A7672X - Series - Hardware Design - V1.00
A7672X - Series - Hardware Design - V1.00
A7672X - Series - Hardware Design - V1.00
Hardware Design
LTE Module
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
Version History
Date Version Description of change Author
2021-03-30 1.00 Initial
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................9
1.1 Product Outline........................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Hardware Interface Overview.................................................................................................................10
1.3 Hardware Block Diagram........................................................................................................................ 10
1.4 Functional Overview.................................................................................................................................11
2 Package Information................................................................................................................................ 13
2.1 Pin Assignment Overview....................................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Pin Description..........................................................................................................................................15
2.3 Mechanical Information........................................................................................................................... 22
2.4 Footprint Recommendation.................................................................................................................... 23
2.5 Recommend Stencil Size........................................................................................................................24
3 Interface Application................................................................................................................................ 25
3.1 Power Supply............................................................................................................................................ 25
3.1.1 Power Supply Design Guide.......................................................................................................... 26
3.1.2 Recommended Power Supply Circuit.......................................................................................... 27
3.1.3 Voltage Monitor................................................................................................................................ 28
3.2 Power On/ Off and Reset........................................................................................................................28
3.2.1 Power on........................................................................................................................................... 28
3.2.2 Power off............................................................................................................................................29
3.2.3 Reset Function................................................................................................................................. 31
3.3 UART Interface......................................................................................................................................... 32
3.3.1 UART Design Guide........................................................................................................................ 32
3.3.2 RI and DTR Behavior...................................................................................................................... 33
3.4 USB Interface............................................................................................................................................34
3.4.1 USB Reference Design...................................................................................................................34
3.4.2 USB_BOOT Interface......................................................................................................................35
3.5 USIM Interface.......................................................................................................................................... 36
3.5.1 SIM Application Guide.....................................................................................................................36
3.5.2 Recommend USIM Card Holder................................................................................................... 37
3.6 Analog audio interface.............................................................................................................................38
3.6.1 Analog audio reference design......................................................................................................38
3.7 Matrix keyboard interface........................................................................................................................39
3.8 GPIO Interface.......................................................................................................................................... 40
3.9 I2C Bus.......................................................................................................................................................40
3.10 Network status.......................................................................................................................................... 41
3.11 GNSS interface.........................................................................................................................................42
3.12 SPI LCD interface.....................................................................................................................................45
3.13 SPI camera interface............................................................................................................................... 46
3.14 Bluetooth interface................................................................................................................................... 47
3.15 Another interface...................................................................................................................................... 47
3.15.1 ADC..................................................................................................................................................47
3.15.2 LDO..................................................................................................................................................48
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
4 RF Specifications...................................................................................................................................... 50
4.1 GSM/LTE Specifications......................................................................................................................... 50
4.2 GSM/LTE Antenna Requirements......................................................................................................... 52
4.3 GNSS Specifications............................................................................................................................... 52
4.4 GNSS Antenna Requirements............................................................................................................... 53
4.5 Bluetooth specifications.......................................................................................................................... 53
4.6 Antenna Reference Design.................................................................................................................... 54
4.6.1 Passive Antenna for GSM/LTE/GNSS/Bluetooth....................................................................... 54
4.6.2 Active Antenna for GNSS............................................................................................................... 55
4.7 PCB layout.................................................................................................................................................55
5 Electrical Specifications..........................................................................................................................56
5.1 Absolute maximum ratings..................................................................................................................... 56
5.2 Operating conditions................................................................................................................................56
5.3 Operating Mode........................................................................................................................................ 57
5.3.1 Operating Mode Definition..............................................................................................................57
5.3.2 Sleep mode....................................................................................................................................... 58
5.3.3 Minimum functionality mode and Flight mode............................................................................ 59
5.4 Current Consumption...............................................................................................................................59
5.5 ESD Notes.................................................................................................................................................60
7 Packaging....................................................................................................................................................65
8 Appendix..................................................................................................................................................... 68
8.1 Coding Schemes and Maximum Net Data Rates over Air Interface............................................... 68
8.2 Related Documents................................................................................................................................. 69
8.3 Terms and Abbreviations.........................................................................................................................71
8.4 Safety Caution.......................................................................................................................................... 73
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
Table Index
Table 1: Module frequency bands................................................................................................................................ 9
Table 2: General features.............................................................................................................................................11
Table 3: Pin Description............................................................................................................................................... 14
Table 4: Pin parameter abbreviation..........................................................................................................................15
Table 5: 1.8V IO parameters definition......................................................................................................................16
Table 6: 3.3V IO parameters definition......................................................................................................................16
Table 7: Pin description................................................................................................................................................ 17
Table 8: VBAT pins electronic characteristic............................................................................................................ 25
Table 9: Recommended TVS diode list..................................................................................................................... 26
Table 10: Power on timing and electronic characteristic........................................................................................ 29
Table 11: Power off sequence parameters............................................................................................................... 30
Table 12: RESET pin electronic characteristic......................................................................................................... 31
Table 13: USB_BOOT description..............................................................................................................................35
Table 14: USIM electronic characteristic in 1.8V mode (USIM_VDD=1.8V)...................................................... 36
Table 15: USIM electronic characteristic 3.0V mode (USIM_VDD=3V).............................................................. 36
Table 16: Amphenol USIM socket pin description................................................................................................... 38
Table 17: MIC input ADC parameter list....................................................................................................................38
Table 18: Analog audio Parameter.............................................................................................................................38
Table 19: matrix keyboard PIN description............................................................................................................... 39
Table 20: Standard GPIO Resources of A7672X.................................................................................................... 40
Table 21: 2G mode NETLIGHT pin status................................................................................................................ 42
Table 22: LTE mode NETLIGHT pin status.............................................................................................................. 42
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
Figure Index
Figure 1: A7672X block diagram................................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 2: Pin assignment overview for A7672X.......................................................................................................13
Figure 3: Dimensions (Unit: mm)................................................................................................................................22
Figure 4: Footprint recommendation (Unit: mm)..................................................................................................... 23
Figure 5: Recommend stencil dimension (Unit: mm)..............................................................................................24
Figure 6: VBAT voltage drop during burst emission (EDGE/GPRS)................................................................... 25
Figure 7: Power supply application circuit................................................................................................................ 26
Figure 8: Linear regulator reference circuit.............................................................................................................. 27
Figure 9: power supply reference circuit................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 10: Reference power on/off circuit.................................................................................................................28
Figure 11: Power on timing sequence.......................................................................................................................29
Figure 12: Power off timing sequence.......................................................................................................................30
Figure 13: Reference reset circuit.............................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 14: Serial port connection diagram (full-function mode)............................................................................32
Figure 15: Serial port connection diagram (NULL mode)...................................................................................... 32
Figure 16: Triode level conversion circuit................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 17: RI behaviour (SMS and URC report)..................................................................................................... 33
Figure 18: USB circuit diagram...................................................................................................................................34
Figure 19: Reference USB_BOOT circuit.................................................................................................................35
Figure 20: Force-download port................................................................................................................................. 35
Figure 21: SIM interface reference circuit.................................................................................................................36
Figure 22: SIM interface reference circuit (8PIN).................................................................................................... 37
Figure 23: Amphenol C707 10M006 512 USIM card socket.................................................................................37
Figure 24: Analog audio interface reference circuit................................................................................................ 39
Figure 25: Matrix keyboard interface reference circuit........................................................................................... 40
Figure 26: I2C reference circuit.................................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 27: NETLIGHT reference circuit.....................................................................................................................41
Figure 28: GNSS reference design(Non-standalone GNSS solution)............................................................44
Figure 29: GNSS reference design(standalone GNSS solution).................................................................... 44
Figure 30: SPI LCD reference design....................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 31: SPI camera reference design.................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 32: VBAT_ADC reference design..................................................................................................................48
Figure 33: Passive antenna reference...................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 34: Active antenna reference..........................................................................................................................55
Figure 35: Reference PCB layout.............................................................................................................................. 55
Figure 36: Top and bottom view of A7672X.............................................................................................................61
Figure 37: Label information for A7672X.................................................................................................................. 62
Figure 38: The ramp-soak-spike reflow profile of A7672X.................................................................................... 63
Figure 39: packaging diagram.................................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 40: Tray drawing............................................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 41: Small carton drawing.................................................................................................................................66
Figure 42: Big carton drawing..................................................................................................................................... 66
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
1 Introduction
This document describes the hardware interface of the module, which can help users quickly understand
the interface definition, electrical performance and structure size of the module. Combined with this
document and other application documents, users can understand and use A7672X module to design and
develop applications quickly. SIMCom provides a set of evaluation boards to facilitate A7672X module
testing and use. The evaluation board tools include an EVB board, a USB cable, an antenna, and other
Aimed at the global market, the module supports GSM, LTE-TDD and LTE-FDD. Users can choose the
module according to the wireless network configuration. The supported radio frequency bands are
described in the following table.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
With a small physical dimension of 24*24*2.4mm and with the functions integrated, the module can meet
almost any space requirement in users’ applications, such as smart phone, PDA, industrial handhold,
machine-to-machine and vehicle application, etc.
A7672X provides 124 pins, including 80 LCC pins in the outer ring and 44 LGA pins in the inner ring. This
document will introduce all the functional pins.
The block diagram of the A7672X module is shown in the figure below.
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Module is able to make and receive voice calls, data calls, SMS and make GPRS/LTE traffic in -40℃ ~
+85 ℃ . The performance will be reduced slightly from the 3GPP specifications if the temperature is
outside the normal operating temperature range and still within the extreme operating temperature
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
2 Package Information
2.1 Pin Assignment Overview
The following Figure is a high-level view of the pin assignment of the module for A7672X.
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77 GND 78 GND
79 GND 80 GND
81 GND 82 GND
83 GND 84 GND
85 GND 86 GND
87 GND 88 GND
91 GND 92 GND
93 BT_ANT 94 GND
99 VDD_2V8 100 1PPS
113 NC 114 NC
115 NC 116 GNSS_VBKP
' ● ' Indicates that these Pins cannot be pulled down before the module powered up, otherwise it will
affect the normal start-up of the module.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
Pin parameter
Pin name Description Note
No. Power
Power supply
Module input voltage ranges
55,56, from 3.4V to 4.2V, Typical
57 values is 3.8V. and the peak
current value can reach 2A.
1.8V power output, output
Can provide 1V8
current up to 50 mA. Cannot
power supply for
VDD_1V8 15 - PO provide to high power load,
GNSS. If unused,
can provide power for level
keep it open.
conversion circuit, etc.
VDD_2V8 99 - PO Can provide 2V8
Internal 2.8V power output,
power supply for
output current up to 50 mA.
Cannot provide to high power
unused, keep it
GND - - Ground
System Control
Power ON/OFF input, active been internally
low. pulled-up to VBAT
VIH: 0.7*VBAT with 50KΩ
VIL: 0.3*VBAT resistor, default
RESET has been
System reset control input,
pulled-up to VBAT
active low.
RESET 16 - DI,PU with 50KΩ
(typical) resistor,
default high.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
USIM interface
USIM bus data, this pin has
USIM1_DATA 31 1.8/3.0V I/O,PU been pull-up with 4.7KΩ
resistor to USIM1_VDD.
USIM1_RST 33 1.8/3.0V I/O,PU USIM bus reset output.
USIM1_CLK 32 1.8/3.0V I/O,PU USIM bus clock output.
USIM card power supply
output, supports 1.8v/3.0v
USIM1_VDD 30 1.8/3.0V PO output according to the card
type, its output current is up
to 50mA.
USIM insert detect, it can be
set to high/low active with the
USIM1_DET 34 1.8V I/O,PU
AT command, refer to
Document [25]
USIM2_DATA 108 1.8/3.0V I/O,PU USIM bus data, this pin need
pull-up with 4.7KΩ resistor to
USIM2_VDD externally.
USIM2_RST 111 1.8/3.0V I/O,PU USIM bus reset output.
USIM2_CLK 109 1.8/3.0V I/O,PU USIM bus clock output.
USIM2_VDD 110 1.8/3.0V PO USIM card power supply
output, supports 1.8v/3.0v
output according to the card
type, its output current is up
to 50mA.
USIM2_DET 112 1.8V DI,PD USIM insert detect, it can be
set to high/low active with the
AT command, refer to
Document [25]
USB interface
Valid USB detection input.
VBUS 24 - AI Active high, Vmax(valid)=3.0V,
Negative line of the differential,
USB_DM 28 - I/O
bi-directional USB signal.
Positive line of the differential,
USB_DP 27 - I/O
bi-directional USB signal.
Full function UART interface
RTS 8 1.8V DI RTS input
CTS 7 1.8V DO CTS output
RXD 10 1.8V DI Data input
If unused, keep it
TXD 9 1.8V DOH Data output
RI 4 1.8V DO Ringing indicator
DCD 5 1.8V DO Carrier detection
DTR 3 1.8V DI DTE Ready
Debug UART
UART_LOG_TXD 23 1.8V DOH Log output Default used as
UART_LOG_RXD 22 1.8V DI Log input debug port.
Serial Port UART3
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
up to VDD_1V8
I2C_SDA 37 1.8V I/O I2C data I/O
SPI interface
SPI_CLK 11 1.8V I/O,PD SPI clock
SPI_CS 12 1.8V I/O,PD SPI chip selection If unused, keep it
SPI_MOSI 13 1.8V DO,PD SPI Main output slave input open.
SPI_MISO 14 1.8V DI,PD SPI Main input slave output
Analog audio interface
EAR_P 40 1.8V AIO Earphone output positive
EAR_N 41 1.8V AIO Earphone output negative If unused, keep it
MIC_P 42 1.8V AIO MIC input positive open.
MIC_N 43 1.8V AIO MIC input negative
GPIO1 19 1.8V IO,PU If unused, keep it
General purple I/O
GPIO2 26 1.8V IO,PD If unused, keep it
General purple I/O
GPIO3 48 1.8V IO,PD If unused, keep it
General purple I/O
GPIO4 53 1.8V IO,PU If unused, keep it
General purple I/O
GNSS Interface
GNSS_PWRCTL 98 1.8V DI The enable control PIN of
Active high.
GNSS power supply.
Module VDD_1V8
The power input for GNSS, the
(PIN 15) can be
1V8_GNSS 97 - PI input voltage must not be less
used for this
than 1.8V.
power supply
GNSS VRTC power input, If unused, keep it
input voltage 1.4V~3.6V open.
If unused, keep it
1PPS 100 1.8V DO 1PPS signal output
Connect to MCU
resistors in series
in module
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
UART3_TX (pin
Connect to MCU
Or use 10K
GNSS_TXD 95 1.8V DO GNSS UART TX resistors in series
in module
UART3_RX (pin
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
Please reserve a test point for USB_BOOT, VDD_EXT and UART_LOG_TX. If there is no USB
connector, please also reserve a test point for USB_VBUS, USB_DP, and USB_DM for Firmware
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
3 Interface Application
3.1 Power Supply
A7672X offers 3 power supply pins (55, 56, 57) as VBAT power input pin. A7672X use these three pins
supply the internal RF and baseband circuit.
When the module is at the maximum power in GSM TX mode, the peak current can reach 2A (peak
current), which results in a large voltage drop on Vbat. In order to ensure that the voltage drop is less than
300mV, the power supply capacity of external power supply must be no less than 2A.
Test condition: VBAT power supply 3.8V, the module is tested on EVB board, and the power input has a
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
In the user's design, special attention must be paid to the design of the power supply. If the voltage drops
below 3.4V, the RF performance of the module will be affected, the module will shut down if the voltage is
too low. It is recommended to select an LDO or DC-DC chip with an enable pin, and the enable pin is
controlled by the MCU.
When the power supply can provide a peak current of 2A, the total capacity of the external power
supply capacitance is recommended to be no less than 300uF. If the peak current of 2A cannot be
provided, the total capacity of the external capacitance is recommended to be no less than 600uf to
ensure that the voltage drop on the Vbat pin at any time is not more than 300mV.
If the Vbat input contains high-frequency interference, it is recommended to add magnetic beads for filtering.
The recommended types of magnetic beads are BLM21PG300SN1D and MPZ2012S221A.
In addition, in order to prevent the damage of A7672X caused by surge and overvoltage, it is recommended
to parallel one TVS on the Vbat pin of the module.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
When selecting TVS by customer, it is necessary to pay attention to the clamping voltage in the case of
surge protection. The clamping voltage should not be higher than 10V when 100V surge input.
The MCU must have the function to power off the module, but the module cannot be shut down or restarted
normally. Only when the module is abnormal and cannot be shut down or restarted normally can the module
be powered off. When the input power is greater than 9V, the DCDC chip is recommended. When the input
is less than 9V, it is recommended to use LDO power supply. If you use the module's OPEN LINUX
secondary development function, because there is no MCU, you can add a low-cost single-chip
microcomputer to play the role of hardware watchdog to pull POWERKEY to boot and can be powered off.
It is recommended that a switching mode power supply or a linear regulator power supply is used. The
following figure shows the linear regulator reference circuit:
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
Voltage monitor function under debugging, Overvoltage alarm and overvoltage shutdown are off by
default. For details of at commands, please refer to document [1].
3.2.1 Power on
Customer can power on the module by pulling down the PWRKEY pin. This pin has been pulled up inside
the module to Vbat.
It is recommended that when using the module, adding TVS diode at the module pin can effectively
enhance the ESD performance.
The recommended circuit is as follows:
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
Do not parallel capacitors which the value is exceed 100nF on PWRKEY or RESET pin. It will cause
module power on automatically when VBAT powered.
It is forbidden to pull down both RESET key and PWRKEY to power on the module at the same time.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
Vbat (especially when the module does not need to work). In addition, the customer cannot shut down Vbat
by disconnecting it, which may cause damage to flash.
when the temperature exceeds the range of - 30 ~ + 80 ℃ , A7672X will report warning information
through AT port. When the temperature exceeds the range of - 40 ~ + 85 ℃, A7672X will shut down
automatically. For a detailed description of ‘AT+ CPOF’ and ‘AT+ CPMVT’, please refer to document [1].
PWRKEY can be used to power off the module, power off sequence see the following figure:
The status pin can be used to judge whether the module is powered on or not. When the module is
powered on and initialization is completed, the status outputs a high level, otherwise the low level will
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
A7672X can restart the module by pulling down the reset pin of the module. Reset pin also has the
function of power on when PMU first time be given a valid supply voltage (active low, but this key has no
shutdown function). After first time power on, some register of this pin will be written then it will lose this
function, so it is recommended to use PWRKEY to power on the module and RESET key only used as
reset function.
A 50K Ω resistor is used to pull-up to VBAT inside the module, so it is no need to add pull-up resistor
outside. The recommended circuit is showed as follows:
It is recommended to use the reset pin only in case of emergency, such as the module is not
responding. The reset time is recommended to be 2.5s.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
A7672X provides three serial ports, the main communication serial port is UART, one ordinary serial port,
and the UART_LOG dedicate to printing log.
When using uses full-function serial port, please refer to the following connection mode:
When using 2-wire serial port, please refer to the following connection mode:
The following figure shows the use of triode for level shifter circuits. The circuit with dotted line can refer to
the circuit with solid line TXD and RXD, and attention shall be paid to the direction of signal.
The recommended triode model is MMBT3904.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
1. Main UART supports the following baud rates: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600, 1842000, 3686400. The default baud rate is 115200bps.
2. The maximum baud rate supported by A7672X ordinary serial port is 921600.
3. The parasitic capacitance of the transistor will affect the edge of the high-speed digital signal. It is
not recommended to use this circuit when the signal speed is higher than 115200bps.
RI usually keeps high level output. When receiving a short message or URC report, RI outputs a low level
for 120ms (short message)/60ms (URC), and then returns to a high-level state; RI will output a low level,
when receiving a phone call as the called party. After outputting low level, RI will remain low until the host
accepts the call using the "ATA" command or the caller stops calling RI, in the end, it will become high level.
After setting the AT command “AT+CSCLK=1”, and then pulling up the DTR pin, Module will enter sleep
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
mode when module is in idle mode. In sleep mode, the UART is unavailable. When A7672X enters sleep
mode, pulling down DTR can wakeup module.
After setting the AT command “AT+CSCLK=0”, A7672X Series will do nothing when the DTR pin is pulling
The A7672X contains a USB interface compliant with the USB2.0 specification as a peripheral, but does not
support USB charging function and does not support USB HOST mode.
USB is the main debugging port and software upgrade interface. It is recommended that customers reserve
USB test points during design. If a main control chip is connected, 0R resistors must be reserved for
switching external test points during design, as shown in the figure below.
A7672X can be used as a USB slave device. The recommended connection circuit diagram is as follows:
Because of the high bit rate on USB bus, more attention should be paid to the influence of the junction
capacitance of the ESD component on USB data lines. On USB_VBUS line, customers should pay
attention to the selection of the D3 device when using it. It is recommended to choose an anti-static and
anti-surge two-in-one device.
1. The USB data cable must be strictly routed in 90Ω +/- 10% differential. The TVS devices D1 and D2
on the data line must be selected with equivalent capacitance less than 1pF. The TVS device should be
placed near the USB connector or test point, recommended models ESD73011N and WS05DUCFM.
2. The detection of USB2.0 speed is determined automatically by the USB protocol. The customer does
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not need to pull up the DP external, otherwise it may affect the device USB enumeration.
If the module upgrade fails to boot, you can force upgrade through the USB_BOOT port.
Before the module is powered on, pull the USB_BOOT pin to GND, then apply VBAT power to the module,
and press RESET to enter the download mode. After entering the download mode, you need to release
USB_BOOT and remove the pull-up.
Customers will see the download port in the device manager port of the windows system.
USB_BOOT only has the function of forcing download and booting before booting (it cannot be pulled
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
A7672X supports both 1.8V and 3.0V USIM Cards. The interface power of the USIM card is provided by the
voltage regulator inside the module, and the normal voltage value is 3V or 1.8V.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
1. USIM1_DATA has been pulled up with a 4.7KΩ resistor to USIM1_VDD in module. A 100nF
capacitor on USIM_VDD is used to reduce interference. For more details of AT commands about
USIM, please refer to document [1].
2. USIM2_DATA has no pull resistor, need to add 4.7KΩ resistor pulled up to USIM2_VDD externally.
It is recommended to use the 6-pin USIM socket such as C707 10M006 512 produced by Amphenol. User
can visit http://www.amphenol.com for more information about the holder.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
A7672X modules integrate audio codec and audio front end, provide 1 channel of analog audio MIC input
interface and 1 channel of analog audio SPK output interface, customers can connect to the external phone
handle for voice calls.
ADC: 90dB SNR@20~20kHz
DAC: 95dB SNR@20~20kHz
(Class-AB): THD<-85dB@32-ohm
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The module provides two sets of I2C interfaces, support standard speed clock frequency 100Kbps, support
high speed clock frequency 400Kbps, its operation voltage is 1.8V.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
SCL and SDA have no pull-up resistor inside, external resistor is needed and the pulled power source
must be VDD_1V8 output from the module.
The NETLIGHT pin is used to control Network Status LED, its reference circuit is shown in the following
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
The value of the resistor named “R” depends on the LED characteristic.
The NETLIGHT signal is used to control the LED lights that indicate the status of the network. The working
status of this pin is shown in the table below.
A7672X support GNSS function interface. GNSS provides 2 power supply input interfaces, 1 GNSS power
enable control switch, 1 UART interface and 1 pulse synchronous clock signal interface, which are
described in detail as follows.
PIN Name I/O Description Note
Power supply range
GNSS_VBKP 116 PI GNSS backup power input
Active high。
GNSS Vcore、VDDIO power enable
control Solution 1:Connect to
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GPIO,recommend use
to connect UART3_TXD
Solution2:Connect to MCU
to connect UART3_RXD
Solution2:Connect to MCU
GNSS pulse synchronous clock
1PPS 100 DO If unused, keep it open.
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1. Please series in 10K resistors for serial communication lines with non-standalone GNSS solution to
prevent leakage current to the serial ports of GNSS chip.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
2. The standalone GNSS reference design is only applicable to 1.8V power domain MCU. If the MCU
is not 1.8V power domain, a level shift circuit should be added.
3. The Vcore power for GNSS 1V8_GNSS has higher requirements for power supply, PCB routing
should as short as possible, and the routing width is required to be at least 0.5mm
A7672X module provides a set of SPI LCD interface, which only supports LCD module of 1 data line. The
LCD interface of the module does not have specified LCD_TE signal pin. If necessary, you can choose
GPIO to simulate the use of LCD_TE signal. It is recommended to use module pin 44 (MK_OUT_2) as the
LCD_TE signal.
It is recommended to reserve decoupling capacitor on the power supply for LCD, and reserve 0 Ω resistor in
series for debugging. At the same time, 0 Ω in series is reserved on the data line to facilitate the adjustment
of signal quality and prevent signal reflection, overshoot.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
A7672X only supports SPI camera interface, supports up to 0.3MP pixel encoding, does not support video
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
A7672X module has integrated Bluetooth function inside, and only one BT antenna is left on the module
interface. A7672X Support BT5.0 protocol specification, compatible with BLE low power mode and
traditional BT mode; It only supports Bluetooth data transmission and does not support VoiceOverPCM &
3.15.1 ADC
A7672X have 1 general ADC and 1 dedicated VBAT_ADC pins. VABT_ADC just available for digitizing
battery voltage. These electronic specifications are shown in the following table.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
“AT+CADC” can be used to read the voltage of the ADC pin, for more details, please refer to document
3.15.2 LDO
VDD_1V8 is the module's system IO power supply, which can only provide a current capacity of 50mA. It
cannot be used as a high current drive source. It can be used as a power supply for module 1V8_GNSS
VDD_2V8 is the module 2.8V LDO power output, which can only provide a current capacity of 50mA. It
cannot be used as a high current drive source. It can be used as a power supply for LCD VCC_2V8.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
IO Output current - - 50 mA
VDD_1V8 is the system power supply. If the damage will affect the system startup, it is recommended
that customers add TVS protection. The recommended model is ESD56051N.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
4 RF Specifications
4.1 GSM/LTE Specifications
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For better overall performance, it is recommended that the antenna design refer to the index requirements
in the following table.
Type Frequency
GPS 1575.42±1.023MHz
GLONASS 1597.5~1605.8MHz
BeiDou 1561.098±2.046MHz
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
A7672X Support BT5.0 protocol specification, compatible with BLE low power mode and traditional BT
Table 39: Bluetooth performance
TX performance
TX Power DH5 2DH5 3DH5
RX performance
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
GNSS active antenna design is default solution. Strongly suggest to cut off GNSS active antenna
supply by AT+CVAUXS=0, if customer design is passive antenna for GNSS.
In above figure, the component R1/R2/C1/C2 is reserved for antenna matching, the value of components
can only be got after the antenna tuning, usually provided by the antenna factory. Among them, R1 and R2
paste 0Ω, C1 and C2 do not paste by default. The component D1 is a Bidirectional ESD Protection device,
which is suggested to add to protection circuit, the recommended Part Numbers of the TVS are listed in the
following table:
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
Default power supply value is controlled by AT+CVAUXV, default is 3V, which should meet the antenna
requirement. For example, “AT+CVAUXV=2800” sets power supply 2.8V.
Users should pay attention to the impedance design of PCB layout from the module ANT port to the
antenna connector, and the length of the PCB trance should be within 20 mm, and far away from
interference signals such as power & clock. It is recommended to reserve RF Switch Connector for
conduction test. The reference model of RF Switch Connector is: ECT 818011998.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
5 Electrical Specifications
5.1 Absolute maximum ratings
Absolute maximum rating for digital and analog pins of A7672X are listed in the following table, exceeding
these limits may cause permanent damage to the module.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
These parameters are for digital interface pins, such as GPIO, I2C, UART, and USB_BOOT.
The performance will be reduced slightly from the 3GPP specifications if the temperature is outside the
normal operating temperature range and still within the extreme operating temperature range.
The table below summarizes the various operating modes of A7672X product.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
network settings.
In sleep mode, the current consumption of module will be reduced to the minimal level, and module can still
receive paging message and SMS.
Several hardware and software conditions must be satisfied together in order to let A7672X enter sleep
USB condition
Software condition
UART condition
Before designing, pay attention to how to realize sleeping/waking function and refer to Document [24]
for more details.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
Minimum functionality mode ceases majority function of the module, thus minimizing the power
consumption. This mode is set by the AT command which provides a choice of the functionality levels.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
LTE Cat1
LTE-FDD B1 @10MHz 23dBm Typical :600 mA
LTE-FDD B2 @10MHz 23dBm Typical :TBD
LTE-FDD B3 @10MHz 23dBm Typical :600 mA
LTE-FDD B4 @10MHz 23dBm Typical :TBD
LTE-FDD B5 @10MHz 23dBm Typical :580 mA
LTE-FDD B7 @10MHz 23dBm Typical :540mA
LTE-FDD B8 @10MHz 23dBm Typical :520mA
LTE-FDD B20 @10MHz 23dBm Typical :540mA
LTE-FDD B28 @10MHz 23dBm Typical :TBD
LTE-FDD B66 @10MHz 23dBm Typical :TBD
LTE-TDD B34 @10MHz 23dBm Typical :260mA
LTE-TDD B38 @10MHz 23dBm Typical :340 mA
LTE-TDD B39 @10MHz 23dBm Typical :260 mA
LTE-TDD B40 @10MHz 23dBm Typical :340mA
LTE-TDD B41 @10MHz 23dBm Typical :340mA
A7672X is sensitive to ESD in the process of storage, transporting, and assembling. When A7672X is
mounted on the users’ mother board, the ESD components should be placed beside the connectors which
human body may touch, such as SIM card holder, audio jacks, switches, keys, etc. The following table
shows the A7672X ESD measurement performance without any external ESD component.
Table 47: The ESD performance measurement table (Temperature: 25℃, Humidity: 45%.)
Part Contact discharge Air discharge
VBAT, GND +/-5K +/-10K
Antenna port +/-5K +/-10K
USB interface +/-4K +/-8K
UART interface +/-4K +/-6K
Other PADs +/-1K +/-2K
Test conditions: The module is on the SIMCom development board (the development board has the
necessary ESD protection devices)
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
The above is the design effect diagram of the module for reference. The actual appearance is subject to
the actual product.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
SIMCom provides a typical soldering profile. Therefore, the soldering profile shown below is only a generic
recommendation and should be adjusted to the specific application and manufacturing constraints.
For more details about secondary SMT, please refer to the document [21].
A7672X is qualified to Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) 3 in accordance with JEDEC J-STD-033.
The following table shows the features of Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL). After seal off, storage conditions
must meet the following table. If the storage time was expired, module must be baking before SMT.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
5 48 hours at ≦30℃/60% RH
5a 24 hours at ≦30℃/60% RH
Mandatory bake before use. After bake, it must be reflowed within the
time limit specified on the label.
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A7672X Series Hardware Design V1.00
7 Packaging
A7672X module support tray packaging.
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8 Appendix
8.1 Coding Schemes and Maximum Net Data Rates over Air Interface
Table 53: Coding Schemes and Maximum Net Data Rates over Air Interface
Active slot
Slot class DL slot number UL slot number
1 1 1 2
2 2 1 3
3 2 2 3
4 3 1 4
5 2 2 4
6 3 2 4
7 3 3 4
8 4 1 5
9 3 2 5
10 4 2 5
11 4 3 5
12 4 4 5
GPRS coding scheme Max data rata(4 slots) Modulation type
CS 1 = 9.05 kb/s / time slot 36.2 kb/s GMSK
CS 2 = 13.4 kb/s / time slot 53.6 kb/s GMSK
CS 3 = 15.6 kb/s / time slot 62.4 kb/s GMSK
CS 4 = 21.4 kb/s / time slot 85.6 kb/s GMSK
EDGE coding scheme Max data rata(4 slots) Modulation type
MCS 1 = 8.8 kb/s/ time slot 35.2 kb/s GMSK
MCS 2 = 11.2 kb/s/ time slot 44.8 kb/s GMSK
MCS 3 = 14.8 kb/s/ time slot 59.2 kb/s GMSK
MCS 4 = 17.6 kb/s/ time slot 70.4 kb/s GMSK
MCS 5 = 22.4 kb/s/ time slot 89.6 kb/s 8PSK
MCS 6 = 29.6 kb/s/ time slot 118.4 kb/s 8PSK
MCS 7 = 44.8 kb/s/ time slot 179.2 kb/s 8PSK
MCS 8 = 54.4 kb/s/ time slot 217.6 kb/s 8PSK
MCS 9 = 59.2 kb/s/ time slot 236.8 kb/s 8PSK
LTE-FDD device category
Max data rate(peak) Modulation type
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