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US 12153 Workplace Logbook

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Workplace Logbook US 12153

Workplace Logbook
Business Communication Report Writing

Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business


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Workplace Logbook US 12153

FIELD TRAINING LOGBOOK....................................................................................................................................... 3

PREFACE.......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
INSTRUCTIONS.................................................................................................................................................................. 4
CANDIDATE INFORMATION SHEET........................................................................................................................................4

LOG TRAINING INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................................................................. 5

1. SPECIFIC OUTCOME REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................................................6

2. CRITICAL CROSS FIELD OUTCOME REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................................8

SIGN-OFF............................................................................................................................................................... 11

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Field training logbook


This Practical Workplace Logbook must be used as a guide to enable learners to achieve the specific
outcomes, including the critical cross-field outcomes of the unit standard for this Learning Programme.

The purpose of the Logbook is to indicate to learners and their workplace coaches / mentors / assessors the
practical skills to be developed and to be demonstrated by them in the workplace in order for them to
meet the requirements of the specific outcomes and critical cross-field outcomes listed in the unit

Learners must be able to prove their competence at the prescribed skills by being given the opportunity to
participate in and perform the tasks / responsibilities that will expose them to the specific outcomes and
critical cross-field outcomes and associated skills.

Workplace coaches / mentors / assessors must assess competence in the workplace by looking for evidence
in a learner to perform the different tasks in a manner that meets the requirements of the unit standard.

Workplace coaches / mentors / assessor must also ensure that the workplace:
 Is conducive to fair and objective assessments
 Enables the learner to apply and demonstrate skill and knowledge
 Allows the learners to feel comfortable to learn and to be assessed
 Is supportive of the learning interventions

This Logbook (Daily Training Record) is to enable trainees to record the necessary aspects of their training
experience during the Safety, Health and Environment Management System Programme, in whatever type
of training has been prospectively approved.

The Logbook has been designed with these training situations in mind and should enable all trainees to
record daily the experience relevant to the training undertaken during the training period.
The record of experience has the following functions:

 It provides trainees with a personal record of all procedural and other training experiences, which are
requirements for satisfactory completion of the relevant training programme.
 It provides trainees with the basis for completing the ??? Training Programme and training experience
which are an essential requirement for assessment and subsequent credit of training. The field training
is part of the summative assessment.
 The field training log book will be used by the Training Supervisor/ Programme Coordinator and the
relevant Training Accreditation Committee to monitor the trainee’s experience to ensure that it is
appropriate for the level of training. These summaries are also used to plan further training with the
Training Supervisor/ Programme Coordinator.
 The information will also be used by the training provider to monitor the experience provided for
trainees by the training provider.

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 Record training experience on a daily basis
 All trainees undertaking training are required to record the procedural experiences relevant to their
training programme.

At the end of the training period:

 The Training Summary section of the summative assessment report form should be completed by the
trainee, using the information compiled in the Log book.
 The training/experience must be recorded and the number of procedures in specific categories
recorded against the relevant headings for the type of training being completed.

The completed assessment report/training summary should be sent to the relevant senior training office
for checking/signing by the training committee.

Candidate Information Sheet

Learner Details

Course Title Business Communication Report Writing

Unit Standard Title Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business
Unit Standard Number 12153 Level & Credits 4, 5

Delegate Name

Contact Address

Phone: Fax


Date of Completing Activity

Facilitator Name

Facilitator Signature

Criteria C NYC

The learner is familiar with all required workplace exposure for this learning
programme, and has access to the logbook requirements
The employer / organisation is familiar with all required workplace exposure
for this learning programme and has access to the logbook requirements
All required assessment instruments and resources are available in advance
to the employer to carry out workplace assessments

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The following are the role players in assessing the learner’s progress in achieving the
Work environment Training Objectives for this course. If more than one training officer is
Introduction involved with the training of the learner they should complete the applicable area below.



Tel No
officer E-mail

Log training instructions

The logbook allows you to record the examples you discussed with your mentor.

You must complete all the personal effectiveness, business and leadership sub-skills. You must also
complete four technical sub-skills. Enter the code and sub-skill in the blank space provided. Remember, you
can choose any four technical sub-skills to demonstrate.

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1. Specific outcome requirements

Specific Outcome Overview / Demonstrated Skill Learner Achievement By: Notional Hours

The learner needs to complete all these tasks / activities in the workplace which refer to communication 35 Hours

Please remember to attach signed off

schedules by your workplace coach /
assessor as evidence of compliance to
workplace hours requirements for the
unit standard

SPECIFIC OUTCOME 1 – USE TEXTUAL  The learner achieves this through: Please indicate the activity the learner Please indicate the amount of time the
FEATURES AND CONVENTIONS SPECIFIC  Texts specific to a particular function in a has undertaken to achieve this outcome learner has spent in the achievement of
TO BUSINESS TEXTS FOR EFFECTIVE business environment are identified and this outcome
an indication is given of industry specific
and/or legislative requirements for each
 Texts specific to a particular function in a
business environment are produced in
response to defined requirements
 The implications of not following the
industry specific or legislative
requirements for a specific type of text are
explained and an indication is given of the
possible consequences of non-compliance
 Terminology and conventions specific to a
particular function in a business
environment are used appropriately

SPECIFIC OUTCOME 2- IDENTIFY AND  The learner achieves this through:

COLLECT INFORMATION NEEDED TO  The intended or incidental audience for
WRITE A TEXT SPECIFIC TO A whom the text is to be written, are
identified for a specific field or sub field in
order to focus the information needs
 The purpose of the text is identified within
a specific field or sub field and according

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Specific Outcome Overview / Demonstrated Skill Learner Achievement By: Notional Hours

to the information
 Questions are asked to help understand
client needs and to focus on information
 Information required for the document is
accessed from a variety of sources
 Information accessed is checked for
accuracy, bias, stereotypes and other
offensive details
 The focus of the proposed text is defined
and decision is made about what
information should be included or omitted
in order to ensure the focus
 A checklist if created to facilitate reflection
and editing
SPECIFIC OUTCOME 3 – COMPOSE A  The learner achieves this through:
TEXT USING PLAIN LANGUAGE FOR A  A format and structure is selected for the
SPECIFIC FUNCTION text that is appropriate for the intended
audience and function
 The main points to be included in the text
are identified and the necessary
supporting details are added
 A first draft of the text is written that
collates the necessary information in a
rough framework

SPECIFIC OUTCOME 4 – ORGANISE AND  The learner achieves this through:

STRUCTURE A TEXT APPROPRIATELY FOR  The first draft is checked to ensure that
A BUSINESS FUNCTION appropriate grammar has been used and

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Specific Outcome Overview / Demonstrated Skill Learner Achievement By: Notional Hours

where necessary the draft is re-written in

plain language using clear accessible
language that avoids over-complex syntax
 Different ways of presenting the same
information are considered and used
where these enhance the meaning of the
 Technical or marketing terms and jargon
are interpreted and rephrased in plain
language or used appropriately in the
correct context where the terminology is
essential to the understanding of the text
 All information is checked for accuracy,
and factual correctness
 The document is ordered to ensure that
the sequence is logical and meaningful
SPECIFIC OUTCOME 5 – PRESENT A  The learner achieves this through:
WRITTEN TEXT FOR A PARTICULAR  A text type, format and layout are selected
FUNCTION IN A BUSINESS that is appropriate for the audience and
 Layout and formatting techniques are used
correctly to enhance the readability of the
 The information in the document is
evaluated in terms of its appropriateness
for the intended audience and business
 The final draft is proof read to check that it
is completely correct
 The final copy is self-assessed using a
rubric or checklist based on the
requirements of the writing task and the
items on the checklist.

2. Critical cross field outcome requirements

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Further to achieving the specific outcomes and related assessment criteria above, the learner will also be required to achieve competence on the Critical Cross
Field Outcomes, as follows:

CCFO Overview / Demonstrated Skill Learner Achievement By: Notional Hours

Communicate Effectively The learner will achieve this through: Please indicate the activity the learner Please indicate the amount of time the
has undertaken to achieve this outcome learner has spent in the achievement of
 Reading
 Writing this outcome
 Using vocabulary
 Discussing
 Communicate effectively when using
visual, mathematical and/or language skills
in formal and informal communications

Identifying and Solving Problems The learner will achieve this through:

 Identify problems
 Taking decisions
 Applying critical thinking
 Apply creative thinking
 Trying /risking
 Identify and solve using context to decode
and make meaning individually and in
groups in oral, reading and written or
signing activities
Collect, Analyse, Organise and Critically The learner will achieve this through:
Evaluate Information
 Analysing information
 Collecting information
 Organising information
 Evaluating information
 Concluding results / outcomes
 Making decisions

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CCFO Overview / Demonstrated Skill Learner Achievement By: Notional Hours

 Collect, evaluate, organise and critically

evaluate information through the process
of growing language capability across
language applications and fields of study
Organise and Manage Oneself and The learner will achieve this through:
One’s Activities
 Applying self-discipline
 Acting responsibly
 Being confident
 Using initiative
 Planning
 Completing tasks / assessments
 Organise and manage oneself and one’s
activities in relation to isolating a scene

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SO Requirements for Demonstrated Competence Met / Not Met
The workplace assessor / coach must use this block to conclude whether the learner has
effectively and appropriately demonstrated understanding and skill against the listed outcome

SO1 Use textual features and conventions specific to business texts

for effective writing.

SO2 Identify and collect information needed to write a text specific

to a particular function.

SO3 Compose a text using plain language for a specific function.

SO4 Organise and structure a text appropriately for a business


SO5 Present a written text for a particular function in a business


Candidate’s Date:

Assessor’s Date:

Moderator’ Date:
s Signature

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