Safari - 16-Nov-2022 at 10:46 AM
Safari - 16-Nov-2022 at 10:46 AM
Safari - 16-Nov-2022 at 10:46 AM
… … …
Joseph Fourier
James Croll
T. C. Chamberlin
Previous advocacy of an
atmospheric hypothesis, – The
general doctrine that the glacial
periods may have been due to a
change in the atmospheric content
of carbon dioxide is not new. It
was urged by Tyndall a half-
century ago and has been urged by
others since. Recently it has been
very effectively advocated by Dr.
Arrhenius, who has taken a great
step in advance of his
predecessors in reducing his
conclusions to definite
quantitative terms deduced from
observational data. .. The
functions of carbon dioxide. – By
the investigations of Tyndall,
Lecher and Pretner, Keller,
Roentgen, and Arrhenius, it has
been shown that the carbon
dioxide and water vapor of the
atmosphere have remarkable
power of absorbing and
temporarily retaining heat rays,
while the oxygen, nitrogen, and
argon of the atmosphere possess
this power in a feeble degree only.
It follows that the effect of the
carbon dioxide and water vapor is
to blanket the earth with a
thermally absorbent envelope. ..
The general results assignable to a
greatly increased or a greatly
reduced quantity of atmospheric
carbon dioxide and water may be
summarized as follows:
a. An increase, by causing a
larger absorption of the sun's
radiant energy, raises the
average temperature, while a
reduction lowers it. The
estimate of Dr. Arrhenius, based
upon an elaborate mathematical
discussion of the observations
of Professor Langley, is that an
increase of the carbon dioxide
to the amount of two or three
times the present content would
elevate the average temperature
8° or 9 °C. and would bring on a
mild climate analogous to that
which prevailed in the Middle
Tertiary age. On the other hand,
a reduction of the quantity of
carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere to an amount
ranging from 55 to 62 per cent,
of the present content, would
reduce the average temperature
4 or 5 C, which would bring on a
glaciation comparable to that of
the Pleistocene period.