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History of climate change

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The history of the scientific discovery of

climate change began in the early 19th century
when ice ages and other natural changes in
paleoclimate were first suspected and the natural
greenhouse effect was first identified. In the late
19th century, scientists first argued that human
emissions of greenhouse gases could change
Earth's energy balance and climate. Many other
theories of climate change were advanced,
involving forces from volcanism to solar variation.
In the 1960s, the evidence for the warming effect
of carbon dioxide gas became increasingly
convincing. Some scientists also pointed out that
human activities that generated atmospheric
aerosols (e.g., "pollution") could have cooling
effects as well.

John Tyndall's ratio spectrophotometer

(drawing from 1861) measured how much
infrared radiation was absorbed and emitted by
various gases filling its central tube.[1]

During the 1970s, scientific opinion increasingly

favored the warming viewpoint. By the 1990s, as
the result of improving the fidelity of computer
models and observational work confirming the
Milankovitch theory of the ice ages, a consensus
position formed: greenhouse gases were deeply
involved in most climate changes and human-
caused emissions were bringing discernible
global warming. Since the 1990s, scientific
research on climate change has included multiple
disciplines and has expanded. Research has
expanded our understanding of causal relations,
links with historic data, and abilities to measure
and model climate change. Research during this
period has been summarized in the Assessment
Reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change.

Climate change, broadly interpreted, is a

significant and lasting change in the statistical
distribution of weather patterns over periods
ranging from decades to millions of years. It may
be a change in average weather conditions or in
the distribution of weather around the average
conditions (such as more or fewer extreme
weather events). Climate change is caused by
factors that include oceanic processes (such as
oceanic circulation), biotic processes (e.g.,
plants), variations in solar radiation received by
Earth, plate tectonics and volcanic eruptions, and
human-induced alterations of the natural world.
This last effect is currently causing global
warming, and "climate change" is often used to
describe human-specific impacts.

Prior to the 20th century …

Regional changes, antiquity

through 19th century …

See also: Holocene

From ancient times, people suspected that the

climate of a region could change over the course
of centuries. For example, Theophrastus, a pupil
of Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle in the 4th
century BC, told how the draining of marshes had
made a particular locality more susceptible to
freezing, and speculated that lands became
warmer when the clearing of forests exposed
them to sunlight. In the 1st century BC, Roman
writer and architect Vitruvius wrote about climate
in relation to housing architecture and how to
choose locations for cities.[2][3] Renaissance
European and later scholars saw that
deforestation, irrigation, and grazing had altered
the lands around the Mediterranean since
ancient times; they thought it plausible that these
human interventions had affected the local
weather.[4][5] In his book published in 1088,
Northern Song dynasty Chinese scholar and
statesman Shen Kuo promoted the theory of
gradual climate change over centuries of time
once ancient petrified bamboos were found to be
preserved underground in the dry climate zone
and arid northern region of Yanzhou, now
modern day Yan'an, Shaanxi province, far from
the warmer, wetter climate areas of China where
bamboos typically grow.[6][7]

The 18th and 19th-century conversion of Eastern

North America from forest to croplands brought
obvious change within a human lifetime. From
the early 19th century, many believed the
transformation was altering the region's climate—
probably for the better. When farmers in
America, dubbed "sodbusters", took over the
Great Plains, they held that "rain follows the
plow".[8][9] Other experts disagreed, and some
argued that deforestation caused rapid rainwater
run-off and flooding, and could even result in
reduced rainfall. European academics,
suggesting that the temperate zones inhabited
by the "Caucasian race" were naturally superior
for the spread of civilization, proffered that the
Orientals of the Ancient Near East had heedlessly
converted their once lush lands into
impoverished deserts.[10]

Meanwhile, national weather agencies had begun

to compile masses of reliable observations of
temperature, rainfall, and the like. When these
figures were analyzed, they showed many rises
and dips, but no steady long-term change. By
the end of the 19th century, scientific opinion had
turned decisively against any belief in a human
influence on climate. And whatever the regional
effects, few imagined that humans could affect
the climate of the planet as a whole.[10]

Paleo-climate change and theories

of its causes, 19th century …

Erratics, boulders deposited by

glaciers far from any existing
glaciers, led geologists to the
conclusion that climate had
changed in the past.

Joseph Fourier

James Croll

Main articles: paleoclimatology, ice age, and

greenhouse effect

From the mid-17th century, naturalists attempted

to reconcile mechanical philosophy with
theology, initially within a biblical timescale. By
the late 18th century, there was increasing
acceptance of prehistoric epochs. Geologists
found evidence of a succession of geological
ages with climate changes. There were various
competing theories about these changes; Buffon
proposed that the Earth had begun as an
incandescent globe and was very gradually
cooling. James Hutton, whose ideas of cyclic
change over huge periods were later dubbed
uniformitarianism, was among those who found
signs of past glacial activity in places too warm
for glaciers in modern times.[11]

In 1815 Jean-Pierre Perraudin described for the

first time how glaciers might be responsible for
the giant boulders seen in alpine valleys. As he
hiked in the Val de Bagnes, he noticed giant
granite rocks that were scattered around the
narrow valley. He knew that it would take an
exceptional force to move such large rocks. He
also noticed how glaciers left stripes on the land
and concluded that it was the ice that had
carried the boulders down into the valleys.[12]

His idea was initially met with disbelief. Jean de

Charpentier wrote, "I found his hypothesis so
extraordinary and even so extravagant that I
considered it as not worth examining or even
considering."[13] Despite Charpentier's initial
rejection, Perraudin eventually convinced Ignaz
Venetz that it might be worth studying. Venetz
convinced Charpentier, who in turn convinced
the influential scientist Louis Agassiz that the
glacial theory had merit.[12]

Agassiz developed a theory of what he termed

"Ice Age"—when glaciers covered Europe and
much of North America. In 1837 Agassiz was the
first to scientifically propose that the Earth had
been subject to a past ice age.[14] William
Buckland had been a leading proponent in Britain
of flood geology, later dubbed catastrophism,
which accounted for erratic boulders and other
"diluvium" as relics of the Biblical flood. This was
strongly opposed by Charles Lyell's version of
Hutton's uniformitarianism and was gradually
abandoned by Buckland and other catastrophist
geologists. A field trip to the Alps with Agassiz in
October 1838 convinced Buckland that features
in Britain had been caused by glaciation, and
both he and Lyell strongly supported the ice age
theory which became widely accepted by the

Before the concept of ice ages was proposed,

Joseph Fourier in 1824 reasoned based on
physics that Earth's atmosphere kept the planet
warmer than would be the case in a vacuum.
Fourier recognized that the atmosphere
transmitted visible light waves efficiently to the
earth's surface. The earth then absorbed visible
light and emitted infrared radiation in response,
but the atmosphere did not transmit infrared
efficiently, which therefore increased surface
temperatures. He also suspected that human
activities could influence the radiation balance
and Earth's climate, although he focused
primarily on land-use changes. In an 1827 paper,
Fourier stated,[15]

The establishment and progress of

human societies, the action of natural
forces, can notably change, and in
vast regions, the state of the surface,
the distribution of water and the
great movements of the air. Such
effects are able to make to vary, in
the course of many centuries, the
average degree of heat; because the
analytic expressions contain
coefficients relating to the state of the
surface and which greatly influence
the temperature.

Fourier's work built on previous discoveries: in

1681 Edme Mariotte noted that glass, though
transparent to sunlight, obstructs radiant heat.
[16][17] Around 1774 Horace Bénédict de Saussure
showed that non-luminous warm objects emit
infrared heat, and used a glass-topped insulated
box to trap and measure heat from sunlight.[18]

The physicist Claude Pouillet proposed in 1838

that water vapor and carbon dioxide might trap
infrared and warm the atmosphere, but there was
still no experimental evidence of these gases
absorbing heat from thermal radiation.[20]

The warming effect of sunlight on different gases

was examined in 1856 by Eunice Newton Foote,
who described her experiments using glass
tubes exposed to sunlight. The warming effect of
the sun was greater for compressed air than for
an evacuated tube and greater for moist air than
dry air. "Thirdly, the highest effect of the sun's
rays I have found to be in carbonic acid gas."
(carbon dioxide) She continued: "An atmosphere
of that gas would give to our earth a high
temperature; and if, as some suppose, at one
period of its history, the air had mixed with it a
larger proportion than at present, an increased
temperature from its action, as well as from an
increased weight, must have necessarily
resulted." Her work was presented by Prof.
Joseph Henry at the American Association for
the Advancement of Science meeting in August
1856 and described as a brief note written by
then journalist David Ames Wells; her paper was
published later that year in the American Journal
of Science and Arts. Few noticed the paper and it
was only rediscovered in the 21st century,[21][22]

John Tyndall took Fourier's work one step further

in 1859 when he built an apparatus to investigate
the absorption of infrared radiation in different
gases. He found that water vapor, hydrocarbons
like methane (CH4), and carbon dioxide (CO2)
strongly block the radiation. He understood that
without these gases the planet would rapidly

Some scientists suggested that ice ages and

other great climate changes were due to changes
in the amount of gases emitted in volcanism. But
that was only one of many possible causes.
Another obvious possibility was solar variation.
Shifts in ocean currents also might explain many
climate changes. For changes over millions of
years, the raising and lowering of mountain
ranges would change patterns of both winds and
ocean currents. Or perhaps the climate of a
continent had not changed at all, but it had
grown warmer or cooler because of polar wander
(the North Pole shifting to where the Equator had
been or the like). There were dozens of theories.

For example, in the mid-19th century, James

Croll published calculations of how the
gravitational pulls of the Sun, Moon, and planets
subtly affect the Earth's motion and orientation.
The inclination of the Earth's axis and the shape
of its orbit around the Sun oscillate gently in
cycles lasting tens of thousands of years. During
some periods the Northern Hemisphere would
get slightly less sunlight during the winter than it
would get during other centuries. Snow would
accumulate, reflecting sunlight and leading to a
self-sustaining ice age.[13][27] Most scientists,
however, found Croll's ideas—and every other
theory of climate change—unconvincing.

First calculations of greenhouse

effect, 1896 …

In 1896 Svante Arrhenius

calculated the effect of a
doubling atmospheric carbon
dioxide to be an increase in
surface temperatures of 5–6
degrees Celsius.

T. C. Chamberlin

This 1902 article attributes to

Svante Arrhenius a theory
that coal combustion could
eventually lead to human

This 1912 article succinctly

describes the greenhouse
effect, focusing on how
burning coal creates carbon
dioxide that causes climate

By the late 1890s, Samuel Pierpoint Langley

along with Frank W. Very[30] had attempted to
determine the surface temperature of the Moon
by measuring infrared radiation leaving the Moon
and reaching the Earth.[31] The angle of the Moon
in the sky when a scientist took a measurement
determined how much CO2 and water vapor the
Moon's radiation had to pass through to reach
the Earth's surface, resulting in weaker
measurements when the Moon was low in the
sky. This result was unsurprising given that
scientists had known about infrared radiation
absorption for decades.

In 1896 Svante Arrhenius used Langley's

observations of increased infrared absorption
where Moon rays pass through the atmosphere
at a low angle, encountering more carbon dioxide
(CO2), to estimate an atmospheric cooling effect
from a future decrease of CO2. He realized that
the cooler atmosphere would hold less water
vapor (another greenhouse gas) and calculated
the additional cooling effect. He also realized the
cooling would increase snow and ice cover at
high latitudes, making the planet reflect more
sunlight and thus further cool down, as James
Croll had hypothesized. Overall Arrhenius
calculated that cutting CO2 in half would suffice
to produce an ice age. He further calculated that
a doubling of atmospheric CO2 would give a total
warming of 5–6 degrees Celsius.[32]

Further, Arrhenius' colleague Arvid Högbom, who

was quoted in length in Arrhenius' 1896 study On
the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the
Temperature of the Earth[33] had been
attempting to quantify natural sources of
emissions of CO2 for purposes of understanding
the global carbon cycle. Högbom found that
estimated carbon production from industrial
sources in the 1890s (mainly coal burning) was
comparable with the natural sources.[34]
Arrhenius saw that this human emission of
carbon would eventually lead to a warming
energy imbalance. However, because of the
relatively low rate of CO2 production in 1896,
Arrhenius thought the warming would take
thousands of years, and he expected it would be
beneficial to humanity.[34][35]

In 1899 Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin

developed at length the idea that climate
changes could result from changes in the
concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide.[36]
Chamberlin wrote in his 1899 book, An Attempt
to Frame a Working Hypothesis of the Cause of
Glacial Periods on an Atmospheric Basis:

Previous advocacy of an
atmospheric hypothesis, – The
general doctrine that the glacial
periods may have been due to a
change in the atmospheric content
of carbon dioxide is not new. It
was urged by Tyndall a half-
century ago and has been urged by
others since. Recently it has been
very effectively advocated by Dr.
Arrhenius, who has taken a great
step in advance of his
predecessors in reducing his
conclusions to definite
quantitative terms deduced from
observational data. .. The
functions of carbon dioxide. – By
the investigations of Tyndall,
Lecher and Pretner, Keller,
Roentgen, and Arrhenius, it has
been shown that the carbon
dioxide and water vapor of the
atmosphere have remarkable
power of absorbing and
temporarily retaining heat rays,
while the oxygen, nitrogen, and
argon of the atmosphere possess
this power in a feeble degree only.
It follows that the effect of the
carbon dioxide and water vapor is
to blanket the earth with a
thermally absorbent envelope. ..
The general results assignable to a
greatly increased or a greatly
reduced quantity of atmospheric
carbon dioxide and water may be
summarized as follows:

a. An increase, by causing a
larger absorption of the sun's
radiant energy, raises the
average temperature, while a
reduction lowers it. The
estimate of Dr. Arrhenius, based
upon an elaborate mathematical
discussion of the observations
of Professor Langley, is that an
increase of the carbon dioxide
to the amount of two or three
times the present content would
elevate the average temperature
8° or 9 °C. and would bring on a
mild climate analogous to that
which prevailed in the Middle
Tertiary age. On the other hand,
a reduction of the quantity of
carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere to an amount
ranging from 55 to 62 per cent,
of the present content, would
reduce the average temperature
4 or 5 C, which would bring on a
glaciation comparable to that of
the Pleistocene period.

b. A second effect of increase

and decrease in the amount of
atmospheric carbon dioxide is
the equalization, on the one
hand, of surface temperatures,
or their differentiation on the
other. The temperature of the
surface of the earth varies with
latitude, altitude, the
distribution of land and water,
day and night, the seasons, and
some other elements that may
here be neglected. It is
postulated that an increase in
the thermal absorption of the
atmosphere equalizes the
temperature, and tends to
eliminate the variations
attendant on these
contingencies. Conversely, a
reduction of thermal
atmospheric absorption tends
to intensify all of these
variations. A secondary effect of
intensification of differences of
temperature is an increase of
atmospheric movements in the

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