optional a three-year subscription to TRUSTe Pri- 5000.00
vacy Policy with Seal, in DD.cc format

PrivacyPolicySeal- Price per year for renewal of TRUSTe Pri-

Optional 5000.00
Renewal vacy Policy with Seal, in DD.cc format

Seal-VeriSign-Trust- Price per month for VeriSign Trust Seal,

Optional 5000.00
Seal in DD.cc format

Price per year for Business Listing, in

WBL Optional 5000.00
DD.cc format

Price per month for RichContent, regard-

less of the billing cycle the customer
chooses. Use this single value if you
want a single price point for all billing
RichContent Optional 5000.00
cycles, or use all four other parameters if
you want to offer your subaccounts a
price reduction for longer billing cycles.
Permitted values are in DD.cc format

Price per month for RichContent, when

RichContent-Mo1 Optional the customer chooses a 1-month billing 5000.00
cycle, in DD.cc format

Price per month for RichContent, when

RichContent-Mo3 Optional the customer chooses a 3- month billing 5000.00
cycle, in DD.cc format

Price per month for RichContent, when

RichContent-Mo6 Optional the customer chooses a 6-month billing 5000.00
cycle, in DD.cc format

Price per month for RichContent, when

RichContent-Mo12 Optional 5000.00
the customer chooses a 12-month billing

- 1402 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

cycle, in DD.cc format

Price for a 10-pak of POP3 mailboxes, in

POP3 Optional 5000.00
DD.cc format

Price of email forwarding, in DD.cc

45_valueadd Optional 5000.00

Price of URL forwarding, in DD.cc

47_valueadd Optional 5000.00

Price for a 1-year subscription to Instant

Reseller. Use this single value if you
want a single price point for all pur-
chases, or use all three yearly para-
InstantReseller Optional 5000.00
meters, below, if you want to offer your
subaccounts a price reduction for longer
subscriptions. Permitted values are in
DD.cc format

Price for a 1-year subscription to Instant

InstantReseller-Yr1 Optional 5000.00
Reseller, in DD.cc format

Price per year for a 2-year subscription to

InstantReseller-Yr2 Optional 5000.00
Instant Reseller, in DD.cc format

Price per year for a 3-year subscription to

InstantReseller-Yr3 Optional 5000.00
Instant Reseller, in DD.cc format

Price for WebSite Creator Basic pack-

WSCBasic Optional 5000.00
age, in DD.cc format

Price for WebSite Creator Full package,

WSCFull Optional 5000.00
in DD.cc format

Price for WebSite Creator eCommerce

WSCEcommerce Optional 5000.00
package, in DD.cc format

Price per month for goMobi, when cus-

goMobi-Mo1 Optional tomer chooses a 1- month billing cycle, 5000.00
in DD.cc format

Price per month for goMobi, when cus-

goMobi-Mo12 Optional tomer chooses a 12- month billing cycle, 5000.00
in DD.cc format

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1403 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Account Subaccount ID

AccountType Subaccount type

Count Number of prices modified

Status Success status for this query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0, check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.


The following query sets prices for several products. It requests the response in XML


- 1404 -
API Command Categories

The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands

l PE_GetCustomerPricing
l PE_GetDomainPricing
l PE_GetResellerPrice
l PE_GetRetailPrice
l PE_GetRetailPricing
l PE_GetRocketPrice
l PE_SetPricing
l SetResellerServicesPricing
l SetResellerTLDPricing
l WSC_GetPricing

- 1405 -
API Command Categories

Update items in the shopping cart.
Use this command to activate or deactivate a shopping cart item or to change its quant-
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the cart page, changing an item from OldItemStatus=A (active) to ItemStatus=I (inact-
ive) clears the check box in the select column.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The item must be in the customers shopping cart.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 1406 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

Input value is the six-digit cart item ID.

ItemIDX(X=1 to Num-
Required Retrieve this number using the 10
GetCartContent command.

New status of the item. Permitted values

are on to make the status active, off to
ItemStatusX Optional make it inactive. Items set to status on 3
are subject to the next operation you per-
form on the cart.

ItemQtyX Required New quantity for the item 4

Renewal setting for the item. Permitted

values are on to auto-renew, none for an
RenewX Optional item that is not renewable. If RenewX is 4
not supplied, item is set to not auto-

Toggle all to status I (Inact-

ClearItems Optional 3
ive). Permitted value is Yes.

Toggle all to status A (Act-

ActivateItems Optional 3
ive). Permitted value is Yes.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 1407 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0, the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise, process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests that item 365690 be moved from active (A) to inactive (I)
status, and requests the response in XML format:


In the response, an ErrCount value 0 indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Server>Dev Workstation</Server>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l AddBulkDomains
l AddToCart
l DeleteFromCart

- 1408 -
API Command Categories

l GetCartContent
l InsertNewOrder
l PurchasePreview


Update the customer preference settings for an account.
Use this command to update account-level settings that are applied to all domain names
you register.
For most settings, if no value is supplied for an individual setting, this command reverts
that setting to its default value, with two exceptions:
For host records, the UseParentDefault parameter allows you to choose between per-
sisting current host records, and setting new host records.
Name servers are always persisted by default, unless new name servers are specified in
the query string.
You can use the GetCusPreferences command to retrieve the current settings for an
account, and to supply the current values for the UpdateCusPreferences query string.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the my enom > settings page, the UpdateCusPreferences command sets any
changes that a user enters in the Default Domain Options section.

The query must meet the following requirements:

- 1409 -
API Command Categories

l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Default period for auto-renew and regis-

Optional; default is trar lock settings, in years. A domains
DefPeriod 2
1 registration period cannot extend more
than 10 years beyond today.

RegLock=on prevents a domain from

Optional; default is being transferred to a new registrar.
RegLock 3
off RegLock=off allows unrestricted transfer
of a domain from one registrar to another.

AutoRenew=on renews domain names

Optional; default is automatically.
AutoRenew 3
off AutoRenew=off does not renew domain
names automatically.

IDProtect=on automatically purchases

Optional; default is
IDProtect ID Protect for all eligible domains. Per- 3
mitted values are on and off

DefIDProtectRenew=on automatically
Optional; default is
DefIDProtectRenew renews ID Protect before it expires. Per- 3
mitted values are on and off

DefWBLRenew=on automatically
Optional; default is
DefWBLRenew renews Business Listing before it 3
expires. Permitted values are on and off

AutoPakRenew=on renews POP email

Optional; default is paks automatically.
AutoPakRenew AutoPakRenew=off does not renew POP 3
paks automatically.

- 1410 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Note: This parameter displays in the UI
only if auto-renewal of POP paks is
enabled as a for-pay feature for this

EMailForwardRenew=on renews email

forwarding automatically.
EMailForwardRenew=off does not renew
Optional; default is
EMailForwardRenew email forwarding automatically. 3
Note: This parameter displays in the UI
only if email forwarding is enabled as a
for-pay feature for this account.

URLForwardingRenew=on renews URL

Optional; default is forwarding automatically.
URLForwardingRenew 3
off URLForwardingRenew=off does not
renew URL forwarding automatically.

Allow domain name servers. Options are

Optional; default is
AllowDNS 0 and 1. Appears to be an inactive para- 1

Which name servers a domain is using.

If UseDNS=1, use our name servers.
If UseDNS=0, use the name servers spe-
Optional; default is cified in this query string.
UseDNS 1
1 Note: If UseDNS or DNSY are present in
the UpdateCusPreferences other set-
tings (DefPeriod through AllowDNS) will
be updated.

Use name of domain name server. For

example, DNS1=ns1.name-ser-
Optional Note: If UseDNS or DNSY are present in 16
Y=1, 2, 3, . . .
the UpdateCusPreferences other DNS
settings (DefPeriod through AllowDNS)
will be updated.

Which host records should be used for

Optional; default is this accounts defaults. Permitted values
UseParentDefault 1
1 are: 0 Use the host records in this query
string 1 Persist the existing host records

Name of host record, for example,

HostName Optional HostName1=www Permitted format is a 60
comma-delimited list.

Record type of host record. Permitted

RecordType Optional 5

- 1411 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

format is comma-delimited list of record
types for each of the host records spe-
cified with the HostName parameter. List
record types in the same order as the
host name they correspond to. Permitted
values are:
A IP address
AAAA IPv6 address
CNAME Alias record type, to associate a
host name with another host
URL URL redirect
FRAME Frame redirect
MX Mail. Can be a host name under this
domain name or the name of a mail
MXE Mail Easy (email forwarding)
TXT Text (SPF) record

Address to redirect to. Permitted format

is a comma-delimited list of the record
types for each host record. List
addresses in the same order as the host
name they correspond to. Permitted val-
ues are:
If RecordType=A, Address must be an
IP address
If RecordType=AAAA, Address must be
an IPv6 address
If RecordType=CNAME, Address must
be a fully qualified domain name (see
Note) or a host name defined in this
If RecordType=URL, Address must be
Address Optional 260
the exact URL of the page you redirect
to, or an IP address, or a fully qualified
domain name (see Note)
If RecordType=FRAME, Address is the
actual URL, or the IP address, or the fully
qualified domain name (see Note) of the
page you want to display when someone
types Your_Domain.com
If RecordType=MX, Address must be a
fully qualified domain name (see Note) or
a host name defined in this domain
If RecordType=MXE, Address must be
an IP address
If RecordType=TXT, Address is a text
(SPF) record.

- 1412 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

For help writing an SPF record, go to

Show menus.
Optional; default is ShowPopUps=0 hides menus.
ShowPopUps 1
0 ShowPopUps=1 shows menus.
Appears to be an inactive parameter.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
A return value of Successful indicates that customer pref-
erences were successfully updated.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check the

Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the updating of several customer preference settings, and
requests the response in XML format:

- 1413 -
API Command Categories


In the response, the ErrCount value 0 indicates that the update was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![ CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CheckLogin
l CreateAccount
l CreateSubAccount
l GetAccountInfo
l GetAccountPassword
l GetAllAccountInfo
l GetConfirmationSettings
l GetCusPreferences

- 1414 -
API Command Categories

l GetCustomerPaymentInfo
l GetOrderDetail
l GetOrderList
l GetReport
l GetSubAccountDetails
l GetSubAccounts
l GetTransHistory
l SetPakRenew
l UpdateAccountInfo
l UpdateRenewalSettings

Change the name of a folder, configure or change the settings of a Magic Folder, and/or
change a folder from Standard to Magic or from Magic to Standard.
Use this command to change a folder from Standard to Magic or from Magic to Standard,
configure or change the settings of a Magic Folder, and/or change the folder name or
description of any folder.
This command lets a user choose which settings are Magic, and what those settings
should be (on, off, and so on). Settings that can be Magic include the following:
l Auto-renew
l Registrar lock

l Name servers

l Host records

l Domain password

l Contact information

When a domain is put into a Magic Folder, the domains settings synchronize to those
that are specified as Magic for the folder.
For example, if a folder is only Magic with respect to auto-renew, and auto-renew is on,
all domains put into that folder have their auto-renew setting turned on. Since that is the
only Magic setting for the folder, none of the domains other settings change.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

- 1415 -
API Command Categories

Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

Click any of the links in the left-hand column. On the resulting pages, the save button
calls the UpdateDomainFolder command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The folder must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:
command=nameofcommand& uid=yourloginid&pw=yourpassword&

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

FolderName Required Current name of folder 125

Should this folder be Standard or

Magic. Permitted values are:
FolderType Optional 1
0 Standard
1 Magic

New name for this existing folder.

Permitted characters are letters,
NewFolderName Optional numbers, hyphens, underscores, 125
and spaces; name must begin with
a letter or number.

Description Optional Description for this folder. 250

Do you want DNS settings to be a

DNSSync Optional 1
Magic setting of this folder. Per-

- 1416 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

mitted values are:
0 No
1 Yes

Do you want name servers syn-

chronized to our name servers. Per-
mitted values are:
UseNameServer Optional 78
0 No, I will specify custom name
1 Yes, use eNoms name servers

Custom name servers for this

folder. Up to 12 may be specified.
DNSX X=1 to maximum 12 Optional 1
Required format is DNS1-
1=ns1.sld.tld or dns1.sld.tld

Do you want auto-renew to be a

Magic setting of this folder. Per-
AutoRenewSync Optional mitted values are: 1
0 No
1 Yes

Auto-renew setting for this folder.

Permitted values are:
AutoRenew Optional 1
0 Auto-renew off
1 Auto-renew on

Do you want Registrar Lock to be a

Magic setting of this folder. Per-
RegLockSync Optional mitted values are: 1
0 No
1 Yes

Registrar Lock setting for this

folder. Registrar Lock protects you
from unapproved transfers of your
RegLock Optional 1
domains. Permitted values are:
0 Registrar Lock off
1 Registrar Lock on

Do you want domain passwords to

be a Magic setting of this folder. Per-
DomainPWSync mitted values are: 1
default is 0
0 No
1 Yes

Password for all domains in this

DomainPassword Optional 20

HostSync Optional Do you want domain passwords to 1

- 1417 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

be a Magic setting of this folder. Per-
mitted values are:
0 No
1 Yes

HostNameX Host record name. Permitted values

Optional 60
X=1 to maximum 3 are www, @, and *

Record type of this host record. Per-

mitted values are:
A Authoritative address.
If RecordTypeX=A, AddressX must
be an IP address.
AAAA IPv6 address.
If RecordTypeX=AAAA, AddressX
must be an IPv6 address.
CName Canonical name (alias).
If RecordTypeX=CName,
AddressX must be a fully qualified
domain name or a host name
Optional defined in this domain. 5
X=1 to maximum 3
URL URL redirect.
If RecordTypeX=URL, AddressX
must be the exact URL of the page
you want to redirect to, or an IP
address, or a fully qualified domain
Frame Frame redirect.
If RecordTypeX=Frame, AddressX
must be the exact URL of the page
you want to redirect to, or an IP
address, or a fully qualified domain

Optional Address to send this host record to. 260
X=1 to maximum 3

Do you want contacts to be a Magic

setting of this folder. Permitted val-
ContactSync Optional ues are: 1
0 No
1 Yes

Do you want this contact type to be

a Magic setting of this folder. Per-
mitted ContactTypes are Regis-
ContactTypeContactSync Optional trant, AuxBilling, Tech, or Admin. 1
Permitted values are:
0 Do not synchronize this contact

- 1418 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

1 Synchronize this contact For
example, to make Registrant a
Magic contact, use Regis-

Use the Billing contact information

for this contact. Permitted values
ContactTypeUseBilling Optional 0 Do not use the Billing contact 60
information for this contact
1 Use the Billing contact information
for this contact

ContactTypeOrganizationName Optional Name of this contacts organization 60

ContactTypeJobTitle Optional Job title of this contact 60

ContactTypeFirstName Optional First (given) name of this contact 60

ContactTypeLastName Optional Last (family) name of this contact 60

ContactTypeAddress1 Optional Address, line 1, of this contact 60

Address, line 2, of this contact

ContactTypeAddress2 Optional 60

ContactTypeCity Optional City of this contact 60

ContactTypeProvince Optional State or province of this contact 60

Is the value for

ContactTypeProvince a state or a
ContactTypeStateProvinceChoice Optional province? Permitted values are: 1
S State
P Province

ContactTypePostalCode Optional Postal code of this contact 16

Country of this contact. Two-letter

ContactTypeCountry Optional 60
country code is a permitted value.

Phone number of this contact.

Required format is +Coun-
tryCode.PhoneNumber, where
ContactTypePhone Optional CountryCode and PhoneNumber 17
use only numeric characters and the
+ is URL-encoded as a plus sign

ContactTypePhoneExt Optional Phone extension of this contact. 8

- 1419 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Fax number of this contact.
Required format is +Coun-
tryCode.PhoneNumber, where
ContactTypeFax Optional CountryCode and PhoneNumber 17
use only numeric characters and the
+ is URL-encoded as a plus sign

Email address of this contact. Per-

ContactTypeEmailAddress Optional mitted format is EmailAd- 128

Format of response. Permitted val-

ResponseType Optional ues are Text (default), HTML, or 4

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Result of this operation. Return values are:
0 Failure
1 Success
2 New folder name already exists
3 Folder name does not exist in this account
4 Cannot convert this folder to Magic because at least one
domain is already in another Magic folder
5 Cannot convert this folder to Magic because at least one
domain has a registration status other than registered
6 Cannot convert this folder to Standard because at least one
domain in this folder is pending processing
7 Unable to update folder
8 Invalid name server status value
Result 9 Invalid auto-renew status value
10 Invalid registrar lock status value
11 Invalid domain password value
12 Cannot update DNS because at least one domain is
pending processing
13 Cannot update auto-renew because at least one domain is
pending processing
14 Cannot update registrar lock because at least one domain is
pending processing
15 Cannot update domain password because at least one
domain is pending processing
16 Cannot update contact information because at least one
domain is pending processing
17 Cannot update host records because at least one domain is

- 1420 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
pending processing
18 Invalid host value

UpdateText Encloses your input parameters in XML tags

FolderID Identification number of this folder

FolderName Your name for this folder

FolderDescription Your description of this folder

Standard or Magic folder.

FolderType 0 Standard
1 Magic

Status of this folder as a whole. Return values are:

1 Not a Magic folder
2 Folder is currently in sync (all Magic settings have been
updated to the values specified for the folder)
3 Folder is locked pending a global edit
4 Something in the folder is out of sync

FolderDomainCount Number of domains in this folder

Should this folder synchronize name servers. Return values

0 No, DNS is not Magic for this folder
1 Yes, DNS is Magic for this folder

Status of DNS synchronization for this folder. Return values

1 This is not a Magic folder
2 This is a Magic folder but DNS is not set to Magic, or DNS is
set to Magic and is in sync
3 DNS is set to Magic and this folder is pending syn-
4 DNS is set to Magic and is out of sync

Name servers for this folder. Return values are:

NSStatus NA This folder uses custom name servers
Yes This folder uses our name servers

NameServer Name server you specified

Should this folder synchronize auto-renew settings. Return val-

ues are:
0 No
1 Yes

Status of auto-renew synchronization for this folder. Return val-

SyncRenewStatus ues are:

- 1421 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
1 This is not a Magic folder
2 This is a Magic folder but auto-renew is not set to magic, or
auto-renew is set to Magic and is in sync
3 Auto-renew is set to Magic and this folder is pending syn-
4 Auto-renew is set to Magic and is out of sync

Auto-renew setting of this folder. Return values are:

RenewStatus No Auto-renew is off for all domains in this folder
Yes Auto-renew is on for all domains in this folder

Should this folder synchronize registrar lock settings. Return

values are:
0 No, registrar lock is not Magic for this folder
1 Yes, registrar lock is Magic for this folder

Status of registrar lock synchronization for this folder. Return

values are:
1 This is not a Magic folder
2 This is a Magic folder but registrar lock is not set to Magic, or
registrar lock is set to Magic and is in sync
3 Registrar lock is set to Magic and this folder is pending syn-
4 Registrar lock is set to Magic and is out of sync

Registrar lock setting of this folder. Return values are:

RegLockStatus Locked Registrar lock is on for this folder
Not Locked Registrar lock is off for this folder

Should this folder synchronize domain passwords. Return val-

ues are:
0 No, domain password is not Magic for this folder
1 Yes, domain password is Magic for this folder

Status of password synchronization for this folder. Return val-

ues are:
1 This is not a Magic folder
2 This is a Magic folder but password is not set to Magic, or
password is set to Magic and is in sync
3 Password is set to Magic and this folder is pending syn-
4 Password is set to Magic and is out of sync

DomainPwdValue Domain password for this folder

Should host records be Magic for this folder. Return values are:
SyncHosts 0 No, do not synchronize host records in this folder
1 Yes, synchronize host records in this folder

SyncHostsStatus Status of host record synchronization for this folder. Return val-

- 1422 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
ues are:
1 This is not a Magic folder
2 This is a Magic folder but host records are not set to Magic,
or host records are set to Magic and are in sync
3 Host records are set to Magic and this folder is pending syn-
4 Host records are set to Magic and are out of sync

Are contacts Magic in this folder. Return values are:

SyncContact 0 No, contacts are not synchronized in this folder
1 Yes, contacts are synchronized in this folder

Status of synchronization of this contact type. Return values

1 This is not a Magic folder
2 This is a Magic folder but this contact type is not set to
Magic, or this contact type is set to Magic and is in sync
3 This contact type is set to Magic and this folder is pending
4 This contact type is set to Magic and is out of sync

PartyID PartyID of this contact

OrganizationName Organization name of this contact

JobTitle Job title of this contact

FName First (given) name of this contact

LName Last (family) name of this contact

Address1 Address, first line, of this contact

Address2 Address, second line, of this contact

City City of this contact

StateProvince State or province of this contact

Is the StateProvince value a state or a province. Return values

S State
P Province

PostalCode Postal code of this contact

Country Country of this contact

FullCountry Full country name of this contact

Phone Phone number of this contact

- 1423 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Fax Fax number of this contact

EmailAddress Email address of this contact

PhoneExt Phone extension of this contact

SameAs Model for this contact

Is Registrant contact information Magic in this folder. Return

values are:
0 No, Registrant is not synchronized in this folder
1 Yes, Registrant is synchronized in this folder

Is Admin contact information Magic in this folder. Return val-

ues are:
0 No, Admin contact is not synchronized in this folder
1 Yes, Admin contact is synchronized in this folder

Is Tech contact information Magic in this folder. Return values

0 No, Tech contact is not synchronized in this folder
1 Yes, Tech contact is synchronized in this folder

Is Auxiliary Billing contact information Magic in this folder.

Return values are:
0 No, Auxiliary Billing contact is not synchronized in this folder
1 Yes, Auxiliary Billing contact is synchronized in this folder

FolderNameEnc Name of this folder

Is this a Traffic Only account. Return values are:

TrafficOnly True This is a Traffic Only account
False This is not a Traffic Only account

Is this a Name Only account. Return values are:

NameOnly True This is a Name Only account
False This is not a Name Only account

Is parking enabled for this account. Return values are:

ParkingEnabled True Parking is enabled for this account
False Parking is not enabled for this account

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 toErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 1424 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query makes a folder Magic, adds a folder description, makes auto-renew
Magic and turns autorenew on for the folder, and sends the response in XML format:

command=UpdateDomainFolder& uid=resellid&pw=resellpw&

In the response, a Result code 1 and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was suc-

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ hello]]>

- 1425 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />

- 1426 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainFolder
l AdvancedDomainSearch
l AssignToDomainFolder
l DeleteDomainFolder
l GetDomainFolderDetail
l GetDomainFolderList
l RemoveUnsyncedDomains

Reactivate an expired domain in real time.
Use this command to reactivate a domain after it has expired, while it is in Expired
This command reactivates a domain in real time. Before a domain expires, use the
Extend command to renew it. We recommend renewing at least a week before a domain
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 1427 -
API Command Categories

On the my domains page, my domains tab, expired subtab, clicking on the name of an
expired domain calls the UpdateExpiredDomains command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The domain must be in Expired status. The registrar sets the duration of the grace
period between expiration and deletion from the registrars database. To retrieve a
list of expired domains, use the GetDomains command with parameter Tab-
l Customer must have sufficient funds. The charge for reactivation is the same as a
one-year renewal.

Input parameters

Build the query string using this syntax:


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Domain name (for example, example.-

DomainName Required 65

Number of years to add to the domain

NumYears Required registration. Limit is ten years from 10

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1428 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Success status of this query. True indicates that the update
was successful.

OrderID Order identification number

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-



l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests the reactivation of expired domain resellerdocs.com, and
requests the response in XML format:


In the response, the Status value True, and an OrderID number, indicate that the query
was successful:

- 1429 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands

l Extend
l Extend_RGP
l GetDomainExp
l GetExtendInfo
l GetRenew
l InsertNewOrder
l SetRenew


- 1430 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to change the selling price of Web hosting components, at different
quantity levels.
Use this command to set your selling prices for Web hosting components, and to set the
price breaks at increasing quantity levels.
This command allows you to set prices either for retail customers or for one subaccount.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Below the Set Component Unit Pricing table, the save changes button calls the
UpdateHostPackagePricing command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The price breaks for this accounts customers must come into effect at the same
quantity levels as this accounts wholesale price breaks. For example, if you
receive a wholesale price break at 20 units, any retail price break you offer to your
customers must be at 20 units; it cannot be at 15 or 25.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 1431 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

Login ID of subaccount for which you

SubID Optional want to set wholesale prices. If omitted, 20
this command sets retail prices.

Number of price brackets in this

PriceBreakCount Optional 2

In the pricing structure for this account,

the lower end of quantity range X for this
QtyX component. For example, if Qty1=1 and
X=1 to PriceBreakCount Recommended Qty2=5, the prices in the Qty1=1 node 2
apply to quantities of 1 to 4 of each Web
hosting component listed in this query

Price of each Web storage unit in this

StoragePriceX Optional quantity bracket, in DD.cc format. Each 1000.00
Web storage unit contains 1GB.

Price of each bandwidth unit in this quant-

BandwidthPriceX Optional ity bracket, in DD.cc format. Each band- 1000.00
width unit contains 20GB.

Price of each POP email unit in this

POPPriceX Optional quantity bracket, in DD.cc format. Each 1000.00
POP mail unit contains 10 email boxes.

Price of each SQL database unit in this

DatabasePriceX Optional quantity bracket, in DD.cc format. Each 1000.00
database unit contains 250MB.

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
In the wholesale pricing structure for this account, the lower
end of the quantity range for this component. For example, if
(In HTML output, the output parameters
one ResellerQty=1 and the next largest is ResellerQty=5, the
for each package are numbered; X=1 to
prices in the ResellerQty=1 node apply to quantities of 1 to 4 of
each Web hosting component listed in this query string

In the retail (selling price) structure for this account, the lower
end of the quantity range for this component. For example, if

- 1432 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
one RetailQty=1 and the next largest is RetailQty=5, the prices
in the RetailQty=1 node apply to quantities of 1 to 4 of each
Web hosting component listed in this query string.

Cost to this account (wholesale price) of bandwidth units in

this quantity range. Each bandwidth unit contains 20GB.

Selling (retail) price of bandwidth units in this quantity range.

Each bandwidth unit contains 20GB.

Cost to this account (wholesale price) of Web storage units in

this quantity range. Each Web hosting unit contains 1GB.

Selling (retail) price of Web storage units in this quantity range.

Each Web hosting unit contains 1GB.

Cost to this account (wholesale price) of SQL database stor-

ResellerDBStoragePriceX age units in this quantity range. Each SQL database unit con-
tains 250MB.

Selling (retail) price of SQL database storage units in this quant-

ity range. Each SQL database unit contains 250MB.

Cost to this account (wholesale price) of POP email units to

ResellerPOPMailPriceX include in this quantity range. Each POP mail unit contains 10
email boxes.

Selling (retail) price of POP email units to include in this quant-

ity range. Each POP mail unit contains 10 email boxes

PackageCount Number of quantity brackets listed in this response

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 1433 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query changes selling prices of Web hosting components at different
quantity levels, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a list of component costs and prices confirms that the query was suc-

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 1434 -
API Command Categories

<ResellerDBStoragePrice />
<RetailDBStoragePrice />
<ResellerWebStoragePrice />
<RetailWebStoragePrice />
<ResellerDBStoragePrice />
<RetailDBStoragePrice />
<ResellerPOPMailPrice />
<RetailPOPMailPrice />

- 1435 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands

l CalculateAllHostPackagePricing
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetHostAccount
l GetResellerHostPricing
l GetStorageUsage
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageDelete
l HostPackageModify
l HostPackageView
l HostParkingPage
l WebHostGetOverageOptions
l WebHostGetOverages
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums
l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetResellerPackages
l WebHostSetCustomPackage
l WebHostSetOverageOptions

Add or update the HTML metatags for one of a domains host records.

- 1436 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to raise the probability that a search engine will find this domain.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with login ID resellid, password resellpw.
On the meta tags page, the save changes button calls the UpdateMetaTag command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Metatag host ID, our internal tracking

MetaTagHostID Required 8
number. You can retrieve host IDs using

- 1437 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

the GetRegHosts command.

Recommended to
Content to display in the browser title
TitleBar optimize search 100
bar. Replace spaces with +.

Recommended to
Content to display in search engine res-
SiteDescription optimize search 250
ults. Replace spaces with +.

Recommended to
List of keywords for search engines.
Keywords optimize search 250
Separate keywords with +.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
TitleBar New title to display in browser title bar

SiteDescription New description to display in search engine results

Keywords New search-engine keywords for this host ID

DomainNameID 9-digit domain name ID, our internal tracking number

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 1438 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query sets values for the metatags, and sends the response in XML


In the response, metatag values that match your desired content, and an ErrCount value
0, confirm that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<titlebar>MY COOL TITLE</titlebar>
<sitedescription>MY SITE DESCRIPTION</sitedescription>
<keywords>MY SITE KEYWORDS</keywords>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

- 1439 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l GetHosts
l GetMetaTag
l GetRegHosts
l SetHosts

Change the IP address of a name server in the Registrys records.
Use this command when the IP address of a name server changes.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the Update a Name Server IP section, clicking the submit button calls the
UpdateNameServer command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name of the name server must belong to this account.
l eNom must be the authoritative registrar (in the Registrys records) for the root
l The registrar lock for the name server domain must be set to off while you update
name servers. Oncethe name server IP has been updated, you can (and we recom-
mend that you do) switch the registrar lockback on.

- 1440 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Old IP address of the name server in the

OldIP Required 15
Registrys records

New IP address of the name server in

NewIP Required 15
the Registrys records

Use name of the name server, in the

NS Required 84
Registrys records

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
NSSuccess 1 indicates that the name server IP update is successful

RRPCode Registry processing status code

RRPText Text explanation of registry code

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 1441 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query changes the IP of name server dns1.resellerdocs.com and sends
the response in XML format:


In the response, the NsSuccess value 1 and RRPText value Command completed suc-
cessfully confirm that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<RRPText>Command completed successfully</RRPText>
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

- 1442 -
API Command Categories


Related commands
l CheckNSStatus
l DeleteNameServer
l GetDNS
l GetDNSStatus
l ModifyNS
l ModifyNSHosting
l RegisterNameServer

Update the account balance amount at which you want to be notified.
Use this command to specify the account balance at which you want a reminder to refill
your account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The save changes button calls the UpdateNotificationAmount command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

- 1443 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Points/$US amount at which you want

us to send you a reminder email that this
NotifyAmount Required 9999.99
account needs refilling. Use DD.cc

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.

- 1444 -
API Command Categories

l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query changes the notification amount to 505 points/$US and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, an ErrCount value 0 confirms that the query was successful:


- 1445 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l GetBalance
l RefillAccount

Update a list of domains to push into another account.
Use this command to push names from one eNom account to another.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
UpdatePushList is not implemented on enom.com. However, the submit button on the
push a name page calls PushDomain, a similar command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l Both the origin and destination accounts must be in our system.
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1446 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

LoginID of the account to push the

PushToLoginID Required 16
names into

CRLF-delimited list of domain names

DomainList Required (URLEncode value for CRLF is 4000

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
SuccessfulPush True if successful or False otherwise

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests that resellerdocs2.net and resellerdocs3.info be pushed to
account ichiro, and requests the response in XML format:

- 1447 -
API Command Categories



In the response, the SuccessfulPush values of Yes indicate that each domain was
pushed successfully:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

- 1448 -
API Command Categories

Related commands

l PushDomain
l TP_CancelOrder
l TP_CreateOrder
l TP_GetDetailsByDomain
l TP_GetOrder
l TP_GetOrderDetail
l TP_GetOrdersByDomain
l TP_GetOrderStatuses
l TP_ResubmitLocked
l TP_SubmitOrder
l TP_UpdateOrderDetail

Update the settings regarding our notifying your customers about domain renewals.
Use this command to set or change the way in which we notify your customers about
upcoming domain renewals.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The save changes button calls the UpdateRenewalSettings command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

- 1449 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Renewal setting. Permitted values are:

0 Do not contact my customers for
1 Email my customers 25 and 10 days
RenewalSetting Optional 1
before expiration; send them to my Web
site to renew
2 Contact and charge my customers for

BCC me on all email correspondence

sent to my customers. Permitted values
RenewalBCC Optional are: 1
0 Do not BCC me
1 BCC me

Do I accept eNoms credit card pro-

Optional; must be cessing agreement? Permitted values
accepted before are:
AcceptTerms you can use our 0 I do not accept eNoms credit card pro- 1
credit card pro- cessing agreement
cessing services 1 I accept eNoms credit card processing

Recommended URL where customers can renew their

URL when Rene- domains; use format www.Do- 63
walSetting =1 mainName.com

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1450 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
AcceptTermsStatus Success status of updating credit card terms setting

RenewalSetting Success status of updating renewal settings

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query sets preferences for notifying customers about domain renewals,
and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the return values Successful and the ErrCount value 0 confirm that the
query was successful:

- 1451 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l GetCusPreferences
l UpdateCusPreferences

Validate a password for a domain name.
Use this command to determine whether the password for a domain name is valid.

- 1452 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.

Implementation on eNom.com
On access.enom.com, the LOG-IN button calls the ValidatePassword command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The domain name must exist.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Password to access and manage the

DomainPassword Required 60
domain name.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

- 1453 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check
the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query asks whether resellerdocs2pw is the domain password for reseller-
docs2.net, and requests the response in XML format:


In the response, the error count of 0 confirms that resellerdocs2pw is the domain pass-
word for resellerdocs2.net:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Server>Dev Workstation</Server>

- 1454 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ] ]>

Related commands
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainCount
l GetDomainExp
l GetDomainInfo
l GetDomains
l GetExtendInfo
l GetPasswordBit
l GetRegistrationStatus
l GetRegLock
l GetRenew
l GetSubAccountPassword
l SetPassword
l SetRegLock
l SetRenew
l StatusDomain

Configure a Business Listing for the WhoisBusinessListings.com directory.
Use this command to create or edit the Business Listing for a domain name.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

- 1455 -
API Command Categories

The Submit button calls the WBLConfigure command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain must be registered here but may use name servers other than ours.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Comma-separated list of domains to con-

DomainList Required 80,000
figure. Limit of 200 domains

If this is a bulk edit (involving more than

RequestName Optional one domain name) you may assign a job 255
name for tracking purposes

Should our database keep any existing

configuration information that is not sup-
plied in this query string?
Optional; default is Use PersistExisting=1 to keep existing
PersistExisting 1
1 information.
Use PersistExisting=0 to empty any
fields that are not supplied in this query

Optional; default is Set automatic renewal for Business List-

Renew no the first time ing before it expires? Permitted values 3
Business Listing is are yes and no.

- 1456 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

configured or when
If Per-
sistExisting=1, the
current setting
remains unchanged
when the con-
figuration is

Optional; default is
0 the first time Busi-
ness Listing is con-
figured or when
If Per- Enable setting for Business Listing. Per-
Enable 1
sistExisting=1, the mitted values are 0 and 1.
current setting
remains unchanged
when the con-
figuration is

Categories in which this Business List-

ing should be displayed in the
WhoisBusinessListings.com directory.
Permitted values are:
1 Arts & Entertainment
CategoryID1 is 2 Business
Optional; default is 3 Automotive
10 the first time 4 Consumer Electronics
Business Listing is 5 Culture & Society
configured or when 6 Domain For Sale
PersistExisting=0. 7 Education & Instruction
CategoryID1 If Per- 8 Fashion, Style & Personal Care
... sistExisting=1, the 9 Food & Drink 2
CategoryID5 current setting 10 Other
remains unchanged 11 Health & Medicine
when the con- 12 Hobbies, Games & Toys
figuration is Cat- 13 Home & Garden
egoryID2 through 14 Computers & Internet
CategoryID5 are 15 Legal
optional. 16 Personal Finance
17 Professional Services
18 Real Estate
19 Relationships & Family
20 Sports & Fitness
21 Travel & Transportation

- 1457 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Company name for this Business List-
ing. Permitted values are alphanumeric
CompanyName Required characters and some special characters 500
(code-sensitive characters such as & %
/ \ # @ will cause the query to fail)

Description of the company and/or its

business. Permitted values are alpha-
numeric characters and some special
CompanyDescription Optional 500
characters (code-sensitive characters
such as & % / \ # @ will cause the query
to fail)

StreetAddress Optional Street address for the business 160

StreetAddress2 Optional Street address, second line 160

City Optional City 60

StateProvince Optional State or province of the business 60

PostalCode Optional Postal code for the business 60

Country. The two-letter country code is a

Country Optional 2
permitted format.

Required if you sup-

ply any Number of descriptive fields supplied in
FieldCount 2
FieldNameX and this query string.

Type of information being supplied in

FieldTextX. Permitted values are:
Web Site(s)
Company Slogan
Phone Number
Email Address
Fax Number
Company Description
Hours of Operation
FieldNameX Optional Other 25
Contact Info
About This Domain
For Sale Price
For Sale Listing Agent(s)
For Sale Status
Personal Description

- 1458 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size


Text supplied by customer for the field

FieldTextX Optional designate above. All characters are per- 500

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Report number for this edit request. Run this report to retrieve
results for all the domains listed in the query string

DomainName The first domain name in the query string

Results for the first domain in the query string. This code
reflects only the immediate results for the first domain in the
string. To report results to your customers and allow for queue
delays, we recommend using RPT_GetReport rather than this
ResultCode output.
No code Successful configuration
2 Domain not found
3 Domain not owned by specified account
4 Service not purchased for this domain

Verbal result for the first domain listed in the query string. This
description reflects only the immediate results for the first
ResultDesc domain in the string. To report results to your customers and
allow for queue delays, we recommend using RPT_GetReport
rather than this output.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 1459 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query submits a configuration request for four domain names and sends
the response in XML format:


In the response, a ReportRequestID value indicates that the query ran successfully and
at least one domain was configured successfully:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<ResultCode />
Auto Renew Setting Updated.Company Information Updated.Cat-
egories Updated.

- 1460 -
API Command Categories

Address Updated.Detailed Setting(s) Updated.Visbility Set-

ting Updated.
<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddToCart
l AdvancedDomainSearch
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainInfo
l InsertNewOrder
l PurchaseServices
l RPT_GetReport
l UpdateCusPreferences
l WBLGetCategories
l WBLGetFields
l WBLGetStatus


- 1461 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve a list of Business Listing categories.

Use this command to retrieve a list of Business Listing categories.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Categories section is populated using the WBLGetCategories command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1462 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
CategoryID Identification number for a Business Listing category

CategoryName Business Listing category name

CategoryDesc Category description

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of categories and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, an ErrCount value 0 indicates that the query was successful:

- 1463 -
API Command Categories

<CategoryName>Arts & Entertainment</CategoryName>
<CategoryName>Consumer Electronics</CategoryName>
<CategoryName>Culture & Society</CategoryName>
<CategoryName>Domain For Sale</CategoryName>
<CategoryName>Education & Instruction</CategoryName>
<CategoryName>Fashion, Style & Personal Care</CategoryName>

- 1464 -
API Command Categories

<CategoryName>Food & Drink</CategoryName>
<CategoryName>Health & Medicine</CategoryName>
<CategoryName>Hobbies, Games & Toys</CategoryName>
<CategoryName>Home & Garden</CategoryName>
<CategoryName>Computers & Internet</CategoryName>
<CategoryName>Personal Finance</CategoryName>

- 1465 -
API Command Categories

<CategoryName>Professional Services</CategoryName>
<CategoryName>Real Estate</CategoryName>
<CategoryName>Relationships & Family</CategoryName>
<CategoryName>Sports & Fitness</CategoryName>
<CategoryName>Travel & Transportation</CategoryName>
<RequestDateTime>12/12/2011 4:32:52 AM</RequestDateTime>

- 1466 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l AddToCart
l AdvancedDomainSearch
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainInfo
l InsertNewOrder
l PurchaseServices
l RPT_GetReport
l UpdateCusPreferences
l WBLConfigure
l WBLGetFields
l WBLGetStatus

Retrieve a list of the descriptive fields available for configuring a Business Listing.
Use this command to retrieve a list of descriptive fields available for Business Listing.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the Business Listing Details section, WBLGetFields is used to populate the Title drop-
down menu.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

- 1467 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
FieldID Identification number of the field

FieldName Descriptive name of the field

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1468 -
API Command Categories

The following query retrieves a list of descriptive fields for Business Listing, and sends
the response in XML format:


In the response, an ErrCount value of 0 confirms that the query ran successfully:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<FieldName>Web Site(s)</FieldName>
<FieldName>Company Slogan</FieldName>
<FieldName>Phone Number</FieldName>
<MinPeriod />

- 1469 -
API Command Categories

<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddToCart
l AdvancedDomainSearch
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainInfo
l InsertNewOrder
l PurchaseServices
l RPT_GetReport
l UpdateCusPreferences
l WBLConfigure
l WBLGetCategories
l WBLGetStatus

Retrieve a list of the possible statuses for Business Listing.
Use this command to retrieve a list of the possible statuses for Business Listing.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com

- 1470 -
API Command Categories

Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

Business Listing statuses are reflected in the icons that display in the Business Listing

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The report ID must match the login ID.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
StatusID Identification number for a Business Listing status

Description Verbal description of the status

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

- 1471 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented
as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.


The following query retrieves a list of statuses of Business Listing, and sends the
response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 1472 -
API Command Categories

<Description>Purchased, Not Configured</Description>
<Description>Configured, Visible</Description>
<Description>Configured, Not Visible</Description>
<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ ]]>

- 1473 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l AddToCart
l AdvancedDomainSearch
l GetAllDomains
l GetDomainInfo
l InsertNewOrder
l PurchaseServices
l RPT_GetReport
l UpdateCusPreferences
l WBLConfigure
l WBLGetCategories
l WBLGetFields

Create a directory, or a directory structure, in your Web hosting account.
You can create new directories in two ways: using this command, or via FTP.
You must create new directories if you want host records other than www and @ to point
to a different location than www and @.
You must create new directories if you want to publish more than one Web site using this
Web hosting account (if the account does not have directories, all domain names asso-
ciated with the account will resolve to the same home page).
You may create new directories to organize your account and files.
Directories created with this command have read and write, but not execute, per-
missions. If you want files in a directory to be executable, make the directory executable
using the EnableFolderApp command.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resellwebid, password

- 1474 -
API Command Categories

To the right of the Create a New Directory text box, clicking the CREATE button and
then the SAVE HOST HEADER SETTINGS button calls the WebHostCreateDirectory

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Web hosting account name 14

Name of the directory to be created. For a sub-

directory, use format Dir-
Directory Required 213
(must be full path from root).

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

- 1475 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check
the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-



l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query creates a directory named support in Web hosting account resell-
webid and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the ErrCount value 0 confirms that the directory was created suc-

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 1476 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l DeleteDomainHeader
l ListDomainHeaders
l ModifyDomainHeader

Create a POP mail box (a single email address) for a Web hosting account.
Use this command to create a POP mail box for a Web hosting account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resellwebid, password
The SAVE ALL CHANGES button calls the WebHostCreatePOPBox command.

- 1477 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain account.
l The domain name must be associated with this Web hosting account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Web hosting account name 14

UserName Required Email alias for this POP mailbox 30

Should UserName have administrative

privileges over all mailboxes associated
with this domain name in this Web host-
ing account? Administrative privileges
allow this user to reset the password for
mailboxes, and delete mailboxes. Per-
mitted values are:
0 Regular user (can change the pass-
IsAdmin Optional word for their own mailbox but no one 1
1 Administrator (when this user logs on to
Webmail and goes to the admin page, he
or she can see all mailboxes for this
domain name in this Web hosting
account, can reset passwords for any or
all mailboxes, and can delete any or all

Password Required Access password for this POP mailbox 50

Name to display in the From box of

DisplayName Optional 60

- 1478 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Second-level domain name (for example,
SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
MXSet Success status of creating the MX host record for POP mail.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query creates POP mailbox poptest3 for domain resellerdocs.com and
sends the response in XML format:


- 1479 -
API Command Categories


In the response, the ErrCount value 0 confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l GetDomainHeader
l ListDomainHeaders
l WebHostDeletePOPBox
l WebHostGetPOPBoxes
l WebHostUpdatePOPPassword

- 1480 -
API Command Categories

Delete a POP mailbox from a Web hosting account.
Use this command to delete POP mailboxes from a Web hosting account. To delete a
POP mailbox that is in a domain account, use the commands in the API catalog for
domain accounts.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resellwebid, password
In the Delete User column, any Delete link calls the WebHostDeletePOPBox command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain account.
l The domain name must belong to this domain account, and to this Web hosting

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1481 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Name of the Web hosting account from

HostAccount Required 14
which the POP mailbox is to be deleted

Email alias of the POP box that is to be

UserName Required 50

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required enom in enom.com) of the domain asso- 63
ciated with this user name

Top-level domain name (extension) of the

TLD Required 15
domain associated with this user name

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default),HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1482 -
API Command Categories

The following query deletes POP mailbox jimmy.doe and sends the response in XML


In the response, the ErrCount value 0 confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l GetDomainHeader
l ListDomainHeaders
l WebHostCreatePOPBox
l WebHostGetPOPBoxes
l WebHostUpdatePOPPassword

- 1483 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve details on a single Web hosting account in a shopping cart.
Use this command to retrieve information on a Web hosting item in the shopping cart.
Use the GetCartContent command from the API Commands catalog to retrieve the
CartItemID value.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
For a Web hosting account, the Product Description column displays the results of the
WebHostGetCartItem command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1484 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

ID of a shopping cart item. To retrieve

cart item IDs, use the GetCartContent
CartItemID Required 10
command from the domain account API

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ItemID Shopping cart item ID

UserID Web hosting account name

Password Web hosting account password

Domain Domain association for this Web hosting account

HostPackageID Host package ID number

OverageOptionID Overage option ID number

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1485 -
API Command Categories

The following query retrieves details on cart item 389123, a Web hosting account, and
sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the correct item ID and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Domain />
<![CDATA[ ]]>

- 1486 -
API Command Categories

Related commands

l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetHostAccount
l GetHostAccounts
l GetResellerHostPricing
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageView
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetOverageOptions
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums
l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetResellerPackages
l WebHostSetCustomPackage
l WebHostSetOverageOptions

Retrieve the permitted options for handling bandwidth overages.
Use this command to retrieve the permitted valuesID numbers and brief descriptions
for handling bandwidth overages. Overage handling is set by the end user on each indi-
vidual Web hosting account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Step 2 displays the options for the WebHostGetOverageOptions command.

- 1487 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
(Responses in HTML and text format are ID number of bandwidth-overage option X
numbered, X=1 to 3

DescriptionX Text description of bandwidth-overage option X

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 1488 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves bandwidth-overage-handling options, and sends the
response in XML format:


In the response, a list of options for handling bandwidth overages indicates that the
query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Automatically upgrade my bandwidth if I go over (Recom-
<Description>Overage Protection</Description>
<Description>Temporarily disable until next month</De-

- 1489 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands

l CalculateAllHostPackagePricing
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetHostAccount
l GetHostAccounts
l GetResellerHostPricing
l GetStorageUsage
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageDelete
l HostPackageModify
l HostPackageView
l HostParkingPage
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetOverages
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums
l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetResellerPackages
l WebHostSetCustomPackage
l WebHostSetOverageOptions

- 1490 -
API Command Categories

List Web hosting accounts that have logged bandwidth overages, the nature and amount
of the overages, and the amount we have charged you for each overage.
Use this command if you are a reseller who does your own billing. This command lists
fees we have charged you, for overages accrued by you or your Web hosting customers.
We return information identified by Web hosting account name. You as a reseller must
use your own database to link that Web hosting account name to payment information.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Current usage bars indicate overages for the current billing cycle.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 1491 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

Date for start of overage scan. Required

SinceDate Required 10
format is MM/DD/YYYY

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Responses in HTML or text format are Web hosting account ID number, from our internal records
numbered, X=1 to OverageCount

Web hosting account name, and nature of the overage. For

DescriptionX accounts that have opted for a per-GB overage protection fee,
the description also states the amount of the overage.

BillDateX Date on which we originally billed you for this overage

AmountX Amount we billed you for this overage

Product number for this type of overage:

56 This account opted for overage protection, which pays a
per-GB fee for bandwidth overages
ProdTypeX 57 This account upgraded to a higher bandwidth limit during
this billing cycle. We calculate the per-GB fee and the extra
cost of the upgrade, compare the two, and charge you the
lower amount.

UnitsX Amount of the overage. Each unit is 1GB.

OverageCount Number of overages listed in this response

Command Name of command executed

Language Language of this API response

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 1492 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves overages for Web hosting accounts in domain name
account resellid, and sends the response in XML format:


The response indicates that two Web hosting accounts had overages.
In Web hosting account FirstWebAccount (the Web hosting account name is parsed from
the Description return parameter), the account pays a per-GB fee (ProductType 56) for
overages, logged 50000MB (50 units) of bandwidth overages, and we billed resellid
$9.77 for this extra bandwidth.
Web hosting account SecondWebAccount also had a bandwidth overage. However, the
ProductType 57 indicates that this account was either set to upgrade when it reached its
bandwidth limit, or the owner manually upgraded during the billing cycle. Our billing sys-
tem compared the per-GB fee to the additional cost of the upgraded bandwidth package,
found the lower of the two amounts, and billed resellid the upgrade amount of $2.93.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Description>FirstWebAccount - 50000MB Prior BWidth Over-

- 1493 -
API Command Categories

<Description>SecondWebAccount - Prior BWidth Overage
<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CalculateAllHostPackagePricing
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetHostAccount
l GetResellerHostPricing
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetOverageOptions
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums

- 1494 -
API Command Categories

l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetStats
l WebHostSetCustomPackage
l WebHostSetOverageOptions

For Web hosting package components, retrieve a list of unit sizes and quantities of units
Use this command to retrieve the permitted quantities and unit sizes of the components
of Web hosting packages.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the Set Packages table, the menu boxes show the permitted quantities, and the lower
row of the column headers shows the sizes of units.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1495 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Web hosting account name 14

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML,or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Status of this Web hosting account:
1 Host account is active
AccountStatusID 2 Account disabled for exceeding allowed monthly bandwidth
3 Account disabled for exceeding the 3000GB bandwidth limit
4, 5, 6, 7 Account disabled; contact customer service

One permitted quantity of this component. Usually, each com-
Responses in HTML or text format are
ponent has several permitted quantities.
numbered, X=1 to YUnitCount

In HTML or text responses, Y is the type Total number of permitted quantities of this component
of component

YUnitType Unit of measurement of this component

Number of UnitType in one unit of this component. For

YUnitSize example, if the UnitType for WebStorageUnit is GB and UnitS-
ize is 1, then each unit of Web storage is 1GB.

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 1496 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the permitted quantities and unit sizes for Web hosting
package components, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a list of components and an ErrCount value of 0 confirm that the query
was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 1497 -
API Command Categories

<UnitType />

- 1498 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetHostAccount
l GetHostAccounts
l GetResellerHostPricing
l GetStorageUsage
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageDelete
l HostPackageModify
l HostPackageView
l HostParkingPage
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetOverageOptions
l WebHostGetOverages
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums
l WebHostGetResellerPackages
l WebHostSetCustomPackage
l WebHostSetOverageOptions

Retrieve the minimum quantities of components permitted in Web hosting packages.

- 1499 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to retrieve the minimum quantities of components you can include in
your Web hosting packages.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Step 2 - Set Packages table reflects the constraints displayed with the
WebHostGetPackageMinimums command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Name of the Web hosting account 14

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

- 1500 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Status of this Web hosting account:
1 Host account is active
AccountStatusID 2 Account disabled for exceeding allowed monthly bandwidth
3 Account disabled for exceeding the 30GB bandwidth limit
4, 5, 6, 7 Account disabled; contact customer service

Minimum gigabytes of bandwidth, per month, allowed for Web

hosting packages

Minimum megabytes of Web content storage allowed for Web

hosting packages

Minimum megabytes of database storage allowed for Web

hosting packages

Minimum number of POP email boxes allowed for Web hosting


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves minimum quantities of the components of Web hosting
packages, and sends the response in XML format:

- 1501 -
API Command Categories


In the response, a list of package minimums indicates that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CalculateAllHostPackagePricing
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetHostAccount
l GetResellerHostPricing
l GetStorageUsage
l HostPackageDefine

- 1502 -
API Command Categories

l HostPackageDelete
l HostPackageModify
l HostPackageView
l HostParkingPage
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetOverageOptions
l WebHostGetOverages
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetResellerPackages
l WebHostSetCustomPackage
l WebHostSetOverageOptions

View the configurations of Web hosting packages available to your retail customers.
Use this command to display the contents of the Web hosting packages available to your
retail customers.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Set Packages table displays the results of the WebHostGetPackages command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

- 1503 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Show the wholesale price you pay for

ShowPrice Required each package. Permitted values are 0 1
and 1.

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Responses in HTML or text format are numbered, X=1 to Pack-
ageCount ID number for this Web hosting package

PackageNameX Name of this Web hosting package

Gigabytes of bandwidth per calendar month allocated to this

Web hosting account

Megabytes of storage for Web site content available to this

Web hosting account

ID number of the database configured for this Web hosting


DatabaseTypeX Type of database configured for this Web hosting account

ID number of operating system of the Web server for this Web

hosting account

Operating system of the Web server for this Web hosting


Megabytes of database storage allocated for this Web hosting


POPMailBoxesX Number of POP email boxes allocated to this Web hosting

- 1504 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description

Total number of Web hosting packages defined for this


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the Web hosting packages defined for account resellid and
sends the response in XML format:


In the response, a list of packages and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

- 1505 -
API Command Categories

<DatabaseType>SQL Server</DatabaseType>
<DatabaseType>SQL Server</DatabaseType>
<![CDATA[ ]]>

- 1506 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l CalculateAllHostPackagePricing
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetHostAccount
l GetResellerHostPricing
l GetStorageUsage
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageDelete
l HostPackageModify
l HostPackageView
l HostParkingPage
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetOverageOptions
l WebHostGetOverages
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums
l WebHostGetResellerPackages
l WebHostSetCustomPackage
l WebHostSetOverageOptions

Retrieve a list of the POP mailboxes in a Web hosting account.
Use this command to generate a list of POP mailboxes in a Web hosting account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.ehostservices.com with Login ID resellid, password
In the Email Accounts section, the Edit link calls the WebHostGetPOPBoxes command.

- 1507 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain account.
l The domain name must belong to this domain account, and to this Web hosting

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Web hosting account to retrieve POP

HostAccount Required 14
mailbox list for

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Optional enom in enom.com) for which you want a 63
list of POP mailboxes

Top-level domain name (extension) for

TLD Optional 15
which you want a list of POP mailboxes

Return the storage allocation for this

Optional; default is
GetQuota Web hosting account? Permitted values 15
are 0 and 1

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

- 1508 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Responses in HTML or text format are Email alias for this POP mailbox
numbered, X=1 to POPCount

DomainNameX Domain this POP mailbox is associated with

Disk space in MB for this Web hosting account; can be


POPCount Total number of POP mailboxes in this Web hosting account

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves a list of POP mailboxes for Web hosting account resell-
webid and sends the response in XML format:


- 1509 -
API Command Categories

The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

- 1510 -
API Command Categories


Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l GetDomainHeader
l ListDomainHeaders
l WebHostCreatePOPBox
l WebHostDeletePOPBox
l WebHostUpdatePOPPassword

Retrieves the current configuration of Web hosting packages offered by a reseller
Use this command to display the current configuration of Web hosting packages for an
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The Set Packages table displays the results of the WebHostGetResellerPackages com-

- 1511 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The account must be a reseller account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:
paramname=paramvalue &nextparamname=nextparamvalue

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
PackageID ID number of this package

PackageName Name of this package

BandwidthGB Bandwidth available to this package, in G

WebStorageMB Web storage available for this package, in MB

DatabaseTypeID ID number of the type of database provided with this package

DatabaseType Type of database provided with this package

ID number of the operating system of the Web server for this


OSType The operating system of the Web server for this package

DBStorageMB Database storage available for this package, in MB

- 1512 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
POPMailboxes Number of POP mailboxes permitted in this package

DomainHeaders Number of domain headers permitted in this package

Enabled Enabled status of this package

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves the reseller Web hosting packages for domain account
resellid and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, data on Web hosting packages, and an error count 0, indicate that the
query was successful:

- 1513 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<PackageID />
<PackageID />
<PackageID />

- 1514 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands

l CalculateAllHostPackagePricing
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetResellerHostPricing
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageDelete
l HostPackageModify
l HostPackageView
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetCartItem
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums
l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostSetCustomPackage

- 1515 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve the usage statistics for a Web hosting account, for a month you specify in the
query string.
Use this command to retrieve day-by-day usage statistics for a Web hosting account.
This command allows monitoring of usage patterns, which is most likely to be useful
when a customer inquires about bandwidth overage charges.
To retrieve usage-to-date for the current month, use the GetHostAccount command.
To retrieve bandwidth overages for end-of-month account reconciliation, use the
GetHostOverages command.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.ehostservices.com with Login ID resellid, password
The Hosting Package Overview shows the results of the WebHostGetStats command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1516 -
API Command Categories


Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Web hosting account name 14

Month for which you want usage stat-

istics. Permitted value is a number in M
Month Required or MM format. If you specify the current 2
month, the return gives information for
each day to date this month.

Year for which you want usage statistics.

Year Required Permitted value is a number in YYYY 4

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
ReportDate Month

UsedBandWidthMB Web server bandwidth used this month

Hits Number of hits on this domain name

HTMLHits Number of hits on this HTML page

ImageHits Number of hits on images

UniqueIPs Number of unique IPs that hit this Web hosting account

HTMLBandwidthMB Amount of HTML bandwidth used this month

ImageBandwidthMB Amount of bandwidth used to display images this month

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

Done True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-

- 1517 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves usage information for Web hosting account resellwebid, for
November 2008, and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 1518 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l GetResellerHostPricing
l GetStorageUsage
l WebHostGetOverages

Retrieve host records for email and name and IP of the Web hosting server for a Web
hosting account.
Use this command to retrieve host records used in email applications.
Use this command to retrieve the name and IP address of the Web hosting server for a
Web hosting account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
This command is not implemented on enom.com.

- 1519 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Name of Web hosting account 14

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Status of this Web hosting account:
1 Host account is active
AccountStatusID 2 Account disabled for exceeding allowed monthly bandwidth
3 Account disabled for exceeding the 3000GB bandwidth limit
4, 5, 6, 7 Account disabled; contact customer service

Name of the first domain that was associated with this Web
hosting account

POPCName Host record for setting POP mail destination

SMTPCName Host record for setting SMTP destination

WebMailCName Host record for setting Web mail destination

MXCName Host record for setting MX (EasyMail) destination

- 1520 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Number of host records for DomainName, including www but
not @

HostName Name of the Web hosting server for HostAccount

URI to Web hosting account. Format is HostName.ehostser-


ServerIP IP address of the Web hosting server for HostAccount

IISSiteID IIS site ID number

BaseURL Base URL

Version Version

AvailableServer IP address to this Web hosting server

ServerType Operating system of this Web hosting server

WebHostID Identification number of this Web hosting server account

LanguageCountryID Identification number of this language/country

LanguageDesc Name of this language-country pair

CountryDesc Name of this country

LanguageCode Code for this language

CountryCode Code for this country

HasWSC Does this Web hosting account include WSC?

WSCVersion What version of WSC does this Web hosting account include?

Launch URL for the WSC account attached to this Web host-
ing account

AccountName Account name of this Web hosting account

Password Password for this Web hosting account

FTPRoot Root FTP folder for this Web hosting account

FTPHost Address of the FTP server for this Web hosting account

VersionID Version identification number

WebSiteID Web site identification number

UILanguageCountryCode Languagecountry code for UI text

- 1521 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
UILanguage Language for UI

ProductID Product identification number



ProductName Product name

ProdType Product identification number

Price Wholesale price you pay for this product

CurrentVersion Is this the current version?

Successful Success status of this query

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves host records for email, and addresses for uploading Web
site content, and sends the response in XML format:

- 1522 -
API Command Categories


The response lists host records for setting up email, and addresses for uploading Web
site content. The ErrCount value 0 confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

- 1523 -
API Command Categories

Related commands
l WebHostCreatePOPBox
l WebHostDeletePOPBox
l WebHostGetPOPBoxes
l WebHostUpdatePOPPassword

Upgrade an existing Web hosting account by increasing the bandwidth, Web storage,
database storage, and/or POP mail boxes allotted to it.
Use this command to upgrade an existing Web hosting account.
Note: If you do your own billing, you should scan all Web hosting accounts on a monthly
basis to confirm that your billing reflects any upgrades customers have chosen.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the HOSTING ACCOUNT UPGRADES section, the menu boxes show the upgrades
that are available. Once you get a quote for an upgrade, the upgrade me now button
appears, which calls the WebHostSetCustomPackage command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.

- 1524 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

HostAccount Required 14
enom in enom.com)

Number of bandwidth units to include in

this Web hosting package. Each unit con-
BandwidthUnits Required 2
tains 20GB; permitted values are 1 to
150 units (for a maximum of 3000GB).

Number of Web storage units to include

in this Web hosting package. Each unit
WebStorageUnits Required 2
contains 1GB; permitted values are 1 to
400 units (for a maximum of 400GB).

Type of database storage to offer with

this Web hosting package. Permitted val-
DBType Required ues are Access or MSSQL if the hosting 6
account is Windows; Access if the host-
ing account is Linux.

Number of SQL database storage units

to include in this Web hosting package.
Required if
DBStorageUnits Each unit contains 250MB; permitted val- 2
ues are 1 to 30 units (for a maximum of

Number of POP email units to include in

this Web hosting package. Each unit con-
POPUnits Required tains 10 email boxes; permitted values 2
are 1 to 10 units (for a maximum of 100

Extra POP storage, in MB, to be shared

among all POP mailboxes in this
POPStorageUnits Optional 2
account. Permitted values are 20, 40, 60,
80, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500.

- 1525 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Which WebSiteCreator (WSC) package
to select. Permitted values are:
WSCOption Optional 90 WSC Basic 2
91 WSC Full
92 WSC ECommerce

Billing cycle, in months, for this Web

BillingPeriod Optional hosting account. Permitted values are 1, 2
3, 6, and 12

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Status of this Web hosting account:
1 Host account is active
AccountStatusID 2 Account disabled for exceeding allowed monthly bandwidth
3 Account disabled for exceeding the 3000GB bandwidth limit
4, 5, 6, 7 Account disabled; contact customer service

IISSiteID Identification number of our IIS server

Version IIS version

Number of bandwidth units to include in this Web hosting pack-

BandwidthUnits age. Each unit contains 1GB; maximum permitted is 30 units

Number of Web storage units to include in this Web hosting

WebStorageUnits package. Each unit contains 50MB; maximum permitted is 10
units (500MB).

Number of SQL database storage units to include in this Web

DBStorageUnits hosting package. Each unit contains 50MB; maximum per-
mitted is 10 units (500MB).

Number of POP email units to include in this Web hosting pack-

POPUnits age. Each unit contains 10 email boxes; maximum permitted is
10 units (a total of 100 mailboxes).

Number of POP email storage units shared among all mail-

boxes attached to this Web hosting account

Price New monthly fee for this reconfigured package

- 1526 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Success Success status for this change

True indicates that bandwidth, Web storage, POP units, POP

storage, database type, or database storage for this Web host-
ing account was updated successfully. A return value False
includes error messages stating the nature of any errors

True indicates that the billing period for this Web hosting
account was updated successfully

True indicates that the database for this Web hosting account
was upgraded successfully.

True indicates that the WSC subscription attached to this Web

hosting account was updated successfully.

WSCOption New WSC package, if changed

WSCAccountID New WSC identification number, if changed

Terminate flag. If True, this Web hosting account will be

deleted at the end of this billing period.

Date on which this Web hosting account will be deleted, if one

has been set

Command Name of command executed

Language Language of this API response

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

ResponseCount Number of errors in this response

MinPeriod For domain names, shortest period this TLD may be registered

MaxPeriod For domain names, longest period this TLD may be registered

Server API server that processed this query

Site Web site through which this query was submitted

For domain names, is this a TLD that permits a Registrar


For domain names, is this a TLD that offers automated, near-

instant registration?

TimeDifference Time difference between the source IP for this query and the

- 1527 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
API server that processed it

ExecTime Time required to execute this query

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query adds bandwidth and POP mailboxes to an existing Web hosting
account, and sends the response in XML format:


The response lists the new configuration of this Web hosting account. The Pack-
ageUpdated value True and the ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 1528 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CalculateAllHostPackagePricing
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetResellerHostPricing
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageModify
l HostPackageView
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums
l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetResellerPackages

For a Web hosting account, choose how bandwidth overages are to be handled.

- 1529 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to set the bandwidth-overage option for a Web hosting account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In Step 2, the option buttons set the value for the WebHostSetOverageOptions com-

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

ID number of the Web hosting package

to set bandwidth overage options for. To
WebHostID Required 8
retrieve the WebHostID value, use the
GetHostAccount command.

Bandwidth overage handling option to

assign to this Web hosting account. To
OptionID Required retrieve permitted values and their 2
descriptions, use the WebHostGetOver-
ageOptions command.

- 1530 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Format of response. Options are Text
ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
WebHostID ID number of this Web hosting package

OptionID ID number of bandwidthoverage option

OptionUpdated Success status of this update

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query requests bandwidth-overage-handling options, and sends the
response in XML format:


- 1531 -
API Command Categories


In the response, a list of options for handling bandwidth overages indicates that the
query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands

l CalculateAllHostPackagePricing
l CalculateHostPackagePricing
l CreateHostAccount
l GetAllResellerHostPricing
l GetHostAccount
l GetResellerHostPricing
l GetStorageUsage
l HostPackageDefine
l HostPackageDelete
l HostPackageModify

- 1532 -
API Command Categories

l HostPackageView
l HostParkingPage
l UpdateHostPackagePricing
l WebHostGetOverageOptions
l WebHostGetOverages
l WebHostGetPackageComponentList
l WebHostGetPackageMinimums
l WebHostGetPackages
l WebHostGetResellerPackages
l WebHostSetCustomPackage

Change the password to a Web hosting account.
Use this command to change the password used to log on to the Web hosting control
panel. The password to the domain name account does not change.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the HOSTING ACCOUNT NAME section, the save changes button calls the
WebHostUpdatePassword command.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain name account.

- 1533 -
API Command Categories

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

HostAccount Required Name of the Web hosting account 14

New password for the Web hosting

NewHostPW Required 14

New password for the Web hosting

ConfirmNewHostPW Required 14

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Status of this Web hosting account:
1 Host account is active
AccountStatusID 2 Account disabled for exceeding allowed monthly bandwidth
3 Account disabled for exceeding the 3000GB bandwidth limit
4, 5, 6, 7 Account disabled; contact customer service

PasswordUpdated Success status of this update

Command Name of command executed

Language Language of response

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


- 1534 -
API Command Categories

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query changes the Web hosting password (used to login on to the Web
hosting control panel; the password to the domain name account does not change) and
sends the response in XML format:


In the response, the PasswordUpdated value True confirms that the query was suc-

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 1535 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l CancelHostAccount
l GetHostAccount
l WebHostUpdatePOPPassword

Change the password for a POP mailbox in a Web hosting package.
Use this command to change the password for a POP mailbox in a Web hosting pack-
age. To change the password for a POP mailbox associated with a domain account, use
one of the POP commands in our domain account API catalog.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to webhostingtest.ehost-services.com with Login ID resellwebid, password
The SAVE ALL CHANGES button calls the WebHostUpdatePOPPassword command.

- 1536 -
API Command Categories

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting account must belong to this domain account.
l The domain name must be associated with this Web hosting account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Name of the Web hosting account that

HostAccount Required contains the POP mailbox for which you 14
want to change the password

Email alias of the POP mailbox for which

you want to change the password. For
UserName Required example, if the email address is john.- 50
doe@resellerdocs.com, supply User-

Should UserName have administrative

privileges over all mailboxes associated
with this domain name in this Web host-
ing account? Administrative privileges
allow this user to reset the password for
Either IsAdmin or mailboxes, and delete mailboxes. Per-
NewPassword is mitted values are: 0 Regular user (can
IsAdmin Required. They change the password for their own mail- 1
may be used box but no one elses) 1 Administrator
together. (when this user logs on to Webmail and
goes to the admin page, he or she can
see all mailboxes for this domain name in
this Web hosting account, can reset
passwords for any or all mailboxes, and
can delete any or all mailboxes)

- 1537 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Either IsAdmin or
NewPassword is
NewPassword Required. They New password for UserName mailbox 50
may be used

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Options are Text

ResponseType Optional 4
(default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query changes the password of POP mailbox poptest3 to poptest3a and
sends the response in XML format:

- 1538 -
API Command Categories


In the response, the ErrCount value 0 confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddDomainHeader
l CreateHostAccount
l GetDomainHeader
l ListHostHeaders
l WebHostCreatePOPBox
l WebHostDeletePOPBox
l WebHostGetPOPBoxes

- 1539 -
API Command Categories

Retrieve the information for a Web Site Creator (WSC) account, including the URL for
this account to link to the WSC wizard.
Use this command to retrieve information about a Web hosting account that includes
WSC, or a stand-alone WSC account.
This command retrieves the URL to the Web site creation wizard for this WSC account.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the pane for each account, the account-specific information is provided by the WSC_
GetAccountInfo command.

l The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The Web hosting or WSC stand-alone account must belong to this domain name

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

- 1540 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Name of Web hosting or WSC stand-

alone accounts. Use the WSC_
Account Required GetAllPackages command to retrieve a 14
list of Web hosting accounts with WSC,
and WSC stand-alone accounts.

Language in which to launch the WSC

Optional; default is wizard. Permitted values are: Eng Eng-
Language 1
Eng lish Spa Spanish Ger German Por Por-
tuguese Fre French Ita Italian

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Individual identification number for this Web hosting or WSC
stand-alone account

The individual account name of this Web hosting or WSC

stand-alone account

WebStorage Storage space available to this account

BandWidth Monthly bandwidth available to this account

SQLSize Database space available to this account

DatabaseType Type of database configured for this account

POPMailboxes POP mailboxes for this account

Overage Overage option for this account

BillingDate Billing date of this account

Status Active status of this account

Operating system of our server on which your WSC account


Terminate Is this account flagged for termination?

- 1541 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
TerminateDate If flagged for termination, on what date?

HasWSC Does this account have WSC?

WSCEnabled Is WSC enabled for this account?

WSCLaunchURL The URL for the WSC wizard for this account

WSCCountry The country for the WSC wizard for this account

WSCLanguage The language for the WSC wizard for this account

CurrentPlanPrice Monthly price for WSC

CanUpgrade Is this account eligible for upgrade?

WSCFullPrice Price for WSC Full

WSCECommercePrice Price for WSC eCommerce

WSCVersion WSC version

HostHeaderDomains Host header domains

HasHostHeaders Do these domains have host headers?

Return value WSC indicates that this is a Web hosting

account that subscribes to WSC

SiteURL URL of the WSC-built Web Site for this account

IsLWSC Is this a WSC Lite free account?

WSCSiteID Our identification number for this WSC site

PointedTo Is the WSC-built Web site pointing to SiteURL?

WSCSiteID Our identification number for this WSC site

EmailAddress Email address of WSC account subscriber

HTTPURL Domain name tied to WSC

NextBillPeriod Next billing period

For multi-month discounts, the number of months customer

pays for to receive this discount

PromoID For multi-month discounts, the promo code for this discount

DiscountPercent For multi-month discounts, the discount percentage

DiscountPlanCnt Number of discount plans listed here

- 1542 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
CanUpdate Can this billing period be changed?

DeleteDate Scheduled delete date for this WSC Web site

AvailableHeaderDomains Scheduled delete date for this WSC Web site

AvailableDomainList Scheduled delete date for this WSC Web site

AvailableDomainCount Scheduled delete date for this WSC Web site

Command Name of command executed

Language Language of the WebSite Creator wizard

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves information about one Web hosting account that includes
WSC, or one WSC standalone account, and sends the response in XML format:


The response is as follows:


- 1543 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<WebStorage />
<BandWidth />
<SQLSize />
<DatabaseType />
<POPMailBoxes />
<Overage />
<OSType />
<TerminateDate />
<wscfullprice />
<wscecommerceprice />

- 1544 -
API Command Categories

<currentbillperiod />
<nextbillperiod />
<deletedate />
<AvailableHeaderDomains />

- 1545 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddToCart
l GetAllDomains
l PurchaseServices
l WSC_GetAllPackages
l WSC_GetPricing
l WSC_Update_Ops

Retrieve a list of all Web hosting packages that include WSC, and all WSC stand-alone
Use this command to list all Web hosting packages that include WSC, and all WSC
stand-alone accounts, in a domain name account. The response includes a variety of
information about each WSC account, including the URL to launch the WSC site-build-
ing wizard for this account.

- 1546 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The account information on this page is provided by the WSC_GetAllPackages com-

l The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Include URL to launch WSC wizard in

Optional; default is
GetLaunchURL response? Permitted values are 1 to 1
include URL, 0 to omit.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
WebHostID Individual identification number for this Web hosting or WSC

- 1547 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
stand-alone account

The individual account name of this Web hosting or WSC

stand-alone account

WebStorage Storage space available to this account

BandWidth Monthly bandwidth available to this account

SQLSize Database space available to this account

DatabaseType Type of database configured for this account

POPMailboxes POP mailboxes for this account

Overage Overage option for this account

BillingDate Billing date of this account

Status Active status of this account

Operating system of our server on which your Web hosting

account resides

Terminate Is this account flagged for termination?

TerminateDate If flagged for termination, on what date?

HasWSC Does this account have WSC?

WSCEnabled Is WSC enabled for this account?

WSCLaunchURL The URL for the WSC wizard for this account

CurrentPlanPrice Monthly price for WSC

CanUpgrade Is this account eligible for upgrade?

WSCFullPrice Price for WSC Full

WSCECommercePrice Price for WSC eCommerce

WSCVersion WSC version

Domain Name of domain associated with this account

DomainNameID Our identification number for this domain name

WSCOnlyHeaders Is this domain associated with the WSC Web site?

HasPOP Does this domain have POP email associated with it?

HasHostHeaders Do these domains have host headers?

- 1548 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
Return value WSC indicates that this is a Web hosting
account that subscribes to WSC

SiteURL URL of the WSC-built Web site for this account

IsLWSC Is this a WSC Lite free account?

WSCSiteID Our identification number for this WSC site

PointedTo Is the WSC-built Web site pointing to SiteURL?

EmailAddress Email address of WSC subscriber

HTTPURL Domain name associated with this WSC account

CurrentBillPeriod Current billing period

NextBillPeriod Next billing period

For multi-month discounts, the number of months customer

pays for to receive this discount

PromoID For multi-month discounts, the promo code for this discount

DiscountPercent For multi-month discounts, the discount percentage

DiscountPlanCnt Number of discount plans listed here

CanUpdate Can this billing period be changed?

DeleteDate Scheduled delete date for this WSC Web site

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

- 1549 -
API Command Categories

The following query retrieves a list of Web hosting accounts that include WSC, and
WSC stand-alone accounts, and sends the response in XML format:


The response includes a wide variety of information on each Web hosting account that
include WSC, and WSC stand-alone account:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<WebStorage />
<BandWidth />
<SQLSize />
<DatabaseType />
<POPMailBoxes />
<Overage />
<OSType />
<TerminateDate />

- 1550 -
API Command Categories

<wscfullprice />
<wscecommerceprice />
<currentbillperiod />
<nextbillperiod />

- 1551 -
API Command Categories

<deletedate />

Related commands
l AddToCart
l GetAllDomains
l PurchaseServices
l WSC_GetAccountInfo
l WSC_GetPricing
l WSC_Update_Ops

Retrieve this accounts wholesale costs or retail prices for Web Site Creator (WSC), and
the URL for our WSC demo.
Use this command to retrieve the prices this account pays for WSC, or the prices this
account charges retail customers.
Use this command to retrieve the URL to our WSC demo.

- 1552 -
API Command Categories

Package names that begin with WSC offer WSC as part of a Web hosting package
your customer can build one Web site using the Web Site Creator wizard and in addition
have up to 49 other Web sites hosted through the same package. Package names that
begin with LWSC offera single Web site: the one built in the WSC wizard.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
In the Web Site Creator Pricing table, the My Total Cost (WSC + Hosting) column shows
the same return values as the WSC_GetPricing command used in the wholesale price
mode. The Total Price (WSC + Hosting) column shows the return values when GetRe-
In the web tools table, the Your Cost column shows the same return values as the WSC_
GetPricing command used in the wholesale price mode. The Price column shows the
return values when GetRetail=true.

l The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

- 1553 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Get prices this account charges to retail
customers? Permitted value is true. Any
GetRetai Optional other value, or not using this parameter, 4
returns prices this account pays for

In what language should the WSC wizard

launch? Permitted values are: Eng Eng-
Optional; default is Fre French
Language 4
Eng Ger German
Ita Italian
Por Portuguese
Spa Spanish

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
This accounts wholesale cost or retail price for the WSC
Basic package, as an add-on to a Web hosting package

This accounts wholesale cost or retail price for the WSC Full
package, as an add-on to a Web hosting package

This accounts wholesale cost or retail price for the WSC

eCommerce package, as a stand-alone product

This accounts wholesale cost or retail price for the WSC

Basic stand-alone package (supports only the WSC Web site)

This accounts wholesale cost or retail price for the WSC Full
stand-alone package

This accounts wholesale cost or retail price for the WSC

eCommerce standalone package

WSCDemoURL URL of our Web Site Creator demo

Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

- 1554 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Description
True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameterErr(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query retrieves this accounts wholesale costs for Web Site Creator pack-
ages, and sends the response in XML format:


In the response, WSC prices and an ErrCount value 0 confirm that the query was suc-

<?xml version="1.0" ?>


- 1555 -
API Command Categories

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />
<![CDATA[ ]]>

Related commands
l AddToCart
l GetAllDomains
l PurchaseServices
l WSC_GetAccountInfo
l WSC_GetAllPackages
l WSC_Update_Ops

Upgrade Web Site Creator.

- 1556 -
API Command Categories

Use this command to upgrade Web Site Creator stand-alone accounts (Web hosting
accounts with account names using format LWSCNNNxNNNN), that are at least Lite
Basic. The following table lays out the upgrade path for WSC stand-alone products (Lite,
Lite Basic, Lite Full, and Lite eCommerce):


No purchase necessary for
No WSC WSC Lite ServiceSelect
WSC Lite

Lite Basic
No WSC Lite Full Real time PurchaseServices
Lite eCommerce

Lite Basic ServiceSelect to create Lite,

No WSC Lite Full Shopping cart then AddToCart to upgrade to
Lite eCommerce higher plan

WSC_Update_Ops in the last

Lite Basic Upgrade to a Billing amount is deducted
month of the current billing
Lite Full higher plan from your account balance

Lite Basic WSC_Update_Ops in the last

Change to a dif- Billing amount is deducted
Lite Full month of the current billing
ferent billing cycle from your account balance
Lite eCommerce cycle

To upgrade Web Site Creator within a Web hosting account (Web hosting accounts with
names that do not begin with LWSC), use the WebHostSetCustomPackage command.
You cannot downgrade Web Site Creator from a higher to a lower version.
All resellers have access to this command.
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
The upgrade now button calls the WSC_Update_Ops command.

The query must meet the following requirements:

- 1557 -
API Command Categories

l The login ID and password must be valid.

l The Web Site Creator account must belong to this domain name account.
l You can only use this command in the last 30 days of the current billing cycle.
l You can only upgrade Lite Basic and Lite Full plans with this command. See
Usage section above.
l You can change the billing cycle with this command, with or without upgrading the

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Name of LWSC account. Must be an

Account Required account name with format 14

Level of service you want. Your current

plan must be at least Lite Basic (you
must use PurchaseServices or
AddToCart to upgrade from Lite to a
Optional; default is higher plan). Permitted values are:
NewLWSCPlan 2
current plan LWSCBasic
You can upgrade the plan when you are
within 30 days of the next billing date.

Billing period, in months. Permitted val-

Optional; default is
ues are 1, 3, 6, or 12. You can change
LWSCBillCycle current billing cycle 2
the billing period when you are within 30
days of the next billing date.

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default), HTML, or XML.

- 1558 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Enter Returned parameter and values here.

Parameter Description
AccountStatusID 1 indicates a valid, active account.

Successful True indicates that the query executed successfully

PlanUpdated True indicates that the LWSC plan was successfully upgraded

True indicates that the LWSC billing cycle was successfully


Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount) values.

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter ErrCount. If greater than 0 the transaction failed. The
parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise process the
returned parameters as defined above.

The following query upgrades Web Site Creator to eCommerce and sends the response
in XML format:


- 1559 -
API Command Categories


In the response, the ErrCount value 0 confirms that the query was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" ?><interface-response>

<MinPeriod />
<IsLockable />
<IsRealTimeTLD />

Related commands
l AddToCart
l Purchase
l PurchaseServices ServiceSelect
l WSC_GetAccountInfo
l WSC_GetAllPackages
l WSC_GetPricing

- 1560 -
API Command Categories

Get the Member Authorization Token for a XXX domain name.
If you need to replace a domain memberID with a new one, you need to remove the exist-
ing one assigned to the domain, and then add (set) the new memberID.
All resellers have access to this command
Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Go to the General Settings.

l The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

- 1561 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Format of response. Permitted values

ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default),HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount)

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


DomainNameID Domain Name ID.

MemberID Member Authorization Token

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter rameter ErrCount If greater than 0 the transaction
failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise pro-
cess the returned parameters as defined above.

The following query get the member authorization token for a domain name from the
Registry, and requests the response in XML format:

- 1562 -
API Command Categories



<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ 152932175 ]]>
<![CDATA[ True ]]>
<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 1 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ eNom ]]>

- 1563 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ True ]]>

<![CDATA[ True ]]>
<![CDATA[ +3.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.688 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ 85a5e50d-0425-4c9d-a795-25acc26d8c0a ]]>
<![CDATA[ 12/5/2011 12:42:45 PM ]]>

Related commands
l XXX_RemoveMemberId
l XXX_SetMemberId

Removes the Member Authorization Token for a XXX domain name.
If you need to replace a domain memberID with a new one, you need to remove the exist-
ing one assigned to the domain, and then add (set) the new memberID.

- 1564 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command

Implementation on eNom.com
Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.
Go to the General Settings.
XXX_RemoveMemberId is executed before user updating/removing Member Author-
ization Token value.

l The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Member Authorization Token for domain

MEMBERID Required 16

Format of response. Permitted values are

ResponseType Optional 4
Text (default),HTML, or XML.

- 1565 -
API Command Categories

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount)

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


DomainNameID Domain Name ID.

DomainName Domain Name.

Member Authorization Token (If this empty then the remove


l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter rameter ErrCount If greater than 0 the transaction
failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise pro-
cess the returned parameters as defined above.
l If response MemberId is empty then the remove failed.

The following query get the member authorization token for a domain name from the
Registry, and requests the response in XML format:



- 1566 -
API Command Categories

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ 152932175 ]]>
<![CDATA[ resellertest.xxx ]]>
<![CDATA[ True ]]>
<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 1 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ eNom ]]>
<![CDATA[ True ]]>

- 1567 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ True ]]>

<![CDATA[ +3.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.688 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ 85a5e50d-0425-4c9d-a795-25acc26d8c0a ]]>
<![CDATA[ 12/5/2011 12:42:45 PM ]]>

Related commands
l XXX_GetMemberId
l XXX_SetMemberId


Sets the Member Authorization Token for a XXX domain name.
If you need to replace a domain memberID with a new one, you need to remove the exist-
ing one assigned to the domain, and then add (set) the new memberID.

- 1568 -
API Command Categories

All resellers have access to this command

Implemenatation on eNom.com
Give the usage of the API command here

Log on to resellertest.enom.com with Login ID resellid, password resellpw.

Go to the General Settings.

The query must meet the following requirements:
l The login ID and password must be valid.
l The domain name must belong to this account.
l The member authorization token must belong to domain name.

Input parameters
Build the query string using this syntax:

Parameter Status Description Max Size

UID Required Account login ID 20

PW Required Account password 20

Second-level domain name (for example,

SLD Required 63
enom in enom.com)

TLD Required Top-level domain name (extension) 15

Member Authorization Token for domain

MEMBERID Required 16

- 1569 -
API Command Categories

Parameter Status Description Max Size

Format of response. Permitted values
ResponseType Optional 4
are Text (default),HTML, or XML.

Returned parameters and values

Parameter Description
Command Name of command executed

The number of errors if any occurred. If greater than 0 check

the Err(1 to ErrCount)

Error messages explaining the failure. These can be presented

as is back to the client.

True indicates this entire response has reached you suc-


DomainNameID Domain Name ID.

MemberID Member Authorization Token

l The default response format is plain text. To receive the response in HTML or XML
format, send ResponseType=HTML or ResponseType=XML in your request.
l Check the return parameter rameter ErrCount If greater than 0 the transaction
failed. The parameter Err(ErrCount) can be presented to the client. Otherwise pro-
cess the returned parameters as defined above.

The following query get the member authorization token for a domain name from the
Registry, and requests the response in XML format:


- 1570 -
API Command Categories


<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<![CDATA[ 152932175 ]]>
<![CDATA[ True ]]>
<![CDATA[ eng ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 1 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 10 ]]>
<![CDATA[ eNom ]]>
<![CDATA[ True ]]>
<![CDATA[ True ]]>

- 1571 -
API Command Categories

<![CDATA[ +3.00 ]]>
<![CDATA[ 0.688 ]]>
<![CDATA[ true ]]>
<debug />
<![CDATA[ 85a5e50d-0425-4c9d-a795-25acc26d8c0a ]]>
<![CDATA[ 12/5/2011 12:42:45 PM ]]>

Related commands
l XXX_GetMemberId
l XXX_RemoveMemberId

- 1572 -

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