Social Justice Campaign Rubric

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Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Knowledge  demonstrates  demonstrates some  demonstrates  demonstrates

limited knowledge of considerable thorough
knowledge of content knowledge of knowledge of
content content content
Thinking  uses planning  uses planning  uses planning  uses planning
skills with skills with some skills with skills with a high
limited effectiveness considerable degree of
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
Application  applies  applies knowledge  applies knowledge  applies knowledge
knowledge and and skills in and skills in and skills in
skills in familiar familiar familiar
familiar contexts with contexts with contexts with a
contexts with some effectiveness considerable high degree of
limited effectiveness effectiveness
Communicati  expresses and  expresses and  expresses and  expresses and
organizes ideas organizes ideas organizes ideas organizes ideas
on and information and information and information and information
with limited with some with considerable with a high degree
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness of effectiveness
 uses  uses conventions,  uses conventions,  uses conventions,
conventions, vocabulary, and vocabulary, and vocabulary, and
vocabulary, and terminology of the terminology of the terminology of the
terminology of discipline with discipline with discipline with a
the discipline some effectiveness considerable high degree of
with limited effectiveness effectiveness

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