TalkFile - 2024 9 2 PDF
TalkFile - 2024 9 2 PDF
TalkFile - 2024 9 2 PDF
kr 교육연구소
비밀노트 24년 9월 독해가 되는 상세어휘 ★ 유의어/반의어 [고2]
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Ÿ 이태릭체는 영영풀이
21 objective 목표 goal, aim
no longer 더 이상~아닌
prevention 방지, 예방 avoidance, deterrence cause, allowance
replicability 방복 가능성 reproducibility uniqueness, singularity
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비밀노트 24년 9월 독해가 되는 상세어휘 ★ 유의어/반의어 [고2]
permission 허용, 허락 consent, approval refusal, denial
etiquette 에티켓 manners, protocol rudeness, impoliteness
particular 특정한 specific, distinct general, unspecific
a public 사람들, 대중 individual, private
the 비교급, the
더 ~할 수록, 더~하다
비교급 increasingly
urgent 긴박한, 긴급한 critical, pressing non-urgent, trivial
requirement 요건, 요구 prerequisite, necessity option, luxury
authoritative 공신력 있는 reliable, credible dubious, unreliable
source 원천, 출처 origin, basis result, consequence
broadcast station 방송국
rumor 소문 hearsay, gossip
run riot 제멋대로 뻗어 나간다 go wild stay calm, restrain
although S+V V에도 불구하고 despite, even though
unproven 입증되지 않은 unverified, untested proven, verified
pass A on A를 전달하다 convey, relay withhold, retain
redundant 일시 해고된 laid-off, surplus necessary, essential
colleague 동료 coworker, associate rival, adversary
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depend on X X에 달려있다 rely on, hinge on disregard, ignore
therefore, 그러므로, 따라서 hence, accordingly despite, nevertheless
specific 특정한 particular, definite vague, general
apply to X X에 적용하다 pertain to, refer to exclude, disregard
somewhat 다소
questionable 의심스러운 doubtful, suspicious certain, unquestionable
practice 관행, 실행
29 shift 이동, 변화, 바뀌다 change, transition stability, continuity
take place 일어나다, 발생하다 happen, occur cease, stop
accept 받아들이다 approve, agree reject, refuse
view (n) 관점, 보다 opinion, perspective ignorance, blindness
universe 우주 cosmos, space
inhabitant 거주자 resident, dweller visitor, tourist
planet 행성
orbit (v) ~의 궤도를 돌다
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to B disassociate A from B
other than X X가 아닌 except for X, including X, X itself
aside from X
reassure 안심시키다 comfort, calm worry, alarm
have little to do X와 거의 관계가 없다 unrelated to, irrelevant closely related to, associated with
with X to
have everything to X와 전적으로 관계가
directly linked to,
do with X 있다
completely associated unrelated to, separate from
nearly 거의 almost, approximately exactly, completely
externalize 외부화하다 express, project internalize, suppress
fair and square 정정당당하게 justly, honestly unfairly, dishonestly
deserved 마땅한 merited, earned undeserved, unfair
must have pp ~했음에 틀림없다
33 collective 집합적인 individual, singular
prosperity 부, 번영 wealth, success poverty, decline
skyrocket 급등하다 surge, escalate plummet, decrease
progress 발전 advancement, growth stagnation, regression
much richer, more
far wealthier 훨씬 더 부유한 affluent poorer, less affluent
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the 비교급, the
더~할 수록, 더 ~다
비교급 progressively
further 더, 더 많이, 더욱 더 additional, more less, fewer
progress 나아가다, 전진하다 advance, move forward regress, retreat
mastery 숙달 expertise, proficiency incompetence, ignorance
less 덜, 더 적게, 더 적은
conscious 의식적인 aware, mindful unconscious, unaware
awareness 인식 consciousness ignorance, unawareness
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flour 밀가루
flake 플레이크
remove 제거하다, 없애다 eliminate, take away add, include
vast 방대한 immense, enormous tiny, small
majority 다수 minority, few
raise 기르다, 만들다 nurture, cultivate lower, decrease
spoilage 손상, 상함 decay, decomposition preservation, maintenance
no longer 더 이상~아닌 not anymore, no more still, continuing
acceptable 받아들일 수 있는 tolerable, permissible unacceptable, intolerable
context 맥락 isolation, irrelevance
sustainable 지속 가능한 renewable, enduring unsustainable, temporary
aim (v) 목표로 하다, 목표 target, goal neglect, ignore
optimal 최적의
density 밀도
conversely, on the
in contrast, 대조적으로, other hand similarly, likewise
fermentation 발효
foodstuffs 식품류
germination 발아
accessible 접근 가능한 reachable, available inaccessible, unreachable
highly 매우 extremely, greatly slightly, barely
nutritious 영양가 있는 healthy, wholesome unhealthy, empty-calorie
sounded 알려진 known, publicized hidden, obscure
36 obvious 명백한, 명확한, 분명한 clear, evident unclear, ambiguous
the 비교급, the 더~할 수록, 더 ~다
competent 유능한, 능력있는 capable, proficient incompetent, unskilled
competence 능력, 유능함 skill, ability incompetence, inability
cluster 무리 group, bunch individual, single
get ~하게 하다
have a possibility, be
stand a chance 가능성이 있다 likely have no chance, impossible
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athlete 운동 선수
gourmet 미식
once in a while 가끔 occasionally, sometimes frequently, always
screw up 망치다 mess up, ruin succeed, perfect
37 computational 컴퓨터를 사용하는
input 입력
generate 생성하다 create, produce destroy, eliminate
output 출력 result, production input
embody 구현하다, 구체화하다 exemplify, represent disembody, hide
notion 개념, 관념 concept, idea fact, certainty
computation 컴퓨터 계산
purpose 목적
assign 부여하다, 할당하다 allocate, designate withhold, deny
compare 비교하다 contrast, correlate differentiate, separate
waggle dance of
the honeybee 꿀벌의 8자 춤
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be likely to +V V하기 쉽다 prone to, liable to unlikely to, resistant to
just as ~처럼
excessively 과도하게, 지나치게
in the company of ~와 함께 있으면
heavy drinker 술을 많이 마시는 사람
visibility 가시성 clarity, sight invisibility, obscurity
promote 촉진하다, 증진하다 advance, encourage inhibit, suppress
inhibit 억제하다 restrain, hold back promote, stimulate
spread (n) 확산 expansion, proliferation reduction, contraction
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state 상태
torpor 휴면 dormancy, sluggishness activity, alertness
40 concern 걱정, 우려 worry, anxiety indifference, carelessness
appear to ~인듯 보이다
though ~에도 불구하고 although, even though
vary 다르다, 다양하다 differ, change remain, stagnate
distress 곤경, 고통 suffering, trouble comfort, peace
kindergarten 유치원
be likely to ~하기 쉽다
reverse 뒤바뀌다, 뒤집어지다 overturn, flip maintain, keep
less 덜 more, greater
peer 또래
comfortable 편안한 relaxed, at ease uncomfortable, uneasy
the company of ~와 함께 있음
whereas ~한 반면에
embarrassed 창피한, 당황한, 당혹한 ashamed, flustered confident, composed
overreact 과잉 반응하다 exaggerate, overdo underreact, downplay
note (v) 말하다 remark, state ignore, overlook
discuss 이야기하다, 상의하다 talk over, debate ignore, avoid
in other words, 다시 말해서,
intentionally, on
deliberately 의도적으로, 고의적으로 purpose accidentally, inadvertently
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meaningless 무의미한 pointless, insignificant meaningful, significant
in fact 사실,
reasonable 합리적인 rational, logical irrational, illogical
physics 물리학
seek 찾다, 추구하다 avoid, shun
no matter how 얼마나~든지
irritating 짜증스러운 annoying, bothersome pleasing, agreeable
repeat 반복하다 reiterate, redo cease, stop
seriously 진지하게 earnestly, solemnly lightly, casually
for oneself 스스로
45 with respect to X X에 관해서 regarding, concerning ignoring, unrelated to
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publish 출판하다 print, release withhold, suppress
fantasy 판타지, 공상 imagination, daydream reality, truth
guess 짐작하다, 추측하다 estimate, speculate know, be certain