Clay Vessel Rubric
Clay Vessel Rubric
Clay Vessel Rubric
Shows a design process Uses planning and Uses planning and Uses planning and Uses planning and
and creativity in processing skills with processing skills with some processing skills with processing skills with a
demonstrating each limited effectiveness effectiveness considerable effectiveness high degree of
element effectiveness
Uses critical thinking in Uses critical/creative Uses critical/creative Uses critical/creative Uses critical/creative
problem solving when thinking processes with thinking processes with thinking processes with thinking processes with a
creating the clay vessel limited effectiveness some effectiveness considerable effectiveness high degree of
Applies the understanding Applies knowledge and Applies knowledge and Applies knowledge and Applies knowledge and
or procedure and process skills within a familiar skills within a familiar skills within a familiar skills within a familiar
to successfully creating the context with limited context with some context with considerable context with a high degree
clay vessel effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness of effectiveness
Demonstrates effort and Incomplete Developing Satisfactory Done very well with a high
challenges self in creating Done for completion degree of care and
the clay structure. excellence
Name: ________________________