F.2Geog Note

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Unit 1

Natural hazards are natural events that threaten human life and property
—occur in speci c locations (populated areas)

Instability (地标不稳定):Landslide
Extreme Weather conditions(天 ):Flooding,Drought,Tropical Cyclone
Internal structure of Earth (地 结构):Volcanic eruption,Earthquake
—around the Paci c Ocean(for volcanic eruption)/near the boundaries

Floods:in coastal areas

Drought:inland areas and deserts
Typhoon:in tropical regions
Tropical cyclone is common in hk

Unit 2
Weather: It’s the condition of the atmosphere of a place over a short period of time
Climate:It’s the average weather conditions of a place over a long period of time

Weather elements:
Temperature:Degree celsius ( °C)
Precipitation降 量:Millimeters (mm)
Air pressure:Hectopascal(hPa)
Wind:Wind direction(SENW)/Wind speed (m/s)(km/h)
Relative humidity相对湿度:Percentage
Cloud amount:Percentage

Weather elements include temperature,precipitation,air pressure,wind,relative

humidity and cloud amount

Weather chart
A weather chart displays the weather elements of an area using symbols
Precipitation:nil (nothing)


Place with the same air pressure is
joined by isobar (等压线)

Latitude:22.5 °N
Hk has a subtropical monsoon
Hot and wet summer,cool and dry winter
80 % is received between May and Agust

•Annual temperature range:higher-lower

•mean annual temperature 平均温度
•Annual rainfall 年降 量
•monsoon is the seasonal change

I) The land release heat faster than the sea.There is lower temperature
II) Cold air sinks,forming a high-pressure centre
III) The temperature of the sea is higer.A low-pressure centre is formed over the sea
IV) Wind blows from land to sea
O shore

Why are the wind direction so di erent?

It’s because HK is a ected by monsoon. Monsoon refers to wind change with the
season.They’re caused by temperature di erences between the sea and land.For
example, in winter the land releases heat faster than the sea.There is a lower
temperature.Cold air sinks,forming a high pressure centre……

Describe the weather of HK.

1.Hot and wet in GH
2.Cold and dry in winter
3.The rain is unevenly distributed
4.The rainfall is mainly received from May to September.
5.January has the lowest monthly temperature

What is the season at that time?

1.The season is summer/winter
2.The temperature at that day is?Which is low or high?
3.The land had a higher/lower than sea
4. Wind directions

6.Being a ected by what monsoon

Type of rainfall
Environment lapse rate:Temperature decreases with increasing altitude in the

Relief Rain
•Relief ie,hills,is the most important factor in causing relief rain
•Relief rain occurs on the windward slope of the mountain

1.Warm and moist onshore wind is getting

near the hill
2.It blocked by the hill and forced to rise
along the windward slope
3. Air cools .Water vapour condense to form
4.Relief rain is formed
5. Air sinks.It becomes dry and warm and
creates rain shadow e ect on the leeward
slope. Fohn wind forms

Convectional rain
•commonly occurs in the equatorial region
•Mainly occurs in summer when the land is intensely
• Usually coupled with thunder and lightning

1.The land surface is heated

2.Air expands and rise
3.Air cools.Water vapour condense to from a large
cloud called cumulonimbus cloud.
4.Cold air sinks to replace the rising air,leading to
stronger convectional currents.
Frontal rain
•A front is where warm air and cold air meet
•Winter and spring
1.Warm air and cold air meet
2.The density of the warm air is lower.The warm
air is forced to rise along the front above the
cold air
3.The rising air cools.Water vapour condense to
form clouds.
4.Frontal rain is formed

Tropical Cyclones
•Tropical cyclone is a low-pressure system developed over tropical oceans
•A mature tropical cyclone has a clear eye where the weather is
•Wide rain bands where the rainstorm is the strongest
•Formed over western Paci c

1.The ocean surface temperature is high.Warm and moist air

rises.Air pressure drops
2.The air cools and condense to from clouds at higher
altitude.Heat energy is released,which strengthen the low
pressure system.
3.The surrounding air at the bottom into the low pressure
centre,resulting in strong convection
4.Air continue to move in low pressure centre.Wind speed increases
gradually.A tropical cyclone is formed.

When tropical cyclone passes HK and moves inland,it becomes weaker due
to a loss of moisture supply from the ocean and increasing friction from the land

Six type
Tropical depression,tropical storm,severe tropical storm,typhoon,severe typhoon and
super typhoon
The prevailing wind blows from the north. (1)
- This is because there is higher air pressure in the interior of the land as shown by
the isobars.
- Air pressure decreases towards the coast where Place Y is located.
- Since air moves from high-pressure to low-pressure areas, wind blows from the
land towards the sea.

weather conditions
Air temperature
There is fog.

describe the climate of City X

• Annual average temperature of City X is 22.9̊C;
• annual range of temperature is 13̊C;
• annual rainfall is 2195mm.

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