Vocabulary (O-R) O: Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms
Vocabulary (O-R) O: Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms
Vocabulary (O-R) O: Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms
Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms
bulk, fatness, fleshiness,
Obesity (n) অতিতিক্ত ম োটো thinness, leanness, skinniness
offensive, obnoxious, pleasant, acceptable,
Objectionable (adj) আপতিজনক
detestable agreeable
dirty, filthy, foul, indecent,
Obscene (adj) অশ্লীল decent, decorous, wholesome
modern, up-to-date,
Obsolete (adj) অদ্ভুি antique, out-dated, outmoded
dull, dumb, stupid, stolid, intelligent, brilliant,
Obtuse (adj) তনর্বোধ
foolish meritorious
Occult (adj) িহস্য য়ী hidden, mysterious, obscure clear, familiar, plain, open
hopeful, confident, positive, pessimistic, dark, negative,
Optimistic (adj) আশো্োদী
cheerful cynical
commencement, conclusion, close,
Outset (n) প্রোিম্ভ
inauguration, inception termination
Obstacle (n) ্োধো impediment help, aid
Obligation (n) ্োধয্োধকিো accountability, compulsion, exemption, freedom
Obliterate (v) তনতিহ্ন কিো eradicate, annihilate, wipe construct, create
Ominous (adj) ভীতিকি threatening, intimidating propitious, favorable
Opaque (adj) অস্বচ্ছ/ দুর্বোধয non-transparent, abstruse, transparent, lucid
Opposition (n) ত্রিোতধিো resistance, antagonism support, backing
Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms
পচনশীল/ নশ্বি
Perishable (adj) subject to decay, short-lived durable, lasting
ক্লোতিকি/ imperturbable, peaceful,
Pacific (adj) excited, frantic, turbulent
শোতিতপ্রয় tranquil
Paltry (adj) জঘন্য/ নীচ contemptible, worthless noble, significant
agitation, emotion,
Passion (n) ভো্োর্গ restraint, tranquility
Precise (adj) স্পষ্ট exact, definite, specific vague
Perpetual (adj) তচিস্থোয়ী ceaseless, eternal, everlasting ephemeral, finite, transient
realistic, practical, quixotic, impractical,
Pragmatic (adj) ্োস্ত্ধ বী
materialistic imaginative
go before in position, time or
Precede (v) অগ্র্িবী হওয়ো follow, pursue
ভোন কিো/ দো্ী
Pretend (v) assume, feign, profess, claim display, exhibit, reveal
Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms
accomplished, adept,
Proficient (adj) ম োগয awkward, inexpert, untrained
competent, ingenious
caution, vigilance,
Prudence (adj) পতিণো দতশবিো carelessness, recklessness
enduring, lasting, durable,
Permanent (adj) স্থোয়ী temporary, brief, short-lived
confuse, bewilder, mystify, simplify, enlighten, explain,
Perplex (v) হি্ুতি কিো
puzzle elucidate
urge, entice, coax, induce, restrain, deter, repel,
Persuade (v) প্ররিোচনো কিো
impel, allure dissuade, hinder
abundant, lavish, luxuriant,
Plentiful (adj) প্রচু ি পতি োণ scare, scanty, insufficient
advantage, prerogative,
Privilege (n) সুর োগ-সুত্ধো prohibition, inhibition
exalt, raise, lift, elevate,
Promote (v) উন্নি কিো degrade, hinder, dishonor
rebuke, chastise, castigate, reward, remunerate,
Punish (v) শোতস্ত মদয়ো
beat compensate
Pacify (v) শোি কিো appease, placate, assuage enrage
Perilous (adj) ত্পজ্জনক hazardous, risky safe
Predicament (n) ত্পজ্জনক favorable, fortunate
dilemma, impasse, deadlock
Prosperity (n) উন্নতি success, progress poverty, misfortune
Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms
Quest (n) exploration, investigation disregard, inactivity
িযোগ কিো/ ুক্ত
Quit (v) abandon, give up, relinquish continue, endure, persist
hasty, hurried, immediate,
Quick (adj) দ্রুি inert, inactive, lethargic
Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms
ত্ররোহী সুলভ / mutinous, disobedient,
Rebellious (adj) patriotic, loyal, obedient
অ্োধয unruly
anger, exasperation, fury, forbearance, patience, self-
Rage (n & v) মরোধ/মরোধোতেি
wrath control
Reluctant (adj) অতনচ্ছু ক loath, averse enthusiastic, willing
Ravage (v) ধ্বংস্ কিো destroy, abolish make, construct
Robust (adj) ্ল্োন healthy, sound, strong delicate, frail, infirm
barbarous, brutal, ferocious,
Ruthless (adj) তনদবয় courteous, gentle, humane
Reconcile (v) অরপোষ কিো conciliate, restore alienate, isolate
Refute (v) ক্ত
ু খণ্ডন কিো disprove, confute, rebut prove, confirm
Relevant (adj) প্রোস্তিক pertinent, germane unrelated, dissimilar
দো্ী/ পদ িযোগ
Relinquish (v) give up, abdicate retain, hold
Renovate (v) ম িো ি কিো revamp, restoration damage, destroy
Retreat (v) তপতিরয় আস্ো withdraw, move back advance, progress
Revoke (v) ্োতিল/ িদ কিো repeal, annul validate, authenticate
Preposition Meaning Example
Object to আপতি কিো I objected to his proposal.
Objection to/
আপতি I have no objection to/against his proposal.
Oblige to/ for ্োতধি I am obliged to you for granting my prayer.
Obligatory on ্োধযিো ূলক It is obligatory on sons to look after their old parents.
Oblivious of ভু রলো নো Man is oblivious of the past.
Obstacle to ্োাঁধো Poverty was obstacle to his success in life.
Occupied with ্যস্ত Mr. Khan is occupied with his books.
Occupied in ্যস্ত He is occupied in writing a grammar.
Offend against লংঘন কিো You have offended against college discipline.
Offensive to পীড়োদোয়ক The smell of this scent is offensive to me.
Open to উন্মক্ত
ু The national zoo is open to all.
Opportunity for সুর োগ I have missed an opportunity for going abroad.
Opportunity of সুত্ধো I have no opportunity of going abroad.
Students raised a strong opposition to the order of the
Opposition to ত্রিোতধিো
All the rivers of Bangladesh originate from the
Originate with/from উৎপন্ন হওয়ো
Originate in/from শুরু হওয়ো The fire originated in his shop.
Oust from ্তহিঃস্কৃি কিো He was ousted from the college.
অতভভূ ি The widow was overwhelmed with grief.
Owe to ঋণী হওয়ো I owe to my teacher.
Preposition Meaning Example
Parallel to স্ োিিোল This line is parallel to that.
মকোন ্যতক্ত হরি
Part from The writer parted from Jerry.
ত্তচ্ছন্ন হওয়ো
Part with মকোন ্স্তু িযোগ কিো I cannot part with this pen.
Partial to পক্ষপোিদুষ্ট We should not be partial to our relatives.
Partiality to/ for পক্ষপোতিত্ব I have no partiality for my relatives.
Passion for ভো্োর্গ Sakila has a deep passion for music.
Patient of স্তহষ্ণু The sick man is patient of his sufferings.
Patience with ধধ বয The father lost all his patience with his son.
Permit of ঞ্জুি হওয়ো His conduct permits of no excuse.
Play at মখলো কিো Students should not play at cards.
Play on ্োজোরনো The third girl played on a tune.
Play with মহলো মেলো কিো Don’t play with matches.
Plead for আর্দন কিো The poor plead for justice but in vain.
পক্ষ স্ র্বরন
Plead against I pleaded against his conduct.
্োদোনু্োদ কিো
Plunged in তন তজ্জি He is plunged in deep study.
Ponder over গভীিভোর্ তচিো কিো The boy is pondering over the mistakes.
The principal is popular with the pupils for his
Popular with/ for জনতপ্রয়
Possessed of অতধকোিী Muhsin was possessed of vast wealth.
Precaution against স্িকবিো We should take precaution against disease.
Prefer to পিন্দ কিো He prefers reading to writing.
Preferable to পিন্দনীয় Milk is preferable to tea.
Prejudice against কুস্ংস্কোি I have no prejudice against any religion.
Prejudicial to ক্ষতি কিো Smoking is prejudicial to health.
Prepare for প্রস্তুতি লওয়ো Boby is preparing for the examination.
Preside over স্ভোপতিত্ব কিো The Principal presided over the meeting.
Pretend to ভোন কিো Hamlet pretended to madness.
Prevent from ত্িি কিো My father prevented me from going to cinema.
Previous to পূ্ব Previous to that he was a typist.
Prey to তশকোি স্বরূপ One should not be prey to greed.
Pride in গ্ব কিো He takes pride in his wealth.
Proficient in দক্ষ Our Principal is proficient in English.
Profit by লোভ্োন হওয়ো Students are profited by their teachers instructions.
Profitable to লোভজনক The co-operative shop was profitable to the students.
Prohibit from ত্িি িোখো I prohibited him from going to cinema.
Preposition Meaning Example
Prompt in িৎপি Jerry was prompt in doing his duties.
Proportionate to স্ োনুপোতিক Punishment should be proportionate to crime.
There was no cloud to protect the sailors from the
Protect from িক্ষো কিো
burning sun.
দুতদবরনি জরন্য স্ঞ্চয়
Provide against Everyone should provide something against rainy days.
Provide with মদয়ো He provided me with a loading.
Preposition Meaning Example
Qualified for উপ ক্ত
ু He is qualified for the post.
কোহোিও স্োরর্ ঝগড়ো
Quarrel with We should not quarrel with one another.
The two brothers quarreled with each other about a piece
Quarrel about ত্ষরয় কলহ কিো
of land.
Quick at চটপরট Jerry was quick at his work.
Preposition Meaning Example
Relevant to প্রোস্তিক His remark was not relevant to the point.
Relieved of ুক্ত The servant was relieved of his works.
Rely on তনভবি কিো The authoress relied on Jerry.
Remarkable for ত্খযোি Khan Jahan All is remarkable for his social work.
Remedy for প্রতিকোি There is no remedy for cancer.
Remind of রন কতিরয় মদয়ো I reminded him of the accident.
Repent of অনুিোপ কিো The old sailor repented of his sin.
Repentance for অনুিোপ The old man felt repentance for his sin.
Replace by স্থোনোিতিি কিো The bench was replaced by a new one.
Requisite for প্ররয়োজনীয় তজতনস্ A Haji has to take many requisites for pilgrimage.
Respect for ভতক্ত Students should have respect for their teachers.
Respond to জ্ো্ মদয়ো God cannot but respond to the call of a man.
Responsible to দোয়ী We are responsible to Allah.
Admission to University is restricted to only first
Restrict to স্ী ো্ি
division students.
Result of েল The result of dishonesty is terrible.
Result from উদ্ভূি হওয়ো Misery results from vice.
Result in েরল প ব্তস্ি হওয়ো Vice results in misery
Retire from অ্স্ি গ্রহণ কিো The Principal retired from service.
Retire to ত্শ্রো কিো He has retired to bed.
Preposition Meaning Example
Revenge upon প্রতিরশোধ গ্রহণ কিো Immortal gods revenged upon the lady.
Rich in স্ ৃি Bangladesh is rich in natural gas.
Rob of চু তি কিো The servant robbed me of everything.
Ready at দক্ষ He is ready at passing running community.
Ready for প্রস্তুি They are ready to do anything for the country.
Reason with িকব কিো Students should not reason with the teachers.
Rebel against ত্ররোহ কিো The workers rebelled against the mill owner.
Reconcile with ত ট োট কিো Samson reconciled with his wife.
Reconcile to ম রন মনয়ো Samson has reconciled to his lot.
Recover from আরিোগয লোভ কিো The patient has recovered from his illness.
Reduce to পতিণি হওয়ো The old man has been reduced to poverty.
Refer to ইতিি কিো The case was referred to police for inquiry.
Reflect upon তচিো কিো Samson reflected upon his past life.
Refrain from ত্িি হওয়ো Father refrained me from going to cinema.
Regard for ভতক্ত Students should have regard for their teachers.
Regard to প্রস্ি In regard to his character I know nothing.